Gastritis in dogs - acute, chronic, medications. Gastritis in dogs: symptoms, treatment

Gastritis in dogs is inflammation of the stomach tissue. This disease is caused by many factors: spoiled, cold or hot food; infestation with worms; medicines; some diseases, etc.

How to correctly identify the signs, treat the disease and carry out prevention? Necessary diagnose in time gastritis in dogs: symptoms and treatment will be described in detail later in the article.

A disease in which the stomach lining of dogs becomes inflamed is called gastritis. There are several forms of the disease:

  • caused by Helicobacter bacteria(first infection occurs, then the disease develops into acute and chronic forms);
  • eosinophilic(eosinophils accumulate in the mucosa, producing substances that destroy nearby tissues);
  • atrophic(a chronic form in which the size of the gastric glands decreases, the mucous membrane becomes thinner, and the production of gastric juice);
  • spicy(can be both independent and secondary disease);
  • chronic(occurs without symptoms, but exacerbations occur periodically).

The reasons for the development of the disease may be different.

At atrophic form The gastric mucosa becomes thinner and the function of the gastric glands decreases. Fox terriers and retrievers are predisposed to this form. The reason for this is autoimmune processes.

Chronic form develops due to constant exposure to factors leading to acute gastritis: helminths, medications, long-term feeding with low-quality food (especially dry food Low quality).

Gastritis is often a secondary disease. It develops against the background of other serious diseases of the central nervous system, kidneys, etc.

Important! With inflammation without proper treatment, erosions form on the mucous membrane, which gradually turn into ulcers.

Gastritis in a dog: symptoms and diagnosis

Symptoms of gastritis different types may differ from each other, but still they have something in common - the sick animal suffers from vomiting. It is necessary to correctly interpret other signs of this unpleasant disease, like gastritis in a dog: the symptoms of each form are given below.

Caused by Helicobacter bacteria

Dogs that suffer from this form of the disease experience chronic vomiting. The disease is diagnosed by a veterinarian by performing a mucosal biopsy and gastroscopy. Tissues taken during the procedure are examined under a microscope. The causative agent of the disease is identified when bacteriological research gastric secretions or vomiting.


Animals with this disease suffer from diarrhea and occasional vomiting. Sick dogs lose weight, and sometimes peripheral lymph nodes become enlarged. During diagnosis, other gastrointestinal diseases are excluded and a biopsy of the mucous membrane is performed.


Sick dogs suffer from diarrhea and vomiting is less common. Animals are unable to properly digest raw meat, lose weight, become lethargic, and their appetite becomes perverted (animals eat inedible objects). Sometimes the disease occurs without symptoms.

Another feature of this form is the disease may not manifest itself if the dog eats dry food, but when eaten raw meat the animal develops diarrhea (this occurs due to decreased production of gastric juice).

During diagnosis, a biopsy of the mucous membrane is performed and atrophy of the gastric glands is detected. Blood and urine test results are often within normal limits.


The main symptom of this form is vomiting, which is easily provoked by palpation of the stomach. The dog becomes lethargic, eats poorly, and dehydration begins (with frequent vomiting). If the mucous membrane is severely affected, streaks of blood appear in the vomit and feces. Stomach bleeding easy to spot by black feces. Diagnosis includes collecting urine and blood (usually the values ​​are within normal limits, but leukocytosis is sometimes observed).

Attention! When dehydrated, protein levels increase due to constant vomiting violated acid-base balance. The acute form is detected using an endoscope and biopsy.


With regular increased acidity stomach pet vomits periodically undigested food with bile and streaks of blood, constipation is also observed. These are clear signs of gastritis in dogs. At low acidity Diarrhea is more common. Sick animals eat poorly.

As part of the diagnosis, the veterinarian uses x-rays to detect possible foreign bodies. Gastroscopy and biopsy are required. Blood and urine values ​​are usually normal, but anemia is sometimes observed.

Treatment of gastritis in dogs

The technique includes: eliminating the root cause, relieving inflammation of the mucous membrane, prescribing a diet. In case of diarrhea and vomiting, dehydration must be prevented.

Treatment of gastritis in dogs depends on the form of the disease and the cause of its occurrence.

Gastritis caused by Helicobacter bacteria, treat antibacterial agents(usually a combination of amoxicillin and trichopolum).

Important! Along with medicinal medications, the veterinarian prescribes medications that protect the mucous membrane from damage: De-nol, etc.

Eosinophilic form treated with corticosteroids (Prednisolone) in combination with Azathioprine. Exact dosage appoints veterinarian after examination and diagnosis.

With atrophic gastritis, the veterinarian prescribes Metoclopramide and Erythromycin (they enhance motor activity stomach). Sometimes antibiotics are indicated.

Chronic form dangerous due to exacerbations. If vomiting occurs frequently, the dog is not fed for 1-2 days, after which it is switched to a gentle diet. rice diet. In case of dehydration, intravenous infusion of ringer's solution or physiological solution. The veterinarian studies the symptoms, carries out diagnostics and, based on the results, prescribes medications: Prednisolone, Metoclopramide, Misoprostol, etc.

Attention! You cannot start treating your pet without first diagnosing it, as in this case you will harm the animal. Any medications are prescribed only by a veterinarian after a clinical examination and examination of the examination results.

Prevention and diet for dogs with gastritis

Prevention of gastritis includes following a diet. The dog is fed in small portions, often and at certain hours. It is recommended to remove dry food from the diet and switch to (exception: veterinary diets for animals with sensitive digestion). So

General dietary rules:

  • reduce the usual daily amount of food by 20-30%;
  • steam food, wipe it;
  • increase the number of feedings to 5-6 times a day compared to

Additionally, visually familiarize yourself with the symptoms, signs and methods of treating gastritis in pets in the video below:

Gastritis- This inflammatory disease gastric mucosa. It is characterized by a violation of the main functions of this organ: secretory, absorption, motor, bactericidal, regulating enzymatic activity.

Anatomical and physiological features

The stomach in cats and dogs is a single-chamber extended part of the digestive tube located between the esophagus and the duodenum. The volume of a dog's stomach can reach the total volume of the entire thick and small intestine. This is due to the feeding habits of canine predators - eating food for future use. Unlike dogs, cats have hunting instinct by nature, which does not depend on the feeling of hunger, so they eat in small portions, but many times a day.

In the stomach of cats and dogs, it is customary to distinguish three parts, which differ in the structure and specialization of the glands of the mucous membrane:

  • cardiac part (located around the “cardia” - the place where the esophagus enters the stomach);
  • fundus or bottom of the stomach (is the main part where food is laid in layers);
  • pyloric part (located around the “pylorus” - the place where the stomach passes into the duodenum).

The glands of the mucous membrane consist of main, parietal (parietal) and accessory cells, as well as mucocytes. The main cells produce the proenzymes pepsinogens, the parietal cells produce hydrochloric acid, and the accessory cells and mucocytes produce mucus (mucoid secretion). Pepsinogens are inactive forms of proteolytic (protein-breaking) enzymes. Influenced of hydrochloric acid pepsinogens are activated and converted into pepsins (gastricsin, chymosin, etc.). Gastric juice also contains the enzyme lipase, which breaks down emulsified fats. Gastric mucus protects the gastric mucosa from chemical and mechanical influences, as well as from self-digestion.

The digestive ability of gastric juice and its acidity are strictly dependent on the nature of the food. Known to everyone from school curriculum experiments on dogs conducted by I.P. Pavlov made it possible to clearly prove that the most a large number of gastric juice was produced when eating high-protein foods (meat). Eating food rich in fiber (cereals) stimulates the production of gastric juice to a much lesser extent. It is important that gastric juice high acidity It breaks down proteins of animal origin better, and those of low acidity - those of vegetable origin. These data are used when prescribing a diet for animals with hypo- and hypersecretion of the gastric glands.

Main functions of the stomach:

  • Reservoir (for food).
  • Digestive – includes mechanical and chemical processing of feed due to the motor activity of the stomach and enzymes of gastric juice.
  • Peristaltic - the movement of food masses into the intestines due to contraction of the smooth muscles of the stomach. In the pyloric part there is a sphincter, which reflexively (due to the difference in the acidity of the contents in the stomach and duodenum) ensures the evacuation of food from the stomach into the intestines and prevents its return.
  • The stomach produces gastromucoprotein ( internal factor Castle), only in its presence is it possible to form a complex with vitamin B12, which is involved in the formation of red blood cells.

Gastritis in cats and dogs can occur as a result of the following factors:

  • Feeding poor quality food.
  • Feeding food that is too hot or cold.
  • Abrupt transfer of an animal from one food to another.
  • Allergy to food components.
  • Foreign bodies (fur, grass, bones, etc.) entering the stomach.
  • Ingestion of caustic chemical substances, poisons.
  • By-effect after using certain drugs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), corticosteroids, some antibiotics).
  • Uremia (with renal failure).
  • Pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas).

Types of gastritis

Acute gastritis, which is characterized sudden attack vomiting, refusal to eat, general weakness of the animal. Often there is an admixture of blood in the vomit.

Clinical signs and symptoms of gastritis in cats and dogs:

  • 1. Vomiting, often mixed with blood.
  • 2. Hypersalivation ( increased salivation), frequent swallowing.
  • 3. General weakness, animal passivity.
  • 4. Pallor, sometimes yellowness of the mucous membranes.
  • 5. Pasty or liquid stools.

To find out the cause of gastritis, the doctor needs to have an idea of ​​​​the feeding and maintenance of the animal before the appearance clinical signs diseases. The feeding regime is of great importance (fat content and temperature of the feed, compatibility of food components, treats that are Lately received by the animal) and food storage (on which its good quality depends).

Differential diagnosis

  • 1. Symptoms of sudden vomiting.
  • 2. Viral and bacterial systemic diseases.
  • 3. Foreign body in the intestine.
  • 4. Neoplasms (tumor, polyps), in particular intestinal lymphoma.
  • 5. Bezoars (made of wool) in the intestines (more common in cats).

The main and most precise method Diagnosis of gastritis of any etiology is gastroscopy followed by histological examination stomach biopsies. Foreign bodies and tumors in the stomach can be identified using radiography and ultrasound. A lot of useful information can provide an analysis of the stomach contents, in particular, a determination of the acidity (pH) in the stomach.

Treatment of acute gastritis in cats and dogs includes:

  • A fasting diet (even with preserved appetite) for at least a day. In case of primary pancreatitis, it is necessary to ensure functional rest of the pancreas, since in this case gastritis is always a concomitant disease.
  • Drugs to protect the gastric mucosa: when hyperacid gastritis(increased secretion of gastric juice and hydrochloric acid) or stomach ulcers (quamatel, Zantac, gastrocepin).
  • Infusion therapy(droppers). Even subcutaneous infusion will help to replenish a slight fluid deficiency. Typically, this method of replenishing body dehydration is used in animals with low body weight. At medium degree dehydration cannot be avoided without intravenous infusion; in case of high dehydration, it is advisable to carry out treatment in a hospital setting.
  • Drugs that have antacid, enveloping and analgesic properties local action(Maalox, Almagel, Phosphalugel, etc.).
  • Dietary feeding with easily digestible food with low fat content after stabilization of the animal.

Chronic gastritis, which is especially widespread in dogs. According to various authors, from 30 to 45% of dogs with symptoms of periodic vomiting suffer from chronic gastritis. Periodically occurring vomiting without any other signs of illness is the most common symptom chronic gastritis in dogs.

There are often cases when one dietary food is not suitable for an animal (due to individual intolerance to its ingredients), but another is well suited. When changing food, compare the composition of the previously used and new food. It is desirable that the new food contains a protein that is fundamentally different from the previous one, for example, if the previous food contained poultry (chicken or turkey), the new food should be based on, for example, beef or rabbit.

It is important for animal owners to remember that they should not feed their pet using an assortment of different, often very different, foods. The animal quickly gets used to this type of food, and subsequently wean the one who refuses to eat " proper food"The pet succeeds only after 2-3 days of a starvation diet. From the first months of life, it is better to feed the animal with one brand of premium food chosen by the owner.

Translation to new food should be carried out in stages: for the first 3-4 days, mix 25% of the new food and 75% of the old into one homogeneous mass, then 3-4 days of 50% of the new and 50% of the old food, then 75% of the new and 25% of the old. And only after 10-12 days can a complete transition to a new food be made. This contributes to the gradual adaptation of the animal, as well as the restructuring digestive enzymes for new food.

Sometimes the search for the optimal food takes a lot of time and, alas, many unsuccessful trials of new foods. To avoid stress (owners and animals) associated with this, it is best to food intolerance, consult a veterinarian. Usually, in such cases, the coprogram, clinical and biochemical tests blood on an empty stomach, as well as vomit.

The main method of preventing chronic gastritis is dietary food animal, with recurrent vomiting requiring serious treatment gastritis (in dogs, especially) requires lifelong nutrition with dietary food.

If symptoms of vomiting or retching persist in a pet on a diet, it is advisable to perform a gastroscopy (with biopsy) followed by specific treatment diseases, such as acute gastritis.

Gastritis in dogs has similar symptoms to other diseases. gastrointestinal tract. During the period of exacerbation of gastritis, malaise is observed, constant pain in the stomach. You should not self-medicate, as this will only worsen your pet’s condition. It does not go away on its own, but when neglected it becomes chronic.

Gastritis is a disease in which inflammation of the stomach, or rather its lining, occurs. It is divided into several types, which differ in the acidity of gastric juice or the pathology of the stomach walls.

Type of gastritisFeatures
hyperacidincreased gastric acidity
hypoacidneutral acidity
anacidGastric juice contains no hydrochloric acid and enzymes, food is not digested
erosiveerosions form on the mucous membrane of the stomach walls, which in a neglected state can change into ulcers
eosinophilicthe walls of the stomach thicken due to connective tissue, in which eosinophils are present in large numbers
atrophicthe mucous part of the stomach becomes thinner, as a result of which its function is impaired
lymphoplasmacyticA large number of lymphocytes and plasmacides penetrate into the mucous membrane.

Acute gastritis occurs suddenly, is accompanied by many symptoms and is characterized by an increase in temperature.

Chronic gastritis occurs when the acute form is not cured, but only the symptoms are relieved. Sometimes acute gastritis in a dog subsides on its own and symptoms do not appear for some time. Wherein pathological changes in the stomach continue to occur, periodically manifesting itself weak signs in the form of vomiting or stool disturbance. Sometimes there are exacerbations. For gastritis chronic form body temperature does not rise.

The chronic form of the disease is dangerous because:

  • complete digestion of food does not occur;
  • the body does not receive the necessary nutrients;
  • the animal weakens, which is often accompanied by weight loss;
  • chronic gastritis leads to stomach ulcers.

Causes of gastritis

The causes of gastritis can be primary or external. At the same time, gastritis can be a sign of problems in the body or certain diseases. This secondary cause, or internal.

The primary causes are usually caused by improper actions of the owner in relation to his pet, neglect of him. This includes:

  • nutrition;
  • food or drug poisoning;
  • helminths;
  • a foreign body lodged in the stomach that cannot be digested.

Improper feeding of a dog is the most common reason gastritis diseases. Dry low-quality food, food from the table, overeating, or vice versa, a small portion - this is an incomplete list of reasons that lead to gastritis in a dog and require treatment.

It is important to know that a dog’s diet should not include fatty, salty and spicy food. Spices for animals are contraindicated. Food should not be cold or hot. Pieces of meat should be given in such a size that the dog chews them, but does not swallow them whole.

Poisoning can occur if the food is spoiled or its expiration date has passed.

For any disease, you should not self-medicate or give your dog medications that are not intended for animals.

Infection with helminths can often cause acute gastritis, with all its signs.

A foreign body is most often one that dogs do not gnaw, but swallow. The stomach cannot digest them, and the sharp edges can damage the mucous membrane. This is how gastritis occurs, accompanied by bleeding. Also, the stomach can become clogged with hair if the dog is not brushed, and it chews out the mats on its own.

Internal causes of gastritis:

  • allergic reactions;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine system;
  • infectious diseases;
  • helminth infection;
  • dental disease or lack thereof.


Symptoms of gastritis may appear all at once, or there may be only some of them. Painful sensations in the stomach area almost always occur.

  • The dog refuses food completely, or stops eating, leaving most of the portion.
  • Refuses to play and walk.
  • He behaves passively, goes to a secluded place and lies there, not wanting to change his position.
  • Abnormal stool. Constipation occurs if the acidity of gastric juice is increased, diarrhea - if it is decreased. Feces dark color indicates that there is bleeding in the stomach.
  • Nausea, vomiting. You can see mucus and blood streaks in the vomit.
  • Tongue with a white coating.
  • The abdominal area is painful. The dog may whine from this. It happens that painful sensations appear if you press lightly on the stomach.
  • At acute illness The temperature rises, but in chronic cases there is no temperature.

Diagnosis and treatment

If you suspect gastritis in a dog based on its symptoms, you must contact a veterinary clinic for diagnosis and treatment. The fact is that similar signs may indicate some other diseases.

The veterinary clinic will perform an X-ray, ultrasound, and in some cases a biopsy. Based on the results of these examinations, the type of gastritis is determined and treatment is prescribed.

Complex treatment includes:

  • if gastritis is caused by poisoning, then the stomach is washed out; in other cases, on the contrary, antiemetics are prescribed;
  • for constipation - a laxative, for diarrhea - a tonic;
  • if the body is dehydrated, droppers are prescribed;
  • products are needed that restore and protect the gastric mucosa (Almagel, De-nol, Phosphalugel and others);
  • painkillers or antispasmodics;
  • antibiotics - depending on what type of gastritis is determined after the examination;
  • if the dog is very exhausted and has lost weight, vitamins are prescribed.

On the first day of an exacerbation, you should not feed the dog. Usually when feeling unwell The dog himself refuses to eat. To avoid dehydration, you need to drink water.

The veterinary clinic will tell you not only how to treat gastritis, but will also prescribe a diet for the period of exacerbation.

Diet during exacerbation of the disease

In case of exacerbation, you will have to give up dry food. At first - only natural low-fat products. They must be boiled and crushed.

The volume of food per day should be 1/5 less than the usual portion. You need to feed 5 or 6 times a day, in small portions, with an equal interval between feedings.

What to feed when treating gastritis:

  • rice or rolled oats. In the first two days they give a decoction of these cereals, in subsequent days they should be ground in a coffee grinder and then boiled. You can boil it and grind it through a sieve.
  • low-fat cottage cheese - you can mix it with porridge, or you can give the entire portion at one time;
  • from lean meat twist the minced meat and boil. Serve with porridge.
  • boiled grated carrots.

Diet food should not be thick. You can dilute it either with cereal broth, or a small amount low-fat meat broth.

When the pet’s health begins to improve and symptoms no longer appear, then the food can no longer be chopped. You need to move on to larger pieces of meat gradually.

If before the disease the food consisted of dry food, then when switching to it after recovery, you need to give special food for some time. medicinal food. In the future, you should only buy premium food.


To avoid re-exacerbation, you need to reconsider your dog care:

  • food is either premium quality food or completely balanced natural food;
  • never give "human" food, even if it's just soup. We salt our food and add spices, but this is contraindicated for a dog;
  • Dogs are not allowed bones. If you previously gave your pet bones to clean its teeth, you should replace them with special bones from the pet store;
  • deworm regularly;
  • get all vaccinations according to schedule;
  • you cannot self-medicate for any disease;
  • bathe your dog and comb its fur so that it does not lick itself and its stomach does not become clogged with hairballs.

At reappearance symptoms, you should contact your veterinarian.

Gastritis in dogs is inflammation of the inner lining of the stomach. Symptoms of the disease begin with characteristic pain, exhausting, constant, strong. Treatment of gastritis is required immediately, because any problems with the stomach inevitably lead to the inability to eat properly and get the necessary nutrients with food. Gastritis changes the composition of gastric juice, the amount of fluid secreted, and the degree of digestibility of food.

Types of Canine Gastritis

Depending on the change in the nature of gastric juice, several types of gastritis in dogs are distinguished:

In theory possible reason The development of erosive gastritis is called a stress factor. They say that a highly stressed dog, constantly kept in unsatisfactory conditions, is subject to periodic degenerative changes stomach walls. The organ has to work in unsatisfactory conditions; gastric juice begins to digest food that is not food. Poisons, poisonings, and medications achieve a similar effect.

Long-term use medicines, especially antibiotics, destroys the protective lining of the inside of the stomach. The ingress of hydrochloric acid corrodes the resulting gap, resulting in ulcers and complications of gastritis.

The second common cause of gastroenteritis is a dog’s monotonous diet. Of course, many specialized dry foods contain a complex useful components, but constantly giving dry rations wears out the stomach. It is important to give your dog balanced dry food containing the optimal ratio of proteins, carbohydrates, fiber, and vitamins. You should always strive to choose best food, precisely thanks to quality composition, even if the price of such food is steep.

Further, the development of gastritis is influenced by Preliminary processing dog food. The oral cavity represents the first stop on the long path of food processing. The presence of diseases of the oral cavity, teeth, especially purulent stomatitis transfer bacteria to food particles. Once inside the stomach cavity, pathogens multiply rapidly, affecting the sensitive mucous membrane.

The method of eating food also affects the larger the pieces, the harder it is for the stomach to digest them. Large volumes of poorly chewed food require a longer digestion process. Many dogs eat unevenly, so the stomach does not have time to digest the previous portion when they eat a new one. Feeding human food also makes its contribution: our food contains salts, spices, preservatives, dyes that the dog’s stomach is not designed to digest.

Giving too warm or too cold food provokes a temperature spasm. Food should always be at room temperature, warm. The presence of allergic components aft. The stomach is always the first to suffer; constant exposure to an allergen causes erosions and ulcers. Availability chronic diseases liver, kidneys, intestines can provoke dystrophic changes secretory function stomach.

Symptoms of gastritis in dogs

There are two forms of gastroenteritis: acute, chronic. The latter may continue unnoticed long years. Acute form gastritis manifests itself as a sudden refusal to eat, vomiting, strong thirst. Moreover, the vomit is full of mucous components; you can often notice blood and a bit of bile. Additional signs gastroenteritis: the presence of a whitish coating on the tongue, the appearance of a specific purulent odor from oral cavity. Rarely there is an increase general temperature bodies.

It is important to track changes in the color of the vomit, the appearance of a brown, black, red tint, evidence of the onset of internal bleeding, you should take your dog to the vet immediately. Treatment of internal bleeding is urgent; perforation of the stomach wall causes a nightmare condition, and the dog’s health irreversibly deteriorates. The dog is rapidly losing weight, hair falls out, and sometimes yellowing of the skin can be observed.

Diagnosis begins with laboratory tests feces, urine. Using a special gastric tube is very effective. The camera will show the presence of even the slightest wounds; it will be possible to visually assess the degree of damage to the mucous membrane of the dog’s stomach. An ultrasound is performed and samples are taken directly from the walls of the stomach.

Treatment of gastritis in dogs

Infectious diseases of the liver and kidneys are eliminated by administering special medications. The nature of the treatment is selected by the veterinarian. Often acute attack gastritis accompanies severe dehydration. Then the loss of fluid is replenished with droppers. The main symptom of gastroenteritis, vomiting, is relieved by dacha antiemetics, infusion of physiological, nutrient solutions intravenously.

If the development of gastritis is caused by the proliferation of bacteria, it is isolated special kind Helicobacter bacteria, then the pathogenic microflora is destroyed with antibiotics and homeopathic medicines.

Disease inflammatory in nature with a rather vague etiology. Contrary to popular belief, dogs suffer from gastritis no less than people, if not more.

Pets cannot always show that they feel bad, and they don’t even have the opportunity to help themselves, so caring for the animals and paying attention to them falls on the shoulders of the owner.

Ignoring similar problem fraught with many serious complications, until death.

Gastritis in a dog cannot be ignored.


It is quite problematic to single out one reason for the occurrence of pathology, since a single moment or a combination of several factors can serve as a factor.

Main reasons:

Poor diet is one of the causes of pathology.

Incorrect feeding of the dog

The most common reason is improper feeding animal.

The dog needs to create a diet, calculate a menu, which should include products containing a vitamin-mineral complex. All food should consist of products that the dog can easily digest in order to remain active, but often owners grossly violate this rule.

Feeding your pet food from the table - sausage, tubular bones which are extremely dangerous for dogs, various sweets . In addition, scraps from the master's table can be richly seasoned with spices, spicy, smoked, which is strictly prohibited for dogs. This food is a serious irritant to the canine stomach mucosa.

You should not give your dog food from the table.

Diet and feed

Another omission would be cheap ready-made feed, unknown manufacturers.

Often such food is sold “by weight” and it is not possible to determine the composition, which can also cause disease. A monotonous diet is also a serious help in the occurrence of the inflammatory process.

Cheap food can cause illness.


Violation temperature regime, For example, food too hot can provoke an internal burn of the mucous membrane and, as a result, inflammation. Too much cold food can not only cause gastritis, but also cause respiratory disease. Overeating is also an important factor.

Very hot food can cause burns to the dog's mucous membranes.


Provoking factors include poisoning. The dog can lick the funds household chemicals, which is guaranteed to lead to complications.

A dog can get poisoned from household chemicals.

Under no circumstances should you give your pet unknown medications, especially human medicines. What helps people can be deadly for animals.

Worms provoke inflammation in the stomach.

Classification of gastritis in dogs (types and types)

According to the nature of occurrence, gastritis is divided into several types. Therapy will depend on the nature of the occurrence.

Depending on the type of gastritis, treatment is selected.

Main types:

  • hyperacid type;
  • hypoacid appearance;
  • anacid type;
  • erosive pathology;
  • eoisinophilic disease;
  • atrophic disease.

Hyperacid type

The hyperacid type is characterized by increased production of stomach acid, which can contribute to the erosion of the walls of the organ. The hypoacid nature of the course, on the contrary, means a decrease in the production of gastric acid, then there will be an almost neutral environment.

With hyperacidity, increased acid production occurs in the stomach.

Anacidic pathology

Anacidic pathology occurs quite rarely, but it is perhaps the most severe of all types. During such a course, gastric acid is practically not produced, and the function of digesting food is lost.

During anacid pathology, food in the stomach is not digested.

Erosive form

The erosive form of the disease is expressed in the formation of multiple ulcerative lesion mucous membrane of the organ. It is believed that the formation of ulcers and erosions is also caused by poisoning. Most often observed in dogs that live in major cities where there is a lot of noise and other loud sounds.

The erosive form of the disease is often found in dogs living in a big city.

Eosinophilic form

During an ultrasound, thickening of the gastric wall can be detected.

Atrophic disease

The occurrence of an atrophic disease also remains questionable. With this type of pathology, the gastric wall becomes significantly thinner. Atrophy is especially common in huskies, so it can be assumed that the cause is genetic predisposition a particular breed.

Laika dogs have a genetic predisposition to atrophic disease.

Symptoms of gastritis

The symptoms of gastritis are so versatile that the signs of the disease can be confused with any other disease. However there is characteristic features, inherent only to gastritis. Main features:

  • nausea;
  • diarrhea;
  • decreased appetite;
  • lethargy;
  • oppression;
  • apathy;
  • painful stomach.

Nausea is one of the symptoms of gastritis.

Diagnose gastritis only based on listed symptoms inappropriate.

Similar signs can be recorded with helminthic infection, ulcers, and hepatitis. Should be carried out full complex diagnostics, including laboratory research blood and urine ultrasonography. In some cases, it is recommended to take a sample of gastric juice to determine acidity.


Diarrhea occurs with reduced acidity.

With increased acidity, constipation is recorded. Due to constant nausea the pet will be depressed and lethargic and will not respond to food. Can stay in one position for a long time.


  • When palpating the abdomen, the animal may behave aggressively, since there is a strong pain syndrome. The dog whines and constantly scratches his belly.

When palpated, the dog feels pain.

Forms of gastritis

Gastritis occurs in acute and chronic forms and the symptoms will not be much different.

If there are no obvious signs, but the dog behaves atypically, you should look at its tongue, which will be visible. white coating. Body temperature may also increase.

Gastritis in a dog increases body temperature.


Treatment for the chronic form will differ from treatment acute course. If the disease occurs through chronic process, then it must first be sharpened in order to therapeutic measures were aimed strictly at eliminating this problem.

Treatment will differ depending on the form of the disease.

Diet (what you can feed)

The first step will be a daily fasting diet.

  • Next, you should feed your pet light, low-fat soups or broths.
  • Potatoes should not be given .
  • On the third day, ground white poultry meat is allowed, portions should be small, feeding should be frequent.
  • Hot food should not be allowed , food should be slightly warm so as not to provoke a new outbreak of exacerbation and complications.

A light and low-fat soup is suitable for feeding your dog.

Drug treatment

  • Drug treatment consists of prescribing almagel A or its analogues.
  • It would be advisable to use enveloping agents, For example, phosphalugel .
  • Recommended use of antibiotics to prevent the spread of infection.
  • Use symptomatic therapyanalgesics, antispasmodics, painkillers .

The drug Phosphalugel is an enveloping agent.


Cerucal has an antiemetic effect.

If gastritis occurs due to poisoning or ingestion foreign body, then vomiting will contribute to the release of the object or toxic substance.

Intoxication and dehydration

Intoxication and dehydration of the body are eliminated through infusion therapy.

Timely deworming is preventative measure diseases.

Preventive measures are quite simple and depend on careful attention to your pets.

  • It is necessary to monitor the diet, menu composition, and quality of food.
  • It is unacceptable to feed the dog from the table.
  • Under no circumstances should you start self-treatment, especially not to use human medicines.
  • Promptly carry out deworming not only for the animal, but also for members of the entire family.
  • Do not ignore vaccination and general medical examination.
  • Brush your dog systematically to prevent hair from getting inside.
  • Provide the animal with a comfortable existence and avoid stress.
  • Prevent the risk of allergies by avoiding wildly flowering corners of parks and places where insects are possible.

Video about gastritis in dogs