The child is sick without fever. Frequent and severe vomiting without diarrhea or fever. Vomiting due to motion sickness

If a one-year-old child exhibits vomiting without fever or diarrhea, you should pay close attention to this symptom. The causes of its manifestation can be life-threatening for the child. Vomiting never occurs on its own. It comes as a sign of an unfavorable condition or a serious illness, which is still hidden from the eyes of the parents. It is necessary to visit a doctor: sometimes we're talking about about life.


There are many reasons why vomiting in a one-year-old child can manifest itself:

  • Indigestion, poisoning. If this is not a severe form, vomiting will occur once and will pass without diarrhea or fever. This often happens when traveling, in a new place for a child, in holidays when the baby is allowed to try sweets. If your child is vomiting and feeling sick without fever or diarrhea, try to reconsider the diet.
  • Metabolic disease. This serious problem, which is transmitted genetically. For this reason, the baby often vomits and feels sick without fever or diarrhea. It will be difficult for parents to prevent it. In the most harmless forms, the child may have an intolerance to individual products or their components. Under no circumstances should children at this age be given sweets, food with dyes or preservatives.
  • Pathologies nervous system. At hereditary diseases or cerebral palsy vomiting will be systematic, with the contents of the stomach erupting like a fountain. If brain damage occurs as a result of trauma, we can talk about a concussion. Sometimes the cause is meningitis or encephalitis. In any case, you should see a doctor. Sometimes children suffer from migraines, which were previously only the property of adults. The reasons why children vomit and feel sick without fever or diarrhea may be unexpected.
  • Sometimes a one-year-old child vomits due to intestinal obstruction. It can be congenital or acquired as a result of damage. The essence of the disease is that there are no contractions in one part of the intestine, and feces are not expelled. The child complains that his stomach hurts, there is blood in his stool, he is pale, and is losing weight. He vomits and feels sick without fever or diarrhea. Treatment of the lesion most often occurs through surgery.
  • The baby swallowed a foreign body. Children often try everything to their teeth.” During one of these tests, the child may swallow a small object. In this case, the child vomits and feels sick without fever or diarrhea. It's good if it's something smooth and round. Such an object will easily pass through the intestines and be released along with feces. It’s a completely different matter if vomiting occurs, accompanied by malaise and pain in the esophagus. In this case, you cannot do without x-rays and the help of doctors in the hospital.
  • Appendicitis. Exacerbation of this disease in a one-year-old child is very rare. Most often it affects children of school or kindergarten preschool age. Additional symptoms will happen frequent urination, abdominal pain, lack of appetite. Sometimes minor diarrhea or fever may be present. Helping the baby in this case will consist of calling an ambulance.
  • Inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract. This is a whole set of diseases that can disturb a one-year-old child: gastritis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis, etc. They are often accompanied by diarrhea, but without fever. There are green spots of mucus in the baby's stool. Severe vomiting can threaten the baby's life, as the child is rapidly dehydrated.
  • Pyloric stenosis. This is a disease in which the passage between the stomach and duodenum is narrowed. Develops under the influence hereditary factors. Symptoms usually appear from the first days of life. The baby cannot eat anything, all the food comes out like a fountain. Only surgery will help a baby get rid of the disease.
  • Pylorospasm. The disease manifests itself in the fact that the valve between the stomach and duodenum is constantly under tension. The food cannot pass further and returns, causing vomiting. However, with pylorospasm it is less abundant than with pyloric stenosis. As a treatment, the doctor may prescribe anti-reflux formulas, even if the baby is exclusively breastfed.
  • Cardiospasm. Caused by the fact that the esophagus is greatly stretched when food enters it. However, the lower sphincter is tense and does not allow food to move further. As a result, vomiting occurs during eating. It is accompanied by cough and chest pain. This condition is dangerous because the child does not receive enough nutrition and does not gain weight. Treatment is carried out with medications. If it turns out to be ineffective, they resort to surgery.
  • Increased acetone. None of the doctors can yet accurately name the reasons for the occurrence of this condition. These could be infections in the intestines, stress, overeating fatty foods and other. Distinctive feature such a state becomes acetone smell, vomiting in the absence of fever in a one-year-old baby, which continues for several days.
  • Incorrectly selected complementary foods. Vomiting occurs once in an infant due to a reaction to the new kind complementary foods The innovation should be postponed until the baby’s condition stabilizes.

What should parents do?

If the condition of a one-year-old child becomes more and more serious, vomiting does not stop, you should call an ambulance. Regular eruption of vomit is dangerous due to dehydration of the body. Before the ambulance arrives, you must:

  • Clean your baby's nose after every vomiting attack.
  • Allow only a position on your side (never on your back).
  • Give rehydration solutions.

If possible, contact your local clinic or medical Center, you need to do this immediately. The child's vomit will be taken for analysis and treatment will be prescribed based on the results. An ultrasound, x-ray, or tube test may be needed if the child is vomiting and feeling sick without fever or diarrhea.

Vomiting in a baby - dangerous condition. If left unchecked, it can result in suffocation or a special form of pneumonia. Parents' attention to their child correct selection nutrition and regular examination by a doctor will help avoid these conditions.

The most important and beloved person for every parent is a child. The baby brings a lot of positive emotions and positivity into life. But, at the same time, it requires increased attention. After all children's body still imperfect, and therefore very susceptible to various diseases. So, sometimes a child may vomit, which is not accompanied by fever and diarrhea. What to do in this situation? How to help the baby?

Vomiting is not separate disease, but symptoms that signal the development of various pathologies in the child’s body.

If she is accompanied heat, diarrhea, then an intestinal infection is most often detected. But if on the thermometer normal indicators and there is no diarrhea? What can cause such symptoms?

Causes unpleasant phenomenon may be hidden in:

  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • reactions to the use of certain medications;
  • pathologies of the central nervous system;
  • endocrine ailments.

Vomiting without fever and without diarrhea can be functional. This condition may be caused by overeating or intolerance to certain foods. This kind of vomiting occurs once. But the child’s condition is not disturbed.

Most common reasons painful symptoms require more detailed study.

Food poisoning

Poor quality food or poisons that penetrate the digestive tract cause intoxication in the child. Symptoms depend on the strength of the poisoning.

The following clinical manifestations indicate minor poisoning:

  • nausea;
  • vomiting (can be one-time or repeated several times);
  • pain in the abdominal area;
  • no diarrhea;
  • temperature is within normal limits (sometimes slightly increased to 37.3 C);
  • weakness.

Similar symptoms may characterize overeating or unresponsiveness of the child’s body medicines.

Impaired metabolism

Discomfort in the abdominal area, pain, food rejection can provoke various pathologies endocrine system (for example, diabetes). Most of these diseases are genetic in nature.

The reasons why nausea and vomiting often occur may be dictated by intolerance to certain foods (cereals, fruits, glucose, cow's milk).

To determine if there are any problems with endocrine system a small patient needs to be tested for enzymes, hormones, and undergo an ultrasound of the peritoneum.

Foreign body in the digestive system

This pathology is most often observed in children under 3 years of age, who like to try everything by the tooth. The symptoms that torment a child depend entirely on the size of the object and its location.

Important! This condition is dangerous for the child. Sometimes it can even threaten his life.

Crumbs, if hit foreign body, suffer from the following manifestations:

  • pain while swallowing;
  • refusal to eat;
  • anxiety, crying;
  • difficulty breathing (if the object is large enough);
  • repeated vomiting, often repeated and does not bring relief.

Digestive system diseases

Very often, the causes of painful pathology are hidden in the impaired functioning of the digestive organs.

The following symptoms indicate the development of diseases:

  • vomiting appears;
  • body temperature is not elevated;
  • Nausea appears periodically;
  • the skin becomes pale;
  • pain, discomfort in the abdominal area;
  • Cold sweat may appear;
  • bloating.

Doctors say that these signs characterize initial stages gastrointestinal diseases. They often appear at night. That is why it is important to take the child to see a doctor at the first discomfort in the abdominal area and not give the pathology a chance to progress.

The discomfort described above is not diarrhea-causing and proceeding without an increase in temperature, may indicate the development of such ailments:

  • gastritis;
  • ulcer;
  • duodenitis;
  • pylorospasm ( this pathology implies constant spasm of the pylorus - the valve separating the stomach from the intestines).

Intestinal obstruction

The pathology can be congenital or acquired at an older age. When intestinal obstruction occurs in one area of ​​the intestine, there is a lack of peristalsis. As a result, the intestine does not contract and does not push the contents ( feces).

The pathology is characterized by the following manifestations:

  • spicy, cutting pain in the abdominal area;
  • repeated vomiting;
  • pallor of the skin;
  • the pain is cramping in nature;
  • the stool contains streaks of blood and mucus.

This pathology can only be treated surgical method. Therefore, if a child has a stomach ache and the parents suspect intestinal obstruction, then it is necessary to immediately call an ambulance.

Acute appendicitis

Inflammation of appendicitis in infants under one year of age practically does not occur. This pathology is typical for preschool children and schoolchildren.

In acute appendicitis, the temperature usually rises slightly. Sometimes a child may have diarrhea. But this is not a mandatory symptom. Often the pathology occurs without fever and without diarrhea.

The pathology is indicated by the following clinic:

  • stomach pain in the navel area, on the right;
  • vomiting is repeated many times;
  • appetite is completely absent;
  • frequent urge to urinate and defecate;
  • the pain is sharp, extremely acute.

Nervous system diseases

Various disorders can develop in the womb. A difficult birth can cause trauma to the baby.

The body's rejection of food occurs when brain injuries, concussions, tumors. But in these cases little patient I also have a headache.

What to do?

It is extremely difficult to independently determine why nausea occurs. Therefore, with such a symptom, it is necessary to show the child to the doctor. If the little patient’s condition is not impaired, then the visit to the specialist can be postponed until the next day. But you need to closely monitor the baby. Unpleasant symptoms may worsen at night.

Danger signs

It is necessary to call an ambulance as quickly as possible if the following clinic is observed:

  1. as a result of uncontrollable vomiting, it is impossible to give the baby something to drink;
  2. painful symptoms were provoked by taking mushrooms or canned products;
  3. the baby suffered a head injury;
  4. appeared additional signs(liquefied stool, increased temperature, drowsiness, severe pain, convulsions, impaired consciousness).

First aid

While the medical team arrives, parents need to know what to do and how to help the baby in order to protect the child’s body from serious consequences.

  1. Regardless of whether vomiting began at night or during the day, the child must be put to bed. At the same time, lay the baby on its side. The little patient's head is slightly raised. This will protect against vomit entering the respiratory system.
  2. If nausea with a violent “eruption” began during the feeding process, then the procedure should be interrupted. In this case, it is better for the baby to be in an upright position.
  3. After each attack, wash your mouth with water.
  4. It is necessary to monitor temperature indicators.
  5. Be sure to give your baby something to drink. Repeated attacks can lead to dehydration. This is especially dangerous for infants because at this age severe complications come much faster. Recommended 1-2 tbsp. l. Give the baby water every 5 minutes.

What not to do

If your baby has a stomach ache and vomiting repeatedly, you should not look for the cause on your own. this phenomenon, and even more so to treat the baby on your own. Such events often lead to aggravation of the situation.

  1. Rinse the baby's stomach, especially if the patient is unconscious.
  2. Give painkillers, antispasmodics, without a doctor’s recommendation, even if the baby complains at night that his tummy hurts. These medications will change the symptoms, and it will be difficult for the doctor to make a correct diagnosis.
  3. Use antiemetics. Such treatment can seriously change intestinal motility, which will also lead to a loss of time in making a diagnosis.
  4. Take antibiotics or antiviral drugs. Without establishing true reasons that caused vomiting, pick up correct treatment difficult. Antibiotics will be powerless in the fight against viral infection. But at the same time, they can reduce immunity and provide the child with dysbacteriosis.
  5. Giving your child drinks that can cause further dehydration. Tea, soda, juices, and milk can worsen the condition.

If an unpleasant attack happened at night, and in the morning the baby feels great, you should not refuse a visit to the doctor. This will make it possible to promptly identify any disturbances in the condition of a small patient and, therefore, begin treatment in a timely manner.

Possible complications

If a baby who is tormented by vomiting does not receive timely treatment, then extremely serious consequences may develop against the background of such an attack.

Vomiting without fever and diarrhea occurs infrequently - basically, these symptoms develop together, with the only difference being that some occur earlier, others later. The phenomenon is observed in people of different ages, never occurs as an independent, separate disease - for the intestines to give such a reaction, there must be a reason.

Regardless of whether an adult is vomiting or a child is sick, the correct tactic in this case is to consult a doctor and undergo an examination.

The intestines and stomach together can cause dyspepsia without other, pronounced symptoms. Vomiting without diarrhea and fever indicates the presence of pathology in the body or a short-term reaction to a specific event. There is a list of factors when the urge is limited only to vomiting:

  1. Reaction to antibiotic administration or medicine. The phenomenon is preceded by excessively rapid administration of the drug. The patient's complaints about the fact that there is a twisting sensation inside the abdomen, there is a noticeable deterioration physical condition– without diarrhea, but with weakness and a desire to take a horizontal position.
  2. Metabolic problems. Metabolism is a fine line, any violation of which will certainly make itself felt in various manifestations. If the problems have a hormonal basis, this will affect the function of the gastrointestinal tract by vomiting, which occurs without a significant increase in temperature, without the urge to diarrhea. This is most often the case with diabetes mellitus.
  3. Food poisoning. Not in all clinical cases, the use of a low-quality product is expressed by a rise in temperature to significant levels. Hyperthermia may occur later, after attacks of diarrhea, at a more severe stage of intoxication.
  4. Neurological disorders. After suffering a traumatic brain injury, nausea precedes a concussion. To determine the scope of further therapeutic intervention An MRI or CT scan will be required.
  5. Level up blood pressure. Hypertension is directly related to the state of the gastrointestinal tract, so increased pressure on the walls blood vessels causes vomiting. There are no other signs of digestive disorders; the condition occurs without diarrhea or other phenomena. To normalize the condition, it is enough to take a diuretic (or antihypertensive). Vomiting goes away immediately after blood pressure levels stabilize.
  6. Intestinal obstruction. There is a congenital or acquired form of this disease. Vomiting in patients with this condition occurs without diarrhea - both in adults and children, without fever, but with severe pain inside abdominal cavity. Attempts to conduct an inspection by palpation (by palpation) cause a painful sensation of a twisting nature. The patient is pale and weak; if we are talking about a child, there is a high probability of loss of consciousness. The development of the disease is preceded by many factors. Due to their influence, one of the intestinal sections is deprived of the ability to contract, moving feces to anus. Optimal treatment- operation.

Attention! When attacks of vomiting occur without diarrhea and a significant increase in body temperature, and you don’t know what to do, you need to call a doctor. It is possible that a critical condition has arisen - hypertensive crisis, brain contusion, fecal stagnation.

There is no point in expecting the development of symptoms such as fever or diarrhea - they do not always accompany the urge to vomit, but wasting time and delaying calling a doctor can provoke death. In each of these clinical cases urgent help is needed.


Depending on the specifics of the problem and the severity of the patient’s condition, treatment is carried out by a neurologist, endocrinologist, or gastroenterologist. It is possible that the intervention of a resuscitator and placement of the patient in the intensive care ward will be required.
The defining tests are blood tests for sugar, leukocytes, hormones and enzymes. Additionally, FGDS and ultrasound of the abdominal cavity are performed.

In case of concussion and impairment cerebral circulation, prescribe nootropics (drugs that activate metabolism in nerve cells and improve thought processes), to eliminate vomiting, Cerucal is administered. Food poisoning suggests infusion therapy, purpose of adsorbents (activated carbon).
In all cases of vomiting due to other conditions, a gentle diet is prescribed.
Seeing a doctor early increases your chances of fast recovery, prevents the development of complications.

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Vomiting is the rapid expulsion of contents. digestive tract, occurring as a result of contraction of the smooth muscles of the stomach and the muscles of the diaphragm and abdominal wall.

Severe vomiting in a child without fever is not independent disease- the condition indicates the development of pathology digestive organs, diseases of the nervous system or general intoxication body. Anyway similar symptom should be a reason to visit a doctor.

Vomiting in children without fever and diarrhea - causes

Vomiting in a child without fever or diarrhea develops under the influence of various factors. These include the following conditions:

  1. Vomiting of a functional nature - regurgitation;
  2. Diseases digestive system;
  3. Disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system;
  4. Psychogenic vomiting;
  5. Endocrine pathologies;
  6. Other factors.

As a rule, a vomiting symptom indicates the development of diseases of a non-infectious nature.

In children under 3 months, regurgitation is most often observed. They are associated with the structural features of the digestive system, frequent exposure to horizontal position, excessive food consumption, liquid consistency of food consumed. In the first months of a baby's life, regurgitation is often a consequence of incorrect application to the chest.

Vomiting does not affect the child’s well-being and does not provoke any disorders. To prevent regurgitation, you should hold your baby upright for about 20 minutes after feeding.

The cause of vomiting is illness

Sometimes it leads to vomiting various diseases digestive system. These include the following conditions:

1. Pyloric stenosiscongenital anomaly development of the stomach in the pyloric region. As a result, the muscle ring thickens and this section narrows. As a result, food does not pass into the duodenum. The first symptoms of the disease develop on days 2-3 in the form of vomiting. It appears approximately 15-20 minutes after feeding.

As pathology develops, dehydration syndrome rapidly develops. It manifests itself in the form of weight loss, dryness skin, retraction of the fontanel. Such symptoms should be a reason for urgent appeal to the doctor. Pyloric stenosis is treated only surgically.

2. Pylorospasm– functional spasm of the stomach area at the junction with duodenum. In this case, food passes only partially. This condition is accompanied by mild and intermittent vomiting. Conservative therapy helps to cope with the disorder.

3. Acute appendicitis inflammatory lesion vermiform appendix. In children under one year of age, vomiting is often the first manifestation. At first the baby feels unwell, increased anxiety, loss of appetite. After this, vomiting appears, sometimes it becomes repeated.

Abdominal pain varies in nature. Children over 6-7 years old will be able to determine its localization. Children under 5 years old simply complain of discomfort in the navel area. Pain is indicated by restlessness, pressing the legs to the stomach, and positioning on the left side. Appendicitis is treated exclusively by surgery.

4. Intestinal obstruction– this category includes intussusception and volvulus. Conditions develop according to various reasons- after one year of age, children often experience polyps and tumor formations, abnormalities in the intestinal structure, and helminthic infestations.

The disease is accompanied by paroxysmal pain caused by intestinal peristalsis. In children early age Strong crying and screaming will help to suspect pathology. During attacks, babies often tuck their legs toward their stomach. After this, vomiting with bile impurities develops. The disease is treated surgically.

5. Acute gastritis – is an inflammatory lesion of the stomach. In babies under one year of age, the disease often develops when new foods are introduced.

In children of any age, gastritis usually results from eating poor-quality or irritating foods or taking medications. In this case, the child has frequent vomiting And pain syndrome in the abdominal area. IN in this case conservative treatment is required.

6. Foreign object– usually enters the body of children 1-2 years old. In this case, a large object penetrates the organs of the digestive system and sticks to the wall of the esophagus. This provokes a spasm of the organ muscles. Vomit often contains bloody impurities.

If a foreign object enters Airways there is a risk of developing asphyxia. Therefore, if you suspect penetration (inhalation / ingestion) of an object, you should call ambulance.

7. Gallbladder pathologies(congenital and acquired) - in this case, vomiting quite often occurs without stool disturbance or fever.

8. Portal hypertension And varicose veins esophageal veins - accompanied by vomiting at night with bloody impurities.

9. Pancreatitis– this disease also often provokes attacks of vomiting.

Quite often, vomiting without diarrhea and fever is associated with disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system. These include the following:

  • neoplasms – in this case the tumor provokes compression of the brain;
  • traumatic brain injuries - the appearance of vomiting indicates a bruise or concussion;
  • intracranial hypertension – accompanied by severe headaches;
  • birth injuries in children under 1 year of age.

Regardless of the cause of vomiting, diagnosis and choice of treatment tactics should be carried out by a neurologist.

IN in some cases Vomiting in children is associated with the influence of psychogenic factors. These include emotional experiences. For example, in children aged 1-2 years, a similar symptom appears as a result of force feeding. Also psychogenic factors occur in children 6-7 years old before school or in adolescents during exam periods.

Vomiting is often caused by congenital deficiency adrenal cortex. The disease is also called adrenogenital syndrome– it is accompanied by a decrease in the activity of enzymes involved in the production of sex hormones.

Children in the first month of life have a salt-wasting form of this syndrome accompanied by vomiting, weight loss, increased heart rate, and a drop in blood pressure.

Other symptoms are also observed - in particular, clitoral hypertrophy, enlargement of the genitals, etc. If treatment is not started in a timely manner, children under one year of age die.

In some cases, the cause of vomiting is a complication diabetes mellitus. He is called diabetic ketoacidosis- vomiting appears without stool disturbance and fever. It is accompanied by abdominal pain and loss of appetite. If treatment is not started, there is a risk of developing coma.

Other factors, which can provoke vomiting include the following:

  • overdose of vitamin D;
  • heart failure;
  • kidney pathologies;
  • teenage pregnancy.

What should parents do?

To prevent negative consequences For your health, before the doctor arrives you should take the following measures:

  1. If the baby is lying down, the head should be turned to the side. It should also be raised at an angle of 30 degrees. This will help prevent vomit from entering the respiratory system.
  2. If vomiting occurs during feeding, it should be stopped for at least a couple of hours. In this case, it is recommended to keep the baby upright.
  3. Call a doctor - only a specialist can adequately assess the severity of the child’s condition.
  4. Before the doctor arrives, the child should be given water. The baby needs to be given water in small portions. Up to 1 year, it is recommended to give 1-2 small spoons of water every 5 minutes, children 1-3 years old are given 2-3 teaspoons, after 3 years it is recommended to give 1-2 tablespoons. It is advisable to alternate water with solutions based on glucose and salt.

What to do if the cause of vomiting in a child without diarrhea and fever is infectious disease? It is very important to consult a doctor in a timely manner - a specialist will prescribe effective medicinal preparations, absorbents or antibacterial agents. Sometimes the child may need to be hospitalized (for acute intestinal infection).

However, in most cases the following measures are sufficient:

  • diet;
  • use of medicines;
  • drinking plenty of water;
  • compliance with bed rest.

What should you not do if you are vomiting?

If your child is vomiting, do not do the following:

  1. Rinse the stomach if the baby is unconscious.
  2. Self-administer anti-vomiting medications or drugs that affect intestinal motility.
  3. Before being examined by a doctor, give your baby painkillers.
  4. Use antiseptics for oral administration - a solution of potassium permanganate or alcohol.
  5. Give your child antibiotics right away.
  6. Refuse to call a doctor, even if the child’s condition improves after a few days.

Nausea and vomiting in a child without fever or bowel irregularities indicates the most various diseases. In any case, the occurrence of this symptom should be a reason to consult a doctor. Only a specialist will be able to identify the exact cause of this condition and prescribe the optimal treatment.