Treatment of lymph nodes in oncology. Morbidity statistics. Stages of lymph node cancer

Protective function human body mainly relies on the lymphatic system, which consists of lymph nodes and branched vascular network. It is in the lymph nodes that specific immune cells– lymphocytes that form the primary barrier when a viral or bacterial infection into the body.

The highest concentration of lymph nodes is observed in the axillary, groin and cervical region. Malignant lesion This system accounts for approximately 4% of all cancers. The disease can be concentrated in one or more nodes.

Symptoms and diagnosis of lymph node cancer

An oncologist may suspect the presence of cancer lymphoid tissue if local and common symptoms diseases.

Local signs of a tumor are:

  • increase in nodes;
  • increased sweating at night;
  • slight increase in body temperature;
  • discomfort in the affected area.

The general symptoms of the disease manifest themselves in the form of loss of appetite and, as a result, a sharp loss of body weight, blood anemia, and disturbances in the functioning of the digestive and respiratory systems.

To clarify the diagnosis, doctors resort to:

  1. Ultrasound examination, the purpose of which is to establish the location and structure of a cancer tumor.
  2. Magnetic resonance imaging. The technique consists of conducting a layer-by-layer scan of the human body, as a result of which the doctor can visually observe the boundaries of the pathology and its spread to nearby tissues.
  3. Biopsy. Given laboratory test small area mutated tissue allows us to determine the stage and type of tumor.

Treatment methods for lymph node cancer

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Surgical removal of the affected nodes is considered the most effective method treatment. During surgical intervention Regional lymph nodes located in close proximity to the lesion are also subject to excision. Carrying out such radical removal necessary to prevent relapse of the disease.

In the later stages of oncology, the patient is mainly offered to take a course radiation therapy, which involves exposing a tumor to highly active X-rays that can destroy cancer cells or slow down the growth of pathology.

In oncological practice, there is also chemotherapy treatment, which consists of taking cytotoxic drugs. This technique has systemic action and for cancer of lymphoid tissue and is carried out in the preoperative and postoperative cycle.

Modern research indicates high efficiency combinations of surgery and chemotherapy.

Lymph cancer is a common disease. It is treatable if detected quickly. It is important to notice in time that something is happening to the body, and not to attribute it to a temporary illness, consult a doctor.

Reasons for appearance

Blood, passing throughout the body, washes at least, at least one lymph node. Lymph is required by the body to transfer nutrition to cells and flush out toxins. The load on her is very large. And if the cells immune system If they fail, it can cause cancer.

The appearance of the disease can also be caused by third-party factors: tobacco use, drugs. Also, a sharp weakening of the immune system after irradiation, large doses of insecticides, carcinogens ( chemical substances, paint and varnish products) can lead to the development of cancer cells. Lymph cancer can be caused by changes at the genetic level. Or be a consequence of having AIDS or HIV infection.

Types of disease

On this moment There are two main types of lymph cancer. This:

There are 4 degrees of development of Hodgkin's disease:

  • One area of ​​lymph nodes or part of an organ is affected.
  • The disease spreads to other nodes on the same side of the diaphragm or affects another organ.
  • Actively developing, malignant cells invade all nodes. The spleen is often also affected.
  • The disease spreads to other internal organs.

Each degree develops gradually. And the earlier the disease is detected, the greater the chances of it successful treatment. Stage 3 takes place in 2 stages. The disease first develops in the upper part abdominal cavity. The second stage corresponds to damage to the pelvic cavity. In the third degree process, damage to the lymph nodes near the aorta is observed. This has an extremely negative impact on the patient’s condition.

Symptoms of the disease

Eat certain symptoms, having found which in yourself, you should worry about your state of health. The main reason for concern is a sharp increase in lymph nodes. They are located in the neck, axilla and groin areas. It is not accompanied by pain, only discomfort. The lymph node enlarges, first reaching the size of the tonsil, and later it enlarges so much that it puts pressure on other internal organs.

Besides visual signs, there are also physical ones:

  • elevated body temperature up to 39-40 degrees, night sweats, fever.
  • Skin itching.

It is worth noting that the symptoms of Hodgkin and non-Hodgkin lymphomas are somewhat different. For NL it is:

  • Signs of influence on neighboring organs: difficulty breathing, cough, constipation, frequent swelling of the extremities.
  • Organ dysfunction: problems urinating, chest pain.
  • Symptoms of poisoning: weakness, fatigue, nausea, weight loss.
  • Damage to bones and joints is accompanied by painful sensations. Most often affected: lower back, sternum, ribs, pelvic bones.
  • Arrhythmia, decreased number of platelets, leukocytes.
  • Fragility of blood vessels, brittle hair, dry mucous membranes.
  • In case of defeat nervous system: headache, dizziness, problems with motor activity.

Symptoms of non-Hodgkin lymphomas are often similar to those of HL, but there are some differences:

  • Nodes in the back of the head, neck, and elbows are most often affected.
  • The following symptoms often appear together: fever with increasing temperature, night sweats and a sharp decline body weight (more than 10% within a month).
  • For children, development and intensification of symptoms can be noticed within 2-3 weeks.

Factors influencing patient survival

The body always tries to fight diseases. Of course, when serious problems, he won’t be able to cope without medications and procedures. However, there are factors that make him more successful in his endeavor.

The success of treatment is influenced by:

  • Age. Over time, the body wears out. And the healthier he is, the more successfully he resists the disease.
  • Level of lactate dehydrogenosis. The enzyme is involved in the processing of glucose and is found in all human organs.
  • General condition of the patient.
  • Current stage of lymph cancer.
  • Extent of lesions outside the lymph nodes.

Interesting! Stimulating the immune system has a positive effect on the prognosis of cure.

Speaking about the stages of damage, we can cite the results of clinical studies:

  • 1st stage. The estimated five-year survival rate is 82%.
  • 2nd. 88% survival rate.
  • The 3rd is characterized by 63%.
  • Stage 4 – 49%.

In the early stages the prognosis is much better. Additionally, studies were conducted depending on the age and gender composition of the group of patients.

For men:

  • For those aged 15 to 39 years – 83%.
  • After 80 – 36%.

For women:

  • From 15 to 39 years old – 86%.
  • After 80 – 40%.

Important! results latest research showed that the prognosis for survival has increased significantly due to the advent of new drugs.

Diagnosis of the disease

When you find yourself characteristic symptoms, it is best to consult a doctor immediately. He will already conduct the appropriate examination. Diagnostic program includes the following items:

  • First of all, . Based on its results, the presence of a tumor and the extent of its spread are determined.
  • After this, a complete biochemical research– the amount of LDH, alkaline phosphatase, keratin and other markers is determined, allowing a more accurate prognosis.
  • A biopsy procedure determines whether the cells found are actually a sign of lymph cancer. To do this, a tissue sample is taken and studied.
  • Also carry out ultrasonography, examining the outlines of organs to determine their displacement.
  • Radiography allows you to accurately examine the changed nodes.
  • Computed tomography is an examination of the body using x-rays. In the case of a conventional X-ray, the rays pass through the body, leaving marks on the plate. The result is a two-dimensional image. And in the case of tomography, the image is three-dimensional due to the special location of the ray source.

Attention! This procedure allows you to view the “gray” areas of the organ, which are usually difficult to access for study. It is possible to more accurately judge the extent of the spread of malignant cells.

  • Magnetic resonance imaging reveals other pathologies by examining the patient’s body electromagnetic waves. The use of these two methods gives a more accurate result.

Based on the research results, the doctor prescribes individual program. In addition to the procedures described, there are additional tests, helping to get a more accurate result:

  • Lymphangiography. IN lymphatic vessels a special substance is introduced. This is required for more accurate analysis cancer cells during x-ray procedures.
  • Gallium scan. Radioactive gallium is placed inside the body. He travels around circulatory system, gradually settling in the affected lymph nodes.

Treatment methods

A large number of modern methods are used today to treat lymph cancer. The therapy program is selected individually. But in general, it is formed based on the degree of development of the disease and the state of the body. Its main goal is to achieve remission. That is, the destruction of signs of the disease.

For this, the following three types of treatment are used:

  • Medication,
  • Radio beam,
  • Operational.

Drug treatment involves the use of drugs that prevent the proliferation of cells, reduce their activity and gradually reduce their number.

Consists of taking various combinations of drugs:

  • Adriamycin,
  • Bleomycin,
  • Vinblastine,
  • Dacarbazine.

For their introduction it is used injection method. The injections are repeated every 2 weeks.

Another scheme involves use every 4 weeks the following means: Cyclophosphamide, Adriamycin, Vincristine, steroid Prednisol. The most successful results appear after 6 repetitions of therapy.

Carefully! Taking these drugs leads to the appearance side effects. Nausea, diarrhea, and problems with urination may occur. There are dizziness and neurosis. Exceeding the dosage specified by a specialist is strictly prohibited.

Radiation therapy is also carried out in courses. The radiation dose depends on the stage of the tumor and its volume. Radiation therapy refers to the effect on tissue, which can be divided into internal and external.

In the first version of exposure, radiation moves near malignant cells, sending rays directly into the tumor. The patient is required to lie motionless on the table in the indicated position. The procedure is painless, but often causes anxiety in people.

The second case involves irradiating cells with substances introduced specifically into required cells or located next to them. In temporary cases, the drug is administered into the body using a catheter. In case of permanent, a special implant is introduced into the body, from which radioactive substances emanate.

Today, cancer is a disease that leaves virtually no chance of survival. In addition, it does not show any symptoms for a long time, so it is detected already at late stages. Four percent of cancer patients are diagnosed with cancer of the lymph nodes in the neck. How long do people live with this pathology and what does the prognosis depend on?

Cancer of the lymph nodes (otherwise known as lymphoma) is a dangerous and intractable disease, the main characteristic of which is rapidly progressive malignancy lymphatic system. There are two types of such oncological diseases - lymphogranulomatosis (Hodgkin's lymphoma), non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (up to 25 types). The first is detected in 12% of cases and is currently successfully treated.

Most often, such oncopathology is found in people 15-30 years old and in patients over 50. Diagnosing it is not so difficult. To suspect trouble, examination, palpation and a conversation with the patient are usually sufficient.

Signs, examination and treatment

The development of cancer of the lymph nodes in the neck is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • enlarged cervical lymph nodes. At first they do not cause concern and are mobile; after a short time they become dense and merge with each other. The skin over them turns red;
  • discomfort (and then pain) in the neck;
  • increased sweating (especially at night);
  • increased temperature over a long period of time;
  • decreased appetite;
  • sudden weight loss;
  • low hemoglobin;
  • malfunction of the digestive tract;
  • itching all over the body;
  • cough, shortness of breath.

To confirm the diagnosis, the patient is sent for a general and biochemical blood test. From instrumental examinations CT, ultrasound, MRI and biopsy (the most accurate method) are used.

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The treatment is carried out comprehensively: it is used operative method (surgical removal affected and regional lymph nodes), radiation therapy (a course of 2-4 weeks, helps to consolidate the result of treatment), chemotherapy (before or after surgery to eliminate malignant cells and prevent metastasis).

Briefly about the main thing: average survival prognosis

The first thing that the patient himself and his relatives think about is what time fate has given him for such a diagnosis. In short, it goes like this:

  • if it was possible to “catch” the disease at the first stage, when cancer cells have not spread throughout the body, then the disease is considered curable;
  • in most cases, the patient is diagnosed with stage 3 lymph node cancer, since at this stage alarming symptoms appear. How long do such patients live? 40 to 50% have a 5-year survival rate;
  • With stage 4 lymph node cancer, the prognosis is much worse. How long do they live if the disease has progressed this far? Usually, in such patients, almost all lymph nodes are affected, malignant cells have invaded other organs: they are found in the liver, bone marrow, and kidneys. The disease is already very difficult to treat. Only 10% manage to survive.

However, these are only general statistics. To give more accurate forecast, several factors must be taken into account.

How much is left?

The answer to the question of how long they live if cancer of the lymph nodes in the neck is diagnosed, as with other types of lymphomas, depends on the following factors:

  • the level of LDH (lactate dehydrogenase - a special enzyme without which the process of glucose oxidation and the production of lactic acid is impossible). If a person is healthy, then it does not accumulate in the body. When tissue is damaged, its blood level is increased 2 or more times;
  • age;
  • the patient's condition;
  • stages of the disease;
  • number of lesions outside the lymph node.

All these values ​​are summed up, and the doctor can make a prognosis. For example, a favorable outcome can be predicted in a patient under 30 years of age, general state which is assessed as 1 point (work capacity is limited), LDH is not elevated, stage 1 lymphoma.

Important! If histological examination revealed a poorly differentiated tumor, which means its sensitivity to chemotherapy will be low, which negatively affects the prognosis.

Survival rates by stage of lymph node cancer are:

  • at stage 1 - 82%;
  • by 2 - 78%
  • by 3 - 63%;
  • by 4 - 49%.

The prognosis also depends on the gender and age of the patient. Thus, among men 15-39 years old, the survival rate is 84%, over 80 - 36%. In young women - 87%, in older women - 41%.

For non-Hodgkin lymphomas, survival rate ranges from 62-65%. But there are several factors that worsen these indicators. These include:

  • age over 60. The forecast is reduced by 30%. The 5-year survival rate is about 32%;
  • stage. At 3 and 4, only 15-18% of patients have hope for a favorable outcome;
  • high level of LDH in biochemical analysis blood. Will reduce the forecast by 74%, that is, only 10-12% will be able to survive;
  • very poor general health.

To make a forecast, you should take into account all these factors, and not each separately. And this is what happens:

  • Cancer patients who have only one of the listed factors are at low risk. Given that proper treatment and the absence of chronic diseases that would prevent them from undergoing surgery and chemotherapy, 70% of such patients live 5 years after diagnosis. Statistics show that their life expectancy is on average 6-10 years;
  • intermediate risk. This category includes patients who have 1-2 factors. The five-year survival rate reaches 49-50%. Up to 70% of patients in this group die because current treatments are ineffective and the disease cannot be cured, or because relapses occur after 2 years. The chance of surviving a relapse is 5-10% if chemotherapy is given;
  • high risk. If 4-5 factors are present at once, then the probability of living 5 years will not exceed 26%. Death usually occurs within 1-2 years from the time cancer is detected.

One of the functions of the immune system is antitumor protection. Dangerous mutations also arise in it, causing cancer of the lymphatic system. The peculiarity of cancer cells is the loss of the ability to “grow up” and aggressive growth, with damage to surrounding tissues and organs.

Causes and mechanisms of lymphomas

The mechanism of occurrence of cancer of the lymphatic system is similar to any oncological process - a violation of the primary structure of the cell's DNA.

The causes of cancer of the lymphatic system can be very diverse:

  • solar radiation;
  • technological carcinogens (including car exhaust gases);
  • some medications;
  • household carcinogens.

Carcinogens – chemical molecules, capable of penetrating the cell nucleus and disrupting the DNA structure. As a result, the cell acquires atypical abilities, turning into a tumor.


Oncology of the lymphatic system () can be caused various types cells. Disturbances in the body for all types of lymphomas are similar, and they are distinguished based on histological studies.

Lymphoid tumors include:

  • reticulosarcoma;
  • giant cell lymphoma.

Lymphomas are also classified by stage.

Cancer of the lymphatic system has 3 degrees (stages) of development:

  • Stage I - cancer cells affect only one group of regional lymph nodes;
  • Stage II - two or more groups of regional lymph nodes, but the lesion is unilateral;
  • Stage III - bilateral damage to the lymph nodes and involvement of the spleen and other organs in the process;
  • Stage IV - disseminated damage to most organs and tissues.


In the vast majority of cases, the primary source of the tumor is the lymph node. During development, the tumor invades nearby nodes, affecting regional lymphatic collections. Changes in the lymph nodes are similar to those in inflammatory diseases, therefore, in the early stages, suspicion of an oncological process rarely arises. First clinically significant changes appear after the penetration of metastases into organs and tissues.


In clinical hematology, there are more than a dozen different pathological forms of lymph node cancer: three types of B-cell lymphoma, nodal, T-cell, erythrodermic, etc. Even qualified specialist From another area, it is difficult to understand all the nuances of the diversity of manifestations of lymphoma of the lymph nodes.

With cancer of the lymphatic system, the signs of the disease are not specific.

All manifestations of lymphomas are caused by morphological changes in tissues and organs and do not have specificity. In the early stages, only an increase in regional lymph nodes at the site of the primary tumor can be detected. Further involvement of new groups of lymph nodes will not change the disposition of manifestations.

Often the symptoms resemble a cold - increased body temperature, sore throat-like changes in the mucous membrane. In the early stages of cancer of the lymphatic system, a blood test shows only moderate leukocytosis and slight leukopenia.

Symptoms of damage to internal organs

With isolated cancer of the lymph nodes, symptoms of the lesion internal organs are missing.

First alarm bells appear after the penetration of metastases into other organs.

  • When the tonsils and nasopharynx are affected, typical picture An acute respiratory infection complicated by a sore throat, but a course of physiotherapy (UHF, warming) instead of the expected improvement gives a pronounced exacerbation.
  • A lesion inside the abdominal cavity during the formation of lymphoma in the intestinal lumen causes swelling and intestinal obstruction not amenable to correction with classical treatment regimens. Large lymphoma can significantly increase the volume of the abdomen.
  • When localized in chest cough and shortness of breath occur. In some cases, the saphenous veins dilate.
  • In the case of cutaneous lymphoma, itching and polymorphic rashes occur, for which treatment by a dermatologist takes a long time and without success.
  • When tumor nodes reach a certain size as a result of compression of the internal organs, pain symptoms are added: pain in the lower back with kidney damage, in the hypochondrium with metastases to the liver.
  • When bones are affected, the most common pain is in the chest and lumbar regions spinal column.
  • Cancer of the lymphatic system - symptoms of damage to the nervous system can give any general neurological symptoms, from vegetative-vascular dystonia before the stroke.


The main signs of lymph node cancer are long-term asymptomatic enlargement of a group of lymph nodes without detection of an inflammatory process.

Absence clinical effect from treating symptoms caused by metastases forces the attending physician to resort to additional methods research.

The technology of ultrasound and radiographic examination is based on the determination of tissues of different density and homogeneity. The detection of an enlarged organ with the formation of a homogeneous focus in the tissue without a characteristic “shell” structure indicates the presence of a neoplasm unknown etiology and the need for a biopsy.

Oncology of the lymph nodes is confirmed only by histological data.

Histological examination of the biopsy in the case of lymphoma will reveal the presence of immature precursors of lymphoid cells, and in the case of lymphogranulomatosis - Hodgkin cells. To clarify the stage of the process and determine the degree of dissemination, computed tomography is performed.

One of the ways to determine the activity of the process is to identify specific tumor markers.

The tumor marker of the lymphatic system is β 2 -microglobulin. The level of β 2 -microglobulin is closely related to the activity of the immune system. Changes in the concentration of β 2 -microglobulin indicate the effectiveness of chemotherapy and radiation therapy.


If, by luck, the disease is discovered on the very early stage, radical excision of regional lymph nodes followed by courses of radiation therapy leaves a chance for recovery. High radiation exposure “burns out” red bone marrow stem cells, so after the onset of stable remission, it may be necessary.

In later stages, radiation is combined with cytostatic chemotherapy. If the tumor is well sensitive to therapy, remission can last for several years.

Specific treatment when the disease is detected in late stage little effective.


Detection of lymphoma at any stage is no longer an optimistic prognosis. Taking into account the features of the dissemination process - the risk of introduction cancer cell in any organ, it is difficult to assess the stage of the disease even with extensive research methods. Excision of lymph nodes and radiation does not guarantee that a lesion will not appear in the bones or liver after a few months. Oppression of one's own cellular immunity increases the complexity of therapy.

The main question after a diagnosis of lymphatic system cancer is how long such patients live. Oncology of the lymphatic system does not like prognosis. Even the luminaries of oncohematology cannot answer this question. It happens that when several organs are affected, long-term remission occurs after chemotherapy. But even with all the signs of early detection of the process, successful removal of lymph nodes, against the background of general well-being, sharp deterioration paintings.

Oncological diseases associated with lymph damage are a very common and dangerous group pathologies. Every year they affect a large percentage of the population, both children and adults. Therefore, studying this type of problem is a necessity in the modern world.

Morbidity statistics

The statistics can be divided into two main groups, depending on the clinical distribution of lymphatic diseases.

The first group is Hodgkin's lymphoma (a type of lymph cancer). Geographically, the disease is more common in Europeans; Asians suffer much less. The share of pathology in the structure of oncological diseases is less than 1%, 2/3 of patients are male. People aged 20-35 and after 60 years of age are more likely to get sick. The frequency of familial cases of the disease exceeds sporadic incidence by 3-5 times.

The second group is non-Hodgkin lymphoma. Low-quality processes (cancer of lymphoid tissue and lymph) have a 4-5% share among all oncological diseases. They occupy the 6th position in the structure of mortality from cancer pathology. The incidence among women is 10 cases per 100,000, among men - 15 per 100,000 cases.

Causes of cancer of lymph and lymphoid tissue

The exact causes of lymph cancer pathology have not yet been established. However, contributing factors have been identified:

  • Age factor - lymphomas occur after the age of 60 in most cases, however, in childhood a more malignant course is noted;
  • Viral factors – it is noted that lymph cancers are often associated with viral agents (Epstein-Barr virus, HIV);
  • Medication factor - it has been confirmed that drugs that reduce immunity (chemotherapeutic, steroids, etc.) increase the risk of cancer of lymphoid tissue;
  • Diseases with an autoimmune component (rheumatism, SLE, etc.) contribute to lymphomas;
  • The influence of carcinogens in production (paint and varnish, fertilizer products, solvents).

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Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma: clinical picture, symptoms, signs of the disease

NL – cancer, a lymphoid tumor with a low-quality course, is a type of cancer of lymphoid tissue. A feature of this group of diseases is their primary occurrence in any organ where lymphoid tissue is present, which is why options are possible clinical course, depending on the affected system.

NL is a large group of diseases, with its own characteristics of the course in adults and children, and, accordingly, having a different prognosis.

Symptoms of NL:

  • Significant, noticeable enlargement of lymph nodes of any location (reminiscent of a subcutaneous tumor); the skin over them, as a rule, does not change. There is no pain on palpation;
  • Signs of compression of adjacent structures, with enlarged nodes in the cavities (abdominal, mediastinum) and in the retroperitoneal space. Symptoms of compression: cough, heaviness or pain, constipation (with compression of the intestines), swelling of the limbs and scrotum (with compression of the veins);
  • Violation of the organ, depending on its damage: disturbance of urination, defecation, liver failure, damage to the meninges, pain in the mammary glands;
  • Intoxication and asthenia (signs of cancer): reduced weight, exhaustion, fever, weakness, fatigue;
  • Signs of secondary spread to bones and liver.

NL forecast

The main question that requires an answer is: “How long do patients with this diagnosis live?” Forecasting issues are always complex, so let’s turn to statistics:

  • Since in last years Treatment has been significantly improved, the five-year survival rate has reached 60-65%;
  • Factors that worsen the prognosis are: age, the last stages of the process, damage to several systems;
  • In case of relapse, survival over the next few years is less than 10%.

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Hodgkin's lymphoma: stages, clinical picture, symptoms

CL is a tumor that initially arises in a lymph node, with subsequent spread throughout organs and systems. The staging depends on how many lymph nodes and organs are involved in the process.

Stages of HL:

  • Stage 1 – the tumor is anatomically located in one node or group of nodes in one region;
  • Stage 2 – the tumor spreads to several nodes of different anatomical groups, but is located above the diaphragm;
  • Stage 3 – the tumor is on both sides of the diaphragm;
  • Stage 4 – cancer has spread beyond the lymph nodes to the bones and brain.

Symptoms of the disease:

  • Local enlargement of lymph nodes (in 70% supraclavicular, cervical), without pain in them, however, pain may occur after drinking alcoholic beverages;
  • Compression syndrome of adjacent structures: cough, pain, cardiac dysfunction, impaired swallowing:
  • Enlargement of the spleen and liver, disruption of their function;
  • Increased body temperature, increased sweating, especially at night;
  • Severe itching;
  • General symptoms: weakness, exhaustion, decreased appetite;
  • In the last stages there is bone pain.

Disease prognosis

Of course, the prognosis for a patient’s life is influenced by such factors as correctly selected treatment and the stage of the process. Fortunately, HL is a disease that can be cured. Thanks to modern methods, the five-year survival rate at stages 1-2 is more than 90-95%, at stages 3 - about 82-83%, stages 4 - less than 65% of cases.

Diagnostic program:

  • General clinical tests - in general analysis blood anemia, decreased lymphocytes, increased leukocytes, accelerated erythrocyte sedimentation;
  • Biochemical study - increase in LDH, alkaline phosphatase, creatinine and other nonspecific markers;
  • Ultrasonography;
  • X-ray examination shows changed nodes only if they are significantly enlarged;
  • CT and MRI are more reliable diagnostic methods that make it possible to clarify “how many and what groups of nodes are enlarged?” Based on their results, the stage of the process is determined. Using these methods, it is possible to evaluate the treatment provided;
  • A reliable diagnostic method is to take a sample of the affected tissue or lymph node. The material used for research is Bone marrow, a whole lymph node or part of it, a piece of other organs. A biopsy allows you to accurately determine the type of disease. What determines proper treatment?


Treatment oncological pathology lymphoid tissue completely depends on its stage, type pathological process and from concomitant pathology.

Goal: achieving stable and, if possible, lifelong remission. Remission is called complete absence clinical manifestations diseases, after therapy. Partial remission is a significant decrease in the activity of the process.

Main methods: medication, radiotherapy and surgery.


  • Use of highly active antitumor drugs;
  • Route of administration: intravenous, in courses;
  • The course consists of simultaneous administration several drugs at once;
  • Chemotherapy improves the effectiveness of other methods;
  • It is the main method of treating relapses of the disease;
  • Disadvantage - occurrence large quantity side effects.


  • Less used method;
  • Superficially located formations are more often exposed to irradiation;
  • The appointment does not take long courses (5 days a week, no more than a month);
  • Disadvantages: local and general adverse reactions.

Surgical treatment:

  • Goal: improving the patient’s quality of life;
  • Applicable in cases big size tumor formation, with severe compression neighboring organs and disruption of their function.

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