Exercises to restore vision. A complete set of exercises to restore vision Eye training

A military secret. The secret of good vision revealed!
A military doctor, a highly qualified expert, reveals the secrets of vision restoration and adaptation that have long been known to the military.
Snipers, pilots, special forces soldiers restore their vision without glasses or surgical lenses, easily and simply!
The expert reviews one of the most modern simulators for vision restoration.

A unique trainer. More details here: http://sneglotos.ru/lp/mnot-slogodskogo

On the “Vision and Health” channel you will learn exercises to restore vision, how to correct vision, how to treat eyes.
You will also learn to perform simple exercises for vision, not complex gymnastics for the eyes: http://www.youtube.com/user/Marina19067?sub_confirmation=1
Helpful information:
- A unique simulator for vision restoration http://sneglotos.ru/lp/mnot-slogodskogo
- Visit our website: http://zorkoezrenie.ru/
- Author of the Super Vision method: https://vk.com/slogodsky
- We are on VKontakte: https://vk.com/superzrenie
- We and Healthy Lifestyle: http://sneglotos.ru/
All webinars by Evgeny Slogodsky: http://zorkoezrenie.ru/category/vebinary/magazin-video-treningov/

The most interesting thing is here:
- Vision. Exercises for the eyes. Prevention https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2gqg8YOepDw&list=PLR6DzwIL3GLNFrkIHwwalD8r0kCNuD5G3&index=1
- Eye trainer. Vision correction https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J43xGrT9Njg&list=PLR6DzwIL3GLPwtTTgyWHc6KrL3BtfI422&index=1
- Trainings by Evgeniy Slogodsky https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vpluZuaF_VY&index=1&list=PLR6DzwIL3GLO63rLqDyozBTMgQhjjEGC6
- Tibetan singing bowls. How to interact with them https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UW4kclgWUSo&index=1&list=PLR6DzwIL3GLO1jhbWaxzr-ftS9Ce2XpE_
- Eye treatment. How to correct vision https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D65A7xEzi7Y&list=PLR6DzwIL3GLOs87EXN-76OXjXYcb9i5tC&index=2
- Restoration of vision. Myopia (myopia) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xz7_OBc34X8&index=1&list=PLR6DzwIL3GLMsfJDEA8m25jp-sVjQqUkv
- Vision. Farsightedness (hypermetropia) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D65A7xEzi7Y&list=PLR6DzwIL3GLPnYGr7JlBXJsbptBTtCzMl&index=1
- Interesting about spirituality and other things https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ivMw3awEJeQ&index=1&list=PLR6DzwIL3GLNNHciak-xNDjaOEsrKuYza

Using simple examples, you can understand what treatment is for the retina, eye cataracts, and eye edema.
What eye drops are used to eliminate eye inflammation, how the retina works and how to treat it if necessary.
You will also learn what glaucoma is.
If your vision is deteriorating and you are experiencing vision problems, do not rush to treat your vision and find out what laser vision correction is and whether eye surgery is really necessary.
Find out what eye trainers are used for and what eye trainer glasses are and what are the benefits of them.

Subscribe to the channel and don't miss a new video: http://www.youtube.com/user/Marina19067?sub_confirmation=1

Video Military secret. Secrets of good vision channel Vision and Health

Shooting from rifled small arms is not a physically active activity in the broad sense of the term. But, despite this, it is an integral and important part of the general training of a sniper, like any other fighter. And there are a number of features that you should pay attention to.

Requires a high level of coordination from the shooter. The first point: no other sport requires such precise and highly coordinated work of muscle ligaments + vision + touch and spatial orientation as in shooting. Another point is the vestibular apparatus, which should be, if not ideal, then close to ideal.

These two points should complement each other and work like Swiss ones. The slightest glitch will lead to an inaccurate shot, and in combat conditions a miss can cost the lives of you and your comrades.

It should be taken into account that almost all shooting positions and variants of positioning when shooting from are not natural for a person; mastering them at the initial stage requires overcoming feelings of discomfort and applying some effort.

Remember once and for all: various gyms, rocking chairs and the like are contraindicated for a sniper. Do not get carried away with barbells and dumbbells, or strength work with large weights. A pumped up body is beautiful, but nothing more. The fact is that overdeveloped, powerful muscle mass is not adapted to clearly dosed, smooth, highly coordinated work. Such muscles work in jerks, are prone to spontaneous contractions, and sometimes spasms. All this negatively affects both the shooter’s stability and shooting accuracy.

Muscles should develop evenly and in moderation, without fanaticism and excesses. The approximate training scheme is as follows: - 5-6 times a week, exercises on the horizontal bar - 2-3 times a week, on uneven bars - 2-3 times a week, exercises for the development of the abdominal press - 5-6 times a week. Exercises on the horizontal bar and uneven bars alternate, that is, if today you work on the horizontal bar, then tomorrow on the uneven bars, the day after tomorrow again on the horizontal bar, etc. This is due to the fact that muscle groups must receive enough rest after exercise and have time to recover.

The main thing before running and performing exercises on sports equipment is to warm up and warm up well. Don't forget stretching exercises. The following recommendations are based on our own experience.

1. Running

Even the ancient Greeks said: if you want to be strong, run, if you want to be beautiful, run, if you want to be smart, run. Running develops absolutely all the muscles of the legs, has a beneficial effect on the heart, increases the overall endurance of the body and helps saturate it with oxygen, improves blood circulation and strengthens the spine. First of all, buy yourself high-quality, branded running shoes (sneakers). Precisely for running, not for walking. Never run on asphalt - you will “kill” your leg joints. Only on forest paths, forest plantations, dirt paths away from busy highways.

If you were not familiar with sports before, then you can start simply with daily morning walking at a normal pace; 2-3 km a day will be quite enough. After a week or two, you can switch to moving at a “wolf pace”, that is, 100 meters on foot, 100 meters - running at an average pace. 2-3 km will be quite enough to start with, then of course you can increase the load.

Run correctly: your torso and especially your back are straight, your shoulders are turned, you don’t throw your legs high, three steps - inhale, three - exhale, breathe either only through your nose, or inhale through your nose, exhale through your mouth. The pulse should not exceed 150 beats per minute; if it exceeds, it means the load is excessive and should be reduced. Never stop running abruptly, gradually reduce the pace, and then walk another 500 meters at least.

When, as they say, “you get into the rut” - at the end of the distance, you can start making a dash of a couple of hundred meters at the maximum speed that you are capable of. Just don’t overdo it, otherwise you may trip, get tangled in your own feet, fall and get injured. After running, do a short warm-up to prepare for exercises on sports equipment.

2. Horizontal bar

This is your “friend, comrade and brother.” With its help, you can perfectly develop almost all muscle groups above the waist: arms, shoulder girdle, torso. Tendons are strengthened. Pull-ups on the bar can be done with an overhand (direct) or underhand (reverse) grip, a narrow, medium or wide grip.

Depending on the grip, the emphasis of the load changes; the wider the grip, the less the load on the arm muscles and the greater the load on the back muscles, and vice versa, the narrower the grip, the greater the load on the arm muscles. In addition, with all types of pull-ups on the bar, the pectoral muscles are partially involved in the work.

You should pull yourself up on the bar smoothly, without jerking or jerking. Ideally, at the peak of the upward movement, the chest should touch or almost touch the bar, while the back is straight, then the muscles are involved in the work as much as possible. It's better to do two pull-ups correctly than ten incorrectly. If you need to strengthen your muscles relatively quickly, we can use the option of jerking up and slowly descending down; in this case, the muscles work more intensely. For effort (up) - exhale (through the nose or mouth), for relaxation (down) - inhale through the nose. Don’t forget to do ““, just be careful, don’t overdo it.

By the number of approaches, grips and repetitions - see for yourself. Each person is individual. Generally speaking, on average, to begin with, 3 sets of 5 repetitions will be enough, gradually increasing the number of repetitions to 8-12 and even 15-20, and the number of approaches to 5-6.

3. Bars

Another very good sports equipment for muscle development. With classic vertical dips, the arm muscles (especially the triceps), shoulder girdle muscles, pectoral muscles are developed, and the oblique abdominal muscles are also captured.

The general recommendations for performing the exercises are the same as for doing pull-ups on the horizontal bar, with their own specifics, of course. So, when moving down, you need to go as low as possible to the bars; the lower, the more intense the muscles work. The number of approaches and repetitions is individual.

Another very good exercise for those who are more or less physically fit is horizontal bar push-ups. Excellent for developing the muscles of the chest, arms, shoulders, and upper back. Get into the starting position on the uneven bars as if doing a vertical push-up, move backwards and throw both legs onto both stands and find yourself in a horizontal position facing the ground, after which you do push-ups as if from the ground. Downward movement - inhale, upward movement - exhale. The lower you go, the more intense the muscles work.

4. Push-ups from the floor, ground, other surface

The surface must be horizontal and level. Develops muscles mainly of the chest and shoulder girdle, as well as the back of the arms. Do push-ups with emphasis on the palms, for advanced ones - on the fingers and fists. Here, too, everything is purely individual. The main recommendations are the same as for horizontal dips.

5. Exercises for abdominal development

They must be done daily. It should be remembered that bending the torso upward, for example, on a sports bench with your feet hooked to the crossbar or an inclined board, develops the upper part of the abdominal press more, while raising the legs up to the crossbar on a sports ladder or horizontal bar develops the lower part of the abdominal press.

6. Exercises to train the vestibular apparatus

The vestibular system is a small but complex system. Responsible for coordination of movements, stability, perception of body and head movement in space. In other words, it is an organ of balance. Technically, it is located in the inner ear. Its receptors are irritated when the head moves or tilts, causing reflex muscle contractions that help straighten the body and maintain its position in space. For a sniper, a well-developed vestibular apparatus is extremely important. I think there is no need to explain why.

So, the starting position is standing, legs together, arms apart, palms open. You begin to rotate around your axis up to 10 times. The first times can be slow, but with each workout, increase the speed and number of rotations. This is a very good exercise. At first you may feel “stuck” and nauseous, but this is normal. Do it at home the first time; if you are not used to it, you may fall.

Second exercise. Standing with your feet shoulder-width apart, lean forward and clasp one of your legs with your hands under the knee, no matter which one, which one is more comfortable. Fixing your gaze on the point between your big toes, you begin to quickly rotate around this point, 10 times in one direction and 10 times in the other direction. Gradually, you need to increase the number of rotations to at least 30.

7. Swimming

Perfectly relaxes and develops all muscle groups without overstraining them. Swim as often as you can, in different styles and at different speeds. This is a very good addition to the exercises above.

8. Eye workout

You can't go anywhere without this. First of all, give up long sittings at the computer, laptop, or in front of the “zombie box”; this is not good for anyone. Read in sufficient ambient light and never in public transport or a moving car.

First exercise: sitting or standing straight, head straight, look forward, rotating your eyes in a circle left and right, 10-15 times, several approaches.

Second exercise: the original one, without changing the position of the head, alternately move our gaze maximum up, right, down, left, up and further according to the given order.

Third exercise: the original one is the same, standing on the street or at the window, we look at the object that is closest, then we turn our gaze to a more distant object, then to the horizon line and in the reverse order.

Of course, the exercises given are not the ultimate truth. If you wish, you can find a lot of text and media material on this topic. Try, experiment, develop your own system, optimally tailored for you personally.

Eye exercises for astigmatism cannot correct a defect in the visual apparatus and are intended to prevent subsequent complications. The essence of gymnastics for astigmatism is to relax overstrained visual muscles, which occurs as a result of the body’s compensation for visual impairment. If there are any defects or pathologies, the visual apparatus tries to independently compensate for the deficiency, and the load is redistributed. Thus, without correction of astigmatism with glasses or surgical correction, strabismus may develop. This occurs because the load is uneven between the antagonist muscles of the eyeball (medial and lateral rectus muscles, superior and inferior rectus muscles, oblique muscles). Accordingly, one of them moves the eyeball more than the opposite one.

Vision with astigmatism and normal

Thus, exercises for astigmatism for the eyes are an additional component of treatment for preventive purposes. Also, eye gymnastics, both for pathologies and defects of the visual apparatus, and in healthy people, can relieve tension in the muscles of the eyeball, reduce fatigue, as well as headaches caused by overstrain of the visual organs. May improve vision with continued practice.


Before you start doing eye exercises, you need to prepare first. Sit comfortably in a sitting, or even lying down position. Make sure that you are not disturbed or interrupted from your exercises. It is recommended to choose a well-lit place. You should start the lesson in a relaxed and calm state. It is highly advisable to exercise regularly (it is better to give yourself a regular time, for example, a 10-minute lunch break.). Perform the workout following the instructions and recommendations.

Palming is a preliminary exercise that helps relax the muscles of the visual apparatus, proposed by William Bates. The exercise is based on closing your eyes with open palms. When the eyes are closed the muscles are in a state of rest. And the palms on top allow you to add additional heat, which allows you to expand the blood vessels, more blood flows into the eye muscles, and the access of oxygen increases.

Palming technique: sit (you can lie down) in a comfortable position. Rub your palms together; when you feel warmth, apply your open palms with the inside to your closed eyes. Sit in this state for several minutes.

Exercise sets

The complex for astigmatism is based on a number of eye exercises: eye movements in different directions, circular movements. Also, to work with the internal eye muscles, exercises to defocus the gaze are recommended. They are quite easy to do. The task is to first look at a distant object, then at a nearby one. Do several reps. If there are few objects around, then you can look at the finger that you bring closer to your nose, and then move it away as far as possible.

It is also worth paying a little attention to the muscles of the eyelids. To do this, it is recommended to close your eyes with maximum effort, and then open them. Do several reps.

Each exercise should be done in multiples of 5 to 10 times; between each approach, it is recommended to blink quickly several dozen times.

Bates method

Can be used not only in cases of astigmatism. Thanks to the research of the famous scientist and ophthalmologist William Bates, a unique training system was created to restore vision. Thanks to visual training, surgery and glasses can be eliminated. The key to improving vision is regular exercise. William Bates suggested that decreased vision occurs due to stress.

  1. First up is Palming. The relaxing effects are facilitated by darkness, as well as warmth from the hands.
  2. Afterwards you can begin “solarization”. For this exercise, you can take any light source (a candle, flashlight, light bulb or sunlight will do). It is best to do your workout outdoors. It is necessary to find a position so that when you turn your head in one direction, your eyes are in the light, and when you turn in the other direction, you are in the shadow.
  3. You can start “blinking”, the essence is rapid blinking. Next we proceed to the “rotation”. This movement can be performed with either open or closed eyelids, but be sure to move your eyes slowly and smoothly.
  4. Also used are the exercises “triangle”, “figure eight”, “snake” vertical and horizontal, vertical and horizontal movements.

The essence of the complex remains the same. Gymnastics for the eyes is performed to relax all the extraocular muscles. Exercises must be performed while removing glasses. Eye movements during training should be done smoothly without sudden movements or jerks. Zhdanov recommends repeating each exercise 3-5 times, after each blink several dozen times.

Gymnastics according to Avetisov

The complex is used quite often. Based on three main groups. They are effective for adults, but are especially useful for children.

  1. A group of exercises aimed at improving blood circulation and circulation of intraocular fluid. These are “closing and opening eyelids”, “moving in a circle with closed eyelids”, “pressing on the eyeballs”.
  2. Strengthening and relaxation of muscles. Movement of the gaze “from top to bottom and from bottom to top”, “diagonally”, “circular movement”, “figure eight vertical and horizontal”.
  3. For accommodation. You can perform it with the help of objects, placing one far away and the other close, and moving your gaze from one to the other. You can use your index finger instead of a nearby object, placing it at a palm distance from your nose. You can also place two fingers, one at arm's length, the other at a palm's distance from the nose, and move your gaze from one finger to the other.

Norbekov method

You must first prepare as described above. You should blink first.

  • Next, draw the number eight with your eyes in one direction, then in the other.
  • Then, in the same way, draw the lying number eight with your eyes.
  • Then we visually draw a circle clockwise, then counterclockwise.
  • Place your index finger at a distance of 25-30 cm from your face. We close one eye, focus the second on the finger, then on a distant object. Next, repeat in the same way with the other eye.

All exercises are performed five times. After the entire complex, it is recommended to sit (or lie down) with your eyes closed for five minutes and relax.

Tibetan gymnastics for the eyes

It is highly popular today.

  1. The complex begins with an exercise that is aimed at working the internal muscles of the eye. The palms are placed in front of you at a distance of 40–50 centimeters, and then they are spread and brought together. It is required to keep your palms in your field of vision as much as possible without moving your head.
  2. The next exercise is designed to work with accommodation. Initially, the gaze focuses on the outstretched hand, and then moves to a distant object. They blink frequently for two minutes. Next, make rotational movements.
  3. The whole gymnastics ends with an eyelid massage, which is performed with gentle movements of the fingertips.

All exercises are done with a frequency of 5-10 repetitions.

Gymnastics for children with astigmatism

It is very important that the child enjoys doing eye exercises. It is best to provide exercises in the form of a game, and print out a diagram with a complex of eye training with your favorite cartoon characters.

The principle of performing the exercises is the same as for adults. First, preparation, then gymnastics for the eyes and relaxation. It is important to exercise regularly.

  • "Butterfly". The child is asked to blink, imagining his eyelids as butterfly wings.
  • "Happy Hours" Children need to imagine as if their eyes are the hands of a clock and are asking to show the time. Thus, they make a movement up, down, right, left.
  • "Blind Man's Bluff." You need to close your eyes; this exercise can be done in the form of a game of hide and seek.
  • "Traffic light for trains." You need to play traffic light, closing your eyes first, then your left eye.
  • "Peepers." You have to look for as long as possible without blinking.
  • "Far close". Find different objects with your gaze that are at different distances.
  • "Massage". Recommended at the end of training. You can invite your child to stroke his eyelids, eye sockets, cheekbones and eyebrows. And at the same time say to yourself, “Thank you for the well-done exercise.”


If you have a detached retina, it is not recommended to do gymnastics due to the fact that if you select the wrong exercises or perform them incorrectly, the condition can worsen, even to the point of loss of vision.

It is prohibited to perform training after surgery for six months.

In case of myopia greater than -4, the Zhdanov set of exercises should be performed extremely carefully. In the best case, you should consult a specialist.

About six years ago I met one person, and later we became friends. At that time I had not yet studied the question “What to do when your eyes hurt.”

Gymnastics for the eyes and the army, what is the connection? In the aftermath it turned out that he served as a sniper in the army. And in one of the conversations, he shared the eye gymnastics that they were taught in the armies to improve vision.

Gymnastics for the eyes video!

Gymnastics for the eyes - this! Gymnastics for the eyes is very simple and I think many people know it. The benefits from it are very good and important for our eyes. Gymnastics helps to train the eye muscles, thereby improving their functioning. It is useful for people who have farsightedness or nearsightedness, especially for those who spend a lot of time in front of a computer monitor.

Gymnastics for the eyes is done this way.

1. You first need to relax your eyes and do palming for 4-5 minutes.

2.Then you need to improve blood circulation in the eyes, for this we close our eyes tightly and then open our eyes wide, do this 5-6 times.

3. And now you need to move your gaze from a nearby object to an object that is in the distance. And we do it up to 10 times.

This eye gymnastics is done in any convenient place on a bus, trolleybus, in a traffic jam, or at the computer. Start training your eyes gradually, doing it several times 2-3 times at the beginning. Over time, adding more repetitions.

It is especially important for those who have eye pain, first of all, it is necessary to seek help from an ophthalmologist and consult with him.

Next articles

Exercises to restore vision are a set of gymnastics that must be performed in the morning (if possible, in the evening). Often, to perform such exercises, nothing extra is required, no additional preparations are needed, therefore, no matter where a person is (at work, at home, on a business trip), he can always do this exercise for the eyes.

Everyone can create a set of eye exercises for themselves, but you can also easily use a ready-made one. It is advisable to check your vision before performing the selected complex, so that at the end of the training you can record the changes that have occurred and see the tendency for vision restoration.

In the morning hours you can devote time to:

  1. Gymnastics for the eyes.
  2. Palming.
  3. Working with a vision test table.

In the evening before going to bed, you can do the same thing, but adding the sniper technique.

As noted above, if a person has time during the daytime, then eye gymnastics can also be performed during the day. But the main thing here is not to overdo it. The patient must focus on his internal sensations and monitor his well-being.

Your eyes shouldn’t get tired, you shouldn’t strain them too much, otherwise, instead of improvement, you might just get a complication. Each of the points in the set of exercises needs to be considered in more detail.

Gymnastics for the eyes consists of a complex of various movements. The purpose of this gymnastics is aimed at improving blood circulation and metabolism. In addition, this exercise allows you to train the eye muscles, keeping them in good shape, promoting better focusing or relaxation if necessary. This kind of eye gymnastics should be done without tension; ease is important here.

  • up and down movements;
  • “Butterfly” exercise (light flutter of eyelashes);
  • movements left and right;
  • light flutter of eyelashes;
  • movement in the corners from top to bottom, moving diagonally from left to right;
  • light flutter of eyelashes;
  • movement in the corners from top to bottom, moving diagonally from right to left;
  • light flutter of eyelashes;
  • movement counterclockwise along the trajectory of the square;
  • light flutter of eyelashes;
  • movement clockwise along the trajectory of a square;
  • light flutter of eyelashes;
  • movement counterclockwise along the trajectory of the circle;
  • light flutter of eyelashes;
  • movement clockwise along the trajectory of a circle;
  • light flutter of eyelashes;
  • snake movement right and left;
  • light flutter of eyelashes.

This set of eye exercises is performed once first, then you can increase the number of repetitions. After the first time, many people note an uncomfortable condition of the eyes. Doctors say that it is the eye muscles that hurt, there is nothing to worry about. The technique for performing these exercises is simple enough to do at home.

The first exercise from the picture, after each exercise - relaxation of the eye muscles (normal blinking). According to the Bates system, the cause of vision deterioration is the effort to see an object.

You need to blink not only often, but also very softly, easily, without straining, without squinting, as if the wings of a butterfly. It is enough to do the butterfly exercise for a few seconds. It can be done periodically throughout the day, because...


For simplicity and in order not to forget what exercise you need to do, it is better to create a schedule according to which you will carry out all procedures to improve and restore vision.

This exercise is aimed at restoring vision and relaxing the eye muscles. The simplest blinking is called a butterfly. It is believed that intense effort to see a particular object leads to vision deterioration.

A simple exercise consisting of blinking can improve vision. It’s not without reason that this exercise received such a beautiful name. Blinking should not just be frequent, it should be done with the ease of a butterfly flap (light, gentle, soft).

There is no need to squint while performing the exercise. The result can be obtained after performing the exercise in just a couple of seconds. This exercise can be done constantly. It is also important to note the fact that blinking not only allows you to relax your eyes, but also causes the process of wetting the cornea, which is a very useful property.


Using a similar set of exercises, you can achieve good results. The main thing is not to forget about the timeliness and frequency of performing these exercises. You can perform such gymnastics without the recommendation or advice of a doctor.

To implement it, no additional equipment or materials are required, and there is no need to set up for a long time. They can be performed at any convenient time. You don’t need to spend a lot of time, effort, patience, or money on them.