How to take Leuzea extract powder. Leuzea safflower in medicine, cosmetology, sports: properties, action, indications, contraindications, recipes. Use of Leuzea liquid extract in sports

Leuzea safflower is one of the few plants that exhibits an anabolic effect. Thanks to the latest quality, this crop is of interest not only for agricultural and therapeutic purposes, but also for sports purposes.

This plant has the following effects:

  • increases the strength and speed of the body;
  • tones the mental and physical activity after overwork;
  • helps with male impotence, decreased performance, weak immunity;
  • helps relieve symptoms of cardiovascular diseases.
  • improving the quality of recovery of the body and muscles after strength training;
  • increasing endurance and performance indicators;
  • increasing the body’s protective indicators;
  • solving problems with sexual desire.

Given homeopathic remedy, having an anabolic effect, helps athletes in the process of gaining mass. In addition, taking it stabilizes the pulse and reduces the stress on the heart. If you follow all the recommendations for dosage of the drug, then no side effects does not arise. This fact is certainly the main advantage of the plant.

The high anabolic effect of Leuzea is due to the presence of phytoecdysones, which are steroid compounds. This, as well as other qualities of the drug, made this herbal remedy quite popular among bodybuilders.

The most popular form of Leuzea among bodybuilders is an alcohol extract or tincture. The drug produced in this form is a red liquid with a bitter taste. The plant extract is released in bottles of 40 and 50 milliliters.

It is recommended to take the drug no more than two or three times a day. It is usually drunk half an hour before meals. From 20 to 30 drops of extract are poured onto a tablespoon. However, you should not rely solely on recommendations; it is best to follow the instructions included with the specific drug purchased.

Abuse, that is, non-compliance with the dosage, produces side effects, but they do not pose a serious threat to health. Most often, an overdose is manifested by dry mouth and nausea. However, given that any medicinal plant has contraindications, it is best to consult a doctor first. Leuzea preparations should not be given to children under 12 years of age or taken during pregnancy.

Based on Leuzea safflower, it is produced great amount drugs. The most widely used is Leuzea P, which also contains vitamin C. Indications for taking this remedy are: stress, high loads, recovery period after long and protracted illnesses, regular mental fatigue. A number of experts advise men who have problems with potency to take this medication.

The drug is used by bodybuilders and athletes involved in strength sports disciplines. It helps improve recovery and increases performance. Many athletes take Leuzea before training. This allows, albeit not too much, to improve the rate of growth and recovery of muscle tissue.

Take Levzeya P directly with meals, twice or thrice a day, 2-3 tablets. The recommended course duration is 21 days. Next, you should take a short break.

The drug is contraindicated for women during pregnancy and lactation, people suffering from hypertension, insomnia, various problems heart, as well as with increased nervous excitability.

Represents another medicinal form Leuzea safflower, reminiscent in its structure of anabolic steroids. The difference is that it is completely devoid of side effects inherent in this category of steroids. Ecdisten, unlike anabolic steroids, does not inhibit, but, on the contrary, increases the synthesis of its own testosterone.

The use of Ecdisten for one or even two months does not in any way affect the production of cortisol, insulin, somatotropin and, of course, testosterone. Unlike anabolic steroids, worldwide anti-doping agency does not classify it as doping. This allows athletes to use Ecdisten professional level taking part in competitions all year round.

Ecdisten, like any products based on safflower leuzea, can be taken by athletes without any restrictions. For athletes who want to enhance the effect they receive from taking it homeopathic medicine, you can combine its course of administration with the use of creatine. This will give a more pronounced effect.

The Leuzea plant may be known to you as maral grass or maral root. ethnoscience I noticed him a long time ago. Different parts of the plant are beneficial for health. And yet, Leuzea tincture is the most popular. The remedy can relieve many diseases, acting gently, but at the same time very effectively.

Indications for use of Leuzea tincture

The plant is useful due to its unique and very diverse composition. Leuzea leaves, roots, stems and rhizomes were found tannins, gum, inulin, alkaloids, essential oils, vitamins and other useful microelements.

Leuzea tincture is an excellent stimulant, it perfectly tones and invigorates. Preparations prepared from this plant have vasodilating effect. Thanks to Leuzea, the body can more easily tolerate physical exercise and recovers much faster after them. Regular appointment Medicines based on this plant help strengthen the immune system and improve well-being. Useful alcohol tincture Leuzea also for men - it is more effective than many expensive drugs in increasing potency and increasing sexual activity.

  • (both physical and mental);
  • liver diseases (in parallel with hepatoprotective drugs);
  • decreased potency;
  • asthenia;
  • maladaptation;
  • prostration;
  • functional disorders central nervous system;
  • diabetes;
  • secondary infertility;
  • premenstrual syndrome.

Features of the use of Leuzea tincture

The tincture should be taken internally. Because of its tonic properties It is very undesirable to drink Leuzea before bedtime. The duration of treatment and dosage of the medication should be agreed upon with a specialist. It is usually recommended to drink a tablespoon of tincture two or three times a day.

For treatment with Leuzea safflower tincture to be effective, it must be taken regularly throughout the course.

A drug Leuzea- obschetonizing, adaptogenic (increasing the body’s adaptability to harmful effects environment) remedy.
The main active ingredients of phytoecdysone are ecdysterones, which have a stimulating effect on the central nervous system and increase physical and mental performance.
The drug also contains flavonoids, carotenes, organic acids, tannins, polyacetylenes and trace elements.
The exact mechanism of action of the drug Leuzya has not been sufficiently studied, but it is assumed that it is due to the anabolic activity of phytoecdysones, an increase in the content of glycogen and ATP in the muscles, which leads to an increase in the working capacity of tired muscles. Phytoecdysones are characterized by a stimulating and tonic effect, non-toxicity, minimal side effect. They are considered natural adaptogens, that is, substances that provide better adaptation of the body to stressful stimuli. of different origins. In a nonspecific way, they increase mental and mental performance and endurance of the body.

Indications for use:
Indications for use of the drug Leuzea are: neurasthenic conditions (fatigue, decreased ability to work, inattention), general weakening of body functions (rapid heartbeat, paresthesia, lack of appetite, dyspepsia, weakened potency), the period of convalescence, for the prevention of mental and physical fatigue.
The drug is prescribed mainly for elderly patients.

Mode of application

Adults: 1 drop Leusey per 1 kg of body weight per day. The total daily dose is divided into 2-3 doses. Take after meals with water. If the evening dose causes agitation ( trouble falling asleep), it is recommended to accept the last part daily dose no later than 3-4 hours before bedtime. More often positive effect achieved before the 4th week of treatment.
It is recommended to repeat the course of treatment 3-4 times per hour.

Side effects

Usually the drug Leuzea well tolerated, exceptional cases Constipation or diarrhea may occur.


A drug Leuzea contraindicated for hypertension, disorders heart rate, acute infectious diseases, for severe chronic diseases with symptoms of deficiency individual organs, with dementia and hypersensitivity to Leuzea.
Leuzea is contraindicated during pregnancy and breastfeeding (insufficient experience of clinical use).
Since the drug contains alcohol (55%), it is not prescribed to persons with severe liver and kidney diseases, alcoholics, patients with stomach ulcers or duodenum, persons with severe forms of brain dysfunction.
Leuzea extract is not prescribed to children.

Interaction with other drugs



Risk of drug overdose Leuzea insignificant, since the drug is low toxic. In case of a sudden overdose or accidental use of the drug by a child, symptomatic treatment under the supervision of a doctor.

Storage conditions

Store in a dry place, out of reach of children, at a temperature of 15-25 ° C, protect from light.
Shelf life: 2 years.

Release form

Levzeya - drops. In dark glass bottles of 50 ml.


A drug Leuzea contains: liquid extract of Leuzea (Leuzeae extractum fluidum) (1 ml = 42 drops); excipient: alcohol.
The drug is prepared according to the following recipe: dried roots of Leuzea safflower-like - 1 kg; ethanol 70% - q.s. until a liquid extract appears.

Main settings


Leuzea safflower is a plant with very great potential and very little fame. They say a lot of interesting things about it, and how could it be otherwise if its extract:

  • Increases male strength;
  • Has a tonic effect;
  • Has a bactericidal effect;
  • Treats gynecological disorders;
  • And much more.

And that's not all healing properties root Indeed, this plant has very great importance in medicine and sports. We mentioned sports for a reason, because Leuzea safflower has a strong tonic effect, which helps to significantly increase the endurance of athletes.

Titles and history

In our country, maral root is distributed only in Altai, Sayan Mountains and Mongolia. The Mongols already call this plant strong root, but changing the name does not change the meaning. In our country this plant can be found under the following names:

  • Raponticum safflower;
  • Maral root (sometimes the root is called maral root);
  • Bighead;
  • Lower Uimon.

The plant gained popularity when the inhabitants of Altai noticed how readily deer eat the root of Leuzea. People themselves tried to make decoctions and tinctures from it and noted wonderful properties maral root. After a long time of Leuzea root being used in alternative medicine, pharmacists also paid attention to it. Now the most bright that confirmation - one of the substances that is found in the oregano is present in sports nutrition.

Leuzea safflower tincture

Leuzea tincture is known in rather narrow circles, although it is available for free sale in pharmacies. But there it costs just astronomical money: the cost of 30 ml ranges from 200 to 500 rubles. We will tell you how to make a tincture with your own hands. This is exactly how it is done in any company that produces this product.

First we need the plant itself. But not everything, just its root. You can buy it in the same pharmacies or on the Internet. The second option is more preferable, since its price is higher in pharmacies, and finding it is very problematic. As for naturalness, this question is somewhat incorrect. Rather, we need to talk about efficiency. The ancestral home of Leuzea, where it grows in the wild, is Altai. If you live nearby, then you can hope that you can buy the original root. All residents of the middle and western regions of Russia can only buy a cultivated plant. Content useful substances it is lower, but the tincture will have the necessary effect for everyone medicinal properties will certainly have it.

The second is vodka, moonshine or alcohol. Everything is very simple here: the purer the alcohol and the higher the quality of the vodka, the better. By the way, if you have moonshine or alcohol, then they need to be diluted to 40 degrees of strength.

No additional ingredients needed. There is some possibility that they will reduce positive effects. And drinking this tincture is not at all disgusting.


  • Chopped root – 200 grams;
  • 1 liter of vodka.

Mix these ingredients and put the container with the tincture in a warm, dark place for 2 weeks. If the root was simply crushed, then filter it through cheesecloth. If the maral root was in powder form, then you can drink the tincture just like that - there will be absolutely no harm. Medicinal properties This will only make the maral root stronger.

Taking the tincture

Considering that the root was infused with alcohol, you don’t need to drink a lot of the tincture. In addition, if an overdose occurs, you can get an effect directly proportional to the expected one: dizziness, confusion and fatigue. You need to drink the infusion 1 teaspoon 3 times a day. 1 liter of tincture is enough for about 2 months. After this, you should take a short break of at least 2 weeks and you can start the course again. It turns out that after the tincture runs out, you should make another portion and you can drink the tincture again.

Useful properties of Leuzea

Leuzea safflower has a number of useful properties:

  1. Increases male libido;
  2. Prevents diseases such as: asthenia, anemia, vegetative-vascular and gynecological disorders;
  3. Increases the amount of energy;
  4. Improves brain function;
  5. Reduces the level of fatigue;
  6. Improves sleep. that is, those who take the tincture for a short time note that they begin to sleep not for 8, but for 4 hours. At the same time, people get better sleep than usual.

As you can see, there are really many useful properties. No wonder maral root is compared to ginseng and aloe. As for harmful properties, then everything is very simple: if you overdo it, you can get the opposite effect to the expected one. But this is extremely difficult to do - the root is natural product and you need to drink about 20 ml of tincture at a time to experience all the “delights” of an overdose.

Leuzea contraindications are as follows:

  • Lactation;
  • Age less than 12 years;
  • Epilepsy;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Arrhythmia;
  • Chronic diseases or pathologies of the kidneys and liver;
  • Arterial hypertension;
  • Presence of infectious diseases;
  • Excessive nervousness;
  • Personal intolerance chemical compounds, included in the root;
  • Alcoholism (for alcohol-based tinctures).

Leuzea in sports

Athletes of various categories take Leuzea extract. Due to its ability to enhance endurance, the extract is highly valued by those who want to achieve results in sports. But maral root is most famous in bodybuilding. Many jocks use extract or tincture of maral root and praise it in every possible way. They are completely confident that they owe half of their success to this miracle cure. In fact, Leuzea extract is a natural dope. A boost of energy and additional testosterone production makes training much more effective.

Today, Leuzea is the most popular in bodybuilding. But still in Soviet times it was a mandatory food supplement for all athletes. This fact slightly reveals the secrets of the success of our athletes 30-40 years ago.

Attention, TODAY only!

Before you grab synthetic drugs to combat impotence, you should pay attention to natural remedies. Some men use Leuzea for potency. The product is useful and budget-friendly, which is important in modern conditions.

Composition and beneficial properties of Leuzea for men

Leuzea safflower or maral root is a unique plant of its kind, and also quite rare. Halo of growth - Altai, Sayan Mountains, mountains of Kazakhstan. The plant reaches up to a meter in length and loves thickets.

The second name (maral root) was given to it by local residents. They noticed that marals (young mountain deer) autumn time Quite often they dig them up and feast on them.

This behavior of hardy animals interested people, research was carried out and an absolutely unique chemical composition Leuzea, which literally became “the root of life and active longevity”:

  1. Inulin is a well-known substance used to treat diabetes mellitus. Reduces blood glucose levels, improves the absorption of minerals, improves immunity, and improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. Carotene promotes excretion free radical, strengthens protective forces body.
  3. Alkaloids normalize blood pressure, stabilize the nervous system, and have a mild analgesic effect.
  4. Ascorbic acid acts as powerful antioxidant, improves the condition of blood vessels, stimulates the production of hormones by the adrenal cortex.
  5. Gum normalizes cholesterol levels and removes toxins.
  6. Resins work as immunomodulators.
  7. Essential oils and tannins work well with inflammatory processes in the respiratory system.
  8. Phytoecdysones – steriodic compounds plant origin. I stimulate the production of testosterone, which also affects the quality of sperm.
  9. Flavonoids – promote tissue regeneration, production of own collagen and elastin; slow down aging.
  10. Vitamin E helps improve fertility.
  11. Coumarins reduce blood clotting and prevent the formation of blood clots.
  12. Anthraquinones and catechins reduce cellular respiration, due to which blood is more evenly distributed throughout the body.
  13. Organic acids. Their importance is difficult to overestimate. Helps restore the body as a whole by slowing down oxidative reactions.
  14. Protein strengthens the immune system and helps build muscle mass.
  15. Macroelements: iron (blood formation, hormones thyroid gland), manganese ( lipid metabolism, work of the central nervous system).
  16. Microelements: magnesium, zinc, copper, chromium, cobalt.
  17. Steroid compounds help increase the production of hormones, in particular testosterone, and improve male strength and endurance.
  18. Saponins enhance the effect of male estrogens.
  19. Lipid compounds (vitamins, fatty acid) improve the synthesis of a number of hormones that ensure normal functioning of the central nervous system.

Preparations based on so many useful root plants can be recommended to everyone without exception. But it is a fact that the benefits of Leuzea for men are undeniable!

Mechanism of action on the male body

Leuzea for men has been used since ancient times. Altai healers also brewed potions from this root. They were drunk to increase physical endurance. It was soon noted that men who regularly took a tonic drink from maral root remained sexually active until old age.

The influence of Leuzea on potencypasses unnoticed, as if indirectly, but at the same time comprehensively and effectively:

  • testosterone production increases, which has beneficial influence on genital area men;
  • immunity is strengthened;
  • the functioning of the endocrine glands is regulated;
  • the circulatory system and vascular condition improves;
  • the risk of blood clots is reduced, which is especially important for smokers;
  • metabolic processes improve;
  • the functioning of the nervous system is normalized.

Listed beneficial features Leuzea for men in general and allows the herb described to influence potency in the positive spectrum (some do this indirectly, others directly).

Safflower Leuzea for potency

The male body is designed in such a way that if there is no harmony between all systems, “program malfunctions” will begin. Even a minor ailment can throw a man off balance.

Safflower leuzea will bring all systems into line and, most importantly, will increase male self-esteem through new sexual exploits. The plant can be prepared in different ways.


Pharmacy tincture of Leuzea for men consists of all those components that are present in the root itself. Can be used by both men and women.

The drug can increase performance and physical endurance, open hidden reserves human body. The action is as follows:

  • elimination of feeling;
  • rapid recovery of strength after physical or mental stress;
  • skin regeneration, restoration of cartilage and bone tissue;
  • normalization of blood circulation processes;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • improved mood;
  • increasing cognitive abilities.

Leuzea tincture for potency is taken a tablespoon twice a day, but the second time - at least 2 hours before bedtime (since the product has a strong tonic effect). The standard course of therapy is 3 weeks (can be continued up to three months -). You should not expect immediate results; the effect is cumulative.


An extract from the roots of the plant has positive impact for the whole body. The liquid has the following properties:

  • tonic. Increases vitality and increases performance;
  • adaptogenic. Helps level out Negative influence external environment;
  • vasodilator. Helps improve blood circulation, including in the pelvic organs, which leads to greater blood flow to the genitals;
  • nootropic. Has a mild calming and anti-stress effect;
  • anabolic. Recommended for athletes who want to increase muscle mass without synthetic products;
  • . and actively fights some of the causes of erectile dysfunction.

Leuzea extract for potency should be taken 20-30 drops three times a day for three weeks. As in the first case, after agreement with the doctor, you can extend the treatment for another couple of months (if this is advisable).


Leuzea in potency tablets acts in the same way as a liquid extract or alcohol tincture. It's all about dosages.

The tablet does not have that concentration active substance, which is present in others pharmacological forms. The dosage should be calculated based on the person’s weight. The best person to do this is a doctor.

The standard instructions for the tablet form of Levzeya P say that you need to drink 2-3 tablets 3 times a day for a month. But, according to reviews, this dosage is small. As a rule, everyone chooses for themselves experimentally.

Does Leuzea increase testosterone?

Yes – Leuzea increases testosterone. The presence of phytohormones and other active ingredients contained in the root guarantee stimulation of the production of essential male androgen, due to which it is achieved to a greater extent.

To increase testosterone, Leuzea is taken according to the regimen recommended by a specialist. It may differ slightly from the previous ones. Reception in order to normalize the level of the sex hormone should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor (this is important).