Mineral water donat magnesium for weight loss. A natural healer and weight loss aid, donat water. How do we get magnesium and why do we lose it?

Mineral water under the brand name Donat Magnesium (official name Donat Mg) is completely natural and is extracted in Slovenia, from one of the most famous natural springs. The water has a high degree of mineralization and contains electrically active magnesium ions. The unique properties of the spring with water saturated with magnesium sulfate have been known for several hundred years. Magnesium donation is prescribed for:

  • Cleansing the digestive organs. Water has antispasmodic properties, which leads to increased intestinal motility and stabilizes its evacuation function. Magnesium donation accelerates metabolic processes, removes accumulated toxins, promotes cell renewal and improves blood circulation. All these properties of water perfectly help in the fight against constipation.
  • Reduced blood sugar levels.
  • Neutralization of acidity in the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, Magnesium Donat is recommended for constipation for those who have a history of gastritis with high acidity, ulcerative lesions of the intestinal walls and stomach.
  • Improving the outflow of bile in chronic hepatitis and cholecystitis.

The natural composition of Magnesium Donat helps not only against constipation and pathologies of the digestive system. This water with a complex of minerals is useful in the treatment of hypertension and male infertility; after a course of taking it, attention and memory improve.

Use for constipation

Prolonged constipation, not caused by organic pathologies, most often occurs due to errors in nutrition, non-compliance with the drinking regime, and physical inactivity. With prolonged constipation, feces become very dense, making it even more difficult for them to move through the large intestine.

Magnesium donation for constipation is indicated primarily due to the fact that this water is rich in magnesium sulfate. This microelement attracts moisture from the walls of the large intestine and thus creates an additional volume of water in the lumen of the organ, which enhances peristalsis.

The laxative effect of Magnesium Donat is also explained by the increased secretion of bile and enzymes under the influence of this drug. That is, the food entering the body begins to break down better, which leads to the elimination of constipation.

Water intake is also indicated for those people who experience constipation due to gastritis and other pathological lesions of the digestive system. Magnesium donation helps restore the mucous membrane, accelerates its healing, and normalizes the functioning of organs. And this leads to the gradual disappearance of most symptoms of diseases, including constipation.

Donat mg for constipation can be used at any age, of course, if there are no contraindications. The natural remedy is non-addictive, well tolerated, and has a positive effect on the heart, blood vessels and nervous system.

Main contraindications

Since Magnesium Donat has an increased level of mineralization, its use is contraindicated:

  • People with chronic and acute renal failure.
  • During the acute period of cholelithiasis.
  • During the period of relapse of cancer.
  • In the acute stage of ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • With reduced levels of stomach acidity.

In case of severe somatic pathologies, the intake of any drinks and medications should be agreed with a doctor. It is also necessary to remember that Magnesium Donat is not used as an anti-thirst drink.

This mineral water is endowed with healing and preventive properties, so it is drunk in strictly limited quantities according to the scheme.

Rules for taking Donat Magnesium for constipation

In order for the use of a product unique in its properties to bring undoubted benefits for constipation, you need to know how to drink this water, the duration of the course and a number of other nuances. Magnesium donation for constipation is used according to the following scheme:

  • In the morning on an empty stomach you need to drink from 200 to 300 mg in one gulp. Have breakfast after 20-30 minutes.
  • About half an hour before dinner and lunch, drink 150-200 mg in small sips.
  • For constipation, the course of taking mineral water of this brand should be from 4 to 6 weeks. It can be repeated no earlier than after 2-3 months.

Donat mg is drunk warm for constipation. In order to heat the required amount of drink, you need to place the poured glass in a saucepan with hot water for a few minutes. In case of increased gas formation, it is recommended to release the bubbles by stirring the water with a spoon or leaving the bottle open.

When eliminating constipation, one should not forget that the body needs additional fluid. Tea, juices and other similar drinks cannot replenish the necessary moisture reserves. Therefore, about two hours after eating, you need to drink one glass of artesian or table mineral water. Drink it in small sips.

Magnesium donation also helps with constipation in children. When normalizing a child’s stool, they follow exactly the same rules for taking mineral water, but reduce its amount:

  • For a child up to one year old, 30 mg of Donat mg per day is enough.
  • From one year to three years, the daily dose reaches 150 mg.
  • From four to six years old it is allowed to drink 200 mg per day.
  • From the age of seven, the daily amount is 250 mg.
  • From the age of 12, teenagers can already drink an adult dosage; it is no more than 800 mg per day.

Any daily amount of Donat mg water used for constipation should be divided into at least three doses. If the water is intended for a small child, then bubbles should be released from it. Observation of people with constipation has made it possible to establish that stable daily bowel movements occur within a week of use according to the Magnesium Donat regimen.

Donat Magnesium during pregnancy

Pregnancy is not a contraindication to taking Donat mg mineral water for constipation. Moreover, the chemical composition of this product is ideal for saturating the body of a pregnant woman with essential microelements. Magnesium sulfate is also necessary for the proper formation of the nervous, skeletal and cardiovascular systems of the developing fetus.

Magnesium donate effectively eliminates the symptoms of toxicosis. Water helps eliminate heartburn, reduces nausea, and allows for bowel movements. It is recommended to drink this water during pregnancy and for those who periodically experience bile stagnation.

You just need to follow the dosage - it is not advisable for expectant mothers to drink more than 500 mg of Donat mg per day. In the morning before breakfast, drink 200 mg, before lunch and dinner, 100 mg.

Magnesium donation for constipation is considered one of the safest and gentlest remedies for the intestines. The natural product not only normalizes the functioning of almost all digestive organs, but also significantly improves mood and vitality.

Instructions for Donat - mineral magnesium water

The instructions are briefly printed directly on the package of mineral water. More detailed information can be obtained from the doctor who prescribes her use of DonatMg or in the article below.

Form, composition, packaging

Being a natural mineral water with medicinal properties, Magnesium Donat is sold in one-liter plastic bottles. Since the extraction of the healing liquid is carried out deep underground, it has the ability to be naturally enriched with minerals, magnesium, bicarbonates, calcium and sulfates. This mineral water has a high magnesium content, unlike its counterparts.

Storage period and conditions

Water storage is provided for one year, provided it is kept at a temperature range of 2 to 20 degrees in rooms where the relative humidity does not exceed 85 percent.


The healing properties of Donat magnesium mineral water are multifaceted and are due to the uniqueness of its composition. Pharmacological activity lies in the rather high mineralization of water and the high content of ionic magnesium, which is electrically active.

Indications for use of Magnesium Donat

Donat mineral water with magnesium is widely used for medicinal purposes and therefore can be recommended for a wide variety of ailments.

  • To cleanse the body/accelerate metabolism (antispasmodic for the stomach, increased peristalsis, improved functionality of the muscles at the entrance to the stomach, a building element for the gastric mucosa during its renewal);
  • For gout/diabetes mellitus (preventing the development of complications in diabetes, destruction of insulin-producing cells, promoting the digestibility of BZHU);
  • For chronic ailments of the digestive tract/heartburn (neutralization of acidity, stimulation of peristalsis, normalization of the functionality of the cardiac orifice);
  • For chronic fatigue syndrome/stressful conditions (normalization of the transmission of nerve impulses, decreased apathy, weakness, increased attention);
  • With withdrawal syndrome (restoring blood blood balance, eliminating alcohol intoxication and dehydration, normalizing blood pressure and sleep, replenishing the loss of important microelements, relieving anxiety symptoms);
  • For low cholesterol/hypertension (relieving vascular spasms, normalizing blood pressure, eliminating shortness of breath, migraines);
  • With excess weight (decreased appetite, acceleration of metabolic processes and removal of toxins and excess fluid without loss of microelements, increased breakdown of fats);
  • For constipation (laxative effect, prevention of gallstone formation, increased peristalsis);
  • For male infertility (increased sperm motility, decreased lifelessness).


  • renal failure in acute/chronic form;
  • exacerbations of gastrointestinal ulcers with bleeding;
  • gallstone disease, when surgery is necessary;
  • conditions requiring hospitalization;
  • oncological diseases.

Instructions for use of Donat Magnesium water

to cleanse the body

  • 200 or 300 milliliters in the morning on an empty stomach strictly a quarter of an hour before meals;
  • no more than 20 minutes before lunch and dinner, 150 or 200 milliliters;

for diabetes mellitus

  • 150/200 milliliters strictly on an empty stomach 15 minutes before breakfast;
  • 100 or 150 ml. no more than twenty minutes before lunch and dinner;

for gout

  • in the morning on an empty stomach 15 minutes before meals, 200 milliliters;
  • before the next meals, 150 milliliters a quarter of an hour before meals;

for constipation

  • 20 minutes before breakfast, strictly on an empty stomach, 300 or 350 milliliters (the water should be warm);
  • before lunch, drink 100/200 milliliters of warm water;

for obesity

  • Be sure to take 200 or 300 milliliters a quarter of an hour before breakfast on an empty stomach;
  • 150 or 200 ml. no more than 20 minutes before lunch and dinner;

for heartburn/gastritis

  • in the morning on an empty stomach, 100 or 200 ml. 15 minutes before the first meal;
  • before each subsequent trip to the table 15 minutes. 150 milliliters of water;

for peptic ulcer disease

  • in the morning no more than twenty minutes before breakfast on an empty stomach, 100 or 200 ml;
  • 150 ml each. in 15 minutes before the next meals;

for hepatitis/cholecystitis/pancreatitis

  • in the morning on an empty stomach, 200 or 100 ml. in 20 minutes before the morning meal;
  • lunch/dinner in 15 or 20 minutes. 150 milliliters each;

for phosphaturia/oxaluria

  • 15 minutes in the morning. before meals 100/200 ml;
  • 20 minutes before each meal. 150 milliliters each;

for chronic fatigue syndrome/stress

  • in 15 minutes before breakfast, strictly on an empty stomach, 100 or 200 milliliters of water;
  • 150 milliliters twenty minutes before subsequent meals;

for hangover syndrome

  • before breakfast, no more than 350 (250) ml a quarter of an hour or 20 minutes;
  • all day at two-hour intervals, 150 milliliters;

for low cholesterol/hypertension

  • 200 or 100 milliliters 15 minutes before meals in the morning;
  • the same amount of water before meals throughout the day;

for the prevention of gallstone formations

  • 100/200ml. in the morning on an empty stomach and before every meal all day;

for male infertility

  • drink 100-200 milliliters of water before meals and in the morning before the first meal;

in case of magnesium deficiency

  • 200 (100) ml. Drink mineral water in the morning before meals and throughout the day before starting a meal.

Before starting treatment with Donat mineral water, you should consult a doctor for advice. The specialist will recommend the optimal regimen of administration and dosage, as well as the temperature of the mineral water, which will be suitable in a particular case.

Additional instructions

You should not self-medicate. Even such a drug as medicinal mineral water requires prior consultation with a doctor. Only a doctor can recommend this water for use and adequately prescribe its dosage regimen.

Donat Magnesium analogues

Analogues of this mineral water can be Stelmas magnesium sulfate-magnesium mineral water or Krasnousolskaya healing mineral water two. However, to replace Donat with analogues, especially based on their more acceptable cost, it is necessary to obtain the approval of a doctor.

Donat Magnesium price

According to online pharmacies, a bottle (1 liter) of Donat medicinal mineral water with magnesium can be purchased for approximately 216 rubles.

Donat Magnesium reviews

There are a lot of reviews about Donat mineral water with magnesium as a remedy, and all of them are positive. Everyone claims that water not only helped cure the disease, but also brought many benefits to the body as a whole. There are practically no people dissatisfied with the drink. Sometimes there are arguments about the high cost of the product or that water does not have a very pleasant taste if the doctor prescribes drinking it warm and without gas. However, the effect of the therapeutic effect also covers this.

Lyudmila: This water was prescribed to my daughter at the age of five, after she underwent a course of treatment with Biseptol. Abdominal problems began, which manifested themselves as symptoms of flatulence and constipation. After contacting the doctor and talking about the problem, we were prescribed Donat water and a drug to restore intestinal microflora. Two weeks passed and the child’s condition became much better. A few years later, my daughter started having digestive problems again. The diagnosis of gastritis was in doubt, and while the examination was going on, to make the baby’s life easier, the doctor prescribed her phosphalugel and the already familiar Donat water. Fortunately, the diagnosis was not confirmed, and my daughter returned to normal; there was probably some kind of malfunction in her body. Now, even though I have discomfort in my stomach from time to time, I drink this water according to the instructions with the doctor’s approval, of course. I feel much better. By the way, with taking Donata, I got rid of several extra pounds, although this was not my goal. I recommend.

Semyon: I learned about this healing mineral water from my friend who suffers from diabetes. He doesn't start the day without her. Having looked more closely at the bottle when I was visiting him, I saw that there were many indications for it. Among them is hypertension, which has been bothering me for several years now. I decided to buy a bottle to try. I didn’t go to the doctor about taking mineral water, but I drank it according to the instructions, which described in detail for what ailment, how much to drink and when. The effect is amazing. I began to forget about blood pressure and generally felt better. Now I buy in packs at once. I don’t drink too much, but I also don’t skip mandatory doses. I am very grateful to my friend for this advice.

Galina: I have been drinking this water for several years now as a preventative measure to improve the general condition of the body. One day I complained to my therapist about terrible fatigue and general malaise. I felt like a squeezed lemon. The doctor advised me to try Donat water with magnesium. This is a healing mineral water. I bought a bottle to try. Let me tell you right away that water is not cheap. But she somehow immediately began to improve my condition. Now I drink it several months a year. What is the result: the immune system has become stronger, the nervous system is calmer, sleep has returned to normal, and the heartburn that sometimes bothered me has disappeared. Some weight loss was a bonus because Donat water improves metabolism. In a word, complete benefit. I recommend trying it. You won't have to regret spending money.

Victoria: There was a case in our family when we had to worry a lot. The husband underwent a medical examination and was sent from the clinic to the hospital by ambulance because his blood sugar exceeded all permissible limits. Diabetes. He was prescribed Donat and told how to take this mineral water correctly. My husband has been drinking water for several years now and his sugar levels have been kept under control. It turns out that this mineral water still has many indications for use: enhancing metabolism, strengthening the nervous system, hypertension, improving immunity and much more. I want to try drinking it myself. Although I have no health complaints, I think it will be useful for preventive purposes.

Similar instructions:

Water for constipation

Many women are familiar with this problem when adipose tissue grows, even if you eat “like a bird.” There are many diets and weight loss techniques that can effectively combat excess weight. In one of these techniques, to lose weight, you need to drink a lot of water. This way you can restore your natural metabolic rate and lose excess weight.

The role of mineral water in the fight against excess weight

Water has no calories, but this is not enough to make it a factor in promoting weight loss and fighting cellulite, as some diet authors suggest.

In these methods, weight loss is achieved by reducing the feeling of hunger by replacing food with water, that is, as a result of “deceiving” the body. But drinking inappropriate amounts of water can do more harm than good. Therefore, such methods are quite risky.

Mineral waters are good for weight loss; they contain essential microelements that stimulate the body’s metabolism and increase fat burning, such as iodine or magnesium. Mineral waters containing the appropriate amount of iodine affect the thyroid gland, accelerating metabolism.

And mineral waters containing magnesium also have an active effect on the body, helping to burn fat. One of the most famous waters with this effect is Donut water for weight loss.

What are the benefits of Donat water?

The legendary Donat water is a very popular mineral water of natural origin with unusual medicinal properties. Due to its natural specific composition, it is mainly recommended for people suffering from constipation, heartburn and magnesium deficiency. Its effect on the body is very rapid, which contributed to its legendary fame throughout Europe.

"Donat" is extracted from a mineral water spring in the city of Rogaska in Slovenia. This place has a centuries-old tradition of healing with mineral waters. Numerous sources were already known in the second half of the nineteenth century.

In a nearby place near the Tempel spring, several Celtic and Roman coins made of bronze were found. This indicates that people have valued this water since ancient times. Legends about the miraculous properties of this unique mineral water have survived centuries and contributed to the popularity of Donat water throughout Europe.

Visitors to Rogask quickly became convinced of the truth of the legends and stories and began to drink the mineral water. Thanks to a unique combination of microelements, Donat mineral water is effective in the fight against many diseases, stress and somatic problems. Its most valuable feature is its high magnesium content. Magnesium is an element that is involved in the regulation of more than 300 processes in our body.

In what cases does Donat water help?

  • Constipation. Medicines are usually not the best option, as the body gets used to them (including herbal teas). Sulfates present in Donat Mg water are involved in the process of activating intestinal motility, which helps cleanse the body.
  • Heartburn. Water improves blood circulation in the gastric mucosa and neutralizes excess acids, resulting in relief from constant heartburn or pain that comes after eating. It has a very good effect on the well-being of people with increased acidity of gastric juice and gastritis.
  • Pregnancy. The demand for magnesium during pregnancy is rapidly increasing, and deficiency in this situation is undesirable. Magnesium regulates blood sugar levels, helps build strong bones and teeth, removes harmful substances from the body, strengthens soft tissues, and, in combination with calcium, controls the contraction and relaxation of smooth muscles.
  • Hangover. The presence of alcohol in the blood blocks the absorption of magnesium from the gastrointestinal tract and increases urine output, which can lead to poor health. Due to its composition, Donat Mg water is useful for eliminating this unpleasant condition.

Healing properties:

  • indicated for stomach diseases;
  • cleanses the body of toxins;
  • effective against muscle spasms;
  • in large quantities reduces blood pressure;
  • prevents cardiac arrhythmias;
  • improves metabolism;
  • eliminates magnesium deficiency caused by poor nutrition, smoking, stress or sports activities;
  • relaxes and calms;
  • helps prevent osteoporosis;
  • reduces high cholesterol levels;
  • reduces the level of uric acid in the blood;
  • helps burn fat.

Since this water contains a lot of magnesium, it is especially recommended for the treatment of the cardiovascular system, for example, for cardiac arrhythmia.


Donat Mg water should not be consumed by people undergoing dialysis and patients with kidney failure.

Scheme for taking Donat mineral water for weight loss

When treating with mineral waters, you should use them correctly so that they reveal their valuable properties in our body. How to drink Donat water correctly for weight loss?

There are two schemes for taking water for this purpose.

  1. The first scheme is on an empty stomach. You need to drink correctly. Before drinking water, it is advisable to heat it to 30-37°C. Do not heat it all at once, but only the portion that you will consume at one time. Take a glass of water every day before breakfast, lunch and dinner (half an hour before). You need to drink 300-500 ml of water per day, and you need to drink it quickly. The course of treatment is 3 months;
  2. Second regimen– before meals, during meals, before snacks. In this case, you need to drink cold water at a temperature of 17-18°C in a volume of 100 ml at a time. You should drink water slowly, in small sips. The course of admission is 3 months with a break of 1 month.

By consuming this mineral water according to all the rules, you can get good results in the process of losing weight and improve your body health.

Also, do not forget about proper nutrition and adequate physical activity, because only an integrated approach will help you effectively lose excess weight.

Mineral water Donat Mg (donat) is medicinal, mineralized water, unique in its composition and properties. The article will talk about the composition, application, and effect of Donat water on excess weight.

The benefit of mineral water lies in its composition. Its saturation with Magnesium ions is more than 1000 milligrams per liter. The source of the medicinal drink is located in the resort town of Rogaška. The first mentions of it date back to the seventeenth century. Widespread use in the European part of the world began only in the nineteenth century.

Thanks to its saturation with magnesium, water has an effect on:

Stomach - has a spasmodic effect, increases peristalsis, promotes acceleration. Acts as a renewing element of the epithelium of gastric tissue. Helps cope with heartburn.

Nervous system – helps relieve fatigue, tension, increases the level of attention. With a decrease in physical activity, it helps prevent a decrease in muscle mass.

Provides invaluable assistance with:

Gout and diabetes – prevents the formation of free radicals that destroy body cells involved in the formation of insulin. In addition, magnesium is one of the components of the enzyme that promotes the proper absorption of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in our body. Taking magnesium reduces the risk of complications of diabetes, such as retinopathy (complications of the visual organs), nephropathy (complications of the renal system).

Hypertension – reduces excess cholesterol in the blood, improves the condition of the vascular system.

How Donat mineral water helps you lose weight

Weight loss with the help of Donat water occurs as a result of correcting the feeling of hunger and removing harmful substances from the body. Mineral water helps remove excess water (without removing useful micro- and macroelements) and increases the metabolic rate. Due to accelerated metabolism, fat breakdown and weight loss occur. Thanks to its saturation with minerals, water helps maintain normal balance in the body and prevents depletion of nutrients.

Diet with water Donat

A weight loss diet using Donat water allows you to achieve the desired result without harming the body.

The principles are very simple. You should reduce the caloric content of your diet, exclude fried, flour, fatty and sweet foods. Observe and consume Donat water according to the recommended standards.

How to drink Donut water

  • Morning intake: warm, 15 minutes before meals. Volume 200 ml.
  • Lunch: warm, 15 minutes before meals. Volume 150 ml.
  • Evening intake: warm, 15 minutes before meals. Volume 150 ml.

It is better to adjust the duration of drinking mineral water with your doctor. When taking mineral water for prevention, you should first undergo tests and agree on the dosage and frequency of administration.

Results and reviews

As a result of taking Donat mineralized water, a gradual but stable effect is observed. The process occurs due to the removal of stagnant fluid and a decrease in the amount of subcutaneous fat mass.

How to lose weight with maximum results?

The Rogaska Slatina resort in Slovenia is famous for its underground spring. Healing mineral water "Donat Mg" at a depth of 280 to 600 m is saturated with soluble salts. Macro- and microelements in its composition are important for many metabolic processes in the body.

Highly mineralized Donat Mg water helps with heartburn, constipation, increased acidity of gastric contents, obesity and other problems. Let's look at how the medicinal solution acts on the body and how to use it correctly.

Food and liquids in the digestive system, in addition to useful substances, contain toxins and microorganisms. The gastrointestinal tract (GIT) is the supplier of components necessary for the body and the first line of defense against foreign substances. Failures in this work lead to various internal diseases.

Errors in nutrition and metabolic disorders are often accompanied by inflammation of the gastrointestinal mucosa and dysbacteriosis. These are influenced by hormonal changes, stress, moving, and new-fangled diets. Many people do nothing at the first signs of the disease, although any problem is easier to correct in the initial stage.

Undeservedly little attention is paid to minerals, although they are vital for the body. For example, Mg 2+ ions are necessary for metabolic processes and are intensively consumed during physical and mental stress. Magnesium has a positive effect on the body and has healing properties for dysfunction of a number of organs. However, the content of this macroelement in food most often does not meet the daily requirement of 300–400 mg Mg 2+ (on average 375 mg).

Important! Bread, cereals, beans and peas are rich in magnesium, but it is in these products that those who want to lose weight limit themselves and adhere to various diets. There are few Mg 2+ ions in milk, cottage cheese, and vegetables.

A simple and natural way to make up for the deficiency is to drink natural Donat Magnesium water, which is famous for its high content of the mineral element. The aquifer in the town of Rogaška Slatina contains up to 1.2 g/l Mg 2+ ions. To provide your body with a daily dose of magnesium, it is enough to drink only 300-400 ml of a solution coming from an underground source.

Natural healing mineral water

The packaging of products produced under the Donat Magnesium brand depicts the god of light and healer Apollo. A water source near Mount Donachka, according to legend, appeared after the hoof of the winged horse Pegasus. His rider was Apollo, therefore the character of ancient Greek mythology is a symbol of the Rogaska Slatina resort and mineral water.

The concentration of dissolved substances in tap drinking water should not exceed 1 g/l; The same standard applies for mineral canteens. The range of mineralization of medicinal table waters, according to national GOST R 54316-2011, is from 1 to 10 g/l. They are intended for general drinking and therapeutic use.

According to the generally accepted classification, “Donat Magnesium” refers to medicinal mineral waters, which are not used to quench thirst, but only in the treatment of diseases. This is a magnesium-sodium bicarbonate-sulfate-acid solution containing up to 13.3 g/l of dissolved minerals. In addition to the main cations, potassium, strontium, iron, and manganese are present. Anions, in addition to sulfate and bicarbonate: chloride, fluoride, bromide, iodide.

Rocks rapidly dissolve in the underground aquifer. This process is influenced by pressure, temperature, gases, so the amount of minerals varies. Most of all Donat Mg water contains magnesium and sulfate ions, which together give a bitter taste. It is less noticeable when the drink cools. However, for the treatment of a number of diseases of the digestive system, warm water is better, so heating is required.

  • magnesium in 1 liter - from 850 to 1200 mg;
  • calcium - up to 480 mg;
  • sodium - up to 2000 mg.

The healing effect of natural water “Donat Magnesium” has been proven in clinical studies. The product is used for a course of drinking therapy on the recommendation of a specialist. Donat Mg water can be purchased in retail chains and treated at home.

Beneficial features

Medical studies of the effectiveness of Donat Magnesium mineral water were conducted from 2004 to 2015 in Russia and Germany. Russian experts found out how a natural remedy affects the course of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). This condition is detected in 50% of adults; after therapy, 80% of patients experience relapses. Constant treatment with medications often leads to liver problems.

Russian researchers observed 40 men and women of different ages diagnosed with GERD. In the main group, patients drank 100 or 200 ml of Donat Magnesium mineral water 20 minutes before meals. Patients in the control group also drank three times a day, but boiled tap water.

The use of mineral water led to a decrease in complaints of heartburn, belching, and heaviness in the stomach after eating. Clinical manifestations of GERD decreased in 80% of patients in the main group. The same result was obtained only in 40% of patients in the control group.

Important! Even after a single dose, Donat Magnesium mineral water reduces the acidity of the stomach contents, reducing the backflow into the esophagus (reflux).

German scientists assessed the effect of drinking natural mineral water Rogaska Donat Mg in 2015. A randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind study was carried out in Berlin according to the rules recommended for drugs. Doctors also carried out successful treatment with Donat Mg water.

A natural laxative that relieves constipation thanks to its magnesium and sulfate content. In a simplified form, the effect is to “take away” water from the cells of the walls of the colon and dilute its contents by 3–5 times. Also, Mg 2+ cations in Donat Magnesium water stimulate intestinal motility.

Medical indications and contraindications

Donat Mg water from an underground source in Slovenia is prescribed internally, as well as for gastric lavage, enemas and other procedures. The first method on this list is the simplest and most important. Mineral water is used in the complex treatment of diseases of the digestive system, genitourinary system, and metabolic disorders. Most often prescribed in the phase of easing the symptoms of an acute disease.


Donat Magnesium mineral water is used to treat intestinal atony and constipation. The natural remedy stabilizes metabolic processes and the state of the gastrointestinal tract, prevents atherosclerosis and osteoporosis.

Indications for taking Donat Mg mineral water from Slovenia:

  • Constipation.
  • Flatulence.
  • Magnesium deficiency.
  • Overweight, obesity.
  • Irritable bowel syndrome.
  • Increased acidity of gastric contents, heartburn.
  • Chronic diseases of the stomach and duodenum.
  • Diseases of the biliary tract, liver, gall bladder, conditions after operations.
  • Increased need for magnesium in children and athletes, and in pregnant women.
  • Headache, migraine.
  • Depression.
  • Neuroses.
  • Diabetes.

The components of Donat Magnesium mineral water affect the condition of the kidneys. However, using this remedy for urinary tract diseases is not the best treatment option. It is more beneficial to drink low-mineralized hydrocarbonate and hydrocarbonate-sulfate waters, which help remove small stone-like formations.

Main contraindications to drinking Donat Magnesium water:

  • gallstones;
  • renal failure;
  • exacerbation of an inflammatory disease of any part of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • violation of the acid-base balance of the body (alkalosis);
  • swelling of any origin.

Drinking any water rich in magnesium and sulfate is contraindicated for gallstones. 3-4 months after cholecystectomy, drinking treatment can be carried out. If the inflammatory process in the gastrointestinal tract is activated, you should avoid ingesting highly mineralized water.

How best to take Donat Mg: basic principles and recommendations

The components of Donat Magnesium mineral water have a stronger effect on the functions of the gastrointestinal tract at a certain temperature and concentration. The main principle of therapy is to drink the right amount of healing solution at the same time.

How and when to take Donat Mg mineral water:

If you drink warm mineral water in one gulp before meals, intestinal activity accelerates. Heating promotes the release of carbon dioxide from the solution. Warm water "Donat Magnesium" without gas is recommended for flatulence and other painful conditions of the digestive tract. Drinking the cool solution slowly increases mineral absorption. Water washes the mucous membrane, acts directly on the receptors in the wall of the gastrointestinal tract, and is absorbed faster and more completely.

Important! Donat Magnesium mineral water is a laxative. Recommended doses should be followed to avoid diarrhea. It is necessary to adjust the intake depending on the stool.

Drinking during meals reduces the therapeutic effect of the components of the Donat Mg solution on the lining of the digestive tract. Can be consumed an hour after meals. This method is often used when patients have poor tolerance to mineral water.

Minerals enhance intestinal motility and diuresis, activate the functions of the thyroid gland, which helps get rid of extra pounds. It is recommended to drink Donat Magnesium water at room temperature, 50–100 ml three times a day. The stronger the intestinal peristalsis, the higher the energy expenditure of the body and the less absorption of food.

The minimum duration of one course of treatment is usually 3 weeks, the maximum is 6 weeks. Treatment courses can be carried out 2 or 3 times during the year, maintaining a three-month interval between them.

Donat Mg - mineral “balm” for the body

The main ingredients of the natural solution have a variety of therapeutic effects on the body.


The Mg 2+ cation reduces the permeability of cell membranes, thereby reducing the intensity of inflammation. The need for magnesium increases during a busy pace of life, in stressful situations, during pregnancy, and during periods of intensive growth. Deficiency of this component often occurs in old age.

The role of the mineral magnesium in the body:

  • maintains electrolyte balance;
  • together with phosphorus and calcium, it forms bone tissue;
  • participates in energy metabolism, the release of energy in metabolic reactions;
  • plays an important role in carbohydrate metabolism, protein synthesis and cell division;
  • promotes muscle contractions, including the heart muscle;
  • supports the functions of nervous tissue.

Magnesium deficiency is felt more strongly by those who are on diets, who are affected, and therefore absorption is impaired. If the cells do not have enough Mg 2+, then the body removes these cations from the bones and liver. However, losses cannot be compensated for indefinitely by reserves, and as a result, signs of malaise intensify.

Symptoms of magnesium deficiency:

  • feeling of numbness or tingling in the limbs;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • mood swings;
  • muscle spasms;
  • irritability;
  • headache;
  • insomnia;
  • convulsions;
  • constipation.

Sodium and calcium

Sodium is important for maintaining electrolyte balance, glucose absorption, and intestinal enzyme production. Calcium reduces the permeability of cell membranes and has anti-inflammatory and desensitizing effects. It has a positive effect on the growth and strengthening of bone tissue and the condition of teeth. Reduces intestinal motility, reduces increased excitability of the nervous system.


Bicarbonate helps with heartburn and gastritis by reducing the acidity of gastric juice. Sulfate activates intestinal motility, has a positive effect on liver function, bile formation, and prevents the formation of gallstones.

Chloride enhances the formation of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, activates the secretory functions of the pancreas and the walls of the small intestine, and metabolic processes. The main ones take into account that chlorides increase the production of hydrochloric acid. Therefore, it is recommended to limit the consumption of table salt. You should drink low-mineralized waters, with a predominance of hydrocarbonate, hydrocarbonate-sulfate composition, and not containing gases.

Donat Magnesium water with a high concentration of magnesium, sodium, and bicarbonate ions can be used for diseases of the digestive system for therapeutic and preventive purposes.

It is recommended to pay attention to the bottling date. Mineral water “Donat Magnesium” in bottles does not lose its medicinal properties for 12 months. When purchasing, you may find flakes at the bottom of the bottle. These are slightly soluble salts that precipitate. If the water is cloudy or has an unpleasant odor, then it should not be consumed.

It is better to discuss the timing and dosage of Donat Magnesium mineral water with your doctor. Specialists choose a traditional or alternative method of drinking treatment, taking into account the acidity of the patient’s gastric juice.

Liquids remove toxins of exogenous and endogenous origin. Therefore, their entry into the digestive tract already has a positive effect on the body. The mineral components of natural water “Donat Magnesium” stimulate the secretion and motility of the gastrointestinal tract, are included in the composition of enzymes, hormones and vitamins, thereby actively influencing all metabolic reactions.

Anton palaznikov

Gastroenterologist, therapist

Work experience more than 7 years.

Professional skills: diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and biliary system.