Pain in the elbow and shoulder of the right arm, treatment. Causes of pain in the arm from shoulder to elbow. Factors and risk groups for developing pain from the shoulder to the elbow

It happens that a person has various reasons pain occurs in the right or left arm from the shoulder to the elbow. The relationship between the frequency of complaints and a person’s profession is highlighted.

Most of all to doctors with similar problem Athletes, milkmaids, and artists apply, since during their work the main load falls on the elbow joint. To determine the cause of the pathology special meaning there is localization of pain.

Pain in the shoulder joint occurs in most cases due to overstrain of muscle tissue. But there are situations when this is a sign of a pathological process. For example, when a limb is damaged, this symptom appears. This is due to the fact that when a dislocation, bruise or fracture occurs, the bone tissue is deformed and skin covering.

Such signs occur in neurology - hypothermia of the skin, pinched nerve endings, inflammation. In this case, the left or right arm aches from the shoulder, the pain is accompanied by heat and begins profuse sweating. The patient's condition does not improve when the limb is immobile. Without proper treatment, the disease intensifies, leading to serious complications.

A painful symptom manifests itself in a disease such as capsulitis. In this case, it is damaged synovial membrane limbs. The motor function of the joint is significantly reduced. Those who are in large quantities uses meat products, often suffer from gout. The disease strikes first lower limbs, and then moves to the shoulder joint, pain from the elbow to the shoulder is accompanied by the formation of lumps.

These symptoms indicate that something is happening in the body. pathological process. For example, when heart attack pain is present in the chest, after which it spreads to left limb, and then appear in lumbar region. In addition, the pathology is accompanied by other signs: a gag reflex and problems with the respiratory system.

Problems with the spine affect the appearance of pain in the upper limb. It can be intervertebral hernia or osteochondrosis, a symptom of the disorder occurs when motor activity hands. In rare cases, the arm hurts from the shoulder to the elbow due to the fact that the person has a diagnosis such as myositis.

This disease affects skeletal muscle tissue, and an inflammatory process occurs in them. To eliminate it you will need drug therapy. The disorder occurs with increased physical activity or hypothermia, as well as due to various infectious diseases.

The causes of pain in the arm from the shoulder to the elbow can be very diverse, including this may indicate the presence hidden diseases, which develop in internal system: For example, styloid disorder, which is characterized by an inflammatory process. In addition, this symptomatology suggests that this may be a manifestation or capsulitis.


To get rid of the pathology that has arisen in the upper limb, you need to consult a doctor. During the initial examination, he can determine the nature of the origin of the disorder. However, in order to understand the location of the lesion and establish the exact cause of its occurrence, a number of diagnostic studies are required.

You should take a referral from your doctor to see several specialists. The examination begins with a consultation with a surgeon. If there is a suspicion of injury, you need to contact a traumatologist. In addition, with this pain you need to visit an orthopedist to check the musculoskeletal system.

If you suspect neuralgia, you should consult a neurologist, as pain may occur due to damage to nerve endings. For rheumatic disorder that occurs in the joint parts upper limbs, a referral to a rheumatologist is given.

To get an accurate clinical picture The patient is prescribed the following examinations:

  • general blood and urine analysis;
  • arthroscopy;
  • X-ray.

In the event that the doctor suspects the presence cancerous tumors, the patient undergoes a biopsy.

When to see a doctor

Pain in the elbow and shoulder occurs without visible reasons, so a person does not always know why it arose or how to eliminate it. Self-treatment may not bring relief, since it is impossible to determine the factor in the development of pathology at home.

If pain persists for a long time or occurs even during rest, you should immediately consult a doctor. Based on the examinations, he will create a course of therapy.


The course of therapy is aimed at eliminating the causes, and not just getting rid of unpleasant symptoms. Most often used conservative method treatment, but certain pathological processes require surgical intervention.

For example, when the integrity of the joint is compromised or the patient is at a severe stage. Also, surgery cannot be avoided if there are neoplasms in the bone tissues of the upper limb.


When the shoulder bone hurts very much, the doctor prescribes medications depending on the symptoms. If the shoulder joint is damaged, hyaluronic injections are given to help restore the injured soft fabrics. Degenerative processes are treated with medications that belong to the group of chondroprotectors. Most effective medicines- “Chondroxide” and .

To relieve pain, such drugs as Novigan, Analgin, Tempalgin are used. The inflammatory process is eliminated with the help of ointments and tablets belonging to the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory group. In cases where they do not have the desired effect, glucocorticosteroids are prescribed.


Physiotherapeutic procedures help eliminate the symptoms and causes of severe pain in the muscles of the arm above the elbow. As a rule, the doctor prescribes the following hardware therapy:

Orthopedic products

When a patient has a pulled part of the arm below the shoulder and there is an injury (fracture or crack in the joint), the disorder can be cured with the help of special orthopedic devices. For such injuries, the doctor applies a splint or makes a special plaster cast to fix the limb.

Traditional medicine

To remove pain You can prepare a soothing bath with essential oils of orange and parsley. It is enough to add about 10 drops to warm water for therapeutic effect. Sessions should be carried out daily for one week.


People over 40 years old must undergo a thorough examination every six months, since at this age significant changes occur in the body. You should not get too cold, as this destroys the soft tissue of bones and joints, and you should not expose the limb to severe physical stress, but doing gymnastics will help maintain health.


Pain in the arm from the shoulder to the elbow can occur for various reasons. To get rid of symptoms, you need to visit your doctor. Independent use of drugs or creams will not help, since it is necessary to cure the very cause of the pathology.

Pain in one part of the arm from the shoulders to the elbow may be due to serious illnesses liver, heart, cervical radiculitis and tumors in the chest organs.

Quite often, the elbows, shoulders and hands begin to go numb, and at the same time there is a decrease in sensitivity to all kinds of influences on the limb. In this case, it is important to start treatment as early as possible.

Pain in the arm from the shoulder to the elbow may be due to severe physical work requiring strong muscle tension. But this is how illnesses make themselves felt.


This symptom is very pronounced in various injuries - mechanical (fractures, bruises, dislocations), thermal (frostbite or burns), chemical and so on. The sensation is caused by a violation of the integrity of the skin or bone tissue, their structure, etc.


Factor 1. Trauma

Probable Causes why a specific segment of the right or left upper limb hurts so much - traumatic injury atomic parts of the hand:

  1. violation of the integrity of the shoulder or ulna at a fracture;
  2. dislocation of the shoulder or elbow joint;
  3. bruises, ruptures and sprains of the tendon apparatus;
  4. damage to muscle tissue.

It is not difficult to determine the traumatic nature of the injury: pain, as a rule, develops at lightning speed after exposure to a negative external factor and is manifested by strong, sharp, stabbing sensations.

Another sign of injury is limited ability to move the affected limb. The location of the damage changes externally: the appearance of puffiness and swelling is visually recorded, and the area of ​​skin becomes red.

An informative sign of a fracture is crepitation - a loud crunching sound. The appearance of mobility in the area where there are no joints also indicates a bone fracture. In some cases, it is possible to detect fragments of bone elements. When a shoulder or elbow is dislocated, there are no such symptoms.

An unconditional signal that a muscle, ligament or tendon has ruptured is a loud and sonorous crack during injury, reminiscent of a firecracker explosion. The site of injury quickly swells and becomes shapeless.

If the arm muscle suffers from a bruise, then due to a rupture blood vessels At the site of injury, a hematoma rapidly develops, the color of which changes from lilac-red to yellow-green. As a rule, this condition is accompanied by a slight increase in local (skin) temperature.


If you experience pain in your arm, you should consult a doctor. Only he can determine its cause using laboratory research And instrumental methods.

Symptoms of diseases

General treatment

Pain that extends from the shoulder all the way to the elbow may be the result of various diseases. Therefore, a medical examination is required here.

If the pain is very severe, then before contacting a doctor you should try to relieve it as much as possible. net worth. There are not many methods, but they work effectively:

  • By moving the sore arm, you should find the position where the pain decreases or is absent altogether. Having clearly fixed the limb in this state, apply a not too tight bandage and try not to make movements with this hand;
  • A heating pad with ice or a chilled compress will quickly relieve pain if the problem is related to muscle strain (during training, work, etc.);
  • A gentle massage will also not hurt if the previous methods do not eliminate the pain or there is no way to use them. Doctors allow you to slowly massage your arm with your fingertips, as if kneading it.

If there is severe pain in your left arm or elbow, then you should always contact a traumatologist, surgeon or neurologist. The doctor will examine the shoulder joints and conduct an examination.

Typically, the patient will be treated with procedures to resolve the affected area. They will allow in short time restore limb mobility and stop the inflammatory process of the elbows and shoulders.

As soon as the treatment ends, doctors recommend starting special physical exercise aimed at ensuring that the shoulder joints work normally.

If you fail to contact us in a timely manner medical institution there is a high probability of complications even as the pain and residual inflammation subside.

If left untreated, the shoulder ligaments and capsule become inelastic. As a result, the shoulder joint loses its usual mobility.

Even before the test results, the doctor may suspect inflammation and prescribe medications that are ideally tolerated by the patient’s body. This may include steroid injections into the elbow or shoulder area. Once the tests are ready, immune or anti-infective therapy will be prescribed.

In particularly complex and advanced cases, the patient will need to:

If it hurts left hand, shoulder or elbow, then sometimes you can use recipes traditional medicine. However, this should not be done without a doctor's permission. Such treatment is fraught with complications that will be difficult to correct even with the help of potent medicines.

Limited hand mobility will cause a disruption in the usual way of life and will lead to helplessness when performing basic techniques and self-care.

If the cause is joint disease, then treatment is reduced to eliminating the source of inflammation and relieving symptoms.

First aid

If the reason is only physical activity, then it is enough to take painkillers internally or externally.

If you suspect an injury, immobilize your hand and consult a doctor. As part of first aid, cold compresses are applied during the day, and when the swelling goes away, warm compresses are applied.

Traditional treatment

As a rule, it is possible to limit conservative therapy. Various medications are used for this:

  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in the form of tablets, ointments - Ketorolac, Diclofenac, Nise, or hormonal ones if NSAIDs do not produce results;
  • painkillers - Nurofen, Pentalgin, Baralgin;
  • chondroprotectors - Teraflex, Artra, Chondroitin sulfate;
  • hyaluronic acid.

If necessary, drug blockades are carried out.

In case of fractures, a plaster cast is applied to the damaged joint. If the cause of the pain is bacterial infection, are also assigned antibacterial drugs that will eliminate the cause of the disease.

Pathologies internal organs(heart attack, osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernia), which provoked malaise, require appropriate treatment.

Surgical operations are held in following cases:

  • impaired integrity of the joint or bone;
  • joint deformities;
  • intervertebral hernias that compress nerve endings;
  • tumors.

Physiotherapy methods are used - magnetic therapy, currents, acoustic waves and more.

Traditional methods

Traditional medicine will help stabilize the condition and restore health to the joints. For example, it will help coffee drink from dandelion roots.

This part of the plant is cleared of soil, washed, cut finely and dried in a frying pan or in the oven. You need to focus on the color: when the raw material turns light brown, remove it from the heat.

Then the rhizomes are ground in a coffee grinder to a powder and poured into a glass container. Brew the drink like this: pour 1-2 spoons of “coffee” into a cup, pour a glass of boiling water, and let it brew for a quarter of an hour.

Take from 3 glasses per day.

Reference. Dandelion root is useful to use in this form and for the liver, Bladder, and also when low acidity stomach, sleep disorders and osteoporosis.

The pain will go away if you drink gelatin medicine. It is prepared like this: 7 g of the product is poured into 250 ml in the evening. cold water, pre-boiled. In the morning, add the same amount of water and stir thoroughly until smooth. Take the liquid on an empty stomach.

You may be wondering, if your arm hurts from shoulder to elbow, how can you treat this condition? The course of treatment depends on the underlying cause pathological symptom.

Self-medicate without knowing accurate diagnosis, we do not advise you, otherwise you may worsen your condition. You can only try to relieve acute pain before going to the hospital, but refuse medical consultation under no circumstances is it possible.

Treatment of an injured limb

The effectiveness of treatment for trauma, causing pain in the arms from the shoulder to the elbow, partly depends on the correct transportation of the victim to the traumatology department.

If the matter is a limb injury, it is necessary to provide it with complete rest and apply cold (ice or at least wet towel). A tight bandage should also be applied to the arm from the elbow to the shoulder.

The victim should be placed comfortably in order to at least slightly reduce the pain. To do this, you can apply a temporary splint.

Treatment for joint damage

When the arm hurts from the shoulder to the elbow due to joint disease, doctors prescribe the patient anti-inflammatory medications, as well as following procedures:

Treatment for cancer diseases

Pain may be generated in the area of ​​the arm from the elbow to the shoulder due to a tumor or its metastasis in the body. In case of cancer, any warming procedures, massages, physiotherapeutic techniques and sanatorium treatment methods are prohibited.

A patient with muscle pain in the arm above the elbow due to cancer is prescribed chemotherapy and radiation therapy. An auxiliary treatment is taking infusions and decoctions to slow down the division process cancer cells and strengthening the immune system.

On later stages As the disease progresses, the patient is prescribed painkillers, acting on the principle of gradually increasing the dose and strength of the painkillers.

If the pain still does not go away after the first attempts at pain relief, then you can use additional medications. The recommended list includes:

  1. Ibuprofen – up to 50 rubles). The capsules have few contraindications, so they can help everyone. You just have to comply correct dosage– 1 capsule after meals, rather than trying to drink several at once, to speed up the process of pain disappearance.
  2. Nimid – up to 200 rubles. More expensive, but no less effective remedy. It can be taken at maximum quantity– 2 tablets, after which the pain will go away.

If you don’t have these medications on hand, you can use special ointments that everyone probably has at home:

  1. Bystrumgel - 500-600 rubles.
  2. Fastum gel – 200-300 rubles.
  3. Indomethacin – 100-150 rubles.


You can avoid unpleasant sensations if you adhere to simple rules:

  • do not smoke, do not abuse alcohol;
  • don't freeze;
  • limit physical activity for the duration of treatment;
  • use healthy food, with sufficient amounts of calcium and other minerals, vitamins;
  • do not self-medicate, but consult a doctor with the problem;
  • do not cause joint diseases;
  • if the activity involves static tension, then take breaks every 30-45 minutes to warm up or find an opportunity to change position.

You need to know which doctor to contact if your arm hurts. A traumatologist and orthopedist deals with diseases of the musculoskeletal system. It is advisable to make a visit as early as possible. Then the therapy will be more successful and recovery will be faster.

Hands are one of our busiest organs. It is with their help that we carry out many types of work. This can make them tired, overworked, and various injuries and fractures. There are many reasons why your arms from shoulder to elbow begin to hurt. Often, when lifting heavy weights, the arm muscles do not have time to recover and the next day pain appears in them, spreading from the forearm to the elbow. Here are some of characteristic diseases upper arms, which can lead to severe pain not only in the shoulder joint, but also in the arm from the shoulder to the elbow.

The shoulder itself, surrounded by well-developed muscles, is damaged much less frequently than the rest of the arm. But, if pain still appears in the shoulder muscles, this may be a signal of tendonitis, that is, inflammation of the biceps tendons. The result can be very severe pain, which is caused by contact of the diseased tendon with bone tissue. Tendinitis is the result of prolonged high, monotonous loads on the joint.

Most often it manifests itself in athletes, builders, gardeners, and people over 40 years of age. Women get it a little more often than men, as they experience hormonal changes during menopause, which provoke the manifestation of tendinitis. A common cause of tendonitis is excess calcium in the tendons of the shoulder.

Humeral-scapular periarthrosis

Aching, often shooting, sharp pain in the shoulder, which does not allow you to raise your arm when putting on clothes, does not allow you to sleep at night on this side, may signal glenohumeral periarthrosis (periarthritis). With this disease, the ligaments, tendons and other tissues that surround the shoulder joint become inflamed. Most often, this disease develops in one arm - in right-handed people in the right shoulder, in left-handed people in the left. Any touch to aching shoulder, any movements or movements to the side are painful, painful, debilitating.

If periarthrosis is not treated, the joint in the shoulder may become stiff, and the pain will turn into a boring torment. Deprivation of peace for a suffering person is guaranteed. It’s also bad that pain in the shoulder muscles itself appears quite rarely, and much more often pain in the elbow, shoulder blade, and neck appears along with it. Periarthritis can cause numbness in the fingers. This happens because the swelling is around shoulder muscles leads to compression of the nerves, which begin to signal this with severe pain in the arm from the shoulder to the elbow.

Capsulitis or frozen shoulder

With this disease, the muscles located in the shoulder girdle gradually enter a state of painful “frozenness,” which does not allow the arm to move fully. The affected shoulder limits the movement of the arm up and to the side. It becomes almost impossible to move the affected arm, including placing it behind the back. This leads to the inability to dress independently, and in advanced situations, to bring a spoon to the mouth. A painful, debilitating shoulder condition may not be confirmed x-rays, in which pathology in the shoulder joint cannot be detected. Elderly people and diabetics are at risk for this disease. It occurs much more often in women than in men.

The causes of capsulitis can be: damage to the cervical intervertebral disc at shoulder level and prolonged overload in the muscles of the forearm.

With frozen shoulder syndrome, the size of the capsule surrounding the joint is reduced and anti-scar (adhesive) changes are formed in the adjacent tissues. They not only limit movement, but also cause severe pain in the arm from the shoulder to the elbow at the slightest movement.

Consequences of injuries

Injury from an unfortunate fall, collision, strong blow may lead to displacement humerus. In this case, the upper part of the arm may “pop” out of the joint. And if at the same time the tendons of the muscles that provide movement of the arm are torn, the shoulder will be incapacitated. Most often, shoulder drop injuries occur in athletes and energetic young people.

In old age, the shoulder can be injured due to wear and tear of muscle and bone tissue, as well as due to impaired calcium metabolism in the bones. People who subject their shoulders to significant, frequent loads (bodybuilding, shot put, and discus throwing) athletics, as well as in other sports) often experience severe pain not only in the shoulder joint, but also in the elbows, lower back, and knees. Such injuries result from: tear of the cartilaginous ring; damage to the shoulder joint; serious violations in the joint capsule.

Diseases of internal organs

Pain in any part of the arm from the shoulder to the elbow can be caused by diseases of the liver, heart, tumors on the chest organs, and cervical radiculitis. Very often, shoulders, elbows and other parts of the arms begin to go numb, and their sensitivity to various influences decreases.

Shoulder pain syndromes

Shoulder pain may be of different nature and intensity. Aching or dull, sharp and burning, constant or in the form of attacks - pain in the arm from the shoulder to the elbow, may be accompanied by sweating, redness of the skin, nervous tic muscles, the appearance of balls under the skin. May also appear neurological symptoms: loss of sensitivity, impaired reflexes and other unpleasant signals. In this case, not only pathology of muscle and bone tissue, but also the nerve itself may occur.

Treatment of the shoulder or elbow joint

Sometimes this appears strong pain in the hand from shoulder to elbow, making it impossible to raise the arm. In such cases, you should seek help from a clinic. A doctor (traumatologist, surgeon, neurologist), after examining and examining the sore spot, most often prescribes procedures for absorbable treatment. It is with their help that hand mobility is restored and inflammation is quickly relieved. After completion of treatment, it is recommended to begin performing special therapeutic exercises to develop shoulder mobility.

Failure to consult a doctor in a timely manner may result in inflammation and pain gradually subside, but complications may occur. The capsule and ligaments will become inelastic, resulting in limited mobility of the shoulder joint. Until the tests are ready, which will help establish the causes of inflammation (up to 2 weeks) as well as the types of medications tolerated by the patient’s body, you can prescribe steroid injections against inflammation in the shoulder or elbow. And only after familiarizing yourself with the tests, the doctor can prescribe immune and anti-infective therapy. In advanced cases, they resort to the use of absorbable drugs, electrophoresis, manual therapy, massage and special gymnastics.

Let's sum it up

When frequent pain in the shoulder or elbow joint, you should urgently consult a doctor. Of course, you can try to get rid of them yourself, using the advice of traditional medicine, but the consequences of complications can be very serious. Limited hand mobility can disrupt your normal lifestyle and lead to helplessness when performing simple daily tasks.

Therapy for the treatment of sore shoulder or elbow joints primarily eliminates the causes of pain. But sometimes, due to severe severe pain, it is not enough, and doctors are forced to treat symptoms with analgesics. These medications successfully fight inflammation and improve the structure of muscle and bone tissue.

Developing pain in the arm from the shoulder to the elbow is a harbinger of a serious illness. The syndrome can be different, its intensity depends on the cause of its appearance. In most cases, this is due to inflammatory and degenerative processes.

It is impossible to independently determine why the upper limb hurts. Negative factors many, which complicates the diagnosis process. Attempts at self-medication can end in aggravating the situation.

What is the human hand made of?

Causes of pathological pain

Periodically occurring pain in the arm from the elbow to the shoulder is due to the functional origin of the problem. In this case, the reasons for the appearance unpleasant symptom appear in sprained ligaments. Additionally, muscle overstrain can provoke a pathological deviation. This is typical for people who work in an office and spend a lot of time at the computer. Constant or regular occurrence of pain requires a full examination.

Aching pain in the arm from the shoulder to the elbow is associated with the following reasons:

  • dislocation;
  • fracture;
  • inflammatory processes in tendons;
  • neuralgia;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • joint pathologies;
  • heart diseases.

The left arm often hurts from the shoulder to the elbow due to hidden fractures and dislocations. This can be triggered by a bad fall, a domestic injury, or a car accident. The process is accompanied by acute pain syndrome, which over time spreads throughout the arm.

Inflammatory processes in the tendons lead to the appearance of an unpleasant symptom in the shoulder area. The biceps and triceps are most often affected. This is caused by friction between the affected tendon and the bone. Pain in the arm from the shoulder to the elbow due to the inflammatory process requires immediate assistance. IN otherwise the development of deformation cannot be ruled out.

Neuralgia is an equally common cause. It causes pain in the elbow and above it. This is an inflammatory process associated with pressure brachial nerve. It is often provoked by hypothermia or obvious problems with the spine. For this state characterized by the presence of intense manifestations with a burning sensation in the affected area.

If your shoulder hurts, perhaps the cause is hidden in osteochondrosis cervical spine or hernia. Each person is capable of identifying the development of pathology independently. Specific symptom is an acute pain that intensifies when turning the head and raising the arms.

Osteoarthritis and arthritis are the main joint pathologies leading to pain. These diseases are characterized by the presence of a shingles symptom. In most cases, the arm hurts from the shoulder to the elbow. Additional manifestation limited mobility in the shoulder joint and stiffness in the morning are considered.

Vascular diseases can lead to inflammatory and dystrophic processes in blood vessels. In this case, there is aching pain covering the shoulder and elbow joints. It can intensify during movement and becomes more intense as it progresses.

If your hands constantly hurt, you need to immediately identify the cause. In rare cases, this indicates fatigue and mild sprains. Intense manifestations are a sign of serious abnormalities in the functioning of the musculoskeletal system or vascular system.

Intensity of the symptom manifested

Pain syndrome varies in its manifestations and intensity. Experts identify the following types of this symptom:

  • spicy;
  • chronic;
  • aching;
  • reflected.

Acute pain in the arm from the elbow often occurs due to overload of the joints. This is typical for people who exercise vigorously and lift heavy weights. It is believed that this is the most harmless symptom, but only if it developed due to intense physical activity. In other cases, it is classified as a symptom of a serious illness.

Varieties Causes
Sharp pain in the right arm. Caused by arthritis, arthrosis, neuritis, tendobursitis, capsulitis of the shoulder joint and injuries. Each disease has certain symptoms. A highly qualified specialist can identify pathology.
Chronic syndrome. Explained by inflammatory processes in the tendons. The most common condition is tendonitis. It occurs due to intense stress. The second most common is bursitis. The pathology is associated with excessive impact on the joint and injury to the periarticular bursa.
Aching pain in arm and shoulder. Caused by intervertebral hernia, myalgia or glenohumeral periarthrosis. All diseases are accompanied acute manifestations, with impaired hand function. Often the pathological process involves the muscles.
Referred pain in left arm. Associated with pathologies of cardio-vascular system. Trigger appearance strange symptom liver abnormalities are possible. During a heart attack, the development of pain syndrome is fixed on the left upper limb and spreads to the entire chest.

If your shoulder, elbow, or entire area hurts severely and radiates to other parts of the body, you need to make an appointment with a specialist. This symptom dangerous with serious consequences. It is often caused by the appearance of severe cardiac abnormalities.

What to do if pain develops

The appearance of an intense syndrome in the area from the neck to the elbow requires medical examination. It is impossible to deal with the current situation on your own. Deviations from the musculoskeletal system require appropriate treatment.

Basic techniques will help you determine why your right or left arm hurts. A person needs to find optimal position, in which there are no symptoms or their decrease is recorded. The limb is then secured with a tight bandage. It is recommended to completely immobilize the elbow. This will alleviate the condition and reduce the intensity of the symptom.

In order to reduce the syndrome on the left or right, the affected limb must be provided with complete rest. During sleep, you need to fix your hand in a certain position. It is recommended to avoid muscle overstrain and regularly perform developmental exercises.

In most cases, treatment involves restricting mobility and gradually returning the functionality of the affected area. If the pain is recorded in the heart, this may be due to disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular system. In this case, you must immediately call an ambulance.

Only a doctor knows how to treat pathology correctly. There are many factors influencing the development of the syndrome, which complicates the process of independently determining the cause. This issue is dealt with by the attending physician; he prescribes instrumental and differential methods diagnostics, selects the optimal treatment regimen.

Pain that appears in the arm from the elbow to the shoulder can sometimes indicate the development of a rather serious disease. Therefore, you should not treat such a symptom with disdain, ignoring it and expecting that everything will go away on its own. Pain syndrome manifests itself in different ways, but most often it is associated with degenerative and inflammatory processes occurring in the joint area. But in order to effectively and quickly cope with such a problem, you need to know why your arm hurts from the shoulder to the elbow. This will allow you to make an accurate diagnosis.

Common reasons

When pain affecting both the elbow and shoulder is intermittent, it may be due to sprained ligaments. Because of this, the muscles begin to overstrain, thereby provoking the development of internal inflammatory processes. Typically, people who spend most of their time working on a computer are susceptible to such sensations and symptoms.

Sometimes pain in the shoulder and elbow at the same time can cause a dislocation or hidden fracture. This can happen in the event of an unfortunate fall, a car accident, or an injury. domestic injury. In this case, the hand hurts greatly, and the spasm itself is acute, affecting a large area.

To determine the type of damage, you need to pay attention to the characteristics of the pain itself. With a crack or fracture, it becomes unbearable at the slightest movement of the hand. And even if the damaged area has been fixed, the pain syndrome is still felt for some time.

Typically, injuries affecting the forearm occur in older people. This is facilitated by age physiological changes, occurring in bone and muscle tissue. Also at risk are those who play sports professionally.

Sometimes a person is tormented aching pain occurring in the shoulder and elbow area. The reasons for this unpleasant sensation may be different. Most often this is due to the following violations and diseases:

  • neuralgia;
  • inflammation in the tendon area;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • heart ailments;
  • joint pathologies.

REFERENCE. With neuralgia, the pain is localized in the elbow, spreading and rising higher. The provoking factor is the inflammatory process associated with compression of the brachial nerve. This may happen due to severe hypothermia, excessive physical activity or against the background of existing problems with the spine.

The pain in the elbow joint is intense, and a burning sensation is felt in the affected area. Shoulder sweats a lot. The muscles may twitch and the skin may turn pale or red. The joint becomes slightly limited in movement.

If no action is taken, the attacks become more frequent, and the pain is felt again and again. Neuralgia gradually turns into neuritis. That's when it happens significant violation motor function sore joint.

Inflammation affecting the tendons also leads to unpleasant pain in the arm. This primarily applies to the triceps and biceps. The main cause of this condition is friction of the affected tendon against the bone itself. In this case, immediate consultation with a doctor is required, otherwise a complication such as joint deformation may develop.

Pain in the arm from the shoulder to the elbow may be associated with osteochondrosis occurring in the cervical region. This disease can be identified by an acute spasm, which intensifies even more when raising the arms and turning the head. For osteochondrosis thoracic the nerve may be pinched. Then the pain radiates to one of the hands, left or right. Such additional symptoms like numbness and tingling. However, the functionality of the affected upper limb is completely preserved.

When wondering why your arm hurts from the shoulder to the elbow, you need to remember that the reason may be hidden in a heart attack. In this case, the spasm will have a compressive, pressing nature. The pain syndrome can be pronounced, or it can be practically not felt. Everything will depend on individual characteristics body.

During a heart attack, pain radiates to top part left hand

First, unpleasant symptoms occur in the chest area, gradually spreading to all neighboring areas. My back starts to hurt lower jaw, left hand. Additionally, the following symptoms appear:

  • approaching nausea;
  • cold sweat;
  • dyspnea;
  • difficulty breathing.

If a person experiences such symptoms, he should immediately consult a doctor. The risk of developing a heart attack in this case is very high. In addition to heart disease, joint diseases can cause pain in the shoulder and elbow.

Joint diseases

Arthritis and arthrosis are the main pathologies during which shingles pain syndrome may occur. It affects the shoulder and elbow at the same time. In this case, there is a feeling of limitation and stiffness in the movement of the joint in the morning.

Discomfort in the arm can be caused by an inflammatory process affecting the elbow and shoulder joints. This may be a disease called tendinitis, where inflammation affects the tendons. This disease occurs due to constant load of the same type, exerted on the shoulder.

Tendonitis manifests itself as redness of the skin and swelling in the affected area. When moving your hand, you may hear a crunching sound, but the functionality of the limb is completely preserved. But the pain is constantly present, even at night, only it intensifies and weakens.

Unpleasant discomfort can be caused by salt deposits in the shoulder joint. This phenomenon is also accompanied by bursitis. This is another one joint disease, at which it occurs infectious process. During it, swelling forms, which causes severe pain in the shoulder and elbow, and the spasm is acute.

REFERENCE. Inflammation affecting joint capsules, provokes a phenomenon called frozen shoulder (capsulitis). Gradually, this process affects the muscles. Therefore, in addition to pain, shoulder movement is limited. At the most initial stages diseases discomfort minor. But if no measures are taken, capsulitis can lead to disability.

More often, women and those who suffer from this disease are exposed to diabetes mellitus. The disease occurs against the background increased load, exerted on the muscular plexuses of the shoulder girdle. Sometimes the cause is damage to the intervertebral discs in the upper back. This also leads to pain in the muscles and joints of the hand.

A distinctive feature of capsulitis is very severe pain, which manifests itself at night. The performance of the shoulder is significantly reduced. It becomes difficult for a person to perform usual actions. This disease can last for several years.

Cervical spondylosis causes pain in the arm from the shoulder to the elbow. The person feels something pulling inside the joint. It is this symptom that brings significant discomfort. This phenomenon is caused by an increase in the lateral processes. Sometimes intervertebral hernias can provoke a spasm in the arm in the area of ​​the elbow and shoulder. The vertebral discs are damaged, thinned and worn out. In this regard, the vertebrae themselves come closer to each other, thereby provoking pinching of the nerve endings.

When the area between the shoulder and elbow hurts severely, we may be talking about progressive periarthritis. This disease is associated with inflammation of the tissues located next to shoulder joint. This:

  • capsules,
  • ligaments,
  • muscles.

Periarthritis occurs against the background of the injury. In this case, the pain syndrome manifests itself even when touching the damaged area is very insignificant. The spasm can be shooting and even burning. It also manifests itself at night, which is why a person’s normal sleep. And during the day, such a syndrome does not allow active movement. If treatment is not started on time, the joint may become completely immobile.

Characteristics of pain

When the arm hurts from the shoulder to the elbow, it is possible to identify the cause, thanks to the peculiarities of the manifestation of such a symptom. The pain may be as follows:

  • chronic,
  • aching,
  • spicy,
  • reflected.

Sometimes a nagging pain syndrome appears. It usually occurs when vascular diseases, which lead to dystrophic changes. The nagging pain gradually turns into an aching spasm affecting the shoulder and elbow. While driving such discomfort only intensifying. And as the disease progresses, the symptoms become more intense.

Acute pain in the elbow and shoulder may be associated with joint fatigue

Acute pain in the elbow and shoulder can occur due to overuse of the joints. More often, this symptom appears in those who actively engage in sports using heavy weights. If acute pain syndrome is localized in the right hand, then we can talk about the following ailments:

  • arthrosis,
  • neuritis,
  • arthritis,
  • capsulitis,
  • tendobursitis.

Painful spasm of a chronic nature is most often associated with inflammatory processes occurring in the tendon area. It could be tendinitis or bursitis. Such pathologies arise due to excessive load or due to injury to the periarticular bursa.

Aching pain in the elbow and shoulder area is caused by disorders such as myalgia, periarthrosis, and intervertebral hernia. The symptoms of such diseases are quite pronounced. The ongoing pathological process can involve all neighboring muscles, which leads to dysfunction of the hand.

Referred pain spasm usually occurs in the left upper extremity. This condition can be caused by a malfunction of the liver. Another reason is pre-infarction state. In this case, the pain is localized in the left arm, gradually spreading to the chest. When the shoulder hurts very badly, affecting the elbow and other joints, then we can talk about pathologies of the cardiac system.

IMPORTANT! An unpleasant symptom, which is most felt in the evening or at night, may signal inflammation occurring in the cartilage tissue shoulder and elbow joint. The skin surface turns red, and the limb may partially lose its mobility.

If your right and left arm from shoulder to elbow hurt regularly, then you should definitely visit a doctor. This condition should not be attributed to a sprain or fatigue of the upper extremities. There can be many reasons, and all of them can be associated with serious disorders of the vascular system or the musculoskeletal system.


When faced with shoulder and elbow pain, you want to get rid of such an unpleasant symptom as soon as possible. Therapy in this case will depend on the cause that provoked this condition. But most often treatment is based on taking medications in the following areas:

  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • analgesics;
  • glucocorticosteroids;
  • chondroprotectors;
  • drugs based on hyaluronic acid.

Anti-inflammatory non-steroidal drugs help eliminate inflammation occurring in the joint area. This could be Nise, Xefocam, Declofenac, Ketorolac. Analgesics such as Analgin, Novigan, Tempalgin help cope with severe pain. Glucocorticosteroids are added to treatment only when non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs do not provide the required effectiveness.

Chondroprotectors stop the destructive processes occurring in joint tissue. They also block the spread of inflammation. These drugs can be available in the form of ointments, tablets and gels. At advanced stages they are used as injections. The most commonly prescribed medications are Structum and Chondroxide. Medicines based on hyaluronic acid are used for full recovery damaged joint.

When your shoulder and elbow hurt a lot, then, except drug treatment, you can try using traditional medicine. Many home recipes eliminate joint pain and also relieve internal inflammation. These can be baths with the addition mustard powder. Such water treatments will help reduce unpleasant spasms in sore joints. This bath should be taken for no more than ten minutes.

Baths with mustard powder will relieve pain in the elbow and shoulder

Can be cooked special bath for hands. To do this, add ten drops to warm water. essential oil orange and parsley. Keep your hands in the resulting solution for 15 minutes. The procedure is repeated three times a week. In this case, you will be able to independently cope with the problem that causes pain in your hands.

A compress prepared on the basis of medicinal herbs. To do this, mix crushed lilac flowers and viburnum leaves in equal proportions. Take one spoon of this composition and pour 100 ml of it hot water. Moisten gauze in the prepared broth and apply it to the sore hand. Secure the compress with cling film and leave it overnight.

You can make an infusion that will eliminate inflammation that has affected the bones of the shoulder and elbow. To do this, mix a glass of vodka with a spoon of honey. A piece of bandage is soaked in the resulting solution, which is then wrapped around the sore area of ​​the arm. Despite the effectiveness of traditional medicine, it is necessary to take into account that if pain in the shoulder and elbow is caused by a serious pathology, then there is no way to do without drug treatment.