What is alcoholic coma and its consequences. Alcoholic coma and its consequences for humans

The fact that alcoholism is a disease, and a serious one at that, has long been beyond doubt. This disease is often much more difficult to treat than most other disorders, and complications that develop as a result of alcohol abuse often lead to death. One of these consequences is alcoholic coma. But what is most dangerous is that this condition can occur not only in chronic alcoholics, but also in people who drink from time to time, since the cause of coma is not in the “experience” of the disease, but in the amount of alcohol consumed.

What is alcoholic coma

Any portions of alcohol cause poisoning of the body. The larger the dose of intoxicating drink taken, the stronger the poisoning. Only at first it may seem as if alcohol has a positive effect: it relaxes, relieves stress, and causes drowsiness. But this is just the first stage of ethanol activity in the body. Soon, ethyl alcohol will show its true face and begin its destructive activity, disrupting vital processes, suppressing the functioning of most systems, including the respiratory and nervous.

Alcoholic coma is always a consequence of very severe ethanol poisoning. As a rule, the drinker falls into this state when the amount of alcohol in his blood is 3%. In some cases, it is enough to drink about 300-500 ml of strong alcohol in a limited time to achieve a coma. If the concentration of ethanol in the blood reaches 4% or more, it is said to be a lethal dose.

Any type of alcohol that gets into digestive tract, is absorbed quite quickly by the mucous membranes of the stomach and duodenum. About a fifth of what you drink is absorbed by the walls of the stomach, the rest is absorbed through the lining of the duodenum. If the process of alcohol absorption occurs very quickly and the body has to absorb large volumes of alcohol, ethanol simply does not have time to metabolize and accumulates to critical levels. The result of this is a comatose state.

Risk factors for developing coma

Many people overdo it with alcohol, but not everyone shows signs of coma. And all because certain factors contribute to the onset of coma. If they are combined at the same time, the risk of coma increases sharply.

One of the first factors is drinking alcohol on an empty stomach or without a snack. The second factor is the amount of alcohol consumed. Well, the third one important point– this is the strength of the drink. And here we need to do it important note. Some people think that they can bring themselves to comatose state Only strong alcohol is allowed. Vodka or cognac, although they contain more pure ethyl alcohol, but they are absorbed more slowly. But the body absorbs alcoholic drinks with a strength of up to 30% much faster. So sometimes it’s enough to have too much wine to fall into an alcoholic coma.

It is impossible to name the exact amount of alcohol that causes a coma. A dose that does not harm one person can easily put another into a coma. It's a matter of weight, age, health status of the drinker, and the rate of ethanol absorption. But no matter how much a person weighs, if the amount of alcohol in his blood reaches 0.3-0.7 ppm, a coma will begin to develop.

Stages of coma

The term “alcoholic coma” is commonly used to describe a condition in which a person, due to excessive drinking, lost consciousness and stopped responding to stimuli ( loud noise, pats on the face, Strong smell ammonia). But not everyone experiences alcoholic coma with the same symptoms. According to the severity of the condition, it is customary to distinguish three stages alcoholic coma.

First stage

This First stage development of coma. At this stage, the patient loses consciousness, but is still able to make some involuntary movements of the limbs. The same stage is accompanied by uncontrolled contractions of muscles, including smooth muscles of the stomach, which is the cause severe vomiting, as well as muscles Bladder, as a result of which it is possible involuntary urination. The face of a person in a coma of the first stage acquires a bright red color, sometimes with a bluish tint. The pupils of the eyes narrow, but still react (albeit weakly) to light. Breathing in the first stage of coma is rapid and hoarse (due to increased secretion of mucus and saliva). But blood pressure may remain normal or be slightly elevated, although it is accompanied by severe tachycardia. This stage can last from 6 to 8 hours, then the coma becomes more complicated.

Second stage

This is the stage complete relaxation sick. His blood pressure drops, his pulse becomes slow and weak, his pupils stop responding to light, and his breathing becomes shallow and slow. Uncontrolled bladder and bowel movements are possible. This stage of coma can last up to 12 hours.

Third stage

This is the stage of a deep alcoholic coma. People in this state tend to have very weak breathing, it becomes irregular, the rhythm of inhalation and exhalation is disrupted, and long pauses form between them. Due to lack of oxygen, the patient's face and limbs become noticeably bluish, and the body becomes covered with sticky sweat. Body temperature drops to 35 degrees. The pulse is difficult to palpate, the pressure drops to critical values. At this stage, blood circulation in the body is impaired, which in many cases can cause the rapid development of acute renal failure in an alcoholic. The patient's urine becomes dark, almost brown, and often contains blood. At this stage, the coma remains very high risk fatal outcome. In this condition, depending on the degree, the patient can remain for almost 24 hours or longer. The longer a third-degree coma lasts, the lower the patient’s chances of waking up and returning to life. normal life.

The drug "Alcobarrier"

One step before the onset of coma: how to recognize and prevent danger

During alcoholic libations, the patient does not immediately lose consciousness. The coma state is preceded by various alarming symptoms. For example, at first the drinker may feel dizzy, experience disorientation in space, and not always understand where he is in the world. currently. Shortly before the onset of an alcoholic coma, the drinker's face becomes very pale, his pupils become constricted, and convulsions may begin or involuntary twitching muscles.

Often the onset of coma is preceded by all the accompanying symptoms. At this stage there is still every chance to prevent a coma. All that is needed for this is to remove alcohol intoxication as quickly as possible. The best thing you can do in this condition is to rinse your stomach and drink a sorbent. It is good if the patient can fall asleep and sleep for at least a few hours. In the morning, he will most likely have to endure severe pain, accompanied by headache, diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, and heartburn. But it's much better than an alcoholic coma.

How to help a patient in a coma

If the patient has already reached a comatose state, then the most best help for him - immediately call ambulance. Only a qualified doctor understands what to do and how to help a patient in such a serious condition.

Usually, the first thing doctors ask when they come to see a patient in an alcoholic coma is how long this condition lasts. Typically, the first stage coma lasts up to 6 hours. After this time, two development scenarios are possible further developments. IN best case scenario the patient may feel better and come out of coma. In the worst case, the first stage will go into the second and then the resuscitation team must take care of the patient.

The main danger of a coma is asphyxia. Someone who has fallen into a coma may simply not survive until the ambulance arrives due to suffocation. He may choke on vomit or saliva, or choke himself from his own tongue sticking in. Therefore, before the ambulance arrives, the patient must be placed on his left side, while left hand pull forward and right leg bend at the knee. A person in a comatose state should not be left alone until the ambulance arrives; it is important to ensure that he does not lie on his back, especially in a cold room. It is very important to clear his mouth of vomit, check if his tongue is sunken, lay him down so that his head hangs slightly forward. If the patient has convulsions, you will have to restrain his body to prevent injury.

First health care in an alcoholic coma, it comes down to cleansing the body of ethanol residues. Therefore, in a medical facility, the patient must have his stomach washed and undergo intensive invasive therapy using glucose and sodium bicarbonate. The patient is also given diuretics (to prevent brain hypoxia), drugs that reduce the secretion of saliva and mucus in the lungs. The next group of drugs prescribed to such patients affects cardiovascular system, normalizes blood pressure. In addition, the patient is administered a mineral-vitamin complex necessary to restore central and peripheral nervous system.

Why is an alcoholic coma dangerous?

Coma that occurs after alcohol intoxication, can have a very serious consequences. If the patient is lucky enough to receive medical care on time, and doctors are able to bring the patient out of coma within 2-4 hours, he has a chance to restore the body. But even in the most favorable scenario, in the first time after emerging from a coma, the patient may be bothered by bruises and abrasions received during convulsions, and many experience temporary memory impairment. But compared to how a coma could end in a less optimistic development of events, bruises and temporary amnesia are nothing.

It is clear that in the worst case, an alcoholic coma can be fatal. And I must say, this happens quite often. But there are others severe consequences alcohol poisoning. For example, spicy renal failure. This happens if the patient lies in one position for a long time. When the weight of a recumbent body presses on skeletal muscles, the myoglobin contained in them begins to be destroyed and excreted by the kidneys. It is myoglobin that becomes the substance due to which kidney failure develops. For this reason, if the patient remains in a coma for a very long time, he must be turned over regularly so that the pressure on the skeletal muscles is even.

The second common consequence of coma is pneumonia caused by aspiration. Often patients in the first stage of alcoholic coma choke on vomit that contains gastric juice. When this substance enters the lungs, it destroys lung tissue. In addition, a patient who remains in a coma for a long time may develop muscle atrophy, hemorrhagic syndrome, hyperkalemia, trophic processes begin.

For quick and reliable relief from alcoholism, our readers recommend the drug "Alcobarrier". This natural remedy, which blocks cravings for alcohol, causing a persistent aversion to alcohol. In addition, the Alcobarrier launches recovery processes in organs that alcohol has begun to destroy. The product has no contraindications, the effectiveness and safety of the drug has been proven clinical studies at the Research Institute of Narcology.

Well, perhaps the most famous consequence of coma is the death of cells in the cerebral cortex. If such a patient is brought out of a prolonged alcoholic coma, there remains a high risk that he will suffer from dementia or mental disorders. A less comforting prognosis: the death of brain cells can result in the death of the patient without leaving an alcoholic coma, since no doctor guarantees that he can bring the patient out of this state.

Alcohol abuse is harmful to the body different consequences. Some of them can be eliminated by refusing bad habit, others can leave a heavy “imprint” for life. But there are times when another drinking session ends in death for an alcoholic. Alcoholic coma is not a condition to which patients go for years. It is developing rapidly. Even before the start of the feast, a person can feel quite satisfactory, but in just a few hours find himself in a coma.

An unconscious state in which a person does not respond to external stimuli, medically called coma. It is called various factors, including ethanol abuse. In this case we're talking about about alcoholic coma.

The body cannot cope with an alcohol overdose on its own. And if it is not provided timely assistance, then the consequences of such poisoning can be quite severe.


The main reason is the entry into the body large quantity ethyl alcohol in a short period of time. Drinking alcohol causes intoxication of the entire body. But it has a particularly strong effect on the brain and central nervous system.

It is quite difficult to indicate how much drinking leads to such consequences. It all depends on individual sensitivity. In addition, a combination of alcohol and medications, low-quality alcohol and surrogate can provoke such symptoms.

The general state of health is also important: the level of immunity, the condition of the liver, etc. For a young body, as well as in the case of individual intolerance to alcohol, it is enough low dose. However, it is believed that three grams of ethanol per liter of blood is enough to cause coma. If this value increases to 5 g, and timely assistance is not provided, then there is a high probability fatal outcome.

Main features

The main evidence of the onset of an alcoholic coma is disruption of the brain. There are a number common symptoms, pointing to severe poisoning alcohol:

  • disruption of the central nervous system, leading to a coma;
  • mechanical asphyxia associated with disruption of the respiratory center;
  • a fall blood pressure.

Symptoms of the disorder motor activity, coordination, reactions become noticeable to others long before the onset of an alcoholic coma. If low blood pressure is not particularly noticeable, especially drinking people, then attacks of suffocation and the inability to move, they cannot help but notice. Unfortunately, their brain, even noting these symptoms, does not send distress signals and does not call for help. common sense, urging people to stop and start taking action. How much time should pass between the first signals signaling the danger of an alcoholic coma depends on individual characteristics body.

Depending on the dynamics of this process, the severity of the coma and the types of assistance the patient needs may vary. There are three stages, characterized by the following symptoms:

Treatment Options

Assistance is divided into two stages:

  • prehospital;
  • hospital

First of all, it is necessary to induce vomiting to rid the body of the remaining alcohol. Further help depends on symptoms. If the victim can swallow, he should be provided with drinking plenty of fluids. To facilitate access of oxygen to the lungs, you need to ventilate the room and unfasten constricting clothing. Excessive vasodilation leads to hyperthermia, so you need to warm the patient by wrapping him in warm blankets, for example.

It should be remembered that only doctors can provide comprehensive and competent emergency and subsequent care for alcoholic coma. Complex therapy involves gastric lavage, medicinal recovery heart rate, prevention of dehydration, administration of vitamins, etc. In more severe cases urgent Care may include resuscitation measures. It is difficult to say how long the treatment will last. All the body’s capabilities are important here, including excretory, respiratory, vascular system, immunity, body resistance, biochemical background. Sometimes a person manages to crawl out of almost the other world (10%). Sometimes coma last stage lasts several months. In most cases, a person who manages to get out of this state becomes disabled.

Alcoholic coma is a condition that results from drinking a large amount of alcohol. In fact, this is severe alcohol poisoning, which can result in death. The syndrome is dangerous for humans not only due to the likelihood of death. The comatose state itself has a significant impact on the brain, leading to the development of serious problems (sleep disorders, mental disorders, urinary and fecal incontinence).

More often this syndrome occurs in alcoholics or people whose bodies do not perceive ethanol at all. Children are also at risk - accidentally drinking alcohol can kill a child.

Why does alcohol coma occur? What effect does ethanol have on health?

Ethanol has high water and fat solubility, so it easily penetrates through tissues and is quickly absorbed into the walls of the stomach and intestines. When the concentration of poison in the blood is approximately 3 g/l, a coma occurs, above 5 g/l - death. Due to severe poisoning, brain cells are disrupted metabolic processes, which leads to a decrease in pressure, increased heart rate, loss of consciousness, hypoxia and cerebral edema, followed by coma. As a result of heart failure and respiratory arrest, death can occur.

Most at risk of coma. The health of such a person is already quite spoiled, and the degradation of personality is in full swing. Since his body is already accustomed to ethanol and perceives poison as its component, he needs an increased dose to become intoxicated. An alcoholic may fail to calculate and drink much more - weakened organs will not be able to cope with the breakdown products of ethyl alcohol, and an alcoholic coma will occur.

It's important to know that this problem may also affect healthy person. Often harmful influence people are influenced by the surrounding society. As a result, a person who is completely immune to alcohol tries to drink like everyone else, which leads to serious problems health. Thus, emergency doctors sometimes have to observe the sad consequences of alcoholism among young people who, due to their inexperience, drink large doses of strong drinks on a dare, not realizing that resistance to ethanol is not a sign of strength and power.

In fact, the degree of a person’s susceptibility to alcohol and its effect on well-being depends on general condition health, immunity, kidney, liver, etc. Drinking strong alcohol on an empty stomach, as well as with stomach diseases, leads to more severe poisoning.

Three degrees of alcoholic coma

What are the symptoms of coma as a consequence of alcoholism? Why is the first degree the most dangerous?

The first degree of coma (superficial) is characterized by vomiting, rapid heartbeat, and loss of consciousness. The muscles become hypertonic, the skin turns blue or becomes crimson, cold sweat. The man’s hands are shaking, his legs are giving out. There is a speech disorder: the victim makes incomprehensible sounds. Similar condition a person can be calmly perceived by others: “he just had too much,” “he’ll sleep it off and get back on his feet.” But in fact, if such a person does not receive help in time, then mental disorders and other health problems await him.

Symptoms of the second degree - sharp decline pressure, slow breathing, rapid heartbeat. My legs and arms no longer shake - they completely give up. The pupils do not react to light. Urinary and fecal incontinence is typical - occurs involuntary defecation and urination. Urinary and fecal incontinence is a sign that a person has completely lost control over the body, and basic physiological functions they refuse.

Deep alcoholic coma. Symptoms: heart rate, body temperature and blood pressure drop to critical indicator, there are no reflexes, no reaction to pain or light, convulsions may be observed. The skin becomes bluish tint. Damage to the brain, heart and other organs is tantamount to a stroke - coma leads to irreversible health consequences.

Recovery from coma

If symptoms of the first stage are detected, you must immediately call an ambulance and provide first aid to the patient. Then, perhaps, damage to the brain, heart and other organs will not occur, and health disorders will be reversible. The victim will remember the lesson about the dangers of drunkenness for a long time.

First of all, you need to cleanse the body of alcohol that has not yet been absorbed - induce vomiting. Since the victim’s hands are shaking and his legs do not work, the procedure will have to be carried out on the spot on our own. After this you need to give him Activated carbon– 1 tablet for every 10 kilograms of body weight, wash down big amount water. You can prevent loss of consciousness with the help of ammonia. Firmly massaging the earlobes also helps.

If symptoms of a second or third degree coma are detected, you must wait for the doctors. It is impossible to overcome severe syndrome at home - it is required intensive therapy in the toxicology department. Doctors will lavage the patient’s stomach through a tube, establish ventilation of the lungs, and administer intravenous necessary medications to restore the functioning of blood vessels and the heart.

Consequences of coma and alcoholism in general

Recovery from a coma occurs gradually. At first, alcohol amnesia, impaired attention, and changes in behavior (aggression or, conversely, inhibition) are observed. Muscle pain may be felt. The consequences largely depend on how the body copes with the load. Brain damage can be so severe that it results in loss of long-term memory, loss of some important functions(movement, speech), atrophy and muscle degradation may occur. After a first-degree coma, recovery occurs faster, while after a third-degree coma, the brain damage is so severe that the prognosis is disappointing.

Alcoholism and its consequences are a problem that we often face in our country. However, knowing about the dangers to health, not many people completely give up alcohol.

We can talk about the dangers of drinking and analyze it for a very long time. Absolutely all body systems suffer changes and disorders from the influence of ethanol. Over time, the dependent person receives: fecal incontinence, brain and heart damage, stomach diseases, sleep disturbances, reproductive dysfunction (alcoholism and impotence are practically inseparable). With long-term use, liver cirrhosis cannot be avoided. There are a lot of serious diseases with the prefix “alcohol”: alcoholic dementia, alcoholic amnesia, alcoholic fetopathy, alcoholic neuropathy.


The term “alcohol depression” is common among doctors. He's not in international classification diseases, but similar problem It has character traits. Alcoholic depression is a human condition that occurs after heavy drinking or after giving up alcohol. In the first case, the syndrome goes away on its own, while alcoholic depression in those who stop drinking is very dangerous. But why? After all, a person begins new life, the consequences of alcoholism on his health are gradually disappearing. However, in their souls such people experience enormous depression, do not see the meaning of life, and neither their wife nor children make them happy. They are characterized by sharp changes mood (aggression is replaced by tearfulness), insomnia, thoughts of suicide.

Alcohol depression is a sign that a person has a serious psychological dependence. If you do not consult a specialist in time, alcoholic depression can lead to suicide or breakdown. Moreover, the breakdown can be so strong that it will cause a coma. In general, alcoholism and depression are two conditions that are closely related. That is, you can become depressed due to alcoholism (or after quitting) and become an alcoholic due to depression. In both cases, a person with psychological or mental disorders can easily miscalculate the dose.

Health problems

Health problems associated with alcoholism are very diverse. There are diseases that cause other diseases, creating chain reaction. Such stories have two endings: complete abstinence from alcohol and enhanced treatment or death. Without realizing, or not wanting to realize, the seriousness of the situation, addicts often choose death.

What alcohol addiction leads to:

  • Incontinence of feces and urine. In the final stages of addiction, intoxication comes with weakening or withdrawal. various functions body. Fecal and urinary incontinence occurs in an unconscious state, when an alcoholic drinks until he passes out.
  • Disorders of the musculoskeletal system, the legs do not obey even in a sober state, the addict feels constant pain, as the tissues are gradually destroyed.
  • Persistent stomach upsets. Most alcoholics quickly develop stomach ulcers, a disease that requires immediate treatment, since at any moment it can call internal bleeding and death. Stomach ulcer requires special attention. It cannot be cured without giving up alcohol and a strict diet. The ulcer can kill those who ignore it.
  • Heart diseases. The drinker periodically feels pain in the heart area. Problems with circulatory system lead to disorders in all other organs, including the liver.
  • Reproductive system problems. Alcoholics give birth to sick children. Sex does not bring joy and becomes more of a tribute to primary instincts. With time reproductive functions completely fade away, and sex for men becomes impossible.
  • Development of liver cirrhosis. For an alcoholic, this is accompanied by pain in the liver and various problems.

Personality decomposition

An alcoholic in the final stage is exactly the person one imagines when hearing the word “alcoholism.” These are thin individuals whose hands shake and their legs have difficulty moving. Defeat various organs ethanol affects the appearance, skin diseases appear, bags under the eyes, the face is red, or grey colour. Addicts in the final stages have symptoms such as urinary and fecal incontinence. But almost all these problems can be solved. Personal degradation is truly terrible.

Ethanol destroys the cerebral cortex, tears neural connections. All this leads to a gradual weakening of the mind. Simply put, a person becomes dumber. In people with low level Intellectual degradation occurs faster than that of “smart people”. Alcohol degradation also develops more rapidly in women.

Personality changes with alcoholism are inevitable. The addict begins to have a different attitude towards the world around him, the center of which is not family, children, work or other values, but the bottle. Degradation will not stop as long as a person drinks.

Mental disorders

The influence of alcohol on the brain causes various mental disorders in a person: insomnia, sleep disturbances (nightmares, etc.), personality degradation, diseases associated with mental activity(hallucinations, schizophrenia). Addicts often experience persecutory delusions, paranoia, aggression and other symptoms. Damage to brain tissue and blood vessels can ultimately lead to dementia (alcoholic dementia syndrome).

Alcoholic dementia is an irreversible process of loss of reason.

Gradually, a decline in intelligence, amnesia, and loss of orientation are observed. A person ceases to recognize his relatives, and then himself in the mirror. Basic self-service skills are lost. Gradually worsens and physical state person: muscles weaken, arms and legs shake, speech is impaired. Sleep disturbances (drowsiness, insomnia) are also typical. Alcoholic dementia on early stages may be suspended, but the main condition is complete abstinence from alcohol.

Toxic encephalopathy in stage three alcoholism is also a common occurrence. The disease occurs due to oxygen starvation brain and minor hemorrhages. There are constant headache, dizziness, disruption of standard brain functions - speech becomes slurred, coordination of movements worsens (legs do not obey), memory and consciousness become confused.


To summarize, we list the consequences of alcohol abuse:

  • stomach diseases;
  • liver damage (up to cirrhosis);
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • brain destruction;
  • sleep disorder;
  • sexual dysfunction;
  • alcoholic depression;
  • coma;
  • personality degradation;
  • urinary and fecal incontinence;
  • mental disorders (, dementia).

Eliminating such symptoms is quite difficult without the participation of the alcoholic himself and his complete refusal from alcohol. And it’s easy to avoid them - if you don’t start drinking.

Too much alcohol can lead to serious health consequences. A long hangover is far from the worst thing and unpleasant consequence drunken party. The most life-threatening condition is alcoholic coma. It can occur both in a chronic alcoholic and in a person who has tried alcohol for the first time. What is an alcoholic coma? It means severe ethanol poisoning, which is accompanied by depression of breathing and the functioning of the nervous system. A person may choke on vomit or stop breathing. In this case, emergency medical care cannot be avoided.

Few people know how an alcoholic coma forms. Risk to life can arise not only after drinking large amounts of alcohol .

The pathological condition occurs at a 3% concentration of ethyl in the blood. To do this, it is enough to drink 400-500 ml of vodka in a short period of time.

The likelihood of death after drinking alcohol increases when the concentration of ethyl in the blood is 5 g/l. Wherein great importance have health indicators, age and gender of a person.

Reasons for the development of pathological conditions

An innocent feast can turn into a hospital bed. The consequences of an alcoholic coma can be irreversible, and treatment requires the use of serious drugs. Ethyl is quickly absorbed into the blood, poisoning the human body. However, with the same amount of alcohol of the same strength drunk, the condition will vary in people of different genders and ages.

There are also provoking factors that contribute to the development of coma:

  • drinking alcohol on an empty stomach - the lack of food in the stomach speeds up the process of ethyl absorption;
  • strength of the drink - despite the fact that alcohol-containing compounds with a strength of 40% and above lead to rapid intoxication, drinks with a strength of up to 30% are absorbed much faster;
  • the volume of alcohol consumed - if the body does not have time to process ethyl, the alcohol goes directly into the blood.

The reaction to ethyl is different for all people, in addition, the use fatty foods shortly before drinking alcohol, it slows down the absorption of ethyl into the blood, allowing toxic products to be removed from the body before the alcohol concentration reaches dangerous indicators. Not without reason to prevent a hangover and toxic poisoning body before the feast, drink a glass of milk or eat a piece butter, however, lean on excessively fatty foods should not be done, since the liver may not be able to cope with the increased load.

Alcohol poisoning leads to loss of fluid in the body, and the total blood volume decreases. Against this background, a decrease in temperature occurs, muscle rigidity, tremors and convulsions. With a decrease in blood viscosity and sharp drop blood pressure may cause a person to lose consciousness. At the same time, the concentration of sugar in the blood decreases, and hypoglycemia occurs. Drinking alcohol in conditions of low temperature environment. In this case, glucose consumption increases and insulin production activity increases. In case of acute intoxication, a coma develops.

Symptoms and stages of development of coma

In a comatose state, a person does not respond to ammonia and other products that bring consciousness under normal conditions. There are three stages of coma:

  • initial - the drinker loses consciousness, his limbs make chaotic movements, and muscle contractions may occur. Vomiting or involuntary urination often occurs. The skin of the face becomes purple or bluish in color, the pupils contract, but react to light. Breathing is rapid, pulse is slightly elevated, as is blood pressure;
  • medium - muscle relaxation occurs, pressure drops sharply, pulse slows down. The pupils stop responding to light, breathing slows down and becomes shallow;
  • deep - breathing is suppressed, becomes rare, due to a decrease in the concentration of oxygen in the tissues, the skin acquires a bluish tint, the patient turns pale, and a cold sensation is released sticky sweat. The heart slows down, the pulse is difficult to palpate, the pressure drops sharply, reaching critical levels. Urine color changes, may be bloody issues. Acute renal failure occurs, which often causes death. In the deep stage of alcoholic coma, cardiac or respiratory failure occurs, which can also lead to death.

Symptoms when severe poisoning ethyl are quite expressive and difficult to ignore. Beyond the signs alcohol intoxication, take place:

  • constriction of the pupils and weakness;
  • convulsive muscle twitching;
  • paleness of the skin.

These are the main signs preceding a comatose state. Then loss of consciousness occurs and breathing problems arise. Alcoholic coma initial stage usually lasts up to 6 hours, after which the person comes to his senses on his own.

However, it is almost impossible to determine offhand what degree of poisoning is taking place, and qualified medical assistance is required here. In the absence of adequate therapy, death cannot be ruled out.

Alcoholic coma, the symptoms of which are described above, is the most difficult test for the patient’s body. Often in the background alcohol poisoning irreversible processes occur that leave their mark on later life person.

Emergency treatment measures

If you find a person who has fallen into a coma, you must call an ambulance. Treatment of alcoholic coma in hospital may include indirect massage heart, artificial respiration, comprehensive detoxification of the body.

While the doctors are traveling, it is necessary to help the patient. A drunk person should be placed on their stomach - this will reduce the risk of respiratory arrest due to vomiting or cramps. Since alcohol poisoning implies a violation of thermoregulation, the patient must be covered with a blanket and warmed up. At the initial stage of the disease, ammonia can help out, but if the person does not respond to it long time, then there is no point in insisting.

If the patient has come to his senses, he can be offered weakly brewed sweet tea, which will replenish fluid deficiency in the body and help increase glucose levels. If a person is an alcohol addict, then after he is brought out of a coma, he should start taking anti-alcoholism medications. The choice of these drugs is unusually large on the Internet, and a qualified specialist will help you choose the optimal drug for a particular case.

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One of the most serious complications Alcoholic coma occurs due to alcohol abuse.

Sometimes it develops not only in people who drink little, but also in people who drink little.

The main reasons for the development of alcoholic coma

Alcohol coma develops when human body cannot cope with an overdose of alcohol. This is observed against the background of rapid and severe poisoning.

The main causes of alcoholic coma include:

  1. Hypoglycemia.
  2. Hypovolemia.
  3. Impact on the brain.

To develop an alcoholic coma, 400 grams of vodka is enough. But it all depends on the characteristics of the organism.

Features of hypoglycemia

With the use of alcoholic beverages, the concentration of glucose in the blood changes.

This occurs due to the fact that the enzyme that maintains glycogen reserves in the liver actively breaks down ethyl alcohol molecules.

Alcohol coma can be caused by sharp decline blood glucose concentrations.

Ethanol provokes insulin activity. This leads to a change in the concentration of glucose in the blood.

Hypoglycemia is provoked not only by vodka, but also by less strong alcoholic drinks.

Teenagers who are fond of drinking beer and cocktails are at risk.

Features of hypovolemia

Under the influence of ethyl alcohol on tissues, their swelling is provoked. There is a risk of fluid loss. Against this background, the total blood volume decreases sharply.

Signs such as:

  • severe weakness;
  • decrease in temperature;
  • convulsive muscle twitching.

These disorders contribute to lowering blood pressure. Blood viscosity increases.

Later appears in the abdominal area pain syndrome. Heart pain occurs. Against this background, the person loses consciousness.

Effects on the brain

Ethyl alcohol has a neurotoxic effect on the brain. At first, ethanol provokes excitement.

Over time, it is replaced by inhibition of the activity of the respiratory center.

The activity of the centers responsible for the functioning of the autonomic nervous system is also slowed down.

The main stages of alcoholic coma

At acute poisoning alcoholic beverages disrupt the functioning of nerve centers.

A person loses the ability to react to everything that happens around him. There are 3 stages of this life-threatening condition.

First degree

Stage 1 refers to superficial alcoholic coma.

The following signs are observed:

  1. constriction of the pupils;
  2. hypertonicity of the muscles of the lower and upper extremities;
  3. cyanosis skin faces;
  4. heavy sweating;
  5. decrease in overall temperature.

Against this background, preservation of the basic reflexes is observed. The patient groans and moves his arms or legs involuntarily.

But stay in vertical position and he cannot sit on his own. Painful sensations does not occur upon impact.

Second degree

This is a short stage of alcoholic coma. The pressure drops sharply, breathing becomes rare and intermittent.

The pulse slows down and weakens. Brain functions are suppressed.

The person loses consciousness, his muscles relax. Involuntary movement limbs stops.

There is no pain, the pupils do not react to bright light. Involuntary urination is observed.

Third degree

This stage is also called deep alcoholic coma. Pulse and blood pressure drop to critical levels minimum indicators. All reflexes fade away.

The skin becomes pale blue, and feels sticky and cool to the touch.

Removal from a comatose state using “improvised means” is impossible. As breathing stops, death occurs.

Establishing a diagnosis

In alcoholic coma, the symptoms are quite specific. Therefore, a diagnosis can be made based on the leading syndrome.

During preliminary diagnosis, the specialist undertakes to differentiate this condition with the following types of coma:

  • Neurological.
  • Somatic.
  • Toxic.

How can you help a person in an alcoholic coma?

If alcohol coma is not diagnosed in a timely manner, the consequences can be tragic.

Against the background of this condition, the following pathologies may develop:

  1. dementia;
  2. pneumonia;
  3. acute renal failure.

Both traditional and alternative medicine can help a person.

First aid for superficial alcoholic coma

When specific signs, you need to call an ambulance.

Before the arrival of doctors, it is necessary that first aid for an alcoholic coma be provided to those who are near the victim.

The patient should be placed face down. The head, slightly turned to the side, should hang down slightly. This will prevent the person from suffocating when vomit comes out.


Alcohol inhibits the functioning of important centers in the brain.

Therefore, it is necessary to provide the human body with warmth. To do this, you need to wrap him in a blanket. If necessary, a heater is installed in the room where it is located.

Then you need to bring a cotton pad moistened with ammonia to the victim’s nose. When the person comes to his senses, he needs to be given something to drink warm milk or weak, slightly sweetened tea.

Warm, non-alcoholic liquid will help prevent dehydration. It also helps restore water and electrolyte balance.

First aid for deep alcoholic coma

If the victim has lost consciousness and cannot control his reflexes, it is necessary to begin resuscitation measures.

will need to be done artificial respiration. Indirect cardiac massage may also help.

These manipulations are performed only by a specialist.

Upon admission to hospital

The emergency care algorithm for alcoholic coma looks like this:

  • Gastric lavage.
  • Adjustment of blood pressure.
  • Restoring breathing.
  • Correction of nervous system cells.

The stomach is washed using a special probe. If the victim’s blood pressure drops sharply, he is given hormonal or vascular drugs.

In order to correct the cells of the nervous system, a person is prescribed a nicotinic acid, as well as vitamins C, B.

When aspirating vomit, an endotracheal tube is inserted into the patient's trachea.

It helps cleanse the bronchi and pulmonary trunk. After this, the patient is prescribed antibiotic drugs.

Antishock medications and plasma expanders

In case of alcoholic coma, emergency care involves the appointment of:

  1. Gelatinol.
  2. Hemodesa.
  3. Reopoliglyukina.
  4. Polyvinol.
  5. Poliglyukina.

The use of Gelatinol helps stabilize the movement of blood through the vessels. Hemodesis is prescribed to neutralize hazardous substances.

The main contraindication is cerebral hemorrhage. Also, the medicine is not prescribed to persons suffering from bronchial asthma.

In order to reduce the risk of developing thrombosis, the use of

Reopoliglyukina. This is anti-shock medicine helps maintain the functioning of vital organs.

In case of severe intoxication, Polyvinol is prescribed. The medicine helps to quickly remove toxins from the body. If very severe intoxication is diagnosed, the patient is prescribed the use of

Poliglyukina. Taking this medication helps avoid heavy losses blood. It also prevents platelets and red blood cells from sticking together.

Cardiovascular drugs

The doctor undertakes to prescribe the use of:

  • Prednisone.
  • Strophantina.
  • Cordiamine.
  • Ephedrine.

Taking Prednisolone helps normalize blood glucose. Medicine has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect.

The main contraindication is hypersensitivity to its components.

With the help of Strophanthin, the frequency and strength of myocardial contractions increases. Thanks to the effects of Cordiamin, the functioning of the central nervous system is normalized.

Not prescribed for convulsive muscle twitching and symptoms.

The frequency and strength of heart contractions are normalized thanks to Ephedrine. With this drug you can normalize blood pressure. The drug is not prescribed for tachycardia.

The use of folk remedies

Alcohol coma is dangerous condition. Application folk remedies possible only after the patient has been discharged from the hospital.

Under the supervision of a doctor, it is allowed to treat a patient:

  1. lemon juice;
  2. black radish juice;
  3. cranberries;
  4. currants or lingonberries;
  5. cabbage juice;
  6. rose hips.

Lemon juice helps revive liver cells. Thanks to high content vitamins, poisons are quickly removed from the body.

Drinking black radish juice helps cleanse the liver. To improve the effect, it should be mixed with fresh honey. Optimal dosage— 40 drops/2 times in 24 hours.

To normalize liver function, you need to grind 20 grams of cranberries with 1 spoon of honey. The medicine is taken before meals.

With help cabbage juice You can get rid of liver pain. Rose hips purify the blood.

Among herbs, preference should be given to St. John's wort, immortelle, milk thistle, knotweed, and artichoke. These funds can be used in the preparation of infusions and decoctions.


In order to prevent alcoholic coma, you need to reduce your consumption of alcoholic beverages. Persons suffering from gastrointestinal pathologies should not drink alcohol.

Do not take medications at the same time. You can't mix alcohol. After each dose of alcohol you need to have a good snack.

Video: First aid: alcoholic coma