Tall grass - Echinopanax plant, photo. High tempting: Photo, description

Botanical trait of the highest

Tallest Zamanika is a deciduous thorny shrub of the Araliaceae family. The relevant feature of this pharmaceutical plant is its long, creeping, woody root. The straight, unbranched trunk is covered with small spines (3–10 mm in length). The leaves are rounded and reach a diameter of 35 cm. Alluring flowers small size, painted in greenish color, collected in an oblong complex brush. The fruits of the plant are juicy, fleshy, spherical drupes, up to 12 mm in diameter, colored yellow-red.

Zamanika blooms in the summer months (June-July), bears fruit in August-September.

The natural habitat of the highest lure is the upper zone of mountain forests of the Ussuri region and the territory of the Far East. This shrub grows mostly on steep rocky slopes.

Useful characteristics of the lure

The healing raw materials of the highest plant are the root and rhizome, which are harvested in the fall. Before drying, the roots are strictly cleared of soil and washed under cool water, and only then are they cut into small pieces and dried a little in the air. The drying process then continues indoors.

The storage of finished pharmaceutical raw materials must strictly take place in a place protected from light (if it is a glass jar, then the glass must be opaque).

In its own chemical composition, the root and rhizome of the lure contain such active substances as essential oils, resinous substances, coumarins, flavonoids, glycosides, minerals and in small quantities - alkaloids.

Reception medicinal infusion of the highest quality has a stimulating, tonic, antidiabetic and anti-inflammatory effect on the body.

Application of lure

IN folk medicine lure tincture is used as an effective stimulant for different forms asthenia (including in pregnant women), with hypotension (low blood pressure), depressive states, a low-grade form of schizophrenia. cardiac deficiency, physical and intellectual overstrain and dysfunction of the reproductive system in guys. During clinical research work It has been confirmed that taking zamanika tincture promotes a more rapid decrease in blood sugar levels in insulin-dependent patients.

Tincture of enticement

In terms of its mechanism of action, the tincture of zamanikha is close to the tincture of ginseng. The stimulating and tonic effect of the healing agent on the body is justified by the entire complex of active active ingredients, which are part of the chemical composition of this pharmaceutical plant.

Lure for ladies

One of the indications for the use of the highest tincture is menopause in women, which is characterized by increased irritability, sleep disturbances, general lethargy, apathy, and sudden changes in mood. Constant reception medicinal tincture will help smooth out the overall bad picture and return the lady not Bad mood, relieve lethargy and excessive irritability.

Recipes for the highest tincture of Zamanikha

Recipe No. 1. 20 g of crushed pharmaceutical raw materials are poured into 100 ml of 70% ethyl alcohol, then leave for 10–14 days in a warm and dark place, after which the purchased infusion is filtered into a clean and dry container (if a glass jar is used to store the infusion, it should be made of dark glass). Take the resulting medicine 30–40 drops 2–3 times a day.

Recipe No. 2. 1 part of crushed pharmaceutical raw materials is poured with 5 parts of 70% ethyl alcohol. Take this tincture 2 times a day, 20–30 drops.

Enticement root

One of the relevant differences between Zamanikha and other pharmaceutical plants is the presence of a strong root system with a long creeping root. In suitable growing conditions, the root can reach a length of 2 meters. The additional roots of the lure are soft and fleshy. The entire root system of the plant is close to the surface of the earth.

The root with the rhizome of the lure is the main healing raw materials, which is used in folk medicine as an effective tonic and stimulant. The collection and preparation of pharmaceutical raw materials occurs during the period of fruit ripening (September-October).

Zamanikha extract

Extract of the highest zamanikha is used with success in modern cosmetology, and specifically in a number cosmetics ah for tired and aging skin. Thanks to its tonic and stimulating effect, honey extract perfectly tightens and smoothes the skin, and also helps in the fight against wrinkles.

Contraindications to the use of zamanikha

Therapeutic infusion of the highest zamanikha is contraindicated in case of subsequent diseases: hypertension. tachycardia, increased agitation, elevated body temperature, excessive anger. The product should be used with caution in evening time days, because the stimulating effect of the tincture can lead to insomnia.

Zamanikha root - everything about it and its properties

In zamanika, like ginseng, the root is most often used to make medicinal products. This part of the plant contains many active ingredients, including essential oils, plant saponins, aromatic phenolic compounds, alkaloids, coumarin.

Tincture of zamanikha roots can be purchased at a pharmacy. It is prescribed as a tonic and stimulant for asthenic syndrome, heart problems, sleep problems, low blood pressure, loss of strength, mental fatigue, nervous and mental disorders.

It is not prohibited even for pregnant women to be treated with tincture of lure, but only as directed by a doctor. During menopause in women, this drug reduces unpleasant symptoms and nervousness, improves performance endocrine system. For men, the tincture of lure helps cope with decreased sexual function.

Recent studies have shown that zamanika tincture is also effective in lowering blood sugar levels. This property is very important for patients with diabetes, as well as for those who are predisposed to it.

But to those who were attracted medicinal properties tempting, you should also remember about contraindications. These include:

When taking the drug, you should remember the dosage and not exceed it, otherwise symptoms such as headaches and headaches may appear. Too long-term use tinctures of bait can provoke an allergic reaction, which will manifest itself in the form of irritation on the skin.

If for some reason pharmacy tincture zamanikhi is not suitable, you can use one of the suggested recipes and prepare the medicine yourself:

  1. Pour 4 tablespoons of dry root into 400 ml of alcohol and leave the product for 2 weeks in a closed place. This medicine is taken 25-40 drops twice a day (as prescribed by a doctor).
  2. To lower blood sugar, use tea from a mixture of zamanika root, black and green tea in equal parts. Cooking this remedy How Herb tea, but it is recommended to drink it no later than noon.

The collection of the roots of the plant begins after the fruits of the plant have finally ripened and shed their leaves (mid-autumn). The dug up roots are cleaned, cut into small cubes and dried.

Medicinal properties of zamanikha herb

In addition to the root part, the herbaceous parts of the plant, for example, leaves and young twigs, are also used in folk medicine. Medicinal remedies from the leaves of the plant have effects similar to those from the rhizome, but somewhat weaker. However, since zamanika is a rare plant, and mining the roots leads to its death, collecting zamanika leaves is a more gentle method.

Dried lure leaves equal parts mixed with green and black tea, the collection is brewed like traditional tea and drunk to improve tone, strengthen the body's protective properties, and lower blood sugar levels. This tea is effective for apathy, insomnia, and long-term stress. Prohibitions on the use of zamanika leaves coincide with contraindications on the use of the root.

Preparations based on the herbaceous parts of this plant can also be used externally. Cosmetology recommends this remedy for aging skin and for getting rid of wrinkles.

Amaniha is popularly called wolfberry. The plant was previously used for magical rituals that promoted sexual desire. But its medicinal properties and contraindications are not limited to this. Let's take a closer look at this plant, find out what diseases it helps treat, and when to use it. folk remedy forbidden.

In the botanical description, tall zamanikha looks like a shrub 1-3 m high. Zamanikha has a long rhizome with thick roots. Its stems are straight and approximately 2 cm in diameter. The leaves are round, about 30 cm wide. They are surrounded by small thorns along the perimeter.

When flowering begins in June, small yellow-green flowers appear on the plant, collected in inflorescences that are difficult to distinguish against the foliage background. The fruit of the lure looks like a juicy spherical drupe of yellow-red color with a diameter of 10 mm. All parts of the plant - roots, young twigs and leaves are used in medicinal purposes. But they differ significantly in the strength of their effect on the body.


Largest quantity useful substances concentrated in rhizomes:

  • flavonoid glycosides;
  • free acids;
  • umarins;
  • alkaloids;
  • resinous substances;
  • alcohols;
  • saponins;
  • echinoxosides;
  • lignalins.

This shrub is a storehouse of minerals:

  • calcium;
  • zinc;
  • magnesium;
  • iron;
  • manganese;
  • potassium.

Medicinal properties of zamanikha herb

The popularity of bait is associated with the following important effects on humans:

  • action against diabetes mellitus;
  • enhancing metabolism in the body and cell regeneration;
  • anti-inflammatory effect.

Her healing power equal to the effectiveness of ginseng. The plant has the following effects:

  • antidiabetic;
  • diuretic;
  • tonic;
  • stimulating;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • increasing physical and mental activity.

Indications for use

In medicine, tinctures and decoctions are used to treat:

  • hypotension;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • during menopause;
  • tuberculosis;
  • decreased visual acuity;
  • rheumatism;
  • feverish condition;
  • pain in the throat and mouth;
  • various inflammatory processes;
  • pathologies of the digestive system;
  • neuroses.

Medicinal recipes

Healing tincture of lure or its decoction is used in the treatment of the most various pathologies. But you need to know how to properly prepare raw materials and take into account contraindications for using the plant. It is not advisable to take this medication without consulting a doctor.

The instructions for use of the tincture of enticement state that it is recommended to be used to treat impotence in men, and the solution can also be used for neuroses. For cooking healing drink You should strictly follow the given recipe:

  1. The crushed roots of zamanikha need to be filled with alcohol 1:10. Leave the contents for 14 days, strain and drink 25-30 drops three times a day before meals. It is advisable to drink the tincture with clean water.
  2. In case of severe fatigue, treatment should be carried out for 1.5-2 months using a dosage regimen of 40 drops three times a day.

For psoriasis, eczema, pyoderma and neurodermatitis, the following recipe should be used:

  1. Pour 30 g of raw material into a glass of vodka;
  2. keep the mass for 10 days in a dark place;
  3. strain, take 30 drops three times a day before meals.

To reduce pressure, you can purchase ready-made pharmaceutical drug and take it for 20 days, 15 drops.


In case of intolerance to ethyl alcohol, decoctions are used for treatment. To normalize blood sugar levels, you can take a mixture of zamanika root, green and black tea. The components must be mixed in equal proportions:

  • 1 tbsp. l. this collection in 200 ml of water;
  • take the drug no later than noon;

Special Recipes

Long time for therapy non-healing wounds And skin diseases, fungal infections, use oil and pulp from the stems. These products should be applied to cuts and ulcers to speed up the regeneration of the affected tissue.

Essential oils have an antifungal effect against many fungi, especially microsporia, which provokes fungal infections nails, feet and back.

The effectiveness of luring against Staphylococcus aureus, gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The plant also has a depressant effect on coli. Drugs that are used to entice fungal diseases, causing female pathologies(cystitis, colpitis, vulvitis).

Zamanika oil is recognized as an effective remedy. To prepare the miraculous composition, twist the stems and fresh roots plants. Fill a glass jar about a third full with the resulting raw materials, fill the container almost to the top olive oil(certainly refined), mix the composition thoroughly with a wooden spatula.

Place in the dark to infuse at normal room temperature. Stir the product once a day. After 3 weeks the oil is ready. It must be stored in a tightly closed container in the cold. This oil is recommended to be mixed for external use with cream or ointment, and used as a filler for microenemas when a rectal tumor is detected.


When using bait, despite its unique medicinal properties, one should not forget about the presence of certain contraindications. For this reason, before starting therapeutic activities It is important to consult with your doctor.

Important! The above-ground part of the plant has poisonous compounds. Because of this, it cannot be used for medicinal purposes uncontrolled. It is also undesirable to abuse products based on rhizomes.

The plant can have a negative effect in the following situations:

  • unstable blood pressure;
  • poor sleep;
  • pregnancy period;
  • breastfeeding period.

If you use the drug and subsequently develop a rash and itching, you should stop taking the medication immediately.

Medical contraindications

It is forbidden to use tincture of lure for the following problems:

  • hypertonic disease;
  • epilepsy;
  • hyperkinesis;
  • atherosclerosis of blood vessels;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • pre-infarction condition;
  • acute infectious diseases accompanied by nervous disorder;
  • feverish condition;
  • chronic insomnia (it is undesirable to use drugs with lure in the evening, since the plant stimulates the body, causing lack of sleep);
  • childhood;
  • pregnancy or breastfeeding.


It is recommended to harvest the roots and fruits of the plant after they are fully ripe. To collect the roots of a plant, you need to first water them, dig them up, and then carefully remove a few roots. This event reduces the risk of damage to the lure.

Completely dried raw materials can be stored for 3 years. To save healing composition It is advisable to use fabric bags. If rot, mold or other damage is detected, the bait cannot be used. Raw materials should only be stored in a dry place. Only compliance with such recommendations correct preparation roots will allow you to preserve the beneficial properties of this incredibly amazing plant for a long time.

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Syn.: oplopanax high.

Deciduous thorny shrub with a long creeping woody rhizome. Lives for more than 300 years, but grows very slowly, annual growth is 5-10 cm. The plant has its own therapeutic effect similar to ginseng. Contains complex biologically active substances having beneficial properties: tonic, antidiabetic, stimulating, anti-inflammatory, etc.

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Flower formula

The formula of the high tempting flower is: *CH5L5T5P(2…5).

In medicine

IN medical practice as medicine rhizomes and roots are used. A tincture from the roots of the plant is used as a stimulant for the activity of the central nervous system in case of nervous and mental illness, various forms asthenia (syndrome chronic fatigue), depressive states, hypotension (to increase blood pressure), mental and physical stress, sluggish schizophrenia, to eliminate migraines. At the same time, patients have a decrease headache, pain in the heart and unpleasant subjective sensations in various parts of the body, fatigue and irritability are reduced, and sleep improves. Tincture of the roots and rhizomes of zamanika is used as an adaptogenic agent that increases the body’s resistance to wide range harmful effects(biological, chemical, physical, etc.). Zamanikha preparations are widely used in gynecological practice, they are prescribed for hypotension in pregnant women, asthenic condition after pathological childbirth, operations. Zamanikha tincture is recommended for women during menopause, accompanied by neuroses and increased irritability, sleep disturbances, general fatigue, apathy, sudden changes in mood. Zamanikha is used for dysfunction of the reproductive system in men. It is especially effective to use drugs to entice initial stages diabetes mellitus, as they contribute to more rapid decline blood sugar levels. In addition, zamanika has a diuretic effect and is used for the prevention and treatment of kidney and bladder stones.

Zamanikhi preparations are recommended for athletes to increase their level of performance during long-term physical and mental overload, as well as to restore strength after them, adapt to unfavorable weather conditions, changing time zones and climate zones, as well as asthenic conditions.

Contraindications and side effects

Infusion of zamanikha is contraindicated for hypertension, tachycardia, hypersensitivity, increased excitability and excessive aggressiveness, insomnia, elevated temperature bodies. It is not recommended to use the drug in the evening or at night, as the stimulating and stimulating effect of the tincture can lead to insomnia. As side effect can be allergic reactions, tachycardia, increased blood pressure, euphoria. It is not recommended to use zamanikha drugs without consulting a doctor.

In cosmetology

Zamanikha extract is successfully and increasingly used in modern cosmetology. As a stimulating and tonic component, zamanikha is included in many cosmetic products for the care of tired and aging skin; it tightens and smoothes the skin, and is very effective in the fight against wrinkles (eliminates fine wrinkles).

In cooking

Due to the general adaptogenic effect of the plant on the body, tincture, jam, compote and jelly from the berries of this plant are recommended for use in case of fatigue, overwork, treatment of initial forms of diabetes mellitus and for increasing blood pressure during hypotension.

In gardening

This plant is very beautiful, has wide leaves and bright red berries, therefore it is used for decorative purposes.


Zamanikha high or oplopanax high (lat. Oplopanax elatus) - a species of the genus Zamaniha (lat. Oplopanax) - deciduous shrubs of the Araliaceae family (lat. Araliaceae), growing in Russia (Primorsky Territory). The genus includes 3 species, one of them is found in North America, two - in East Asia.

Botanical description

Low (0.5-1 m in height) lodging shrub with ascending, slightly branched or generally unbranched stems (1-2 cm in diameter). The root system is quite powerful, sometimes reaching up to 2 m. The trunk, branches and leaves, especially young ones, are covered with needle-like, brittle thorns; older parts do not have them, or are much smaller. The leaves are light green, large (up to 35 cm in diameter), not numerous, alternate, on long petioles (6-18 cm), seated with short yellowish-green spines, not deeply five-lobed with wide coarse-toothed lobes, also covered with sparse prickly spines . The flowers are small, inconspicuous, greenish-yellow, in simple umbels, collected in a small, weakly branched glandular-pubescent raceme. The formula of the high tempting flower is *CH5L5T5P(2…5).

The fruit is a fleshy red-orange drupe, 5 to 12 mm long (sometimes up to 1 cm). Flowering time is June, fruiting time is August-September.


Distributed in the forests of the Far East and the Ussuri region. It grows in spruce-fir forests, fir and birch forests, on forest edges, burnt-out areas, clearings, sometimes forms thickets, and is shade-tolerant. Endemic to the Primorsky Territory, it has a protected status - listed in the Red Books of Russia and the Primorsky Territory. The reasons for the extinction of the lure are intensive collection in medicinal purposes, forest fires and low seed productivity.

Regions of distribution on the map of Russia.

Procurement of raw materials

The entire underground part (rhizoma with roots - Rhizoma cum radicibus Echinopanacis) of adult, well-developed plants is harvested as a medicinal raw material. The procurement of raw materials is usually carried out in the fall (September-October) after the growing season - the fall of leaves and fruits. The root system is dug up, thoroughly cleaned of soil, the above-ground part of the plant is removed, as well as blackened and rotten parts of the rhizome, then cut into pieces (up to 35 cm). Dry the raw materials in rooms with good ventilation or in attics, laying them out in a thin layer, or in dryers at a temperature not exceeding 50-60 o C. Store the finished raw materials for no more than 3 years in a place protected from light.

Chemical composition

The leaves, stems and rhizomes of lure contain essential oil, which includes alcohols, aldehydes (up to 10%), phenols (3%), free acids (4%), hydrocarbons (4%), glycosides. The largest amount of essential oil is contained in the roots and rhizomes of plants (2.7%). The underground parts of the plant contain coumarins (0.2%), flavonoids (11.5%), and resinous substances. The biologically active complex (6.9%) of the plant is represented by saponins, flavonoids, coumarins, echinoxosides, lignans, essential oils, carbohydrates, phenols, resinous and mineral substances.

Pharmacological properties

Therapeutic effect The effectiveness of Zamanikha high preparations is due to the complex of biologically active substances contained in the plant. Zamanikha has a tonic, stimulating, adaptogenic, antidiabetic, anti-inflammatory and diuretic effect on the body. Zamanikha tincture has a stimulating effect on the central nervous system, enhances motor activity and reflex activity, increases the amplitude and tone of the heart muscle, increases blood pressure, increases the amplitude of heart contractions, makes the rhythm of cardiac activity less frequent, and reduces increased level blood sugar and increases diuresis.

Use in folk medicine

In folk medicine, tincture of lure is also widely used as an effective stimulant for various forms of asthenia, especially in pregnant women, with decreased blood pressure, depressive states, sluggish form of schizophrenia, heart failure, physical and mental stress and dysfunction of the reproductive system in men. Zamanikha tincture is used to lower blood sugar levels in insulin-dependent patients.

6. Mikhailenko E.T. and etc. Medicinal plants in obstetrics and gynecology. Kyiv. 1984. 136 p.