How to properly place intravenous drips. A type of IV that improves the general condition of the human body

Infusion therapy (or the administration of drugs and blood to a patient using a drip system) is recognized as one of the effective methods of treatment. A dropper is a medical device with which a fairly large volume of liquid is introduced into the individual’s body. One end of it is connected to a bottle or bag containing medicine or blood, and the other to the patient’s vein. The following types of systems are distinguished:

  • dropper for blood transfusion (or abbreviated as PC);
  • for transfusion of solutions - PR.

IV catheters

These medical devices are used to introduce drugs into the bloodstream over a long period. A catheter is a small hollow tube that is inserted into a vein in different parts of the body (arms, head, collarbone). With its help, injury to the vein is eliminated. Installation is carried out in stationary conditions. There are several types of catheters for IVs:

Regardless of the type of catheter, its size matters. Products are marked according to color depending on this parameter:

  • Orange. This color indicates thick catheters intended for viscous solutions and blood components.
  • Violet. This tone is used for the thinnest products that are used for infusion of solutions.

How to install the system (drip)?

To set it up correctly, you need to do a little preparatory work, which will consist of the following:

  1. Place a drip stand next to the patient, which is a stand on which the bag with the infused solution will be attached.
  2. Wash your wrists and hands thoroughly with soap, not forgetting the areas between the fingers. Next, they need to be blotted dry rather than wiped. Or you can use any antiseptic intended for hand treatment.
  3. Check the name of the drug prepared for administration with the prescription of the treating doctor.
  4. Prepare the system, needle, tourniquet, fixation patch, cotton or gauze swab, alcohol solution of chlorhexidine for sterilization.
  5. In the package with the medicine, find the connection point to which the system will be connected and wipe it with a swab soaked in an alcohol solution.
  6. Attach the dropper and the bag, hang it on the stand.
  7. Remove all bubbles.
  8. Wear gloves.
  9. Approach the patient.

Now proceeds directly to setting up the IV:

  1. Bandage your hand with a tourniquet over the puncture site.
  2. Disinfect the injection site.
  3. Install a catheter, which is a small tube that is inserted along with the needle, and after it is removed remains in the vein. Place it at an angle of 30 degrees to the patient's arm. Next, remove the needle and remove the tourniquet. Wipe the area where the catheter is attached with an alcohol solution.
  4. Attach the IV tube to the catheter, securing it with a bandage.
  5. Adjust the speed of drug administration using a special wheel-clamp installed on the system.

Consequences of air entering a vein

Blockage of a vein can be caused by an air bubble that gets into it when administering drugs intravenously with a syringe or using a dropper. The air bubble disrupts blood microcirculation, blocking the lumen of the vessel, i.e., an embolism develops.

This is especially dangerous when large arteries are blocked and, accordingly, a large volume of air penetrates. Immediately before inserting the IV, the air in the system is released, so the likelihood of air entering the vein is negligible. To avoid complications and not be afraid of intravenous drips, you should entrust these manipulations to experienced medical professionals.

What does the dropper consist of?

This medical product was invented in the thirties of the last century. However, since then it has remained virtually unchanged, only slightly improved. The medical system (drip) consists of:

  • solution flow rate regulator;
  • droplet maker with filter;
  • plastic tube systems.

Principle of operation

The liquid from the bottle or bag, under the influence of gravity, enters the tube, passes through the droplet, again goes through the tube and then enters the vein. The filter and air valve prevent the formation of negative pressure in the system. Otherwise, the liquid will not drip. There are needles on both sides of the drip system, one of which is needed to connect to the drug container, and the other to puncture the vein. The drug enters the reservoir through a filter and is then dosed using a pipette.

The available regulator allows you to reduce or increase the drop rate depending on how the drug is administered: drip or stream. The reservoir is initially filled with a small volume of liquid and care is taken to ensure that there is no air in the tube. To start feeding the solution into the system, a needle is inserted into the lid of the container with the drug, which is used to supply air inside, otherwise the liquid will not flow out. Currently, all medical organizations use disposable IV systems, which is the safest.

Infusion therapy

The administration of drugs directly into a venous vessel is a modern method of treating emergency conditions. Based on the speed of infusion of drugs, there are two types:

  • Drip. With this method of administration, the required drug is dissolved and then, using a special system, is introduced into the vessel. Due to the fact that the drug is in a fairly diluted form, the harmful effects on the vascular wall are minimal.
  • Jet. This type is divided into slow and bolus administration. The latter leads to a maximum concentration at the end of the infusion and then, after some time, it decreases in plasma. The rate of increase in concentration with slow administration is significantly lower.

The effect of the therapy is due to the fact that the drug immediately enters the blood. However, with this method of administration there is a risk of complications. Therefore, the high professionalism of medical workers performing these manipulations, as well as the quality of the materials from which medical products are made, are very important. For all types of infusions, infusion systems for droppers are used. The medical market offers a wide range of these products.

Infusion systems

They are used for infusion of solutions and medications in liquid form. Composition of the infusion system:

  • a special device that pierces the lid and has a built-in air valve;
  • dropper with filter;
  • cameras;
  • a flexible long tube with a clamp regulator with which the infusion is regulated.

The dropper system with filter allows you to retain clots larger than 30 microns. The product is used once. The material used in their manufacture is transparent and allows you to see air bubbles, the level of the solution, and the speed at which drops fall.

Types of transfusion systems

Based on the size of the filter cells, the drip system is divided into infusion products:

  • solutions;
  • blood and blood substitutes.

A correctly selected system taking into account the cell size is the key to successful therapy. For example, to administer a solution of glucose or electrolytes, small cells will prevent harmful impurities from entering the bloodstream. And in the case of transfusion of blood products, such cells will quickly become clogged with blood elements, and the infusion process will stop.

Based on the type of needle used, which is connected to a bag or bottle, systems are distinguished:

  • with a metal needle;
  • with a polymer needle or plastic spike.

The choice of infusion system for the drip in this case will depend on the container in which the drug is located. For glass containers a metal needle is used, and for bags a polymer needle is used.

Blood transfusion (infusion) system

This product can be used with both glass bottles and transfusion bags. It includes:

  • needle made of plastic and metal;
  • two protective caps;
  • dropper with filter;
  • long connecting tube made of transparent material;
  • air intake valve;
  • connector;
  • roller regulator.

In order to infuse donor blood, plasma, blood transfusion systems are used. These products were invented by a British obstetrician in 1818. Since then they have been slightly improved. The drip system is equipped with a filter with large cells, which makes it possible not to miss blood clots and at the same time ensure the flow of blood at a certain speed. The presence of filters is especially important when transfusing condensed blood, which has a high viscosity.

Infusion system with metal needle

This dropper is intended for infusion of infusion solutions and blood substitutes from a bottle. The medical device consists of:

  • needles;
  • drip system with filter;
  • flexible hose;
  • latex tube for cam infusion regulator;
  • needle-air duct;
  • clamp for adjusting the speed of insertion;
  • devices for piercing the lid with a metal needle.

The hose and dropper are made of transparent material.

Infusion system with plastic spike

The product is used for infusion of infusion solutions from containers or bags.

Unlike the previous system, it consists of a device with a plastic spike for piercing the lid, combined with a semi-rigid dropper and filter. The remaining components are the same as in the system with a metal needle.


The IV system is used to administer various medications. With its help, the administered substances are absorbed faster and better. There are many medical indications for which there is a need for them. However, it must be borne in mind that infusion therapy is contraindicated in cases of heart failure, a tendency to thrombus formation and swelling.

It is also known that IVs are used for non-medical purposes. From used systems you can make wonderful toys, gifts, and souvenirs with your own hands. The photo above shows crafts from the systems. At the same time, the droppers are painted in different colors and the result is quite funny and unusual decorations for the holiday.

Modern medicine has a wide range of methods and means of introducing drugs, various chemical compounds and biological fluids into the human blood, but there is no more effective way than to do this through infusion therapy. We will talk further about how to properly place IVs.

An IV is an infusion system designed for intravenous infusion of blood, plasma or medications. The standard set consists of transparent flexible tubes, a liquid flow rate regulator, a drop former and two needles (for veins and rubber stoppers in bottles). An IV should be placed as prescribed by a doctor; self-medication can cause irreparable harm to the body.

Preparing the System and Related Accessories

Before installing an IV, you need to prepare everything you need:

  • Install the drip stand. It is a mobile stand with hooks on which bags or bottles with the administered drug are hung. Its height usually exceeds 1.5-2 meters, which ensures sufficient pressure
  • Check the containers with the injected liquid. It is necessary to check the volume, type of drug, time of administration, expiration date and other significant indicators with the doctor’s prescription.
  • Choose a suitable system. There are several types of droppers designed for different purposes, but all of them can be divided into 2 types: micro- and macro-sets, differing in the diameter of needles, tubes and speed
  • Decide on the needle size. It is inversely proportional to the number, the fourteenth is the largest needle, the twenty-second is the thinnest
  • Prepare related accessories. You will need a tourniquet to find the vein, antiseptic liquid (alcohol is usually used), cotton wool and a plaster to fix the needle in the vein.

Having everything necessary in place, a nurse with special knowledge, skills and sufficient practical experience will place an IV at home in a matter of minutes, without causing pain to the patient. There are also no bruises, scratches or other visible damage left after the work of a qualified professional.

What to prepare before performing the procedure

In order for the system to function correctly, it is necessary to carry out a number of simple manipulations:

  • Connect the kit to a bag or bottle of liquid. This is done by integrating the needle into a rubber/polymer stopper, previously wiped with cotton wool soaked in alcohol, which is supplied with all containers intended for storing intravenous fluids.
  • Hang the dropper on the stand. The tripod is equipped with hooks, with their help it is easy to fix any specialized container
  • Get rid of air in the system. This is done by filling the tubes and the drip chamber with liquid (the latter is filled to a third or half)
  • Check the sterility of all elements of the system. If it is violated, it is strictly forbidden to infuse liquid into the patient, this can lead to blood poisoning and other dangerous consequences.

Execution technique

Before starting the process, experts recommend familiarizing the patient in as much detail as possible with the sensations that he will experience under the influence of the IV. Each drug has an individual effect on the body and certain side effects. Knowing about them, a person will not be afraid when they arise. The procedure does not take much time, it is performed in the following sequence:

  1. It is necessary to take a comfortable position (sitting or lying down). The second option is preferable, but if a person wants to do the infusion while sitting and feels good, you can safely do it this way
  2. The specialist washes his hands and puts on gloves. The catheter insertion site is thoroughly disinfected. The arm in the biceps area is tied with a tourniquet, this makes it easier to find a suitable vein on the inside of the arm
  3. The needle is inserted into the darkest and most voluminous vein in the arm, which is of secondary importance to the person. This is done at an angle of 34-45 degrees relative to the vein. After blood appears in the catheter, its position is made as parallel to the arm as possible and fixed with adhesive tape
  4. The system tube is connected to the catheter. Then the tightness of the connection is checked and additional fixation is carried out with adhesive tape. Ancillary drugs can be injected later using a syringe without stopping the infusion process
  5. The fluid supply speed is adjusted. This is done by moving the wheel on the adjuster. On some systems it is equipped with a scale with the number of drops indicated on it, which greatly simplifies the task of counting them
  6. The person is being monitored. Alarming symptoms (if these are not indicated in the instructions for the drug) include an abnormal increase in the number of heartbeats, blood pressure and/or body temperature
October 11, 2013

How to place an IV video. Video about how to correctly place an IV in a patient.

How to place an IV video

How to place an IV video? You will find a video about how to correctly place an IV in a patient below, after the main article. It should be noted that a dropper or intravenous infusion system is a device that is designed for infusing medicinal fluids into the human body. Such a system is connected together with a bottle of the drug on one side, and with a vein directly on the other. Installing a drip requires certain skills, with which you will be able to install it yourself. First of all, you need to have certain tools on hand, in particular a tripod; ampoules with medications; bottle of medicine; syringe; sterile gloves; seventy-degree alcohol; scissors; cotton wool; infusion system; adhesive plaster; tourniquet; sterile wipes; a small pillow. It is necessary to first place the patient on the couch or simply sit him in such a way that one of his arms is in a bent position at the elbow joint, and is also located on a hard and horizontal surface, for example, on a table. Then place a tripod next to the patient. Then treat your hands with a special antiseptic solution. After this, you need to put sterile medical gloves on your hands. Then tear off two strips of three and a half to four centimeters long from the adhesive plaster spool, and then attach them to the tripod at one end only. Using scissors, you will need to open the metal cap of the bottle along with the solution you plan to administer. Then treat the rubber stopper directly on the bottle itself with seventy-degree alcohol. Then open the package along with the syringe.

Then assemble the syringe. It is necessary to obtain ampoules of medications that you are going to introduce into the bottle. Open it and then draw the contents directly into the syringe. Then pierce the rubber stopper of the bottle and pour the medicine into it from the syringe. Using scissors, open the packaging of the infusion set. Then take the end on which the cylinder is located along with the air valve, and then insert the thick needle at its end directly into the bottle. Then close the system with the wheel, rotate the container well with the medicine, and then place it in the tripod. Then open the air valve. You need to squeeze the cylinder between your fingers, then fill it halfway with special liquid from the bottle. Now, from the opposite end of the system, it is necessary to remove the needle and then direct the end of the tube into the tray or into the sink. Now open the wheel and fill the entire system completely. Also make sure that no bubbles form in the tubes. Then close the wheel and then put the removed needle on the system. Now you need to place a sterile napkin under the patient’s elbow. If the patient's hand is located on the table, and he sits, then in addition to a napkin, you will also need a low pad that will allow you to fix the hand directly in a bent position. Then apply a tourniquet to the shoulder, and then ask the patient to clench and unclench his fist quite vigorously. Now you need to feel the vein in the patient's elbow. Treat the skin area above it with a cotton pad along with alcohol. Press the vein well below the intended puncture area with your left thumb.

With your right hand, you need to remove the cap from the system needle, and then pierce the skin parallel to the vein, after which the vein itself is at an angle of forty-five degrees to it. If the needle gets into the lumen of the vessel, you will eventually feel a certain sensation of failure. There should be dark blood in the needle itself. With your left hand you need to untie the tourniquet and then open the system wheel. Carefully release the needle cannula, and then secure it with strips of adhesive tape that were attached to the stand. Adjust the wheel and set the required speed of introducing the drug into the patient’s body. Sometimes situations arise when an IV needs to be placed at home. An IV differs from an injection in that it contains a larger volume of a particular drug. The medicinal solution enters the patient’s blood gradually, and the patient can even sleep at this time. But it is imperative to monitor the drip, since sometimes air can form in the system, the entry of which into the vein is extremely undesirable. If you need to install an IV yourself, you need to tie the patient’s vein with a tourniquet, which should be located fifteen centimeters above the elbow. Then hang the system. So, the dropper should be located above arm level and at a distance of about one and a half meters from the floor. The injection site must be treated with an alcohol-containing solution. Insert the IV needle directly into the vein. You can ask a doctor and he will help you insert a catheter. In this case, it is necessary to remove the needle from the dropper, unscrew the cap from the catheter and then insert it into the system. Now open the medicine supply. So, if sufficiently large air bubbles enter the solution, it is necessary to reduce the flow of the drug into the blood. You should never get up immediately after a drip, as you may feel very dizzy. In addition, after administering some medications, you must lie down for at least thirty minutes. After the medicine runs out, you need to close the dropper and very carefully remove the needle. If you are using a catheter, you need to rinse it with distilled water (it can be purchased at almost any pharmacy). You should draw a couple of cubes of water into the syringe, connect the syringe with the catheter, and then inject the solution into a vein. Afterwards, you need to screw the cap onto the catheter and then apply a cotton swab along with alcohol to the injection site.

Now, if you are asked,

You will always know what the correct answer is :)

Droppers are an indispensable method of treating many diseases. The effectiveness of such drug administration exceeds any other treatment methods many times over.. But intravenous infusions of drugs are used not only for therapeutic purposes. Droppers to improve the condition of the body are useful in cases of reduced immunity and vitamin deficiency. They are made to cleanse internal organs, as well as to maintain beauty and youth.

Vitamin droppers

It is impossible to achieve an ideal balance of vitamins in the body when consuming foods.. This is prevented by several factors - insufficient amounts of vitamins supplied with food, intestinal slagging, which interferes with normal absorption, impaired functionality of the gastrointestinal tract (high acidity), in which substances are not absorbed.

With the help of a dropper, groups of vitamins can be delivered directly into the bloodstream, and from there they enter the internal organs and tissues. After such a procedure, the person’s condition objectively improves.

Indications for vitamin droppers:

  • intense physical activity associated with sports or difficult working conditions;
  • exhaustion of the body due to chronic diseases, old age;
  • weakening and loss of strength due to malnutrition and low social status;
  • internal diseases associated with a large loss of energy - chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma, hepatitis, psoriasis, insomnia, migraine.

Vitamin cocktails, when administered intravenously, act at the cellular level, improving the condition of each structural unit.

Droppers with vitamins give energy, improve the functioning of skeletal muscles, and relieve muscle spasms. Therefore, they are actively used by people leading a healthy lifestyle and playing sports. After physical exercise, lactic acid is produced in the muscles, causing hypoxia (oxygen starvation). In this case, additional intake of vitamins and minerals is necessary.

Vitamin droppers contain the following substances (based on saline or glucose):

  • B1 – thiamine. Concentrated in skeletal muscles, liver, kidneys, brain, participates in the metabolic processes of proteins, fats, carbohydrates.
  • B2 – riboflavin. Participates in redox processes, hematopoiesis, regulates reproductive function and the activity of the thyroid gland. Necessary for the beauty of skin, hair, nails.
  • PP – nicotinic acid. Participates in all chemical reactions in the body, reduces cholesterol levels, improves microcirculation in capillaries, and removes toxins from the body.
  • C – ascorbic acid. Antioxidant, essential for muscle and connective tissue. Provides hormone synthesis, neutralizes cholesterol, strengthens the immune system.
  • E – tocopherol. Protects all cells from oxidation, participates in protein synthesis, increases defenses, and reduces the risk of developing cancer.

Droppers for health promotion

General strengthening drips are indicated for people with chronic fatigue syndrome, before and after surgical treatment
. Manipulation is also prescribed for hypoxia, chronic intoxication with alcohol or drugs. Droppers to strengthen the body are prescribed to patients with metabolic disorders, disorders of the qualitative and quantitative composition of the blood. They are prescribed for mental fatigue, frequent stressful situations, and energy depletion of the body.

To avoid such conditions, droppers to strengthen the body are prescribed not only for therapeutic purposes, but also for preventive purposes. After the procedure, the psycho-emotional state is normalized and overall well-being improves.

The advantage of a general strengthening drip is the quick and accurate replenishment of the deficiency of nutrients, microelements, and salts. This eliminates the possibility of overdose or the occurrence of side effects from internal organs, or the development of complications.

The effect of such droppers is versatile, and the volumes of administered drugs are large. Useful properties of the procedure:

  • restorative – promotes cell division and rapid tissue regeneration, provides the body with energy complexes;
  • detoxification – removes toxins, poisons (endogenous and exogenous) metabolic products, free radicals from the body, improves metabolic processes;
  • general strengthening – delivers missing minerals, vitamins, microelements, salts, amino acids to the body;
  • antianemic - saturates the blood with substances that prevent the development of anemia, lack of hemoglobin - iron, potassium, ensures the prevention of hypoxia.

Glucose dropper

Glucose is a universal remedy for many pathological conditions of the body.
. Its beneficial properties are undeniable. In what cases is a glucose drip prescribed:

  • saturation of the body with fluid due to dehydration or increased blood viscosity;
  • restoration of normal functioning of internal organs, improvement of metabolic processes in them;
  • the need to increase daily diuresis, for example, in case of poisoning;
  • replenishment of carbohydrates after heavy physical activity;
  • physical exhaustion, loss of strength;
  • dystrophic damage to parenchymal organs (liver);
  • decrease in BCC (circulating blood volume) during blood loss;
  • a sharp drop in pressure, development of shock;
  • hypoglycemia – decreased blood sugar levels.

Glucose is the main source of energy for the body and the only nutrient for the brain. Droppers are indicated for office workers with high mental stress and a sedentary lifestyle. They are also prescribed to the elderly, premature and low birth weight children.

For intravenous administration, use a 5% glucose solution. A single dose is a liquid in a volume of 400 ml. Once in the body, the solution breaks down into atoms of water and carbon dioxide, and energy is released.

Glucose drips are not suitable for everyone. They are contraindicated in type 1 diabetes mellitus (insulin-dependent), individual intolerance, acute mental disorders, strokes and cerebral hemorrhages, and traumatic injuries.

Beauty droppers

Droppers to maintain beauty and youth today are a popular procedure in beauty salons and aesthetic medicine clinics.

Such procedures are replacing traditional methods of rejuvenation - the use of Botox injections, contour lifts and other manipulations.

The solutions for intravenous administration contain all the nutrients the body needs.
. Their action from the inside ensures a quick effect, 100% absorption. The result of such aesthetic correction of appearance is not long in coming.

After beauty drips, the condition of the skin and nails improves, the hair becomes stronger and silky. The general condition becomes stable, the emotional background normalizes. This is facilitated by the complex effect of specially developed drugs.

Droppers to improve well-being and stabilize physiological processes are indicated at any age.

Why you shouldn’t use IVs
Recently I received a letter. A real paper letter, the likes of which I have not received for quite some time. A letter from a reader of my books from a distant Siberian city. I thought that to a 75-year-old woman who took the time to write down her thoughts by hand on paper, I should answer in detail and just as carefully. This is how the correspondence turned out:
"Hello, dear Anton Vladimirovich.
Pensioner S.I. is writing to you. I am 75 years old, but I want, I really want to live. The thirst for life gets stronger with age. That's why I bought 4 of your books and am waiting for the release of the fifth. After carefully reading all your books and Alexander Myasnikov’s book “Rust,” I was confused. Everything that my cardiologists and neurologists treat me with is crossed out by you. In the second book, you and Dr. A.L. Myasnikov, whose programs I always watch, deny treating older people with IVs. “There is no point, no benefit in such treatment.” You, Anton Vladimirovich, and Alexander Leonidovich consider the drugs useless: Actovegin, Cerebrolysin, Mexidol, Mildronate, Cavinton. Our doctors have been prescribing these drugs to me for many years. Now what should you take and drip? What alternative can you suggest? After reading your books, I gave up day care and IVs!!! I sit and think about how to treat myself. The cardiologist suggested carrying out a course of treatment with preductal in the spring and autumn. How do you think? A.L. Myasnikov writes that, it turns out, all over the world, except Russia, Corvalol and Valocordin are not sold in pharmacies. What should we take now if our heart suddenly hurts??? I can't imagine.
I really hope for an answer."

Dear S.I.,
The idea of ​​treating cardiovascular diseases with courses of injections and droppers dates back to the middle of the last century, when there were slightly different ideas about human physiology and pharmacology. Many years have passed since then. Science has advanced very much, many new groups of drugs have appeared. However, during the time of the “Iron Curtain” and the division of science into Soviet and bourgeois, the inhabitants of the USSR were actually cut off from the achievements of world science in general and pharmacology in particular. Doctors who trained in the middle of the last century continued to treat their patients using the “old-fashioned methods” and, what’s worse, to train the next generation of students and young doctors. In the 90s of the 20th century, the “Iron Curtain” collapsed, all the achievements of world science became available to Russian specialists, it would seem that it was time to catch up and bring medical practice into line with the best world approaches, but no - the vast majority of doctors continued to stubbornly copy traditions and mistakes of “scientific schools” half a century ago.
Let's figure out what is wrong with using IVs and injections in the treatment of heart and vascular diseases. Let's start with the fact that the notorious dropper is just a way to quickly deliver a drug into the blood. Intravenous drip administration of drugs can be used only in cases where it is necessary to deliver high doses of the drug into the body as quickly as possible (for example, antibiotics for pneumonia, drugs for dissolving a blood clot in myocardial infarction, chemotherapy for cancer). In all other cases, doctors try to follow the path of delivering the drug into the body as gently as possible - in the form of tablets and capsules. This treatment allows you to avoid many complications - you are probably familiar with “bumps” and bruises at the injection site. I assure you, this is far from the worst thing that happens from IVs and injections.
In addition, taking medications in tablets allows you to maintain the concentration of the drug in the blood at almost the same level throughout the day, which is very important for the treatment of diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, etc. Are you concerned about the possible side effects of the pills on the stomach and liver? I assure you that most drugs are quite safe in this regard; Smoking and alcohol damage the stomach and liver much more, but for some reason no one thinks about it.
Let's figure it out, is there any point at all in those drugs that you and our other patients are offered to drip and inject?
Antispasmodics (magnesia). The idea of ​​using antispasmodics for hypertension again goes back to the ideas about vasospasm of the early to mid-last century. We now understand that the mechanisms of development of hypertension are much more complex. Moreover, the older a person gets, the stiffer the arteries become and the less room there is for the “spasm” mechanism in the development of any vascular diseases.
Actovegin, Cerebrolysin, Cortexin. These are protein extracts from the brain and other tissues of livestock (cows and pigs). Numerous studies have proven that they do not add intelligence to a person, but can cause serious complications (for example, Actovegin is banned in most countries due to the threat of the spread of so-called “mad cow disease”).
Cavinton, tanakan. In most countries, these drugs are either registered as food (biologically active) additives or are completely prohibited. We know well that Cavinton (a preparation of Vinca minor or coffin grass) can provoke rhythm disturbances. Tanakan (Gignco biloba) also has not been shown in studies to improve memory and other brain functions.
Mexidol, mildronate, preductal. These drugs, according to the manufacturers, are created to improve metabolic processes in the tissues of the heart and brain. However, the studies conducted do not give reason for optimism. Besides, the heart is not a bed of tomatoes. It does not need to be fed or manured. There are a huge number of actually working drugs for the treatment of ischemia and heart failure.
Unfortunately, many patients perceive the cardiovascular system as water pipes that need to be cleaned from time to time by pouring special cleaning agents into them. I’ll disappoint you, the body is much more complex; atherosclerotic plaque cannot be dissolved or significantly reduced. The main task is to prevent the plaque from growing further and to prevent a blood clot from forming in this place (statins and aspirin do an excellent job with this task). In cases where the plaque severely disrupts the blood supply to an organ (heart or brain), surgical treatment is resorted to.
Why do IVs still help some? The answer is very simple. This is partly the placebo effect - a conscientious belief in the healing wall of hospital walls and an unknown liquid in a transparent bubble, partly this is the effect of the pills that are still prescribed in the hospital. However, each patient considers the effect of the tablets to be insignificant, and attributes the entire success of treatment to the droppers. If, after discharge from the hospital, the patient stops taking the pills, then, of course, the improvement achieved in the hospital will soon disappear.
Why do doctors continue to prescribe “vascular drips”? There are three possible answers to this.
1. They believe in them themselves. This is the saddest option. Unfortunately, such “specialists” are unsuitable for professional work. It is impossible to treat in the 21st century, guided by conscientious misconceptions half a century ago.
2. Doctors know that IVs are useless, but they follow the lead of patients, fearing complaints and conflicts. Unfortunately, the existing system is such that if a patient complains that “he is not being treated as he should be, but is only being stuffed with pills,” then no one will look into it - the doctor will be punished. Therefore, the doctor believes that it is “easier to give in” than to explain to the patient why there is no need to drip anything. This is the most common reason.
3. “If we don’t do IVs, then our hospital will be closed, and we will be kicked out onto the street, because... Patients can take the pills at home.” This is the rationale I heard a couple of weeks ago from doctors in one of the cities of Russia. This is the saddest thing. Not only do doctors themselves perfectly understand the uselessness of IVs, but they still prescribe them in order to somehow justify the very existence of the hospital.
And one more important consideration. One of the common causes of fatal complications in older people is hospital-acquired infections. It has long been accepted in the world that the shorter the duration of stay in a hospital bed, the lower the mortality rate. Consequently, unjustified hospitalizations for unnecessary IVs are also a factor in the addition of in-hospital complications.
“So what do you suggest INSTEAD of IVs, doctor?” - asks every first patient to whom I once again retell all these arguments?
1. Move. Movement is life. Every person, regardless of the severity of their condition, must move. Even in patients with severe heart failure, movement has been proven to prolong life. Walking, walks, skiing, swimming - it all depends on your initial physical form.
2. Work. As soon as a person stops working and declares himself “retired,” the brain begins to die. Don't think about it, I'm not talking about raising the retirement age. In this case, “work” does not mean “go to work and pay taxes until you are 100 years old.” By work in this case I mean any activity associated with mental stress, even within the framework of a hobby. Any doctor knows very well that the brain of an 85-year-old scientist works much better than that of a 40-year-old loafer.
3. Don't watch TV. TV makes people stupid and turns them into “vegetables.” Read, write, draw, embroider, just don’t watch TV. Every hour spent in front of the TV irreversibly kills nerve cells.
4. Do not smoke or allow anyone to smoke in your presence.
5. Eat less meat and more fish.
6. Monitor your blood pressure and, if it exceeds 140/90 mmHg. Art., constantly take medications prescribed by your doctor. Blood pressure pills must be taken throughout your entire life, without breaks, days off or weekends.
7. Monitor your cholesterol levels, discuss with your doctor the need to take statins - drugs that slow down the development of atherosclerosis.
8. Monitor your blood glucose levels. An increase in sugar >5.6 mmol/l is already an alarming sign. Unfortunately, diabetes often creeps up without symptoms.
9. Discuss with your doctor the need to take medications that prevent the development of thrombosis - aspirin or anticoagulants. In some cases they are necessary.
P.S. There is nothing “hearty” in Corvalol and Valocordin, except for the root “cor” (cor – in Latin – heart). The basis of these drugs is phenobarbital - an old toxic drug that disrupts memory, sleep, coordination of movements and has a dozen other unpleasant side effects. To say what to take when your “heart hurts,” you must first figure out why it hurts. More than 90% of chest pain is unrelated to the heart.
Yours sincerely,
Dr. Anton Rodionov