Sudden pain in the ear. Ear pain: causes, symptoms and treatment

Every person has experienced ear pain at least once in their life. The first question that comes to mind when the ear hurts is what to do, how to eliminate this manifestation, which is hellishly unbearable, shooting, stabbing, sometimes accompanied by a headache. This problem occurs in children and adults, the causes of which are completely different factors, ranging from infectious diseases to the common cold. This article will help you understand what and how to treat stuffy ears in children or pregnant women, as well as the effectiveness of traditional medicine methods.

Causes of ear pain

The initiator of pain in the ear can be:

  • Developing inflammatory process.
  • Reflex pain due to acute and chronic diseases (tonsillitis, sinusitis, otitis, tonsillitis, flu, bacteria).
  • Previously received external injuries, bruises, as well as barotrauma.
  • Pathology of the jaw, inflammation of the tonsils, sinusitis.
  • Penetration of insects into the ear.
  • Atypical (ear) form of myocardial infarction - the patient complains of pain in the ear, not in the heart. It is difficult even for a good specialist to diagnose such a heart attack.

From the above factors it follows that it is extremely difficult to independently determine the cause of ear pain, because you do not have sufficient medical knowledge. You will need to consult a good specialist (otolaryngologist), maybe not one, but several at once (cardiologist, dentist, neurologist).

What to do when there is pain and shooting inside the ear

If you feel a lumbago in your right or left ear from the inside, what can you do to help yourself? Initially, it is necessary to determine the nature of the pain, for this it is better to contact a qualified specialist. If you know the cause of the pain, then there are several possible ways to help relieve it. If, as a result of such manipulations, pain increases in nature or is accompanied by an increase in temperature, you should immediately seek medical help.

For otitis media

How do you know if you have otitis media? Do a simple test: if the pain increases when you pull on your lobe, you most likely have otitis externa. This is a disease of the ENT organs, the characteristic feature of which is the presence of an inflammatory process. Then it is best to drip the ear with alcohol (boric acid can be used), then put a product made of animal hair (for example, a scarf, woolen scarf) on top, protecting the ear canal from the penetration of cold.

Due to infection getting inside

Traditionally, the treatment of otitis media and internal otitis (viral or bacterial origin) is based on the prescription of antibiotics or sulfonamide drugs (ciprofloxacin). The use of these drugs is important in case of severe inflammation and elevated temperature. It is also important to maintain bed rest and strictly follow the doctor's instructions.

Because of a cold

If ear pain is affected by whitening the throat or nose, then the best way is special ear drops. In tandem with a warm scarf it will quickly become easier. A good way to get rid of ear pain of this nature is to instill vasoconstrictor drops into your nose. This option is suitable for adults and children, and will also prevent further complications.

If you have a cold ear

After drafts and sitting under air conditioning, our ears suffer. An excellent helper is a dry compress of salt heated in a frying pan, which cannot be done if there is purulent discharge. An excellent option would be to drip the ear with special drops or boric alcohol. Remember that when treating ear pain, only “dry heat” is effective!

How to treat severe ear pain in a child

Frequent causes of ear pain in a child are otitis media, as a complication from respiratory diseases, a sore throat or inflamed adenoids. The child’s body has a weakened immune system (not fully formed), so even if after the manipulations listed below the pain stops, be sure to consult a doctor.

At the first symptoms you should:

  • Restore nasal breathing.
  • Add a few drops (3-4) of a warm solution of boric acid.
  • Give painkillers according to age dosage.
  • At normal temperatures - a compress made of a wool scarf.

Folk remedies for treating ear pain

For ear pain of various origins, traditional medicine methods can help:

  • Place a few drops (2-3) of warm oil (walnut, almond) into your ear.
  • Apply a beetroot compress prepared with honey.
  • Rinsing the ears with chamomile infusion.
  • Instillation of lemon balm and propolis infusion.

Contraindications for ear pain

When eliminating ear pain, you must clearly understand that there are some contraindications for the procedures. It was already mentioned above that the applied heat source must be dry. It is necessary to instill with a heated alcohol solution. And no warming procedures should be performed for purulent discharge from the ears.

The manifestation of painful sensations can occur with different symptoms and have different causes, but it should be remembered that they may indicate diseases of another organ. Only a qualified specialist can determine the cause and prescribe effective treatment. Keep in mind when your ear hurts and what to do about it must be decided after visiting a specialist. Because the effectiveness of treatment depends on the clear and timely identification and elimination of the initial causes of the disease.

Through hearing we perceive about ten percent of all information: music, children's voices, birdsong and the sound of the sea. The organs of hearing are a perfect mechanism, which, however, sometimes fails. Unfortunately, we begin to protect and care for it only when our ear hurts.

The sensitivity of ear pain is very great. Before visiting the otolaryngologist, we are left alone with otalgia. To understand the cause of the ailment and treatment methods, we will first try to determine the location of the pain.

Where does it hurt?

The structure of the ear is divided into three interconnected sections:

  • outer,
  • average,
  • interior.

If pain is felt when pressing on the cartilaginous bulge of the auricle (tragus), the problem is concentrated in the outer ear. A diseased middle ear makes itself known very strongly. Shooting, unbearable pain is often accompanied by a rise in temperature, discharge from the ear, congestion and deterioration of hearing.

Inner ear it hurts much less often. This type of disease (labyrinthitis) is the most insidious. This is due to the fact that a very thin instrument is hidden inside the ear. In addition to hearing, it is responsible for balance. With internal lesions, painful symptoms may be accompanied by dizziness, a feeling of nausea, and tinnitus.

Why do my ears hurt?

A commonly observed cause of ear pain is inflammation, which doctors call otitis media. It can occur in all parts of the ear.

Causes of otitis media

The ear becomes inflamed, primarily due to pathogenic microbes penetrating the ear cavity. They affect the mucous membrane, causing swelling, mucus and pus. Otitis externa is often provoked by damage to the ear canal due to the formation of microtrauma or irritation. For example, the entry of a foreign body or poor hygienic care.

Important! Non-sterile cotton swabs are not intended for cleaning ears. They can injure the skin and cause infection.

To clean the ear of small children, use special products that soften wax plugs. To do this, doctors recommend using Remo-Vax.

Otitis media most often it is secondary, i.e. infection occurs from another organ. Otitis media is caused by:

  • ENT diseases: rhinitis, pharyngitis, sinusitis, etc. Infection from the nasopharynx enters the ear cavity and provokes inflammation.
  • Infectious and viral diseases that weaken the immune defense: influenza, measles, chickenpox, etc.
  • Hypothermia. A likely situation is cold water getting into the ears followed by exposure to wind or draft.
  • Swimming and diving in polluted waters.
  • Sudden pressure surges during airplane flights.
  • Injuries that damage the eardrum.

In some cases, the infection spreads to the inner ear.

Important! Otitis is dangerous due to serious complications. If you do not complete the full course of therapy prescribed by your doctor, the inflammation becomes chronic. The terrible consequences of untreated otitis media are hearing loss, meningitis, and intracranial abscesses.

Another cause of ear pain is lymphadenitis. The disease is associated with inflammation of the lymph nodes behind the ear. In this case, you may experience a high temperature and a severe headache.

How to relieve pain at home?

Ear pain is a serious symptom for which you should see an otolaryngologist as soon as possible. It doesn’t matter who has ear pain: an adult or a child. The first thing to do is make an appointment with a doctor. If It is impossible to get to the doctor on the same day, try to help yourself with the means available at home. For example, if you get sick in the evening or are away.

How to treat ear pain?

1. If the disease occurs due to a cold, put vasoconstrictor drops into the nose. This will help reduce swelling of the mucous membrane and eliminate pressure on the eardrum.

2. Turunda soaked in boric acid helps a lot with external otitis. Its alcohol solution warms and has an antimicrobial effect.

Twist a flagellum from cotton wool or a bandage, dip it in boric acid heated to 37 ° C. Place it in the ear canal. The exposure time should not exceed three hours so as not to cause skin burns. Propolis tincture is perfect for this purpose.

3. Alcohol compress.

Important! Warming ear compresses should not be used at elevated temperatures. In case of purulent otitis, compresses are prohibited.

How to put a compress on the ear?

  1. Roll the clean gauze three to four times.
  2. Make a small slit for the ear to fit through.
  3. Heat diluted alcohol or vodka to 37-40 °C, wet gauze and squeeze.
  4. Place the gauze so that the auricle remains uncovered.
  5. Cover the top of the ear with wax paper or plastic.
  6. Cover the ear with a thick layer of cotton wool and secure the compress with a woolen cloth.
  7. Keep the compress for three to four hours.

Folk remedies

There are many folk recipes for getting rid of ear pain. However, they cannot be considered an absolute panacea. It is necessary to consider such methods only as a temporary pain reliever in order to “survive” before going to the doctor.

Bay decoction

Pour 5 bay leaves with a glass of water and boil. Pour the hot broth into a thermos and leave to steep for 2-3 hours. Strain. Place 7-8 drops of infusion into the sore ear 2-3 times a day. Additionally, drink two tablespoons of the decoction internally.


Onion juice is a proven anti-inflammatory agent. Grate the onion and squeeze the pulp through cheesecloth. The juice squeezed from onions baked in the oven has a milder effect.

Drop the resulting juice overnight or moisten a cotton pad with it and place it in your ear. Onion juice is especially effective for sore ears due to a cold. At the same time, it will help relieve nasal congestion.

Geranium leaf

The antimicrobial effect of rose geranium (pelargonium) is based on the action of natural antibiotics - phytoncides. A simple way to help when your ear hurts is this. Pick a fresh leaf of fragrant geranium, knead it in your hands, roll it into a tube and insert it into the ear canal. Place a layer of cotton wool on top and wrap it with a warm cloth. After 3-4 hours, replace the geranium leaf with a fresh one. At the onset of the disease, geranium will help prevent the spread of infection.

Important! If no home remedies help, the pain is accompanied by nausea, dizziness, or hearing loss, do not hesitate to call the emergency room.

What can't you do?

1. You cannot use drops recommended by friends, virtual acquaintances, or a pharmacy salesperson. Be very careful when using antibacterial drugs. Some antibiotics, if used incorrectly, can damage nerve endings, which can affect the quality of hearing.

3. If the home remedy helped you and your ear no longer hurts, you should not refuse to visit a doctor. The improvement may be temporary.

Other causes of ear pain

Sometimes an ENT specialist, after examining the auricle, does not find any pathology. Most likely, then he will advise you to consult a neurologist. Don't ignore this advice. The human body is incredibly complex. Pain in one part of the body can be caused by various diseases.

Common causes of ear pain not related to otolaryngology:

1. If the anterior surface of the auditory canal hurts, it is usually caused by dysfunction of the mandibular joint, cervical osteochondrosis.

2. Pain in the auricle may be associated with trigeminal neuritis.

3. Pain in the eardrum in the absence of external lesions is innervated by the vagus nerve. It is damaged by diseases of the internal organs, most often the stomach.

4. Inflammatory processes in the teeth can be accompanied by throbbing ear pain on one side.

If complex associated cases are identified, you should not resort to self-medication, drink or drip medications into the ear. Traditional recipes are also not effective in such situations. It is not the ear that needs to be treated, but a completely different organ. The only thing you can do before visiting the doctor is to take a pain reliever. The best advice in this case is to entrust your health to an experienced specialist.

How to protect your ears?

When treatment for otitis media is completed, be sure to have your hearing checked. You can do this yourself. Move 5-6 meters away from your interlocutor. Ask him to whisper a few words containing hissing sounds.

If your hearing is unclear, get an audiometry test. This is a special study on the recognition of sound signals.

Follow preventive measures:

1. If you are prone to colds, take care of your ears with the onset of cold weather. Be sure to wear a hat that tightly covers your ears. For children, a helmet hat with a lining inside is best.

2. The cause of many ear ailments in adults and children is weakened immune system. If your ears often bother you, try hardening them.

3. Don't neglect physiotherapeutic procedures. If your doctor has prescribed a course of warming up, complete it from start to finish.

4. Don't get a runny nose. According to clinical studies, in 90% of cases, pathogenic microbes enter the ear through the Eustachian tube, which connects it with the nasopharynx.

5. Dry your hair thoroughly, completely remove water from ears after swimming.

6. When training in pools and diving use special plugs for the ears. They need to be regularly treated with antiseptics.

10. Constantly take care of your ear health, if your lifestyle involves increased stress on your hearing aid. The risk group includes workers in enterprises with high noise levels, disc jockeys, etc. They should wear noise-protective headphones or earplugs.

11. Do not use pencils, matches, toothpicks or other objects not intended for removing earwax. You risk injuring the sensitive eardrum and skin of the ear canal.

Remember the rule: “The later you start treating your ears with a doctor, the longer you will have to go to him.” Be healthy!

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If the eyes are the mirror of the soul, then the ears are its doors: through hearing we receive a huge amount of information and, most importantly, we hear the music of life. And women, as you know, “love with their ears.” It’s all the more offensive if such a vital organ is encroached upon by an illness, which often happens in winter, because, according to statistics, the peak of ear diseases occurs in winter. What to do if suddenly?

Why does it hurt?

To begin with, of course, you need to make an appointment with an otolaryngologist as soon as possible. Only he can make an accurate diagnosis. And this is important, because the reasons why they can hurt ears, a bunch of.

Otitis . An inflammatory process that occurs in the ear against the background of reduced immunity. Location: auditory canal (otitis externa), middle ear area (otitis media and internal). Symptoms include: severe pain, runny nose, high fever. The main danger is hearing loss, meningitis, intracranial complications.

Periochondritis . An infectious disease that is a consequence of complications after influenza or pneumonia. Location: ear cartilage tissue. Symptoms include: painful swelling, purulent cavity. The main danger is a non-healing fistula.

Lymphadenitis . A disease associated with inflammation of the lymph nodes. Location: lymph nodes behind the ear. Symptoms include: high fever, severe headache. The main danger is the transition to a purulent form. But alas, these are not all the causes of ear pain. Excess earwax, pathology of neighboring organs, hypothermia, and microtrauma due to careless use of cotton swabs can cause unpleasant sensations in the organ of hearing.

See also:

In addition, the cause of pain can be inflammation of the tonsils, neuralgia of the cervical plexus and toothache. Acute pain in the ear can be the beginning of very serious problems - such as chronic diseases, complete or partial deafness, and even meningitis. Therefore, once again: be sure and urgently see a doctor!

How can I help myself?

It often happens that you can’t get to the doctor: there’s a line at the clinic, there’s no money, or you’re even away. And anyone who has at least once my ear hurt, will confirm: the pain is such that it is not easy to endure. What available means can a person help himself in such a situation? They are. But it is important to remember that these are just means to relieve pain.

Drops from a decoction of bay leaves . Take a few bay leaves and boil them in a little water. Let the broth brew for at least two hours. Place seven drops into the sore ear, and at the same time take a couple of tablespoons orally. The anti-inflammatory properties of the decoction will prevent the disease from developing.

Tampon based on ammonia and camphor . Dissolve a tablespoon of coarse salt in 1 liter of warm boiled water. In another clean container, mix 10 g of camphor oil and 100 g of 10% ammonia. Mix everything and shake well until the white flakes disappear. You need to wet a sterile cotton swab in the resulting mixture, squeeze it out and put it in your ear for a couple of minutes - you don’t need to hold it for long. The analgesic properties of camphor will help relieve pain.

Boiled onion . Take a small onion, wash, peel and cook until soft. Do not pour out the broth, but carefully wipe the sore ear with a sterile cotton swab, then place the boiled onion on it. Thanks to the microelements of sulfur contained in onions, it disinfects well and relieves pain. True, not for long. But before visiting the doctor, be patient with him. And of course, no one has stopped taking painkillers yet. To relieve pain, take ketanov, analgin or paracetamol. And, even if there is no runny nose, put vasoconstrictor drops into your nose. This will help relieve pressure from the inside of the auditory organ onto the middle ear and membrane.

What can't you do?

Earache It is also dangerous because the sick person himself can hardly determine what caused it, and treatments that will help in one case can harm in another. For example, with internal otitis, the ear should not be warmed up under any circumstances. If purulent discharge comes from the ear, heating can be very harmful. The same applies to other means. Therefore, just in case, we will list what you definitely should not do if you have ear pain.

You should not put drops into your ears that you chose on your own initiative or on the advice of friends. Be especially careful if these are drops that contain antibacterial components. The fact is that some of them, in certain diseases, can have a toxic effect on nerve endings, which can lead to partial deafness.

You cannot warm your ears, including with a closed compress or, for example, with a hairdryer. This way you risk damaging your eardrum.

Under no circumstances should you use radical folk methods such as “put a well-heated brick on your ear” or “Put a rolled-up newspaper into your ear and set it on fire.”.
You cannot start taking antibiotics on your own. This will be of no use if the cause of your illness is a fungus. In the worst case, such actions can weaken the immune system and, instead of hindering, you will help the disease. How to protect your ears?

However, in any case, it is best not to get sick. Therefore, it is important to talk about how to take care of your ears. Especially during the cold winter period.

The first rule is to keep it clean. A clean your ears it needs to be done correctly. The cotton swab must be sterile, and it can be inserted into the ear no further than 4-5 mm from the edge of the ear canal. But there is no need to “dig deep,” as many people like: this way you won’t take out the sulfur, but push it deeper, resulting in the formation of a sulfur plug, which can cause pain. It is also not recommended to clean your ears with a wet swab or while bathing in the shower. Water can get into the ear and cause inflammation in the ear canal, including otitis media. Interesting fact: the habit of chewing gum contributes to the self-cleaning of the ears.

The second rule is to maintain immunity. It would seem, where are the exercises, vitamins and hardening, and where are the ears? However, science has proven that weak immunity is the basis of all ear diseases. So the connection is direct.

Rule three - don't get a runny nose. The fact is that, according to specialist research, in 95% of cases, harmful microorganisms enter the ear from the Eustachian tube, which connects the middle ear to the nasopharynx. And for this, imagine, it’s enough even if you blow your nose incorrectly (you blow your nose not one nostril after the other, but both at once), not to mention if you seriously develop a runny nose, breeding entire battalions of aggressive bacteria in your nose.

The terrible pain inside the ear appears for a reason. It is often triggered by an exacerbation of a cold. Also, severe pain inside the ear occurs due to otitis media, sinusitis, middle ear injury, and nerve damage. To rid yourself of unpleasant sensations, you need to undergo an examination, identify the cause and begin to eliminate it in a timely manner.

Causes of terrible pain inside the ear

  • occurs during an inflammatory process in the ear, causing severe pain. After taking painkillers, a person does not feel better.
  • Sinusitis refers to a common disease, especially aggravated in children. It occurs when mucus from the nose enters the middle ear, thereby causing an inflammatory process.
  • Past trauma external, middle ear. Severe pain occurs due to the fact that the nerve is damaged and an inflammatory process develops at the site of injury. Sometimes the terrible pain is caused by a sudden pinched nerve.
  • Tonsillitis provokes inflammation of the parotid lymph nodes, resulting in severe pain inside the ear.
  • Dental problems . People who have tooth decay develop a large number of bacteria in their mouths, which can get inside the ear.
  • Stomatitis may cause pain, especially if the ulcers are located internally on the cheek or on the upper palate.

Types of pain inside the ear

Often, in addition to pain, a person experiences severe pain. This sensation occurs when water gets into a person's ear. Also, itching and pain are the cause of inflammation in the middle ear. Symptoms may appear due to a tick.

Unpleasant sensations in the ear when pressing. In this situation, chills are often observed and body temperature rises. Rarely, pain is caused by a tumor. The person experiences severe discomfort; it seems to him that there is something in the ear.

Pain with wet discharge is especially dangerous; it indicates weeping eczema inside the ear. If the discomfort is accompanied by a burning sensation, this indicates that there is a foreign object inside the ear. When painful sensations become unbearable, it is necessary to urgently consult with your doctor, as this can result in hearing loss.

First aid for pain inside the ear

Often the unpleasant sensations are sharp and worsen at night. If the pain is not accompanied by fever, it is necessary to use a warm salt compress. It is applied to the ear area. It only helps when the pain just begins.

Painkillers for pain in the middle of the ear will help relieve the condition. It is recommended for adults to take Spazmalgon. Traditional methods of treatment are often used. They must be used with extreme caution, as they can provoke a serious allergic reaction.

Treatment of pain inside the ear in a child

Quite often at night the baby wakes up and cries a lot. Ear pain is dangerous for a child. Unpleasant sensations will not go away on their own, so Ibuprofen and Nurofen will help alleviate the child’s condition. Apply a warm compress, it will help relax the muscles and relieve unpleasant pain.

Please note that all procedures are carried out only if there is no temperature. The ENT doctor prescribes a course of antibiotics and antihistamines. It is necessary to treat a runny nose promptly; it often causes ear congestion.

If your child feels better after taking pain medication, you should still contact an ENT doctor. He will carefully examine the child and prescribe appropriate treatment.

The first step is to restore breathing; you can drip vasoconstrictor drops into the nose - Nazivin, Vibrocil, Otrivin, Sanorin.

Ear drops for children Otipax, Otizol will help relieve pain, and for older children use a warm solution of boric acid and furacillin alcohol. In the case when the solution is not at home, it is necessary to use an alcohol tincture with the addition of propolis and calendula.

For painful sensations, it is recommended to use Analgin, Nurofen, Eferalgan.

Traditional methods of treating pain inside the ear

  • An ancient effective method of treatment is camphor oil. It is preheated and then instilled into the sore ear.
  • Baked onions with their skins are also used to treat ear pain. It is necessary to squeeze out a few drops from it and drip it into the ears while warm.
  • Walnut oil significantly relieves pain. To do this, you need to take walnuts, using garlic, to get a remedy. Apply no more than two drops.
  • The onion-oil mixture helps get rid of. Squeeze the juice from the onion, take a few drops, add a teaspoon of flaxseed oil. The mixture is inserted into the ear as a tampon.
  • Almond oil is the best pain reliever for otitis media. You need to put 2 drops in each ear.
  • Honey-propolis tincture will help stop the inflammatory process in the ear. You need to take a teaspoon of honey and mix it with a teaspoon of propolis. Take 3 drops before bedtime. The method will help stop the inflammatory process and get rid of pus.
  • Oil-propolis extract relieves symptoms. You need to take propolis extract, add corn or olive oil. Afterwards, soak the tampon in the mixture and insert it into the ear for 3 hours. The course of therapy is about two weeks.

Thus, severe pain inside the ear can be caused by various diseases. Most often, the cause is an advanced runny nose. The sooner you get rid of pain, the better. Remember, ear disease is very dangerous and can result in serious consequences, so be sure to consult an ENT doctor in a timely manner. Don't forget about folk remedies that will help alleviate your condition.

If you have , then the question immediately arises: what to do? Correct answer: see a doctor.

If you suddenly have ear pain, it is problematic to get rid of such pain on your own. After all, pain in the ear is usually very severe, and often even unbearable.

No sane doctor would recommend self-medication. After all, trying to relieve ear pain on your own can be harmful, because improper treatment can worsen the course of the disease or lead to a chronic course.

The most important thing when ear pain appears is to make the correct diagnosis, which only a specialist can make. Because bEar ulcers can be caused by various reasons and, of course, not only otitis media.

Causes of ear pain

      1. Inflammation outer ear, ear canal (boil, erysipelas, eczema)
      2. Pathological conditions that arise in the middle ear(otitis, acute otitis, etc.)
      3. Various diseases that occur during inner ear(labyrinth)
      4. Injuries various parts of the ear (often mechanical trauma, with intense scratching; blow; hit by a foreign object)
      5. Dental diseases. Especially, caries. The pain in this case is spreading, pulsating, radiating to the ear, temple and neck area.
      6. Various neuralgia. With a cold nerve, pinched nerve. Ear pain occurs with sudden head movement or chewing.
      7. Inflammatory process in the jaw joint ( deforming osteoarthritis).
      8. An abscess that occurs on parotid gland
      9. Lymphadenitis– inflammation of the lymph nodes located next to the ear

As you can see, ear pain can occur for various reasons, so a doctor must make a diagnosis. First you need to contact an otolaryngologist (ENT). If the cause is not identified, then go to a neurologist or dentist.

If ear pain is the result of otitis media

The most common cause of ear pain in children and adults is otitis media. Which occur in response to untreated infectious diseases (colds, sore throats, flu), sinusitis, adenoids, hypothermia and blowing with cold air.

Young children experience ear pain much more often than adults. This is due to the structure of the body: the auditory tube between the nasopharynx and the middle ear is much wider and shorter than in an adult. Therefore, pediatricians warn that you need to take a runny nose seriously and cure it completely in order to avoid otitis media. This also applies to adults who suffer from chronic runny nose.

There are different forms of otitis media:

      • Otitis externa often occurs as a result of injury to the skin and mucous membrane of the ear canal. Inflammation occurs, a boil - suppuration, which, when ripe, causes pain. Otitis externa can be diagnosed by pressing on the tragus of the ear. Often, to alleviate the condition, surgery is required to open the abscess.
      • Otitis media – infections with influenza, acute respiratory viral infections, sore throats and, especially, rhinitis.Usually, the temperature rises and an excruciating shooting pain inside the ear occurs.
      • For acute otitis media suppuration begins - this is an indicator that you should seek emergency medical help as quickly as possible.
      • Internal otitis , usually called labyrinthitis - the most dangerous form of otitis, requiring urgent hospitalization.

I suggest you watch an informational video on the topic: What is otitis media?

First aid for ear pain

  1. If the temperature is below 38 degrees and there is no leakage from the ear, then the ear can be warmed with heated salt, which is placed in a sock or canvas bag. This warmth helps in the first hours of pain. Blood flow and lymphatic drainage are activated and literally after 20 minutes the heat begins to act as a sedative, analgesic and sleeping pill.
  2. You can insert gauze soaked in boric alcohol into your ear.
  3. Take any painkiller
  4. Call a doctor.

Attention! Do not engage in any self-medication, if there is discharge from the ears. Before being examined by a doctor, you cannot instill drops, administer ointments, or warm your ears on your own. If the eardrum is damaged, self-medication can lead to hearing loss.

Usually, depending on the severity of the disease, antibiotics are prescribed, so if you still decide to take them, then complete the course of antibiotic treatment (usually 5 or 7 days), despite the apparent improvement in the condition. Otherwise, next time, the disease simply will not respond to these pills. With untreated otitis, the disease may soon return with the slightest cooling.

After a diagnosis has been made and the doctor has prescribed treatment, which is usually carried out at home, you need to know and be able to properly place drops in the ears, nose and how to put a compress on the ear.

  • How to put drops in the ear?

1) Place the patient on his side.
2) Pull your ear slightly up and back at the same time. This way you straighten the ear canal.
3) Apply the drops.
4) Lie on your side for about five minutes.
5) Before getting up, insert a piece of dry cotton wool into your ear.

I am not a fan of putting drops into the ear, as it can burn the delicate mucous membrane. I usually use gauze pads soaked in a medicinal solution that is heated to body temperature.

  • How to make a compress on the ear?

1) Take gauze the size of which covers the ear on all sides by 2 cm. Fold in 4-6 layers and make a cut in the middle to form a kind of panties.
2) Take a piece of polyethylene 1 cm larger than gauze and also make panties.
3) Prepare cotton wool and a warm scarf.
4) Soak gauze in a warming solution and place it on your ear.
5) Place the film over your ear. In this case, the ear should be on the outside (gauze and film around the ear).
6) Cover the compress with a layer of cotton wool and wrap your head with a scarf, securing the compress and at the same time keeping warm.