Persimmon in complementary feeding of a child. Persimmon in baby food – at what age and how should it be introduced into a child’s diet?

Persimmon is a viscous and sweet fruit with a specific taste. It has a high content of useful substances, strengthens the immune system and has a positive effect on the functioning of many internal organs. However, due to its astringent properties and coating of the intestines, the fruit can negatively affect digestion, cause diarrhea or, conversely, constipation.

Therefore, many pediatricians do not advise giving persimmon to children at an early age and recommend postponing this procedure until two or three years. In this article we will find out whether persimmon is allergenic. Let's look at the benefits and harms of this fruit. And let’s take a closer look at the age at which persimmons can be given to a child.

Composition and beneficial properties of persimmon

This fruit contains a large number of useful elements, including vitamins C, A and PP, potassium and magnesium, pectin and fiber, calcium and carbohydrates. Such components have a positive effect on the health, development and growth of the baby. In addition, this product tones the body and promotes the removal of toxins, bile and other harmful substances. Let's take a closer look at how persimmon is beneficial for children.

Persimmon has the following beneficial properties:

  • Forms and strengthens the immune system, helps in the treatment of sore throats and colds;
  • Fills the body with important vitamins, minerals and other beneficial elements;
  • Stimulates brain function and improves memory;
  • Removes toxins and harmful substances from the liver, cleanses the body;
  • Renews cells and tissues;
  • Improves the condition of hair, skin and nails, helps with dermatitis and skin irritations;
  • Improves the functioning of the intestines, thyroid gland and body muscles;
  • Improves blood composition and prevents the development of anemia;
  • Strengthens the walls of blood vessels and has a positive effect on the functioning of the heart, prevents the formation of muscle cramps and the formation of blood clots;
  • Prevents the formation of kidney stones, has a mild diuretic effect;
  • Prevention of cancer;
  • Strengthens the strength of the skeleton and prevents rickets in infants.

Despite its beneficial composition and important properties, persimmon can also cause a negative reaction in the form of allergies and diathesis, diarrhea and constipation, deterioration of digestion, stomach and intestines, kidneys and liver, and the excretory system. This is due to the astringent properties of the fruit.

How dangerous are persimmons for a child?

Persimmons contain tannins, which causes the fruit to become sticky. Such components are difficult and take a long time to assimilate and digest; as a result, the child may experience indigestion and diarrhea or, conversely, constipation, vomiting and nausea, increased flatulence and colic.

The large amount of sugar in the fruit is contraindicated for diabetics and children prone to this disease. In addition, it negatively affects the condition of the teeth and increases weight. Frequent consumption of persimmons and consumption of fruits in large quantities will cause caries and destruction of dental tissues, as well.

Eating this fruit in large quantities increases the load on the bladder and excretory system of the body. Don't forget that you may be allergic to persimmons. This fruit contains beta-carotene, which is a strong allergen. As a result, the child may develop allergic rhinitis, dermatitis, skin irritations, rashes and other types of allergies.

To avoid negative consequences, you need to correctly introduce the product into the baby’s diet, give persimmon to children in a properly prepared form and in the permitted proportions. Next, we’ll look at how old you can give persimmon to a child. And we will learn how to do it correctly.

At what age should persimmons be given?

It is better to introduce fruit into the diet of a nursing mother first. For breastfeeding, it is allowed no earlier than four months. Some pediatricians recommend starting the introduction during breastfeeding, when the baby already begins to receive the first complementary foods. For more information on whether persimmons can be consumed while breastfeeding and from how many months this fruit can be consumed by a nursing mother, see.

Due to the high content of sugar, tannins and tannins, fresh persimmons should never be consumed by small children under one year of age. Experts advise introducing fresh fruit into complementary foods for children aged two to three years. It is important that the baby does not have allergies, as well as disturbances in the functioning of internal organs.

Persimmons should not be consumed by people with diabetes and high blood sugar levels, with allergies and a tendency to allergies, with diseases of the bladder and kidneys, and with digestive problems. In addition, the fruit is contraindicated for children and adults who have undergone intestinal surgery.

Persimmon is given to a one-year-old child only after heat treatment in the form of puree. To prepare, take a ripe fruit and rinse thoroughly, peel off the skin and remove the seeds, heat in a water bath for five minutes and then mash to a puree. When the dish has cooled to room temperature, let your little ones taste it.

How to include persimmons in a baby's diet

  • If you introduce fruit at 1 year of age, prepare a puree and give your baby a teaspoon to try. If you are introducing fresh persimmon to children over two or three years old, take a small piece of the fruit, wipe or finely chop and add to the porridge;
  • Observe the child's well-being. If children are affected by persimmon, immediately remove the product from the diet and contact your pediatrician. If the child feels well, you can gradually increase the dosage to one whole fruit. But do not give this product more than twice a week!;
  • You cannot eat persimmon on an empty stomach and wash the fruit down with milk! This causes vomiting and diarrhea, various digestive disorders;
  • Choose only ripe or slightly overripe fruits. The Korolek variety is well suited, since it practically does not contain tannins and tannins, therefore it does not bind and does not have a negative effect;
  • Then you can include the Chinese variety, which is lower in sugar and calories, as well as the firm and sweet Sharon variety, which is obtained by crossing a persimmon and an apple;
  • Dried persimmon will also be useful for the child. Dried fruits are absorbed and digested more easily than fresh fruits, as they undergo heat treatment. In addition, this treatment eliminates harmful microbes and elements, which reduces the risk of allergies to a minimum. You can prepare compotes from dried fruits for a one-year-old baby.

The most delicate pulp of ripe persimmon is a source of incomparable pleasure and enjoyment. Fruits from Azerbaijan or Georgia are especially good at the last stage of ripeness, when the fruit can be selected from the skin with a teaspoon, receiving a new portion of an amazingly tasty delicacy with each sip. The topic of our article is persimmon in the diet of children. At what age is it possible? Are there any contraindications? How is it useful?

Properties of persimmon and its effect on the human body

Let's start with the fact that there are more than 500 varieties of persimmon. One of the most popular, Sharon, is actually a hybrid - with an apple. Due to this, it was possible to get rid of the astringency, make the pulp firmer, and there are no seeds inside. The fruits are distinguished by their special bright orange color. Another popular variety is Korolek. Some people mistakenly consider it a separate fruit, but in fact it is a type of persimmon. This variety is easily recognized by the characteristic brown color of the pulp.

The main difference between persimmons and apples is the increased content of dietary fiber. In addition, the fruit contains vitamins, polyphenols, and tannins. Together, they provide a powerful antioxidant effect and also significantly reduce the risk of atherosclerosis - to prevent it, it is enough to eat one fruit a day. Not only is persimmon useful for this; there are many reasons to consume this fruit:

  • Diuretic property - the effect is extremely mild, which is why persimmon is preferable to diuretics, in addition, calcium is not washed away.
  • Increases immunity - thanks to a complex of vitamins and minerals of natural origin, which are absorbed better than pharmaceutical products.
  • Protects the liver from the influence of negative factors.
  • Contains kakhetin - a special substance with an antihemorrhagic effect; it also helps to destroy pathogenic bacteria and helps fight inflammation.
  • Helps slow down aging - thanks to a combination of ascorbic and betulinic acids, beta-carotene (it is what gives persimmons their characteristic bright orange color) and sibatol. Would you say it’s too early for children to think about old age? This complex also improves immunity, which means that persimmon will be useful for your child.
  • Laxative effect - it is provided by natural fibers. It is somewhat softer than when eating prunes, which not all children accept, but they have a more loyal attitude towards persimmons.
  • It is especially important to give persimmon during cold weather - this fruit will increase resistance to colds and help alleviate the flu. In terms of effectiveness, its fruits are comparable to honey or raspberry jam.

There is no cholesterol in persimmon, but it contains many important substances: phosphorus, magnesium, nickel, iodine, citric and malic acids, B vitamins, easily digestible carbohydrates - fructose and glucose.

At what age can children eat persimmons?

Opinions differ regarding the introduction of persimmons into the diet of children, and the variation in timing is significant. So, some pediatricians recommend that children under 3 years of age refrain from eating it, others believe that after a year a child can eat this fruit. In fact, a lot depends on the characteristics of the baby’s body and the type of persimmon. So, Sharon or Korolek can be offered to two-year-old children if they are healthy and not prone to allergies. In this case, care should be taken to ensure that the fruits are ripe, without rot or other defects. The main problems that may arise are constipation caused by a significant content of tannins. There are a lot of them in tart fruits, but in Korolka or Sharon there are much less.

Why are persimmons with a lot of tannin dangerous? Upon contact with gastric juice, a reaction occurs, resulting in the formation of a viscous mixture that glues the pulp particles into a large lump. It is unable to pass through the intestines and causes obstruction. Such complications usually arise when eating tart persimmons, as well as when swallowing poorly chewed pieces of the fruit.

For the first time, it is enough to offer the baby no more than 10–15 g of pulp. Monitor changes in the child’s gastrointestinal tract: any diarrhea, discomfort, or other signs of malaise, including skin rashes, redness, or other allergy symptoms. If everything is in order, the next day you can give the baby more persimmons, up to 1 tablespoon. Remember that a child 3–5 years old can have no more than 1 fruit per day!

Persimmon treatment

With the help of bright orange fruits you can cure colds and flu. It is best consumed with honey (preferably floral) and raspberry jam. Other recipes:

  • From pressure. Beat 1 persimmon fruit (without skin) in a blender and mix with 200 ml of skim milk. Drink three times a day, every other day.
  • To replenish energy reserves, you need to drink freshly squeezed juice.
  • To alleviate the condition of hemophilia. Grind 30 g of dried persimmon and lotus roots, leave in 2 glasses of water, add a teaspoon of honey, mix thoroughly. Drink a tablespoon for 15 days.
  • For hemorrhoids, you need to soak 15 dried fruits in regular cold water and wait 10 minutes. Drink regularly.
  • Persimmon for allergies - chop the unripe fruits (0.5 kg), add 1.5 liters of water to them, put them in the sun for a week, then strain, leave them in the sun again for three days, then pour them into a clean bowl. Apply this liquid to areas irritated by allergies - at least 4 times every day.

Persimmon is also useful to give to capricious children prone to depression. It has a calming effect due to the potassium and fructose and glucose it contains.

Persimmon is a berry. The juicy fruits of this plant have a beneficial effect on the human body. Adults and children enjoy devouring this juicy fruit, because it is rare when food is not only tasty, but also healthy. Persimmons appear on supermarket shelves during the winter months, when we suffer most from vitamin and micronutrient deficiencies. Many parents are interested in whether it is possible to give persimmons to a child after a year? From how many months can this product be introduced into the diet? Let's tell you more about this wonderful fruit.

Data. Persimmon is the food of the gods. This is how the name of the berry is translated from Latin.

Why is persimmon so beneficial?

  • Persimmon contains plant fibers that help the gastrointestinal tract function, while intestinal motility improves. Proper consumption of the fruit eliminates problems with stool: an infant will forget about constipation, flatulence and diarrhea. Pectin contained in fruits is responsible for regulating appetite and helping to maintain optimal blood sugar levels;
  • Iodine regulates the functioning of the thyroid gland and prevents malfunctions of this organ;
  • Manganese contributes to the regulation of metabolic processes in the body, full growth and development;
  • Iron prevents the development of anemia, renews the composition of human blood;
  • Magnesium has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system and also improves the condition of teeth and bones. Vitamin B6 is useful for the nervous system; it is simply necessary for those children in whom the process of excitation prevails over the process of inhibition;
  • Calcium strengthens bones and teeth;
  • Potassium is involved in the regulation of water-salt balance, it prevents many heart diseases;
  • Vitamin P strengthens the walls of blood vessels, normalizes the functioning of the liver and kidneys;
  • Vitamin A contained in the fruit makes persimmons so bright in color. Carotene is involved in cell restoration and protects the eyes from harmful effects;
  • Vitamin C in bright orange berries increases the body's protective functions, improves metabolic processes and the condition of blood vessels.

Data. Persimmon acts like activated charcoal, removing excess from the body. It is considered even healthier than apples.

Is there a place for persimmons in baby food?

The gastrointestinal tract of a small child is not yet fully formed and is vulnerable to various influences. Therefore, the question of whether a baby can eat persimmon should be answered in the negative.

Young mothers should feed the baby breast milk, and introduce it only after consultation with a specialist, who should ask all the questions of interest in order to avoid mistakes in feeding. The gradual, competent and consistent introduction of new products is the key to the baby’s well-being.

Persimmon is considered a difficult-to-digest food; the gastrointestinal tract experiences excessive stress when digesting it.

The berry belongs to the category of heavy food; even an adult should eat it with caution. The tannin contained in persimmons can cause constipation, as it strengthens. It is this substance that makes persimmon so astringent.

Persimmon is an allergic product, so do not be surprised that excessive consumption can cause a rash on the baby’s body. Allergic reactions can occur even after a small piece.

Data. Persimmon is considered a natural antidepressant.

Intolerance is far from the biggest threat to the body. Persimmon should not be given at an early age due to the possible formation of intestinal obstruction, which can only be eliminated with surgery. Late access to a medical facility can lead to serious complications.

When to start giving persimmon?

On the list of the most difficult foods for the human body to digest, persimmon is on a par with eggplant and mushrooms. Pediatrician E.A. Komarovsky advises avoiding this exotic fruit until adolescence (up to 11–12 years).

A number of experts impose a taboo on the use of this fruit up to six years, and some only up to three years! It’s worth starting to get acquainted with a new product with small pieces. Parents should monitor the child's condition for 2-3 days. The absence of an allergic reaction removes restrictions on the use of persimmons; now it is allowed to give the baby more pulp. However, you should give preference to small portions: eating five pieces a day is contraindicated even for an absolutely healthy adult who has never been diagnosed with an allergy.

Due to inexperience and ignorance, young mothers give persimmons from 9 months or even six months of age! Apparently, parents believe that there is no need to wait 5 years, but that they can already enjoy the taste of a juicy fruit within a few months without experiencing any inconvenience. In this case, you should not listen to the opinions of friends and acquaintances, because your child’s body may react unpredictably. You shouldn’t experiment in this matter until you’re a year old; wait at least 3 years. A newborn baby will grow and develop perfectly, feeding only on mother's milk.

You should give preference only to ripe persimmons. Before consumption, the fruit allowed for the child should be peeled and the seeds removed. Persimmons should not be eaten with dairy products or foods that are rich in protein. This combination can cause indigestion.

Data. Korolek, or chocolate, is a variety that does not knit.

How to give correctly?

Vegetables, berries, and fruits provide maximum benefits only when eaten fresh. In this case, vitamins, microelements and minerals enter the body unchanged. There are many cooking options: they make persimmon puree, add it to confectionery, and also make steamed jams and preserves from the berries.

Persimmon has an astringent effect due to the tannin it contains. This substance strengthens, so fixing will aggravate existing problems with stool. Many children do not like this taste of persimmon, but dried persimmon does not create such an unpleasant sensation in the mouth.

This method of preparing persimmons helps preserve almost all the beneficial properties of the product, however, vitamin C practically disappears, and the sugar content becomes significantly higher. Therefore, you can give persimmon in this form only to those who do not have problems with blood sugar levels.

Data. Persimmon is suitable for those who are watching extra pounds, because it contains only 60 kcal per hundred grams.

What to choose in the store?

Bright orange and yellow persimmons are an exotic fruit native to China. It appears on the shelves in the fall, when there are already few other fruits. Persimmon not only pleases the eye with its appearance, but also amazes with its amazing, unique taste.

Parents often want to please their children with “foreign fruits” with an original taste. But, trying not to harm the child, they are trying to find out whether the fruit is useful for children, at what age it can be introduced into the diet, how to choose fruits, and whether there are any contraindications for consumption.

The astringent taste of the fruit pulp disappears after full ripening, and the consistency of the pulp becomes jelly-like. The taste will also disappear after the fruits are kept warm or after freezing.

Persimmon is a deciduous or evergreen tree, but can also grow as a shrub. It is grown on all continents in areas with hot climates. About 200 varieties of persimmon are known. There are other names for this delicious berry - “wild date”, “date plum”.

Exotic varieties of persimmons have their own names and may differ in shape, color or size of the fruit:

  • South American persimmon with the name "black apple" or "chocolate pudding" has mature fruits weighing up to 700-900 g with taste;
  • bright red persimmon in the Philippines is called “velvet”;
  • Paraguayan persimmon is distinguished by the flat shape of the fruit;
  • one of the varieties of persimmon in the Caucasus has fruits with a diameter of only 2-3 cm;
  • the fairly common “Sharon” variety, bred by Israeli specialists, has seedless fruits with a milder taste;
  • the fruits of the “Korolek” variety can be different: in the case of pollination of flowers, they have a dark orange color and brown sweet pulp, and in the absence of pollination, the fruits are bright orange, the pulp is viscous.

Exotic fruit is brought to Russia from Georgia and Azerbaijan. In these ripe fruits, the tender pulp can be easily scooped out of the peel with a teaspoon.

Composition and calorie content

Persimmon has many beneficial properties for children's bodies.

The composition of this delicious fruit is very rich, making this product beneficial for children's bodies.

The composition of 100 g of persimmon includes:

  • 0.5 g;
  • 0.4 g fat;
  • 15.3 g carbohydrates (simple sugars);
  • 1.6 g;
  • 0.6 g ash;
  • 0.1 g organic (saturated fatty) acids;
  • 81.5 g water.

The energy value of 100 g of persimmon is 67 kcal. The average weight of one fruit is 85 g, and its calorie content is 57 kcal. Despite the fact that carbohydrates predominate in the composition of the fruit, consumption of the fruit does not lead to a sharp increase in blood sugar, since the glycemic index of persimmon is low.

The bright orange color of the fruit is provided by bioflavonoids and beta-carotene. The astringent taste of the pulp is associated with the presence of tannins in persimmons.

Persimmon contains the following minerals:

  • potassium;
  • sodium;
  • phosphorus;


The abundance of important nutrients in persimmons and their combined effect on the body make this fruit very useful for the developing body of a child.

Persimmon has a variety of effects on the body:

  1. The bactericidal properties of the exotic fruit make it possible to prevent the development of viral infections in the autumn-winter period. If they occur, persimmon will help cope with them.
  2. The delicate fiber of the fruit will improve intestinal motility, and the presence of tannins will help cope with diarrhea. Fiber and pectin normalize the functioning of the digestive tract.
  3. The antioxidant properties of vitamins C and E allow you to:
  • free the body from toxins;
  • neutralize the effects of free radicals;
  • normalize metabolic processes (metabolism).
  1. Persimmon has a mild diuretic effect, which is important for the child’s body. In this case, potassium salts are not removed, unlike the action of medicinal diuretics. True, if there are no indications for a diuretic effect, then the child should drink more when consuming persimmons.
  2. Beta-carotene is necessary for regenerative cell renewal and the formation of visual pigment. Vitamins C, A, K provide the retina with protection from damage.
  3. Phosphorus and calcium are necessary for the development and function of the central nervous system, ensuring the strength of tooth enamel and bones.
  4. Potassium and sodium regulate water and electrolyte balance. Potassium and magnesium ensure normal heart function.
  5. Magnesium in combination with B vitamins has a calming effect on the child, so it is advisable to give persimmon to hyperactive children, restless, capricious, and easily excitable.
  6. Iron is necessary for the synthesis of hemoglobin and renewal of blood composition. Eating persimmon will have a positive effect on your child.
  7. Vitamin A is necessary for the synthesis of collagen, a protein that provides the tone and structure of the skin, nails, and hair. The bioflavonoid quercetin and vitamins PP, C strengthen the vascular wall.
  8. The biologically active substance kakhetin, which is part of persimmon, has an antihemorrhagic (hemostatic) effect, helps destroy pathogenic bacteria, and helps the body cope with the inflammatory process.

Persimmon in folk medicine

Alternative medicine suggests using these amazingly tasty fruits to treat various diseases and conditions:

  • for colds and flu, persimmon is given to the patient with raspberry jam to enhance the effect;
  • freshly squeezed juice will help replenish energy;
  • To alleviate the condition of hemophilia, it is recommended to take 1 tbsp for 2 weeks. l. infusion of dried persimmon and lotus root (taken 30 g per 0.5 liter of boiling water) with the addition of 1 tsp. honey
  • chop 0.5 kg of unripe persimmon fruits and pour 1.5 liters of water over them;
  • leave in the sun for 7 days;
  • strain and leave the infusion for 3 days in the sun;
  • pour into a clean container and use.

Harm and contraindications

Persimmons should have a bright, uniform color without spots or damage.

Eating tart varieties of persimmon, unripe fruits containing a significant amount of tannins (tannin) can have unpleasant consequences. The fact is that when gastric juice comes into contact with tannin, a mixture with a very viscous consistency is formed.

It sticks together insufficiently chewed pieces of fruit or other foods, resulting in a lump that is unable to pass through the intestines and causes intestinal obstruction. Therefore, you should not give persimmon on an empty stomach to children who have undergone intestinal surgery or have intestinal adhesions.

Persimmon tannins are capable of forming compounds with minerals such as iron, calcium, magnesium, which come from food products. This interferes with the absorption of these minerals and can lead to deficiency if persimmons are consumed regularly.

Since persimmons contain 11% carbohydrates, due to the risk of hyperglycemia (increased blood glucose levels), the fruit is not recommended for children suffering from.

To prevent the consumption of persimmons from leading to the development of caries due to the significant sugar content in its composition, it is necessary to rinse the mouth thoroughly after eating it.

Persimmon is also contraindicated:

  • children with chronic;
  • infants up to one year;
  • for children with a tendency to, since persimmon beta-carotene is a strong allergen;
  • for cystitis with frequent urination, since persimmon has a diuretic effect.

How to choose persimmon for a child

When choosing a persimmon, you should pay attention to its color and shape. It is advisable to buy fruits with a rich orange color, a shiny smooth surface that is free of damage and stains. The stalks and leaves of the fruit should be dark in color.

Fortunately, persimmons are not included in the so-called “dirty dozen”, that is, they do not belong to products that are heavily contaminated with pesticides. Only fully ripe fruits that are soft to the touch are suitable for children, because hard, unripe, tart fruits contain more tannin.

If you still purchased unripe fruits, you can make them sweeter and also get rid of the astringency by freezing them. To do this, keep the persimmon in the freezer for several hours and then defrost it at room temperature.

Persimmon varieties such as “Korolek” and “Sharon” are more suitable for children. If there is very little tannin in the “Korolka” fruit, then in the “Sharon” fruits it is practically absent. This variety is a hybrid of persimmon and apple. The Korolek variety of persimmon is easy to recognize, as its flesh is brown.

It is especially easy to recognize persimmons of the “Sharon” variety: the fruits are oblong in shape and larger in size; In addition to the lack of astringency, they also have no seeds. The fruits are bright orange in color and their flesh is denser.

At what age and how to give persimmon to a child?

There is no consensus among experts about age restrictions for persimmons. Some pediatricians recommend starting to give persimmon to a child only from 2-3 years old. Others allow the introduction of these fruits into the children's diet after one year of age. In America and Europe, doctors allow persimmons to be given to children from 8-10 months.

It is best to resolve this issue individually for each child with a pediatrician who has been monitoring the child since birth. Much depends on the child’s body’s tendency to. In these cases, there is no need to rush to introduce exotic fruits into the menu.

The type of persimmon also matters: it is better to buy fruits for your child with a lower content of tannins and without a tart aftertaste. Such varieties include, for example, “Korolek”, “Sharon”. Fully ripe or even overripe fruits of these varieties can be offered to a healthy child without a tendency to allergies from the age of 2.

The first time you should give your baby no more than 10 g of persimmon pulp, adding it to. After consuming the product, it is necessary to monitor how the body reacts to it: you need to observe the child’s stool, the condition of the skin, and well-being. Unripe fruits can cause digestive upset.

An allergic reaction to persimmon usually develops in children prone to allergies, or when the fruit is consumed in excess. Allergy symptoms do not appear immediately.

Its manifestations may be:

  • skin rash;
  • skin itching;
  • dry skin;
  • swelling on the face;
  • rise in temperature;
  • dyspnea;
  • indigestion;
  • in severe cases - anaphylactic shock (loss of consciousness as a result of cardiovascular disorders).

Decreased immunity in a child and genetic predisposition contribute to the development of allergies. If symptoms of an allergic reaction appear, you should consult a doctor and not self-medicate. Further consumption of persimmon is excluded.

In the absence of undesirable reactions, the portion of persimmon is gradually increased. At 3-5 years old, a child can consume one medium-sized fruit entirely.

Drying fruits or heat treating them can minimize the risk of developing allergies, as this leads to the destruction of the protein in the fruit that causes allergies. In this form, you can try giving persimmon to children with a tendency to allergies.

Of course, it is better to give your child fresh fruit to ensure maximum preservation of vitamins. But if he doesn’t like the taste of persimmon pulp, then it can be dried. In dry fruits, most vitamins and minerals are preserved, and the astringency disappears. True, vitamin C is almost completely destroyed when dried, but the sugar content increases several times.

Persimmon can be added to fruit puree, ice cream, fruit salad. From the tender pulp you can make delicious marshmallows, marmalade, jam, and baked goods.


Dishes with persimmons provide an opportunity to diversify a child’s menu.

Fruit salad

It can be prepared from persimmon, banana, apple, orange. You can use any fruit depending on the child's taste. All fruits should be cut into equal pieces. The salad is dressed with honey or cream.


To prepare a vitamin dessert you should:

  • rinse 2 ripe persimmons with running water;
  • peel them and remove the grains;
  • grind the pulp to a puree;
  • add 20 g gelatin and 2 tbsp honey. l.;
  • Stir the mixture and heat until the gelatin dissolves;
  • Pour into bowls and cool.



  • wash and peel 1 ripe persimmon;
  • mix the fruit pulp with (200 g of any fat content);
  • add 1 chicken egg and 100 g flour;
  • mix thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is obtained;
  • put in a mold and place in the oven;
  • bake until golden brown.


It can be offered to children to increase immunity during colds.

To prepare compote, take 1.5 liters of water, add 12 tbsp sugar. l. and bring to a boil. Then wash and peel 6 medium-sized persimmon fruits, cut them and add them to the syrup. After 5 minutes, remove from heat.

Summary for parents

A tasty and healthy persimmon smoothie will help saturate your child’s body with vitamins in winter.

“Overseas fruits” have long ceased to be a rarity in our stores and markets. Persimmon is no exception. This unique-tasting fruit has a beneficial effect on the body, as it contains minerals, vitamins, and other biologically active substances that are important for health.

Persimmons should be included in children’s diets, but not earlier than 2-3 years (depending on the child’s developmental characteristics). These fruits can be given only if there is no tendency to allergies.

The most suitable for children are the ripe fruits of the “Korolek” and “Sharon” varieties. They have more sweetness, but the main thing is that they have little tannin, which means there is less risk of developing side effects and complications after consumption.

There is no point in arguing about the benefits of fruits for a child’s body. Everyone knows that a person receives most of the vitamins and valuable microelements from plant foods. But I still want to know when exactly you can include certain fruits in your child’s diet. For example, one of the most pressing questions for young parents is at what age can a child be given persimmons. This question gives rise to a lot of doubts and disputes, if only because the specific composition of persimmon gives an astringent effect to the taste of this fruit. And the orange color indicates that an allergic reaction to this product is possible.

Let's try to figure out at what age you can give persimmon to a child without fear.

At what age can a child be given persimmons?

The opinion of pediatricians and nutritionists on the question of the age at which persimmons can be given to a child is almost unanimous.

Experts believe that this fruit can appear in a baby’s diet no earlier than 2.5 – 3 years.

Until this time, the baby’s digestive system is not yet ready to meet the bright, sweet fruit, rich in tannins. It is the high content of tannins in persimmons that poses a tough barrier to including this delicacy in children's diets. A child may not like the viscous taste of persimmon. But that's not the worst thing! The digestive tract may simply not accept this product. You should not lose sight of the fact that persimmon has a high degree of allergenicity. Therefore, you should try the fruit with caution even after the child reaches the age of 2-3 years.

Are persimmons good for children?

Persimmon is a fruit that, due to its composition, can be considered one of the healthiest among other plant-based treats approved for baby food. Bright orange sweet fruits are rich in vitamins A, E, C, PP. Persimmon also contains valuable acids, proteins, and monosaccharides. This fruit enriches the body with potassium, magnesium, iodine, and calcium. By wisely including persimmon in your diet, you can give a growing body a lot of benefits:

  • Persimmon is a natural antimicrobial;
  • The composition of the fruit has a beneficial effect on hematopoiesis and the cardiovascular system;
  • The fruit contains active antioxidants;
  • Persimmon energizes and saturates with strength.

If there is no allergic reaction to this sweet gift of nature, eating persimmon is very beneficial for children.

What kind of persimmon can be given to a child?

Having found out at what age a child can be given persimmons, I would like to clarify a few more important points. For example, which variety of persimmon is most suitable for baby food. After all, it’s no secret that this fruit comes in a wide variety. Persimmons come in different shapes, the color can vary from light orange to purple-scarlet, some fruits are very small, while others are very large. So which persimmon to choose for a baby who will try the fruit for the first time? The answer is simple! The baby should be offered ripe, sweet, non-astringent persimmons. Varieties that ripen quickly and do not give a viscosity effect include: sugar, chocolate king, ox heart, etc.

How to choose ripe persimmons?

It is believed that fruit of any variety will not produce much astringency if it is fully ripe. Therefore, when buying persimmons in a store or at the market, you should pay attention to the choice. A ripe fruit will be elastic, but not hard, its color is rich, the leaves and stalk have a dark green or brownish tint. If you choose a fruit of the chocolate king variety, you should use a little trick. You need to take the fruit and lightly press its side with your fingertip. Ripe persimmons will have a brown dent. Such a king will definitely be sweet and not tart.

When choosing persimmon of other varieties, you should pay attention to softness. A fruit that is too hard is most likely not yet ripe and will “knit.” Soft persimmons without signs of damage, with delicate translucent barrels, are most likely already ripe and sweet.

How to give persimmon to a child?

We found out at what age can a child be given persimmons? It also became clear how to choose a suitable fruit. But do not forget that your baby must be introduced to a new product very carefully.

So, before offering persimmon to your baby, mom or dad should try the fruit themselves. Only after making sure that the fruit does not knit can you give it to your child. Persimmons have quite thick skin. If you offer persimmon to a child aged 2-3 years, you can cut off the top layer of the fruit and give the baby only the pulp, carefully scraping it out with a dessert spoon.