Sedative collection 2 sedative. Calming collection. Home treatment with folk remedies

Calming (sedative) collection No. 2 is a natural sleeping pill and sedative based on herbal ingredients.

Composition of calming collection No. 2

100 gr. collection contains:

  • motherwort herb – 40 gr.,
  • hop cones – 20 gr.,
  • peppermint leaves – 15 g.,
  • rhizomes with valerian roots - 15 g.,
  • licorice roots – 10 gr.

Indications for the use of sedative collection No. 2: increased nervous excitability; neurocirculatory dystonia, neurasthenia.

Interaction with drugs. Strengthens the effect of sleeping pills; the infusion can be taken in combination with other sedatives or cardiovascular drugs.

Side effects. Allergy is possible, manifested in the form of hyperemia and itching. If you experience side effects, the site recommends stopping taking the drug immediately and contacting your doctor.

Shelf life – 2 years. Do not use the product after the permissible storage period has expired.

Storage conditions. The collection should be stored in a dry, dark place, out of reach of children. Ready infusion - in a cool (7-15 degrees) place for no longer than 2 days.

Method of application of sedative collection and dose

2 table. l. sedative collection No. 2 is poured into an enamel bowl, and 200 ml is poured into it. boiling water, cover with a lid and leave for 15 minutes. into a boiling water bath. Allow to cool for 45 minutes, strain, and squeeze the remainder into the rest of the strained infusion. The volume of the finished infusion is adjusted to 200 ml by adding boiled water.

Adults drink the collection warm, 1/3 tbsp. 2 r. per day for 20-30 minutes. before meals. Children from 3 years old – from 1 dessert. l. up to ¼ tbsp. 2 r. in a day. It is advisable to shake the infusion before taking it.

Contraindications and application features

Individual hypersensitivity (allergy) to the drug or its components, children under 3 years of age. Before starting use, consult your doctor. Pregnant and lactating women can use the drug only as prescribed by a doctor. The drug should be prescribed with caution to people driving vehicles or using mechanical means.

In case of an overdose, fatigue, drowsiness, and dizziness may occur. In this case, you should stop taking the drug. If such effects are severe, it is recommended to prescribe caffeine.

The composition of Phytosedan No. 2 includes motherwort herb 40%, hop fruits 20%, peppermint and valerian rhizomes 15% each, licorice roots 10%.

Release form

Chopped vegetable raw materials in a pack of 50 g.

Filter bags of 2 g No. 20 per package.

pharmachologic effect

Calming, mild antispasmodic.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics


Sedative (sedative) collection No. 2 has a sedative and moderate antispasmodic effect.
Motherwort, containing flavonol glycosides , saponins , carotene And alkaloid stachydrine , in medicine it is used for treatment, including to reduce and reduce vascular spasms, as a diuretic.

Substances that determine the properties of hops are phenolic compounds , bitters and essential oil. It has a calming, antispasmodic, diuretic and anti-inflammatory effect.

Valerian has a multifaceted effect: moderate sedative effect, reduces excitability CNS , eliminates smooth muscle spasms, enhances bile secretion and gastrointestinal secretion.

Peppermint has a sedative effect in neurotic conditions, increased excitability, etc. Licorice root has an anti-inflammatory effect, is present in the smallest quantities in this composition and is used to add flavor to the infusion, neutralizing the bitter taste of motherwort.


No data provided.

Indications for use

Complex treatment:

  • increased excitability;
  • irritability;
  • sleep disorders;
  • spasms Gastrointestinal tract ;
  • (in the initial stage).


  • increased sensitivity;
  • lactation;
  • age up to 12 years.

Side effects

  • muscle weakness;
  • (if doses are exceeded).

Calming collection No. 2, instructions for use (Method and dosage)

Infusions are taken orally. The method of preparation depends on the form of release.

Crushed raw materials. Take 3 tbsp. spoons of plant material, pour 200 ml of hot water, heat in a water bath for 15 minutes. The resulting broth is filtered, squeezed and the volume is adjusted to 200 ml with water. Take 1/3 cup warm 30 minutes before meals, twice a day. Shake before use. The course of treatment is from 2 to 4 weeks.

Powder in filter bags. 2 filter bags are poured with 100 ml of boiling water, left for half an hour, squeezed, and the volume of infusion is adjusted to 100 ml with water. Drink 100 ml warm twice a day. The duration of treatment is the same. Only a doctor can recommend repeating the course.

With long-term use in excessive doses, a decrease in the speed of reactions may be observed, which affects when working with moving mechanisms and driving vehicles.


Manifested by allergic reactions, decreased performance is possible, drowsiness , muscle weakness.


An infusion or decoction of the collection enhances the effects of sleeping pills.

Terms of sale

Over the counter.

Storage conditions

Temperature up to 25°C.

Best before date

The prepared infusion is stored for no more than two days.

Calming collection No. 2 for children

Evening baths with soothing herbs have a beneficial effect on the baby. You can take individual herbs or ready-made pharmaceutical preparations - "Children's sedative" , Calming collection No. 2. It can be used for bathing from birth, but can only be taken orally from the age of 12, since motherwort contains alkaloids . For baths, take 4 bags, brew 0.5 liters of boiling water, infuse and pour into a baby bath. The duration of the bath is 15 minutes, and the course of treatment is 10 days. According to reviews from parents, there was an effect, but not always.

Instructions , a preparation from medicinal plant materials, is used as a sedative for increased excitability, irritability and for the treatment of neurotic disorders. Use as prescribed by a doctor.
In pharmacies it is usually sold in cardboard boxes of 50g, in paper filter bags of 2g.
IN compound includes:

- motherwort grass (40%);
- peppermint leaves (15%);
- valerian rhizomes and roots (15%);
- licorice roots (10%);
- hop fruit (20%).

Best before date from medicinal plants 2 years from the date of release, subject to storage conditions. Store in a dark place protected from moisture. The infusion is used within 2 days when stored in a cool place.
The medicine is available without a prescription.

Methods of application

Collection No. 2 is used in the form of an infusion. Prepare the infusion as follows:
- 9 g (2 tablespoons) of the collection are placed in an enamel bowl, pour 200 ml (1 glass) of hot boiled water, cover with a lid, heat in a boiling water bath for 15 minutes, cool at room temperature for 45 minutes, filter, squeeze out the remaining raw materials. The volume of the resulting infusion is adjusted to 200 ml with boiled water.
Take 1/2-1/3 cup orally warm 2-3 times a day 30 minutes before meals for 2-4 weeks. It is recommended to shake before use.
- 2 filter bags (4 g) of herbal collection are placed in a glass or enamel bowl, pour 100 ml (1/2 cup) of boiling water, close with a lid, leave for 15 minutes, periodically pressing on the bags, then squeeze them out. The volume of the resulting infusion is adjusted to 100 ml with boiled water.
Take 1/2 cup orally 2 times a day 30 minutes before meals for 2-4 weeks. It is recommended to shake before use.
A repeated course of treatment is possible in consultation with the doctor.


Sedative collection No. 2 is contraindicated:
- take on the recommendation or direct prescription of a doctor;
- in case of individual intolerance (sensitivity) to the active substances contained in the sedative collection;
- pregnant and lactating women;
- and also contraindicated for children under 12 years of age.

You can find out about the medicinal plants whose components are included in collection No. 2 by clicking on the names listed below:
Motherwort cordial;
Licorice naked;
Common hop.

A sedative collection is a collection of medicinal plants that have a sedative effect on the human central nervous system. The collection is produced in the form of special medicinal raw materials, which are crushed herbs. Such raw materials are packaged in filter bags for convenient use. Various infusions, decoctions and teas are prepared based on sedative infusions.

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    Calming herbal mixture No. 1

    Calming collection No. 1 is produced in the form of filter bags containing crushed raw materials from dry medicinal herbs. The drug is dispensed without a doctor's prescription.

    The action of the collection is aimed at treating the central nervous system. It should be stored in a dry place at a temperature of 20 degrees Celsius.

    The sedative contains the following components:

    • watch leaves;
    • mint leaves;
    • hop cones.

    This herbal remedy has a sedative effect. It is prescribed to eliminate insomnia and nervous excitability. In addition, the collection has an antispasmodic effect and can relieve excessive gas formation and intestinal colic.

    Taking the drug is contraindicated in the following cases:

    • if you have an allergy;
    • if the patient has an individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
    • in children under 3 years of age.

    If a sedative is used incorrectly or overdose, side effects may occur, such as:

    • dizziness;
    • increased blood pressure;
    • drowsiness;
    • lethargy.


    To prepare a sedative, you need to take a small container (preferably enameled) and place 3 tbsp in it. l. chopped herbs (if the collection is not packaged in filter bags) and fill them with hot water in a volume of 350 ml. Next, the contents of the container must be heated using a water bath. The mixture should be heated for 10 minutes. After the liquid boils, the pan with the contents should be removed from the stove and allowed to cool for 30 minutes. A mandatory step is straining the liquid. The remaining raw materials must once again be brought to the original volume of 350 ml by adding boiling water to it.

    Adults and children over 12 years of age should take half a glass of the product three times a day. The infusion should be taken half an hour before meals. Children under 4 years of age are allowed to take only a teaspoon of decoction per day, also half an hour before eating. Children 4-6 years old need to drink a spoonful of infusion twice a day, and children 7-12 years old need three spoons 15 minutes before eating. You need to take the product for a month.

    If a collection packaged in filter bags is used to prepare the infusion, then adults and children over 12 years old need to brew 2 filter bags with 1 glass of boiling water. The tea should steep for half an hour. The product must be taken warm. The medicine should be taken three times a day before meals. Children aged 3-4 years should drink 1 tbsp. l. medicinal drink, at the age of 4-6 years - 2 tbsp. l., at the age of 7-12 years - 3 tbsp. l.tea The drink should be taken four times a day.

    Herbal tea No. 2

    Available in bags of 50 g, as well as in the form of filter bags of 1.5 g. You can purchase the medicine without presenting a doctor's prescription. The shelf life is 2 years.

    Composition, indications and contraindications

    Collection No. 2 includes the following components:

    • peppermint leaves;
    • valerian;
    • liquorice root;
    • motherwort grass;
    • hop cones.

    The collection belongs to the pharmacotherapeutic group “Hypnotics and sedatives”.

    The effect of the sedative collection is aimed at the manifestations of sedative activity and is expressed in a decrease in the excitability of the central nervous system and an increase in the effect of hypnotics. The drink also has antispasmodic properties.

    The effect is determined by the active substances contained in the components contained in the collection. Such an active substance in peppermint leaves is menthol, valerian rhizome contains isovaleric acid ester, hop cones contain organic acids, essential oils, flavonoids, motherwort contains essential oils, saponins; Licorice roots contain glyceric acid and flavonoids.

    The use of the fee is indicated in the following cases:

    • for nervous disorders;
    • bad sleep;
    • cardiovascular diseases.

    The use of infusions and decoctions based on collection No. 2 is contraindicated:

    • if there is hypersensitivity to individual components of the product;
    • children who have not yet turned 3 years old.


    To prepare a soothing infusion based on herbal collection No. 2, you need to place 70 mg of raw material in a shallow enamel pan and fill it with 200 ml of water. After this, the liquid must be heated using a water bath for 10 minutes. After this, the broth must be cooled and left at room temperature for 40 minutes, then strain the liquid. The raw material that remains after spinning must be brought to a volume of 200 ml using boiling water.

    Children over 12 years of age and adults need to drink 1/2 cup of infusion twice a day, half an hour before eating. Children 3-4 years old should take 1 tbsp once a day. l., at the age of 4-6 years - a dessert spoon twice a day, for children from 7 to 12 years old - 2 tbsp. l.

    Place 2 filter bags in an enamel bowl and fill them with 400 ml of water, then cover the container with a lid and leave for 25 minutes. Adults should use the collection warm orally. The sedative infusion is taken three times a day, half an hour before eating. Children 3-4 years old need to take 50 ml of the medicine, children aged 5-6 years old - 0.25 cups, from 7 to 12 years old - half a glass three times 25 minutes before meals. Treatment should last 4 weeks. Collection No. 2 is combined with various sedatives and cardiovascular drugs.

    Herbal tea No. 3

    This herbal collection contains components of plant origin. The product is dispensed without a doctor's prescription. Release form - filter bags of 1.5 g, which are in cardboard packages.

    One such package contains 20 sachets. The filter bags contain the collection components crushed to a powder state.

    Composition, pharmacological action

    The collection contains many components that belong to herbal substances. Composition number 3 is represented by the following active components:

    • medicinal valerian roots;
    • sweet clover grass;
    • oregano;
    • motherwort;
    • creeping thyme.

    The soothing collection of plant origin also contains active biological compounds found in the roots and leaves of plants, including coumarins.

    The collection has sedative and antispasmodic effects. Thanks to this, infusions based on herbs included in the product help relieve increased agitation, eliminate insomnia, and help lower blood pressure. This is especially useful for people who have the initial stage of hypertension.

    Indications, contraindications

    Indications for use of the collection are:

    • frequent sleep disturbances, severe headache, insomnia;
    • psychological overexcitation, stress, apathy;
    • arterial hypertension;
    • lack of appetite.

    The use of photo products is contraindicated in the following cases:

    • if patients are allergic to the components of the drug;
    • if patients are less than 3 years old.

    Side effects from the use of collection No. 3 can manifest themselves in the form of allergic reactions. If you have an allergy, you should stop using this product. You should also consult a dermatologist and, if necessary, take a course of antiallergic medications.


    To prepare the decoction, you need to take 30 mg of the dried collection and place it in a small glass container. After this, you need to fill the collection with hot water in a volume of 200 ml. Mix all the contents and place the dishes in a water bath.

    The mixture should be cooked for 10 minutes; after this time, remove the liquid from the heat and cool to room temperature for 50 minutes. The herbal medicine should be filtered using a fine sieve or gauze folded several times. Next, the volume of the decoction must again be brought to the original amount - 200 ml.

    Using collection filter bags No. 3, an infusion is prepared. To do this, you need to place one bag of raw materials in a glass container and add 120 ml of hot water there. Leave for 35 minutes, then carefully squeeze out the filter bag. After this, the collection is ready for use for medicinal purposes.

    Collection No. 3 must be taken in the form of tinctures or decoctions. Use half a glass twice a day. Duration of taking the drug is 2 weeks. If there is a need for a second course of treatment, it can be done after 10 days.

What is the herbal mixture “Phytosedan No. 2”? Instructions, reviews of its effectiveness and indications for use will be discussed further. You will also learn about what ingredients are included in this natural remedy and whether it has any contraindications.

Composition of the medicinal collection and its packaging

What components does “Phytosedan No. 2” tea include? Reviews from experts claim that this is a completely natural remedy, which includes a whole group. It should immediately be noted that the ingredients of this medicinal collection were selected very competently with the participation of experienced herbalists.

Thus, the sedative collection contains 40% motherwort herb, 20% hop fruits, 15% peppermint leaves, 15% valerian rhizomes and 10% licorice roots.

This drug is sold in cardboard boxes. No. 2 can be produced in bulk, or can be packaged in 2 g filter bags.

Medicinal properties of herbal tea

How does the herbal mixture “Phytosedan No. 2” affect the patient? The instructions and reviews say that it is exclusively of plant origin. An infusion made from the collection has a moderate antispasmodic and calming effect. It can be used without a doctor's prescription, but strictly according to indications. You should also carefully read the attached instructions, since the drug in question has a number of contraindications.

What is the purpose of using a drug of natural origin?

Why is the herbal collection “Phytosedan No. 2” needed? Instructions and reviews report that it is actively used in complex therapy of the following conditions:

  • sleep disturbance;
  • increased excitability of the patient;
  • initial stage of development of arterial hypertension.

It should also be said that the considered sedative mixture No. 2 is often used for muscle spasms of the digestive tract (in complex therapy).

Prohibitions on the use of herbal remedies (infusions)

In what cases is sedative preparation contraindicated for use? According to reports from experienced specialists, it is undesirable to use this drug if:

  • breastfeeding;
  • hypersensitivity to the herbs included in the collection;
  • pregnancy;
  • in children up to 12 years of age.

Crushed herbal mixture “Phytosedan No. 2”: instructions

Reviews from experts report that the drug in question is most effective if it was purchased in the form of crushed raw materials. How to cook it? To obtain a medicinal infusion, 10 g or 3 large spoons of crushed herbs are placed in an enamel container and poured with 1 glass or 200 ml of boiled water (hot). The resulting mixture is tightly closed with a lid and placed on low heat. If desired, enamel dishes can be placed in a water bath. Such heat treatment will be more gentle and will retain all the beneficial properties of the collection.

After keeping the infusion in a water bath for about ¼ hour, it is removed from the stove and cooled at room temperature for 45 minutes.

After straining the contents of the enamel bowl through a fine sieve, the remaining raw materials are thoroughly squeezed out by hand. After this, the volume of the resulting herbal infusion is adjusted to 200 ml with warm boiled water.

How should the product in question be used? It is taken orally warm. The dosage of the medicinal infusion is 1/3 cup twice a day, half an hour before meals. This remedy should be taken for 2-4 weeks.

How to brew “Phytosedan No. 2” in filter bags?

The form of the drug in question is easier to use.

The powder collection in the amount of 1 filter bag (2 g) is placed in an enamel or glass container, after which approximately 100 ml of boiling water (about 1/2 cup) is poured. After this, the ingredients are tightly closed and left for half an hour. It should be especially noted that many housewives use a thermos to prepare such an infusion. This device allows you to obtain a more concentrated drug.

After the specified time has passed, the brewed filter bag is strongly squeezed and thrown away. As for the resulting infusion, its volume is adjusted to 100 ml by adding boiled water.

How should I take this remedy? It is prescribed orally (warm) in the amount of 1/2 cup twice a day 25-30 minutes before meals. Take this drug for 2-4 weeks.

If necessary, the course of treatment with Phytosedan No. 2 can be repeated, but only on the doctor’s recommendations.

Adverse reactions after taking the infusion

Can taking the drug in question cause the development of negative reactions? Experts say that in general this infusion is well tolerated by patients. Although sometimes it still causes signs of allergies. Also, adverse reactions are observed in those who took this drug, despite existing contraindications.

Cases of overdose

What signs of overdose may occur if the drug in question is used incorrectly? With long-term use of herbal infusion in doses that significantly exceed the recommended ones, the patient may experience muscle weakness, decreased performance and drowsiness.

Drug interactions

Is it permissible to combine the infusion of “Phytosedan No. 2” with other medications? According to experts, the collection in question can enhance the therapeutic effect of sleeping pills and other drugs that depress the central nervous system.

Special Information

You can purchase the “Phytosedan No. 2” collection in pharmacies without a doctor’s prescription.

During treatment with this drug, you must be careful when driving a vehicle, as well as when engaging in potentially dangerous mechanisms that require mental clarity and increased concentration.