Stomach ache, abdominal pain. When does psychogenic pain appear? Location of pain during diarrhea

These are either symptoms of an inflammatory process or symptoms of an infectious disease. In both cases, pain itself is only a symptom, like chills. Therefore, in order to get rid of these manifestations, it is necessary to cure the disease that causes them.

What do the symptoms of abdominal pain and chills indicate?

When, with abdominal pain, chills are accompanied by diarrhea, vomiting, severe nausea and fever, this most likely indicates severe food poisoning or an intestinal infection (especially severe cases both diseases are possible at once). Both develop quickly, with the first symptoms appearing 3-5 hours after ingesting contaminated or toxic food.

With a combination of dull pain in the abdomen, aching pain in the lower back and chills, a suspicion of kidney inflammation arises. It is also accompanied by severe weakness and changes in the color of urine. Occurs within a few days after hypothermia or 1-2 weeks after a sore throat. If these symptoms occur, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Severe and piercing pain in combination with other symptoms (from fever to bloody diarrhea) probably signal a perforation of the ulcer. Also in women, they can signal ovarian apoplexy or ectopic pregnancy. In any case, it is necessary to call an ambulance immediately - since these diseases require urgent medical intervention to save lives. Attempts to “play for time” in the hope that it will “resolve on its own”, with high probability will lead to death.

If abdominal pain is combined with chills, fever and lack of stool, this indicates acute intestinal obstruction. It is especially likely if the above symptoms are accompanied by severe bloating, and the pain increases gradually and steadily - but feels throbbing. This combination of symptoms also requires immediate attention. medical intervention.

If strong cutting pain in the right side is accompanied by chills, fever and vomiting - this may indicate both appendicitis and stones in the gallbladder. Stones are more likely if the pain spreads from the abdomen upward, and appendicitis is more likely if it begins in the navel area and moves to the right. Both of these diseases are very dangerous, so you should see a doctor as soon as possible.

Abdominal pain and chills as symptoms of pancreatitis

This is called inflammation of the pancreas. Pancreatitis is divided into 2 subtypes:

  • spicy
  • and chronic.

The acute form of the disease is characterized by sharp pain in the abdomen, fever and chills. Symptoms of pancreatitis also include frequent vomiting, nausea and bowel dysfunction.

Most often, acute pancreatitis is the result of an allergic reaction that causes swelling of the pancreas. The causes of an allergic reaction can be very different and unpredictable, for example, to food, or to antibacterial agents (powders, detergents), or to medications.

Main syndromes of pancreatitis:


and pain syndromes,

intoxication syndrome,

with concomitant pathology - impaired motility of the biliary tract.

Relief of pain and chills during pancreatitis

Treatment of pancreatitis is based on maximum unloading of the pancreas. Bed rest is combined with fasting for 1-3 days. Assign

  • infusion therapy(isotonic sodium chloride solution, glucose solution, vitamins),
  • in severe form - Glucocorticoids, antispasmodics(No-shpa, Papaverine),
  • proteolytic enzyme inhibitors(Trasylol, Contrical),
  • replacement therapy(Pancreatin, Mezim-forte),
  • vitamins,
  • choleretic agents,
  • according to indications - antihistamines,
  • antibiotics,
  • antispasmodics for stomach pain
  • And antipyretics with fever and chills.

Many people complain of abdominal pain, but do not seek medical help. Some people don’t like doctors and hospitals, others avoid diagnostic procedures. Some are even afraid to find out about the far-fetched terrible diagnosis and therefore they put off going to the doctor for a long time. What diseases and disorders can cause discomfort or pain in a stomach?

Main causes of abdominal pain

Gallstones and cholecystitis

To diagnose gallbladder diseases, it is prescribed ultrasonography, as well as blood tests.

Inflammation of the pancreas causes severe, burning pain in the middle or upper abdomen. Sometimes the pain radiates to the back and chest. A person experiences nausea, vomiting, and fever. Among the main reasons for the development of pancreatitis are alcohol addiction, as well as the formation of gallstones. Pancreatitis often requires hospitalization.

As with gallbladder diseases, if pancreatitis is suspected, blood tests and an ultrasound of the abdominal organs should be performed. To prescribe appropriate studies, make an appointment with.

Inflammatory bowel disease can lead to scarring, abdominal abscesses (peritonitis), and intestinal obstruction. These major changes manifest themselves in the form of abdominal pain along with diarrhea and bleeding from the rectum. Symptoms of IBD are chronic, but appear in cycles: they flare up and then fade away. For this reason, diagnosing the disease can be difficult.

IBD must be constantly monitored, because it leads to very serious consequences. Advanced stages of inflammatory bowel disease can lead to cancer.


Inflammation of appendicitis manifests itself sudden pain in the center of the abdomen, which goes into its lower right side. Appendicitis mainly affects children and young people. Ignoring inflammation of the appendix is ​​extremely dangerous, because it can burst and cause peritonitis.

If you notice symptoms of appendicitis in yourself or your loved ones, call an ambulance immediately!

Oncological disease

This disease can affect any of the abdominal organs - liver, pancreas, stomach, gall bladder, ovaries. Painful sensations usually appear over late stages. Other symptoms include loss of appetite and weight, persistent vomiting, and bloating.

  • Diarrhea
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Bloating
  • Stool with blood and mucus
  • Rash or itching around the rectum or vulva
  • Feeling tired
  • Weight loss

Lactose intolerance

Millions of people suffer from this type food intolerance. Among its symptoms:

  • Moderate abdominal pain
  • Flatulence
  • Belching
  • Diarrhea

There is only one solution - complete or partial refusal of dairy products.

Intolerancegluten free

Gluten is a protein found in wheat, barley and rye. In people with intolerance, this protein damages the walls of the small intestine. As a result, its ability to absorb nutrients received from food is lost.

A person with intolerance has a stomach ache, flatulence and a feeling of fatigue. The most severe form of gluten intolerance is called celiac disease.

Spinal diseases

Up to 62% of patients with spinal diseases suffer from abdominal pain, bloating, constipation, and hemorrhoids. Such data were provided by American specialists from the University of Medicine in 2012.

Some patients who do not suffer from organ diseases gastrointestinal tract, complain of abdominal pain due to orthopedic problems. If you fall into this category of people, an experienced one will do everything possible to improve the health of your spine. Perhaps it is problems with the spine that cause painful sensations in the abdominal area.

Stress and depression

Constant stress can also cause abdominal pain. If a person develops depression, their chances of experiencing irritable bowel syndrome increase.

When to seek medical help:

  • Abdominal discomfort lasting 1 week or longer
  • Abdominal pain that does not subside within 24-48 hours or gets worse
  • Pain with nausea and vomiting
  • Bloating for more than two days
  • A burning sensation during urination or frequent trips to the toilet
  • Diarrhea that lasts several days
  • Painful sensations in abdominal area with increasing temperature
  • Prolonged vaginal bleeding
  • Unexplained weight loss

In what cases should you call your doctor immediately:

  • A person suffers from cancer and his stomach hurt
  • Constipation accompanied by vomiting
  • Vomiting blood or blood in the stool
  • Black or tarry stools
  • Sudden, sharp abdominal pain
  • Pain between the shoulder blades accompanied by nausea
  • The abdomen is sensitive and painful to touch, or vice versa – the abdomen is hard and hard to the touch
  • Abdominal pain during pregnancy
  • Recent abdominal trauma

Why is it important to seek help as early as possible?

Almost each of the diseases discussed does not just cause pain and unnecessary worries.

If you do not get medical help in time, serious and sometimes life-threatening complications can develop. Don’t wait, make an appointment through or call the numbers listed at the top of the site.


  1. 18 Reasons Why Your Stomach Hurts,,
  2. 5 Reasons Your Stomach May Hurt, The Johns Hopkins Hospital,
  3. Abdominal Pain, U.S. National Library of Medicine,
  4. Abdominal Pain,,
  5. Irritable Bowel Syndrome, U.S. National Library of Medicine,
  6. Symptoms & Causes of Diverticulosis and Diverticulitis, The National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases,
  7. Endometriosis, Mayo Clinic,
  8. E. Ebert, Gastrointestinal Involvement in Spinal Cord Injury: A Clinical Perspective, University of Medicine and Dentistry New Jersey, Robert Wood Johnson Medical School,
  9. Intestinal parasites, University of Maryland Medical Center (UMMC).

Among the symptoms that cause a person to seek emergency medical care, one of the most common is fever and abdominal pain. In this case, contacting a doctor is the most correct tactic. Even if these are the patient’s only complaints, they can be symptoms of very dangerous conditions that require urgent medical intervention, often surgical.


If, in addition to abdominal pain, a person has a fever, this indicates the development of an acute and dangerous condition. Most common cause Such complaints include inflammation of the appendix - the most common surgical pathology of the abdominal organs. Any organs located in the abdomen can also become inflamed - kidneys, urinary tract, pancreas, liver, genital system, intestines and stomach. Fever and abdominal pain accompany hepatitis and intestinal infections - salmonellosis, dysentery, cholera, rotavirus infection, food poisoning. Such symptoms can also be observed in terminal stage cancer of the peritoneal organs.

Abdominal pain and fever can be caused by inflammation of the peritoneum or peritonitis, which in most cases is a complication of the inflammatory or oncological process of the organs of this localization. More than half of peritonitis develops with appendicitis. Primary peritonitis is extremely rare.

In addition, an increase in temperature in combination with abdominal pain can be observed with inflammation of the membranes or valves of the heart muscle and pneumonia, and other diseases that contribute to inflammation of the intraperitoneal lymph nodes.

Risk factors for the development of conditions accompanied by abdominal pain and fever are the presence of an inflamed organ, acute and chronic infections and their complications, insufficient secretion of gastric juice, stones and/or vascular changes in the gall bladder and ducts, other organs, diseases of the pelvic bones and joints.

In addition - unsanitary conditions, consumption of water and food of dubious origin, gastronomic preferences - fatty and spicy food, fast food, semi-finished products, physical and nervous overload, injuries (surgeries) on the peritoneal organs and their consequences, hypothermia, decreased immunity, unbalanced diet, alcohol abuse, autoimmune, endocrinological and oncological pathologies.

Fever and abdominal pain as a symptom of illness

Diseases, the first signs of which are fever and abdominal pain, generally require immediate examination of the patient, since such manifestations are possible in many pathologies. Some of them belong to the syndrome " acute abdomen“and, not being rare conditions, nevertheless require emergency measures to be taken to save the patient’s life.

When a person complains that he has a stomach ache, fever and weakness, this can be a sign of many diseases - acute inflammation process of the cecum, kidneys, liver, pancreas, female and male genital organs, intestinal infections or peritonitis due to the same appendicitis and other inflammations, perforation of ulcers, intestinal obstruction, neoplasms in the abdominal cavity. It is impossible to differentiate them at home; an examination by a specialist is required who can analyze the accompanying symptoms, test results, and additional instrumental studies may be needed.

Diarrhea or diarrhea, along with spastic pain in the intestinal area - the main symptom of its damage by infectious agents, usually appears first.

For example, with such a dangerous infection as cholera, the first sign is severe diarrhea, while the stomach does not hurt much, and sometimes a slight soreness is felt in the navel area. Characteristic bowel movements (when they come out) feces) resemble in appearance and consistency congee(clear mucous liquid with whitish flakes). An elevated temperature for cholera is also not typical, and during the period of dehydration it even drops below 36℃. About five hours after the onset of the disease, vomiting appears (without nausea), sometimes rare, only twice a day, but can be very frequent - about twenty times.

Dysentery can be both bacterial (shigellosis) and amoebic (mainly in hot countries). The first signs of the disease are manifested by symptoms of general intoxication - body temperature rises, fever, loss of strength, headache appear, then cramping pain in the abdomen occurs, intensifying with the urge to defecate. Intestinal symptoms in case of illness medium degree heaviness appears within two to three hours, bowel movements occur ten to twenty times, the contents are mucus streaked with blood. In severe cases, nausea and vomiting are observed.

If the first two infections mainly flourish in places with a low sanitary level, then salmonellosis is called a “disease of civilization”; it is widespread in large comfortable settlements, where the production and sale of food products is centralized. The disease begins acutely; the most typical onset is abdominal pain, vomiting and fever, accompanied by loss of strength and myalgia. The patient complains that he has a headache, stomach pain in the peri-umbilical area and epigastrium, and repeated vomiting. Diarrhea begins quite quickly. After the passage of feces, the stool becomes watery, foamy, and often greenish. The smell is very unpleasant. Bloody streaks may also be observed; the temperature depends on the form of the disease and can be either low-grade or very high.

With all intestinal infections, severe water and electrolyte losses pose a great danger, including death. There are about thirty common intestinal infections, many of them are so-called food poisoning. Depending on the massiveness of the infestation, the type of pathogen and the patient’s immunity, some of them are easier, for example, abdominal pain and diarrhea without fever can go away on their own within a day. They are often accompanied by severe symptoms with signs of general intoxication - loss of strength, headache, fever. High temperature (39-40℃), abdominal pain and diarrhea combined with nausea and vomiting are also present in severe food poisoning.

The presence of the above symptoms cannot be excluded even if acute appendicitis, and also for hepatitis. Although diarrhea in this case is not a typical symptom.

The most common surgical pathology, acute appendicitis, first of all manifests itself as sudden pain that will not go away. The classic localization of pain is first in the stomach, then down to the lower right corner of the abdomen, where the cecum is located. The pain is quite pronounced, but quite tolerable. It can be pulsating, cramping or even. The temperature is usually 38-39℃, but can also be low-grade. Adults vomit no more than twice, and may not. Nausea, often quite tolerable, is usually present. Diarrhea is extremely rare; abdominal pain, constipation and fever, bloating and distension due to accumulated and not released gases are more often combined. Characteristic sign - complete absence appetite.

Peritonitis, as a complication of appendicitis and other inflammatory processes in the peritoneum, does not occur suddenly in most cases. The patient should already have experienced discomfort in the abdominal area. The main symptoms of peritonitis are severe abdominal pain and fever. Some describe the pain as severe, however, this is an exaggeration; not all patients describe it this way. Sometimes the pain can be tolerated, but it does not subside and there is a feeling of inevitability of trouble. The patient has hyperthermia, hypotension, confused consciousness, pale skin. The muscles of the peritoneum are rigid, there may be vomiting once or twice and other dyspeptic symptoms. Such patients need emergency surgical care.

Viral hepatitis can also begin with an increase in temperature, often up to 39℃ and higher, in addition, abdominal pain cannot be ruled out and there may be repeated vomiting, however, not very often (1-2 times). Sometimes it just makes me sick. This condition is usually characteristic of the anicteric stage of the disease; later the temperature will drop, the sclera of the eyes and skin will turn yellow, and the symptoms will become more obvious - the urine will darken and the feces will become white-gray, like newsprint.

Vomiting and abdominal pain without fever can also be symptoms of Botkin's disease (in more cases mild form), you need to monitor the color of urine and feces. In the same way, gastritis, peptic ulcers, neoplasms of this localization, functional dyspepsia, and chronic inflammation of the pancreas can make themselves felt. In this case, belching, heartburn, and heaviness in the epigastrium are usually present.

Vomiting and mild abdominal pain in the absence of fever may indicate a concussion. You should remember the falls and head hits the day before. Dizziness and/or headache are also usually present. If injuries are excluded, then other brain pathologies, neuroses or mental disorders can be suspected. They are also accompanied by headache, hypertension, and sometimes confusion.

Drug therapy, in particular, antibiotics of a number of fluorinated quinolones and iron supplements, in addition, hormonal contraception may cause abdominal pain and vomiting without fever. The cause of this condition may be intoxication, for example, with heavy metals.

Abdominal pain, nausea and temperature are almost always present in the symptom complex of acute appendicitis, hepatitis, cholecystitis, cholangitis, pancreatitis, the initial stage of (local) peritonitis, and combined pathologies of these organs. Diarrhea is not typical for these diseases, although it cannot be completely ruled out.

The first sign acute cholecystitis is a pain attack just below the right rib, radiating to the scapula and shoulder on the same side or the supraclavicular area. The pain is dull and worsens over time, accompanied by nausea and repeated vomiting (in most patients). The temperature rises to 38℃, in more complex cases – up to 40℃, fever appears, and the heartbeat quickens. The sclera may turn yellow, and if the bile duct is blocked (stone or stricture), jaundice is observed. In the right hypochondrium the muscles of the peritoneum are tense. Specific symptom disease - increased pain when pressing on the area of ​​the right hypochondrium while inhaling (at the time of palpation the patient cannot inhale). Patients must be hospitalized in the surgical department.

Acute pancreatitis begins with immediate pain. This mainly happens after a heavy feast. The pain is localized in the upper abdomen - the stomach area, to the left or right of it in the hypochondrium, radiates to the lumbar region - “encircles” the patient. The triad of main symptoms of this disease is pain, vomiting and bloating. The temperature ranges from levels above low-grade fever to loss of strength, fluctuations are frequent and debilitating. Immediate hospitalization of the patient is necessary.

Abdominal pain and low temperature (subnormal) may occur with acute pancreatitis, cholera, peptic ulcer and inflammation of the mucous membrane of the digestive canal, neoplasms of the peritoneal organs, anemia, immunodeficiency states, as an atypical reaction - in case of food poisoning.

Abdominal pain, cough and fever can occur with viral intestinal infections, which children are more susceptible to. Usually in such cases, except specified symptoms available - nausea, vomiting and maybe a runny nose.

For pneumonia, bronchitis, tracheitis and other diseases respiratory system Prolonged and continuous severe coughing may cause pain in the abdominal area.

Abdominal pain, constipation and fever also require medical advice. Such symptoms can occur with appendicitis, then it hurts on the right side of the lower abdomen. Diverticulitis manifests itself in the same way - pouch-like protrusions in the large intestine (diverticula), in which feces accumulate. In surgery it is called left-sided appendicitis, since the symptoms are very similar, but the pain worries the vast majority of patients on the left side of the lower abdomen. At risk are older people who prefer meat and flour dishes.

Fever and pain in the joints and abdomen may indicate the initial stage of Whipple's disease, a fairly rare disease that affects men, mainly from 40 to 50 years old, by occupation, most of them were associated with agriculture. However, high temperature itself can cause joint and muscle pain, aches throughout the body.

The accurately described nature of the pain can suggest the direction of diagnostic measures. Severe abdominal pain and a temperature above 38℃ are characteristic of inflammation of the appendage of the cecum. Pain, in most cases, appears in the stomach area, and after some time descends to the lower right corner of the abdomen.

Sharp abdominal pain and fever appear in cases of acute pancreatitis, the symptoms of which resemble acute appendicitis, however, the nature of the pain helps differentiate these two diseases. Inflammation of the pancreas is accompanied by girdling abdominal pain radiating to the shoulder or collarbone area and a temperature above subfebrile. Half of the patients develop yellowness of the sclera and skin.

Inflammatory kidney diseases (acute nephritis), caused by infection of the organs, also make themselves felt as acute abdominal pain and a temperature that is not too high, which in some cases may not rise. The pain is localized in the lumbar region. Also characterized by headache, swelling and pallor of the face, scanty discharge urine that becomes cloudy, often with a reddish tint. With nephritis, some patients complain of nausea and may vomit.

Fever and cramping abdominal pain are characteristic of dysentery. They are localized in the intestinal area and are necessarily accompanied by acute diarrhea.

For acute salpingoophoritis (adnexitis, inflammation of the appendages), the cramping nature of the pain is also typical. The temperature rises to 39℃, the symptoms are similar to acute appendicitis. The lower abdomen hurts, often on one side, and the pain radiates to lumbar region. No diarrhea. In contrast to appendicitis, there is vaginal discharge and pain when urinating.

Temperature and cramping pain in the lower abdomen may be signs of endometritis, which is often combined with an inflammatory process in the tubes or ovaries.

Cramping (spastic) pain, sometimes intensifying, sometimes almost disappearing, is usually a consequence of excess gas formation And specific sign intestinal infections.

Constantly intense cutting pain in the abdomen and temperature are more typical for surgical pathologies and are combined into the concept of “acute abdomen”. We cannot exclude the option of moderate dull pain and low-grade fever, however, general state the patient is unwell - weakness, nausea, vomiting.

Constant fever and abdominal pain, the meaning of which is asked on the Internet, can be a symptom of many chronic pathologies. It is assumed that the constant temperature is at the subfebrile level, and the pain is moderate, it is unlikely that anyone will be able to constantly endure a temperature of about 39℃ and very severe pain. Such symptoms require a thorough examination and mandatory consultation with a doctor.

The localization of pain is certainly important symptom, suggesting pathology, however, it is impossible to make a diagnosis based on this feature alone.

Thus, pain in the abdomen and lower back and temperature can be symptoms of nephritis (when tapping in the kidney area, the pain intensifies) or inflammation of the ureters, inflammatory processes of the pelvic organs - adnexitis, endometritis (mainly accompanied by vaginal discharge), while it is also impossible to exclude inflammation of the appendix with such localization of pain; it is possible when the process of the cecum is located posterior to it. This pain often radiates to the thigh and external genitalia.

Pain in the lower abdomen and temperature can be caused by both gynecological diseases, acute cystitis, intestinal infections, and acute appendicitis with its pelvic location - pain is felt exactly above the pubis.

Fever, pain in the lower back and lower abdomen are also characteristic of inflammatory processes in the pelvis. Usually in such cases the pain from below radiates to the lower back. In women, the causes of such pain are usually salpingo-oophoritis and endometritis, in men - inflammation of the testicles and their appendages (orchitis, epidymitis, a combination of both), while the patient has a fever and nausea. Prostatitis is also manifested by pain in the lower abdomen, radiating to the lower back, however, in most patients the temperature remains within normal limits, but the pain intensifies with bowel movements Bladder In general, this act causes difficulties. Infections of the urinary organs: nephritis, cystitis, urethritis and their combinations, intestinal infections and bacterial colitis in people of both sexes cause a similar condition. The notorious appendicitis and local peritonitis due to rupture of an ovarian cyst cannot be excluded, advanced inflammation pelvic organs, genitourinary and digestive organs.

Osteochondrosis of the lumbar vertebrae causes pain in the lower back, radiating to the suprapubic area and leg. Usually the temperature is normal, however, if the attack develops after hypothermia, then the symptoms of a cold with an increase in temperature can overlap the clinical picture of the disease.

Pain in the upper abdomen and temperature can be a symptom of acute pancreatitis (temperature jumps from low to very high values), gastritis and an acute attack of peptic ulcer (usually low-grade, but can rise higher), food toxic infections (usually a high temperature).

Acute appendicitis begins with pain above the navel; over time, as a rule, fever and pain in the abdomen on the right appear. Cholecystitis and cholangitis can also begin with pain in this localization, as well as inflammation of the pancreas, sections of the large and small intestines, and local peritonitis.

Temperature and pain in the right side of the abdomen may be symptoms viral hepatitis, inflammatory process in the right paired organ - kidney, ovary, testicle.

These symptoms may appear with diaphragmatic pleurisy, right-sided pneumonia, vascular pathologies leading to the development of tissue hypoxia, local peritonitis, and lymphadenitis.

Temperature and pain in the left abdomen, especially in older people, are the main symptoms of diverticulitis. The same signs appear with inflammation of the peritoneal organs of left-sided localization, blood vessels, lymph nodes, pelvic bones and joints. In most cases, pain on the left side in the lower abdomen is caused by acute inflammatory processes in the organs genitourinary system. Quite often, such pain is caused by inflammation or infarction of the digestive organs - the spleen, small (its second section) and large (the left side of the transverse and descending part of the colon) intestines. Somewhat less often, such symptoms are observed in pathologies of the joints and bones of the pelvic girdle, as well as nerves, vessels or lymph nodes of this localization.

High fever and abdominal pain in an adult indicate multiple serious pathologies, which only a specialist can differentiate, since the symptoms overlap with each other. High temperature is evidence of an intense inflammatory process or injury with a threat to integrity internal organs, therefore it is necessary to urgently contact a medical institution.

Abdominal pain and fever during pregnancy

These symptoms are expectant mother may be manifestations of any of the reasons listed above. Let's focus on the most frequent pathologies arising during this period.

During the period of bearing a child, many chronic diseases that did not remind of themselves before pregnancy worsen. This is due to both a drop in immunity in the first months and an increased load on the body. Quite often dormant chronic gastritis becomes aggravated - the pain is localized in epigastric region, dull, pressing, accompanied by nausea, heartburn, belching and a slight increase in temperature. Often this is facilitated by the gastronomic preferences of the expectant mother in favor of sour, fatty, sweet or spicy foods, which appeared precisely during pregnancy.

The same reasons can cause exacerbation of chronic cholecystitis. Acute pancreatitis in pregnant women develops extremely rarely, since it is most often provoked by heavy libations, however, girdle pain in combination with elevated temperature should alert you.

Acute appendicitis can develop in pregnant women, it clinical picture, especially in the second half, has some differences. In particular, due to the movement of the process of the cecum, the localization of pain is often atypical, so diagnosis requires a thorough examination of the patient.

Pregnancy also exacerbates gynecological inflammations. A high temperature may indicate the severity of the inflammatory process, since abdominal pain can also be caused by such reasons as sprain of the ligamentous apparatus due to the growth of the uterus. In women who have had inflammatory gynecological diseases in the past and the associated adhesive process, intense pain when stretching the abdominal muscles during pregnancy occurs quite often, but they are not accompanied by an increase in temperature.

Most dangerous condition– disturbed ectopic pregnancy. It is classified as an “acute abdomen” and requires immediate surgical intervention. Usually the patient’s temperature is not elevated, however, in rare cases, subfebrile temperatures may be observed, caused by the influence of progesterone and the absorption of blood entering the peritoneum. In the second or third week, when menstruation is delayed, cramping pain appears in the lower abdomen, radiating to the rectum and scanty vaginal discharge. Sometimes, with small blood losses, moderate nagging pain appears. Only when the blood entering the abdominal cavity quantitatively reaches 500 ml, the symptoms become more pronounced - the pain intensifies, and the patient cannot take a comfortable position (Vanka-Vstanka syndrome): it is impossible to lie down due to increased pain, since the phrenic nerve is irritated, and it is impossible to sit down due to dizziness (fainting).

Abdominal discomfort in pregnant women different dates the phenomenon is not uncommon and in many cases does not pose a danger; a slightly elevated temperature, especially in the early stages, is also not always a threatening symptom. However, a pregnant woman needs to inform her doctor about this, and severe pain with high fever is a reason for mandatory seeking medical help.

The child has a stomach ache and fever

The most common cause of such symptoms in children is intestinal infections. A child, especially a small one, tastes almost all new objects, puts toys and fingers into his mouth, which are not always sterile, so one should not be surprised at infection. Symptoms of intestinal infections, in addition to those already mentioned, are acute diarrhea, nausea, vomiting. At high temperature Confusion and delirium may occur. The child quickly becomes dehydrated.

Stomach flu or rotavirus infection may be accompanied respiratory symptoms, and a child can “catch” it through airborne droplets.

The temperature of a child with an intestinal infection can be either very high or low-grade. To put accurate diagnosis, the child must be examined by a doctor.

Infants cannot complain of abdominal pain, but the temperature is higher than normal and signs that the baby has a tummy ache - he is crying, arching, or vice versa - tightening his legs should prompt parents to consult a doctor.

Acute appendicitis most often develops at the age of more than nine years, however, it can also occur in very young people. small child. The child does not allow his stomach to be touched and often lies in the fetal position. The condition is deteriorating quickly. Vomiting occurs once, but sometimes the child vomits continuously. Temperature ranges from normal to very high (39.5℃). With purulent appendicitis it is characteristic extreme thirst, dryness of the mucous membrane of the mouth and lips.

Peritonitis can develop in a child both as a result of appendicitis and infection of the peritoneum with streptococcus or pneumococcus. The pain is diffuse, the temperature is 39-40℃, the child is pale, you can see white coating. Bacterial peritonitis may cause diarrhea with yellowish-green foul-smelling discharge.

Acute Meckel's diverticulitis in a child is the result of a congenital malformation ileum. Symptoms resemble acute appendicitis and are often diagnosed through surgery. Inflammation of the diverticulum often leads to its perforation and the development of peritonitis.

The stomach hurts and the temperature is 39℃ or higher in a child with acute inflammation of the gallbladder and its ducts. Symptoms, as in an adult, are characterized by bloating and tension in the right side abdomen, lack of appetite, vomiting mixed with bile, nausea, defecation disorder. An older child may complain that the pain radiates to the right arm.

The child’s stomach hurts and the temperature is 37℃ and slightly higher with acute inflammation of the pancreas, which can develop due to errors in the diet with a predominance of fatty foods, and also - sometimes as a complication of mumps (mumps). The pain is girdling in nature, anorexia is observed, the child feels nauseous, he often vomits and diarrhea. Asks for a drink, there is a white coating on his tongue.

Abdominal pain and a temperature of 38℃ and much higher in a child can be observed with various diseases (childhood infections, sore throat, ARVI, influenza) as a result of lymphadenitis of the intraperitoneal lymph nodes. A specific symptom of this condition is increased pain on inspiration, when pressure from the diaphragm occurs on the inflamed nodes.

Very emotional children growing up in an unfavorable psycho-emotional climate may experience abdominal pain of a psychogenic nature, accompanied by a slight increase in body temperature, migraine-like pain, changes in facial skin color - hyperemia or pallor, nausea, diarrhea or constipation.

In children, as well as in adults, these two symptoms can indicate many pathologies, therefore, when a child’s temperature rises sharply and he complains of abdominal pain, it is necessary to consult a doctor, and immediately.


Abdominal pain and temperature are primarily symptoms of an “acute abdomen,” so diagnosis includes a rapid examination that will confirm the need for urgent surgery or allow the patient to be observed and further examined for pathologies that do not require emergency surgical measures.

Main diagnostic measures are interviewing the patient, superficial palpation of the abdomen with checking symptoms of peritoneal irritation, tapping and listening to the sounds of organ functioning, blood and urine tests, as well as ultrasound examination of the peritoneal organs, retroperitoneal space and pelvis. Another may be assigned instrumental diagnostics– tomography, radiography, laparotomy.

If you suspect intestinal or sexually transmitted infection They do tests for the rapid detection of pathogen antigens using enzyme immunoassay, radioimmunoassay, using a latex agglutination reaction. The type of infectious agent is finally determined using polymerase chain reaction or serological methods. Isolation of pathogens from cultures of vomit or feces using the bacteriological method takes a longer period of time.

The purpose of tests depends on the identified symptoms and the suspected pathology. This may include liver tests, biochemical blood and urine tests.

There may be a need for endoscopic examination gastrointestinal tract. To differentiate pseudo-abdominal syndrome, ECHO and electrocardiography, studies of the bronchopulmonary system, and X-ray of the pelvic and chest bones can be prescribed.

Differential diagnosis

Differentiation is made between surgical and therapeutic pathologies, and among surgical pathologies, acute appendicitis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis, perforated ulcer, acute and obstructive (due to the presence of a tumor) intestinal obstruction, phlegmon of the intestines and stomach, diverticulitis, impaired ectopic pregnancy, hemorrhage in the ovary, are distinguished. strangulated hernia, the presence of peritonitis and other diseases.

Also identified are pathologies of the peritoneum that do not require immediate surgical intervention - newly discovered uncomplicated cholecystitis and pancreatitis, acute mesenteric lymphadenitis, exacerbation of peptic ulcer, Crohn's disease, cecal motility syndrome, endometriosis and lipomatosis of the ileocecal valve, renal colic.

Treatment of abdominal pain with fever

Sudden abdominal pain, even without fever, is already alarming symptom, and if present elevated temperature, especially higher than low-grade fever, this requires immediate medical consultation. In this case, delay can be fatal. With symptoms such as abdominal pain and high temperature, it is necessary to provide the patient with rest, if vomiting occurs, turn his head to the side so that he does not choke on the vomit, and call an ambulance. It is not recommended to give the patient painkillers (so as not to distort the clinical picture) and under no circumstances place a heating pad on the stomach. Even if the temperature is low-grade and the pain is moderate and tolerable, it is better not to let the patient go to the clinic alone, but to call a doctor at home.

Fever and abdominal pain are just symptoms of a very long list of diseases, the treatment of which will be prescribed depending on the diagnosis.

If necessary, the patient will be urgently operated on; in doubtful cases, he will be placed for several days under observation in a surgical hospital. If severe pathologies are detected, the patient is hospitalized in the appropriate department; in milder cases, outpatient treatment is prescribed.

You should not take medications for fever and abdominal pain; analgesics and antipyretics will only distort the symptom complex and complicate diagnosis.

The same applies to traditional methods of treatment.

Homeopathy can help in cases where surgical treatment is not required, however, the decision to consult a homeopathic doctor does not exclude a thorough modern examination and establishment of the correct diagnosis.

Consequences and complications

Uncomplicated inflammatory processes of the peritoneal organs are easily eliminated, which cannot be said about complicated ones, for example, perforation, when the purulent contents of the inflamed organ and necrotic tissue fragments enter the abdominal cavity. Diffuse peritonitis occurs, which can be dealt with only in the initial stages of its development. The operation to cleanse the abdominal cavity can last several hours, then the patient undergoes a long course of inpatient treatment using detoxification and antibacterial therapy. With diffuse peritonitis, every fourth patient dies, so the cause of abdominal pain and temperature above normal should be established in as soon as possible, By at least diseases requiring immediate surgical intervention are excluded - acute appendicitis, severe forms of acute cholecystitis and pancreatitis, perforated ulcers, intraperitoneal hemorrhages.

Fever and abdominal pain due to intestinal infections are complicated by frequent vomiting and diarrhea, threatening development dehydration, which can also be fatal. In severe forms of intestinal infections, for example, with salmonellosis, infectious-toxic shock may develop with further swelling of the brain, kidney or cardiovascular failure. Dysentery can be complicated by prolapse of the rectal mucosa.

Severe consequences can be avoided by promptly seeking medical help, since almost all uncomplicated diseases that cause abdominal pain and fever are currently curable, if not by conservative methods, then by surgical methods.

Therapeutic tasks of the doctor general practice for abdominal pain comes down to: eliminating the cause of abdominal pain, reducing pain, changing lifestyle, determining clinical cases, when you need a referral to a specialist for further examination, to clarify whether there is a connection between taking any medications and symptoms of dyspepsia, to monitor blood hemoglobin levels.

As we have already said, gastritis is a very broad concept, something of a collective term for a group of inflammatory diseases of the stomach.

We describe specific types of the inflammatory process separately, but here we give the most general idea of ​​the variants of the clinical picture.

Signs of a chronic disease

Chronic gastritis develops gradually and early stages It can proceed almost unnoticed and then worsens from time to time.

Early signs of the disease are sometimes:

  • hair loss;
  • sudden weight loss;
  • brittle nails;
  • skin problems;
  • thick coating on the tongue;
  • characteristic odor from the oral cavity.

Some more specific deviations from the norm are initially detected only during hardware diagnostics.

Probable clinical picture

The patient periodically begins to notice discomfort, which arises as retribution for another violation of the regime or an unjustified expansion of the diet. Unpleasant sensations - dull pain and heaviness in the epigastrium - are detected soon after eating.

The abdomen seems hard and swollen.

Depending on the individual characteristics of the patient’s body, the following cannot be excluded:

  • heartburn;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • diarrhea or, conversely, constipation;
  • rumbling in the stomach and frequent passing of gas.

The pain may be accompanied by fever and weakness. Typical symptoms of chronic gastritis are general lethargy, fatigue, and changes in appetite.

Manifestations depending on the characteristics of secretion

Patients who have developed inflammation of the stomach with high acidity, during periods of exacerbation, experience severe pain, heaviness, heartburn, vomiting, and suffer from irregular bowel movements.

If the acidity is low ( this form The disease occurs mainly in the elderly) - in addition to the same severity, belching occurs. Belching is provoked by increased fermentation processes.

Note that the above division of symptoms is very arbitrary. The set of manifestations of the disease is easily supplemented by symptoms concomitant diseases— GERD, duodenitis, JVP, etc.

Symptoms of acute inflammation

Acute gastritis makes itself felt unexpectedly and sharply. It can be caused by, say, one-time consumption of a large amount of food harmful to the stomach at the holiday table.

A person experiences discomfort in the upper abdomen, dizziness, bad taste in the mouth, and vomiting.

If mucus comes out with vomiting, this is a very alarming sign - a signal about the beginning of dehydration of the body.

It is better not to fight acute gastritis on your own. You need to go to bed and wait for the doctor. Don't rush to take pills at random home first aid kit so as not to inadvertently harm yourself.

Corrosive damage to the mucosa

Let us characterize this type of acute inflammation in particular, since it is extremely dangerous.

Corrosive damage is a consequence of exposure to chemicals.

It is accompanied by excruciating pain that is difficult to endure. If the mucous membrane is severely damaged, vomiting occurs with blood.

The sick person has difficulty breathing, his temperature rises to high marks. IN similar cases You should urgently require qualified help.

Under no circumstances should you expect everything to go away on its own. Why? Yes, because a few hours of patient waiting can be fatal.

Diseases that resemble gastritis

If your stomach gets sick unexpectedly, no self-medication! Have you examined by a doctor who can determine the true causes of the problem.

Sometimes gastritis can be easily confused with a completely different disease.

Let's say vomiting is characteristic of pancreatitis, intense pain in the stomach - for appendicitis.

In conclusion, we note that in children, gastrointestinal diseases usually occur in more severe forms than in adults.

symptoms of gastritis forms of gastritis

  • Treatment of chronic colitis: review of drugs
  • Diet for chronic colitis: what you can and cannot eat
  • What is intestinal irrigoscopy, why and how is it done?
  • Colonoscopy: indications, preparation, procedure
  • What does a coprogram show and how to take it correctly?

What should you do if your child has a stomach ache and is vomiting?

Adults should immediately pay close attention to the slightest manifestation of any ailment that leads to a change in the child’s behavior. If a child does not fall asleep at the right time or refuses to eat, or for some reason sulks, then parents should immediately think that this may be a manifestation of an illness that has just begun, and quickly decide what to do.
And the first action should include measuring the temperature. If pain appears in the abdomen and is accompanied frequent nausea and vomiting, you should immediately call a doctor.

Abdominal pain, headache and vomiting in a child do not always appear due to pathological processes in the gastrointestinal tract. They can arise after a walk around the city with parents, during which the child is bought everything he wants. Use incompatible products and a large number of drinks of different sweetness, plus increased physical activity and emotional overstimulation, lead to gas formation, the stomach begins to swell, and diarrhea may occur. The food does not have time to be digested, so this process is often accompanied by abdominal pain and vomiting.

Where is the line between dangerous and non-dangerous symptoms? What causes them? What to do if a child has a stomach ache and vomiting, no matter without fever or with it - call medical help/take the child to the emergency room or can you cope with it on your own and with home remedies? Let's talk about this in our article.

Alarming symptoms

There are symptoms when you don't need to think. It is urgent to call for medical help if:

  • Abdominal pain in a child appears suddenly in the navel area and spreads to the entire abdominal cavity, accompanied by loud crying, which intensifies when stroking the tummy;
  • the color of the skin changes, the child cannot stand on his feet and, falling, tightens his legs;
  • spontaneous excretion of feces and urine with an unusual color and odor occurs;
  • there is a sharp increase in temperature to 39-40 degrees, accompanied by delirium;
  • loss of consciousness occurs and convulsions begin;
  • the child has vomiting with a foul odor, the urge to vomit it frequently, or he begins to vomit bile;
  • breathing spasm occurs;
  • a rash appears on the skin.

Main reasons

A very dangerous infectious disease. The causative agent is the bacterium streptococcus, which can be found in droplets of sputum and mucus of the patient. When a patient sneezes or coughs, the bacteria enters the air and then into the respiratory tract of a healthy child. Infection can occur through the skin when a healthy child uses the things and toys of a sick person. The disease mainly affects children aged from two to seven years.

If a strong scarlet fever poison gets into the blood:

  • severe general condition, migraine appear;
  • damage occurs to the nervous and cardiovascular systems;
  • the streptococcus microbe can cause sepsis.

The incubation period can last up to two weeks, then a rapid deterioration begins, during which the stomach may ache, vomiting, and diarrhea may appear.

Also observed:

  • high temperature, up to 39-40 degrees;
  • sore throat when swallowing;
  • redness of the pharynx, with simultaneous enlargement of the tonsils, while the tongue is covered with a white coating;
  • a rash on the neck that quickly spreads throughout the body;
  • skin itching and peeling of the skin.

This disease can cause diseases of the joints, heart, and kidneys. Complications may also arise in the form of:

  • purulent inflammation of the submandibular and cervical lymph nodes;
  • ear diseases.

The disease is determined laboratory method, by culturing streptococcus from a throat swab.

Scarlet fever can be treated at home, but under the supervision of a doctor and under appropriate conditions at the place of residence of the sick child. The bed is separated from the rest of the room space by a screen if it is not possible to allocate a separate room. Bed rest is required. Feed a sick child five to six times a day with plant and dairy foods.

Medicines used include Penicillin, Erythromycin, calcium preparations, vitamins - Ascorbic acid, tea with lemon, vegetable and fruit juices, cranberry puree and fruit juice. Gargle with warm soda solution several times a day, and every day the child must be washed with warm water.


An infectious disease that causes intoxication of the body and damage to the colon. The causative agent of the disease is a microbe from the genus Shigella.

Dysentery is divided into acute and chronic. Acute - lasts from three days to three months, chronic - over 3 months.

The disease is transmitted in several ways: food, household and water, and only through the mouth. Some microbes, once in the stomach, die, but at the same time they manage to release poisonous substance, which is absorbed into the blood and poisons the body. Another part manages to reach the colon, where they begin to multiply vigorously, causing inflammation and forming ulcers. The incubation period lasts from two to seven days.

The disease begins quickly with characteristic symptoms:

  • increased frequency of bowel movements up to 25 times a day;
  • the bowel movements are initially copious and liquid, then turn into scanty diarrhea, but with blood;
  • weakness, malaise and headache appear;
  • fever is accompanied by chills;
  • There are pains in the abdomen and side.

The disease is diagnosed by palpation of the abdomen, based on laboratory research feces, urine and blood and using sigmoidoscopy. This is an instrumental method with which the inner surface of the rectum and the distal part of the sigmoid colon are examined.

The treatment is complex and carried out in a hospital. Along with the regime and therapeutic nutrition, medications are used that can kill dysentery bacteria and neutralize the poison they secrete, i.e. detoxification therapy is carried out.


Is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the stomach, as a result of which a malfunction occurs organ.

There are acute and chronic form.

  • The reasons for the first lie in acute irritation of the stomach by fatty, spicy, poor-quality, cold or hot foods, carbonated drinks, as well as damage to it when swallowing pins, glass and other piercing objects. The disease manifests itself a few hours after the negative impact. The epicenter of pain, accompanied by nausea and vomiting, becomes the epigastric region. Fever, headache, bad taste bile in the mouth. If these symptoms occur, call a doctor mandatory, due to the fact that similar symptoms are present in appendicitis, cholecystitis and a number of other diseases that require urgent and urgent care.
  • The second appears when the stomach is regularly “bombarded” with the wrong food or a violation of the diet, including “snacks on the go”, overeating, and can also be the result of allergic reactions, chronic diseases and congenital pathologies. It is characterized by heaviness after a heavy meal, as well as heartburn and bloating due to certain foods. When the disease worsens, the symptoms are the same as in the acute form.

The disease is established on the basis of:

  • laboratory tests: general and biochemical blood tests, urine and feces tests, gastric secretion analysis, biopsy;
  • instrumental methods: gastroscopy, ultrasound, x-ray with contrast.

Treatment is based on the use antibacterial agents and drugs that restore the necessary acidity of the stomach and regenerate the mucous layer of the organ, as well as compliance with the diet and diet established by the doctor.


This violation is vital important functions the body as a result of the ingestion of chemicals of various origins. There are a great many reasons why children are poisoned, but all of them can be divided into two large groups: food and non-food poisoning. Moreover, poisoning of both types can be observed at any age:

Children under one year old

The source of food poisoning in children 1 year of age or younger can be a nursing mother who has herself become intoxicated by consuming low-quality foods, medications, alcohol, or a poorly processed bottle nipple if the baby is bottle-fed. When inserted baby food, the problem of poisoning may be due to its poor quality.

Non-food poisoning of infants can occur due to poor rinsing of diapers after washing with powders, harmful paints used in the manufacture of linen and toys, bites from flying and crawling insects.

When babies are poisoned, the following symptoms may appear:

  • restless or unnaturally quiet and silent behavior, with signs of depression;
  • quiet crying on one note;
  • unnaturally frequent and long sleep in uncomfortable positions;
  • numerous cases of vomiting;
  • vomit with traces of blood;
  • diarrhea of ​​an unusual color with a nauseating odor;
  • dyspnea;
  • increased, low or low temperature;
  • the color and condition of the tongue are changed.
Children from one year to 4-5 years

Children who begin to crawl and walk are very interested in the world around them and usually learn about it by tasting it. That is why at this age it is observed maximum amount poisoning After all, children can be interested in anything - a pill wrapper, a jar of cream, perfume, household chemicals, various seasonings, flowers and berries. Particularly dangerous are bright and shiny objects, to which babies are drawn first.

In modern urban conditions, poisoning with acids and alkalis, which are components of cleaning and detergents. The entry of these substances into the body causes a burn and severe pain in the mouth and throat. Difficulty swallowing and observed copious discharge saliva. Damage to the airways causes spasm and suffocation. Vomiting of blood and loss of consciousness may occur.

Children who live in nature or go there in the summer months are often poisoned by henbane, the seeds of which remind them of poppies. Symptoms usually appear within 25-30 minutes and include:

  • dry mouth and sore throat;
  • slurred speech;
  • dilated pupils and fear of light;
  • redness and dryness of the skin;
  • forehead soreness;
  • increased excitability;
  • convulsions;
  • blue discoloration of mucous membranes;
  • visual hallucinations and delusions.

Doctors, using electro-physiological and biochemical express methods, will be able to identify the type of toxic substances and the degree of intoxication of the body, which will allow them to choose the right type of treatment, determine the volume of resuscitation and intensive corrective therapy.

This is difficult and insufficiently complete bowel movement. Each person is individual, but for most people, the inability to have a bowel movement for a day or two is considered constipation.

This problem can arise at any age - in adolescence, the cause is usually irregular dry food, in preschool and primary school - its occurrence is facilitated by stress, great physical exercise, other “non-homemade” food. Now let’s take a closer look at the problem of constipation in newborns.

Usually this situation occurs when the baby is already growing up, he does not have enough mother’s milk, and they begin to feed him with various porridge-like mixtures.

Reasons may also include:

  • non-compliance with the daily routine and nutrition by both the mother and the child;
  • mother’s consumption of fatty, fried, smoked foods;
  • low intake of liquids by both the mother and the child;
  • unhealthy psychological atmosphere at home, which negatively affects mother and child;
  • deviations in the development of internal organs and any diseases, for example, damage to the anal canal.


  • bloating occurs in the abdomen, while the tummy itself is not soft, but elasticity appears;
  • Due to gas formation, the baby cries and/or cannot sleep, because... it puts pressure on other organs and causes pain throughout the entire abdominal cavity, sometimes localized in the sides, lower abdomen;
  • the child does not eat well, and if he eats, he begins to feel sick, burps and vomits;
  • there is an increase in temperature;
  • headache.

To eliminate constipation, it is necessary to slightly increase the baby’s water intake, introduce a grated apple into the diet, carrot juice and other fruit purees. Feeding with food rich in fiber it should be given extremely carefully, at first a few drops or on the tip of a teaspoon. It is better to use a non-metal grater so that the food does not oxidize.

Also, to correct the situation, you can use massage: first place the child on his stomach and perform massage movements along the body, then turn him over and begin to stroke the tummy clockwise. You can place a heating pad with warm water or a warm diaper on your stomach.

If this does not help, then the child is placed on his side and given an enema. The tip of the enema is lubricated Vaseline oil, and the enema itself is filled with boiled water. The water temperature should be 30-32 degrees.

If the problem with constipation becomes chronic, it should be discussed with a doctor, who should conduct an examination, including the following types of diagnostics:

  • study of the composition of intestinal microflora;
  • examination of stool for the presence of helminths;
  • general and biochemical blood tests;
  • Ultrasound of the liver, stomach and pancreas;
  • manometry and sphincterometry, during which the process of work of the esophageal muscles is studied and the strength of their contractions is measured.

Based on the results obtained, the doctor can recommend a diet, a complex physical exercise, as well as prescribe drug therapy.

Heat and sunstroke

Heat stroke occurs when a child is exposed to a high temperature environment for a long time. In hot weather, a person sweats and loses a lot of fluid, the blood thickens and begins to move slowly, the balance of salts is disturbed, and the body experiences a lack of oxygen. And since thermoregulation in children is imperfect, heat stroke occurs with high humidity, high temperature and difficulty sweating.

Sunny - is a consequence of a child’s prolonged exposure to direct sunlight, for example, on the beach, in the country. When the head is not covered with a light headdress.

The symptoms are:

  • lethargy and general malaise;
  • Strong headache;
  • temperature increase 38-40 degrees;
  • pain in the side or abdomen;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • bleeding from the nose;
  • sometimes fainting and convulsions.

When these conditions appear, it is necessary to call a doctor, and until his arrival, put the patient in the shade. Apply something cold to the head, armpits, and side of the neck. You can wrap the body with a wet sheet, as a result of which the patient's temperature will decrease.

First aid

It takes some time until the emergency team arrives, and often, first aid not provided in these minutes leads to serious consequences.

In case of poisoning

When the poison enters the stomach, the stomach is washed out. In older children, with mild degree intoxication, poison is removed by inducing vomiting. For this purpose a solution is used table salt, in proportion - 1 tablespoon per liter of water t° 36-37.5°. This causes pylorospasm and prevents the poison from entering the lower gastrointestinal tract.

Further washing is carried out clean water, the volume of which must be strictly dosed and correspond to the age of the child.

Table. The volume of liquid simultaneously introduced into the stomach during lavage in children, depending on age

For unconscious children, the mucous membranes are wiped repeatedly with gauze swabs.

What not to do in case of poisoning:

  • independently choose and use the antidote;
  • cause vomiting in unconscious people, because they may choke on vomit;
  • In case of poisoning with alkalis or acids, you should not give anything to drink, because this can lead to an even worse chemical injury or thermal burn.

If there is pain in the abdominal cavity

The patient must be provided with maximum peace and comfort. If this happened in hot weather, then move the victim to the shade and create artificial ventilation air. A piece of cardboard, a cap, or a hat are suitable for this. Place a vessel on your stomach with cold water. In case of nausea, make sure that vomit does not enter the respiratory tract.

  • warm the stomach with a hot heating pad or some other method;
  • use medications that reduce pain, because they change the symptoms of the disease and diagnosis will be difficult;
  • endure acute or prolonged pain, especially if it is accompanied by fever, frequent vomiting, loss of consciousness, and the presence of blood in the vomit and stool.

Traditional methods

When a diagnosis is made, along with traditional medicine, traditional methods of treatment can be used.

  • carefully read the dosage and method of administration;
  • Prepare herbal infusions in a “water bath”, because they provide better care;
  • when harvesting herbs, use an area at least three kilometers away from the city and industrial enterprises;
  • when side effects, immediately stop the chosen treatment.

If you suffer from diarrhea

In case of severe stomach upset, you should switch to a “starvation” diet, including rice broth without adding salt and strong tea with rye crackers. An oak decoction will also help stop diarrhea: take 1 tablespoon of bark per three hundred grams of water and boil over low heat for 10-12 minutes. The resulting decoction is filtered and consumed 1 tablespoon three times a day.

For spasmodic pain in the stomach

One tablespoon of gooseberries is poured into 210 ml of water, temperature 90-100 degrees, and boiled over low heat for 10 minutes. The resulting mass is taken 40-50 ml several times a day.

For the treatment of the digestive system (gastritis):

  • Calendula officinalis, flowers - 20 grams;
  • Chamomile, flowers - 20 grams;
  • Large plantain, leaves - 20 grams;
  • Tripartite sequence, grass - 20 grams;
  • Common yarrow, grass - 20 grams.

The collected mixture is poured with two liters of boiling water, covered with a lid and infused for 60 minutes. Then it is filtered and taken 100 grams three to four times a day (along with gastric lavage with a disinfectant solution).

If a child has a headache, vomiting and stomach pain, then these are very dangerous symptoms that need to be paid close attention to. They signal the onset of developing diseases. When ignored and not accepted urgent measures to find out the cause of their occurrence, serious consequences may occur.

There are many diseases that cause stomach pain and increased body temperature. Most often they are associated with serious disruptions in work digestive system, therefore it is necessary to urgently seek medical help. The likelihood of recovery is determined by timely contact with specialists. So, with appendicitis, the probability of developing complications on the first day of treatment is 20%, and on the third day it is already 80%.

  • 1Acute appendicitis
  • 2 Signs of acute gastritis
  • 3Stomach ulcer
  • 4Clinical picture of peritonitis
  • 5Acute pancreatitis
  • 6Food poisoning or toxic infection
  • 7Disease nephritis

1Acute appendicitis

This is a condition in which the appendix becomes inflamed. Something like this can happen in childhood, and in an adult. Patients describe the onset of the disease as an attack of sharp pain in the navel area, but after 2-3 hours the body temperature rises, pain in the stomach appears, it becomes encircling in nature, and is often localized in the iliac region.

If the victim is a child, then he takes a forced position - the fetal position, cries, refuses to eat, as he is tormented by pain and nausea. Children cannot always describe the intensity of pain and their location. If the child is 1 year old, then he can bend in an arc and scream for a long time.

After the ambulance arrives, the employee checks the symptoms of the disease and sends the patient to the hospital for surgical intervention. For acute appendicitis, treatment is only surgical. It is necessary to remove the inflamed appendix. If this is not done, the appendix may rupture, leading to peritonitis.

During an attack of appendicitis you should not:

  • apply heating pads and warm towels to the stomach;
  • postpone a visit to the doctor;
  • take painkillers;
  • eat food.

Taking painkillers leads to a change in the clinical picture, it becomes erased. Treatment is also difficult due to interaction medicines. Since immediate surgical intervention is indicated for appendicitis, the patient is given anesthesia; its effectiveness is reduced if an anesthetic has been taken before.

2 Signs of acute gastritis

This is a condition in which the lining of the stomach becomes inflamed. Stomach pain, nausea, and vomiting develop. Acute gastritis can appear in people who have not previously had diseases of the digestive system. This is often preceded by strong stress factors:

  • taking highly irritating substances (alcohol, acids, lemon juice on an empty stomach);
  • taking medications (aspirin);
  • influence of radiation;
  • some viral or bacterial infections;
  • long-term poor nutrition in combination with stress (students are especially often at risk).

At acute gastritis the patient's skin becomes pale, lips light pink. The patient can take a forced position, curled up, or stand bent over. Every meal ends with vomiting. Treatment is prescribed by a doctor. With such a disease, to restore the mucous membrane, you can take liquid semolina porridge for 2 weeks.

3Stomach ulcer

Gastric ulcers develop over a long period of time and are usually preceded by several episodes of gastritis. Stomach pain, nausea, and vomiting appear. The latter may have a brown color and be mixed with blood. A complication of an ulcer is its perforation into the abdominal cavity. In this case, peritonitis develops.

Sometimes the disease can be asymptomatic. But most often, abdominal pain with an ulcer is rhythmic and depends on food intake. At long absence eating (more than 4 hours), the discomfort intensifies. A painful appetite occurs, and the patient wants to eat more often than the body needs.

4Clinical picture of peritonitis

Peritonitis is dangerous disease. It can be primary or secondary. In primary peritonitis, inflammation is initially localized in the peritoneum (very rare). Much more common is secondary peritonitis, which occurs against the background of another disease. These include: stomach ulcer (when perforated, the acidic contents of the stomach begin to penetrate into the abdominal cavity, inflammation of the peritoneum develops), abdominal trauma, rupture of the appendix, complications of diseases of the female reproductive system, pancreatitis.

Very severe pain appears in the stomach. Increased body temperature to 39°C, dizziness, headache, nausea, vomiting. The patient's skin color changes and he becomes very pale. The abdominal pain is so severe that the patient cannot move. Blood pressure decreases and loss of consciousness is possible.

If all these symptoms occur, it is necessary to urgently call ambulance. Peritonitis therapy is performed only in a hospital setting. During treatment on the first day there is a high probability Get well soon. Surgical intervention is necessary for this disease.

5Acute pancreatitis

This is a condition in which there is inflammation of the pancreas. This pathology accompanied by severe pain in the abdomen on the left side; the pain can be girdling in nature, radiating to the shoulder blade and sometimes to the shoulder. It occurs a few hours after eating, but can also occur independently and be non-recurrent. With pancreatitis, stagnation of digestive enzymes in the gland occurs, and under their action the parenchyma of the organ begins to collapse.

In response to a signal about cellular destruction, it is activated the immune system and directs cells neutrophils, phagocytes, lymphocytes to the site of inflammation. During their work, a large number of inflammatory mediators are released, which only increases pain and the immune response. Treatment of acute pancreatitis is carried out only in a hospital setting. The main helpers are cold, hunger and peace.

What not to do in case of acute pancreatitis:

  • There is;
  • warm a sore stomach;
  • move;
  • take painkillers;
  • wait until it goes away on its own.

Acute pancreatitis rarely causes stomach pain. But sometimes it is combined with gastritis or gastric ulcer. It is in this case that such an unpleasant symptom occurs.

6Food poisoning or toxic infection

What happens when there is poisoning in the stomach? Food of insufficiently good quality with an admixture of toxic substances or bacteria enters the stomach. Its digestion begins, the stomach receptors release mucous secretion and digestive enzymes to break it down. Then everything goes to the small intestine. Partial absorption begins there. Once harmful molecules enter the brain, a signal is sent indicating their danger. Then the contents of the stomach and part of the small intestine are evacuated.

This process is called vomiting. The patient experiences nausea and a headache may begin. Since dangerous substances are partially absorbed, they continue to circulate in the body, causing new attacks of stomach pain and vomiting. If bacteria enter, they can begin to multiply in the large intestine, less often in the small intestine or stomach and cause symptoms of general intoxication. Not only does vomiting appear, the body temperature also rises, and weakness occurs. Toxic infections are especially dangerous for children, as dehydration can quickly develop.

What should be done in such cases? To begin, remember the events that preceded the symptoms of the disease. Where did you eat, what did you eat, and did you observe the rules of personal hygiene? Very often the cause of poisoning is fast food eaten with dirty hands. Hands must be washed thoroughly with soap before eating and every time after visiting the toilet, and also when coming home.

Symptoms of food poisoning, including stomach pain, vomiting, and diarrhea, disappear within 8-12 hours. If after this period of time the clinical picture does not change, nausea and vomiting continue, then it is necessary to urgently seek medical help.

7Disease nephritis

There is another disease that is not associated with damage to the gastrointestinal tract, but is accompanied by abdominal pain and fever. This is nephritis, a condition in which inflammation occurs in the kidneys. The infection most often comes from the lower parts of the urinary system. People with frequent cystitis and diseases of the genital organs are more likely to develop nephritis than others.

With nephritis, patients note severe pain in the abdomen, which can become girdling. In this case, urinary disorders develop. Patients complain that going to the toilet is very painful, the urge is frequent, but the volume of fluid released is insignificant. Swelling appears throughout the body, including on the face, and the head may begin to hurt.

In addition to a small amount, the urine becomes dark in color and has a sharp bad smell. When examined, it may contain altered red blood cells, white blood cells, bacterial cells, and the amount of protein increases. Treatment of the disease is carried out only in a hospital setting.

After several episodes of nephritis, the disease may become chronic. Treatment includes antibacterial therapy, as well as drugs that restore kidney function.

“Life” and “belly” were denoted by one word among the ancient Slavs. And this had its own logic: everything that is most important for life is really stored in the stomach... Not counting, perhaps, the brains: they would not have withstood the load that usually falls on the digestive system.

The Slavs (as well as other peoples living in our climate) love to eat. They always loved it and, by and large, they were right: they had to work hard and a lot, and additional calories and protective layers of fat were also required to heat their own body. That's why plentiful food was perhaps the main condition for survival.

But if in ancient times this healthy appetite was somehow restrained by the zone of risky agriculture, taxes, dues and raids of nomads, then in the modern world the load on the stomach has increased significantly. A healthy appetite remains, but there are no restraining factors (well, except conscience).

So there is nothing strange if every day in some place in the abdomen something gurgles, bursts and hurts from overload. And it’s not a fact that it’s the digestive organ that hurts. Someone out there is giving signals, trying to remind you that, Without sparing your belly, you are literally risking your life. Marina Yakusheva, a network therapist, helped us decipher these messages medical clinics"Family".

Pain in the pit of the stomach, at the very top in the center (1)

What do you feel: stabbing, cutting acute pain, sometimes radiating to the chest area. She is accompanied by a feeling of fullness in the abdomen and flatulence.

Most likely it is gastritis. Unless, of course, you rule out the possibility that someone punched you in the gut. The most common cause of disease is microorganisms Helicobacter pylori. They torment the gastric mucosa worse than hot peppers or alcohol (by the way, they are also gastritis provocateurs).

Stress hormones stimulate excess secretion of hydrochloric acid in the stomach - and here is another factor for the development of inflammation. That’s why there is a belief among people that “ulcers come from nerves.” With severe and prolonged pain, one can indeed suspect not just gastritis, but a stomach or duodenal ulcer.

By the way, There are two types of gastritis:

  • Hyperacid occurs when increased acidity, everything is clear with him: the acid irritates the walls of the stomach, and inflammation results.
  • It still happens hypoacid. The fact is that a low level of acidity, firstly, contributes to the prosperity of Helicobacter pylori bacteria, and secondly, does not ensure normal digestion of food, allowing it to rot.

Is it true, the same pain and accompanying symptoms can be caused by myocardial infarction, which is often disguised as “something with the belly.” If the pain also radiates to your left arm, call an ambulance immediately!

Another option is appendicitis. It often begins with a vague pain in the pit of the stomach, and only then the pain signal moves to the right side and becomes very distinct. This is why it is usually not recommended to take painkillers for abdominal discomfort: this will complicate the diagnosis. Maybe an ambulance after all?

What to do?

Well, if there was no emergency hospitalization, still make an appointment with a gastroenterologist or therapist as soon as possible. And do not refuse gastroscopy: only this procedure will allow you to make a clear diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

Read also How to stop overeating: change eating habits

Right hypochondrium hurts (2)

What do you feel: sharp, acute pain that occurs suddenly, accompanied by a feeling of heaviness, nausea, vomiting, and bloating. Gives to right shoulder. Lasts for an hour.

Most likely, you have biliary (liver) colic. The reason for this is stones that lead to stagnation of bile. An attack can be triggered by severe stress, a festive feast (spicy, fatty, alcoholic), a long car ride on a bumpy road, and a bent over position (during cleaning floors, sex, or stretching exercises).

But, again, maybe it’s a myocardial infarction, especially if you have cardiovascular pathologies.

What to do?

Call a doctor, do not refuse hospitalization (doctors will most likely insist on it). You need to be examined by a surgeon, gastroenterologist, or urologist. Be sure to tell your doctor if you are taking birth control pills - they may cause another attack.

Eliminate fatty foods from your diet salty food and baked goods. Don't eat for 12 hours after an attack. Try to control your weight - if you have extra pounds, start getting rid of them.

Read also Liver: why it is important to know how it works

What do you feel: noticeable discomfort or dull pain, loss of appetite.

Most likely, this is biliary dyskinesia. That is, a violation of their motor skills. Because of this, problems arise with the flow of bile into the duodenum, as a result of which the entire digestion process is disrupted (primarily the digestion of fats).

Less likely, but also maybe acute hepatitis A or B, exacerbation of chronic hepatitis C, or even cirrhosis of the liver. It is especially worth thinking about this if one of the symptoms is light-colored stools.

What to do?

Immediately contact a hepatologist and gastroenterologist. Even if the most terrible suspicions are not confirmed, you are still strictly forbidden to overeat (even on major holidays), the diet should be fractional: five to six times a day, in small portions, without fatty, smoked and spicy foods. And, of course, without alcohol.

Right side hurts at waist level (3)

What do you feel: severe cutting pain radiating to the lower abdomen and genital area. It has a wave-like flow, then fades, then intensifies.

Most likely, you have renal colic. The reason for this may be urolithiasis, kinking of the ureter, inflammation. Be careful when trying to lose weight. Excessive thinness is one of the provocateurs of kidney prolapse in nulliparous women. There is a lack of retroperitoneal fat, which helps the organs stay in place.

Similar symptoms include inflammation of the ovaries (adnexitis), osteochondrosis (especially if the pain radiates to the lower back) and appendicitis.

What to do?

If you have already encountered a similar situation, then take a painkiller or a drug that relieves spasms. Be sure to schedule a visit to the urologist the next day.

Did the pain appear for the first time? Gritting your teeth, without taking medications, wait for the ambulance to arrive. To make an accurate diagnosis, make an appointment with a gynecologist, neurologist and surgeon.

Read also Kidney stones: how do you know if you have them?

Left hypochondrium hurts (4)

What do you feel: It's a dull pain, gaining intensity over time. Sometimes it seems to encircle the body. She is accompanied by nausea, dyspepsia, and bloating. It gets especially bad after eating fatty foods or strong alcohol.

Most likely, this is pancreatitis - acute or chronic. The pancreas suffers. The outflow of juices containing digestive enzymes is disrupted. They begin to affect not the food, but the organ itself, leading to its destruction.

In the worst case, this is bleeding from a stomach and/or duodenal ulcer.

What to do?

Start sticking to a diet. Eat small meals five to six times a day. Alcohol under strict ban, no butter or rich broths. If symptoms increase quickly, getting worse every minute - call an ambulance, you need emergency help surgeon

The very middle of the abdomen hurts (5)

What do you feel: flatulence, bloating, churning in the stomach, short-term aching pain.

Most likely, you overate. The stomach, liver, intestines and pancreas simply could not cope with the loaded volume - and now gases move through the intestines, causing discomfort.

Other options: dysbiosis (wait if you were sick and took antibiotics) or lactase deficiency (pay attention to whether the symptoms described are related to the consumption of dairy products).

What to do?

Go to the nearest pharmacy and buy drugs that eliminate flatulence and enzymes that help digestion.