Tar soap for fleas in the house. Tar soap for fleas on cats and kittens. Preventing the reappearance of fleas

When first used, some people are put off by the unpleasant smell and unattractive color. However, having felt the effect on the body, you have to come to terms with minor shortcomings.

Tar and other useful components included in the product have a number of positive effects on the skin and the body:

If you decide to use tar soap against fleas on an animal, you should keep in mind that it contains few toxic compounds, so it will not instantly kill all insects.

With prolonged exposure, the destructive activity increases. You have to rely more on the repellent effect of birch tar, the smell of which insects cannot stand.

Step by step instructions - how to apply tar soap

If there is tar soap on the farm, the use against fleas should be targeted, according to the instructions, which are so simple and understandable that no additional explanation is required:

Using tar soap against fleas in kittens, you will have to reduce the period of exposure of the product to bloodsuckers. It is enough to leave the soap foam on the body for 7 - 12 minutes, and then follow the instructions provided.

Attention! Fleas are highly mobile creatures. They easily jump from one part of the body to another. If you leave the head untreated, they will wait out the “bad weather” there. All areas must be thoroughly soaped.

The effectiveness of tar soap

Not all users who have managed to use tar soap against fleas leave positive reviews. The product is effective due to its smell, provided that it is used correctly and with high-quality soap.

The smell of tar on the animal’s body usually lasts 2–3 days. During this period, insects that did not die will try to crawl out of the fur and wait somewhere in the calm. The property must be treated immediately. You can use tar soap against fleas in the house.

Skirting boards, corners where dust accumulates, and bedding in the pet's bed are treated especially carefully. Sometimes eggs and larvae are found in flower pots, on clothes soaked in sweat. If the animal does not itch in the future, then we can judge the effectiveness of the procedures performed.

Is tar dangerous for humans?

The product does not pose any danger compared to chemical poisons.

However, when using a detergent, you need to know the subtleties:

  • The smell causes hostility among sentimental people. You will have to get used to it or replace it with something else if nausea occurs;
  • The product dries out the skin of the hands, intimate area, and head, so after use it is advisable to apply a nourishing cream to the surfaces being treated.


Cheap tar soap helps against fleas no worse than advertised tablets or drops, so it’s worth stocking up on a piece of the rescue product. It will definitely come in handy for yourself, children or animals on occasion.

Tar soap is considered a relatively safe and non-toxic product for cats. Besides, it's cheap. Thus, in comparison with expensive chemicals that act as killers on fleas, tar soap is very advantageous if the cat does not have an individual intolerance to the components.

That is why the use of tar soap is allowed even for kittens 5-7 weeks old, although toxic drops and sprays are prohibited for them.

Unlike many flea products, tar soap does not dry out the skin. However, after it the wool becomes coarse.

Is it effective?

Washing a cat with tar soap is very simple. First, follow the instructions for washing cats in general. Secondly, unlike concentrated shampoos, tar soap does not need to be diluted in water beforehand and then applied to the wool. You can use it to foam a cat right away. Many people run soap directly over the wool to lather it. You need to leave the soaped cat for 5 minutes so that the ingredients have time to take effect. Afterwards, everything must be washed off thoroughly so that the cat does not eat tar itself during the licking process.

While drying the cat, fleas will need to be selected and combed out. Many of them will be in a semi-active state, so this is easy to do. A comb for combing out fleas should have very small gaps between the teeth.

Tar soap can also be used as a preventive measure, for example, after walking your pet outside. If he gets a couple of fleas, the problem will be solved before it even occurs.

Auxiliary components include water, thickeners, stabilizers and other substances. Birch tar, which is part of the composition, gives a specific smell and dark brown color.

Now on store shelves you can find liquid tar soap in pieces. Each release form has its own advantages and disadvantages, so it is difficult to say which is better. Hard pieces are more common. They contain only natural ingredients, but the disadvantage is that they are inconvenient to use. They don't lather well, so they need to be soaked and prepared in advance.

Soap liquid containing tar has the same properties and effects. It is convenient to use (just press the pump once or several times), but often contains surfactants (surface active substances). They dry out the skin excessively, which is especially noticeable with frequent use.

You can now see the current price of soap and buy it right here:

How to use?

If you decide to use tar soap for cats, follow these steps:

It is equally important to treat the premises and prevent re-infection. To do this, the bedding is changed or washed, the dishes, house and other items of the animal are treated with steam. Special insecticidal agents are used in the house, paying special attention to places near baseboards, under the bathroom, and behind cabinets.

To eliminate the possibility of re-infection, it is advisable to use a collar before walking outside, unless there are contraindications.


Tar soap has no contraindications. It can be used for kittens from 5 weeks, for pregnant and lactating cats. Swimming is also not prohibited if there are wounds, cuts or other injuries on the skin. Birch tar has an antiseptic effect and triggers regeneration processes, accelerating wound healing.

Soap does not have a toxic effect on the body, so it is well suited for controlling fleas in weakened and old animals, as well as those that have undergone surgery or serious illness.

The only contraindication is individual intolerance to the components. If irritation, redness or itching occurs, you should stop using the product further and look for an alternative.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages include:

  • availability and low price (about 50-60 rubles);
  • high efficiency;
  • natural composition;
  • absence of harmful substances;
  • Possibility of use for small kittens.

The disadvantages are the following:

  • strong unpleasant odor;
  • the need for re-processing;
  • complexity of the procedure (animals usually do not want to bathe).

In addition, the product does not act against flea eggs, so additional measures must be taken.

Tar soap for fleas and all kinds of skin problems is perhaps the best and safest remedy for both animals and humans. There was no such soap in stores before. They made it themselves, and if they sold it, it was only under the counter and for a good price.

In our city there was one such peasant who knew how to make soap mixed with all sorts of herbs and infusions. He did not take money and lived poorly in an old, rickety house. In gratitude, people brought him food and clothing. And he shared his food with the homeless animals that lived in his yard.

Another person in his place would have opened a whole soap production workshop and gotten rich from it. Many thought he was a fool or blessed. But after his death they found a diary, from which it became clear that the man was not a fool at all, but had gone through difficult trials and understood the meaning of real life.

In his youth he was very rich, and lived on a grand scale in a remote Siberian village. He had his own farm and many hired workers, whom he mercilessly exploited, and did not pay anything for it. He loved only money and his family: his beautiful wife and daughter.

But one day the entire village fell ill with a terrible and incurable disease. No doctors and no medications helped. Whole families of people died. As a result, everyone died, even the animals. He was the only one left. His illness didn’t even affect him, as if it was deliberately mocking him.

He burned the entire village, climbed a high mountain, and decided to hang himself on a birch tree there. But at that time a beggar monk walked past him with a large, heavy backpack on his back. The monk looked at his idea and said: “You will always have time to hang yourself, it’s better to help me carry my backpack to the monastery.”

So he stayed to live with this monk, and learned from him to collect birch tar, make soap from it, and heal people and animals. And after the monk’s death, the peasant gave all his huge savings to the monastery and left. He lived everywhere a little, treated people and animals with herbs and his soap.

This soap is really very healing. Nowadays it is not made by hand, but with the same ingredient as before - birch tar.

Composition of tar soap

In appearance, tar soap resembles the cheapest laundry soap. It is made from natural products without any chemicals. This is where its value lies. It consists of 90% ordinary soap (lye and fat), and the remaining 10% is birch tar, which is made from birch bark by dry distillation.

Birch tar is a natural antiseptic in the form of an oily, dark brown liquid with a pungent odor. It contains such useful components as dioxybenzene, phenol, phytoncides, toluene, organic acids, resins and other substances.

Useful properties of birch tar

Birch tar promotes rapid healing of wounds. Therefore, it is added to many medicines. For example, in Vishnevsky ointment or Yam ointment. If you have wounds on your body that take a long time to heal, then buy Yam ointment at the pet store and anoint them a couple of times. You will be surprised how quickly your wounds will heal.

Birch tar is sold in liquid form in pharmacies. It is used to treat sore throat, tonsillitis, laryngitis, eczema, mastitis, minor wounds, athlete's foot or groin, otitis media, fungi, bedsores, etc. Birch tar is also widely used in cosmetics. It is rubbed into the head for seborrhea and hair loss. Various masks are made with it for the face, head and hands.

Useful properties of tar soap

Personally, I prefer to use tar soap. The smell will disappear quickly, and there will be no allergic reactions, because this soap is also used for various allergies. Although you can use it for these purposes.

For some time now I have had a negative attitude towards all flea collars and drops on the withers. After we lost one of our pets after treating with drops, I prefer the old fashioned methods, namely treating fleas with tar soap. It might be more trouble, but it's safe.

How to use tar soap against fleas

For the product to be effective, it must be used correctly:

  • Grind a little tar soap with a knife or a grater into a glass or plastic bowl;
  • Dilute this mass to a shampoo state with warm water, and stir well so that there are no lumps left;
  • Apply this composition to the animal's fur, previously moistened with warm water. Make sure that the soap does not get into the animal’s eyes and ears;
  • Rub the soap mixture well into the cat's skin and keep it in this soap for several minutes. It is better to talk to the animal and stroke it.

It is an excellent folk remedy that has a wide range of uses. This is a powerful weapon for pest control, killing lice and fleas. The components of this product are perfect for animals, including cats. This article will tell you how and why you should use tar soap against fleas.

Description and composition of tar soap

From the name it becomes clear that soap contains tar. Thanks to this resinous product, a dark, unusual shade and a specific smell appear. At first glance, this is a lack of soap. However, it is the smell that becomes a powerful blow that hits the fleas. In addition to tar, soap contains active ingredients such as lye and fat.

Spectrum of action of tar soap

The product has the following properties:

  • disinfectant;
  • wound healing;
  • drying.

As already mentioned, the basis of this natural soap is tar. It is this that effectively accelerates cell regeneration, dries out the skin, and heals wounds and cracks. Tar soap stimulates metabolic processes, promoting blood flow to the skin. The product kills germs, bacteria and various pests - lice and fleas.

Tar soap for fleas (for cats). Advantages

Why should you choose this product over aggressive chemicals? Tar soap:

  • effective;
  • environmentally friendly;
  • safe;
  • does not contain chemicals, dyes or fragrances;
  • inexpensive.

Which cats is this product suitable for?

Tar flea soap is safe to use on all cats because it is not an insecticide. All kinds of drugs and collars are allowed to be used without harm only for animals older than two months. And with this grandmother’s remedy, known many centuries ago, all furry creatures were effectively treated: kittens, pregnant and lactating females, cats with wounds on the skin.

Does tar soap help against fleas? How does it work?

The whole secret of the effectiveness of this product lies in its smell. The pungent aroma simply repels the hated insects that cause discomfort to the poor animal. In addition, according to pet owners, Grandma’s remedy is remarkable because it not only drives away adult animals, but also destroys the eggs and larvae of pests. Not all chemicals cope with this difficult task compared to how tar soap works against fleas. Reviews from some animal owners indicate that the product is ineffective. They are wrong because they do not know the intricacies of using soap. Such owners spend a lot of money on chemicals. They don't realize that they are poisoning their pets with them.

Instructions for use

How to use this soap correctly? There are several steps that you can follow to get the most out of the product:

This simple instruction can be used not only to rid cats of insects. In the same way, you can get rid of pests from other pets by using tar soap from them or another pet. Remember a little trick. As you know, not all animals love water treatments. And getting rid of fleas can be a real problem for both the owner and his pet. One trick can help here. It is better to start the procedure not in the bathroom itself with a lot of water. At the sight of a shower, cats simply begin to break out. In order not to injure the unfortunate animal, dilute tar soap with a small amount of water and carry out all manipulations in a dry basin or on a towel. And only then, when washing off the foam, can you use water.

What else is worth knowing?

There are some nuances and secrets of using tar soap:

  1. Regularity of processing, as mentioned above. A single procedure will not bring any results.
  2. If there are other pets in the house and no fleas were noticed on them, then they still need to be “treated” with tar soap. Sooner or later, insects may appear on uninfected animals. But the tar will scare them away.
  3. Tar soap against fleas should be used not only when bathing a cat. It is recommended to treat the entire apartment with this product: carpets, floors, areas under sofas and baseboards, and other hard-to-reach areas.
  4. Pets need to change their bedding periodically. It would also be a good idea to thoroughly clean the areas where cats spend a lot of time using tar soap.

What can be used in combination with tar soap?

To get rid of unpleasant roommates, you can deal them a complex blow using tar soap and other means. For example, the following crops will help with this:

  • Sagebrush. The smell of this herb is also unpleasant for fleas. A bunch of wormwood should be used to sweep the floors or spread twigs throughout the house. It is also necessary to use a decoction.
  • Lavender and eucalyptus oil. These products are effective due to their scent. Oils have a wide range of uses. They can be placed in an aroma lamp, dripped onto wool or diluted in water, and then sprayed from a spray bottle around the apartment or on animals, unless, of course, they are afraid of such manipulations.
  • Garlic and geranium have the same effect as tar soap against fleas. In cats, unfortunately, poisoning may occur after their use. Therefore, these products should be used with caution. That is, garlic and geranium can be placed in places where pets do not go.

Tar soap has always been used to get rid of fleas and as a preventive measure. If you regularly wash your furry pets with it, then no insects will ever settle in their fur. If you don’t want to spend money on chemicals and want to save your family budget, then tar soap will be a real salvation.