Liver cirrhosis folk remedies. The power of medicinal herbs. Volodushka and galangal for cirrhosis

One of the most dangerous diseases in the digestive system is cirrhosis of the liver. The disease affects the organ, destroying it at the cellular level.

Healthy liver tissue is converted into connective tissue; this process is irreversible. This disease must be treated immediately.

For this purpose it is used traditional therapy with the use of medications, diet. Not last place Traditional therapy is used in treatment.

It is based on natural ingredients, does not harm the body. How is liver cirrhosis treated? folk remedies, the most effective medications and how to use them - more about this.


The liver is a natural filter of the human body. It is designed to produce bile, remove waste products, toxins and other harmful substances from the body.

Since the organ itself does not nerve endings, the development of liver cirrhosis is asymptomatic.

The first signs of the disease appear when the organ increases in size. An enlarged liver puts pressure on neighboring organs and the walls of the diaphragm.

The patient feels the first painful sensations. What other signs accompany the disease:

  • Appearance unpleasant odor from oral cavity, bitter taste in the mouth;
  • Heartburn appears;
  • Urine becomes dark feces become discolored;
  • Feeling of nausea, especially after eating;
  • Sharp loss of appetite, refusal to eat;
  • Chronic fatigue;
  • Malaise, weakness;
  • Bloating, flatulence;
  • Irritation and rash on the skin;
  • The skin and sclera of the eyes turn yellow;
  • Digestive disorder;
  • Stool disorders.

Each of these signs may indicate any disease. digestive system Therefore, it is very important to undergo routine examination in a timely manner.


The most common causes of pathology are:

  • Regular abuse of alcoholic beverages;
  • Disorders of the pancreas and gallbladder;
  • Regular use medicines, other toxic substances;
  • Various forms of hepatitis and other viral diseases;
  • Poor nutrition. This includes strict diets or overeating;
  • Heredity, genetic characteristics of the body;
  • Metabolic disorder.

Any cause of the disease must be eliminated. It is imperative to cure the cause that provoked cirrhosis, and at the same time carry out courses of therapy against the disease itself.

Treatment with traditional medicines

The consequences of destruction during cirrhosis of the liver can be irreversible, even fatal.

But when the right approach to therapy of this disease many patients live to a ripe old age without experiencing serious discomfort.

A prerequisite for treating the disease is constant reception medications, compliance correct mode nutrition.

For complex treatment folk therapy is used, which will have a healing effect on the affected organ, relieve unpleasant symptoms, and improve the patient’s well-being.

Folk remedies not only promote the regeneration and restoration of the organ, but also enhance the effect medical supplies.


The value of oats is positive influence not only on the liver itself, but also on all organs of the digestive system.

It actively relieves inflammation, envelops, takes part in metabolic processes in the cells of the organ, removes toxins and other harmful substances from it.

Additionally, oats can remove excess liquid from the body, preventing the development of swelling and the development of ascites, which is dropsy in abdominal cavity.

Oats are ground in a coffee grinder to a powdery state. Select 1 tbsp. l. the resulting mixture, pour boiling water over it and leave overnight.

Take 250 ml twice a day before meals. To enhance the healing effect, natural bee honey and lemon zest are added to the infusion.

Both medicinal ingredients of herbal origin effectively remove waste and toxins.


The tasty and nutritious liquid called milk has a beneficial effect on the liver.

It slows down the deposition of lipids and contains phospholipids, which are so important for the restoration of tissues of the affected organ.

The construction material participates in restoration and regenerative functions, improves the functioning of the organ, and protects against harmful influences.

Milk is mixed with flour in equal proportions. After complete dissolution to a homogeneous state, take the drug 50 ml 2 times a day.

Enhance medicinal effect will allow the use of breast milk.

You can mix milk with beer, where you take 1 part of the first ingredient, and 2 parts of the second. Accept healing agent three times a day before meals.


The beekeeping product is known for its versatility. It is not only beneficial for the body’s immune system, but also perfectly restores the damaged liver.

The effect of this medicine is enhanced if used oil base. But people who are prone to allergic reactions should be careful with this ingredient, since propolis can cause allergies.

A natural alcohol-based tincture is prepared. The finished medicine is taken on an empty stomach, in small portions.

For these purposes, grind 20 g of the main ingredient, put it in a glass jar and pour 100 g of vodka or alcohol.

Close the lid tightly and leave to infuse in a dark place for 24 hours. Before use, carefully filter the medicine and consume up to 50 drops per day. The dosage should be prescribed exclusively by the attending physician.

Patients with gastritis or ulcerative lesions of the digestive system are contraindicated to take the tincture.

The result may be damage to the mucous membranes and the development of an inflammatory process.


Thanks to corn, bile, which contains a large amount of toxins and other harmful substances, is more actively excreted.

Folk medicine provides protective functions healthy cells of the affected organ, restores the functioning and function of the liver.

The recipe calls for corn silk. The cob fibers are crushed. You will need 1 glass of this ingredient, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water over it.

The remedy is infused overnight, taken before meals three times a day.

Vegetable juices

Vegetable juices are wonderful and very effective medicine with cirrhosis of the liver. Thanks to their beneficial properties, all congestion in the organ is eliminated.

Everyone is docked inflammatory processes by using vitamin complex and numerous minerals.

They provide protective function organ, strengthen and restore the entire body. To relieve tone in the bile ducts, it is recommended to drink freshly prepared juices daily.

To avoid other digestive system disorders, it is recommended to dilute freshly squeezed juices with purified still water in equal proportions.

Some useful recipes:

  • 100 ml potato juice, prepared just before use, should be drunk on an empty stomach. During the day you can drink up to 250 ml of potato juice.
  • The same amount of carrot juice is taken three times a day. Allowed to add 50 ml beet juice to improve the effect. Juices should be drunk immediately after preparation so that all the beneficial elements and vitamins do not disappear.
  • Every other day you can take juice from sauerkraut in the amount of 150 ml per day. This medicine can irritate the delicate mucous membrane of the digestive organs, therefore, with gastritis or ulcerative lesions, such treatment should be abandoned.


Root medicinal plant perfectly restores damaged areas of the epithelium, promotes partial tissue regeneration, and slows down the formation of fibrous tissue.

Thanks to its composition of many vitamins and other useful elements, has a positive effect on the immune system and strengthens the entire body.

There are 2 recipes for preparing the medicine:

  • For oral administration, an alcoholic infusion based on horseradish is prepared. A few horseradish leaves are poured with 500 ml of vodka or alcohol. Place the mixture in the refrigerator. They insist for 3 days. Take up to 50 drops before meals.
  • To provide medicinal effect Without taking the drug internally, you can limit yourself to external use. A horseradish leaf is applied to the liver area and secured overnight.


Thanks to the pectin contained in pumpkin pulp, cholesterol and all poisonous, toxic and other harmful substances are actively removed from the liver.

Pumpkin actively restores damaged membranes of healthy cells, and the functions of the affected organ are gradually restored.

It not only provides gentle cleansing, but also fills the body with all useful substances, vitamins, mineral complex.

Effectively strengthened the immune system, which has a positive effect on the regeneration process of the affected organ.

An equally important ingredient is pumpkin seeds. They are washed and dried well. The seeds are then mixed with olive oil in equal proportions.

The workpiece is sent to water bath for 2 hours. After cooling, it is sent to the refrigerator where the medicine will be stored. Take 1 tsp. three times a day.

Natural bee honey

Useful and natural product beekeeping has a beneficial effect on the affected organ and the entire body as a whole.

With the help of honey, you can effectively restore the liver after suffering serious illnesses.

These include hepatitis, cholecystitis, and cirrhosis. Actively used for preventive purposes.

Medicines based on honey

Before use of this product You should consult your doctor. When identifying diabetes mellitus or allergic reactions, this ingredient is strictly prohibited.

If none are found, you can use the following recipes:

  • A composition is prepared from nettle leaves, hawthorn berries, motherwort herb, knotweed and mint. All ingredients are thoroughly crushed and mixed. Take 1 tsp. composition, pour 1 cup of boiling water, leave for 25 minutes, add honey. The drug is taken on an empty stomach in the amount of 1 glass.
  • Prepare freshly squeezed cabbage juice, add 1 tbsp. l. honey, consumed 1 hour before meals twice a day.
  • A tablespoon of crushed dry sage is poured into 1 cup of boiling water, left for 25 minutes, and bee honey is added in the amount of sage. Take the medicine on an empty stomach.
  • 100 g of oats are washed and dried. Place 3 liters of jars on the bottom, pour in 2.5 liters of boiling water, 150 ml of honey, close with a tight lid, and leave to infuse in a dark place for 24 hours. Take 1 glass twice a day for 30 days. Store in the refrigerator.
  • 2 tsp. Solyanka herbs are poured with boiling water in an amount of 200 ml, sent to low heat, and boiled. Remove from heat, leave for 60 minutes, filter thoroughly, add a spoonful of honey, take 100 ml 3 times a day before meals.
  • I combine 200 g of black currant berries with honey in equal proportions. Take the medicine for 2 months before meals, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of healthy and tasty medicine.
  • 200 g low-fat cottage cheese mixed with 1 tbsp. l. honey Add 1 tbsp to the mixture. l. royal jelly. Eat the product 3 times a day. The medicine will relieve inflammation and help restore damaged areas of the liver.

It is better to choose honey for medicines from herbs, apples, rose hips, clover, and rowan.

Medicinal herbs

Herbal infusions are necessarily included in curative therapy with cirrhosis of the liver. They actively relieve inflammation, restore damaged cells and structures, and have a cleansing effect.

Herbs perform well as hepatoprotectors. Each ingredient is effective in its own way, they can be combined and combined with each other.

The initial stage of liver cirrhosis can be effectively treated using the following recipes:

  • Decoctions are prepared from yarrow, celandine, St. John's wort, sage, and wormwood. The products have strengthening effects and effectively cleanse the blood.
  • Healing infusions of rose hips ensure normalization of bile outflow.
  • A decoction of chamomile and calendula. They perfectly relieve inflammation and relieve irritation.

Herbal data medicinal tinctures and decoctions can be taken throughout the day instead of tea. But you shouldn't get carried away with them, because medicines have their own recommended dosage (1-2 glasses per day).

All traditional medicines are very useful and effective. They do not have side effects, directly affect the source of inflammation.

Before starting to use any folk recipe, be sure to consult a doctor and obtain his permission.

The course of treatment and dosage should be prescribed only by the attending physician. Self-treatment prohibited.

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Constantly present over time, increasing disease with signs of varying degrees of severity functional failure and with the availability portal hypertension, and also characterized by destruction and severe fibrous deformation of the organ, nodular recovering hyperplasia of liver cells with the formation of false lobules is called cirrhosis of the liver.

On the picture normal liver(1) and with cirrhosis (2)

Liver cirrhosis is a chronic disease that results in the formation of multiple scars in the liver. As a result of this scarring, the functions of the organ are disrupted, its appearance and structure. In cirrhosis, along with the replacement of slowly deteriorating liver cells with scar tissue, their regeneration also occurs. However, new cells are captured by scar tissue and therefore cannot carry out their functions. Deformation, wrinkling and hardening of the liver are usually observed. Such structural changes interfere with the normal blood supply to the liver. Impaired blood flow in the liver leads to stagnation in the intestinal vessels throughout its entire length. The two main causes of liver cirrhosis are alcoholism and chronic hepatitis.

Causes of liver cirrhosis

transferred infectious diseases, especially viral hepatitis; intoxication (including alcoholism), etc.

Symptoms of liver cirrhosis.

Symptoms of the disease are detected only after extensive damage to the liver tissue. The following disorders are noted: fever, fatigue and weakness, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, exhaustion, weight loss, abdominal pain (sometimes concentrated in the upper part of the right half of the abdomen) and jaundice. Other symptoms of the disease include anemia, bruising even with minor injuries, low blood sugar, fluid accumulation in the abdomen and other parts of the body, and gastrointestinal bleeding. In case of severe liver dysfunction and liver failure sudden severe mental disorders, coma and death.

Traditional methods of treating liver cirrhosis.

Patients suffering from liver cirrhosis cannot be cured. However, the process of liver destruction can be slowed down and even stopped.

Complex therapeutic measures includes:

  • eliminating the cause of the disease, if possible;
  • providing adequate nutrition and rest;
  • exclusion from the diet of alcohol and other substances harmful to the liver.

Home remedies for liver cirrhosis

    Drink 0.5 cups carrot juice 3-4 times a day before meals for liver cirrhosis.

    Take 1 kg bee honey, 200 ml olive oil, peeled cloves 3 heads of garlic, 4 medium-sized lemons. Remove the seeds from the lemons and cut off the peel from 2 lemons. Pass the lemons and garlic through a meat grinder, transfer to an enamel pan, mix with honey and butter and stir with a wooden spoon. Transfer the mixture into a two-liter jar and store in the bottom compartment of the refrigerator. Stir with a wooden spoon before use. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day 30-40 minutes before meals. Carry out 3-4 courses of treatment throughout the year.

    For pain, warm poultices of boiled and mashed hot potatoes should be applied to the right hypochondrium, in place of the liver.

    Drink 0.5 cups of potato juice on an empty stomach for liver cirrhosis.

Herbs and herbs for the treatment of liver cirrhosis

    Mix equal parts of chicory root, horsetail herb, yarrow herb and St. John's wort herb. Brew 1 tablespoon of the mixture with 1 glass of boiling water, leave for 4 hours and strain. Drink 2-3 times a day for liver cirrhosis.

    Mix 2 parts each of rose hips and wheatgrass rhizomes and 1 part nettle leaf. Brew 1 tablespoon of the mixture with 1 glass of boiling water, leave for 2 hours, strain. Drink 2-3 times a day for liver cirrhosis.

    Take equal amounts of St. John's wort herb, yarrow herb, knotweed herb, string herb, sage leaf, tansy flowers, chamomile flowers, rose hips, burdock root, elecampane root. Leave 1 tablespoon of the mixture in 1 cup of boiling water for 30 minutes. Take 0.5 cups 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals for liver cirrhosis.

    IN mother's milk stir white flour, take a tablespoon in the morning and evening before meals.

    Buckthorn bark, caraway fruits, curly thistle herb, St. John's wort herb, yarrow herb - all types, 10 g each. Prepare an infusion of one tablespoon of the mixture per glass of boiling water, drink it in 2 - 3 doses per day.

    Chicory bark, horsetail herb, yarrow herb, St. John's wort herb - all types, 20 g each. Prepare and take as No. 2. Drink for cirrhosis of the liver.

    Rose hips, wheatgrass rhizome - 40 g each, stinging nettle leaves - 20 g. Prepare an infusion of one tablespoon of the mixture per glass of boiling water, drink 2-3 times a day. If it is not possible to collect all the plants, you can use one or two of them.

    Sauerkraut juice helps with liver cirrhosis white cabbage, cooked in the usual way, just without salt. (Take 1 glass, alternating with beet juice).

    5 - 6 crushed horseradish leaves along with the root are infused in one bottle of vodka for a week, and then taken 1 tablespoon 3 times a day before meals.

    Take 0.35 g of “mummy” in the morning on an empty stomach, 0.2 g in the evening. Drink for 10 days, break for 5 days, repeat up to 10 courses.

    Potentilla herb (1 tablespoon), celandine herb (1 tablespoon), peppermint leaves (1 tablespoon) per glass of water. Take the infusion 1/2 cup per day.

    Immortelle (1 tablespoon per 1 glass of water). Take 30 minutes before meals according to the following scheme: 1st day - 1/3 cup, 2nd - 1/3 cup 2 times, 3rd - 1/3 cup 3 times, 4th - 1 /2 cups 3 times, 5th – 1/2 cup 3 times and 6th day – 1/2 cup 1 time.

    St. John's wort herb (2 tablespoons), dandelion root (2 tablespoons), sandy immortelle flowers (1 tablespoon), trifoliate leaves (1 tablespoon) per 0.5 liters of water. Take 1 glass in the morning and evening.

    2 tablespoons each of oregano herb, St. John's wort and immortelle flowers and 1 tablespoon each of yarrow herb, lemon balm, mint leaves and fireweed (fireweed), hop cones and tansy flowers.

    Bulgarian folk medicine advises using fried corn on the cob when treating the liver. /7guru/

    Take 20 g of barberry leaves for a glass of rakia (vodka). Leave for 2 weeks, squeeze, filter. Take 25–30 drops 3 times a day for 2–3 weeks. Store in a cool, dark place in a dark bottle.

    St. John's wort oil: 20 g of flowers (fresh) are poured into 200 ml of olive oil and infused for 40 days. Take 1 - 2 teaspoons 30 minutes before meals 2 - 3 times a day.

    Eating one type of food immediately after another is considered very harmful to the liver. Drinking is harmful cold water on an empty stomach and in one gulp, as well as after a bath.

    On the contrary, all those substances that contain bitterness are beneficial for the liver, as well as various aromatic substances, for example, Chinese cinnamon, aromatic rush inflorescences, saffron, raisins, dandelion, garden chicory. Dried chicory and dandelion with honey are very helpful for liver cirrhosis.

    For cirrhosis of the liver, Bulgarian healers recommend drinking barley water with chicory. In general, chicory can be added to all medications for this disorder. Sometimes boiled chicory is eaten with fresh coriander or simply with vinegar.

    Excellent healing properties has in in this case also barberry, which Vanga recommended mixing in equal quantities with celery.

    19- Take 30 g of squeezed chicory juice, squeezed bladder cherry juice and squeezed nightshade juice, 75 g of squeezed fresh coriander juice and squeezed fennel juice. Add 1.5 g of saffron to this mixture and give it to the patient to drink.

    A good effect is achieved by squeezing the juice of baked pumpkin with pomegranate juice and whey. cow's milk, juice of apple, pear, purslane and squeezed juice of fresh rose.

    Cheese whey, which you drink every day with celery, helps.

    Sometimes relief is brought to the patient by a medicinal bandage, which is prepared from purslane, previously crushed with rose oil. You can also make dressings with the squeezed juice of cold vegetables, for example pumpkin juice, to which barley, lentils and rose oil are added.

    From food, in addition to the above-mentioned substances, the patient is recommended boiled beets, hawthorn fruits, quince, pears, sweet and sour pomegranates, mulberries, rhubarb, not too sweet melon, not sweet watermelon, sweet and sour grapes, snail meat, spinach. Boiled small fish with vinegar, goat meat, and the stomachs of water birds are useful. You should avoid anything fried or fatty.

    Take quince, barley flour, wax, veal bone marrow, rose oil, wormwood, cloves. Use this composition in the form of a patch.

    Sometimes sweet and sour foods that have astringent properties, such as pomegranate seeds.

    Take three parts of washed resin, rhubarb root, five parts of squeezed sapwood juice, fennel seeds, quinoa seeds, six parts of wormwood, ten parts of chicory seeds, eight parts of dodder seeds and four parts of celery seeds. Prepare a powder from these substances, which is given to the patient in several doses.

    Take approximately 75 g of raisins, 4 g of saffron, 8 g of sweet cane, 4 g of Chinese cinnamon, 65 g of honey and a sufficient amount of wine.

    For any pain in the liver, rhubarb cakes in various recipes, laxative porridge from rue, porridge from wild caraway help well.

    Medicine prepared from 60 g of squeezed juice of fresh pine leaves or a decoction of pine with rhubarb also benefits the patient.

    In addition, we can recommend a medicine prepared from nightshade juice, barley water, great plantain juice, bladder cherry juice, fresh coriander juice, pumpkin, dodder juice. You can add wormwood to all these juices.

    The following medicine will be useful in this case: take 30 g of barberry pulp, 15 g of rose, 9 g of pumpkin seed core, purslane seeds or chicory seeds, 3 g of fennel seeds. Mix all this and give the patient approximately 8 g.

    At the onset of liver cirrhosis, you can use squeezed beet leaf juice with honey and salt or red sugar for enemas.

    The best medicinal dressing is one made from quince, which has been boiled with vinegar and then a little rose oil has been added. Quince, which was boiled with fragrant wine, and then wormwood and barley oatmeal have a similar effect. Besides, good effect gives quince with bitter wormwood.

Folk remedies for the treatment of liver cirrhosis:

    Prepare a mixture of 10 stinging nettle worms, 20 g of rose hips and 20 g of wheatgrass rhizomes. Mix a tablespoon of the crushed mixture with a glass of water and cook for 10-15 minutes, then let the broth brew for 10 minutes and strain. Drink 1 glass 2 times a day until complete healing.

    Recipe from healer Lyudmila Kim. The proposed treatment regimen for liver cirrhosis usually gives good results. 1st month – infusion of celandine herb (2:200) 1-2 tablespoons 3 times a day 40 minutes before meals; 2nd month, in courses of 10 days, take a decoction of elecampane rhizomes (20 g per 0.5 liters of water) 0.5 cups 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals; 3rd month - infusion of celandine herb with infusion of dandelion root (as in the 1st month).

    Mix buckthorn bark, caraway fruits, thistle herb, St. John's wort herb, and yarrow herb equally. Pour a tablespoon of the mixture into 1 cup of boiling water, leave and strain. Drink a day in 2-3 doses.

    Combine chicory bark, horsetail herb, yarrow herb and St. John's wort equally. Pour a tablespoon of the mixture into a glass of boiling water, leave, strain. Drink 2-3 times a day.

    Pour 5-6 crushed horseradish leaves along with the root into 0.5 liters of vodka and leave for a week. Take 1 tablespoon of tincture 3 times a day before meals.

    St. John's wort herb, tansy flowers, yarrow herb, chamomile flowers, burdock roots, rose hips, medicinal sage herb, elecampane root, knotweed herb and a whole series of three-ra, take equal parts. Pour a tablespoon of the mixture into a glass of boiling water, insist or boil. Take 1/3-1/2 cup 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

Liver cirrhosis is a severe, chronic lesion of liver cells with the replacement of healthy tissue with fibronodular tissue, which in turn completely changes the structure and appearance of the organ. The liver can increase in size, shrink, have a loose or, on the contrary, dense structure, it all depends on the degree of invasion. All this disrupts the performance of not only the liver itself, but also other organs, because their work is in human body connected to each other. Improper blood circulation leads to an increase in the blood vessels of the intestines and esophagus, which can lead to the development of bleeding.

Causes of the disease

The most common cause of the disease is alcohol consumption long time. If alcoholism is accompanied by one of hepatitis A, B, C, then the likelihood of cirrhosis increases several times. Hepatitis occurring independently in the body can also cause cirrhosis. Heart failure causes venous stasis in the liver, which can affect liver cell damage. Under prolonged exposure to strong medications, chemicals and toxic substances on the body, this terrible disease can also develop.

Symptoms of cirrhosis

Unfortunately, the first stages of the development of cirrhosis do not have pronounced signs. The disease can be asymptomatic for a long time in the patient’s body. This stage is called compensation, when liver cells can still regenerate and perform their functions. During the transition to the subcompensation stage, the first symptoms of the disease appear in the form of weakness, apathy, fatigue and poor performance of the body, sudden changes in mood. Deterioration of appetite may be accompanied by nausea and vomiting, and sleep patterns are disrupted.

Discomfort, dull It's a dull pain in the liver area (in the right hypochondrium). “Liver signs” appear in a large number spider veins. Next and last stage decompensation is life-threatening and requires urgent treatment. At this stage, the symptoms definitely indicate cirrhosis. Jaundice appears skin and sclera of the eyes, ascitic fluid accumulates in the abdominal cavity, due to which the abdomen significantly increases in size. Bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract begins.

Herbs and herbs for the treatment of cirrhosis

Cirrhosis is not death sentence. At proper treatment and refusal alcoholic drinks improvement occurs, and in the first stages full recovery. The best results of treatment for cirrhosis are shown by combining medications with traditional medicine, where various herbs are used. Even doctors themselves recommend changing various herbal infusions.

Many herbs have anti-inflammatory, diuretic, hemostatic, choleretic, sedative, astringent properties, so necessary for liver cirrhosis. In addition, there are herbs that have an immunomodulatory effect, helping to fight immune inflammation that occurs with cirrhosis of the liver. Such herbs include: celandine, elecampane, sage, watch, angelica, milk thistle. These herbs must be included in herbal teas. Another effective herb for cirrhosis is galangal (cinquefoil erecta).

Kalgan differs from other types of cinquefoil by the presence of only 4 petals per flower. Kalgan has antiemetic properties.

Effective recipes using herbs:

  • Application of galangal. Pour crushed galangal root (30 g) with vodka (500 ml), keep in the dark for 21 days, shaking occasionally. After straining, use 30 before meals, at least 3 times a day.
  • Common chicory. Take 0.5 tsp of freshly squeezed plant juice. before meals 3 times throughout the day. 1-2 tbsp. l. roots are poured with boiling water (500 ml), after which they are allowed to brew for 2 hours. Drink 0.5 cups three times a day before eating.
  • Milk thistle. Half a teaspoon of milk thistle powder is washed down with water 4-5 times during the day. A course of 1 month, then a break of 14 days and take again. Drink for a long time.
  • Tatarnik Spiny. Two sheets of tartar are combined with 1 tbsp. l. eucalyptus leaves, brew in 1 liter of boiling water, let brew for 60 minutes. drink in portions throughout the day.
  • Recipes with horseradish:
  1. 1 tsp. Brew dried horseradish flowers in a glass of milk, drink twice a day for months.
  2. Grind 3 branches of a plant with flowers and leaves 30 cm long, pour 0.5 liters of vodka and let it brew in a dark, warm place. Use after straining 1 tbsp. l. on an empty stomach in the morning, course 7-14 days.
  3. 5 good leaves dried in the shade, pour 500 ml of vodka and leave for 5 days in the dark. After straining, drink 1 tbsp half an hour before meals three times a day. l. course 1 month.
  • Moss club-shaped. Brew 1 tsp. dried herb in 200 ml of boiling water, let it brew for a quarter of an hour. It is recommended to drink 2 tbsp. l. during the day.
  • The herb navel helps well with cirrhosis, hepatitis, chronic pancreatitis, cholelithiasis, cholecystitis. For the decoction, use the flowers or stems of the plant, chop them and pour 2 tsp. raw materials with one glass of boiling water, filter after 4 hours of infusion, drink 3-4 times a day, 1 tbsp. l.

Recipes using herbal infusions:

  1. Herbal collection. Take 3 tbsp. l. chicory, bedstraw, burdock, dandelion, 2 tbsp. l. calendula, stinging nettle, tripartite string and 1 tbsp. l. celandine. Mix all the herbs and pour 1 tbsp. l. herbs with topping 1 cup of boiling water, leave overnight in a thermos. After straining, drink warm before meals 30 minutes 3 times a day, 1/3 cup. It is advisable to chew 10 grains of milk thistle before drinking the infusion and drink the decoction. Use in a course of one month, then take a 14-day break and take again.
  2. Herbal mixture for cirrhosis. Mix crushed dry herbs: motherwort, burdock, milkweed, chamomile, celandine, mint, Gmelin's wormwood, nettle, celandine, rosehip, calendula, hay, lespedeza, agrimony, dill, hill solyanka, 1 tbsp. l. Brew the collection in 250 ml of boiling water in a thermos, leave overnight. Use the strained infusion 30 minutes before meals 3 times a day, 1/3 cup. The prepared broth can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than three days. Take for a month with a break of 7 days.
  3. Take in equal quantities herbs yarrow, St. John's wort, string, knotweed, rose hips, chamomile flowers, tansy, sage leaf, burdock roots and elecampane roots. A tablespoon of herbal collection is poured into glasses of boiling water and left for half an hour. Drink 100 ml 20 minutes before meals three times a day.
  4. Brew 1 tbsp in one glass of boiling water. l. peppermint, celandine and cinquefoil, drink 100 ml per day.
  5. Combine equal proportions of chicory root, St. John's wort foliage, horsetail and yarrow 1 tbsp. l. pour 250 ml of boiling water into the mixture, strain after 4 hours of infusion. Drink several times during the day.
  6. Brew 2 tbsp. l. St. John's wort herb, dandelion root and 1 tbsp. l. immortelle flowers and leaves of the trifoliate in 500 ml of water. Drink 1 glass twice a day.
  7. Take 10 grams of buckthorn bark, yarrow herb and St. John's wort, curly thistle, caraway fruit, pour 200 ml of boiling water over a mixture of all herbs. Drink 2-3 times throughout the day.

Cirrhosis can be treated if all doctor's instructions are followed. Regular intake of herbs will prevent the disease from occurring again.

We recommend:

Liver cirrhosis is a chronic progressive disease that manifests itself as dystrophy, necrosis of the liver parenchyma, as well as diffuse proliferation connective tissue. This may lead to gradual problems various functions liver, even antitoxic.

Treatment of liver cirrhosis with folk remedies - recipes and medicinal herbs subject only to mild form diseases and constant monitoring and monitoring of the condition of the liver and its functionality. Functional status the liver will noticeably improve after consuming creeping wheatgrass rhizomes, rose hips, yarrow herb, root medicinal dandelion, stinging nettle, elecampane root, sandy caraway flowers, licorice root and other medicinal natural preparations.

Traditional recipes and methods for the treatment of cirrhosis

  • Excellent results can be expected after using this folk recipe: an infusion based on celandine, elecampane and dandelion roots. The proportions should be the same. Recipe: Take 1 tablespoon of herbal mixture per glass hot water, boil everything for 5 minutes and leave for half an hour. Then the broth needs to be filtered and used 20 minutes before meals, one third of a glass.
  • An equally effective result can be observed after using celandine juice and dandelion leaves. It is important to take into account that it is better to collect celandine yourself, in May, but if this is not possible, then a purchased one will do. Rinse the herb well and pass it through a meat grinder. At the end, you need to squeeze out the juice and mix it with alcohol in equal parts.
  • It is prepared in a similar way from dandelion leaves. They are also best collected in May. It is recommended to take 20 drops of celandine juice per day, mixing them with milk before meals. It is advisable to take dandelion juice the same number of times a day, one tablespoon at a time. Treatment is carried out in courses, you need to drink the juice of the plant for a month, then abstain for a month, and so on for 3-4 months.
  • Liquids and juices help best with liver cirrhosis - one of the most useful and available funds. They can be made from carrots, burdock, nettle, celery and yarrow. For best result, you can add decoctions and infusions to juices. You can add 1-2 teaspoons of infusion to a glass of juice, or freeze the juice and add ice cubes to the infusion. It is advisable to drink liquids before meals, every day. Treatment should last from 1 to 2 months, with a break of 10 days.
  • Collection with calendula flowers (2 tbsp), chicory grass (3 tbsp), bedstraw grass (3 tbsp), dandelion leaf (3 tbsp), burdock leaf (3 tbsp. ), string grass (2 tbsp), stinging nettle grass (2 tbsp), celandine grass (1 tbsp). Mix all components thoroughly. Then pour a spoonful of the resulting mixture with boiling water in a thermos. Let it brew overnight and strain the next day. It is better to drink warm, before meals. To improve the effect, you can chew milk thistle grains before drinking the infusion. The strongest and effective herb collected - chicory. The course of treatment is a month, then you should stop for two weeks. The course must be completed as long as possible.
  • Navel tincture will greatly alleviate the condition of cirrhosis of the liver. To prepare it, you will need stems or flowers of the navel, which must be chopped and poured with a glass of boiling water. Let it sit for about 4 hours, then strain.
  • Milk thistle powder is recommended to be taken half a teaspoon at least 4 times a day, washed down warm water. Milk thistle herb is harmless and does not cause any side effects. At the same time, it is considered one of the most powerful plants for curing various liver diseases. The course of treatment should last a month, after which take a break of two weeks and resume taking the powder.
  • An infusion based on chamomile, mint, chamomile, wormwood, celandine, calendula, lespedica, nettle, burdock, strawberries, and dill gives good and tangible results. Pour boiling water over 1 tablespoon of the mixture and leave it in a thermos. The infusion should stand for at least one night. As soon as it is ready, it needs to be strained and squeezed. It is advisable to use the product 1/3 cup several times a day before meals. It is better to store the infusion in the refrigerator and warm it up before use. It is advisable to drink for a month at a time with weekly breaks.
  • To treat cirrhosis, it is useful to take sauerkraut juice. It should be prepared according to regular recipe, just without salt. Drinking cabbage juice can be alternated with beet juice every other day.

Folk recipes using horseradish leaves and flowers

  • Horseradish flowers can be brewed in milk and drunk several times a day for a month.
  • It’s good if you have the opportunity to pick horseradish branches with flowers and leaves during flowering, which you can then chop and fill with vodka. The infusion should be left for 2 weeks in a warm place where light does not penetrate. It is recommended to take 1 tablespoon of infusion every morning on an empty stomach. Take for at least a week.
  • For cirrhosis of the liver, horseradish infusion with vodka helps well. Several large horseradish leaves should be poured with vodka and left for 5 days. Then strain, consume a spoonful 3 times a day before eating.

Treatment of cirrhosis with honey and lemon

You will need 1 kg of bee honey, 4 lemons, 3 heads of peeled garlic, 200 ml of olive oil. You need to remove the seeds from the lemons and cut off the peel from two of them. First, garlic, then lemon must be minced and the resulting mixture mixed with honey and butter. It is better to store the resulting product in the refrigerator and mix well before use. You should take a tablespoon before eating every day.

Treatment of cirrhosis with corn

For effective treatment of liver cirrhosis, there is a reliable folk remedy - corn hairs. If you tear off the corn leaves, you will find many hairs underneath them that cover the fruit itself. It is these fibers that need to be brewed and the decoction drunk as tea. You need to drink from 4 to 8 months, then the result will be positive. It is very important to use only fibers from ripe fruits, otherwise the desired effect will not be achieved.

Oats in the treatment of liver cirrhosis

This wonderful decoction will help those suffering not only from liver cirrhosis, but also from stomach diseases. Three tablespoons of oats should be washed in water and poured into a 5 liter container. Add 2 tablespoons of birch buds, lingonberry leaves and 4 liters of water. The liquid should stand for a day in a cool place. Then boil the rose hips in a liter of water and leave for a day.

Later, boil the first infusion over low heat and, stirring, add 2 tablespoons corn silk and 3 tablespoons of knotweed and boil for another 15 minutes. Then let stand for 45 minutes. The infusions need to be strained through cheesecloth or a colander and combined. The result will be 3–3.5 liters of decoction; it should be kept in a container in the refrigerator. Best taken warm before meals. A similar course of treatment for liver cirrhosis should last 10 days for best results.

Dandelion treatment

A healing jam that cures many diseases, including cirrhosis of the liver, is dandelion jam. To prepare you will need 200 dandelion flowers. They need to be cut and filled with a liter of water, adding chopped lemon. Everything needs to be strained after 6 hours, add a kilogram of sugar and cook for a couple of hours over low heat. The jam tastes like honey, but it beneficial features much stronger.

  • Cleaning is contraindicated for cirrhosis, so oat decoction simply needs to be taken once every six months for a month.
  • You need to include honey in your diet. You can eat a teaspoon every day.
  • The most effective herbs are St. John's wort, milk thistle, dandelion, nettle, rose hips, elecampane and various choleretic herbs.
  • Vitamins are a must. Zinc, folic and lipoic acid– no less important drugs, which are worth paying attention to.
  • Meals must be fractional, be sure to eat a lot of vegetables, herbs, beets, carrots.
  • Fried, spicy foods, alcohol, and carbonated drinks should be permanently excluded from the diet and should not be consumed if you have liver disease.

It is very important to prevent the development of cirrhosis and prevent bleeding of the wide veins of the esophagus, encephalopathy, as this can lead to irreversible serious consequences. And remember that it doesn’t always make sense to self-medicate; sometimes it’s better to consult a doctor.

Traditional medicine in combination with traditional methods shows excellent result. But treating liver cirrhosis with folk remedies requires a meticulous approach. Only correct and regular intake medications and procedures will help achieve the desired result. Treatment with folk remedies at home is a rather lengthy process and can take several months. Also, folk remedies can be used as a separate full-fledged therapy.

Traditional therapy improves inflammation of the liver general state sick.

Principles of treatment with folk remedies for liver cirrhosis

In any case, the principles of treatment, schemes, methods and other purposes should be determined only by qualified specialist. Without consulting a doctor, you should not resort to any methods of self-medication with folk remedies at home, even if they seem completely harmless. At the first symptoms of cirrhosis or hepatitis, you should immediately consult a doctor. It is impossible to cure such an illness, but it is possible to stop or at least slow down the course of the disease.

Liver cleansing with oats

Oats have regenerating and anti-inflammatory properties. It is also able to improve metabolic processes. A similar method is often prescribed for hepatitis.

Before you start cleansing the liver with this method, you need to cleanse the intestines using flax seeds or senna grass.

To prepare a cleansing infusion, crushed grains of unpeeled oats are used. A tablespoon of this powder is poured into a liter of boiling water and kept in a thermos for 12 hours. Afterwards, the infusion must be strained. You can add honey and lemon to it. Method of administration: 1 glass twice a day. The duration of the course is no more than 3 months.

If whole oat grains are used, they must be boiled for about half an hour before infusion.

Folk recipes

Honey and lemon

This medicine not only has a lot of useful properties, but is also quite tasty. The recipe is simple and the treatment is effective.

A mixture of honey and lemon has a beneficial effect on a diseased liver and the entire body as a whole.

To a kilo of honey add puree from 4 lemons and a glass of olive oil. The oil must be cold pressed. The finished mixture should be stored in the refrigerator. You need to take it half an hour before meals, a tablespoon three times a day. As a rule, the amount received is divided into two courses with a month's break.

Enhance healing effect can be added to the mixture walnuts or garlic.


In the treatment of cirrhosis and hepatitis of the liver, I use an aqueous or alcoholic infusion of propolis. Take it before meals.

For cooking alcohol tincture you need to pour 20 g of grated propolis into 100 ml medical alcohol. After the propolis has infused for several days, the liquid is separated by filtration through gauze. This tincture can be stored in a dark container for a long time. Take the infusion by diluting it in water. Treatment begins with 10 drops per glass of water. Every next week the dose should be increased by 10 drops. Maximum amount single dose- 50 drops per glass of water.

For getting water infusion 20 g of propolis are poured into 100 ml of water. This mixture is placed in a water bath and kept for half an hour. It is important not to allow the temperature to rise above 80 °C. The filtered and cooled tincture is ready for use.


Milk contains substances that prevent lipid deposition on the liver.

Milk contains amino acids that prevent the deposition of fats in the liver. And the phospholipids contained in it slow down the process of cell destruction, strengthening their membrane. In addition to milk itself, it is necessary to include other dairy products in the diet. This will help relieve the symptoms of the disease.

You need to mix milk and flour (white) one spoon at a time. Take twice a day (morning and evening). Often used for this treatment method breast milk nursing woman.

A mixture of one part milk and two parts beer will help reduce inflammation. This mixture is taken three times a day before meals.

Vegetable juices

They must be consumed immediately after preparation. Prolonged contact with oxygen leads to the oxidation of some chemical elements, which can significantly reduce their beneficial properties.
Potato is taken on an empty stomach once a day. For a single dose, half a glass is enough.

Carrot take 100 ml several times a day before meals. The intake of sauerkraut juice is alternated with beet or carrot juice (every other day).

Dandelion jam

This jam is similar in consistency and taste to honey. To prepare it, you need to pour a kilo of dandelion flowers with a liter of water and add chopped lemon. It is necessary to insist for 6 hours, then filter. Add a kilo of sugar to the resulting infusion and cook for an hour and a half over low heat. After the jam has cooled, it can be used as a treat for tea.


It is important to use natural corn that has been grown without the use of nitrate fertilizers. The fibers (white threads) from ripe corn cobs are brewed like regular tea. Take a glass of this decoction 4 times a day. The course is designed for a period of at least 5 months.

Black radish

Its juice should be drunk immediately after preparation. Do not squeeze it with reserve for following techniques. Take it three times a day, one tablespoon at a time. The duration of such treatment is at least 3 weeks.


An infusion of asparagus is prepared in a thermos by steeping a spoonful of asparagus with a glass of boiling water. You need to insist for about 10 hours, consume half a glass four times a day.

Blue bow

Infusion or syrup from lettuce is useful for the liver during illnesses and prevention.

For treatment, syrup or infusion of blue onions is used. Take one tablespoon of this product several times a day. If the condition is particularly severe, up to daily dose can be increased to 8 spoons.

The syrup is prepared in the oven. To do this, a mixture of sugar with red or blue onions (1:2) is kept in a preheated oven until golden syrup appears.
The infusion is prepared from a mixture of finely chopped onions (red or blue) and sugar (approximately 1:1). Infuse it for 10 days in a place inaccessible to sun rays. Before using the finished tincture, strain it.


Pumpkin can not only help in the treatment of liver cirrhosis, but also significantly enrich the patient’s body with various vitamins.

You need to consume pumpkin at least 200-300 g per day. This can be either raw or prepared in a convenient way.

Infusion from pumpkin seeds prepared as follows: the seeds are dried and crushed, then poured with olive oil (1:1). This mixture is kept for 2 hours in a water bath at a temperature of 60 °C. After this, leave for another week in the refrigerator. The strained infusion is used 3 times a day, a teaspoon.


For external use, prepare a compress. To do this, rub fresh leaf and applied to the liver area, secured with a bandage.

For internal use for cirrhosis, an alcohol infusion is used. To do this, several dry horseradish leaves are poured into 0.5 liters of vodka. Infuse for 5 days, take a tablespoon 3 times a day before meals.

Dried horseradish flowers are brewed in milk (a teaspoon per glass) and drunk twice a day for a month.

Herbal treatment

ethnoscience has many herbal recipes for the treatment and prevention of liver diseases.
  • Grass milk thistle Take half a teaspoon in powder form several times a day, washed down with boiled water, preferably warm.
  • Galangal root is infused in vodka for 3 weeks. You need to drink this tincture 4-5 times a day, diluting it in water (30 drops per glass of water).
  • Milk thistle powder is drunk half a teaspoon 4 times a day.
  • Chicory root is steamed with boiling water (a tablespoon per glass). Drink half a glass, and juice - a teaspoon before meals.
  • Treatment with agrimony. Agrimony is infused in a thermos (1 teaspoon per glass of water). With this infusion, agrimony is washed down with milk thistle seed powder several times a day. It is better to select agrimony grass without woody stems.
  • White willow bark is boiled for about 10 minutes, then infused for 24 hours. The decoction is taken 50 ml three times a day.
  • Dry clubmoss grass is brewed with boiling water. You need to drink a glass twice a day.
  • Drink 2 tablespoons of dandelion juice on an empty stomach daily.

Various herbal remedies help treat liver cirrhosis:

  1. Celandine and peppermint. A tablespoon of each herb per glass is brewed with boiling water. Take half a glass a day.
  2. Mix yarrow, horsetail, St. John's wort and chicory. Pour a glass of boiling water and leave for 4 hours. The infusion is drunk in several doses throughout the day.
  3. Rosehip, wheatgrass root and nettle leaves (2:2:1) are poured with water and left overnight. In the morning you need to boil it and let it brew a little. It is recommended to store the drug in a thermos and drink small portions throughout the day.
  4. Mix 50 g of dandelion root and nettle and peppermint leaves. Pour a couple of tablespoons of the mixture with cold water and leave for 12 hours, boil in the morning, leave for a little and strain. Keep the decoction in a thermos and take 150 ml twice a day.
  5. Mix the herb yarrow, St. John's wort, thistle, buckthorn bark and caraway seeds in equal quantities. One tablespoon of this mixture is brewed with a liter of boiling water. After the herb has infused, filter it. You need to drink it in several doses throughout the day.