Alerana hair growth serum method of application. An integrated approach to the issue of beauty and health of hair - the effectiveness of Alerana products for hair growth. What does Alerana Hair Growth Serum consist of?

Hair loss leaves few people indifferent. At the same time, this problem can affect not only men, but also women, becoming a source of complexes and self-doubt.

Aleran serum is increasingly used to restore hair and accelerate its growth. This product is highly effective and easy to use. As a result, it is very popular.

Therapeutic and prophylactic effect of serum

Aleran serum, which can be bought in pharmacies, is produced by the domestic company Vertex. The manufacturer indicates that its medicinal product has a pronounced restorative effect, fights hair loss, and also strengthens hair follicles.

With a course of use of the drug, you can not only improve hair growth, but also prevent the occurrence of problems with hair.

Additional medicinal properties are:

  • Saturation of the scalp with vitamins and nutrients.
  • Strengthening hair along its entire length, from ends to roots.
  • Prevention of split hair.
  • Protecting hair from exposure to external adverse factors (cold and dry air, sunlight, etc.).
  • Acceleration of hair growth.
  • Regulation of the sebaceous glands.
  • Saturation of the scalp with oxygen.
  • Improving blood circulation in the scalp, as well as normalizing metabolism.

In addition, it is recommended to use this product to prevent hair weakening due to frequent use of styling devices. The effectiveness of this practice is confirmed by numerous customer reviews.

Mechanism of influence on growth

The action of the serum is primarily aimed at strengthening and overall healing of weakened hair. Thanks to its high-quality and successfully combined composition, the product actively affects the upper layers of the skin and also nourishes weakened hair along its entire length.

By increasing the life cycle of hair and pronounced nutrition, the serum promotes the growth of new curls and also protects against further hair loss.


The effectiveness of hair serum is due to the following composition of the product:

  • Procapil. This complex includes vitamins and minerals that are obtained from the leaves of the olive tree. Thanks to it, the hair becomes stronger and is saturated with useful substances.
  • Capilectine. This component is a non-hormonal hair growth stimulator. It also helps accelerate the growth of curls and makes hair thicker.
  • B vitamins, which effectively moisturize the skin and have a beneficial effect on hair restoration. Moreover, these vitamins strengthen hair and make it less susceptible to the negative effects of the external environment.
  • Caprylyl glycol. This ingredient moisturizes the skin and improves blood circulation in it.


The main advantages of Aleran serum include:

  • Relatively low price compared to other hair loss products.
  • Possibility of complex use with masks and hair sprays.
  • Pleasant smell of the product.
  • The first results of treatment appear just two weeks after the start of therapy.
  • Possibility of use during pregnancy.
  • Scientifically proven effectiveness.
  • The versatility of the product.
  • Easy to use.
  • Low risk of allergies.
  • A compact bottle that you can take with you on the go.

Moreover, after application to the hair, the serum does not leave a greasy film.

Effect of use

After using Aleran serum, users note that their hair has become stronger and thicker. The product helped make the strands shiny, eliminate electrification and split ends.

In some cases, people notice the appearance of new hairs. The overall appearance of the hairstyle becomes more well-groomed.

Alerana serum: instructions for use, contraindications and risks of side effects

Before using the product, a person needs to wash their hair thoroughly. To do this, it is advisable to use a popular shampoo from this series or use some other natural-based product.

After this, you should dry your hair or simply blot it with wood, leaving the curls damp. Alerana serum is equally effective on both dry and wet hair.

The duration of the course of use is 4 months.

General contraindications

Aleran serum has no contraindications as such. The only prohibition for use is childhood, as well as the presence of individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

Before using the product for the first time, you must test it. To do this, apply a small amount of serum to the skin of the wrist. If after twenty minutes there is no negative reaction, then the serum can be safely used on the scalp.

If a person experiences itching, burning or redness on the skin of the wrist, it is better not to use the serum, as these signs indicate an allergic reaction.

It is important to know that, despite the high popularity of Aleran serum and numerous positive reviews about this product, it is recommended that a person consult a doctor before using it.

This especially needs to be done if the cause of hair loss is hormonal imbalances in the body. Most likely, the doctor will prescribe a complex treatment for the patient not only with this serum, but also with other medications.

Side effects

Negative side reactions after using the serum are extremely rare, because the product is based on natural ingredients. Undesirable effects can only occur if a person uses the product if there are allergic reactions to its components.

In this condition, itching of the skin, dry hair, and weakening of the curls may develop.


You can buy Aleran serum today in pharmacies or pharmacological online stores. The price for it is 600 rubles. per bottle of 100 ml.

When used daily, the product lasts for 4-5 weeks.

Healthy and beautiful hair is the dream of every woman. Not everyone has been blessed with silky curls by nature. But progress does not stand still; there are many shampoos, masks, and balms for caring for strands. But hair loss is a serious problem. Sometimes it is not possible to solve it on your own. Every day the hair thins and becomes unattractive. There is a solution - Alerana hair growth serum. Reviews claim that after several uses there is already an effect. This newest and most powerful remedy will bring back your joy of life!

The rescue

Due to illness and weakening of the body, hair also begins to hurt and fade. The hair follicles lack nutrition and essential substances, so hair loss begins over time. This is a terrible problem that affects both men's and women's heads. The negative impact of the environment also affects the condition of the curls. Alerana hair growth serum helps overcome these shortcomings. Reviews from grateful customers say that this is simply a miracle remedy. You need to use the serum daily, applying it to the scalp, dividing the hair into partings. Then massage problem areas and do not rinse.


In the rhythm of modern life, hair is especially susceptible to negative influences. Polluted environment, poor nutrition, chemical effects on hair in the form of dyes and curls - all this harms curls. The Alerana hair growth serum will help quickly restore and breathe life into each strand. Its composition has powerful properties, enriched with essential oils, vitamins, and macroelements. When it enters the structure of the hair follicle, the serum activates hair growth and improves the appearance of hair.

A complex of vitamins and minerals is obtained from olive leaves. This extract is aimed at strengthening and stopping baldness. Thanks to the correctly selected composition, Alerana hair growth serum gives quick results. Reviews repeatedly confirm this. Consumers are absolutely delighted with the quality of this product. The composition also includes essential oils, the properties of which have been known since ancient times. Dexpanthenol nourishes the scalp, regulates metabolism, which promotes hair growth. The plant extracts included in the composition stimulate intracellular metabolism. The basis of the plant complex is nettle extract. It is rich in vitamin C, which nourishes and strengthens hair follicles.

Apply the serum daily and you will see amazing results in less than two weeks. The product vitaminizes hair so much that it shines and gains thickness before your eyes. To enhance the effect, you can use this elixir as a hair mask. The course of treatment is at least two weeks. Only then will Alerana hair growth serum show its unique properties. Reviews indicate that hair loss stops and curls shine with health and beauty when the product is used correctly.

Economical and convenient

The company's leading specialists developed not only the composition of the product, they also took care of the packaging. The serum is available in small bottles in the form of a spray. It is convenient to apply it to the scalp and distribute it along the entire length of the hair if necessary. There is no need to rinse off the product, it does not weigh down the hair. It only saturates it with vitamins and beneficial elements. The main thing is not to forget to apply it daily.

Alerana (hair growth serum) is very popular among young mothers. Reviews say that after giving birth, many girls began to lose hair. This miracle cure helps new parents continue to enjoy life. The hair is gradually restored, the strands look stunning, and hair loss stops completely.

Merging with nature

The composition of the drug is only natural ingredients. Therefore, Alerana hair growth serum is completely safe during pregnancy. There are no restrictions on hair groups or types. Men are happy to use this product, because after forty years, many are susceptible to baldness. The powerful composition of the serum helps even in the most advanced cases. The composition includes non-hormonal active components, they help speed up the cellular metabolism of the follicles. The dormant hair follicles are activated and the hair mass increases noticeably.

Strictly according to the rules

One of the most popular products in the beauty and health industry is Alerana (hair growth serum). Reviews say that it is easy to use and very effective. You can use the product not only in case of hair loss. Apply serum to strengthen and enrich curls with vitamins. After all, it acts in a special way - it activates and accelerates all processes of hair development and growth. In the first eight weeks, the loss may even intensify, as the body gets rid of weakened bulbs that were not destined to exist. And immediately the accelerated processes of growth of new healthy hair begin. Alerana hair growth serum should definitely appear on your shelf. The instructions are very simple, there are no contraindications for pregnant and lactating women.


Pre-wash your hair with shampoo (this series is best). The serum can be used on both dry and wet curls. Rub a small amount of the product into the skin with massaging movements, while dividing the hair into strands. Use the serum once a day. The course of application is at least four months.

Visible effect

It is rare to find a product that not only solves hair problems, but also prevents them. This category includes “Alerana” - hair growth serum (100ml). Reviews confirm this. Many girls who did not have any particular problems with their hair applied the serum to their scalp daily for prevention. After a few weeks, they noticed improvements in the appearance of their curls and many new hairs coming through.

The effect of this remedy will be noticeable immediately:

  • hair growth is activated;
  • the section of the ends stops;
  • weakening of strands from the use of electrical appliances and styling products is prevented;
  • enhanced protection from external harmful factors;
  • new follicles are formed.

The serum has many advantages, the price is reasonable, because one bottle is enough for four weeks of daily use.

Healthy curls

Simply washing your hair does not mean caring for it. After all, our strands absorb everything like a sponge. The environment, polluted ecology, diseases, styling and styling devices destroy the hair structure and make it lifeless. Don't skimp on hair care products. Alerana offers a wide range of shampoos, conditioners, and serums for your favorite curls. Be sure to take advantage of these wonderful products designed by the best minds in the company.

The line includes:

  • shampoo;
  • conditioner;
  • mask;
  • spray;
  • serum;
  • vitamin and mineral complex “Day and Night”.

What is special about the line?

  1. Firstly, Aleran products were specially developed as a remedy for baldness and hair loss. That is, the main emphasis is on the therapeutic component.
  2. Secondly, Alerana is a non-hormonal remedy.
  3. Third, the composition of the product is non-aggressive, it contains natural ingredients, such as, for example, wheat oil, burdock and horse chestnut extract, tea tree oil and so on.

    Reference: Alerana contains vitamins and fatty amino acids, which have a beneficial effect not only on the composition of the hair, but also effectively nourishes the roots, strengthening the follicles. The effectiveness of the products is confirmed by clinical studies.

Let's look at the components of the series in more detail.


The Aleran series for hair growth includes several types of shampoo:

Aleran shampoos for hair growth contain:

  1. Procapil complex: a complex of vitamins and minerals necessary for proper nutrition of the hair.
  2. Panthenol: has a relaxing effect on the scalp, eliminates itching and irritation, and relieves excessive dryness.
  3. Nettle extract: stimulates the growth of new hairs, strengthens the roots.
  4. Poppy oil: a storehouse of fatty acids, eliminates dry scalp.
  5. Wheat proteins: restore hair, nourishing curls along the entire length, giving them shine and elasticity.
  6. Burdock extract: moisturizes and provides deep nutrition to hair.
  7. Nettle extract: stimulates the active growth of new hairs, returns beautiful shine to curls.
  8. Horse chestnut extract: increases blood microcirculation in the scalp area, ensuring better penetration of vitamins and nutrients into the hair follicle.
  9. Tea tree oil: natural antiseptic. It also prevents hair fragility, increases its elasticity, and restores shine.

Mode of application: Lather the required amount of shampoo in your hands, lather pre-wetted hair, lightly massage your head for 2-3 minutes, rinse with non-hot water.


Due to the fact that the balm contains natural plant extracts, it gently stimulates hair growth and helps retain moisture in its structure. The proteins included in the product ensure restoration of strands along the entire length and prevent the appearance of split ends.

Mode of application: After washing your hair, coat the strands with balm along the entire length, avoiding contact with the roots, after 5-7 minutes, rinse your hair with warm or cool water.


It acts both on the roots of the hair and along its entire length, ensuring the penetration of nutrients into the very heart of the hair.


Mode of application: After washing your hair, thoroughly coat the strands with a mask, and after 15 minutes, rinse with warm or cool water. The mask is applied in a course for a month, use 1-2 times a week.

Alerana: hair growth serum

The main active components of the serum are: vitamin and mineral complex Procapil, Capilectin is a natural stimulant of plant origin that helps awaken dormant hair follicles and stimulate them to active growth.

Action of Alerana serum for hair growth:

Mode of application:

  1. Can be applied to both wet and dry scalp, dividing the strands into partings and gently applying the serum to them with light massage movements.
  2. No need to rinse off.
  3. Use daily for a course of at least 1 month; the best results are achieved when using the serum for a course of 3-4 months.


Alerana spray for hair growth increases microcirculation of the scalp, This ensures better penetration of nutrients into the follicle and hair body. Stimulates the growth of new, elastic and elastic hairs, increasing the thickness of the hair as a whole.

Clinical trials have shown that after 6 weeks of using the drug, alopecia is noticeably reduced, even with severe hair loss and noticeable baldness.

Mode of application:

  1. Apply 1 ml (7 pumps) to the affected area of ​​the head twice a day.
  2. Do not rinse off.
  3. After applying the spray, wash your hands thoroughly.

There may be a slight tingling sensation in the scalp area, this is normal.

Vitamin and mineral complex “Day and Night”

Vitamin support is necessary for those who really want to take a comprehensive approach to the issue of beauty and health of hair; external care alone is not enough, the body must provide complete vitamin-rich nutrition to the curls from the inside.

Aleran “Day and Night” vitamins for hair growth contain vitamins A and E, a spectrum of B vitamins, vitamin C and D3, as well as minerals such as iron, calcium, magnesium, chromium, cystine, etc., which are essential for hair.

Aleran vitamins for hair growth - instructions for use:

  1. 2 tablets per day. At the same time, the vitamins are divided into complexes “Day” (have a white shell) - for morning use, and “Night” (have a burgundy shell) - for use in the evening.
  2. You need to take the complex for 30 days. If necessary, you can repeat the course after 4-6 months.

The Alerana line of hair growth products is produced on the basis of natural ingredients, so contraindications for their use are minimal. However, it is necessary to talk about them. The drug should not be used:

  • small children under 3 years old;
  • during pregnancy and lactation;
  • in case of personal intolerance to the components. Before use, you should do a small test by applying the drug to the elbow; If no discomfort or allergic reaction appears within 15 minutes, everything is fine, this product is suitable for you.

Using Alerana's professional series of hair growth products will help you with the delicate problem of hair loss, improve the appearance of your hair, and also help the rapid growth of beautiful curls: up to 4 cm per month! The main thing is an integrated approach and patience.

SERUM for hair growth ALERANA® 100ml

stimulates new hair growth

strengthens the hair in the hair follicle

slows down the aging process of hair follicles

provides intensive hair nutrition

helps increase thickness

restores and heals hair

The drug contains capilectine, procapil - herbal hair growth stimulants with clinically proven effectiveness!

Clinically proven with a course of use of Procapil, the amount of hair in the growth phase increased in 67% of patients
Clinical study of the effects of Procapil over 4 months. Laboratory DERMSCAN. Sederma, France.

Mode of application:
It is recommended to apply to damp or dry scalp, parting the hair. Rub in with massaging movements. Use once a day. Suitable for permanent use. The recommended course of use is at least 4 months.

Bottle, 100 ml

*Clinical study of the effects of Procapil over 4 months. Clinical study of the effects of Capilectine over 3 months. Laboratory DERMSCAN. Sederma, France. Procapil is the property of Sederma, used with permission from Sederma.


Procapil®* is a combination of fortified matrikin, apigenin and oleanolic acid from olive leaves to strengthen and prevent hair loss. Procapil increases blood microcirculation in the scalp, improves root nutrition, stimulates cellular metabolism in hair follicles, and activates hair growth. Procapil restores various structures of the hair follicle and slows down the aging process.

Serum test results with Procapil®

Procapil® reduces hair loss by increasing the anagen stage and reducing the telogen stage in both men and women. Volunteers also noted the hair thickening effect when using the serum.

*Procapil® is the property of Sederma, used with permission from Sederma.

Capilectine is a hair growth stimulator of plant origin. Capilectine improves cellular respiration and activates cellular metabolism in hair follicles, which helps accelerate hair growth. Stimulates the transition of hair follicles to the active stage of growth, prolongs the life cycle of hair, helping to increase thickness.

Dexpanthenol acts both on the scalp and along the entire length of the hair. It normalizes metabolism, moisturizes and soothes the scalp. Penetrating into the hair shaft, dexpanthenol improves the condition of the hair, giving strength and shine.


Aqua, panthenol, butylene glycol / PPG-26-butet-26 / PEG-40 hydrogenated castor oil / apigenin / oleanolic acid / biotinoyl tripeptide-1, glycerin / pentylene glycol / glycoproteins, caprylyl glycol / methylisothiazolinone, fragrance, citric acid.


Procapil® is a combination of fortified matrikin, apigenin and oleanolic acid from olive leaves to strengthen and prevent hair loss. Procapil increases blood microcirculation in the scalp, improves root nutrition, stimulates cellular metabolism in hair follicles, and activates hair growth. Procapil restores various structures of the hair follicle and slows down the aging process.

Capilectine is a hair growth stimulator of plant origin. Capilectine improves cellular respiration and activates cellular metabolism in hair follicles, which helps accelerate hair growth. Stimulates the transition of hair follicles to the active stage of growth, prolongs the life cycle of hair, helping to increase thickness.

Dexpanthenol acts both on the scalp and along the entire length of the hair. It normalizes metabolism, moisturizes and soothes the scalp. Penetrating into the hair shaft, dexpanthenol improves the condition of the hair, giving strength and shine.

Course use of the serum (for 4 months):

Activates hair growth

Strengthens and protects hair follicles

Provides intensive hair nutrition

Helps increase thickness

Restores and heals hair

The serum has no restrictions on the consumer group, prevents hair loss and stimulates hair growth


Selling Features


Individual intolerance to product components