What people with diabetes should not eat. Fiber-rich foods. Prohibited products

The problem of diabetes mellitus is raised quite widely in the modern world community and concerns many people. According to statistics, in Russia in 2017 almost 20% of people have diabetes, and in the world with this complex disease More than 400 million people live.

That's why we decided to find out what foods you can eat when diabetes mellitus and what is prohibited.

What not to eat if you have diabetes:

  • Premium wheat flour and products made from it;
  • Sugar, honey, glucose, artificial sweeteners, as well as all products containing them;
  • Dried fruits with increased content fruit sugar: dates, dried apricots, raisins, bananas, figs, pineapple, grapes, persimmons, apricots, watermelon and melon, pomegranates, plums, pears;
  • Products with high content starch: potatoes, carrots, beets, White rice, wheat porridge, pasta;
  • Products with a high content of animal fats: lard and fatty pork, sausages;
  • Beer.

In addition, doctors advise people with diabetes to avoid heavy meals, and the portion eaten at a time should be a maximum of 250 grams. food + 100 ml drink.

The patient’s diet is formed depending on the type of diabetes mellitus: with type 1, the above foods are allowed to be eaten in some quantity, and with type 2 (the most common among adults), their consumption is excluded.

What can you eat if you have diabetes:

  • Lean meat (skinless chicken, turkey, rabbit, veal), as well as all types of fish;
  • Seafood;
  • Eggs (quail and chicken whites);
  • Milk and dairy products (no sugar or artificial additives; low fat);
  • Yeast-free whole grain bread, corn tortillas, etc.;
  • Healthy fats (natural vegetable oils good quality);
  • Cereals (buckwheat, corn, barley, millet, pearl barley, brown rice, quinoa);
  • Fruits (apples, peaches, oranges and tangerines);
  • Berries (strawberries, raspberries, currants, cherries, gooseberries);
  • Vegetables (spinach, eggplant, zucchini, radishes, etc.) and herbs;
  • Drinks (compote, fruit drink, jelly, tea).

What foods should diabetics have in their daily diet?

However, there are also foods that diabetics not only can, but also need to eat every day. After all, they are capable of lowering blood sugar levels, and therefore should become an integral part of the diet of every patient:

  • Seafood (squid, shrimp, lobster, crayfish);
  • Cucumbers;
  • Tomatoes;
  • Types of cabbage (white cabbage, broccoli and Brussels sprouts);
  • Green bell pepper;
  • Zucchini;
  • Eggplant;
  • Parsley;
  • Some spices: ground black and red pepper, turmeric, ginger, cinnamon.

A study carried out at a university in Sweden showed that the addition did not large quantity vinegar in food, for example, as a salad dressing, also leads to a decrease in glucose levels in patients with diabetes.

Of all acceptable products can be made complete diet to maintain a healthy body, and we offer three diet options.

Diet for diabetes: 3 menu options

Option #1

  • Breakfast: corn porridge with milk, unsweetened tea.
  • Snack: 200 gr. blueberries
  • Lunch: vegetable stew and a piece of veal.
  • Afternoon snack: apple, orange.
  • Dinner: shrimp and vegetable salad, tucked olive oil and vinegar.

Option No. 2

  • Breakfast: buckwheat with milk, unsweetened tea.
  • Snack: 200 gr. cherries or other berries.
  • Lunch: brown rice and a piece of boiled chicken, vegetables.
  • Afternoon snack: natural apple pastille without sugar, fruit drink.
  • Dinner: salmon steak, vegetable salad and quinoa.

Option #3

  • Breakfast: steamed protein omelette, a slice of whole grain bread, compote.
  • Snack: natural yogurt with raspberries and strawberries.
  • Lunch: assorted seafood, stewed spinach.
  • Afternoon snack: jelly.
  • Dinner: turkey, stewed with vegetables, a glass of dry wine.

Thus, the diet for diabetes is somewhat reminiscent of the now so popular “ proper nutrition"and assumes fragmented (5-6 times a day) meals, the predominance plant products, rich in fiber, vitamins and microelements, lack of fatty, smoked and flour products in the diet.

Good day, dear readers and guests of the blog “Sugar is normal!” The topic of food and diet in diabetology is inexhaustible, endless, and sometimes controversial, so today I again devote an entire article to it.

We’ll talk about what you can and can’t eat if you have type 1 and type 2 diabetes, what foods (fruits, vegetables, and others) a person with diabetes needs, and we’ll create lists and tables for convenience.

I really hope that you will heed my words, since I do not take the material out of thin air and this knowledge has been tested by medical experience.

Perhaps for some the information will be too revolutionary. Yes, this is exactly so and be prepared for a “brain explosion”, since what you knew before will be subject to my harshest criticism.

You can agree or disagree, argue with me, but the facts remain facts and you just have to accept them or reject them.

What foods are they pushing on you?

When talking about food products, you need to remember that many beneficial features exaggerated, and the probable danger of some is unfounded. Remember that our consciousness is controlled by the media, which act in the interests of paid organizations.

In other words, he who pays calls the tune. This has always been and will always be. Let's think about what sells best? What you will buy again and again is the product that causes mental or even physical addiction.

Alcohol, tobacco, sweets and even bread are the most consumed goods around the world. And all these products are addictive. If everyone knows how dangerous alcohol and tobacco are, but still go on a rampage, then many people are not even aware of the dangers of sweets and white flour. But in vain...

Scientists have long proven an addictive addiction to sweets and baked goods. Try to limit yourself to these products for a month; more than 90% will experience real withdrawal and subsequent breakdown. This is where not only the giants that produce Snickers and Mars make money, but also small shops that sell fresh baked goods, such as Pyshka or Zhar-Svezhar. You'll always come back for another round of donuts because they're delicious, fill you up quickly, and are cheap.

What do you see in advertising on TV? Chocolate bars, cookies, juices, soda and other “snacks” that satisfy the appetite for a while, and then wild hunger sets in because the body has not received normal nutrients, he is still hungry. And how beautifully they advertise, starting from the coveted smile of a sexy girl, ending with cute kittens... Yes, they play on your feelings, gentlemen!

Have you ever seen an advertisement for eggs or fish or real... butter? And you’re unlikely to see it, because it’s not addictive; you can’t eat these foods in kilograms, because they give you long-term satiety. And besides quality products are expensive. And you can gobble up candy and soda without getting tired, and the more you eat, the more you want.

So fast carbohydrates, namely all sweets, store-bought drinks, baked goods and even bread, should be sharply limited not only in people with diabetes, but also in healthy people. It is these foods that lead to the development of diabetes in the future, because they lead to metabolic disorders and obesity.

And I advise those with type 1 diabetes not to delude themselves either. Do you think it’s enough to just inject insulin and eat as much as you want? In essence this is true, but over time you may start to have problems. Do you think there are no fat diabetics on insulin or with other health problems?

I am not a “sugar or bread hater”, I am for reasonable consumption, when these products become a delicacy that is awaited, just as they once waited for a piece of meat festive table, because it was not available every day. Look for pleasure outside of your diet, believe me, there are so many interesting things in the world...

Is there a difference between food for type 1 and type 2?

At first, people with type 1 diabetes do not have problems with food. I calculated the insulin, injected it and ate what I wanted. But, as I already said, this is a temporary phenomenon and you will have to pay for food pleasures one day.

The diet for type 2 diabetes mellitus is much more relevant, because the normalization of blood sugar levels, successful weight loss, and improvement depend more on it. general level health.

What can you eat if you have type 2 diabetes?

So, we’ve talked about what you shouldn’t eat if you have any type of diabetes, now let’s figure out what you can.

Allowing is always more difficult than prohibiting. And all because a ban is a ban, and permissibility always comes with reservations and conventions that require an individual approach.

The list of permitted products may vary depending on the severity of diabetes and sugar compensation. The worse the situation, the stricter the restrictions. If you want more quick results, then you will also have to show will and patience.

I tried to generalize and came up with two lists:

  1. Foods that can be eaten by all people with diabetes, regardless of the severity of the condition.
  2. Foods that can be added when good compensation is achieved and health improves, or for those who initially do not have a particularly bad situation and do not require strict restrictions.

I’ll say right away that restrictions are imposed only on products containing carbohydrates, both simple and complex.

The rest of the products, which contain mainly proteins and fats, are not limited, i.e. you eat enough of them to fill up. They will also be on the lists. Just because a product is completely legal does not mean you should eat it until you feel sick. There must be moderation in everything!

A new article has been published on the blog. Follow the link and find out how to eat correctly sweet berry.

Tables of allowed foods for diabetes

List No. 1

List No. 2

What not to eat if you have type 2 diabetes

  • Bread, bakery products.
  • Flour: wheat, rye, oat, corn, rice, pea.
  • Bran: any. I explained why exactly in the article.
  • All cereals except those described in list No. 2.
  • Breakfast cereals.
  • Pasta: any.
  • High-carbohydrate fruits, berries and dried fruits: bananas, grapes, persimmons, cherries, pineapple, papaya, passion fruit, peaches, apricots, watermelon, melon, prunes, dates, figs, dried apricots, raisins, candied fruits.
  • Vegetables: potatoes, corn, beets.
  • Classic desserts, sweets, cakes and pastries, sweet pastries.
  • Honey, agave syrup, cane sugar and other natural, but harmful substitutes Sahara.
  • Beer and sweet alcoholic drinks.
  • Fructose, sorbitol.
  • Cola, Fanta, Pepsi and other crap, even if it is carbohydrate-free.
  • Any juices.
  • Ready-made curds, yoghurts and other products that risk calling themselves dairy products.
  • Table sugar no comment.

Answers on questions

What fruits can you eat if you have diabetes?

And once again for those who are in an armored train and without a walkie-talkie, I will repeat what I wrote above. Fruits are allowed only when diabetes is successfully compensated, but this also has its limitations.

Up to 100 g of local seasonal fruits and berries per day is allowed. It is recommended to split this dose into 2-3 doses.

Completely excluded: bananas, grapes, persimmons, cherries, pineapple, papaya, passion fruit, peaches, apricots, watermelon, melon, prunes, dates, figs, dried apricots, raisins, candied fruits.

I described another article about diet for type 2 diabetes in the article. Follow the link to learn more about how to eat with this disease.

What cereals can you eat if you have diabetes?

In fact, none, but given our all-Russian love for porridge, I can allow you to enjoy a bowl of porridge once a week, but only if it is wild rice, steamed buckwheat or lentils with quinoa.

What vegetables to eat if you have diabetes

To put it even more simply, choose vegetables that grow above the ground, because they are low in starch. The exception is pumpkin and squash, which are not allowed for everyone. Corn in any of its forms is also completely excluded.

Those that grow underground contain a lot of starch, which is easily digestible and increases blood sugar. The absolute exception is potatoes. The rest are possible, but be careful.

I hope I clearly explained which products you need to choose. If you have any questions, ask them in the comments below. I answer everyone!

With warmth and care, endocrinologist Lebedeva Dilyara Ilgizovna

Diabetes is a scourge modern society. Previously, diabetes mellitus was considered exclusively hereditary disease. Now, because poor nutrition, bad ecology and other reasons - diabetes can occur in anyone. Endocrine disease appears due to insufficient production of insulin by the pancreas. The pancreas needs to be protected. What foods can you eat if you have diabetes, what foods will support pancreatic function? There is only one answer: useful. Of course, nutrition for diabetes is based on diet therapy and strict restrictions. But increasing life expectancy and improving its quality is a good motive for reviewing the diet.

Diet rules for diabetes

  • Complete exclusion of sugar-containing products;
  • Use of sweeteners, if necessary;
  • Consumption of spices to improve digestion and absorption of nutrients;
  • Drinking chicory instead of coffee reduces sugar levels;
  • Positive emotions, laughter reduces sugar.
  • Garlic, onions, cabbage, celery, spinach are vegetables that can slightly lower blood sugar.
  • Despite the prohibitions, you can eat bread. You need bread with added bran, black bread.
  • Diabetic patients are recommended to eat vegetarian soups and fish broth soups. You can't add frying to the soup. Fatty pork broth is strictly contraindicated.
  • A diabetic cannot live without meat. It is the main supplier of energy. The meat should not be fatty: chicken breast, lean beef, fresh veal, lean lamb. Liver, heart - not allowed. Of course, meat is consumed boiled or baked.
  • Fish and seafood are welcome. They will strengthen weak blood vessels diabetic. A seaweed will replenish iodine deficiency and increase performance.
  • Vegetables and greens can be eaten without restrictions. But, potatoes are only boiled. But beans, beans and peas should be limited; they have a great glycemic index.
  • Berries and fruits are also allowed. Fruit drinks, compotes, jelly - please, only with a sweetener. Only excluded the following berries and vegetables: grapes, raisins, cherries, plums, apricots, bananas, pineapples and melons.
  • The following cereals have a proven sugar-lowering effect: buckwheat, pearl barley and oatmeal. Eating cereals can slow down the development of diabetes. Semolina has a high glycemic index - it should not be eaten if you have diabetes. You can eat rice, but preferably brown and in limited quantities.
  • Eggs can only be included in salads and other dishes. It cannot be used as a stand-alone product. If possible, limit it.
  • Fermented milk products with a low percentage of fat are considered healthy. You can drink skim milk and eat low-fat cottage cheese. The consumption of cheeses and curd masses is excluded.
  • Butter can be eaten in limited quantities. And vegetable, olive, flaxseed, sesame and other oils are healthy.
  • If you don’t have the strength to give up all sweets, then you can eat sweets containing fructose (there is a large range of sweets for diabetics).
  • You can drink anything except coffee. Concentrated juices are recommended to be diluted with water. Naturally, all liquids should not contain sugar.

Of course, nutrition for diabetes has some limitations. But even healthy man may not tolerate certain foods. The diet for diabetes is very comfortable and varied, you just need to get used to it. By eating foods that are allowed for diabetics, you can improve your well-being, even for a non-sick person. And the pancreas will work without interruption, and the risk of diabetes will disappear.

Allowed foods for diabetes mellitus (hereinafter referred to as DM) play an important role. They regulate blood glucose and prevent insulin levels from rising. The health, well-being of the patient and even his life directly depend on this.

Many dishes contain glucose. So that the body can break it down and absorb it, the pancreas produces the hormone insulin. If, as a result of disturbances in the functioning of this organ (they can be congenital or caused by a disease), insulin ceases to be produced, type 1 disease occurs.

Patients who regularly take insulin and adhere to a diet live long full life

Illness implies constant reception insulin from the outside - in the form of injections. A special diet is also required.

Proper nutrition for this type of diabetes mellitus involves avoiding fast carbohydrates – those, as a result of the breakdown of which the level of glucose in the blood immediately increases. Long-lasting carbohydrates are essential.

In type 2 disease, as a result of a malfunction, cells lose sensitivity to insulin. As a result, glucose is no longer absorbed in the required quantities, which means its level is constantly increasing. Uncontrolled intake of carbohydrates can lead to a critical condition, and the diet should be aimed at controlling the consumption of carbohydrate-containing foods and restoring cell sensitivity to insulin.

About violations intestinal absorption and digestion - maldigestion syndrome, read.

Failure to follow the diet may lead to hypoglycemia or hyperglycemia, that is, sharp fall or sharp increase blood glucose level. This may cause coma and death. That's why proper diet Nutrition for diabetes is an integral part of treatment and lifestyle.

The first thing you need to do when you notice symptoms of diabetes is to limit your diet. What you can’t eat, and what you can, when, how and in what quantities – the doctor will tell you all this during the consultation, when the suspicions are confirmed.

A proper diet is the main part of therapy and lifestyle for both type 1 and type 2 diseases.

Previously, it was believed that people with type 1 do not live long. Now, thanks to modern insulin medications and a strict diet, patients can live long, fulfilling lives with a minimum of restrictions. Read about it in a separate analytical review.

How to eat with type 1 diabetes

The amount of carbohydrates eaten during the day should correspond to the level insulin taken– this is the basic principle of nutrition for type 1 diabetes. Fast carbohydrates are prohibited. These include baked goods, sweet fruits and drinks, confectionery.

Diabetics are allowed to eat meat with vegetables, but fatty varieties, fried and smoked meat will have to be forgotten

Slow breakdown carbohydrates - these include, for example, cereals - must be present in a strictly regulated dosage. The basis of the diet for this disease should be proteins and vegetables.. It is also necessary increased amount vitamins and minerals.

To make it more convenient to plan meals for patients with type 1 diabetes, such a concept as “ grain unit"(HE). This is the amount of carbohydrates contained in half a slice of rye bread taken as a standard .

It is allowed to eat from 17 to 28 XE per day, and at one time this amount should not exceed 7 XE. Meals should be fractional - 5-6 times a day, so the permitted unit rate is divided by the number of meals. Meals should be taken at the same time of day, without skipping.

Table of bread units:

Products by groups Amount of product in 1 XE
Dairymilk250 ml
kefir250 ml
yogurt250 ml
ice cream65 g
syrniki1 PC.
Bakery productsRye bread20 g
crackers15 g
breadcrumbs1 tbsp. l.
pancakes and pancakes50 g
gingerbread40 g
Cereals and side dishesany crumbly porridge2 tbsp.
jacket potatoes1 PC.
French fries2-3 tbsp. l.
ready-made breakfasts4 tbsp. l.
boiled pasta60 g
Fruitsapricots130 g
banana90 g
pomegranate1 PC.
persimmon1 PC.
apple1 PC.
Vegetablescarrot200 g
beet150 g
pumpkin200 g

Here are some foods you can eat without restrictions if you have type 1 diabetes:

  • zucchini, cucumbers, pumpkin, squash;
  • sorrel, spinach, lettuce;
  • green onions, radishes;
  • mushrooms;
  • peppers and tomatoes;
  • cauliflower and white cabbage.

They are so low in carbohydrates that they are not considered XE. It is also necessary to use protein food: fish, meat, eggs, low-fat cottage cheese and cheese, cereals (except semolina and rice), fermented milk products, wholemeal bread, not too sweet fruits in limited quantities.

You need to measure your blood sugar regularly to know when to raise it and when to lower it. If this is not done, hypoglycemic coma may occur suddenly.

Weekly menu for a patient with type 1 diabetes

For diabetes, milk and kefir are allowed and even recommended, but sour cream and cream - only with a low percentage of fat content, cottage cheese - in limited quantities

We offer approximate diet meals for 7 days:



Afternoon snack


Monday crumbly pearl barley,
2 slices hard cheese,
tea or coffee
chambers from fresh vegetables,
2 steamed chicken breast cutlets,
braised cabbage,
borscht in low-fat broth
glass of kefirpalat, slice of chicken breast
Tuesday egg white omelette,
boiled veal,
tea or coffee
fresh vegetable salad, pumpkin porridge, boiled chicken breast3 cheesecakesstewed cabbage, boiled fish
Wednesday meat cabbage rolls without rice,
bread optional
fresh vegetable salad, boiled lean meat or fish, durum wheat pastaorangecottage cheese casserole
Thursday oatmeal on the water,
some fruit
a couple of slices of cheese
low-fat pickle sauce, a slice of bread and boiled meatbiscuitsgreen beans, boiled meat or fish
Friday lazy dumplings with cottage cheese,
a glass of kefir,
dried fruits
salad, baked potatoes, sugar-free compotefruit drink without sugar, baked pumpkinsteamed meat cutlets, vegetable salad
Saturday a slice of lightly salted salmon, boiled egg, tea or coffeecabbage rolls, low-fat borsch without frying, a slice of rye breadbread, kefirsteamed chicken fillet, fresh peas or stewed eggplant
Sunday buckwheat on water, stewed chickencabbage soup on chicken broth, chicken cutletcottage cheese, fresh plumsglass of kefir, biscuits, apple

Video about nutrition for type 1 diabetes:

How to eat with type 2 diabetes

Nutrition for type 2 diabetes also involves avoiding large amounts of carbohydrates. If this is not controlled, the body will stop absorbing glucose altogether, its level will increase, which will cause hyperglycemia.

A low-carbohydrate diet for type 2 diabetes includes vegetables, legumes, seafood, fruits, dairy and whole grains.

You should also limit your caloric intake. Meals should be approximately the same in calorie content and divided 5-6 times a day. Be sure to eat at the same time every day.

The main amount of carbohydrates should be consumed in the first half of the day, and the amount of calories entering the body should correspond to the actual energy expenditure.

You can eat sweets, but in limited quantities. Sweeteners should be used. You can't snack on sweets, that is, all desserts should only go with main meals. At the same time, you should definitely eat vegetables rich in fiber. This will slow down the absorption of sugar into the blood. You should also limit the amount of salt, animal fats, alcohol, complex carbohydrates. Fast carbohydrates should be avoided altogether.

I often encounter that patients with non-insulin dependent diabetes Type 2 do not take the disease seriously at first and are in no hurry to give up their eating habits.

They believe that if you don’t need to take insulin when you are sick, then everything is not scary at all. This is especially true for older people. However, the opinion that a dozen sweets and a couple of glasses of sweet wine will do nothing for the holiday is wrong.

Only through therapy and a constant diet is it possible not only to keep sugar levels under control, but also to restore lost sensitivity to insulin. Another common misconception is that foods allowed for diabetes cannot be tasty.

Not true, there are many recipes, including holiday dishes, which will delight any gourmet.

Type 2 diabetics should consider the glycemic index (GI) of foods. The higher it is, the faster this product will cause an increase in blood sugar. Accordingly, you should avoid foods with a high GI, and the diet for type 2 diabetes mellitus should consist of foods with low (mostly) and medium (small quantities) GI.

With the permission of the attending physician, you can small quantities consume some foods with a high GI if they are necessary to maintain certain functions of the patient’s body.

Allowed foods with low and medium glycemic index:

Product groups Low GI Average GI
Fruits and berriesavocado (10);
strawberry (25);
red currant (25);
tangerines (30);
pomegranate (34).
persimmon (50);
kiwi (50);
papaya (59);
melon (60);
banana (60).
Vegetableslettuce (9);
zucchini, cucumber (15);
cauliflower and cabbage (15);
tomatoes (30);
green pea (35).
canned corn (57);
other canned vegetables (65);
jacket potatoes (65);
boiled beets (65).
Cereals and side dishesgreen lentils (25);
vermicelli (35);
black rice (35);
buckwheat (40);
basmati rice (45).
spaghetti (55);
oatmeal (60);
long grain rice (60);
sprouted wheat (63);
macaroni and cheese (64).
Dairymilk (30);
low-fat cottage cheese (30);
fructose ice cream (35);
low-fat yogurt (35).
ice cream (60).
Other productsgreens (5);
nuts (15);
bran (15);
dark chocolate (30);
Orange juice (45).
shortbread (55);
sushi (55);
mayonnaise (60);
pizza with tomatoes and cheese (61).

Weekly menu for a patient with type 2 diabetes

We offer a menu of allowed foods for 7 days for type 2 diabetics:


2- oh breakfast


Afternoon snack


Monday crumbly buckwheat, steamed cheesecake, teafresh carrot saladvegetable soup without meat, boiled potatoes, meat stew, unsweetened applelow-fat kefir cocktail with fresh or frozen berriesboiled lean fish, stewed cabbage
Tuesday porridge with water from oatmeal"Hercules", tea with milklow-fat cottage cheese with fresh apricotsseafood salad, vegetarian borschtsoft-boiled egg, dried fruit compote without sugarturkey goulash, boiled lentils on the side
Wednesday curd cheese, tomatoes, teasmoothie made from fresh apricots and berriesvegetable stew with vealfruits lightly stewed in milkbroccoli with mushrooms
Thursday chicory with milk, soft-boiled eggcocktail of low-fat kefir with berries and fruitsvegetarian cabbage soup, crumbled pearl barley, boiled fishpears, almondsboiled chicken breast, celery, eggplant goulash
Friday sprouted wheat grains, rye bread, natural yogurt without additives, coffeeberry jelly with added sugar substitutemushroom soup with vegetables, meatballs, stewed zucchiniunsweetened apple, green teasteamed green beans, fish balls in green sauce
Saturday bran with milk, berriesCereal bread, fresh fruit salad with nutssorrel soup with beef meatballscurd and carrot zrazy, vegetable juicesteamed fish, fresh vegetable salad
Sunday berry juice, cottage cheese casserolebran bread sandwich with green salad and pre-soaked herringbean soup meat second broth, steam cutlet from mushroomsglass of kefirpike perch fillet, vegetables

In addition, we suggest watching a video with breakfast options for diabetes:


Diabetes is not a death sentence. WITH modern drugs And proper diet the patient can lead the most fulfilling lifestyle possible. What kind of nutrition is necessary for diabetes mellitus in each specific case depends on several factors: age, severity of the disease, physical activity, the presence or absence of associated problems.

The list of permitted foods for diabetes is discussed with the doctor, as well as calorie content daily ration. He will tell you what GI and XE are and help you calculate their quantity. This knowledge will depend future life patient.