Botox complications. Consequences of Botox: how scary is it? What happens if Botox gets into the blood?

For many, maintaining youth with Botox injections has become commonplace. Young and mature men and women cannot imagine how they can walk around with wrinkles on their faces. By trying different drugs, increasing the dosage, and increasing the frequency of interventions, patients in beauty salons achieve a decrease in the effectiveness of botulinum toxins. Turning to inexperienced performers and performing injections yourself increases the risk of undesirable consequences. Let’s figure out how Botox for the face affects the body, what you can’t do after Botox, and whether it’s possible to minimize the negative consequences.

The principle of action of botulinum toxin

Smoothing of wrinkles after botulinum toxin injection occurs gradually. The drug, entering the muscle, affects the nerve endings, stopping the transmission of motor impulses to the brain. The broken connection with the “control center” affects the immobilization of the muscle affected by the toxin. Relaxed muscles limit facial expressions, which helps smooth the skin.

The result of Botox injections lasts 2–9 months, depending on the dosage of the substance used and the individual characteristics of the body. Gradually, the nerve endings are restored, muscle functioning is normalized. Facial expressions return natural mobility, wrinkles form again.

Temporary muscle paralysis is achieved due to the toxic effects of the administered substance. Botox preparations are considered poisons. The doses used in medicine and cosmetology do not allow the drugs to negatively affect the condition of the body as a whole. An exclusively local effect of the substance is observed.

The main amount of botulinum toxin is quickly eliminated from the body. The effect of the procedure is maintained by blocking the muscles, depending on the state of neuromuscular transmission. The substance disrupts the functioning of neurons. The functioning of the system is restored when new shoots appear nerve endings.

The effect of Botox develops up to 14 days and lasts up to 9 months. The period for saving the result is individual. Muscle mobility returns gradually. During the blockade period under the influence of botulinum toxin, muscle atrophy does not occur.

Note! Additional the positive side Temporary blocking of muscles causes a decrease in the expression of facial expressions. New wrinkles appear less actively after the results of the procedure are eliminated.

Harm of injections to the body

There are categories of people who are afraid to use Botox injections. Basing their fear on the toxicity of the substance, suspicious individuals refuse to intervene and try to intimidate others.

Botulinum toxin is indeed similar to what is produced by tetanus bacteria. The doses used by doctors are unable to cause botulism, which is dangerous for the body.

The amount of a substance leading to toxic damage is considered to be 900 units administered at a time. Maximum dose For a single procedure, doctors take 500 units for women, 600 units. - for men. The average one-time amount of botulinum toxin for 1 procedure rarely exceeds 300 units.

Botox preparations include a specially purified active ingredient. Various components act as additions that facilitate the action and stabilize the work. The composition of any drug is carefully selected, the effect of the substance is tested, and any deficiencies that are identified are corrected. Manufacturers of botulinum toxins are studying reviews from cosmetologists and patients. Drugs are improved from time to time. Most botulinum toxins have a low tendency to provoke allergies.

Resistance (the formation of antibodies to the active substance), leading to the body's immunity to the effects of Botox, occurs in rare cases. This requires regular administration of the drug in large doses (300–500 units) and frequent repetition of procedures (interval less than 2 months). Even if Botox does not work, you cannot immediately repeat the procedure. The possibility of addiction to botulinum toxin is not noted, but cosmetologists do not recommend gradually increasing the amount of the administered substance.

Adverse reactions when administering botulinum toxin are minimal if the condition of no contraindications is met, the doctor uses the correct administration technology, and the dosage is calculated correctly. To minimize unintended consequences It is important to have a detailed conversation with the cosmetologist before the procedure and strictly follow the doctor’s instructions.

Undesirable consequences

The results obtained from Botox injections are not always as expected. The discrepancy is due to the individual reactions of the body and the skill of the cosmetologist. Often injections affect:

  • headache;
  • swelling;
  • bruises;
  • soreness of injection sites.

This should be taken into account before going for the procedure. For those who are inclined to similar manifestations It is advisable to carry out preventive measures first and additionally consult a doctor. Some people may have a headache for 2-3 days after the intervention, and swelling may persist for up to a week.

On the part of cosmetologists, there are errors in the formulation of drugs and dosage calculations. Incorrect actions by the doctor result in asymmetry, changes in normal visualization of the face, and excessive tissue coverage by paralysis. Frequent manifestations are:

  • drooping, raising of eyebrows, lips, eyelids;
  • extensive ptosis;
  • complete violation of facial expressions (mask effect);
  • inability to blink normally, swallow, chew food, change in diction.

Meet undesirable consequences of varying severity. Often the phenomena are temporary and disappear after the result is fully established. Long-term complications are rare.

Attention! An unsuccessful result can be slightly corrected. Sometimes a cosmetologist suggests correction with additional botulinum toxin to compensate for the effect.

At long-term storage Undesirable manifestations, obvious severity of consequences, doctors suggest additional interventions:

  • massage effect;
  • physiotherapeutic treatment;
  • drug correction.

Actions help to quickly remove botulinum toxin from the body and restore neuromuscular transmission. You can reduce the effect of the substance at home using a warming effect. If the upper eyelids droop and hang over the eyes, then apraclonidine drops are used to lift them. Sometimes it is enough to remove the swelling. Drooping eyelids are a common problem during forehead correction and injections in the area between the eyebrows. Treatment is recommended only under the supervision of a physician.

Compliance with restrictions

The patient’s behavior has an important effect on the administration of the drug and the possibility of deviation from the planned result.

The cosmetologist must conduct a preliminary conversation, identify contraindications, talk about preparation for the procedure, and introduce the mandatory restrictions of the recovery period. Compliance with the doctor’s recommendations helps to obtain the expected effect.

When preparing for the procedure, take into account the need to refrain from the following actions:

  • drinking alcohol 1–7 days before injections;
  • taking certain medications (antibiotics, anticoagulants) 1–2 weeks in advance;
  • accelerating the movement of blood in the areas subject to the procedure (emotional, physical stress, massage, tilting the head down), within 24 hours.

You cannot inject botulinum toxin immediately after other cosmetic interventions (surgery, resurfacing, peeling). The doctor will tell you how long you should wait. A common cold is also a reason to postpone manipulation.

After injections, you must behave according to the instructions of the performer. Requirements adhere to:

  • refuse to lie down, sudden movements, prolonged bends forward, down;
  • restriction of sleeping on the stomach;
  • reduction in physical activity;
  • avoidance of excessive exposure to treated skin;
  • postponing warming procedures for 7–14 days.

The doctor additionally stipulates that it is impossible to take many medications. Avoid drinking alcohol-containing products for 2–7 days. It is advisable to quit smoking until the end of the day after the procedure. Resume usual activities preferably in consultation with a cosmetologist. It is acceptable to go to bed after 4–6 hours. Visiting the bathhouse or solarium is allowed after the results are fully established. It is advisable to return to sports no earlier than in a month. Once Botox begins to take effect, strict restrictions are recommended.

Skin care

After injections, it is permissible to immediately return to normal life. Patients go to work and do most of their usual activities. Appearance is able to fully correspond to the state typical in everyday life. Trying to additionally hide bruises and swelling while applying makeup is not recommended. It's better to give your skin a rest. Particles of cosmetics can get into puncture sites and cause inflammation.

It is recommended to limit skin care to gentle cleansing at the end of the day. Use mild detergents. During manipulation, limit friction and pressure on the skin. No additional care products are used. Even applying cream is not recommended. Strict ban on peeling, massage, steaming, tanning. Procedures can injure tissues and increase diffusion, leading to undesirable results.

There are no restrictions during the subsequent days of the recovery period. You can use your usual cosmetics. It is recommended to smear the skin carefully. Friction and pressure are limited until the maximum effect from the injections is obtained, so it is advisable to minimize the amount of decorative products and avoid long-lasting makeup. Some cosmetologists recommend using a cream with a Botox effect to enhance and consolidate the results of injections.

Minimizing unexpected results

More often than not, surprises happen in the wrong hands. You need to remember this when choosing a performer. Working with botulinum toxins requires a license for this type of activity. Only a doctor has the right to prescribe and administer injections.

It is clear why such a system operates: intervention requires knowledge. Many nurses are trying to engage in private cosmetology practice at home, performing Botox injections at an attractive price. This often leads to disastrous results.

Botox injections are best performed in a well-known clinic with a positive reputation. Medical institutions value the opinions of clients. The clinics employ proven cosmetologists with experience and license. Institutions acquire quality drugs from a narrow circle of sellers, which eliminates the possibility of counterfeiting the substance.

The patient is advised to be extra vigilant during the session to obtain a decent result. The doctor must open the seal on the new tube and prepare a solution of the substance in the presence of the client. This guarantees the freshness of the drug.

Advice. Additionally, you can request packaging for inspection. The container must not be damaged, the expiration date must correspond to the current time frame.

The decision regarding the intention to undergo Botox injections is made by the patient independently. When contacting a cosmetologist, the doctor compares the client’s wishes with individual capabilities. If there are contraindications to Botox, manipulations are excluded. To obtain decent results from the procedure, the doctor must apply maximum skills, and the patient must follow all the cosmetologist’s instructions.

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What does the use of Botox lead to?

How does the botulinum therapy procedure affect the patient’s body?

Botulinum toxin injections are already a common manipulation, but they are not as harmless as many people think. Do not forget that this is a toxic substance that paralyzes muscle function, thus preventing the appearance or strengthening of wrinkles. Sometimes its effect can have a negative impact on the injection site or even beyond it. However, clients of beauty salons are not always aware of the consequences of Botox injections.

Read in this article

Complications caused by doctors

Side effects from the administration of the drug arise due to incorrect actions of the cosmetologist, the client himself, and sometimes due to individual characteristics body.

Today, world leaders in the production of botulinum toxin-based products, such as Allergan and Ipsen, keep statistical records of the likelihood and degree of complexity of negative consequences in patients.

Where is Botox injected and how many units are needed?

As a result, no truly terrible complications have yet been identified that could threaten the life and health of clients. But, at the same time, even some problems after the procedure can darken the expectations from the transformation and the woman’s appearance for three to five months.

Most often, complications from Botox injections occur due to the fault of the doctor, so choosing a highly qualified specialist is very important. Less problematic side effects include the following:

  • swelling,
  • bruises,
  • redness,
  • bruises.

As a rule, they are caused by unprofessional actions of a doctor, are considered a temporary phenomenon and go away on their own within a few days.

In addition, errors occur in the administration of Botox and Dysport injections, which have more unpleasant and serious consequences. If the client does not comply with the proportions of the drug, the effect of the procedure may be weakly expressed, that is, the muscles continue to work. Otherwise, they are blocked too much, so that facial expressions are completely absent, and a so-called “mask” appears.

If the dose is incorrectly selected for a specific area, muscle relaxation may not occur., and the wrinkles remain in place, and their complete paralysis occurs, which leads to:

  • facial asymmetry;
  • drooping of the forehead and brow arches (a sad and tired grimace appears).

Erroneous actions on the part of the doctor when injecting Botox into an area not intended for these procedures manifest themselves in the following problems:

  • swelling in the upper part of the face;
  • difficulty articulating and speech impairment;
  • difficulties in eating and controlling the muscles of the mouth (if the drug was administered to eliminate nasolabial folds).

But don’t be scared and completely refuse Botox injections. All of the above complications occur no more often than 2 - 10% of all procedures. In addition, preparations based on this substance have been used in medicine and cosmetology for more than 60 years. And there were no life-threatening complications recorded.

Therefore, in order to avoid these troubles, you need to approach the choice of a specialist and clinic seriously and thoroughly. Botulinum toxin injections are not a cosmetic procedure, but a medical one. The doctor must have the appropriate education, certificates and permits to engage in this activity.

Patient errors

Sometimes the client himself is to blame for complications. A person may be inattentive and frivolous about recommendations for rehabilitation after the procedure. Such factors lead to the diffusion of Botox:

  • heating injection sites;
  • friction and massage;
  • parallel intake of alcoholic beverages;
  • taking various antibiotics (macrolytes), some others medicines(relaxing for the central and peripheral systems, aminoglycosides, tetracyclines, polymexines);
  • incorrect facial position.

It spreads beyond the treated muscles, causing asymmetry, ptosis, edema, and partial paralysis. In addition, in this case, the effect of the procedure lasts much less.

To reduce the risk of complications after Botox, it is important to be as frank as possible with your cosmetologist. At the preliminary consultation, the patient must inform about the medications he is currently taking, the day of his menstrual cycle, and allergies to various medications.

As a rule, doctors warn that Botox should not be taken immediately after the procedure. horizontal position, be active physical activity, rub, massage and generally touch the face and injection sites once again.

After Botox the injection site hurts

If after Botox injection the injection site hurts in the first 1-2 days after the procedure, then this is just a natural reaction of the body to external intervention. Pain at the injection site is present in those people whose skin is extremely sensitive.

The pain goes away on its own, but your doctor may recommend pain medication for short-term use– for example, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as Ibuprofen are suitable.

Forehead hurts after Botox

The forehead after Botox injections may hurt for several days, and if you are not additionally worried about increased body temperature, redness of the skin, or itching, then you do not need to see a doctor. Most likely, the muscles react to temporary paralysis with such unpleasant sensations.

The pain may be accompanied by a feeling of aching, heaviness in the bridge of the nose and “in the depths” of the skull. Discomfort can occur for 1-2 days or for 10 days - it all depends on the correctness of the manipulation, the amount of botulinum toxin administered, and the level of the immune system.

Headache after Botox

After Botox injections, there are often complaints of a persistent, dull headache.- cosmetologists consider this a normal phenomenon and explain it as follows:

  • The body's reaction to injections. Damage skin With high probability involvement in injury to nerve endings and walls blood vessels– a reason for the occurrence of local and not too intense headaches. They go away on their own within 3 days maximum.
  • Botox intolerance. This is recorded very rarely; more often, an inadequate reaction of the body occurs to the anesthetic cream that is used to treat the face before injections. The headache in this case is accompanied by fluctuations blood pressure(often it increases), general weakness. A physician's assistance is required because prescriptions regarding antihistamines and duration of therapy will need to be obtained.
  • Too much muscle tension. Occurs when a large dose of botulinum toxin is administered - the muscle fibers have to be strained more than usual. This leads to severe headaches that radiate to the eyes. The discomfort lasts for several days or weeks until the muscles get used to the new working conditions.

Mechanism of action of Botox

A headache after Botox may appear due to improper conduct of the rehabilitation period - for example, the patient used alcoholic drinks immediately after injections, or there were other disorders.

Bruises after Botox under the eyes

Bruising under the eyes after Botox is considered a side effect of injections, but its appearance can be prevented:

  • 5 days before the scheduled date of the procedure, you must stop taking any medications that thin the blood. These include Ibuprofen and Aspirin.
  • Bruising may occur when taking vitamin E, ginkgo biloba, or eating garlic. large quantities. These foods are excluded from the diet at least 10 days before Botox injection.
  • Immediately before the procedure, you should cool your face as much as possible. To do this, 10 minutes before the start of the manipulation, cold is applied to it - ice, compresses.
  • Immediately after the injection, you need to press your finger firmly in this place and press it onto the skin. But this method will “work” in preventing bruises only in the first 1-2 minutes after the injection; later this is unacceptable.

The resulting bruises under the eyes can last up to 3-5 days, after which they disappear on their own. You can speed up this process by applying creams and ointments containing badyagi to problem areas.

Eye twitching after Botox

If your eye twitches after Botox, the cause may be damage to the nerve ending. A similar thing happens with experienced doctors, because the manipulation is performed blindly. The victim needs to contact a neurologist or ophthalmologist with the problem, who will prescribe therapy - taking vitamins, potassium and magnesium in combination.

Often, eyelid twitching disappears after 2-3 days of the recovery period, but if it persists for 5 or more days, then medical attention will be needed.

Consequences of Botox injections between the eyebrows

Botox injections in the area between the eyebrows are considered the most popular in aesthetic cosmetology, but their consequences can be unpleasant and serious:

  • violation of facial asymmetry;
  • drooping low-set eyebrows;
  • sharp rise of the “tail” of the eyebrow.

If the patient has previously had her eyebrows tattooed, then after injections in the indicated area, you can see a discrepancy between the normal location of the eyebrows and their drawn counterparts.

If you hit a nerve with Botox injections

If you hit a nerve with Botox injections, the consequences may be as follows:

  • the eye begins to twitch, namely the upper or lower eyelid - it depends on which nerve the doctor hit;
  • the face becomes distorted.

The problem can be solved by visiting a neurologist, who will determine the degree of nerve damage and prescribe adequate therapy to restore health.

If the procedure was performed correctly, then this is simply impossible - the doctor must perfectly know the human anatomy and understand where the nerves pass. Injections can only affect those nerves that are located close to the dermis - facial, trigeminal. The visual one is located very deep, so it is not damaged.

Swelling of the bridge of the nose after Botox

Swelling of the bridge of the nose after Botox is a guaranteed side effect if the drug is injected between the eyebrows or forehead. It is considered normal if it persists for 3 days and then gradually fades away. You can speed up the process of getting rid of swelling in the bridge of the nose by the following steps:

  • drink a lot of liquid, such as a decoction of rose hips or hawthorn;
  • take Furosemide - 1 tablet 2 times a day for three days;
  • apply warm compresses to problem area– they are made using a decoction of chamomile flowers.

Bumps after Botox injections

The resulting lump after Botox injections disappears literally in a few minutes, it persists for a maximum of 24 hours. The reasons are as follows:

  • incorrectly chosen injection depth - Botox is injected superficially or too deeply;
  • the dose for one injection is too low;
  • the drug is of low quality.

Doctors often deliberately use a low dosage of Botox for injection because they cannot predict the patient’s body’s reaction to the drug.

If the formation of a lump is associated with a low-quality drug, then the formation will not disappear on its own - you will need to either wait for the Botox to expire (6-7 months), or conduct a course of drug therapy with succinic acid.

It is strictly forbidden to perform massage or any other procedures on your own to eliminate the side effect in question. This can cause uneven distribution of the drug and the appearance of drooping parts of the face.

My forehead itches after Botox

If your forehead itches after Botox, this is an allergic reaction to the injection. It's about about damage to the skin and wound healing - itching can persist for 1-2 days, after which it disappears without the use of medications.

Itching with burning, small rashes, redness of the skin on the forehead is a sign of general allergic reaction on the drug or inflammatory process. Only a doctor can solve such problems, because you will need to undergo a course of drug therapy.

Eyebrow asymmetry after Botox

Eyebrow asymmetry after Botox can occur due to the wrong dose of botulinum toxin, incorrect choice of injection site, or use of a low-quality drug. The problem is solved using special eye drops or additional injections with the same drug that was used the first time. These injections are given in the area upper eyelid, which ensures full opening of the eye and alignment of the eyebrow in relation to the other.

The development of such a side effect can be avoided by strictly following the rules of the recovery period, if it is not related to the quality of the drug and the experience of the cosmetologist.

Dent after Botox

The formation of a dent after Botox is the result of an unsuccessful procedure. The reasons for this effect may be:

  • incorrectly chosen injection site - Botox paralyzes one muscle, and the one next to it simply relaxes as much as possible;
  • introduction too large quantity drug;
  • violation of the rules of the rehabilitation period - sleeping face down on a pillow, massage, exposure of the body to high air temperatures.

Often, a dent becomes the result of increased work of facial muscles, which were practically not involved before the injections. After an injection, it is difficult for a person to frown, smile, or wince due to paralysis of the main motor muscles. Other, less active fibers begin to be activated, and when they reach the desired tone, indentations may form.

Nausea after Botox

Nausea, headache, weakness and fever are side effects after Botox injections, which are considered normal and are recorded in 10% of all procedures. In this way, the body reacts to the introduction of a toxin into it, but within a maximum of 48 hours the patient’s well-being is restored.

If nausea is very bothersome, then you can give up your usual diet and drinks these days, giving preference to natural ones. fermented milk products(sour cream, yoghurt, kefir, cottage cheese) and clean water with the addition of lemon juice.

Reaction to Botox

In most cases, the body’s response to Botox is assessed as adequate, but in some cases the following may occur:

  • Swelling of the tongue, throat, small red rashes on the face, breathing problems - this is an allergy. Needs to be taken immediately antihistamine(anti-allergic Tavegil, Suprastin, Zodak and the like) and call an ambulance - cases of rapid development of anaphylactic shock due to botulinum toxin were recorded.
  • Symptoms identical to the flu - fever, aches and weakness, pain when touching the injection site. They are considered normal, safe side effects that disappear on their own 2-3 days after the manipulation.
  • Signs of exacerbation of infectious diseases occurring in chronic form. An “outbreak” of herpes is especially common, and if such an illness has a history of pimples and ulcers at the injection sites after Botox, then you should immediately seek qualified medical help.

Watch this video about the effects of Botox:

Side effects after injections into the forehead and eyes

Especially negative complications occur with Botox injections in the upper part of the face. If in some cases the asymmetry and “mask” are not so noticeable, side effects in the eye and forehead area can cause serious problems and difficulties in daily activities. Aesthetic complications are as follows:

  • Drooping upper eyelid or ptosis. If the dose of the drug has been exceeded in this area, the muscles will be so relaxed that the eye will not be able to open. This side effect occurs in no more than 1% of cases. The degree of severity depends on how inaccurately the drug was administered, as well as how developed the muscles of the left and right half of the face are.

Drooping of the upper eyelid, which leads to facial asymmetry
  • Double image in the eyes. It happens that Botox penetrates deeper than into the muscles and paralyzes the oculomotor muscles. The image is not synchronized. But such an effect happens extremely rarely. He's called too large dose or proximity to the border of the orbit of the eye.
  • Lowering of the eyebrow arches. An excessive amount of Botox causes a strong relaxation of the forehead muscles, so that it seems to “creep” over the eyes.

For information about complications after Botox injections and ways to solve them, watch this video:

Treatment of possible complications

However, all of the above side effects are temporary, since the effect of botulinum toxin is limited. As a rule, injections are repeated after six months. Accordingly, all complications disappear after 4 - 6 months, when the effect weakens.

If bruises or hemorrhages appear, there is no special treatment, but in order to prevent their occurrence, a couple of weeks before botulinum therapy you should take a course of drugs that strengthen the walls of blood vessels.

Sometimes, even with the professional actions of a doctor, botulinum toxin can enter the body and cause such troubles as:

  • minor headaches or dizziness;
  • symptoms like flu or ARVI;
  • temperature increase;
  • nausea;
  • general lethargy and weakness;
  • gastrointestinal disorder.

As a rule, all these phenomena go away on their own, but especially unpleasant sensations you need to consult a doctor immediately.

Often during the first seven days, various viral and bacterial infections, such as herpes, can worsen. IN in this case It is worth informing the cosmetologist who performed the procedure about this and undergoing conventional therapy, that is, treating the affected area with special means.

There are also cases when, with subsequent Botox injections, the body does not respond and muscle relaxation does not occur. The fact is that immunity against this toxin can be developed. Then you need to look for other ways to combat wrinkles. Increasing the dose can provoke general intoxication of the body.

Side effects such as swelling, squinting, drooping eyelids and corners of the mouth can be treated through a number of procedures. Namely:

  • massage of problem areas;
  • taking diuretics;
  • hardware;
  • injections of succinic acid;
  • hot compresses and masks.

All of them are aimed at neutralizing and reducing the effect of Botox.

In case of a severe allergic reaction (itching, redness, difficulty breathing), you should immediately take an antihistamine and call an ambulance. In rare cases, anaphylactic shock may occur.

When will swelling go away after Botox?

If swelling after Botox is a natural reaction of the body to the drug, then it will last only the first 24 hours, and on the second day it will become less pronounced and will completely disappear by the end of 3 days. The problem should start to bother you if:

  • swelling does not become less intense on the 4th and subsequent days;
  • swelling appears a week after the procedure;
  • In addition, drooping of the eyelids (ptosis) is observed, and there are complaints of pain at the injection sites.

Watch this video on how to get rid of swelling after Botox:

Botox antidote

The only direct antidote for Botox is dimethylethanolamine (DMAE). This substance has the opposite effect and ensures increased production of acetylcholine in muscle fibers, due to which the latter begin to actively contract.

Dimethylethanolamine is often included in meso-cocktails, which are injected directly into the muscles and tone them. If patients underwent a rejuvenation procedure with DMAE 6-8 months before Botox injections, then the result of the new manipulation may be completely absent or unpredictable.

Dimethylethanolamine (DMAE)

Apraclonidine after Botox

Apraclonidine is an eye drop used to combat side effects after Botox injections. We are talking about drooping of the eyelid, which is often observed when performing injections in the eye and forehead area. The reason for this effect is most often the incorrect manipulation - the doctor incorrectly calculated the dosage, injected the drug too deeply, and the nerve endings were damaged during the injection.

The drops are used twice daily; in addition, the doctor prescribes physical therapy and meso-cocktails with a Botox antidote. Such A complex approach allows you to raise the drooping eyelid by at least 2 mm.

How to neutralize Botox

Botox cannot be removed from the body, pumped out or dissolved, but it is quite possible to neutralize its effect with medication using dimethylethanolamine (DMAE) or using “forbidden” methods after the procedure: visiting a bathhouse, sauna, actively playing sports, performing daily facial massage.

If changes appearance cardinal (drooping of the eyelid, displacement of part of the face down or to the side), then you should consult a doctor - he will select drug therapy that will short term will restore a person's appearance.

How to fix failed Botox

Failed Botox can only be corrected by... clinical settings– doctors will inject an antidote that promotes the rapid removal of botulinum toxin from the body. But most often, after an unsuccessful procedure, patients just have to wait - the effect of the drug lasts for up to 6 months.

  • relaxes muscle fibers;
  • restores the ability of muscles to contract.
  • How does it feel after Botox?

    Immediately after Botox injection, patients describe their sensations almost identically:

    • there is a feeling of stiffness in the face - as if it were very cold;
    • it is problematic to perform the simplest movement with facial muscles - smile, frown;
    • there is a feeling of “bloating” of the face.

    These sensations do not pose a threat to health or appearance; they disappear as the body gets used to the new working conditions - the muscles become more mobile, the tension in the skin subsides.

    What happens if Botox gets into the blood?

    If Botox gets into the blood, then nothing terrible or critical will happen. Yes, the drug contains a toxin, a poison, but to kill a person it must be injected directly into the bloodstream (into a vein) in the amount of several hundred vials at once. This amount of Botox is not stored in any clinic, and the drug is not administered intravenously under any circumstances.

    When hit minimum quantity Botox into the blood, the maximum that can happen is the formation of a bruise, which is associated only with damage to the vessel wall.

    Complications caused by Botox injections are temporary and do not cause serious harm to health. Many side effects disappear in the first days, and more pronounced ones disappear when the effect of the toxin ceases. But all of them can significantly affect your appearance immediately after the procedure and for almost six months. To avoid such troubles, it is important to carefully choose a specialist and follow all rehabilitation rules.

    Like anyone else medicinal product, Botox has its contraindications and consequences. But, nevertheless, Botox injections are a familiar and common procedure that is performed both for cosmetic and therapeutic purpose enough time already.

    It is a fact that there are negative consequences of Botox, but this does not mean that every patient will sooner or later encounter such a problem.

    It should also be noted that in most cases, the introduction of cosmetic and therapeutic doses of botulinum toxin is absolutely well tolerated by patients (later in the article we will provide statistics on complications after injections for cosmetic purposes. Note that the statistics on side effects when using Botox in medicine are completely different). Only in isolated cases do side effects occur that go away on their own within 1-2 days after the procedure (swelling, redness, flu-like syndrome, headache, etc.) and do not require medical intervention.

    But along with such trivial problems, there are also more serious consequences (facial asymmetry, drooping of the upper eyelid). They directly depend on the competence of the doctor and the implementation of all the specialist’s recommendations after the manipulations.

    Such complications, fortunately, are more likely to cause inconvenience; they are not dangerous to life and health. After the end of the drug’s effect in the body (3-5 months), all undesirable effects go away on their own.

    Tamed Toxin

    IN medical practice Botox was introduced as a medicine to treat blepharospasm ( painful spasm century). Doctors noted that the skin around the injection of the drug smoothed out and got rid of wrinkles. It was then that this “side effect” began to be used in cosmetology to smooth out facial wrinkles.

    The basis of the drug is botulinum toxin type A, which is obtained from the bacteria Clostridium botulinum. In nature, these microorganisms live in anaerobic (without oxygen) conditions, for example, in food cans, and if they enter the body they cause serious and dangerous illness. infection– botulism.

    Bacteria produce botulinum toxin, which is considered one of the most potent toxins. This substance disrupts neuromuscular conduction, causing paralysis of smooth and skeletal muscles. This action leads to paralysis different groups muscles, including respiratory muscles, which can cause death in a patient with botulism.

    Botulinum toxin, which is part of Botox, differs from natural one - it is processed in a special way, making the substance significantly less active. In addition, the dose of the drug is hundreds of times lower than the amount produced during the disease.

    In medicine, Botox is used to treat diseases, most of which are accompanied by muscle spasms:

    • tonic blepharospasm;
    • spasm of facial muscles;
    • torticollis;
    • spastic urinary incontinence;
    • chronic migraine;
    • increased sweating of the armpits.

    In cosmetology, botulinum toxin is used to smooth out facial wrinkles. The injection of the drug into certain points on the face causes local paralysis of the facial muscles, due to which wrinkles disappear for 3-5 months.

    What could go wrong?

    Botox has been used in medicine and cosmetology for just over 30 years. During this time, the drug was tested more than once in various laboratory and clinical studies. During such a detailed study, no complications were identified that could harm the health or life of the patient.

    Many people are afraid that once injected, botulinum toxin can cause botulism. This is a big misconception. In order for the drug to lead to paralysis of swallowing or respiratory muscles it is necessary to exceed the therapeutic dose hundreds of times, which is casuistry.

    There are 3 groups side effects Botox injections:

    1. The doctor's fault.
    2. Patient's fault.
    3. Wine of the drug.

    Specialist mistakes

    Most often, harm from Botox develops when it is administered incorrectly, which completely depends on the specialist and his competence.

    When working with Botox, a specialist must be aware of such a phenomenon as diffusion (migration of a substance from the injection site to neighboring tissues). For example, when working in the area outer corner eyes, an inexperienced cosmetologist may not be aware of diffusion and introduce more botulinum toxin than necessary.

    This may cause the drug to spread to upper eyelid, which leads to ptosis (drooping). It's pretty common mistake for the doctor and the consequences of a Botox injection. But with skillful handling of the drug, diffusion in some cases becomes a plus rather than a minus.

    Three main medical errors:

    • non-compliance with the proportions when diluting the drug - insufficient effect or, conversely, excessive blocking of facial muscles, which leads to a “mask effect”;
    • incorrect selection of the dose of the drug for a specific area - with an overdose, the tissues may sag and sag;
    • The harm of Botox often manifests itself when the drug is injected into an area that is not intended for this.

    Doctor's incompetence can lead to the following consequences:

    • swelling around the eyes, which may be present for 2-3 months;
    • facial asymmetry;
    • dry eyes, impaired blinking;
    • ptosis of the upper eyelid;
    • articulation disorder;
    • Difficulty eating after botulinum toxin has been injected into the area around the mouth.

    Fortunately, all these complications disappear after the medication wears off (3-5 months). They only deliver cosmetic and psychological discomfort to the patient. If the mucous membrane of the eye is dry, it is recommended to use artificial tears to prevent keratitis. In addition, there are methods of administering drugs that neutralize the effect of Botox.

    The patient is to blame

    Often to those described above side effects may result from the patient’s failure to comply with the doctor’s recommendations for the early rehabilitation period.

    Firstly, before administering a dose of the drug, you must inform the specialist about all the medications you are taking, cosmetic and other procedures that you regularly attend, the diseases you suffer from, the presence of allergic reactions, etc.

    Main prohibitions after Botox injection:

    • You can’t tilt your head for a long time (wash the floor, get a massage, sleep face down, etc.);
    • do not drink alcohol;
    • exclude all thermal and stimulating procedures in the coming days;
    • do not take medications such as aminoglycoside antibiotics, lincosamides, polymyxins, quinidines, magnesium sulfate and anticholinesterase drugs;
    • Do not actively rub your face for 24 hours to prevent the drug from spreading to adjacent tissues.

    Wine of botulinum toxin injection

    Often the harm of Botox injections is limited to the consequences of the injection procedure itself. Swelling, inflammation, bruising, and pain may appear at the injection site. All these are consequences of violating the integrity of the skin. As a rule, such symptoms are mild and go away on their own within a few days.

    Also, the harm of Botox can manifest itself in the form of an allergic reaction (itching, redness of the injection site, skin irritation, difficulty breathing, extensive swelling of the face, tongue, lips). With such symptoms, you should immediately seek medical help, as there is a risk of developing anaphylactic shock.

    in the photo - the most common case of complications in the form of drooping eyelid (asymmetry is visible)

    Within a week after botulinum toxin administration, the following symptoms may occur: nonspecific symptoms, such as flu-like phenomena, headache, disturbance of general health. All these conditions do not require correction and go away on their own.

    When are injections contraindicated?

    There are contraindications for Botox:

    • inflammation at the injection site;
    • infectious disease;
    • elevated temperature;
    • hypersensitivity to botulinum toxin;
    • dermatological diseases;
    • pregnancy;
    • myasthenia gravis;
    • course of antibiotic therapy;
    • childhood;
    • glaucoma.

    The question of why Botox is harmful is asked by many people and medical specialists. A conspiracy theory has become widespread among Western doctors, which suggests that the experience of using Botox is still very small, and it is too early to draw conclusions about its harmlessness, because it is unknown how such injections will affect the distant future, for example, whether the drug negatively affects the human genome .

    However, in clinical practice New drugs are being introduced every day, the consequences of which are also unknown. What can I say? Wait and see.

    Botox - a fresh description of the drug, you can read the pharmacological action, side effects, dosage of the drug Botox. Useful reviews about Botox -

    Muscle relaxant.
    Drug: BOTOX®
    Active substance of the drug: botulinum A toxin
    ATX code: M03AX01
    KFG: Muscle relaxant. Acetylcholine release inhibitor
    Registration number: P No. 11936/01
    Registration date: 05/31/07
    Owner reg. credential: ALLERGAN PHARMACEUTICALS IRELAND (Ireland)

    Lyophilisate for preparing a solution for intramuscular administration
    1 fl.
    botulinum toxin type A complex - hemagglutinin
    100 units

    Excipients: human plasma albumin 500 mcg, sodium chloride 900 mcg.

    bottles (1) - cardboard packs.

    The description of the drug is based on the officially approved instructions for use.

    Pharmacological action of Botox

    Muscle relaxant. The botulinum toxin type A molecule consists of a heavy (with a molecular weight of 100,000 daltons) and a light (with a molecular weight of 50,000 daltons) chains linked by a disulfide bridge. The heavy chain has a high binding affinity for specific receptors located on the surface of target neurons. The light chain has Zn2+-dependent protease activity, specific to the cytoplasmic regions of the synaptosomal-associated protein, which has molecular weight 25,000 daltons (SNAP-25) and involved in exocytosis processes. The first stage of action of botulinum toxin type A is the specific binding of the molecule to the presynaptic membrane; this process takes 30 minutes. The second stage is the penetration of the bound toxin into the cytosol of the nerve through endocytosis. Intracellularly, the light chain acts as a Zn2+-dependent cytosolic protease, selectively cleaving SNAP-25, which in the third step leads to blockade of acetylcholine release from the presynaptic terminals of cholinergic neurons. The end effect of this process is persistent chemodenervation.

    With intramuscular administration of Botox, 2 effects develop: direct inhibition of extrafusal muscle fibers through inhibition of alpha motor neurons at the level of the neuromuscular synapse and inhibition of muscle spindle activity through inhibition of the gamma motor neuron cholinergic synapse at the intrafusal fiber. A decrease in gamma activity leads to relaxation of intrafusal muscle spindle fibers and reduces the activity of 1a afferents. This leads to a decrease in the activity of muscle stretch receptors, as well as the efferent activity of alpha and gamma motor neurons. Clinically, this is manifested by a pronounced relaxation of the injected muscles and a significant reduction in pain in them. Along with the process of denervation, a process of reinnervation occurs in these muscles through the appearance of lateral processes of nerve endings, which leads to recovery muscle contractions 4-6 months after injection.

    When administered locally in therapeutic doses, Botox does not penetrate the BBB and does not cause significant system effects. There appears to be minimal presynaptic uptake and reverse axonal transport from the injection site.

    Antibodies to the botulinum toxin type A complex with hemagglutinin are formed in 1-5% of patients after repeated Botox injections. The formation of antibodies is facilitated by the administration of the drug in high doses (more than 250 units) and repeated injections in small doses at short intervals. If antibodies to botulinum toxin type A are formed, the effect of the subsequent reaction may be reduced.

    Pharmacokinetics of the drug.

    Data on the pharmacokinetics of Botox are not provided.

    Indications for use:

    For adults


    Hemifacial spasm;

    Paralytic strabismus;

    Cervical dystonia (spasmodic torticollis);

    Local muscle spasm;

    Smoothing of interbrow and superciliary wrinkles.

    For children over 2 years old

    Local muscle spasm in cerebral palsy.

    Dosage and method of administration of the drug.

    Botox doses and injection points are determined individually for each patient in accordance with the nature, severity and location of muscle hyperactivity. In some cases, EMG control is used to more accurately localize the injected muscles.

    When treating bilateral blepharospasm, Botox solution is injected superficially intramuscularly into the upper, lateral and lower parts of the orbicularis oculi muscle on both sides. Additional injection sites include the pretarsal portion of the orbicularis oculi muscle, the eyebrow area, and the frontal area. 2.5-5 units of the drug should be injected into each point. The average initial dose is 15-25 units per side. The effect of the drug occurs 2-7 days after the procedure and lasts for 3-6 months. For sustainable clinical effect it is necessary to administer the drug at the indicated dose every 3-6 months. When treating blepharospasm, the total dose over 12 weeks should not exceed 100 units.

    Patients with hemifacial spasm are treated in the same way as for unilateral blepharospasm.

    During treatment spastic torticollis the drug solution is injected into the most tense muscles of the neck in a total dose of 25-75 units at 2-3 points of each muscle. For rotatory torticollis, the drug is injected into the sternocleidomastoid muscle contralateral to rotation and into the splenius muscle ipsilateral to rotation. In cases accompanied by shoulder elevation, additional injection of the drug into the homolateral trapezius muscle and the levator scapulae muscle is required. If there is a backward tilt of the head, the drug must be injected into both splenius and both trapezius muscles. When the head is tilted forward, the drug is injected into both sternocleidomastoid muscles. Bilateral injections may increase the risk of neck muscle weakness.

    With subsequent administration, the dose of the drug can be adjusted to the optimal dose in accordance with the previous clinical effect and the observed side effects. The muscle relaxant effect after injection of the drug occurs after 7-14 days (possibly up to 21 days) and lasts for 3-6 months, after which the drug should be re-administered. Treatment for torticollis depends on clinical experience specialist In all cases complex shapes torticollis or in case of low injection effect, EMG of the neck muscles is required for more accurate localization of tense muscles.

    For cerebral palsy with spasticity and equinovarus deformity of the foot and idiopathic tiptoeing, the drug solution is injected into 2 points of each head calf muscle; for hemiplegia, the drug can be injected into the flexor muscles of the forearm; when crossing the thighs, you can additionally inject the drug into the adductor muscles of the thigh. The total dose for 1 procedure, amounting to 4-6 IU/kg of body weight (but not more than 300 IU per 1 procedure), is evenly distributed to all interested muscles. With severe spasticity, the total dose can be 10-12 IU/kg. Clinical improvement is observed after 7-14 days and may persist for up to 6-12 months. Repeated injections should be done when the clinical effect is reduced by half. Orthopedic correction, stretching, and physiotherapy help improve the clinical effect of the drug.

    In order to eliminate eyebrow wrinkles, the drug is usually injected into the m.corugator supercilii and m.procerus, which are involved in their formation. To determine the injection site, the patient is asked to frown; at this moment, the m.corrugator is well palpated, and the point of the most pronounced muscle activity should be 0.5 cm up from the upper medial edge of the eyebrow. Markings are made in the same way on the other side. The needle is inserted into the thickness of the abdomen, the direction of the needle is either at an angle of 45° from front to back, medially, or at an angle of 90°. The depth of needle insertion is 7-10 mm. If the needle rests on the periosteum, it must be pulled out 1 mm and then the drug must be injected. In a number of patients (most men and some women), the m.procerus in its medial part is very wide, forms a deep and long glabellar groove, which requires additional injection of 2.5-5 units into points located 5-7 mm above the primary points. The depth of needle insertion is 2-3 mm, the direction is vertically downward. The insertion point into the m.procerus is located in the center of the line connecting the medial edges of the eyebrows. From 2.5 to 7.5 units of the drug are injected into each marked point, depending on age and gender. The position of the needle is from front to back, the depth of needle insertion is 2-3 mm. Total the drug injected into this area, as a rule, does not exceed 25 units.

    The effect of the drug develops 2-7 days after the procedure and lasts 3-6 months. For a sustainable clinical effect, it is necessary to administer the drug in the indicated doses after 3-6 months.

    The maximum total dose of the drug should not exceed 250 units per procedure.

    Rules for the preparation and administration of solution for injection

    When diluting the drug, do not open the bottle by removing the stopper. Before diluting the contents of the bottle, the central part of the rubber stopper must be treated with alcohol. For puncture, use a sterile needle measuring 23-25 ​​G. To dilute the contents of the bottle, use 0.9% sodium chloride solution for injection in a volume of 2.0-4.0 ml. The solvent should be administered carefully, with light rotational movements of the bottle, mixing the powder with the solvent for one minute. The amount of solvent used should ensure the possibility of administering all recommended doses (in units) of the drug. Rough shaking and foam formation can lead to denaturation of the drug. If the solvent is not drawn into the vial under vacuum, the vial is destroyed. The resulting solution is a clear, colorless or slightly yellowish liquid without foreign inclusions; slight opalescence is possible.

    After dilution, the drug can be stored in the refrigerator at a temperature of 2° to 8°C for no more than 4 hours before use. The prepared injection solution is administered with an insulin syringe with a fixed needle with a diameter of 0.27-0.29 mm. The patient's position when injecting the drug into the muscles of the face and neck is sitting on a chair, the back of the head is fixed.

    Side effects of Botox:

    Local reactions: 2-5% of cases - microhematomas (up to 7 days), pain at the injection site (up to 1 day).

    Systemic reactions: minor general weakness within 1 week (occur when using the drug in doses exceeding the maximum permissible /more than 250 units/).

    Reactions associated with the spread of the drug to muscle groups located near the injection site: extremely rarely - ptosis of the eyelids, drooping of the eyebrow area, lateral areas of the eyebrows, impaired accommodation, asymmetry of the corners of the mouth, impaired articulation, numbness of the lips.

    As a rule, these side effects do not require complementary therapy and regress within 1 month after injection.

    Complications after injection are extremely rare and can occur when the needle injures nerves or blood vessels if the procedure is not performed properly. Complications in the form of anaphylaxis have not been described, however, when performing an injection, it is necessary to have means for emergency relief of anaphylactic reactions.

    Contraindications to the drug:

    Myasthenic and myasthenic-like syndromes (including Lambert-Eaton syndrome);

    Inflammatory process at the injection site;

    Acute phase of infectious diseases;

    High degree of myopia (according to the opinion of an ophthalmologist);

    Burdened allergy history(especially hypersensitivity to drugs containing proteins);

    Taking antibiotics from the group of aminoglycosides, macrolides, tetracyclines, polymyxins, which enhance the effect of the toxin (if more than 2 weeks have not passed after the course of therapy), as well as drugs that increase the intracellular concentration of calcium, benzodiazepines, anticoagulants and antiplatelet agents;

    Alcohol abuse;

    Severe gravitational ptosis of facial tissues;

    Severe hernias in the upper and lower eyelids;

    The period is less than 3 months after the transfer surgery on the face;


    Lactation (breastfeeding);

    Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

    Use during pregnancy and lactation.

    Botox is contraindicated for use during pregnancy and lactation.

    Special instructions for the use of Botox.

    Botox injections must be performed by a highly qualified doctor with special training and permission from the manufacturer. Injections can be performed on an outpatient basis in a treatment room.

    Botox is dispensed, stored and used exclusively in specialized medical institutions. The drug is stored in a separate closed, labeled box in the refrigerator.

    Immediately after the injections, the solution remaining in the vial or syringe should be inactivated with a sodium hypochlorite solution (containing 1% active chlorine). All auxiliary materials that have been in contact with the drug must be disposed of in accordance with the rules for the destruction of biological waste. Spilled drug solution should be wiped with an absorbent cloth soaked in a diluted sodium hypochlorite solution.

    All cases of increased reactogenicity or the development of post-injection complications must be reported to the State Research Institute for Standardization and Control of Medical Biological Preparations named after. L.A. Tarasevich (119002, Moscow, Sivtsev Vrazhek, 41) and to official distributor CJSC "Family Health"

    Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and operate machinery

    There was no effect of the drug on the ability to engage in potentially hazardous activities that require increased attention and speed of psychomotor reactions.

    Drug overdose:

    Symptoms: general weakness, paresis of injected muscles are possible.

    Treatment: constant monitoring of the dynamics of symptoms is necessary; prescription of anticholinesterase drugs, if necessary, resuscitation measures are carried out. The introduction of a specific antitoxin (anti-botulinum serum type A) in accordance with the instructions for use is effective within 30 minutes after the injection of botulinum toxin.

    Interaction of Botox with other drugs.

    The effect of Botox is enhanced by simultaneous use antibiotics of the aminoglycoside group, erythromycin, tetracycline, lincomycin, polymyxins, agents that reduce neuromuscular transmission (including curare-like muscle relaxants).

    Terms of sale in pharmacies.

    Botox is not available for free sale through the pharmacy chain and is released only to specialized medical institutions.

    Terms of storage conditions for the drug Botox.

    Botox (before dilution) should be stored and transported at temperatures from 2° to 8°C or -5°C and below in closed, sealed and labeled containers out of the reach of children. Shelf life - 2 years.

    If you have any difficulties or problems, you can contact a certified specialist who will definitely help!

    How Botox Therapy works

    Botulinum toxin A., the main component of the drug Botox, is, according to its characteristics, a nerve toxin. In case of a local hit muscle tissue it causes instant paralysis as a result of which the muscle relaxes for a long time. When the effect is completely manifested and when it affects vital important organs death may occur. And if Botox is administered topically - for example, in some areas of the face, then the drug is well tolerated: nothing hurts, and there are no pronounced clinical problems.

    The main area of ​​influence is the frontal part of the head, bags under the eyes, and peri-orbital areas. The drug paralyzes facial muscles, as a result of which they relax and stretch the skin, removing wrinkles on the face. Over the course of several months, Botulinum toxin is eliminated and the muscle returns to its original state, while normally nothing hurts. To a first approximation, the process of exposure to Botox injections does not have particularly noticeable side effects (in the absence gross mistakes doctor, or the patient himself), but the effect is stunning. Injections of the drug are carried out very easily, do not leave marks on the face, can be carried out on an outpatient basis and repeated many times, without requiring a preparatory period. The fact that Botox is dangerous and can exhibit certain negative effects, as well as the existing contraindications, is often kept silent.

    Contraindications to the use of Botox

    Why is Botox dangerous? When considering the consequences of Botox therapy, it is necessary to focus on the main contraindications. Very often, doctors are not very attentive to some official prohibitions on the use of Botox injections, which leads to the development of extremely negative side effects.

    It is especially worth noting the extreme undesirability of Botox injections for atony of the facial muscles . This condition affects most women over the age of 40-45, however, they often undergo cosmetic therapy with Botox. Muscles that are already physiologically very weak suffer doubly from the unnatural paralytic relaxation.

    In addition, Botox cannot be used in the following cases:

    • Infectious diseases;
    • Allergy, individual intolerance to Botulinum toxin A.;
    • Dermatitis and other dermatological diseases;
    • Immunological disorders.

    In many such situations, the facial skin and subcutaneous muscles are weakened by pathological phenomena, and the paralyzing effect of the drug can significantly aggravate the course of the disease. At weak immunity, or in case of allergies, Botox can give a strong local inflammatory reaction, which turns into persistent swelling. The swelling goes away over time, as do the bags under the eyes.

    Causes of the negative effects of Botox

    Over thirty years of practice, the drug Botulinum toxin has repeatedly been subjected to the most thorough clinical studies - health authorities tried to find out whether Botox is harmful.

    In the short term, doctors have not identified any general harmful effects from Botox injections, but have recorded numerous individual cases of complications, which confirms the need for further research.

    Botulinum toxin A. is used in microscopic doses; it definitely cannot lead to such terrible conditions as botulism, or indeed cause serious poisoning or an immediate reaction of the body (except in cases where a person is allergic to the drug Botox). However, a number of other unpleasant after-effects may occur - swelling under the eyes, redness of the facial skin, inflammatory reaction and many other problems.

    All the consequences of using Botox injections can be divided into three large groups, depending on what caused the development of side effects from Botox therapy. The causes of complications may be:

    • Incorrect actions of a cosmetologist;
    • Failure to comply with the rules by the patient;
    • The effect of Botulinum toxin itself in individual manifestations.

    Photos of a patient who has undergone Botox therapy, taken before and after, can differ dramatically - and very often, in a negative way.

    Iatrogenic effects of the drug

    Specialist mistakes when performing a Botox injection are one of the most common causes of development. negative effects. Basically, there are three main medical violations:

    • Injection of the drug into areas of the head that, in principle, respond inadequately to muscle relaxants, which often leads to asymmetric tightening of the face;
    • Failure to comply with strict dosage. With a smaller dose, the expected effect is not observed, and with a slight increase, a whole series of unpleasant symptoms are observed, the most famous of which is the “frozen mask”;
    • Ignoring the rules of muscle and subcutaneous diffusion, as a result of which the Botox drug can migrate into neighboring tissues, causing their prolapse. In addition, diffusion promotes local accumulation of Botulinum toxin in certain areas under the eyes, leading to local overdose or facial swelling.

    The commercial success of Botox has led to the appearance of many incompetent individuals on the service market who carry out Botox therapy with gross violations. The results of this procedure for the patient are:

    • Bags under the eyes, swelling of the facial part of the head;
    • Drooping of the upper eyelid;
    • Paralysis of the orbicularis oris muscles, which leads to difficulty eating;
    • Facial asymmetry, aesthetic disorders;
    • Dry eyes due to impaired blinking;
    • Distortion of facial expressions.

    Most of these effects disappear with the metabolic elimination of Botulinum toxin molecules, but the most persistent ones can remain for a long time.

    Violations by the patient

    Often, problems with Botox therapy are associated with the actions of the patient himself, namely, with violation of strict regulations, which must be observed during the rehabilitation period:

    • In the first hours after injections, it is better to keep your head straight and not take a horizontal position;
    • In the future, you should not lean forward for a long time;
    • During the day, do not rub your face, especially under the eyes, or in the injection area;
    • It is not recommended to drink alcohol;
    • Avoid any procedures associated with thermal stimulation and heating of the skin (massages, baths, sports events);
    • Do not take certain prescribed medications, such as strong antibiotics.

    If all the described rules are strictly followed, the possibility of any Botox complications is noticeably reduced. Some symptoms, for example, swelling, go away faster if you adhere to the established rules. Special creams will help remove bags under the eyes.

    Individual reaction to Botulinum toxin

    The main component of the drug Botox can have several negative consequences, which are directly related to the individual susceptibility to the toxin. Most often, all manifestations of this nature can be divided into two groups. The first includes the development of complicated inflammatory reactions that develop in the area of ​​drug administration, the second includes hypersensitivity reactions that can develop up to anaphylactic shock and severe edema.

    It is not possible to quickly remove the drug from the body, which aggravates the problem.

    To avoid such cases, it is necessary to do a test for sensitivity to Botulinum toxin, and not to carry out cosmetic therapy during periods of weakened immunity - for example, in case of acute infectious diseases.

    Long-term effects of Botox therapy

    However, most of the negative effects of Botox disappear relatively quickly without leaving noticeable traces. For example, inflammatory reactions go away within a week or two, as does swelling of the face; ptosis levels out within 2-3 months, asymmetry can also noticeably smooth out over the same period. Removing bags under the eyes is not a problem at all - just use proven cosmetics.