How not to miss pneumonia in a child. Symptoms and consequences of advanced pneumonia

Despite modern scientific advances in the field of medicine, pneumonia remains one of the most dangerous diseases. High mortality from this disease is observed in young children - up to two years old and in elderly people - over 65-70 years old. But it is necessary for every person to be able to raise the alarm in time, to know how to identify pneumonia, because a situation from moderate to severe can at any moment go into a critical stage, when the clock counts, and pick up effective medicine It won't be that easy.

Pneumonia, or pneumonia, is an inflammation of the lung tissue as a result of penetration into the cells of the organ pathogenic bacteria, virus strains. Less common forms are caused by protozoal infections- protozoa, mold spores.

The reaction to the penetration of pathogens becomes a symptom complex characteristic of pneumonia. To a man without medical education It may be difficult to distinguish the disease from pleurisy, bronchitis, therefore final diagnosis should be installed by an experienced specialist.

Causes of pneumonia development

With banal infections of the upper respiratory tract every child and adult faces, almost every year. However, in the course of common colds lies the risk of developing complications. Pneumonia can develop for the following reasons.

  1. Complication of acute respiratory viral infections. For some reason, the human immune system is unable to defeat the virus, and it “descends” further down the respiratory tract. Often the “chain” begins with a sore throat or rhinitis, then progresses to pharyngitis, then comes bronchitis, and only after that the lung tissue becomes inflamed.
  2. Infection with characteristic pathogens - most often these are bacteria from the genus Streptococcus pneumoniae. The disease can be transmitted by airborne droplets or household transmission.
  3. The addition of a bacterial infection to a viral one. In this case, pneumonia develops a few days after suffering from acute respiratory viral infection or tonsillitis. Secondary infection especially dangerous for people with initially weakened immune systems.
  4. Congestive pneumonia. Typical for bedridden patients. A specific risk group is old people who have suffered a hip fracture and other people who are forced to remain in one position for a long time. The lack of proper ventilation in the lungs contributes to the development of pathogenic microflora.
  5. Defeat by hospital infections. This type of pneumonia is recognized as the most dangerous, since the pathogens, as a rule, are superinfections and are difficult to treat with antibiotics.

It must be remembered that, regardless of the type, the disease is severe. The first signs may begin to appear just a few days after infection, and sometimes the disease develops over a longer period of time. To avoid severe consequences, you need to take measures and know the symptoms of pneumonia.

The classification of types of disease is used by doctors to determine the source of infection, pathogen, mode of development and degree of damage. lung tissue. Important data are the nature of the course and associated complications. The severity of the disease affects the choice of treatment methods and the prognosis for a particular patient.

All together allows doctors to most effectively approach the treatment of each specific case of pneumonia.

Based on epidemiological data

This classification is necessary to determine the source of infection. These data are important from the point of view of possible drug resistance of the pathogen. Classification based on epidemiological data indicates the following types of pneumonia.

  1. Community-acquired infections occur outside the hospital. Doctors are usually recognized for relatively “easy” cases.
  2. Nosocomial infections. They are dangerous because the pathogen is almost always a superinfection. Such bacteria are insensitive to conventional antibiotics because the strains develop protection against the main active ingredients. Modern directions medical science suggests the use of bacteriophages.
  3. Triggered by immunodeficiency conditions. Risk groups for the development of pneumonia in adults include bedridden patients, HIV-infected patients, patients with cancer diagnoses. Pneumonia with immunodeficiency state always imply a cautious forecast.
  4. Atypical pneumonia. They occur with an altered clinical picture and are provoked by insufficiently studied pathogens.

By pathogen

Identifying the type of pathogen influences the choice medicines. The following types of infections are distinguished:

  • bacterial - the most common type;
  • viral;
  • fungal;
  • protozoan;
  • mixed.

According to the development mechanism

The source of the disease allows you to determine the treatment strategy. The following forms of development are identified:

  • primary - independent disease;
  • secondary - appear against the background of other diseases;
  • post-traumatic - caused by mechanical damage lung tissue and secondary infection;
  • postoperative;
  • pneumonia after a heart attack - develops due to partial obstruction of the pulmonary veins.

According to the degree of lung tissue involvement

The level of tissue damage influences the intervention strategy and prognosis. There are such degrees:

  • unilateral inflammation;
  • bilateral;
  • total lesion - includes basal forms, lobar, segmental.

According to the nature of the course

Taking into account complications

According to severity

Symptoms of the disease

Pneumonia symptoms show different symptoms, but together they add up to a certain clinical picture. Some of them are general, others depend on the specific course of the disease. The patient or his relative should pay attention to the following manifestations.

  1. High temperature, which does not respond well to antipyretics.
  2. Sweating, shortness of breath even at rest. Weakness, sometimes confusion, this symptom indicates severe bilateral or lobar lung disease.
  3. Cough - can be dry or with phlegm. With focal pneumonia, the sputum is greenish in color and smells like pus. Lobar pneumonia is characterized by the discharge of blood-colored mucus, this is one of the important symptoms dangerous condition. The cough does not bring relief.
  4. Pain in the sternum when breathing, especially during physical activity.
  5. Lobar pneumonia accompanied by severe intoxication, so rashes are observed in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle.

Without special competent treatment, the patient's condition will worsen. Traditional methods are not effective for this serious disease, so you need to seek the help of a doctor. At severe conditions It is recommended to call an ambulance.

Diagnostic methods

Correct diagnosis includes not only identifying the pathological process occurring in the lungs, but also clarifying additional details. The pathogen, severity and other data are taken into account, which help determine the prescription of drugs and additional procedures.

Diagnostic methods include the following:

  • visual initial examination, assessment of the patient’s condition;
  • taking sputum for analysis - identifies the causative agent of infection;
  • general blood test - determines the degree of intoxication;
  • radiography;
  • Ultrasound of the pleural cavity.

Full set recommended diagnostic procedures to establish as much as possible accurate diagnosis. Ultrasound is recommended to be performed several times to determine the effectiveness of the treatment and timely detection of complications.

Treatment of pneumonia

Treatment of pneumonia involves right choice drug therapy, aimed at destroying pathogenic microflora, in combination with drugs that help restore lung tissue and maintain the patient’s condition.

Home treatment of pneumonia is unacceptable; the patient is advised to be hospitalized in the pulmonology department for complex procedures.

The standard treatment regimen involves the following measures.

  1. Prescribing antibiotic therapy. Doctors recommend starting it as early as possible, using new generation drugs, without wasting time identifying a specific pathogen. If necessary, drugs are adjusted and combined during the treatment process. The course of treatment lasts up to 14 days.
  2. Providing the patient with bed rest in a warm, well-ventilated room. Recommended special food- light, but high in calories, with big amount vitamins
  3. Prescription of antipyretics, expectorants, antihistamines. These medications help relieve intoxication, improve general condition patient, reduce the load on the kidneys and heart.
  4. At extensive lesions lungs and difficulty breathing, it is recommended to use oxygen masks.
  5. After the acute phase of pneumonia is removed, physiotherapy (electrophoresis with potassium iodide), inhalations, physiotherapy to restore a damaged lung lesion.

At the right approach to treatment, the symptoms of pneumonia decrease after three to four days, and full recovery occurs in 15-21 days.

Prevention and prognosis

Pneumonia in adults occurs when methods of preventing this disease are neglected. To prevent the disease, it is recommended to lead a healthy lifestyle, stop smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages.

Hardening and strengthening the immune system with proper nutrition, rich in vitamins and beneficial microelements, is also a great way to “prevent” bacterial or viral infections from reaching the lower respiratory tract.

The prognosis for healthy adults is good. In 80% of cases, with proper treatment, absolute restoration of lung tissue is observed within two to three months. Sometimes there may be a partial degeneration of the affected area - carnification, then you will need additional measures for recovery after illness.

Questionable and unfavorable prognosis for severe course in people with HIV infection and cancer patients.


Pneumonia is a disease that should not be underestimated. Remember that before the invention of antibiotics, every third person who fell ill died from it. Achievements modern medicine made pneumonia not so dangerous, but qualified treatment is possible only with the help of professionals, in a hospital setting. Non-traditional and traditional methods can be an addition to the main therapy, but not the basis of treatment.

Pneumonia in children rarely occurs as an independent disease. It usually begins as a complication of viral or bacterial infections. This happens because children's muscles are still poorly developed and cannot properly remove mucus from the lungs. And the stagnation of pathogens causes pneumonia.

Depending on the type of pathogen, pneumonia is divided into viral, bacterial and fungal (rare). The first two usually occur as a complication of the underlying disease as a result of congestion in the lungs, but a fungal infection can arise, among other things, as a result of improper treatment with antibiotics.

How to distinguish a bacterial form from a viral one? With viral pneumonia, the child’s face is pink, he refuses to drink and generally does not feel very bad. Usually this is not that dangerous (but still requires consultation with a doctor), and will go away in about a week. In some cases, when the immune system is weakened, viral pneumonia may lead to pulmonary edema.

If the baby is pale, thirsty, lies in bed and does not want to play at all - this is warning signs bacterial pneumonia, and medical attention is required immediately.

How to recognize pneumonia in a child in time

The main sign of pneumonia is a cough. In addition to this, there are a number of characteristic symptoms:

  • against the backdrop of a seemingly passing cold, the child suddenly became worse;
  • the temperature reaches 40° and, when churned, soon rises again;
  • the child is lethargic, whiny;
  • loss of appetite or complete failure from food;
  • the child not only coughs, but also clearly experiences a lack of air - breathing becomes rapid;
  • there may be a decrease in the accuracy of movements;
  • As a result of digestive disorders, nausea and diarrhea are possible.

At the first signs of pneumonia (sudden rise in temperature and cough), you should immediately consult a doctor. And if you suspect pneumonia in an infant, contact medical assistance must be immediate! A clear sign pneumonia in infants - blue discoloration of the nasolabial triangle.

How to prevent pneumonia

As we have already understood, pneumonia in most cases is a complication of other diseases. And in order to prevent it from occurring, it is necessary to remember a number of precautions for colds:

  • during ARVI, give the child plenty to drink so that his mouth and throat do not dry out, and the virus does not penetrate deeper into the body;
  • for the same purpose, it is necessary to maintain air humidity at least 50% and regularly ventilate;
  • when coughing, you should not resort to cough suppressants so that phlegm does not stagnate in the bronchi (of course, you should consult a doctor on this issue, because for some diseases, for example, whooping cough, such remedies are necessary);
  • do not resort to antibiotics without a doctor’s prescription (if it is a viral infection, the body itself must cope with the disease);
  • do not get carried away with vasoconstrictor sprays, spray into your nose no more than once at night, and the rest of the time it is better to rinse with saline solution.

How is pneumonia treated?

In some cases, pneumonia can be treated at home, but still under the supervision of a doctor. If the doctor said that you need to go to the hospital, do not refuse under any circumstances - they don’t just put you in the hospital. Treatment for pneumonia includes:

  • antibiotics;
  • antipyretics (usually paracetamol);
  • nutrition in small portions, light and beautifully served food (food should be attractive, because the appetite of children with pneumonia is very poor);
  • drinking plenty of fluids;
  • ventilation, air humidification and daily wet cleaning.

Pneumonia in a child is always serious. And if you couldn’t prevent it, do everything possible to avoid serious complications. Listen to the doctor - with pneumonia in children, self-medicating is tantamount to a crime.

How to avoid pneumonia?

Pneumonia is one of the most common causes of death in children in the first years of life. And this sad statistics is largely due to parents’ misconceptions about this disease.

Our expert is the director of the Research Institute of Pediatrics, deputy director of the National Scientific Research Center for Children's Health scientific work, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Leila Namazova-Baranova.

Misconception 1. If you wrap your child warmly and don’t expose him to a draft, pneumonia will never happen.

In fact main reason the development of pneumonia - a pneumococcal infection, which, by the way, can also cause meningitis - inflammation of the membranes of the brain or sepsis - blood poisoning. This infection occurs when the body is weakened, so pneumonia often develops against the background colds or as a complication after the flu.

Misconception 2: Getting vaccinated against pneumonia is not necessary.

In fact. Vaccination against pneumococcal disease is included in National calendar preventive vaccinations. It is given free of charge to children according to the following scheme: at 2 months, at 4.5 and 15 months. And also people over 65 years old.

By the way, this vaccination not only reduces the incidence of pneumonia, but also resists the development of otitis media

The vaccine gives maximum protection from pneumococcal infections. From otitis – almost one hundred percent.

Misconception 3. Pneumonia is exclusively

In fact. Like many other infections, pneumococcal infection affects the weakest groups. These traditionally include children under five years of age, since their immunity has not yet developed resistance to various microbes simply due to their small life experience. With grandparents, again due to age, protective forces the body also runs out. Therefore, people over 60 years of age, like their grandchildren, are especially susceptible to this infection.

Misconception 4. Pneumonia necessarily means a cough.

In fact, the main indicator of pneumonia is shortness of breath, because part of the lung in this disease is affected and does not participate in gas exchange. In young children, the symptoms are always very severe: the child does not want to eat or drink, he has a high fever, which may be accompanied by vomiting. If there is no runny nose with such symptoms, suspicion of pneumonia cannot be ruled out.

Pneumonia: How to prevent and how to cure?

Pneumonia or pneumonia is one of the diseases that you would like to avoid in your life. However, we are often faced with conditions that easily provoke this disease. The disease is very serious, but easily diagnosed and amenable to effective treatment.

As our expert, specialist in the field notes, family medicine, Getman Olesya Ivanovna, pneumonia is always an acute inflammatory disease, in chronic form not transferable. Like most diseases of this kind, pneumonia can be provoked by:

  • viruses;
  • bacteria;
  • allergens;
  • toxic substances;
  • as a concomitant disease.

The most common causative agents of pneumonia are the influenza virus, the bacteria pneumococcus and streptococcus, and the fungi aspergillus. Immunity to these infections can be acquired passively or actively through vaccination (up to the age of 7 years according to the vaccination schedule).

Predisposed to pneumonia are:

  • persons who are genetically predisposed (presence frequent pneumonia close relatives);
  • persons exposed to intrauterine infection or pathologies of labor;
  • injured persons chest;
  • elderly people;
  • bedridden patients who develop systemic disorder blood circulation;
  • persons who have experienced severe hypothermia;
  • smokers.

Like anyone inflammatory process, pneumonia begins with an overflow of blood from an infected organ, in in this case we're talking about about the lungs, and develops with subsequent disruption of their function. Without timely intervention in the development of the disease, a violation lung functions can cause death. According to the observations of our expert, pneumonia in rare cases is asymptomatic.

The classic symptoms of pneumonia are:

  • high temperature that cannot be reduced by antipyretics;
  • heavy deep cough with sputum;
  • pain in the lung area;
  • severe malaise, fatigue and a sharp decline performance.

At atypical form pneumonia may be present low-grade fever during long period and a dry but deep cough.

The symptoms described above are an irrefutable reason to consult a doctor. Pneumonia can be diagnosed using a stethoscope, and to confirm the diagnosis, the patient is sent for radiography. Feature initial stage in the development of the disease there may be so-called “silent pneumonia” - this is a condition when the lungs are filled with inflammatory exudate, blood flow occurs and in this state the disease is difficult to hear. Olesya Ivanovna notes that if pneumonia is suspected, which usually does not develop suddenly, the doctor will schedule a repeat test literally the next day, when the condition of the lungs has already changed.

Treatment of pneumonia cannot be limited to inhalations and herbal preparations. The effectiveness of treatment is ensured only by antibiotics, the spectrum of which extends to the source of infection. The patient should be provided with bed rest and balanced diet. Hospitalizations in mandatory Children are susceptible, but adults can refuse it if the pneumonia is uncomplicated and does not threaten the patient’s life. Treatment can also take place in a home hospital setting, that is, at the patient’s home, but with frequent visits from the local doctor. Primary sick leave will be open for 10 days, which may be further extended to three weeks.

In this case, the previously mentioned vaccination and compliance are considered preventive measures. healthy image life - frequent and regular walks on fresh air, eating high-calorie foods rich in fat-soluble vitamins etc. During the cold season and viral diseases Large crowds of people should be avoided. Olesya Ivanovna finds this same recommendation also relevant in the hot season, when, for example, crowded city beaches are a source of various bacteria. If possible, you should also avoid prolonged stays in medical institutions. Despite the fact that disinfection procedures are regularly and compulsorily carried out there, hospitals, clinics and clinics, due to their specific nature, remain a breeding ground for such an infection.

Pneumonia: how not to get sick, how to avoid complications?

The World Health Organization lists pneumonia as one of the leading causes of child mortality worldwide. Newborn children are primarily at risk: 44 percent of deaths of children in the neonatal period (the first 28 days of a child’s life) are associated with this serious disease. 17.5 percent of deaths of children under five in the world (about 1.1 million children) occur as a result of pneumonia. More than 20 thousand people die from pneumonia every year in Russia. Worldwide, lower respiratory tract infections are the third leading cause of death. To our questions about how to identify pneumonia and how to protect yourself from it insidious disease, answered the manager pulmonology department State Healthcare Institution "Ulyanovsk Regional clinical Hospital» Irina Aleksandrovna Galushina.

Is pneumonia a respiratory disease?

How to detect pneumonia at an early stage?

Signs of pneumonia vary depending on the nature of the disease. “Typical” pneumonia makes itself felt sharp increase body temperature, cough with the discharge of viscous purulent sputum, sometimes accompanied by chest pain when breathing. “Atypical” pneumonia begins gradually, manifests itself in the form of a dry cough, sore throat, weakness, headache and muscle pain, the patient's condition is unstable. “Secondary” pneumonia develops against the background of sepsis, immunodeficiency, cardiac or renal failure, after injury or foreign substances entering the lungs (for example, amniotic fluid during childbirth). Lobar pneumonia flares up rapidly: malaise, headache and a feeling of weakness are mixed with chills and sweating, and herpes appears on the face. When coughing, expectoration is rust-colored sputum. The tonometer shows a decrease blood pressure and increased heart rate, especially in older people. Lobar pneumonia may be complicated cardiopulmonary insufficiency or lung abscess. In infants, signs of pneumonia may be combined with eating disorders, seizures and loss of consciousness. Acute fever with an increase in temperature to 38 degrees or more, hoarse breathing, cough and other symptoms of pneumonia are a reason to immediately consult a doctor for diagnosis and treatment. It should be remembered that in patients with immunodeficiency and elderly people, even with severe pneumonia, body temperature can remain normal, even with a large volume of lung damage. Pregnant women, infants and the elderly usually require inpatient care.

Which of us is at risk of getting sick?

Pneumonia is extremely dangerous for people with the immunodeficiency virus. One of the main factors in the development of pneumonia is smoking. Children of smoking parents are often hospitalized with pneumonia. Unfavorable environmental and epidemiological conditions and alcohol abuse contribute to the development of pneumonia. The incidence of pneumonia increases during outbreaks of viral diseases. It should be remembered that anyone can get pneumonia.

Prevention of pneumonia

A patient with pneumonia should begin antibacterial therapy within the first 4 hours. late diagnosis and untimely started, incorrect treatment can lead to complications: pleurisy, edema and abscess of the lungs, etc. Severe pneumonia can result in death. Immunization against Haemophilus influenzae, whooping cough, pneumococcus, and measles helps reduce the risk of pneumonia. Strengthening the child’s immunity is facilitated by exceptional breast-feeding during the first six months of life. The basis of the diet of a child of any age should be natural products plant and animal origin: whole grains, vegetables and fruits, meat, eggs. Mother and child must observe the rules of personal hygiene, walk in the fresh air every day, dry and wet cleaning dwellings. Patients with HIV infection should discuss the possibility of drug prevention pneumonia. Smoking negatively affects the health of not only parents, but also children: by inhaling tobacco smoke, they become passive smokers and are at risk for pneumonia. Wash your hands with soap as often as possible, do morning exercises, strengthen your immune system with water procedures (wiping, dousing, showering), and engage in outdoor sports. Vaccinate good habits for children: in classrooms healthy child you can get recommendations on daily routine, nutrition, massage and gymnastics for children from the first months of life. You can also get expert advice at children's health centers in the city of Ulyanovsk.

When is it necessary to see a doctor immediately?

You should immediately consult a doctor if you experience the following symptoms:

– persistence of elevated body temperature for 3 or more days,

– the appearance of shortness of breath of any severity, in the presence of blood streaks in the sputum,

– a decrease in pressure below the usual figures,

– the appearance of drowsiness or agitation.

If at least one of these signs is present, it is necessary to carry out X-ray examination lungs to rule out pneumonia. Late application for medical care may cost the patient his life; an infant may die from pneumonia in 2-3 days.

A patient who has had pneumonia must visit a general practitioner once every three months, register and be regularly monitored by a pulmonologist or general practitioner. After completion of treatment, it is also recommended to undergo a series of examinations: anthropometry, blood and sputum tests (for residual cough), spirography and chest x-ray. If the causative agents of pneumonia were chlamydia or mycoplasma, you need to donate blood for IgM and IgG. If pneumonia results in pathological changes in the lungs medical examinations will help identify them and begin treatment in a timely manner.

How to avoid contracting SARS. Memo

The State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision Service of the Russian Federation approved a leaflet for the population “Disinfection prevention of SARS.” The document was signed by the chief state sanitary doctor of Russia Gennady Onishchenko.

On the recommendation of the State Sanitary Epidemiology Service of the Russian Federation, in order not to become infected atypical pneumonia, Russians should respect the following measures precautions: if a patient with signs of respiratory disease(cough, runny nose, elevated temperature etc.), you need to call a doctor, but before he arrives, carry out the complex preventive measures. It is necessary to isolate the patient, providing him with personal care items, linen, towels, and tableware. The room where the patient is located should be ventilated more often. Caregivers, as well as other family members, should wear a protective mask, repeatedly wash their hands with soap or wipe them with disinfectant wipes designed for hand hygiene.

In the apartment, the SSES of the Russian Federation recommends observing a disinfection regime, especially in common areas (bathroom, toilet, corridor and kitchen). It is also necessary to repeatedly carry out wet cleaning using detergents and disinfectants approved for household use and effective against pathogens of viral diseases.

After hospitalization of the patient, a final disinfection must be carried out in the apartment, which is carried out by a specialized institution of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision system, which has the right to engage in disinfection activities.

Let us remind you that currently the number of deaths from SARS around the world has already exceeded 500 people. China announced new cases today fatal outcome due to infection with the acute respiratory syndrome virus (SARS). Representatives of the Ministry of Health of the People's Republic of China reported that the number of deaths from SARS in the country was 224, of which 112 people died in Beijing. In total, 4,698 people are infected with SARS in the country. Thus, the number of deaths from SARS in the world today is 503 cases.

To avoid contracting SARS, the following precautions should be taken:

If a patient is found in the house with signs of a respiratory disease (cough, runny nose, fever, etc.), it is necessary to call a doctor, but before he arrives, carry out a set of preventive measures.

1. Isolate the patient, placing him, if possible, in a separate room, limit his contact with other family members. 2. Provide the patient with individual care items, linen, towels, and tableware. 3. Those caring for the patient, as well as other family members, should wear a protective mask, wash their hands repeatedly with soap or wipe them with disinfectant wipes intended for hand hygiene. 4. The room where the patient is located should be ventilated more often. 5. Maintain a disinfection regime in the apartment, especially in common areas (bathroom, toilet, corridor and kitchen). It is imperative to repeatedly carry out wet cleaning using detergents and disinfectants approved for household use and effective against pathogens of viral diseases (this data is indicated in methodological guidelines or instructions (hereinafter referred to as instructions) that are included with the drugs upon purchase. The following objects are subject to disinfection treatment: floors, furniture, dishes, linen, toys, patient care items.

Disinfection of objects should be carried out at home with drugs of hazard class 4 (in the instructions for the drug) in accordance with the recommendations set out in the instructions.

After hospitalization of the patient, a final disinfection must be carried out in the apartment, which is carried out by a specialized institution of the state sanitary and epidemiological supervision system, which has the right to engage in disinfection activities.

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7 months – 12 months

Inflammation of the lungs (pneumonia) – dangerous disease even for adults, but small children tolerate it very hard. Even with the advent of antibiotics, the threat to the lives of young patients remains a reality. But if treatment is started on time, the child recovers. How not to miss the moment when a common cold develops into pneumonia?

Pneumonia is caused by bacteria, viruses or fungi. It is very important to get your child diagnosed as quickly as possible.
The doctor will prescribe a drug that kills the pathogen. Children under one year of age must be treated in hospital.
To prevent the development of pneumonia, ARVI must be treated promptly and correctly.

What is pneumonia?

Pneumonia in children is an acute process of inflammation of the lung tissue. This is one of the most serious illnesses, however, if it is recognized in time and treated correctly, it goes away without a trace. Children under one year of age suffer most severely from pneumonia, since their respiratory system is not yet fully formed and cannot resist infections.
Why does pneumonia develop in children?

Pneumonia pathogens may have different nature. Most of the varieties of this disease are caused by the child’s own microflora against the background of weakening of the body due to acute respiratory viral infections, acute respiratory infections, stress or hypothermia. In children younger age Pneumonia can also be caused by viruses or fungi.

A separate group is distinguished nosocomial pneumonia. They arise when a child is treated with heavy antibiotics, which suppress the baby’s own microflora and open the way for dangerous “aliens.”

Symptoms and development of pneumonia

The first signal of the development of pneumonia is an increase in temperature. However, it does not reach high numbers and does not go away, as with common cold, after a couple of days, on the contrary, a low temperature of 37–37.5 degrees C persists for 3–5 days.

The second sign is difficulty in rapid breathing, cyanosis of the nasolabial triangle due to lack of oxygen. At the same time, the child quickly gets tired, is capricious, sweating increases, and refuses to eat.

The most reliable way to diagnose pneumonia is a chest x-ray, but sometimes the doctor may detect wheezing in the lungs during normal auscultation. little patient. If the disease is not diagnosed in a timely manner, the inflammatory process can spread to the pleura (the lining of the lungs) and cause severe pain in the chest.

How is the disease treated?

Pneumonia is diagnosed using X-ray studies. Once the diagnosis is made, the doctor prescribes antibiotics to the child. Today, more than 200 drugs are used in the world to treat pneumonia, each of which has its own effect and side effect. Some of these medications can cause hearing nerve damage and deafness in infants, so do not prescribe antibiotics to your baby yourself.

If the antibiotic is chosen correctly, then improvement occurs within the first day or two. The temperature decreases, the child’s well-being improves, and breathing becomes easier. In addition to antibiotics, if you have a painful cough, your doctor may recommend expectorants and bronchodilators that will help thin and expel mucus.

During illness, the child needs to stay in bed and eat well. Food should be high in calories and easy to digest. In addition, you need to drink a lot to facilitate the process.

If your child is under one year old, hospitalization is necessary to treat pneumonia. In infants, this disease develops rapidly and sometimes leads to pulmonary edema, which threatens the life of the child.

Consequences of pneumonia

At timely treatment Pneumonia in children goes away without consequences. But if the process is not stopped in time, complications may develop, including pleurisy, pulmonary abscess, and pulmonary edema.

In addition, the inflammatory process can affect other organs. In these cases, for example, myocarditis (inflammation of the heart) appears, and in severe cases, meningitis (inflammation of the membranes of the brain).

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Inflammatory process in the main organ respiratory system human disease is currently considered the most common disease. Thanks to the discovery of antibiotics, the lives of thousands of people with pneumonia have been saved. The disease is serious and dangerous due to its complications, so it is important to know how to prevent pneumonia.

Pneumonia is caused by bacteria, viruses or fungi. The main causative microorganisms: staphylococcus, streptococcus, pneumococcus. The culprit of the disease may be influenza or ARVI viruses, fungi of the genus Candida. More often, pneumonia manifests itself as a complication of acute viral infections of the upper respiratory tract.

The pathogen enters the body by airborne droplets, affecting the nasopharynx and larynx. At favorable conditions(decreased immunity) the growth of microorganisms increases, and the infection spreads to the bronchi and lungs. Inflammation can also be a complication of whooping cough or measles. To avoid the spread of infection, prevention is needed.

There are lung diseases of a non-infectious nature. The disease can occur as a result of a burn to the mucous membrane after inhalation of gaseous and toxic substances, for example, dichlorvos. The cause of pneumonia is allergic reaction to dust, some medicines, toxic substances, radiation.

Classification of pneumonia

Due to the constant mutation of pathogens, in order to avoid complications and facilitate the treatment of patients, the classification forms of lung disease also change. The types of inflammation depend on the etiology of the pathogen, the localization of the process, the timing of the disease, clinical manifestations, and severity.

According to the timing of development, pneumonia can be community-acquired if a person falls ill at home or on the first day of hospital stay. Hospital-acquired (nosocomial) infections occur during the treatment of other diseases or one day after discharge from the hospital. Lung damage can develop after aspiration or due to disorders in the immune system.

The inflammatory process in the lungs can be one-sided or. Depending on the area of ​​its location, pneumonia is divided into the following forms:

  • focal;
  • share;
  • segmental;
  • basal;
  • total.

Depending on the patient’s condition, pneumonia can occur in mild form, be moderate or severe. Division of pneumonia into acute and chronic

not relevant now. Inflammation of the lung tissue initially suggests acute development. Protracted pneumonia has a long course, the chronic process is characterized by exacerbations and remissions, which is a consequence of insufficient treatment.

Characteristics of symptoms

Inflammation usually begins with a cold. If prevention is not carried out, the disease spreads from the upper respiratory tract to the bronchi and lungs. The pathogens that have penetrated the lung tissue begin to multiply intensively, and at a certain time the inflammatory process is activated.
Three days after infection, a high temperature rises and painful cough, a headache is added. In the chest on the side of the affected organ there is sharp pain, aggravated by inhalation and coughing. There may be sputum mixed with blood.

Redness of the skin of the face (feverish blush) is observed, the temperature reaches 40°C, it can only be reduced by a short time. Shortness of breath occurs due to insufficient blood supply to the organs, and develops oxygen deficiency. The nasolabial triangle appears blue. The patient experiences a feeling of fear and suffocation.

Severe chest pain is sometimes considered a symptom of a heart attack. In addition, general malaise develops: lethargy, weakness, decreased interest in life’s problems, sleep suffers, and night sweats occur.

How is pneumonia treated?

The main treatment for pneumonia is aimed at suppressing pathogenic microflora using antibiotics. The choice of medication should be made by a doctor. Antibiotics are usually prescribed wide range actions. After determining the results bacteriological culture the doctor can make adjustments to the treatment according to the sensitivity of the cultured microorganisms.

The most common antibiotics are benzylpenicillin and cephalosporin. Antibacterial therapy prescribed for 7–10 days. In addition, it is shown symptomatic treatment: cough tablets and mixtures, antipyretics, sulfa drugs, bronchodilators and others. After the acute process subsides, physiotherapeutic procedures are added, chest massage and a set of gymnastic exercises are widely used.

Along with drug therapy, the spread of inflammation is prevented. The patient is prescribed bed rest most often in a hospital setting. IN acute period unacceptable physical exercise. Has a major role proper diet: chicken bouillon, lactic acid products, fruit and vegetable juices, vitamin compotes. Should be supported water balance body by drinking at least two liters of fluid per day.

How to prevent illness

On the degree of lung damage, pathogens that caused it depend on the diagnostic features,
complex of treatment and effective prevention. Timely detection of the disease is the key to success in treatment. Even if there are no obvious pneumonias, a visit to the doctor is required. This is especially true for children and elderly patients.

It is impossible to completely prevent the development of inflammation, but it is quite possible to reduce the risk of complications. To prevent infection from spreading from the upper respiratory tract to the lungs, prevention includes rinsing the nasal passages and gargling with a salt solution.

To thick mucus did not clog the bronchi, it is important to maintain the humidity in the room (about 70%), ventilate the room more often, and maintain a drinking regime.

It is important to take expectorants strictly as prescribed by your doctor. To prevent the infection from spreading and infecting other people, it is important to wash your hands more often and use a gauze bandage or handkerchief when coughing and sneezing. The influence on the patient should be completely excluded tobacco smoke, volatile chemical substances, dust.

Pneumonia does not leave immunity after the disease. It is necessary to strengthen it through hardening procedures and breathing exercises, and avoid in every possible way stressful situations, hypothermia of the body. Prevention of pneumonia will help maintain health at any time of the year.