Acute cystitis. Treatment of acute cystitis in women

Acute cystitis is a disease associated with purulent-inflammatory processes in the mucous membrane of the urinary tract. The causative agent is mainly E. coli strains, as well as pathogenic bacteria or fungi. The infection can enter through the urethra, descend from the kidneys, or be transmitted through the blood and lymph.

According to statistics, the disease occurs in 30% of the fair sex

Antibiotics are effective against bacteria that cause the disease. Therefore, if the treatment of acute cystitis is carried out in accordance with the doctor’s prescriptions, then, as a rule, it proceeds quickly and without subsequent complications.

More often women have to face this problem. According to statistics, the disease occurs in 30% of the fair sex. This is due to the structural features of the urethra. Compared to men's, it is shorter and has a larger diameter, which makes it easier for infection to enter the bladder.

Clinical manifestations and diagnosis

In acute cystitis, symptoms appear suddenly. These include:

  • Painful urination. During this act, burning, itching, and severe pain occur, especially intensifying at the end.
  • Sharp pain in the bladder area, palpable on palpation, sometimes spreading to the perineum and anus.
  • Increased frequency of urination. This is due to constant pain impulses, which lead to an increase in intravesical pressure, as a result of which even the accumulation of a small amount of fluid causes a strong urge to urinate, occurring every 20 minutes. At the same time, the portions of urine are very small. In a short period of time, it simply does not have time to accumulate.
  • Signs of acute cystitis are the presence of blood and pus in the urine. It is cloudy in appearance, may contain fibrin flakes, and have a fetid, putrid odor. Urination sometimes ends with the release of droplets of blood.
  • The patient has a subfebrile body temperature - from 37 to 38⁰С. Its increase to 39–40⁰С indicates a severe form of acute cystitis, requiring longer treatment and threatening possible complications.

All of the above symptoms of acute cystitis make it easy to distinguish the disease from many others. However, the attending physician can establish an accurate diagnosis only after conducting an additional examination.

One of the main diagnostic methods involves urine analysis. Before taking it, careful hygiene procedures for the external genitalia are performed.

One milliliter of urine of a healthy person should contain up to 1 thousand red blood cells and 2 thousand leukocytes. In the presence of an inflammatory process, these indicators are several times higher.

DNA analysis allows you to determine the type of pathogen. If necessary, ultrasound, cystoscopy, and biopsy are prescribed.

Causes of the disease

The occurrence of the disease is influenced by many factors. The causes of acute cystitis are individual characteristics of the urinary system, neglect of hygiene rules, use of medicinal or toxic substances, congestion in the bladder associated with prostatitis, and the presence of tumor processes. Most often (in 80% of cases) acute bacterial cystitis occurs, caused by infection. It can be caused by various bacteria, fungi or viruses.

The local immunity of the excretory organs is quite high, so even the presence of pathogenic microflora in the bladder does not cause the development of cystitis. When the body's defenses are reduced (due to hypothermia, excessive sexual activity, pregnancy, stress, endocrine system disorders), microorganisms begin to multiply, which causes an exacerbation of cystitis. Fashionable women who prefer to wear light clothes in cold weather are at risk, exposing themselves to colds and hypothermia.


First aid is to relieve the pain symptom. To do this, apply a heating pad or a bag of heated salt to the groin area. This warming relaxes the muscles of the bladder, relieving spasm.

A heating pad helps relieve pain symptoms

Modern antispasmodics - Papaverine, Atropine, No-Shpa - help reduce pain. Before use, make sure there are no allergic reactions.

Acute cystitis is treated with antibiotics. The most common are norfloxacins, biseptol, and penicillin drugs. The dosage is prescribed depending on the test results and the patient’s condition. Medicines that directly affect the genitourinary system are also used (Monural, 5-NOK, etc.). During pregnancy with acute cystitis, treatment has its own peculiarities and is selected individually for each patient.

Drug therapy is prescribed only when the antibiogram is determined. The course is usually several months. Even if the symptoms of cystitis have smoothed out after first aid has been provided, treatment cannot be stopped. A full course will help avoid relapse of the disease.

Patients are prescribed bed rest to normalize the function of the genitourinary system. In addition, the horizontal position helps to more easily tolerate pain symptoms.

Treatment of acute cystitis also includes physical therapy - iontophoresis, inductometry, UHF. Such procedures improve blood circulation, have an anti-inflammatory effect, preventing the proliferation of pathogens, and have virtually no contraindications.

The use of folk remedies

Baths using various medicinal herbs (chamomile, St. John's wort, oak bark, coltsfoot, etc.) provide excellent assistance for acute cystitis. Hot water is poured into the herbal mixture (1 cup per tablespoon of raw material), left to infuse for 20 minutes and poured into a basin, where warm water is added, the temperature of which does not exceed 37.5⁰C. The bath can be taken in the morning and before bed. It is important before treating acute cystitis in this way, it is necessary to establish an accurate diagnosis confirming this disease.

In folk medicine, there are many recipes for herbal tea, various decoctions and infusions. The most popular of them are the following:

  1. Tea made from cherry petioles. Fresh or dried raw materials (3 tablespoons) are poured with boiling water (0.25 l), infused for 15 minutes and taken before meals.
  2. Tea made from chamomile flowers and horsetail herb. To prepare one serving, take 1/2 teaspoon of both per 1 glass of water. Brew with boiling water and leave for a quarter of an hour. Drink a glass of strained ready-made tea three times a day.
  3. Herbal decoction. Bearberry, yarrow (2 teaspoons each), birch buds, calamus root (1 teaspoon each) are mixed, water (0.5 l) is poured and placed on the fire. After boiling, leave for another 10 minutes, then leave for half an hour. You need to drink 4 times a day, 1/2 cup.
  4. A decoction made from rosehip roots. The raw materials are finely chopped and poured with cold water (4 tablespoons of roots - 1 liter of water), then boiled for 15 minutes, cooled and filtered. Drink 0.5 cups 4 times during the day.

Any folk remedies should be used only after consulting a doctor, and they should not replace prescribed medications.

Consultation with a doctor is required

For any disease, you need to follow a certain diet. When first aid has been provided, a diagnosis has been established, therapeutic treatment has been prescribed, there is a need to adhere to the diet that is recommended for acute cystitis. A diet that includes a sufficient amount of vitamins, nutrients and microelements can speed up the restoration of damaged epithelium, which will allow symptoms to quickly resolve. During the treatment period, smoked, salty, spicy and sweet foods should be excluded from the diet. Use more plant foods.

Drinking plays a special role in this disease. During the day you need to drink at least two liters of fluid, which will allow the bladder to quickly get rid of inflammatory products. It is better to drink tea, juices, and mineral water. Berry fruit drinks made from cranberries and lingonberries are very useful. They are rich in active substances that help avoid re-infection.

The diet should include foods that do not irritate the bladder mucosa, have a diuretic effect and help cleanse the body and prevent constipation. You need to adhere to it not only during an exacerbation of the disease, but also for a long time after all symptoms disappear.

Preventive measures

When the causes of acute cystitis are known, the onset of the disease can be prevented if they are simply eliminated. This requires:

  • Keep your genitals clean.
  • Treat gynecological diseases in a timely manner.
  • Do not wear tight or tight underwear that interferes with normal blood flow.
  • If constipation occurs, include more vegetables and fruits in your diet, and use laxatives.
  • Avoid hypothermia.
  • When eating spicy, salty or smoked food, you need to wash it down with plenty of liquid.
  • It is recommended to drink up to two liters of water per day.
  • Empty your bladder in a timely manner, avoiding it from overflowing.
  • In cases where the disease recurs several times a year, a course of antibiotics is required for preventive purposes.

Complications after cystitis

If you notice signs of the disease, you should consult a doctor. Treatment carried out at an early stage will avoid possible complications. These include:

A simple uncomplicated lower urinary tract infection or, in other words, acute cystitis is an inflammation that affects the bladder mucosa. Nowadays, this is the leading pathology among diseases of the urinary system.

This disease occurs predominantly in women, since anatomically their urinary canal is much shorter and wider, which greatly simplifies the task for the infectious agent. In men, the cause of acute cystitis is more often urological diseases, for example, prostate adenoma or medical procedures, such as long-term catheterization of the bladder.


According to the criteria, the disease is classified as follows:

  1. By stage – acute and chronic;
  2. By etiology - bacterial, drug, radiation (and other agents);
  3. According to the condition of occurrence– primary and secondary;
  4. According to morphological characteristics– catarrhal, ulcerative, hemorrhagic, gangrenous, necrotic, polypous, encrusting, necrotic;
  5. According to the extent of inflammation– trigonitis, cervical, diffuse.

The main causative agent of cystitis is Escherichia coli. Speaking about the causes of the disease, we need to mention bacteria (Proteus spp., Klebsiella spp., Staphylococcus saprophyticus, Enterobacter spp., Pseudomonas aeruginosa, etc.), viruses (adenovirus, cytomegalovirus, herpes virus), fungi (for example, Candida) , chlamydia, helminths (cercariae, schistosomes).

The infectious agent can enter the bladder through the ascending, lymphogenous or hematogenous route.

In addition to female anatomy, factors in the occurrence of the disease are:

  1. Hypothermia of the body, especially the legs and lumbar region (short skirts, thin tights, wet shoes);
  2. History of inflammatory diseases (gynecology, urology, venereology) without adequate treatment or not fully treated;
  3. Chronic focus of infection in the body (caries, adenoids, chronic pyelonephritis);
  4. Concomitant diseases (diabetes mellitus, adenoma);
  5. Spicy, fried, fatty foods in large quantities;
  6. Frequent constipation;
  7. Prolonged sitting at work or in the car;
  8. Failure to comply with the rules of intimate hygiene (rare replacement of tampons, improper washing, underwear not changed for a long time);
  9. Contraception with spermicides that do not protect against infectious agents from the sexual partner entering the vagina;
  10. Immunosuppressive conditions (exhaustive sports training, chemotherapy, AIDS).

The most common variant of this disease is acute cystitis in women, the symptoms of which we will consider below.

Diagnosis of cystitis

Diagnosis of the disease is based on clinical symptoms and urine analysis data.

The main symptoms: a feeling of “pain” when urinating, frequent urination in small portions, pain in the lower abdomen, painful urge to urinate, change in the color of urine, urine with blood, low-grade fever.

To make an accurate diagnosis, the following studies are used:

  1. Detailed clinical blood test and general urine test;
  2. Urine culture test to determine the antibiotic sensitivity of a bacterial agent;
  3. Ultrasound diagnostics of the urinary system before and after urination;
  4. Cystoscopic examination with biopsy according to indications (examination of the bladder mucosa is carried out with a special apparatus - a cystoscope inserted through the urethra);
  5. Contrast X-ray studies (survey urography, cystography, urethrography, etc.);
  6. CT or MRI according to indications (as a rule, this is a suspicion of oncological processes in the body).

When diagnosing acute cystitis, differential diagnosis with the following diseases is necessary:

  • Acute pyelonephritis. Often, during the acute course of the disease, the patient’s temperature is low-grade; at temperatures above 38, an infection in the kidneys is possible;
  • Cystalgia. This disease occurs due to hormonal imbalances and is most often associated with impaired blood supply to the triangle and bladder due to local pathological processes. But, just like acute cystitis, it is characterized by frequent, painful urination with normal urine test results;
  • Bladder stones. Pollakiuria occurs only during movement;
  • For men, it is important to differentiate from prostatitis, in which urination becomes more frequent at night;
  • Tumors and metastases.

The main goals of treatment of acute cystitis:

  1. Rapid relief of clinical manifestations of the disease;
  2. Elimination of the infectious agent;
  3. Prevention of reinfection (relapse of the disease).

Some diagnostic features suggest acute hemorrhagic cystitis. It is distinguished from the symptoms of an uncomplicated inflammatory process only by the presence of blood in the urine.

The same frequent and painful urination is characteristic, including at night, but the cutting pain intensifies at the end of urination, and there are numerous unsuccessful urges. These symptoms are often accompanied by an increase in temperature above 38, fever, chills, and malaise.

Acute hemorrhagic cystitis has the following complications:

  1. Blockage of the urethra by a blood clot;
  2. Spread of infection through affected blood vessels;
  3. Pyelonephritis;
  4. Anemia;
  5. Sepsis.

Features of the treatment of acute cystitis

To eliminate pain, antispasmodics and analgesics are used, which often have an anti-inflammatory effect: nurofen, no-spa, baralgin. They also relieve spasm of the urethral sphincter. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs also have anti-inflammatory, antipyretic and analgesic effects.

Antihistamines are used to relieve an allergic reaction. Etiotropic therapy is carried out in accordance with the sensitivity of the infectious agents found. Practice has proven the adequacy of using a 3-day course of antibiotic therapy. It has been established that treatment of acute cystitis, which occurs in an uncomplicated form, for more than 3 days does not have any advantages. The diet for acute cystitis is to eliminate from the diet foods that affect the acidity of urine.

This is done so as not to irritate the inflamed mucous membrane of the bladder.

It is necessary to avoid spicy, salty and sour foods, smoked foods, fatty and overcooked foods, alcohol, chocolate, coffee, tomatoes. You should not drink milk or carbonated drinks that alkalize your urine. Drink a lot of liquid (2-4 liters per day), it is best to drink fruit drinks, uzvar or birch sap.

Kidney tea, decoctions of chamomile, bearberry, lingonberry leaf, horsetail, rose hips, and corn silk are good for sanitizing the urinary tract - these are herbs that have a diuretic and anti-inflammatory effect.

It is also possible to use pharmaceuticals that sanitize the urinary tract. They must be consumed until the symptoms disappear and for another 5-7 days after.

Ecomural is a fairly effective, but not very well-known medicine that is used to treat infectious diseases of the urethra.

Before you buy a drug, you need to know its composition, indications and side effects. If you do not pay enough attention to studying the antibiotic, it may be ineffective.

Composition and properties

Ecomural is a new and popular drug that treats inflammatory processes of the urethra. Doctors recommend it as a substance for cystitis. It contains the antibiotic fosfomycin, and as an additional substance the prebiotic lactose.

One Ecofomural package contains:

  • 5.6 g Fosfomycin,
  • 1.5 g lactulose,
  • 0.016 g Sodium Saccharinate,
  • 0.07 mg Flavor,
  • 8 g Maltitol.

This antibiotic fights infection that has entered the body, trying to destroy its walls.

Release form.

The medicine is produced in the form of white granules, which must be taken orally. It smells like strawberries.

It should be remembered that this drug should not be used in parallel with those medications that contain:

  • Calcium salt,
  • Antacid,
  • Metoclopramide,
  • Substances that promote evasion of gastrointestinal motility.

If this warning is not taken into account, then the concentration of fosfomycin in the blood and urine will decrease and the drug will not have the desired effect on the body.

Indications for use

This drug is prescribed to those who have a bacterial infection in the urinary tract, these include:

  • Acute cystitis or other serious urinary tract diseases,
  • Asymptomatic bacteriuria,
  • Preventive actions for the urethra, after surgery or other diagnostic tests.

Basically, this substance is used for cystitis, since this is the most common disease in both men and women.

Instructions for use

Ecofural is consumed once a day, three hours before or after a meal. It is preferable to drink it before going to bed with an empty bladder. The medicine is diluted with warm water, about a quarter glass of liquid.

Doctors prescribe different dosages of this drug for children. The duration of treatment is one day.

If you do not follow the instructions for use, a person may experience diarrhea, vestibular syndrome, hearing loss and dulling of taste buds.

Contraindications and side effects

Like every drug, Ecofomural has contraindications, namely:

  1. Allergy or severe sensitivity to the main components of the drug.
  2. Children under five years old.
  3. Having severe liver failure.
  4. For those who have a small amount of sucrose.
  5. Allergy to fructose.
  6. Pregnant women.
  7. During lactation.

Very rarely, a patient taking this drug may experience side effects. These include:

  • Nausea, heartburn, loose stools, vomiting and severe abdominal pain.
  • Tachycardia and decreased blood pressure.
  • Migraine, asthenia, dizziness and optic neuritis.
  • Leukopenia, thrombocytosis.
  • Allergies, rash, itching, asthma, urticaria.

Some people may experience several side effects at the same time. In any case, if you notice any changes in your physical condition, you should urgently consult a doctor.

Conclusions and reviews from men

Basically, all men are very satisfied with the effect of Ecofomural, since it quickly exerts its effect on the body, due to which it is highly effective.

Infectious diseases of the urinary system are best treated with this medicine, as many patients have become convinced of.

Analogues of the drug

Since the price of Ecomural is not suitable for everyone, people are looking for similar analogues that have the same effect as this drug.

Significant substitutions of substances can be divided into two groups:

  1. Analogues of action (Monural, Fosmitsin, Urofoscin, Fosforal Roifarm, etc.).
  2. Analogues that have a similar effect (Alphacet, Oxamp, Monural, Panclave, Rapiclav, etc.)

In frequent cases, men prefer medications such as monural or ecofomural. It is impossible to say unequivocally what is better, since each person has his own characteristics of the body and what suits one is not a fact that it will please another.

Additional information about the drug

The medicine can only be purchased if you have a prescription written by a doctor. It should be stored in a dry and dark place, at a temperature of 25 degrees Celsius. The antibiotic is good for two years. Make sure that children do not have any access to it.

Do not forget that Ecomural has contraindications and side effects, so be very careful when using this antibiotic.

Due to life circumstances, a person often cannot see a doctor immediately after feeling unwell. A disease such as cystitis has an acute onset with quite pronounced pain and other unpleasant symptoms.

To alleviate your condition before visiting a urologist or therapist, first aid for cystitis is necessary.

If the symptoms are mild, then following the rules of nutrition, drinking regimen and using traditional medicine recipes will be enough to relieve the first manifestations of the disease, but with severe pain and fever, you cannot do without medication and urgent help from a doctor.

At the first signs of cystitis, it is necessary to adjust your diet and the amount of fluid consumed, and, if possible, ensure physical rest. This will reduce irritation of the mucous membrane of the bladder, as well as reduce the concentration of urine and the number of pathogens contained in it.


The following items are prohibited during treatment: spices, smoked meats, marinades, pickles, fried and fatty foods. At the same time, it is recommended to increase the consumption of fruits and vegetables, especially such as zucchini, carrots, cucumbers, watermelons, melons, etc.


The amount of fluid you drink is directly related to the speed of recovery and reducing the risk of inflammation spreading.

The daily amount of liquid should not be less than 2 liters. This will significantly reduce the concentration of salts in the urine, which will reduce pain when urinating, and will also physically “wash out” most of the pathogenic microflora that caused cystitis.

The most preferred drinks for first aid for cystitis are:

  • with anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects (fruit drinks from lingonberries and cranberries, freshly prepared juices, horsetail decoction, chamomile infusion, etc.);
  • with a diuretic effect (kidney tea, lingonberry leaf decoction, cucumber juice, green tea, etc.);
  • increasing the immune response (freshly prepared fruit and vegetable juices, rosehip and hawthorn decoction, etc.).

The total volume of liquid is divided into equal portions and consumed at approximately equal intervals (usually it is enough to drink half a glass every 30-40 minutes).


To relieve pain, localized heating can be used (a heating pad on the bladder and pubic area).

Heat acts as an antispasmodic, relaxing the muscles of the urethra. This quick relief method helps reduce pain when urinating and promotes complete emptying of the bladder.

Traditional medicine recipes

Cystitis is an infectious disease, that is, inflammation appears due to the activity of pathogenic microbes. Most often it is Escherichia coli, staphylococcus, mycoplasma, less often the disease is fungal in nature. Therefore, folk remedies can only be used as first aid for acute cystitis to partially relieve symptoms or be part of a complex of auxiliary and restorative therapy.


For 1 liter of boiling water you need 2 tablespoons of plant material. The broth is boiled over moderate heat for 10 minutes, after which it is infused (35-40 minutes) and filtered. You need to consume it every hour, 100-150 ml.

Horsetail accelerates the regeneration of mucosal cells, which will help shorten the period of exacerbation. Horsetail decoction also has a slight analgesic effect. But during pregnancy, as well as with kidney nephritis of any nature, this remedy is contraindicated.

Lingonberry leaves

In addition to minerals and vitamins, the leaves of this plant contain tannins in large quantities. This explains the pronounced anti-inflammatory effect after their use.

Lingonberry leaves in the amount of 2 teaspoons are placed in boiling water (250-300 ml), reduce the heat and boil for another 10 minutes. After this, the broth is filtered and its volume is again brought to its original volume by adding boiled water.
You need to take the product in small portions throughout the day. The daily volume of such a product can reach 500-600 ml.

You can use the decoction during pregnancy and lactation.

Herbal collection

Sage, string, blackcurrant leaves should be taken in a ratio of 1:2:2. Measure 2 tablespoons from the resulting mixture and pour boiling water (1 liter) into them. It is better to infuse the decoction in a thermos for 10-12 hours, after which the mixture should be strained and taken 100 ml 4 times a day.

Cranberries and lingonberries

Perhaps these are the berries without which not a single case of cystitis treatment can be done. It is better to always have a supply of dried or frozen berries at home.
If fresh berries are used, they are used to make a fruit drink - the fruits are crushed or crushed until the juice is actively released. Then the mixture is poured with warm water, the amount of which depends on the patient’s taste preferences.

Decoctions are made from dry raw materials - pour boiling water over the berries and let them brew until they are completely swollen. After this, it is also recommended to crush them a little so that all the vitamins and microelements are released into the decoction.

You can consume such drinks throughout the day in almost unlimited quantities.

St. John's wort

The flowers and leaves of this plant have an analgesic, healing, diuretic and anti-inflammatory effect. To treat cystitis, a decoction based on dry raw materials is used.

Dried leaves of the plant (1 tablespoon) are placed in a glass or enamel bowl and filled with 500 ml of water. After boiling, the broth should remain on low heat for another 10 minutes. Then it is left to infuse for 40-60 minutes, filtered and consumed 100 ml 3 times a day before meals.

The course of such therapy lasts 7-10 days. Longer use is undesirable due to the presence of small amounts of toxic compounds in St. John's wort.

Traditional medicine recipes should be used only as auxiliary therapy and emergency methods to relieve symptoms against the background of primary antibacterial treatment.

Drug therapy

When treating cystitis, an integrated approach is required, which is achieved by simultaneous administration of drugs from several groups that help against cystitis:

  • antibiotics;
  • antispasmodics;
  • uroseptics and drugs with a diuretic effect (usually herbal products);
  • medications to relieve additional symptoms (painkillers, antipyretics, immunomodulators, etc.).


Treatment of cystitis in the vast majority of cases requires the use of antibiotics. But which group of drugs is needed in each specific case can only be determined by a doctor based on the results of urine culture. Therefore, independent choice of antibacterial drugs is unacceptable.

In rare cases, when tests are impossible for some reason, the doctor prescribes broad-spectrum antibiotics, which help fight most pathogens of cystitis.

The most common antibacterial drugs are:

  • norfloxacin;
  • fosfomycin;
  • monural;
  • nolicin;
  • augmentin;
  • palin.

Depending on the pharmacodynamics, the duration of the treatment course can be from 3 to 7 days. It is necessary to fully follow the instructions so as not to create conditions for the emergence of pathogen resistance to the drug, as well as for the disease to become chronic.


The use of drugs with this effect is necessary in order to quickly eliminate spasm of the urethra and bladder muscles.

For cystitis in women and men, the most commonly used drugs are:

  • No-shpa;
  • Drotaverine;
  • Platyfillin;
  • Papaverine.

The products can be produced in the form of tablets, rectal suppositories or solutions for intramuscular administration.


Typically, these drugs include complex-action drugs. In addition to the antimicrobial and diuretic effect, they also promote the regeneration of mucosal cells, relieving its inflammation.

The most popular preparations based on herbal raw materials are:

  • Uroprofit;
  • Cyston;
  • Monurel;
  • Canephron;
  • Phytolysin;
  • Urolesan.

With a minimum of contraindications and side effects, they effectively relieve most of the unpleasant symptoms of cystitis.


Narrowly targeted drugs with a diuretic effect are rarely used and only in cases where it is impossible to achieve this effect by more gentle means (increased intake of liquid, decoctions, fruit drinks, etc.). Independent selection and use of medications with a diuretic effect is unacceptable, since in some cases the patient’s condition may sharply worsen (for example, with potassium deficiency). When treating cystitis, doctors prefer Lasix and Furosemide.

Medicines to relieve additional symptoms

For severe pain, it is possible to take painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs (Ibuprofen, Analgin, Ibuklin, Nurofen, Faspik, Baralgin).
As maintenance and rehabilitation therapy, drugs with an immunostimulating effect are used - Cycloferon, Genferon and Methyluracil.
Help for acute cystitis with a pronounced increase in body temperature (>38.2 degrees) consists of supplementing therapy with antipyretic drugs (Nurofen, Ibuprofen, Panadol, Paracetamol, etc.).

Many of the drugs for the treatment of cystitis are contraindicated during pregnancy and breastfeeding, as well as in childhood. In this case, emergency medical attention is required.

Action plan for the first signs of cystitis

First, you need to take 1-2 tablets of antispasmodics. This is a kind of first aid for cystitis to relieve pain.

Secondly, take 2 liters of water and warm it up a little (drinking warm liquid significantly increases the rate of its absorption). You need to drink little and often - 100-200 ml every 30 minutes. It is better if part of the liquid is used to prepare fruit drinks (cranberry or lingonberry) and herbal teas.

Thirdly, you need to ensure physical rest and apply a heating pad or other vessel with warm water to the bladder area.

If your body temperature is above 38.2 degrees, you need to take an antipyretic.

If there is noticeable blood in the urine or the body temperature does not drop below 38.5 degrees even after taking an antipyretic, you must call an emergency team.

And the main action in the treatment of bladder inflammation is to contact a specialist (urologist or therapist).

What not to do with cystitis

Drinks containing dyes, alcohol, coffee and strong tea are prohibited.

It is better to exclude solid food from the menu, replacing it with puree soups and boiled porridges.

It is better to replace taking a bath with a shower, since when the lumbar region is heated, there is a high probability of infection spreading upward from the bladder to the ureters and kidneys.

Cystitis, although not a life-threatening disease, still requires careful and complete treatment. If you fight only the symptoms, the process will become chronic, which is fraught with the occurrence of constant relapses and the appearance of an inflammatory process in the kidneys.

Doctors state that urethritis is one of the most common diseases of the genitourinary system. Urethritis can equally affect both men and women, although in the fairer sex this disease almost always provokes cystitis. Because of this, urethritis as an independent disease is more often diagnosed in men.

Varieties and reasons

Urethritis can be caused by various complications in the body, ranging from infectious infection to mechanical damage to the urethra. The doctor prescribes treatment for urethritis based on the cause of the disease.

The causative agent of urethritis is various kinds of bacteria and viruses, which most often enter the urethra during sexual intercourse. Symptoms of urethritis may also appear if personal hygiene rules are not followed.

Sometimes pathogens are delivered to the urethra through blood vessels from inflamed organs and areas of the body. In addition, damage to the urethra can cause urethritis.

In rare cases, inflammation of the urethra occurs as a reaction of the body to allergens. Taking this into account, doctors distinguish between infectious and non-infectious urethritis.

Basic drugs

Treatment of the disease is carried out using the following drugs:

  • antibiotics;
  • immunomodulators;
  • homeopathic remedies;
  • herbal remedies.

To prescribe the correct treatment, it is important to accurately determine the cause of urethritis. But there are cases when doctors find it difficult to say why exactly the development of the disease began. Urethritis is called nonspecific if it is caused by microorganisms other than chlamydia, gonococci, trichomonas, herpes virus and mycoplasma.

Nonspecific urethritis is the least studied urological disease, therefore, certain difficulties may arise in its diagnosis and treatment. Often, antibiotics prescribed to a patient with nonspecific urethritis do not give the desired result.

Treatment of infectious urethritis

Practice shows that infectious urethritis caused by the entry of specific microorganisms into the body is best treated.

Antibiotics are a universal medicine

It is enough to identify the causative agent of the disease and prescribe antibiotics to the patient that are active against this type of microorganism. For example, aminocaproic acid, Ericicline and Trichopolum are suitable for the treatment of trichomoniasis, and deoxyribonuclease and doxycycline are suitable for the treatment of gonorrhea and chlamydia.

To combat bacteria introduced into the urethra from the intestines, fluoroquinolines, cephalosporins, Amoxiclav and ampicillin are used.

For gonorrhea, antiseptic solutions are injected into the urethra. In each case, the dose of the medicine is calculated individually based on the characteristics of the patient’s body. Sometimes antibiotics cause side effects, and then the patient must take drugs that can block the unwanted effects of the drugs. Additionally, the doctor prescribes immunotherapy drugs.


Often, urethritis in women develops against the background of thrush, and then instead of antibiotics it is necessary to use all kinds of antifungal agents, including miconazole and ketoconazole.

Sometimes the doctor allows you to combine antibiotics with herbal decoctions intended for rinsing the outlet of the urethra.

If urethritis is combined with cystitis, the patient needs complex treatment for two diseases at once. If prostatitis is detected, then urethritis does not need to be treated, but treatment of prostatitis should be started immediately.

Treatment of non-infectious urethritis

Non-infectious urethritis cannot be cured with antibiotics. As mentioned above, the causes of non-infectious urethritis are varied, ranging from allergic reactions to damage to the urethra.


If urethritis is not caused by an infection, the patient must adhere to a strict diet, eliminating foods that irritate the urinary tract. These are broths, alcoholic drinks and beer, herbs and spices, onions, radishes and radishes, spinach and sorrel. For any type of urethritis, the patient needs to drink a lot of water.

In addition, fermented milk products are useful. But smoking is not recommended.

Antibiotics or surgery?

Local treatment is carried out using general antibacterial agents, including Romazulan, Vagotil, potassium permanganate, Miramistin. Antibacterial drugs Abactal, Amoxiclav, Ciprofloxacin are intended for oral administration.

The patient also needs to take immunomodulators Uro-Vax, Cycloferon and Phlogenzyme and herbal medicines based on horsetail and field artichoke.

Sometimes non-infectious urethritis is accompanied by persistent narrowing of the urethra, and then surgical intervention is necessary. If the patient is sick with purulent prostatitis, then the process of opening and draining the abscess will have to be performed.


Cystitis is especially dangerous during gestation due to the risk of infection spreading through the placenta.

Acute cystitis is an inflammation of the mucous epithelium inside the bladder with a rapid spontaneous course and a gradual increase in pathological symptoms. Diagnosis of the disease is usually not difficult; women and men independently determine the unpleasant symptoms.

The duration of treatment takes 10-14 days, depending on the nature of the inflammation, but after 3-4 days the intensity of symptoms decreases significantly.

Predisposing factors

The main factor in the inflammatory process is infection with E. coli and other bacteria: coccus bacilli, Proteus, Klebsiella. Cystitis can be caused by a fungal infection of the genital organs. Pathogenic media penetrate into the bladder through descending (from the renal structures) and ascending routes (for example, the urethra, perianal space).

Acute cystitis in men occurs much less frequently, which is due to the anatomical nuances of the structure of the urinary organs. Women have a wide and short urethra, so the infection penetrates more quickly to the bladder cavity.

Others include:

  • trauma to the bladder cavity;
  • disturbance of the urodynamic background;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • decrease in the body's immune forces;
  • vaginal dysbiosis;
  • lack of hygienic discipline.

Note! All factors that can in one way or another contribute to the penetration of infectious agents into the bladder and the exacerbation of cystitis can be direct and indirect. In women, acute cystitis is often an independent process, and in men it is usually secondary to prostatitis.

Symptomatic complex

All symptoms are associated with irritation of the inner epithelial layer of the urinary tract. Normally, a healthy bladder begins to signal the brain to empty when it is filled to half its capacity. Violation of this process is another sign of the disease.

With inflamed tissues, excitation begins when it is slightly filled. That is why a frequent symptom is the urge when the bladder is slightly full. Other clinical symptoms include:

  • nagging pain even at rest;
  • cutting pain when emptying the urinary cavity;
  • general malaise;
  • increased body temperature;
  • urinary incontinence.

Important! Acute cystitis is often accompanied by hematuria syndrome, when blood appears in the urine. Along with hematuria, the development of iron deficiency anemia is noted. Children are often diagnosed with nephritis and pyelonephritis, which arise through an ascending route of infection.

Therapeutic process

How to treat inflammation in the bladder? The treatment process involves drug intervention, minimally invasive medical procedures - instillation and douching. The main drugs for the treatment of cystitis are:

  1. Antibiotics. The main treatment is the prescription of antibiotics to suppress the pathogenic activity of bacterial microflora. Popular drugs are Monural, Palin, Ceftriaxone, Ciprofloxacin, Suprax, Levomycetin.
  2. Antiseptic drugs (uroantiseptics). Medications are prescribed to prevent the spread of bacterial media throughout the body. Among the well-known remedies, Furamag, Nitroxoline are especially noteworthy.
  3. Antispasmodics. This group of drugs is necessary to reduce the tone of the smooth muscles of the bladder. Spastic drugs are prescribed with caution, since anti-inflammatory and antibacterial drugs have some doses of similar substances. Popular remedies are Drotaverine or No-shpa, Papaverine, Spazmalgon.
  4. Iron-containing. The drugs are effective for minor bleeding to compensate for iron deficiency anemia. In acute cases, treatment is carried out in hospitalization. Vitamin complexes are prescribed along with them. Popular drugs include Maltofer, Ferrum-Lek, Sorbifer, Ascorutin, Vikasol, calcium preparations, tranexamic and aminocaproic acids.
  5. Painkillers. Drugs are required to relieve pain due to acute cystitis. Methyluracil, Ibuprofen, Ketoprofen, Cystatin are usually prescribed.

Vaginal suppositories are popular for the symptomatic treatment of cystitis. This dosage form ensures instant penetration of active substances into the vagina and bladder cavity. Popular drugs are Diflucan, Hexicon, Polygynax, Betadine, Cystatin.

What to do if triggered by a fungal infection? If the cause of the inflammatory process is a fungal infection, then treatment with antifungal drugs is first carried out and only then antibacterial agents are prescribed.

Note! Symptomatic therapy is always short-term and is used until atypical symptoms subside. The general course of treatment usually does not exceed 14 days.

Folk remedies

Clinicians do not recommend the use of traditional methods of treatment for several reasons. Firstly, the first therapeutic effect can be observed only after 5-7 days of regular use, which is not suitable for acute cystitis. Secondly, inadequate treatment (warming, douching) can aggravate the infectious process and lead to serious complications.

The effectiveness of traditional medicine is noted as an auxiliary therapy against the background of primary treatment. Popular recipes at home are:

  • a decoction of berries and leaves of cranberries, lingonberries (the product has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and diuretic effect);
  • a decoction of chamomile and St. John's wort (an anti-inflammatory natural remedy);
  • honey, water tincture of propolis, garlic (natural antibacterial agents).

Herbal decoctions can be used as warm douches on days 2-3 of traditional treatment of acute cystitis. Otherwise, the risk of infection spreading to neighboring organs increases. If there is active inflammation and an increase in body temperature, warming up or any thermal procedures are unacceptable.

However, an effective folk remedy associated with heat is hot stone. To do this, stones or one large stone are heated in the oven (on a stove), placed in a bucket, a towel is wrapped around the rim of the container and the patient is seated.

Note! The duration of the procedure is 15-20 minutes 2 times a day. After the manipulation, you should administer antibacterial suppositories, warm underpants and go to bed. The very next day, women feel a significant improvement. Dry heat rarely causes complications.

Diet features

Diet plays an important role in the treatment of acute cystitis. In some patients, irritation of the bladder walls occurs due to increased acidity of urine as a result of eating citrus fruits, sour and spicy foods, and spices. During cystitis, it is prohibited to eat the following foods:

  • all sour fruits, berries;
  • alcoholic drinks of any strength;
  • black coffee, strong tea;
  • strong spices.

At the same time, you should minimize the amount of fats, carbohydrates and proteins. This is useful for reducing the load on the urinary system. The diet can be followed throughout the course of treatment.

Be sure to follow a plentiful drinking regime. Unsweetened fruit drinks, compotes, pure water, green tea, and a decoction of rose hips are ideal drinks. Warm drinking accelerates the removal of pathogenic media from the body. An increase in daily fluid is possible in the absence of contraindications.

Note! Constant adherence to the rules of food discipline can not only prevent the return of inflammation and chronicity of the disease, but also slightly reduce the patient’s excess weight.

The prognosis for acute cystitis is mostly favorable. In complicated cases, inflammation often becomes chronic and is accompanied by exacerbations when exposed to certain negative factors.

Prevention of acute cystitis is due to regular emptying of the bladder, personal hygiene, and a protective regime during the period of respiratory infections. Prevention is based on the preservation of the anatomical and functional integrity of the urethral canal after surgical interventions and various manipulations.

Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the bladder, with disruption of its function, as well as changes in urine sediment.

Etiology. There are primary and secondary, acute and chronic, infectious and non-infectious cystitis. Secondary cystitis develops against the background of diseases of the bladder or nearby organs. Predisposing factors for the development of cystitis are: trauma to the mucous membrane of the bladder, stagnation of blood in the pelvic veins, hormonal disorders, vitamin deficiencies, hypothermia, etc. Disorders of urodynamics are of great importance, including difficult or incomplete emptying of the bladder, leading to impaired detrusor tone, stagnation or decomposition of urine.

The most common causative agent of cystitis is intestinal bacteria, in particular E. coli. In women, acute cystitis occurs much more often than in men, which is explained by the greater width and shorter length of the female urethra.

Clinical picture. Symptoms of the disease depend on the form of the disease. In acute cystitis, patients complain of increased frequency and cutting pain in urination (up to several times per hour), pain in the lower abdomen that intensifies with urination, cloudy urine, increased body temperature to subfebrile, and general malaise. With chronic cystitis, during the period of remission, symptoms of the disease may be practically absent. In some cases, patients note only a slight increase in the urge to urinate. During the period of exacerbation, the symptoms of chronic cystitis are in many ways similar to the symptoms of the acute form of this disease.

Diagnostics. OAM are signs of the underlying disease.

BAC - identification of the causative agent of infection.

Ultrasound of the bladder.


Treatment. In acute cystitis, patients need bed rest. Drinking plenty of fluids and eating a diet excluding spicy and salty foods and alcoholic beverages are prescribed. It is useful to use a decoction of herbs (kidney tea, bearberry) that have a diuretic effect. To reduce pain, use warm baths and heating pads. In case of severe pain, you can use drugs that relieve spasm of the bladder muscles (no-shpu, papaverine). Antibacterial treatment prescribed by a doctor is also used.

Treatment of chronic cystitis is aimed, first of all, at restoring normal urine flow (treatment of prostate adenoma, narrowing of the urethra, etc.). Be sure to identify and treat all foci of infection in the body. Antibacterial treatment for chronic cystitis is carried out only after urine culture, identification of the causative agent of infection and its sensitivity to antibiotics.