Is it possible to treat erosion in nulliparous girls? How can a nulliparous woman get rid of erosion? Is it necessary to treat erosion in nulliparous women?

Today, the diagnosis of “cervical erosion” occurs quite often, in almost every third woman. Erosion refers to defects on surface layer cells covering the cervix. There are two forms of it: true and false (pseudo-erosion).

Erosion: forms, signs and causes

The first form is an ulcer that occurs on the walls of the cervix due to damaged epithelial cells as a result of mechanical stress, for example, surgical abortion, traumatic insertion of a tampon, rough sexual intercourse. In the absence of infections and hormonal disorders such erosion can heal on its own. And here is the second form, false erosion, much more dangerous.

It is a response to the formation of cervical defects. In their place, the mucous membrane begins to grow and a large inflamed area forms. Such erosion should be treated to prevent it from growing. After all, places of damage are a very favorable environment for various kinds infections.

Insidiousness of this disease the fact that it practically does not manifest itself at all, especially in the early stages. Sometimes there may be bloody issues after sexual intercourse or simply for no reason in the middle of the cycle. As a rule, women do not pay attention to this, and only learn about the existence of erosion at a scheduled appointment with a gynecologist. However, the absence of symptoms does not mean that you should ignore this fact and postpone treatment. Many nulliparous women do this because there is an opinion that cauterization can lead to complications during childbirth. Let's figure out how true this is.

Cauterize or wait

It is believed that it is prohibited for nulliparous representatives of the fair sex to cauterize erosion. The reason for this prohibition is that after the cauterization procedure, a scar remains, which prevents the cervix from opening during childbirth, as a result of which it begins to stretch poorly and tear. Therefore, all methods of treating erosion in nulliparous women should be excluded, the consequences of which may be:

  • scar formation;
  • severe damage to soft tissues;
  • spontaneous dilation of the cervix, which during pregnancy threatens miscarriage.

Until recently, the most common method of treating erosion was cauterization with electricity, which led to all of the above consequences. That is why it does not apply to nulliparous women. But this does not mean that they do not need to treat erosion at all, since delaying therapy can lead to dangerous complications. We are talking about malignant degeneration of cells in the damaged area.

Cauterization in the traditional sense is, of course, undesirable for the cervix of a nulliparous woman. However, today there are various ways to combat erosion that are suitable for everyone, including those who have not yet become a mother.

Gentle treatment methods

Treatment of cervical erosion in nulliparous women and girls is carried out only with gentle methods, after which scars and adhesions do not form. Today there are several such methods. Which one to use is decided only by the doctor individually for each patient.

  1. Drug treatment. This method is appropriate for untreated erosion accompanied by inflammatory processes. This treatment is carried out immediately for both sexual partners. In this case, during treatment you should avoid sexual intercourse or be sure to use a condom.
  2. Cryodestruction or freezing. Treatment involves applying liquid nitrogen to the affected area. As a result, damaged cells freeze and die. Wherein healthy cells are not affected. The procedure is painless and does not cause bleeding after it is performed. There are no scars left on the cervix and it is not deformed.
  3. Laser therapy. The essence of the method is the direct impact of a laser beam on the affected tissue. The laser beam penetrates to the required depth and destroys the affected cells without affecting adjacent healthy tissue. The vessels are immediately welded, which is why fast healing, and no traces remain at the wound site. The method is different high efficiency and safety.
  4. Cauterization by radio waves. It is carried out using the Surgitron apparatus. The procedure is painless, but you may experience some bleeding for several days afterwards. You should abstain from sex for 2-3 weeks. And after 4-5 weeks, visit a gynecologist for a follow-up examination.
  5. Cauterization with drugs. Impact on affected areas and destruction of diseased cells is possible with the help of such medicines, like Solkovagin and Vagotil. The first drug allows you to cope with erosion in one procedure. In the second case, several procedures may be required.

Each method is aimed at destroying affected cells, however, unlike electrocoagulation, the above methods do not entail undesirable consequences for women who are yet to become pregnant and give birth. Often, minor erosion at the initial stage is only observed by a gynecologist before treatment is prescribed.

It should be remembered that there are no universal methods for treating erosion, especially in nulliparous women. Only a doctor can assess her character and prescribe the most suitable treatment with minimal consequences for the patient.

In any case, you cannot ignore the condition of the cervix without attention and let the disease take its course. It progresses over time and can lead to unwanted dangerous consequences. Therefore, you should regularly visit a gynecologist for scheduled inspection, even if nothing bothers you.

According to statistics, cervical erosion is detected in 85% of women, including teenage girls.

The disease can be asymptomatic for a long time, clinical manifestations are non-specific and it is almost impossible to suspect something is wrong. ESM is diagnosed only after gynecological examination.

Let's figure out whether it is necessary to treat cervical erosion in nulliparous girls and women, whether it is possible to cauterize it, what treatment methods gynecologists recommend.

What it is

Visually, the ESM looks like redness around the opening of the cervical canal.

The lesion consists of multiple cracks in the mucous membrane, which penetrate epithelial cells, which are not normally found on the surface of the cervix.

This epithelium is called ectopic. Ectopias often develop on intact mucous membranes.

In such cases, patients are given diagnosis.

Some forms of pseudo-erosion are considered normal when treatment is not required.

However, even in such cases, you should be more attentive to your health, in particular, take place regularly preventive examinations at the gynecologist.

This way the doctor can notice in time possible changes condition of the affected area and, if necessary, prescribe treatment.

Causes and symptoms of the disease

Extensive erosion is an ideal place for the activity of microorganisms, including pathogenic ones. Through the cervical canal, the infection spreads into the uterine cavity and, in advanced cases, reaches the appendages.

ESM complicated by inflammatory processes, can lead to infertility.

Among the most dangerous infections, developing against the background of cervical erosion, it should be noted herpes, and.

As the disease progresses, the possibility of degeneration cannot be ruled out. normal epithelium of the mucous membrane of the cervix into an unusual one squamous epithelium and its replacement with scar tissue.

The scar prevents the normal opening of the cervix during childbirth, which can lead to ruptures and even asphyxia of the fetus.

Women with ESM have an increased risk of developing isthmic-cervical insufficiency during pregnancy and, accordingly, miscarriage.

Another one unpleasant feature diseases - high risks of complications after treatment with traumatic methods based on the destruction of ectopic epithelium.

Relatively recently, with patients Doctors recommended abstaining from treatment until childbirth. Similar recommendations can sometimes be heard today.

In most cases, the lesion is located around the opening of the cervical canal and careless cauterization of the erosion may damage healthy tissue.

When an injury heals, a scar is formed with all the likely consequences mentioned above. In particular difficult cases complete fusion of the cervical canal and infertility are possible.

Rehabilitation period after treatment Any method that involves physical destruction of the lesion can last up to three months.

Causes and symptoms of cervical erosion:

How is it treated

The gynecologist chooses the technique and after examining the patient.

Additionally, you may need to consult specialists of another profile, in particular, an endocrinologist, and preliminary treatment of concomitant pathologies.

Alternative treatments for ESM with the help of or other herbal preparations, hirudotherapy, dietary supplements can be used as an addition to the main treatment and only in consultation with the doctor.

Methods used

How to treat cervical erosion in nulliparous women? For the treatment of ESM in patients, more gentle methods are recommended, namely:

  1. Chemofixation.

Treatment methods for cervical erosion:

Laser vaporization

It's comparative new method treatment of ESM, recognized as the most effective.

The use of a combination of helium-neon and CO2 lasers in the vast majority of cases provides complete relief from erosion.

Under the influence of high-frequency laser radiation, the affected tissue is destroyed and evaporated. The procedure is performed under video colposcopic control.

In the area of ​​influence remains wound surface, completely healing within a month.

Fundamental difference laser therapy from classical methods of destruction - practically complete absence risk of scar formation at the site of the lesion.

The procedure is performed on an outpatient basis and takes 15-20 minutes., hospitalization is not required. Laser treatment- the most expensive method, not yet available to everyone without exception.

Radio wave destruction

The impact on the affected area is carried out without contact. Radio waves destroy the pathological focus, the destroyed tissue evaporates, as with laser therapy.

Scarring of the tissue does not occur; when the affected area of ​​the mucous membrane heals, normal epithelium is formed within a month.

During the first time after exposure Possible bloody discharge.

Chemofixation or chemical coagulation

Recommended for eliminating small lesions. The pathological focus is treated with potent mixtures of acids (Solkovagin, Vagotil), which destroy the abnormal epithelium.

Unlike methods physical impact, used once, chemofixation is carried out in a cycle, up to five procedures.

The treatment regimen and drug are selected individually, depending on the characteristics of the clinical case.

The healing period is individual. The ESM chemical coagulation technique does not guarantee 100% results.

Conservative methods

If the patient is diagnosed concomitant disease, may include a course of specific or nonspecific drugs of the following groups:

  • antibiotics;
  • antimycotics;
  • antiviral;
  • hormonal;
  • immunomodulators;
  • restorative.

Choice dosage form carried out depending on the root cause of the pathology and the general condition of the patient.

After preliminary treatment to eliminate the actual erosion may be assigned the following drugs as :

  • Clotrimazole;
  • Hexicon;
  • Depanthol;
  • Livarol.

Conservative treatment is applicable only for mild lesions of a small area.

Selection of treatment regimen

How is cervical erosion treated in nulliparous women? There is no universal treatment regimen for ESM.

When selecting treatment methods, take into account anatomical features buildings reproductive organs in nulliparous and parous patients, the stage of the lesion, as well as the woman’s plans for the future.

After the examination nulliparous patients are prescribed conservative treatment.

For minor lesions identified during pregnancy planning, the doctor may recommend postponing therapy until the birth of the child, since the disease sometimes goes away after childbirth.

Cervical erosion – potentially dangerous disease . The sooner it is identified, the easier it is to get rid of it. Remember, treatment should be prescribed and carried out only by a gynecologist.

The question of whether it is possible to cauterize erosion for nulliparous women today interests many women. The reason is simple, because every second person faces this problem, this fact is confirmed by statistics. Therefore, the interest is quite natural. In reality, there is erosion around great amount myths, many of which are far from reality. For example, about the great danger of cauterization for nulliparous women. Such a risk actually existed earlier, when destructive methods of treatment were actively used.

Let's talk about erosion first.

What exactly is erosion? A certain accumulation of cells on the cervix that is not typical for this area.

This becomes possible as a result mechanical damage(consequences of abortion, sophisticated sex, curettage, careless gynecological manipulations) or infectious lesion. The cervix especially often suffers from chlamydia, trichomonas, and various cocci.

Periodically, erosion is found in little girls: this proves that an active sex life in in this case- not a direct cause of the disease, although a large number of sexual partners can aggravate the problem. In virgins, erosion is often associated with dysbacteriosis or dysbiosis of the vagina: a violation of the natural balance of microflora leads to the fact that the body’s own environment becomes pathogenic for the body.

Why is erosion dangerous?

Erosion is dangerous due to the appearance of cells that should not be there. These cells do not yet lead to serious consequences for the body, but if, say, a virus gets in, destruction of the structure may begin. As a result, rebirth occurs. So erosion leads to malignant tumors. It is for this reason that this disease cannot be ignored.

Specifics of cauterization

The most common method of treatment previously was cauterization.

It represents the destruction of the upper layer of cells, in fact, a burn, and both “foreign” and healthy cells are subject to destruction, since it was quite difficult to carry out a targeted effect. After some time, a scab appeared at the treatment site, which subsequently fell off. Erosion was defeated, but the woman faced the consequences of treatment: scars formed on the surface of the cervix, they can be compared with those marks that are noticeable on the skin after receiving a severe burn. This prevented women from giving birth naturally: the cervix lost its elasticity, did not stretch well, and could tear during childbirth.

Therefore, often the only option after the similar treatment Cesarean section remained. However, it is difficult to call such an outcome an optimal solution: such abdominal surgery has quite a strong impact on general condition body. As you know, the section lasts quite a long time rehabilitation period, the woman loses several times more blood, is unable to care for the child independently for some time. There are negative consequences and risks for the fetus. Therefore, it is not surprising that many women refused caesarean section, which means from cauterization.

Modern methods of treating erosion

Modern methods do not involve such a destructive approach. For starters, the number of ways to target erosion has increased. A striking example: the use of lasers. In fact, the beam cauterizes a specific group of cells, acting as carefully and carefully as possible. New cells grow in place of the evaporated cells, scars do not form, and the cervix remains elastic. In addition to this advantage, the woman also does not face for a long period recovery. Full regeneration occurs within a month, but after a few days the patient can lead a full life.

However, the undoubted advantage of this method is the ability to give birth safely.

Naturally, after restoration of the microflora and an appropriate check of the condition by the observing gynecologist. The cervix completely retains its elasticity thanks to spot treatment; new, normal cells grow on its surface.

However, laser evaporation also has its drawbacks. For example, such a treatment method is difficult to obtain today. It can be found without problems in St. Petersburg, Moscow, Yekaterinburg, and some others major cities Russia. However, if we talk about regions, then, for the most part, this technique has not yet been mastered. There is a lack of funding, there is no appropriate equipment, trained specialists who can handle the equipment. Some women may decide that it is better to wait. However, there are no guarantees that erosion will not begin to degenerate. Therefore, it is not advisable to delay treatment.

Conservative approach

However, the above does not mean the need to return to destructive methods of treatment. Today the direction has developed quite well conservative treatment erosion. It works gradually, usually requiring several approaches before the erosion problem is solved. But the corresponding drugs are quite accessible, and most practicing specialists are familiar with them. In addition, even if a particular institution does not have the medicine, the patient can try to get it on her own.

Naturally, such accessibility does not mean that you can try to experiment with your own health, try to treat erosion at home. This is strictly forbidden: the medicines must fall exactly on a specific area, in addition, in in some cases possible side effects. This is why medical supervision is so important.

Regardless of the specific treatment method chosen, do not underestimate the importance recovery period. A woman needs to return her balance back to normal. vaginal microflora, the condition of the cervix is ​​also often checked by doctors for several months after treatment.

What are the causes of cervical erosion in nulliparous women, where did the disease come from?
The disease is insidious and dangerous because it does not manifest itself in any way. Only a gynecologist can detect it during an examination. And also on late stages, erosion can quickly become an oncological disease. The causes of erosion in nulliparous women can be very different, from ecology to congenital pathology. It is easy to treat, especially if detected in the early stages.

Young women often have a question: is it possible to cauterize erosion in nulliparous women and what to do in this case?

Cervical erosion in nulliparous girls is a serious disease with adverse consequence, if left untreated. Untreated erosion can cause cancerous tumors. But even despite this, many women voluntarily delay the treatment process, believing that there is nothing wrong with it.

Such experiments are simply inappropriate when we're talking about about your health, reproductive functions and even about life. Many nulliparous women are convinced that after childbirth this disease disappears. Meanwhile, the disease progresses. It will never go away without treatment.

Causes of erosion

Immediately after the diagnosis is made, it is necessary to undergo treatment. With timely diagnosis, you can get rid of erosion in one session by cauterization. How exactly to carry out treatment is decided only by the attending physician. A woman can only analyze the condition to find out the cause of the disease.

There are several possible reasons:

  • Sexually transmitted diseases caused by chlamydia, trichomonas, cocci;
  • human papillomavirus (HPV);
  • herpes virus;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • endocrine system disorders;
  • untreated inflammatory processes;
  • damage to the uterus during abortion;
  • early sexual relations;
  • allergic reaction to contraceptives and sperm.

At the damaged site, small cracks first form, in place of which ectopia or erosion later forms. Erosion is diagnosed in both parous and nulliparous women. Moreover, cervical erosion also occurs in virgins. After forty years, erosion is rarely diagnosed.

Why do girls suffer?

In virgins, cervical erosion does not occur, since she is not sexually active and the cervix cannot be injured.

Girls may have ectopia. More often The causes are associated with various inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system:

  • cystitis;
  • thrush;
  • colpitis

To make a more accurate diagnosis, the doctor carefully takes a smear to study the vaginal microflora.

The cause of such manifestations cannot be heredity. Most often, this is a careless attitude towards one’s own health, failure to comply with basic rules of personal hygiene. Thin tights, short skirts, holey jeans - such a tribute to fashion can negatively affect health, which leads to the need to treat cervical erosion in nulliparous women and virgins. Against the background of the inflammatory process, ectopia occurs.

Symptoms of erosion

As already mentioned, the disease in a nulliparous girl is dangerous because it is practically asymptomatic. Only a gynecologist can understand that this is erosion during a routine examination.

During the examination, the doctor notes:

  • the presence of small cracks in the cervix;
  • during the period of absence of menstruation, bleeding is observed;
  • Bleeding may occur after sexual intercourse;
  • the same bleeding may appear after examination by a gynecologist.

When found similar symptoms, the gynecologist can make an assumption about the presence of erosion. After which he prescribes an examination and recommends urgent treatment. Cauterization of cervical erosion in nulliparous women is still used today. But this is a modern, more humane method.


Diagnosing cervical erosion in a nulliparous woman is quite simple. Sometimes visual inspection it is enough for a gynecologist to have it installed accurate diagnosis. But after examination and if a disease is suspected, the woman will still have to undergo a thorough examination in order to understand at what stage the disease is and whether erosion needs to be treated.

  1. A smear to determine the vaginal microflora, histology and identify the causative agent of the disease.
  2. Colposcopy. A special calposcope device is used. Before such an examination, apply to the affected tissue acetic acid, which allows using the backlight of the device to identify all affected tissues.
  3. PCR diagnostics are carried out to detect human papillomavirus and herpes virus.
  4. Biopsy if there is a suspicion of cancer.
  5. A woman will also need to undergo a blood and urine test to determine her hormonal levels and the presence of viruses in the body.

After the results obtained after the examination, the gynecologist can diagnose a more accurate picture and prescribe appropriate treatment.

The examination will show the following data:

  • erosion;
  • pseudo-erosion;
  • congenital erosion of the cervix.

Pseudo-erosion— healing of cracks and erosive wounds does not occur, displacement of the columnar epithelium is observed. This is a disease that most often affects nulliparous women and virgins.

Congenital erosion , the name alone can cause panic. But it is precisely this stage that does not cause concern among doctors. They claim it's normal condition cervix during a girl’s natural puberty due to hormonal fluctuations. But the same stage can be a consequence infectious diseases, which often appear due to non-compliance with basic hygiene rules and hypothermia.

You should visit a gynecologist 2 times a year

To cauterize or not to cauterize? New treatments

Cervical erosion. Treatment for nulliparous women ten, twenty years ago was carried out using the cauterization procedure. Alternative treatment only excision was considered. But after such a procedure soft fabrics the cervix lost its natural elasticity, which affected the favorable resolution of labor. The cervix cannot open completely. This led to breakups. Modern methods treatments are more gentle, guaranteeing that the girl (girl) will be able to give birth in the future without pathologies. There are several of them:

  • laser cauterization;
  • using a high-frequency device “Fotek”;
  • radiosurgical excision using the Surgitron device;
  • treatment with the drug Solkovagin.

These methods eliminate the possibility of injury to the cervix. Therefore, it is best to treat erosion in nulliparous women using innovative methods to avoid rupture during childbirth. But such treatment methods are most often carried out in private clinics.

In district antenatal clinics, only two methods are used:

  • chemofixation;
  • physical burn

Chemofixation- a modern, gentle method. After it there are no scars left, the cervix does not lose elasticity. After the procedure, it is not prohibited to take baths, and there are no long-term restrictions on sexual activity. And then, it's completely painless method. After treatment with this method, a nulliparous woman must avoid hypothermia, observe personal hygiene rules, and not drink alcohol. There is slight discomfort in the form of nagging pain in the lower abdomen, which quickly passes.

Physical burn- This is an old, but slightly improved method of cauterization. The greatest effectiveness of this method is achieved in the early stages of the disease. In this case, the gynecologist can guarantee a 100% cure. It is this method that involves cauterization with laser, nitrogen, current, and radio waves.

After a physical burn, a woman may feel discomfort in the form of pain.

Moreover, a burn has a number of negative factors:

  • During the procedure, healthy tissue may be damaged;
  • the rehabilitation process may take three months;
  • During this period, sex and bathing are prohibited;
  • any physical exercise, classes in gyms will have to cancel;
  • After treatment, scars remain on the cervix.

A physical burn is not used when the disease is already in an advanced state. Therefore, when the question arises: is it necessary to treat cervical erosion? One can only answer in the affirmative.

If erosion is started

A nulliparous woman should be jealous of her condition own health. And if erosion has reached a neglected state, then you only have yourself to blame. Treatment in this case can be conservative or surgical.

An examination is prescribed to identify the pathogen or cause of erosion. Treatment of advanced cervical erosion in nulliparous women is carried out using conservative methods so as not to disrupt reproductive functions. In this situation, immunostimulating, hormonal, and anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed.

Sometimes the disease is at such a stage that treatment can only be surgical:

  1. diathermocoagulation - cauterization with high-frequency current;
  2. cryodestruction - cauterization with liquid nitrogen.

These are quite painful procedures, after which long-term rehabilitation will be required.

But even in a neglected state, erosion can be treated modern methods using a laser. Due to the high cost of the procedure, not everyone can afford it. however, this is the most productive and effective method, eliminating severe consequences, discomfort and long-term rehabilitation.

People's and traditional medicine are united in one thing - a woman must observe the rules of personal hygiene, not get too cold, not change sexual partners, and lead a normal, healthy lifestyle. In this case, she is not in danger of cervical erosion (ectopia).

Traditional medicine, to solve these problems, offers many recipes that were used by our ancestors. But the treatment traditional methods should only be carried out in conjunction with traditional methods or as a preventive measure. It is extremely imprudent to replace treatment with traditional ones. This can lead to the disease becoming more advanced.

There are several recipes that will be excellent additional funds during the period of treatment or rehabilitation.

Calendula tincture with propolis. The product is diluted in warm water and used for douching.

Aloe or Kalanchoe juice. It is mixed with creamy natural oil or internal fat (150 g), form suppositories that can be placed in the vagina at night.

Herbal decoctions that have anti-inflammatory properties, can be used for douching. These are St. John's wort, calendula, yarrow, coltsfoot, plantain.

Honey can be used in pure form or form it into candles with oil or fat.

Perfect for the same purposes sea ​​buckthorn oil , which is used both in pure form and in the form of candles.

You can buy royal collection at any pharmacy, which is ideal for douching.

Every woman and girl needs to know that any folk remedies should not be used for too long, as this may disrupt the microflora in the vagina. Any chosen method must be agreed with the gynecologist.

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Cervical erosion is a common gynecological disease, which is often detected in women during a routine gynecological examination, since it has practically no symptoms. Cervical erosion requires constant monitoring and treatment. The causes of cervical erosion are quite varied, let's talk about them in more detail.

To better understand how cervical erosion develops, let's consider the structure of this organ.

The cervix is ​​a tube within which the cervical canal passes. It connects the uterine cavity with the vaginal cavity. At the bases of the vaginal and uterine ends, the cervical canal has physiological narrowings, which in medical terminology are called “pharynx”. The external os is visible at the base of the cervix during a medical examination.

The inner surface of the cervical canal is lined with a layer of epithelium, which consists of columnar cells. And the surface of the cervix, like the vagina, is covered with flat epithelium arranged in several rows. The genital tract is protected from the spread of infections due to the fact that the upper row of this squamous epithelium is regularly renewed. At the border between the mucous membrane of the cervical canal and the epithelium of the cervix inside the external pharynx there is a so-called transformation zone. It is located quite deep and is inaccessible to inspection without special equipment.

Why does cervical erosion form?

Traumatic influences sometimes lead to the appearance of true erosion (ulcers or wounds) on the surface of the cervix. Factors that cause erosion can be very different. Even a woman’s lifestyle matters. However, in terms of cellular structure, all erosions are the same - they are formed exclusively with the participation of ordinary cells of the cervix or cervical canal.
All damage to the cervical mucosa, regardless of their origin, epithelializes after some time. This occurs due to the proliferation of adjacent elements (reserve squamous epithelial cells). Epithelization usually takes no more than 14 days, and the mucous membrane heals in any case, regardless of the cause that led to the formation of erosion. If no complications arise, the process is usually asymptomatic. Since true erosions do not last long and do not cause complaints from patients, doctors observe them quite rarely - in only 2% of cases.

But sometimes incorrect healing of the damaged surface occurs. Columnar epithelial cells grow on the eroded area, which covers the cervical canal from the inside. After this, there is no longer an open wound, but an obvious defect appears on the cervix - an area formed by “other” cells. This defect is called “false erosion” or “ectopia”. The vast majority of diagnosed erosions belong to this type of pathology. Ectopia can form in a little girl, in a nulliparous girl, in every fifth woman suffering from one or another gynecological disease. As for women who have undergone childbirth, ectopia is observed in approximately half of the cases.

That is, there is one process occurring in two stages:

The cervical epithelium is damaged and true erosion occurs.

The healing of the epithelium does not proceed correctly and ectopia is formed.

Therefore, application in oral speech the word “erosion” is quite acceptable for these cases.
There is also congenital erosion. It is formed in utero and is not associated with the action of traumatic factors. Therefore, it is initially not an open wound, but a false erosion.

Today you can hardly meet an adult woman who has not heard of such gynecological problem, like cervical erosion. But patients should take into account that the primary medical conclusion “erosion” may suggest both true and false or congenital pathology. To clarify the nature of changes in the mucous membrane, it is necessary to conduct a more detailed diagnosis.

Causes of cervical erosion

Erosion of the cervix in gynecological practice called the displacement of the cylindrical epithelium, which lines the cervix from the inside, and also covers the uterus and tubes, onto the vaginal part of the cervix.

Type of cervical erosion depending on the cause

Depending on the cause of cervical erosion, there are:

- Traumatic erosion of the cervix. In this case, difficult childbirth, manipulations during surgical interventions, artificial termination of pregnancy. In older women with displacement of the genital organs, mechanical injury may occur due to the use of uterine pessary. If there is any inflammatory process in the vagina or cervical canal (vaginitis, colpitis, cervicitis, endocervicitis), an infection may occur on the cervix.

- Inflammatory erosion of the cervix. This type of erosion is always associated with infectious factors. Sometimes infectious process takes a very aggressive course. Then local inflammation occurs on the neck, which is complicated by necrosis. In this case, the tissues at the site of inflammation begin to be rejected, and erosion forms. With erosions of an inflammatory nature, characteristic signs are observed - redness, pus, swelling, discharge small quantity blood due to vascular damage.

- Specific erosion of the cervix. In this case, the cause may lie far beyond the genitals. Rarely found in patients with syphilis or tuberculosis. Erosion may also be associated with the presence of sexually transmitted infections. But they are usually easily diagnosed and quickly treated, so damage to the cervix simply does not have time to occur. Only in some cases, when sexually transmitted infection leaks long time, against its background erosion develops.

- Burn erosion of the cervix. May result from therapeutic procedures. The goal of treating false erosion is to destroy the pathological focus with further restoration of the normal mucous membrane over its surface. For this purpose, modern medicine uses several techniques. Thus, cryodestruction (exposure to low temperature), electrocoagulation, laser, radio waves or treatment are widely used. chemical(the so-called cauterization of cervical erosion). As a result of any of these procedures, the same changes occur: the upper “irregular layer” is destroyed, and in its place a scab is formed, under which there is a mucous layer. In this layer, recovery processes begin, the mucous membrane heals, and the crust is rejected over time. But there are cases when epithelization occurs with disturbances, the crust is rejected ahead of schedule, opening an unhealed ulcer. This wound represents true erosion.

- Trophic erosion of the cervix. The cause of this type of erosion is impaired blood circulation in the tissues and their insufficient nutrition. Trophic erosion is often found in menopausal patients against the background of atrophic processes in the mucous membranes of the genitals and hypoestrogenism.

- Physiological erosion of the cervix. It occurs in healthy young women (up to 25 years of age), then disappears completely without requiring external interventions. The reasons for this pathology still remain unexplored. On the course of physiological erosion big influence renders a condition immune defense body.

Causes of congenital cervical erosion

Congenital erosion is ectopia (pseudo-erosion). When the reproductive system begins to develop in the fetus, the inner surface of the uterus and vaginal rudiments are first completely covered with columnar epithelium. Over time, in the vaginal area and the vaginal part of the cervix, this epithelium is replaced by flat epithelium.

The essence of the problem is that the columnar epithelium is sensitive to hormones. And in newborns, hormonal changes begin in the body, due to which the cylindrical epithelium moves outward, forming false erosion.

What can be done in case of congenital cervical erosion

Until the age of 23 years, congenital erosion is usually not touched, preferring observation tactics. If inflammatory processes occur, they need to be treated. Some patients are prescribed medications oral contraception to regulate hormonal levels.
In addition, women with congenital erosion are shown local remedies, which help improve epithelization (for example, sea ​​buckthorn candles). Sexual intercourse without a condom is undesirable.

Causes of acquired cervical erosion

One of the main causes of acquired erosion is changes in hormonal background. Such processes are characteristic of puberty, pregnancy, and they can also result from the use of hormonal contraceptives.
In addition, erosion can develop if the cervix has been injured (during childbirth, during an abortion, or due to rough sexual contact).
Diseases also play a role inflammatory in nature. They create unfavourable conditions, in which the epithelium “looses”, which becomes the basis for the formation of erosion.

Infections and violation of vaginal acidity - causes of cervical erosion

If the acidity shifts to the alkaline side, conditions are created under which the squamous epithelium covering the outer surface of the cervix dies. Its place is taken by a layer of columnar epithelium (normally it lines the cervix), since with a change in acidity an environment suitable for it is formed.

One of the main causes of vaginal acidity is inflammation. Normally, the vagina should have a slightly acidic environment. It is supported by a special vaginal flora - lactobacilli. The second name for these organisms is Dederlein's rods.

If unhealthy flora multiplies in the vagina and an inflammatory process begins, then the pH begins to shift to the alkaline side. Thus, the formation of pseudo-erosion may be associated with inflammation.

Diseases that contribute to the occurrence of cervical erosion

This includes inflammation of the vagina, such as vaginitis, colpitis and some other diseases. Also, sexually transmitted infections can lead to erosion: herpes type 2, genital herpes, gardnerellosis, gonorrhea, ureaplasmosis, mycoplasmosis, trichomoniasis, chlamydia, thrush in women.

Medical scientists have been able to prove that oncogenic types This virus provokes erosion and further contributes to its transition into a malignant formation. The fact is that all patients diagnosed with cancer have certain strains of the papilloma virus.
On this moment It is believed that effective method Vaccination can combat the papilloma virus. Moreover, it is advisable to carry it out at a young age. According to doctors, vaccination of female adolescents does not increase their sexual activity and can be considered absolutely safe. Read more about the treatment of human papillomavirus infection on our website.

In addition, some additional factors contribute to the formation of erosion:

Fall of immunity.

Early sexual life.

Menstrual irregularities.

A large number of sexual partners.

Neglect of contraception.

The opinion that only women who have given birth suffer from cervical erosion is erroneous. This pathology is observed in women before their first birth, and in adolescents, and even in little girls. Conventionally, the following causes of erosion in nulliparous women can be identified:

- Congenital erosions of the cervix in nulliparous women. By its nature, congenital erosion is a false erosion and is a physiological ectopia. The development of the integumentary epithelium of the cervix and cervical canal begins in the womb. During this period, the presence of columnar epithelium behind the external os is considered normal. But over time, when estrogens are involved in the child’s development process, the transition zone between the columnar and squamous epithelium extends beyond the area of ​​the external pharynx, and for this reason it cannot be seen during a normal examination. Congenital pseudoerosion usually disappears completely when the girl ends puberty. But sometimes, under the influence of hormonal factors, it can remain. In this case, false erosion is diagnosed at the first gynecological examination after the onset of sexual activity. Congenital erosion in girls can be combined with hormonal dysfunction. This pathology is not considered as a disease. It is considered a temporary physiological condition and does not require special treatment.

- Acquired cervical erosions in nulliparous women. This fairly large group of reasons includes both external and internal factors. Co. internal reasons primarily include infections occurring in chronic form(not only gynecological), decreased immunity, hormonal processes. External factors leading to the appearance of erosions are early onset of sexual activity, casual sexual relationships, trauma as a result of abortions.

- Physiological erosion of the cervix in nulliparous women. In gynecological practice, there are rare cases when pseudo-erosion appears in young women who have not yet turned 25 years old. It is not possible to find out the cause of ectopia. It usually goes away on its own without special treatment, and is then considered a physiological phenomenon.

If complicated erosion (false or true) is detected, the patient mandatory treatment is required. Unfortunately, erosions are prone to recurrence. Typically, relapses occur when erosion is not completely eliminated, when sections of columnar epithelium remain in the affected area. Erosion can also reoccur due to an untreated infection.

Some women believe that erosion may be due to psychological factors. However, erosions are usually of hormonal or organic origin. But the influence of psycho-emotional factors on their occurrence has not been confirmed, so this opinion can be considered erroneous.

Causes of cervical erosion in women who have given birth

The cause of postpartum erosion is traumatic injury. During childbirth, the fetus undergoes forward movements. The uterus has elastic and muscle fibers and therefore stretches. If the birth process is not normal, minor injuries and, in some cases, even ruptures may appear on the cervix.

Of course, all injuries resulting from childbirth must be sutured. However, they quite often cause erosion. A few days after the birth of the child, ulceration forms on the damaged area, accompanied by acute inflammation.

Visually, the erosion that occurs after childbirth is a small ulcer of a bright red hue, which is more intense at the edges. The affected area is covered with a pus-like coating. At the bottom of the wound there are damaged vessels Therefore, erosions are characterized by bleeding.

If local immunity works without disturbances, then a few days after the occurrence of erosion, its bottom is cleared of necrotic fragments. And when the entire surface is completely cleaned, erosion becomes an ordinary wound. After this, the healing process begins.

The diagnosis of “true postpartum erosion” is made in the postpartum period. In such cases, the affected area is treated with wipes soaked in disinfectant compounds. This helps prevent joining secondary infection. After cleansing the injured area, proceed to the use of antibacterial applications. Complete epithelization of the damaged area takes about 12 days.

It often happens that women who have suffered postpartum erosion are diagnosed with erosion again during a routine gynecological examination. Patients do not expect such a diagnosis and are surprised to ask why the disease has returned. It's all about incorrect epithelization of true erosion, when ectopia is formed from columnar epithelium. False erosion that appears after childbirth is treated in the same way as in other cases.

So, we can conclude that the formation of erosion is not due to one cause, but to the combined effect of several factors. To detect erosions in a timely manner, it is imperative to visit a gynecologist. Only this specialist, after appropriate diagnosis, can establish an accurate diagnosis.