The Parson Russell is a companion with hunting instincts. Parson Russell Terrier Breed Jack Russell Parson

The Parson Russell Terrier is a breed that is confused with the Jack Russell. Externally, the dogs are similar and for a long time belonged to the same standard of the International Canine Federation. As the breed developed, the differences between the varieties increased, and it was decided to write a separate conformation standard for the Parson.

Description of the Parson Russell Terrier breed contains information about the appearance and character of the dog. The breed belongs to the group of medium terriers, for which testing of working qualities is carried out.

The dog is hardy and copes well with difficult work; its build is compact and proportional, collected and dexterous. In movement, harmonious and coordinated. Designed for hunting foxes in burrows.

The terrier's head is wedge-shaped, with a flat skull that tapers towards the eye area. The transition from the frontal zone to the muzzle is weakly expressed, the nose ends with a black lobe. The terrier's teeth are straight, the jaws are powerful, and the bite is scissor-shaped. The contact between the upper and lower incisors is tight.

The eyes are almond-shaped and dark in color. Set deep, they look attentively and lively. The ears are located at the top of the skull, with the tips hanging down in a V shape, reaching to the outer corners of the eyes.

The neck of the Parson Russell Terrier is flexible and strong, flowing into the collected body. The back line is straight, slightly convex at the lower back. The sternum is moderately deep and does not fall below the elbows. The ribs are curved. The tail is set high and may or may not be docked.

In the photo, the Parson Russell Terrier appears to be wire-haired. In fact, there are two varieties of the breed based on coat type:

  • smooth-haired Parson;
  • wire-haired.

Color options:

  • white solid;
  • white with red spots;
  • white with lemon spots or black.

Parson dimensions: 36 cm – males; 33 cm – females. The proportions must be reasonable for fox hunting. Key breed faults are aggression, cowardice or physical abnormalities.

See also: Border Collie

Differences between Jack and Parson

Until 2001, the breed was called the Jack Russell Parson Terrier - photos from that time show dogs of different appearances. By decision of the International Canine Federation the standard was divided into two, and today the Jack Russell and Parson Russell Terrier are independent breeds.

Key differences between Jack and Parson:

  • height at withers: for Parson - 33-35 cm, for Jack Russell - 25-30 cm;
  • Jack is more extended in the body than the Parson Terrier.

Other characteristics, including coat types, color and temperament, are the same.


The homeland of the Parson Russell Terrier is Great Britain. The “father” of the breed, John Russell, sought to breed ideal fox hunters, impetuous and passionate. His work ended in success - representatives of the breed were used as hunters and rat catchers for many years. In 1904, the first breed standard was drawn up, and for another 10 years the dogs remained popular. But with the outbreak of the First World War, the population declined sharply. By 1974, enthusiasts managed to restore the terriers and demonstrate their success in competitions. In 1976, the Breed Fanciers Club (at that time still the Jack Russell) was created in Britain. In 1990, the standard was officially recognized, and in 2001 it was divided into two, for the Jack Russell and Parson Russell Terrier.

Character and training

The Parson Russell dog is friendly and active, cheerful and affectionate. He works hard and always completes the task assigned by his owner, sparing no effort. He treats people, including strangers, neutrally if he does not see a threat to the family posed by them. He strives to dominate dogs, provoking conflicts, and chases cats and rodents, succumbing to hunting instincts. Requires socialization from three months.

In training, he is stubborn - he follows only those commands that he considers necessary. Quality typical of all terriers.

See also: West Siberian Laika: photo, history, features

The terrier is friendly with children and enjoys active games. But you should not get a dog if there is a child under three years old in the house - the dog can scare him with a loud, unexpected bark.

The Parson Russell can live up to 15 years if properly cared for. Common breed diseases:

  • glaucoma;
  • lens luxation;
  • joint problems;
  • deafness;
  • ataxia;
  • Legg-Perthes disease.

In general, the dog is in good health - illnesses are extremely rare. To keep your pet in shape, walk him twice a day, allowing him to be active. Go for walks together if you don't want to let your Parson off the leash. The total duration of walks per day is 2 hours.

Once a week, brush the animal's fur and wipe with a soft cloth. Pay attention to the condition of the eyes and ears, and trim the claws once a month.

Feed the dog in accordance with the diet, not allowing him to beg forbidden goodies at the table - chocolate, fried foods, hot sauces. A balanced diet is the key to a healthy dog. You can feed them natural products or premium dry food containing at least 25% meat ingredients. When feeding natural food, add vitamins for animals, sold at a veterinary pharmacy.

Get mandatory vaccinations and visit your veterinarian every year to prevent the development of hereditary diseases.

Where to buy a puppy

You can buy a Parson Russell Terrier at a breed nursery. If you need the perfect representative of the breed, choose a puppy that has been raised up to 4 months. At this age, it is already possible to identify flaws in the dog’s appearance and character. Unfortunately, Russian breeders strive to sell puppies as early as possible, so finding an adult Parson will not be easy.

At an early age, a puppy's prospects can be determined by the appearance of the parents. Pay attention to the exterior features, ask the breeder for pedigrees and information about the titles of the father and mother.

These dogs require significant daily exercise: they are too energetic for a couch potato lifestyle.

The characteristics of the Parson Russell Terrier make it possible to keep it both in a country house and in a city apartment. But in any case, these dogs need significant daily physical activity: they are too energetic for a sofa lifestyle. The Parson Russell Terrier's coat requires minimal grooming: occasional brushing with a stiff brush is sufficient.

Origin and history

Country of origin: Great Britain

The breed got its name in honor of its creator, Pastor (parson) Russell. John (Jack) Russell, born in 1795 in southwest England, was a very special dog breeder. Being a priest, he was also a skilled horseman and an excellent hunter. Breeding and selecting terriers was his passion. The history of the breed began in 1990, when the British Kennel Club recognized it and published the official provisional standard for the Parson Jack Russell Terrier. The FCI temporarily recognized the breed in the summer of that year. The current name was given to it by the British Kennel Club in 1999. Final recognition by the FCI took place in 2001. This terrier is fast and resilient. Its appearance creates an overall impression of harmony and flexibility. The standard allows for scars. The Parson Russell Terrier is distinguished by its proportional build.

a brief description of

  • Other names: Parson Russell Terrier, Parson-Jack-Russell-Terrier, PJT, PRT, working-terrier, Russell Terrier, Parson Terrier, Parson;
  • Height: short-legged type of dogs up to 33 cm, high-legged type up to 38 cm;
  • Weight: up to 7.7 kg;
  • Color: white with black, brown or lemon tan, tricolor;
  • Wool: short, hard, smooth or rough to the touch, as well as high-quality combinations of wool, the undercoat is dense, very short;
  • Lifespan: up to 15 years;
  • Advantages of the breed: considered one of the healthiest dogs, easy to care for;
  • Difficulties: can become stubborn without proper upbringing, do not get along well with domestic rodents and songbirds;
  • Price: from $400 to $1200 in European nurseries.

Origin story

Recognized by the International Canine Association FCI only in 2001, the Parson Russell Terrier dog breed known since the 20s of the 19th century. True, they were called Russell Terriers in honor of the Reverend Pastor John (in the world Jack) Russell, to whom the breed owes its existence.

While a student at Oxford University, D. Russell bought a dog from a neighbor's milkman - a small hunting terrier, long-legged enough to keep up with a horse. The goal of breeding was to obtain a dog that would hunt a fox with a rider, but would not kill or spoil the fur of the prey.

In 1798, the future pastor received the first Parson Russell Terrier puppies, whose exterior has remained virtually unchanged to this day. The British, as true hunters, became keenly interested in the new breed with excellent characteristics and began to “improve” the qualities of the dogs en masse, crossing them with Sealyham Terriers, infusing the blood of Welsh Corgis so that the dogs had intelligence.

Having “worked” on the exterior, PRT decided to balance the character and improve the coat, giving it a wiry feel. Therefore, Lakeland blood was added to the resulting specimens. But, as it turned out in the end, after experimental matings, the Parson Russell Terrier lost its main quality, namely the desire to hunt.

The return to the origins of the breed was due to the fact that two lines of Russells appeared in the litters - short-legged terriers and individuals with long legs, which were more popular. It was they who were introduced to the canine community in 1983 as Russell Terriers and the first standard for the Parson Russell Terrier breed was prescribed. And in 1990, the FCI included long-legged dogs in the list of recognized breeds.

Short-legged Russell Terriers received official recognition only in 1999, and the date 21.10.2001 years are counted as the day when The fate of the Russells was determined. On this day two breeds were recognized. The long-legged ones were called Parsen Russell Terriers, reaching 37 cm at the withers, and the short-legged ones, up to 33 cm high. Since then, mating between the two breeds has not been practiced.

Purpose of the breed

The British are very fond of Russell Terriers, both long-legged and short-legged, considering them unsurpassed companions. Versatile in every way, dogs still faithfully serve farmers, protecting stables from rodents, and also taking part in hunting foxes, badgers, and rabbits. The dogs retained their old name working-terrier, a dog intended for work.

In France, the most common type of hunting is boar baiting, and parsons are considered integral participants in this event. In Champagne and Picardy, the Parson Russell Terrier is used as a blood trail hound. The Irish hunt wild ducks with Parson Terriers, thanks to the dogs' excellent retrieval of shot game.


All varieties of Russell Terriers have cheerful disposition, unpretentiousness to living conditions, extremely developed logic and extraordinary temperament. Exterior is not a priority, the main thing is that the dog has purely sociable qualities, helping the owner in everyday life.

Only a few dog owners who received official recognition only a couple of decades ago dream about exhibition activities, despite the fact that the historical age of the breed is more than 200 years. Of the special character traits, the fearlessness and courage of dogs are especially noted, but the manifestation of aggression towards their own kind is not excluded.

The hunting instinct of the PRT is laid down at the genetic level. If you don't give your dog the opportunity to fully expel his energy, he becomes uncontrollable. An unfulfilled dog is capricious, vindictive and can bite. The Russell Terrier practically does not speak. The dog rushes towards a threat silently, fully aware of what needs to be done in such situations.

Successful representatives of the breed, as a rule, are friendly and relatively obedient if there is no hunting object nearby. To allow your dog to realize its potential, you should ignore jogging, but get on a bicycle and keep your dog nearby on a leash.

Walks should be long and intense - a frisbee, ball or other fetch toy should be used as much as possible. Most of all Russell Terriers They don’t like to lie on the couch for a long time.

Video review of the breed

The video from Dutch dog handlers perfectly displays the main characteristics of the Parson Russell Terrier and Jack Russell Terrier breeds - the external characteristics of the dogs, the properties and character traits of these two similar and yet different breeds:

Choosing a puppy

If the choice of dog for the family was made in favor of the Parson Russell Terrier, breeders advise Conduct an allergy test for each member, especially for young children.

If the family has a child under one year of age, Not recommended take a puppy of this breed due to the latter’s active life position. Puppies are naturally rowdy, and it is quite difficult to keep track of two babies - a human and a canine.

All advertisements for the sale of puppies are nothing more than a management ploy using concepts such as elite producers, super breed, show class. When buying a puppy You must sign a purchase and sale agreement. This step can protect you from possible troubles, since Parson Russell Terrier dogs are not cheap, and no one is immune from the unreliability of the breeder.

When choosing a puppy, you must:

  • Make sure of the breed– see the mother and father of the litter with your own eyes.
  • View certificates parents' health.
  • Ask the breeder about possible problems of heredity of sire lines.

Each pedigree puppy is accompanied by dowry:

  • birth certificate– a puppy with parents’ details;
  • copiers maternal and paternal health certificates;
  • veterinary passport with entered dates;
  • memo-guide the breeder about the proper raising of the puppy;
  • favorite toy so that the puppy gets used to the change of environment faster.

The rules for purchasing a puppy of any breed are based on visiting canine exhibitions, where you can get to know the breeders of leading kennels, identify a factory where you can purchase a puppy, and discuss the nuances of the purchase.

Nicknames and names

At birth, all club puppies receive official nicknames with a factory prefix. They appear in canine records, are included in stud books, exhibition catalogs and accompany the puppy throughout his life.

But no one forbids giving a puppy a pet name, which, from the owner’s point of view, is more suitable for the baby. PRT names interesting, loud, energetic, reflecting the character and disposition of the breed. A name is given once and for life, so you should choose one that will be perceived by the dog and pleasant to the ear of the owner, because it sounds repeatedly throughout the day, months and years.

Dogs get along well in apartments, but the spaciousness of private areas suits this energetic breed best. It is important for dogs living in apartments to be toilet trained in the first two to three weeks after moving.

The dogs require no more grooming than any other short-haired breed, which includes regular brushing twice a week. Their do not cut or trim, bathe as needed. Claws are trimmed if the dog does not grind them down during walks. This phenomenon is extremely rare.

Cleaned regularly. Due to its energy, secretions quickly accumulate in the auricle, in which pathogenic bacteria can develop. The dental system is strong, like all hunters, but preventively examination twice a year by a veterinarian still desirable. The eyes are examined every day, since Parson Russell Terriers have a breed tendency to ophthalmological diseases.

Health and heredity

In the Parson Russell Terrier, the main breed disease is considered to be necrosis of the femoral head. The disease manifests itself by the age of five and is called Legg-Peters disease.

Some representatives of the breed have a tendency to lack coordination of movements, which is transmitted genetically. Also, in white individuals, but not albinos, congenital deafness is often found. But in general The breed claims to be the healthiest dog on the planet.


When purchasing a puppy, the breeder provides rules for the pet. As a rule, this is a balanced diet that excludes the dog and minimizes gastrointestinal problems. If your baby's belly is swollen, the first thing to do is to get rid of it. The procedure should be agreed upon with the breeder and veterinarian.

By old age, almost all PRT suffer from picky eating. Therefore, food is given no more than twice a day, carefully selecting the feeding ration. Dogs of this breed are like no other need high quality feed, no matter dry or wet.

The main thing is that the composition includes the necessary amount of protein, vitamins and minerals for active representatives of the breed. Typically, super-premium dog foods for energetic small breed dogs are ideal for Parson Russell Terriers.

Education and training

Dogs of this breed are characterized as extremely intelligent, but very stubborn creatures. Socialization of a Parson Terrier should begin as soon as it crosses the threshold of a new home. From the age of three months, when walks begin, the dog gradually learns to cope, not in an apartment.

Russell Terrier recommended walking on a leash, since the animal has a highly developed hunting instinct, and until the pet has mastered the basic commands, letting it run freely is a rash step on the part of the owner, since even a trained dog, if it has already smelled a scent, is sometimes difficult to leave due to a highly developed hunting instinct .

Together with walks, they unobtrusively begin to educate and independently study the basics. Only from the age of six months can a dog be taken to OKD or hire an individual dog trainer. Before training with a trainer pure white dogs should be examined by a veterinarian for deafness.

Advantages and disadvantages

Parson Russell Terriers have firmly occupied the niche of pets. The rapidly increasing popularity of the new breed is explained by compactness of the dog, moderate aggressiveness and the most cheerful disposition little pranksters.

Russell's terriers are close friends with older children and take part in all active games. Finding a common language with small representatives of humanity is quite difficult for dogs due to the nature of the animal.

All communication between a dog and a child up to one and a half years old should take place in the presence of at least one adult, since nimble terriers can accidentally drop or scare a child.

Russell Terriers are quite friendly with other dog breeds only if they grow up together.

If you are interested in hunting game that lives in holes, then the Parson Russell Terrier is an ideal mini assistant.

He is able to help get a struggling animal out of its hiding place.

But when choosing such a dog as a pet, you need to study the character traits of this friendly, so-called fox hunter.

Otherwise, the possible option is not the most comfortable neighborhood with an adventurous, uncontrollable mini dog.

The founder of the breed is Pastor John (Jack) Russell. A lover of hunting and horse riding, later a breeder and breeder of terriers, he sought to improve hunting qualities.

Today, the most common terrier, especially loved as a mini dog, in Holland and the USA is the Parson Russell Terrier. Country of origin: England.

Gained popularity in Russia thanks to the film “The Mask” with Jim Carrey.

More recently, they separated into an independent species from the mini-sized Parson Jack Russell Terrier breed, which is the more ancient ancestor of all Russell and modern Fox Terriers.

Officially, the modern name appeared in 1999, and in 2001 the recognition of a separate breed occurred. External similarity still exists, but a significant difference is the difference in the height of the withers.

Psychological portrait and character

The purpose of creating such a mini terrier was to breed a skilled fox and badger hunter.

The dog should not be afraid of chasing the prey; as a result, it is pulled out of the hole by the tail along with the game.

Being in a wide hole, the Parson Russell Terrier announces its location with a ringing bark. Demonstrates confidence, activity, and courage in behavior.

Characterized by the ability to undergo prolonged intense physical activity.

If the dog gets bored, then destructive behavior will not be long in coming, since in such conditions he will suffer.

Hunting blood and fearlessness towards dangers, in the absence of the hunting process that is native to the breed, can result in aggression towards other domestic animals, provoking conflicts with large dogs, which can lead to a mini visit to the veterinarian for the dog.

The Parson Russell Terrier differs from the Parson Jack Russell Terrier breed in its comparative balance and restraint.

The developed ability to perfectly adapt to its environment allows it to be kept both in a country house and in an apartment.

If you got such a puppy not for hunting, but as a pet, you should give it the opportunity to release unused energy. At the same time, do not allow birds to chase or run after other animals.

It is important that your Parson Russell Terrier goes on long walks at least twice a day. Typically, such dogs wake up early and are ready for vigorous activity in the morning.

For walks, you need to choose the most open, spacious areas where the dog can explore the territory and play active games.

These terriers readily obey commands and are easy to train if the owner always manages to take a leading position in the relationship with the pet.

Nutrition and care

In relation to food, it is necessary to develop a sense of proportion in your pet, since with its mini size it is easy to gain weight. Discipline should also be taught in the process of eating.

You should not feed near the master's table, otherwise the Parson Russell Terrier will hang around him constantly, begging for a tasty treat, which can lead to unwanted excess weight.

Just like for any dog, it is important to balance the nutritional values ​​of the food.

You should give food of animal origin, adding plant sources of vitamins. You need to accustom your pet to a proper diet from a very early age.

The Parson Russell Terrier is unpretentious in terms of grooming.. Regular hygiene procedures are required.

Must be cleaned weekly, washed if necessary. With proper nutrition and care, the Parson Russell Terrier enjoys fairly good health.

Photo gallery

If you love active recreation or hunting trips, then this dog is just for you. After all, this little dog contains a lot of energy and positivity. Without long walks, your pet will spoil your furniture and mood.

The dogs come from England. This breed was developed by Pastor Jack Russell. He loved hunting very much and wanted a dog that satisfied all his needs. And by crossing many terriers, a breed was created that was recognized in the British Club in 1990. For a long time it was combined with the Jack Russell Terrier. And in 2001 they were finally separated.

Parson Russell Terrier

Description of the breed

  • Weight: up to 7 kg;
  • Height: up to 36 cm;
  • The head is small and strong;
  • The eyes are almond-shaped, dark;
  • The ears are small and drooping. The neck is strong;
  • Small dog. Hardy and agile. An excellent burrow hunter. The legs are long and strong;
  • The body is proportionally folded. The back is strong. The tail is docked;
  • An energetic breed, hardy and fearless;
  • The wool is tough. The color is white with red spots on the head or tail. The nose is black.


An energetic breed, hardy and fearless. This little dog's bravery and bravery sometimes gets him into trouble.

Walk outside

They may offend other pets due to their hunting instinct.

They feel better in a country house than in an apartment. From time to time it is worth organizing hunting trips, only then will this breed splash out all its energy and behave calmer at home.

The character is good-natured and sociable. Likes to spend time in the noisy company of family and friends.

Gets along very well with children.

Not suitable for older people and those who lead a calm and measured life. Also, very busy people should not get a Parson Terrier. Without proper attention, they will become real tyrants.

Be sure to keep fresh drinking water in the bowl.

It is necessary to devote sufficient time to education and training. You are not picky about food, but still choose your diet responsibly. Otherwise, they are very easy-to-care dogs. Brush the coat once a week.

Playful, energetic breed

After a walk, wipe your paws with a damp towel. Periodically inspect and clean your nose, ears and eyes. Bath with shampoo as you get dirty.

Buying a puppy

To purchase a healthy puppy, follow our tips. Decide for what purpose you are purchasing this breed.


Next, choose a club or breeder who breeds this breed. Read reviews, talk to the puppy’s parents, look at the place where it is kept. Check all the necessary documents, this will give you a guarantee of purchasing a healthy dog ​​mentally and physically.

And remember - we are responsible for those we have tamed!

Parson Russell Terrier hunting a squirrel