What does blooming flowers mean in a dream? Why do you dream about a flower? Dream Interpretation yellow flowers, roses, artificial, in a flower bed, lilies, geraniums, Decembrists, irises, callas, bells, lilies of the valley

Flowers in a dream are a symbol of beauty ; nice deed ; pleasant surprise. They can act as a symbol of the beauty of thoughts.
Seeing flowers in a dream is a good dream. The likelihood of witnessing a beautiful deed, a pleasant surprise, a joyful event.

Receiving flowers as a gift in a dream is a very good dream. Probably, very soon you should expect something pleasant or beautiful coming from other people (event, action, surprise, compliment, etc.).
Giving flowers in a dream means making someone happy with a positive or pleasant event in the near future.

What color the flowers were in the dream is also important. This will help you understand more clearly what to expect.

Green is a symbol of prosperity.
White is a symbol of purity and light.
Red is a symbol of risk and adventure ; color warns of the need for increased attention ; the color of tension.
Pink is a symbol of personal female opinion.
Yellow is a symbol of cunning; breakups.
Orange is a symbol of quality ; attractiveness.
Blue is a symbol of sublimity; purity of feelings; lightness.
Brown is a symbol of pride.
Black is a symbol of error, delusion.

Artificial flowers in a dream are most often false, a substitution of imaginary true beauty and aesthetics.
Receiving such flowers in a dream is likely to be disappointed in something, to make a mistake, or to overestimate someone’s capabilities.


Seeing flowers in a garden in a dream foretells you pleasure and gain, if only the flowers are bright and fresh; white means sadness. Withered and dried flowers promise trouble.

If you dream of a rich and beautiful bouquet of flowers, this is a harbinger of receiving an inheritance from some rich and unknown relative; this dream also promises pleasant, joyful hours in the company of young people.
Seeing a fading bouquet in a dream is a prediction of illness and death.

If a young lady receives a bouquet of various flowers in a dream, this predicts that she will have many admirers.

Seeing flowers growing on infertile soil foreshadows a sad event. However, the dream also promises that, thanks to your energy and optimism, you will be able to pave the way to a prominent position and happiness.

Seeing a bouquet of daisies in a dream means sadness. However, if you see a green, sunlit meadow strewn with these lovely flowers, then happiness, health and prosperity will compete with each other to lead you along the most pleasant roads of life.
Seeing daisies at other times of the year means that some misfortune awaits you ahead.


If in a dream you pick flowers to make a bouquet of them, in real life this dream means your introduction to knowledge and understanding of the world.

A dream in which you pricked your hand on the flowers given to you means that in reality you will experience severe mental and heart pain due to the betrayal of a loved one.

If you dreamed that someone trampled flowers in your garden, this foreshadows the machinations of enemies who will do everything possible to prevent you from receiving the information you need.

In a dream, you saw a large number of indoor flowers in your house - this symbolizes the secrecy of feelings.

You dreamed of a beautiful garden full of unusually beautiful flowers, you inhale their wonderful aroma. This dream foreshadows an unusual, romantic meeting for you in reality.

Withered flowers in a dream predict health problems and separation.

A dream in which you plant flowers in your garden means that in reality you will perform a noble and wise act.

If in a dream you see fans literally showering you with flowers, in real life this indicates that your spiritual loneliness may drag on. Your inflated claims will most likely remain unrealized.

In a dream, you are weaving a wreath of wildflowers for yourself - this dream indicates that you will soon meet your love and create a happy family.

A dream in which you receive a flower as a gift in an indoor pot means that you will receive news about a deceased person.


Flowers in general (especially white and red) are joy and fun.
Planting flowers in a garden bed is something unpleasant.
Smelling flowers means loss.
Collecting flowers is a joy.
Pick a flower - find a friend; take a step towards intimacy, get a kiss, get a date; the secret pleasure of depriving or losing innocence.
Seeing flower buds is good.
Wilted flowers are a disease.
A lonely flower in a vase is a desirable girl and what happens to her is connected with her.
To see flying flowers is a kind of fantastic state caused by dreams, drugs; waking dreams await you.
Flowers sucking blood - deceit on the part of a loved one; danger from excessive joy.

Seeing or receiving artificial flowers is a sad event; danger to your life or the life of a loved one.
To do them is to weave a lie.
Burning them means a desire to decisively break with previous relationships and start a new life.

A bouquet of flowers means joy, happiness in love.
Making and collecting bouquets are pleasant joys.
Many bouquets - a pleasant circle of acquaintances.
A faded bouquet means coldness in love or marriage.

Various plants and flowers in a dream:
Velvet flowers are a joy.
Black marigolds are a disappointment.
Belena is a kind of evil woman; witch.
Periwinkle - sincere love of friends; pure love.
Blooming heather - the fulfillment of hopes. Dried - life will require a lot of patience and endurance from you.
Hyacinth – pure, unexpected joy; happiness in love.
Datura thickets - you are being deceived..
Larkspur – loyalty of friends; marriage; Gratitude.
Irises - a pampered person; languid causeless sadness. To see a lot of irises, iris fields - communication with beauty, life in art.
The bathing suit is a seduced and deceived female soul; woman's revenge
Cacti in pots - your spiritual callousness, alienation.
Seeing a lot of prickly cacti means evil and bad thoughts prevent you from correctly perceiving reality.
Buttercups - treason, betrayal. Collecting them is preparing treason; your thoughts and actions are secretly poisoned by the poison of vice.
Lily of the valley - good feelings, affection. Dry lily of the valley - you demand too much from life and from others and therefore you are always irritated and dissatisfied.
Dry lavender is the same as “dry lily of the valley.”
Forget-me-not is a romantic feeling. To tear it down is a loss.
Narcissus - gossip; secret pleasures; proud man.
An orchid is something rare, amazing, unique.
Primrose – difficult circumstances in relationships with people, especially in love.
Sunflower is a great external success, which internally will seem insignificant.
Wormwood - sadness, crying. Eating it means illness.
To pick ferns, to decorate a room with them - to tempt someone, to seduce someone. Fern thickets - gain secret power over a person. Seeing it bloom is happiness, good luck, which imposes a huge responsibility on you.
Mignonette - something that has existed in your life for a long time will suddenly open up to you as something new.
Rhododendron is a new acquaintance that will quickly disappoint.
Chamomile - little joys that brighten up your everyday life; pay attention to your health.
Burdock is an obsessive person, he is a nuisance.
Seeing a tulip means damage from arrogance and swagger. Having a tulip means dealing with an arrogant person; to love without hope. Picking a tulip means achieving a proud and beautiful woman.
Hops - profit, wealth.
Chicory is fun.

Discussion: 25 comments

    Hello, I had a dream that I was approaching my entrance and there were 3 identical girls standing at the door and each gave me a flower, 2 some pink ones and one white calla lily flower. Why such a dream?


    1. Hello Olga. Little pleasant news or surprises from those who like you. I’m wondering, have you read what flowers mean in dreams, or are you immediately writing down your dream? It’s easier, why read, right?)))

In the article you will find a detailed description of dreams in which flowers appear and you will find out why they are dreamed of and what such a dream means.

Dream Interpretation white flowers, in pots, blooming, if given as a gift, indoors, give, plant, collect, paper

Seeing white flowers blooming in pots in a dream is a sign of purity and strength of relationships in reality. If you water or plant them, the family will be strong.

If you had a dream in which you were given white flowers, it means that a noble person will appear in your life who will bring you many moments of joy.

A dream in which you admire white indoor flowers means that in real life you attach too much importance to the fact that your neighbors and acquaintances may envy you. Pink and red tulips can symbolize failure in your personal life, as well as accepting them from an ex-boyfriend or cutting them off. If they have a black ribbon, then expect a serious illness of a loved one. A flower tattoo means that something will happen in life that will leave a mark for many years.

A dream in which you give flowers to a person of the opposite sex means that in real life you will meet the person of your dreams. Giving flowers to a person of the same sex means finding a true friend or girlfriend. If you are given home flowers, certain hopes are placed on you. Meadow flowers that have to be broken are on the window, field flowers bloom and grow, or a bouquet is made from them, then you don’t have to worry about your undertakings in the coming days, because they can give a good return. If you fell or were stolen on the street, then expect difficulties in communication.

If you had a dream in which you plant flowers, it means that in real life you are laying the foundation for your further prosperity. The same dream, seen by a lonely person, denotes a significant meeting with a person who may later become your life partner.

Collecting (trampling) flowers in a dream (in a forest, field, snow, under the snow, in a meadow) means new and interesting encounters in reality. Cornflowers have a similar interpretation.

Paper flowers seen in a dream predict that you may be deceived in your feelings. The iron ones say that a difficult decision will have to be made.

Dream Interpretation yellow flowers, roses, artificial, in a flower bed, lilies, geraniums, Decembrists, irises, callas, bells, lilies of the valley

Yellow flowers or marigolds dream of an upcoming separation. Artificial (decorative, piece, exotic) - to deception. Flowers seen growing in a flowerbed in a dream mean that in reality you will not be able to realize your full potential due to time constraints. Planting in the ground online dream interpretation considers how to manage your own life on your own. The money tree is a dream of prosperity.

Dreaming of white lilies symbolizes the desire to explore the world. Red lilies are a sign of destructive affection. Fall from the sky, then you will have many love relationships. If they are in the church or will have thorns, you need to beware of envious people.

If you dreamed of geranium, then in reality you are too attached to home, so you are often forced to be alone.

A Decembrist flower, seen blooming in a dream, foreshadows a period of love and mutual understanding.

If you dream of an iris, in real life you will meet an old acquaintance.

Calla lilies dream of meeting a respectable person or purchasing an expensive item.

If you dreamed of bells, you will have a meeting and a long conversation with friends.

Dreaming about lilies of the valley means meeting childhood friends in real life.

Dream book flowers pansies, acacias, orchids, gladioli, carnations, dahlias, gerberas, hyacinths

If you dreamed of pansies or asters, someone is closely interested in your life. Accepting a flower from a deceased person promises well-being and a solution to all problems.

Acacia flowers dream of small but pleasant surprises life has in store for you.

A dream about an orchid means a meeting with an intelligent person or an unexpected victory in a risky event.

The gladiolus flower foreshadows that in reality you will attend the celebration of a noble person.

Carnations dream of finding a new and reliable friend. Dahlias - the acquisition of a high patron.

Dreaming of gerberas symbolizes that happiness has come into your life, hyacinths - you will again experience a wonderful feeling of love. If they are bright, huge, scarlet, burning and an even number of them are given by your beloved guy, then expect a romantic relationship with a new boyfriend or a new girl.

Dream Interpretation flowers on a grave (funeral), cemetery, on trees (tree), windowsill, garden bed

If in a dream you saw a well-kept cemetery with flowers on the graves, it means that in real life you should not stir up the past. It will be more beneficial for you if you can consign everything to oblivion and start a new life. Narcissists mean that you should stop paying all your attention only to yourself, because those around you need you.

A dream about flowers blooming on trees symbolizes that in reality joyful events await you. This dream also means that your good endeavors will bear fruit. Growing from the body - expect illness.

The flowers that you saw on the windowsill in your dream mean that in real life you flaunt your feelings too openly. If you dream of flowers for planting in winter, made of fabric or beads, you should make every effort to solve the problems that have arisen, otherwise the situation will be very difficult. Taking photographs or seeing them in photos is always a sign of well-being in the family, as is seeing crystal or fantastic flowers.

Dreaming of flowers in a garden bed is a sign of stability in real life. Gifted from a loved one, this marks the blossoming of a relationship, but with a new partner.

Flowers Islamic dream book

The interpretation is given according to the Koran and Sunnah. If you smell them, it is always a sign of goodness and warm family relationships. If you can see not only them, but also butterflies, then you should expect guests.

Flowers Vanga's dream book

Vanga believed that fresh and beautiful flowers seen in a dream could not be a bad sign. They symbolize harmony, continuation of life and the awakening of the best qualities of a person in real life.

Miller's dream book of flowers

Flowers in Miller's dream book symbolize a person's desire to enjoy life.

Flowers dream book according to Freud

An unopened flower, according to Freud's dream book, symbolizes innocence.
A dream of an opening bud is a symbol of inexperience, but a desire to experience the joys of life.

Flowers Tsvetkov's dream book

Flowers seen in a dream are a cause for concern in real life. If a patient dreams of them, a protracted illness awaits him. Gifts given out of season symbolize difficulties and obstacles.

For a man, a dream in which he gives his beloved a bouquet means their separation in real life.

Flowers dream book of Felomena

In this dream book, to see flowers in bloom means to increase your fortune in reality. Finding a snowdrop means meeting long-forgotten people.

Just like wilted flowers are a reason not to take the initiative in the near future.

Flowers dream book of Juno

A woman’s dream in which she sees many different colors means that she will be surrounded by numerous admirers.

For men, this same dream means that in real life he will have to take on various, perhaps not even “male”, tasks that will ensure his material well-being. Plants on a tree, road, flooded with water from Thursday to Friday may mean that you need to change your approach to the people around you and make an effort to achieve mutual understanding. There are flowers for an unhappy marriage.

Flowers dream book esoteric

According to the dream book, flowers (aloe flower, anthurium, white asters, without buds) symbolize acquaintance and are a harbinger of prosperity. A dream in which you see a wilted bouquet or apricot tree foreshadows sadness and melancholy after some joyful events. Transfer this to a move to a new place of residence or a change of job.

Flowers Muslim dream book

In this case, we are talking about peace of mind and meeting with someone whom you have not been able to see for a long time and whom you love with all your heart.

If you dream of linden trees, lavender, lotus, buttercups, lavenders, leis, magnolias, poppies, mother and stepmother, dandelions, jasmine, women's happiness, peonies, hydrangea, daisies, lilacs, phlox, ficus, lilacs, chrysanthemums, bird cherries, peonies, oak trees , mimosas, live tulips, violets, poisonous flowers, cherry blossoms, daisies, majors, wilted or wilted (withered), frozen, frozen or standing in a vase, hair, water, blue, blue, red, green, yellow, orange, purple , lilac, black, multi-colored, growing, blooming and large buds, rose hips, pumpkins, grass, chestnut, strawberries, potted flowers, it is recommended to pay attention to the proposed interpretation of sleep in this article.

Flowers in a dream are a symbol of spiritual experiences. Your emotions are in a state of rise or fall. A detailed interpretation can be found in one of the most famous dream books. What does it mean to buy flowers in a dream?

ABC of dreams

Dried plants are a sign that the feelings have passed, everything has cooled down.

A broken flower means separation, quarrel and worries.

Eastern dream book

Flowering plants symbolize joy. The opposite is true if they are white: this is a sign of imminent death.

Children's dream book

The answer to the question of why flowers are dreamed of is a lot of worries and things to do.

English dream book

If in your dream there were beautiful inflorescences exuding a wonderful fragrance, luck and prosperity await you.

Collecting a bouquet means harmonious relationships and a successful marriage.

A wilted flower means illness or loss of a loved one.

If plants are lying around, but you cannot put them together into a composition, your plans will not come true.

Women's dream book

According to this dream book, flowers arranged in a bouquet are a good sign. Your life will be pleasant and easy, you will be able to choose among many admirers.

Symbolic dream book

Flowering plants predict any life events, the emergence of relationships. They promise a love affair, making friends, fun or, on the contrary, disappointment, loss. This is a symbol that promises change without indicating its direction.

Field plants - to prosperity. Indoor - to luck or failure in family affairs. Fading - to sorrows on the personal or professional front.

Modern dream book

To see beautiful flowers in a dream with which the garden is full means rejoicing and making a profit.

White or dried out ones predict sadness, loss, disappointment.

If a woman dreams of being presented with a beautiful bouquet, she will be courted by the men around her.

If you see flowering plants in a desert or barren land, be prepared for life's difficulties and sad experiences. You will quickly overcome all obstacles through strength and perseverance.

Longo's Dream Interpretation

According to the dream book, flowers that appear in a dream always symbolize pleasure and the upcoming receipt of what you want.

When you watch yourself in a summer meadow, a wonderful future awaits you. Little pleasures await you everywhere. If you walk through a meadow and pick a bouquet, you will not only enjoy yourself, but also give happiness to others. How long this well-being will last is up to you to decide.

Giving a bouquet to a loved one means expressing sympathy for him in the future. Giving such a gift to a stranger means finding a “soul mate.”

Seeing flowers standing in a vase in a dream is good. You will find long-awaited peace and relaxation, and will be able to pay more attention to your loved ones.

Vanga's Dream Book

If you dreamed of indoor plants in bloom, in reality you are afraid to express your emotions. If you walk through a beautiful garden and inhale pleasant aromas, in reality a pleasant meeting with your “soulmate” awaits you.

The answer to the question of why wilted flowers are seen in dreams is grief or illness. If you dreamed that the plants in your front garden were trampled, ill-wishers are plotting intrigues for you. Please use caution.

When you are presented with a flower in a pot in a dream, you will soon learn the news about the death of a loved one. If you are injured by a gifted bouquet, get ready to learn about complete betrayal.

Picking flowers in a dream - you will become deeper and smarter, you will begin to better understand the world around you and realize your place in it. To plant them is to do wise and kind deeds.

If you are literally bombarded with flowers from fans, get ready to be lonely in real life. This is due to the inflated requirements for applicants for your hand and heart.

Dream Interpretation of Grishina

Flowers that appear in a dream are a symbol of well-being and pleasure. It is especially good to see white or red ones.

To pick them is to receive good news, to find a friend or like-minded person.

Withered or artificial plants predict trouble, illness, or unpleasant news.

Making flowers means lying.

Burning them means passionately wanting to put an end to the past.

Family dream book

The answer to the question of why beautiful flowers appear in dreams is obvious. This is a sign of prosperity and harmony. If the plants wilt, expect disappointment. White inflorescences mean future loneliness.

Slavic dream book

Flowers come into our dreams as a sign of happiness and the attainment of what we want. There are two exceptions: if they are field or dried. In these situations, be prepared for unpleasant news and disappointment.

Dream interpretation of bitches

Seeing flowering plants in your dreams means achieving what you want in reality. Collecting different flowers in a dream means your boss will appreciate your work.

Gypsy dream book

Beautiful inflorescences are a sign of hope on the love front.

Dream Interpretation of Shereminskaya

Flowers are a manifestation of our feelings, so they often visit our dreams. Their color and shape are important. These parameters reflect our physical and mental well-being, flourishing or fading.

Buying flowers in a dream is a common image. It is definitely not easy to interpret. Try to understand what plants mean to you, what images they evoke in your soul.

Erotic dream book

Seeing flowers in your night dreams means rejoicing in real life. Roses are especially good: they symbolize good luck in love affairs or early marriage. Poppies, on the contrary, mean momentary pleasure, for which you will have to pay with bitter disappointment.

Buying or receiving flowers as a gift in a dream means finding a “soul mate.” If the plants wither in your hands, your hopes for personal happiness are groundless.

Also interesting: why do you dream?

Many joyful and sad events in life are accompanied by flowers. A bouquet seen in a dream definitely foreshadows changes in life. But what they will be like, and in general, what flowers are meant for in dreams, depends on the details and symbolism of the dream.

Why does a woman dream of flowers - interpretation from dream books

Plants and inflorescences usually appear in people's dreams in spring and summer.

Flowers portend a surge of vital energy, heightened feelings, and the emergence of unusual desires.

Luxurious bouquets seen in a dream promise changes in financial terms. Perhaps you are waiting for a salary increase, winning the lottery, or a generous gift from a loved one. Modest, gentle compositions promise a quick start to a romantic relationship.

Flowers in dreams:

  • According to the Ayurvedic dream book. Success awaits you in all new endeavors. Even seemingly impossible dreams will come true easily and without much effort on your part. The dream promises a great mood and improved performance.
  • In Miller’s dream book, bright and juicy flowers promise a profitable purchase, a successful deal. White or pink buds predict mental confusion, uncertainty about the right choice, and tossing of the heart.
  • According to Loff's dream book, a cut flower means the secret jealousy of your other half. A plant growing in a pot symbolizes strong love and reliable friendship. If the bud is painted in an unusual color, it means that an unplanned trip or a memorable surprise awaits you soon.
  • According to Vanga's dream book. You are trying to make sense of the world, to re-evaluate norms and values. There is spiritual enrichment that brings peace and harmony to the heart.

If in a dream you are pricked by a thorn or stem of a rose, you will be subject to the machinations of enemies, gossip and intrigues of colleagues. Perhaps betrayal by a close friend or person you trust endlessly. The dream warns of the danger of concluding dubious transactions.

Seeing real, artificial flowers in a dream

Fresh flowers dream of joyful and good events associated with marriage, the birth of a child, promotion, or acquisition of property. Perhaps you are waiting for a new productive acquaintance, participation in an interesting project, or a pleasant business trip.

  • Fresh flowers in buds mean the appearance of an influential admirer, the resumption of a faded romantic relationship, or a marriage proposal.
  • Blooming flowers foreshadow the openness of your soulmate's intentions and loyalty in friendship.
  • Artificial flowers are a bad omen. In reality, sad news awaits you, which may affect the health or financial well-being of you or your loved ones. The dream foreshadows the insincerity of colleagues, the lies of friends, the intrigues of enemies. Perhaps they are planning a bad deed against you.

A woman dreamed of a bouquet of flowers

Seeing a bouquet of flowers in a dream is a good sign.

Indicates the opportunity to find happy love or a pleasant acquaintance.

  • If the bouquet is tied with a bright ribbon, it means that in the near future you will experience a surge of feelings and a sea of ​​emotions. You will go on a romantic trip, spend an unforgettable vacation or visit an exotic country.
  • A lush bouquet symbolizes family wealth and comfort in the home. You will be surrounded by the attention and care of people close to you.
  • A modest bouquet in a dream warns of the possibility of being deceived in your own hopes. Don't trust your friends with secrets - it can play a cruel joke on you.

Indoor flowers in pots

The dream symbolizes receiving an expensive gift, strengthening relationships within the family, or a pleasant surprise from a lover. Perhaps you will cure a chronic disease, purchase real estate, or move permanently to another city.

Beautiful fresh flowers in pots signify a strong relationship that is cherished by both parties.

A romantic period in love awaits you, which will end with a wedding.

A sluggish plant symbolizes the collapse of hopes, failures in professional affairs, and problems with the distribution of finances. You will miss a happy opportunity, lose contact with a close friend. But this can be avoided if you pay attention to the little things and don’t fall for adventures.

The meaning of sleep depending on the type of flowers

The type of flowers that appeared in the dream is of great importance. Behind this there are a number of signs and symbols that indicate specific changes in the path of life.

Why do you dream about a flower? Despite certain discrepancies in the interpretation of a dream in which a fresh beautiful flower is dreamed, the general tendency is to predict positive events, joyful emotions and a successful combination of circumstances.

A fading and dried flower means impending troubles, serious health problems and other phenomena that have a negative impact on human life.

Why do you dream about a flower according to Miller’s dream book?

If you see a bright and fresh flower in the garden in a dream, you can count on a pleasant pleasure or a very useful acquisition. A white flower symbolizes sadness and sad emotional experiences. A dried flower means trouble.

If a girl in a dream receives a bouquet containing many different flowers, then this foreshadows a huge number of fans in the near future.

A flower growing on infertile, unsightly soil - to sad, sorrowful events that can plunge you into despondency for a long time. However, this dream should put you in an optimistic mood: cheerfulness and energetic actions can lead to a happy turn in fate.

Vanga's dream book - flower

If you pick a flower in a dream to make a bouquet, then in real life you can expect the prospect of understanding the world and understanding the surrounding reality.

Injuring or pricking your hand on a flower presented to you as a gift means severe mental and heart pain caused by the betrayal of a loved one.

A wilted flower portends health complications or separation from loved ones. If in a dream you are planting flowers, then in real life you will have to perform a noble and wise deed.

If in a dream you were given an indoor flower in a pot as a gift, then in reality you will receive news or some details about the life of a deceased person.

Flower in a dream - interpretation according to Freud

The white flower, according to Freud, symbolizes female depravity, her promiscuity and inconsistency in her sexual life and choice of partners, and their frequent change.

A red flower testifies to the girl’s innocence, her inexperience in sex and romance. However, you also dream of them for your upcoming period, especially if you think about them a lot. If in a dream you pick or cut a flower, then in reality you are striving for self-satisfaction.

A flower given to a young man means that you want sexual contact with him. If you throw away a fresh flower, then your head is filled with thoughts about the upcoming breakup with your sexual partner.

The withered flower becomes a symbol of a woman's sexual experience and her past sexual interests.

Why do you dream about a flower according to Loff’s dream book?

In Loff's dream book, a flower symbolizes beauty. In order to correctly assess the omen, it is necessary to think through the color characteristics of the flowers in your dreams.

A red rose means love, yellow means friendship, white means purity and naivety, black means serious illness or death. Lily can become evidence of renewal and upcoming rebirth.

The orchid speaks of your sensual sexuality, which will have a significant impact on upcoming events. The daisy is evidence of indecision in feelings, and the narcissist is evidence of heightened self-love.

Flower according to the Mayan dream book

Ancient accounts of the Mayan civilization rated flowers in dreams as good omens. Why do you dream about a flower according to the Mayan dream book?

Planting and growing flowers foreshadowed favorable things in business and the help of the gods. After such a dream, it is necessary, according to representatives of the ancient Indian people, to make a sacrifice to the gods as gratitude: at midnight, make a small fire and throw flower petals there.

Flower in a dream according to the Indian dream book

The Indian dream book interprets a red flower in a dream as the upcoming successful completion of the work begun, as well as the possibility of some small difficulties that will be successfully resolved.

The yellow flower symbolizes small and easily overcome difficulties that will arise in the process of implementing life plans.

A white flower dreamed of in winter or at the end of autumn foreshadows a bad end to your endeavors and significant difficulties in achieving your goals.

Smelling a rose is a good harbinger for healthy people, a long illness for sick people, and bad luck for criminals. Smelling a spice flower (sage, rosemary, etc.) predicts upcoming work, boredom and weakness.

Why dream of an indoor flower or an artificial one?

A blooming indoor flower in a pot means family joys and celebrations; a fading one means sadness. Often, an indoor flower is a dream of receiving a generous gift, quite unexpected and pleasant.

Artificial flowers - deterioration of relationships on the family front, financial difficulties and serious illness.

White, red, yellow flower in a dream - what does it mean?

Why do you dream of a red, white or yellow flower?

Most often, a white flower in a dream foreshadows a successful combination of circumstances and improved relationships with others. This is evidence of positive changes in your life. In addition, it accompanies a favorable marriage and upcoming love relationships.

A yellow flower may dream of short-term problems in matters that will soon be resolved. A yellow flower for businessmen means a positive solution to previously encountered difficulties.

Lovers who bought a yellow flower in a dream will expect separation or long separation. Yellow rose - for secret love.

In most dream books, a red flower is associated with upcoming pleasures and material benefits. Quite often, a red flower is interpreted as luck in love affairs, especially if it is a rose.

Planting a flower in a dream

The general interpretation of planting in a dream comes down to upcoming new projects and endeavors. Planting a flower in a dream means significant emotional uplift and new love relationships.

For a woman, planting flowers in a blooming garden means solving minor problems and favorable events in her personal life.