Apnea and attacks of suffocation at night. Sudden attack of suffocation

Asthma attacks at night, or suffocation, are the last, pronounced degree of shortness of breath. This means that at such moments a person acutely feels a lack of air for normal breathing, and fear for his life appears due to a sudden attack. Choking in a person can develop for several reasons. These are foreign bodies entering the respiratory tract, a tumor in the bronchi or larynx, bronchial asthma, lung cancer, pneumonia, pneumothorax. Nocturnal asthma attacks are possible due to diseases of the cardiovascular system: myocardial infarction, heart disease, pericarditis.

The very phenomenon of suffocation is explained by the fact that at the time of an attack, oxygen stops flowing into the blood and obstruction of the airways occurs. At the same time, during the day a person may not be bothered by shortness of breath during any physical activity. So, attacks of suffocation and night cough can occur for the following reasons:

  • bronchial asthma, which causes obstruction of bronchial obstruction in the lungs;
  • , which disrupts the structure of the bronchial tree and, like myocardial disease, causes blood stagnation in the pulmonary circulation;
  • asthma with heart failure, which is also caused by stagnation in the pulmonary circulation.

Bronchial asthma at night

Asthma attacks at night can be caused by several factors. For example, the lungs may fill with an excessive amount of blood, which causes a decrease in the tone of the nervous system. Also, the cause of an attack can be a change in the person’s position in bed. Most people who face this problem find it very difficult to endure nighttime suffocation. In this state, the patient constantly tries to catch more air in his mouth, the skin becomes covered with cold sweat, and there are frequent cases of tachycardia.

When diagnosing, the doctor will clearly hear strong wheezing and crepitus above the base of the lungs. And on next stages this will be wheezing over the entire surface of the respiratory organs.

More than half of cases of nocturnal asthma occur due to increased venous pressure in the patient. This can even be noticed visually: the veins in the neck swell more than usual. With this diagnosis, not only the lungs are damaged, the liver may become enlarged and swell subcutaneous tissue, other signs of heart failure appear.

Attacks of suffocation at night also occur with left ventricular failure. However, you will most likely confuse this symptom with a regular cough.

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Bronchial asthma attack at night: what to do?

Nighttime panic associated with a sudden attack can be very frightening not only for the patient himself, but also for those around him. In such a situation, it is very important to have a balanced, confident and calm person. He must be able to provide first aid and relieve the symptoms of bronchial asthma.

First, the patient must be rid of all tight clothing that can compress the body and interfere with proper breathing. Next, provide a constant flow of fresh air in the room and help choose during an attack. comfortable position, which will make it easier to breathe and cough. Optimal and the right option The following is considered: sit the patient astride a chair, while tilting him towards the back of the chair so that he transfers his weight to his arms.

There is a method using hot water, the temperature of which should be about 40 °C. You need to put either your arms or your legs in it. In this case, your arms can be bent in elbow joints, and if you put your feet in the water, then the easiest way to achieve muscle relaxation is by bending your knees and simply steaming them. With this procedure, you can use mustard plasters. They are placed on the feet and hands.

The main thing is to know for sure that mustard will not cause allergic reactions in humans. If the cause of the attack is not bronchial asthma, but heart failure, then you can rub the heart area and chest with a cloth soaked in a solution of vinegar, water and salt. But when pulmonary diseases such compresses are contraindicated. In the case when you do not know the exact cause of the attack, it is better not to experiment and let the patient catch his breath.

If you see that in the evening symptoms of an upcoming attack of bronchial asthma have appeared, then it will help to prevent it onion compress. To do this, you need to grate 2 onions and put the resulting mass on the area between the shoulder blades. Cover the area with paper, a cloth on top and wrap the patient in a woolen scarf. This compress must be kept for 3 hours, after which it must be kept warm.

In the event that suffocation does occur, you can use this technique to alleviate it. Place the patient on his back and use two palms to press on him 10 times. chest at the moment of exhalation. This will help allow more air to enter the lungs when you inhale.

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Treatment of asthma attacks

An asthma attack at night is not just a cough, but the likelihood of complications and even the risk of death. The body will not be able to withstand for a long time without a normal supply of oxygen. Therefore, the patient must be constantly monitored by his attending physician.

Each patient suffering from suffocation needs an individual treatment plan, a course of medications and constant monitoring.

The treatment itself, depending on the development of the disease, may change. If this is your first time experiencing asthma attacks at night and you don’t know who to turn to, you need emergency medical help. And the diagnosis should be established after examination by a cardiologist, allergist, pulmonologist or psychotherapist.

Choking attacks can happen to anyone. But this is especially unpleasant when they happen at night. If a person suffocates while sleeping, this can be very frightening. And for good reason, because such a phenomenon can be a sign of a serious pathology.

What is suffocation

This is a condition where there is a sudden lack of oxygen. It may occur due to spasms caused by external stimuli. An attack of suffocation at night takes a person by surprise. Waking up from lack of air, he does not understand what is happening and why this happened to him. Added to the lack of air panic fear, and the condition may become even worse.

Such seizures may be a sign of many serious illnesses. Therefore, if this happens at least once, it is necessary to inform the doctor about it.

Causes of night attacks

There can be many reasons for this condition. Let's name some of them.

  • One of the most common reasons the occurrence of suffocation in a dream is an attack allergic asthma . Asthma patients feel more or less well during the day ok, but at night the body relaxes, and a malfunction occurs in the form of such an attack.
  • Heart failure can also provoke nighttime asthma attacks due to a decrease in pressure in the venous vessels.
  • The presence of gastritis can cause aspiration of stomach contents into the lungs. This most often occurs at night when the patient is sleeping. As a result, he wakes up from the attack and tries to clear his throat. If there is a lot of vomit and no one is nearby, the person may die.

Junk and stale food can cause severe shortness of breath or an attack of suffocation. The same can be said about overeating at night.

  • Working in hazardous industries without protective equipment leads to suffocation due to irritation of the mucous membranes of the respiratory system by harmful substances.
  • Heavy physical activity during the day puts stress on the lungs. As a result, an attack of asphyxia may occur at night.
  • Strong odors are extremely undesirable in the bedroom. For example, strong-smelling flowers or spilled perfume, even if it is your favorite, can trigger allergies. Inhalation of such odors within a few hours becomes unpleasant, causing headache and bronchospasm.
  • Air pollutants also have a detrimental effect on breathing. If a person lives in an area where there are chemical plants or factories that emit gases and smoke into the atmosphere, he may wake up at night from this condition.
  • Respiratory infections can occur with signs of asphyxia.
  • Stressful situations negatively affect the heart, resulting in heart failure, accompanied by nightly attacks of lack of air.

Cold and sudden temperature changes create their own negativity, which negatively affects breathing. Taking new medications can have these side effects. Smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages negatively affect the pulmonary system. New growths in the chest are also one of the causes of nightmares; a person may wake up with the fear of suffocating.

The patient is given first aid. And its measures depend on the reasons that caused the attack.

Symptoms of night suffocation

During this condition, a person cannot speak because speech requires air to pass through the vocal cords. But during an attack this is impossible. At this moment, it is important that those around you, if anyone is nearby, know what an attack looks like and can help the person.

It looks like this:

  • the skin becomes pale, but a blush remains on the cheeks;
  • the nasolabial triangle turns blue along with the fingers;
  • Fear appears on the patient’s face, he tries to inhale air, but he does not succeed or succeeds with great difficulty;
  • the pulse quickens, the face becomes covered with sweat;
  • depressions form in the spaces between the ribs;
  • Veins swell in the neck.
  • If you listen to the lungs at this time, you can hear noises with wheezing.

If the patient cannot cope on his own and no one helps him, the consequences can be sad. A person will suffocate in a few minutes.

Children's night attacks of asphyxia

Sudden attack may occur during the day in a small child if a foreign object enters the respiratory tract. For example, a part from a toy, candy or other small things. This can also happen at night if the child falls asleep with this object in his mouth.

If parents notice such a condition in a child, he needs urgent help by removing the foreign object. To do this, press sharply on the sternum. If that doesn't work, turn the baby upside down and tap him on the back.

But there are other reasons for suffocation in sleep:

  • allergic edema;
  • croup caused by inflammation in the larynx;
  • stenosis;
  • birth injury;
  • nervous excitement;
  • rickets;
  • stomach or heart problems;
  • cold.

Such conditions often lead to death in children. The percentage of such cases is very high.


To understand why attacks occur at night, it is necessary to make a correct diagnosis of the pathology present in the body. To do this, you need to go to a diagnostic clinic, where specialists will differentiate the disease from others and prescribe the correct treatment.

In order to distinguish asthma from obstructive bronchitis, the doctor pays attention to the signs characteristic of these diseases:

  • asthma most often affects young people, and bronchitis is a disease of middle and old age;
  • Asthma occurs acutely, with coughing attacks, shortness of breath and irregular breathing rates. With bronchitis, the cough is constant, as is shortness of breath;
  • When listening to the lungs, asthma produces the sounds of dry wheezing, and bronchitis reveals dry and wet wheezing.
  • cardiac asthma is accompanied by chronic diseases of the heart and blood vessels. Breathing is gurgling, wheezing of various sizes is heard in the lungs, tachycardia and arrhythmia are present.

To identify or exclude neoplasms, the doctor gives a referral for bronchoscopy, X-ray and CT. Pulmonary artery thrombosis is determined by listening to the lung and based on clinical picture. The patient suddenly begins to feel short of breath, and dry wheezing is heard in the lungs.

If attacks occur during stress, but no wheezing is heard in the lungs, we can say that neurosis is to blame.

First aid for eliminating an attack of suffocation at night

As a rule, night attacks occur away from the hospital. And it’s good if at this moment someone is next to the patient and knows how to provide him with first aid. What to do to help a person in such a situation? You must adhere to the following algorithm:

  • First of all, you need to call an ambulance.
  • Before the doctors arrive, you need to help the patient rise up. vertical position, sit down or better yet stand up. Try to calm him down.
  • Give the opportunity to breathe freely. To do this, unbutton your clothes on your chest and open the windows.
  • Try to warm the patient's hands and feet. To do this, put heating pads on or put them in warm water. Plastic bottles can be used as heating pads. But you need to fill them carefully; too hot water will cause them to shrink.
  • It is useful at this moment to place mustard plasters on the chest, or on the back.
  • Give a tablet of Ephedrine or Euffilin to drink.

If a person suffers from asthma attacks at night, it is better for him to keep a thermos with hot drink in the bedroom. It is better if it is tea made from expectorant herbs. This may help you cope with the situation.

If suffocation occurs due to allergic edema, he should be given antiallergic pills or given an injection of Prednisolone. In the case where the symptom arose as a result of a foreign object in the respiratory system, the measures taken are the same as for drowning. To do this, you need to squeeze the sternum and tilt the victim's head down. Pat on the back to make the item fall out.

If the victim is unconscious, he may swallow his tongue. This needs to be checked and pulled out if necessary. After removing the item, you must do artificial respiration and cardiac massage until the ambulance arrives. In the future, the person will have to take antibiotics to avoid developing pneumonia.

Asthma attacks are relieved with inhalers and aerosols. Massage of the chest and back gives a good effect. The disease itself must be treated in a hospital. Before this, you need to find out the reason that caused it.

When none of the above is at hand, and a person is experiencing suffocation, you can use ammonia. Give it to the patient to smell. A piece of ice taken internally may provide relief. Valerian tincture and baking soda may be first aid in this case. Many people use mint and menthol candies.

Activities to strengthen the respiratory system

To prevent night attacks from recurring, you need to take care of the condition of your lungs. To do this, you should avoid places with severe air pollution. Walk more, go outside the city into nature. Go to resorts at least once a year.

In an adult, attacks can occur from bad habits, you need to get rid of them. Keep your home clean. It is useful to play sports and perform breathing exercises.

Night asphyxia can end very badly for the person to whom it happens. To avoid relapses, you need to find out the cause and treat the disease.

Choking in all its forms never appears just like that. It's pretty dangerous symptom, in some cases even fatal. When suffocating, a person experiences an acute lack of air, severe shortness of breath, severe pain in the chest. In medicine, this condition is called “asphyxia.”

ICD-10 code

R09.0 Asphyxia


The pathogenesis of bronchial asthma is based on a cascade of allergic and immunopathological reactions, which are divided into three stages:

  • immunological;
  • pathochemical;
  • pathophysiological.

The immunological phase occurs when the allergen re-enters the mucous membrane of the bronchial tree.

During the pathochemical phase, the concentration of acetylcholine, histamine, and slow reacting substance of anaphylaxis (MRS-A) actively increases in tissues and blood.

The pathophysiological stage of the allergic reaction is characterized by the synergistic effect of biological substances, which causes spasm of smooth muscles, relaxes the tone of the vascular walls, increases their permeability, and causes swelling of the surrounding tissues. At the same time, the secretion of mucus by bronchial goblet cells increases, the level of histamine increases, which promotes the influx of eosinophilic granulocytes into the focus of allergic inflammation.

All factors of the disease provoke disruption of ventilation, gas exchange in the lungs, and provoke an attack of suffocation.

Symptoms of a asthma attack

Symptoms of asthma attacks are divided into several stages.

At the first stage of the disease, the following symptoms are observed:

  • blood pressure increases;
  • dizziness;
  • darkening of the eyes;
  • psychomotor agitation;
  • heartbeats increase.

The second stage of symptoms of the disease:

  • breathing rhythm disturbances;
  • inability to exhale forcefully;
  • slow breathing;
  • blood pressure drops;
  • decrease in heart rate;
  • a bluish color appears on the fingers, toes, on the tip of the nose, and on the lips.

Third stage: symptoms in which the patient falls into a coma:

  • malfunction respiratory center with cessation of breathing from several seconds to several minutes;
  • spinal and ocular reflexes weaken;
  • blood pressure drops to the point of collapse;
  • loss of consciousness.

The fourth stage is the appearance of sharp convulsive breaths, which can last several minutes.

Over time, with frequent attacks of suffocation, a pathognomonic symptom called “barrel chest” may be observed. Heavy, labored breathing increases lung capacity, causing the chest to expand. Pulmonary emphysema develops - a disease in which the alveoli of the lungs are not able to contract completely, as a result of which a sufficient amount of oxygen does not enter the blood.

In medicine, there is such a thing as “autoerotic asphyxia.” This is a rather hidden symptom of an attack of suffocation, since death occurs accidentally. Such patients are called autoasphyxophiles, since they themselves cause artificial suffocation, trying to achieve orgasm.

There is amphibiotropic asphyxia caused by sudden pain in the chest area and severe difficulty breathing.

First signs

The first signs of suffocation include:

  • Dyspnea. Attacks can occur against the background of an allergic reaction, from room dust, animal plants, long stay on the street. Particular attention should be paid to the sudden onset of shortness of breath.
  • Cough. In this case, a dry cough is dangerous. A person has a feeling that he cannot clear his throat, and only after a prolonged cough does scanty sputum appear. In some cases, cough appears along with shortness of breath.
  • Rapid breathing with prolonged exhalation. During an attack of suffocation, it is difficult for a person not only to inhale air, but also to exhale. Moreover, breathing is held and it seems impossible to exhale. In this case, there may be panic.
  • Sudden wheezing while breathing. The wheezing character is whistling, sometimes audible at a distance.
  • Chest pain. There is a feeling of stiffness and pain in the chest. An imaginary retraction (decrease in volume) of the muscles occurs.
  • Change appearance. The face becomes pale, lips and fingertips turn blue, and speech may be difficult.

Cough with attacks of suffocation

In medicine there is a definition of “cough asthma,” which can be caused by acute respiratory diseases, flu, allergic rhinitis, sinusitis. Also, the manifestation of cough with attacks of suffocation is observed in smokers during physical exertion.

Coughing attacks with signs of suffocation appear at any time of the day, but are most often observed at night. At first there may be snoring, then breathing is accompanied by a specific whistle, causing a severe cough.

Allergens, pollutants (environmental pollutants), frequent colds, cold air, strong odors etc.

In patients suffering from a severe cough with an asthmatic component, eosinophilia and leukocytosis are observed. The normal level of eosinophils in the blood serum ranges from 1 to 5%, but in some cases their number reaches over 15%. This indicator is considered the main diagnostic sign allergic cough for asthma.

Allergic attack of suffocation

The most common allergy symptom is choking. An allergic attack of choking is often accompanied by other signs, such as:

  • continuous cough;
  • inflammation and swelling of the laryngeal mucosa;
  • intense body hyperemia;
  • the appearance of a rash, itchy skin;
  • heavy, constrained breathing (hypoxia);

The following respiratory allergens may be the cause of the development of an allergic attack of suffocation:

  • pollen and plant color;
  • pet hair;
  • dust mites;
  • Food;
  • household chemicals;
  • medications and etc.

An attack of suffocation due to allergies appears suddenly. A person can be completely at rest and not be exposed to physical activity. Breathing instantly becomes harsh, gradually becomes difficult, and a dry cough appears with expectoration of white sputum.

The body's reaction to an allergen can vary. This:

  • slight shortness of breath;
  • severe swelling of the larynx;
  • severe suffocation.

Nocturnal attacks of suffocation

Paroxysmal (night) suffocation is accompanied by fear and panic. The patient wakes up from lack of air. The attack is accompanied by a strong cough, turning into heavy breathing with a whistle. Similar symptoms are a signal of the first signs of chronic diseases, such as:

  • Chronic heart failure (CHF).
  • Bronchial asthma.
  • Arrhythmia. Nocturnal suffocation may be a consequence atrial fibrillation, in which there is unsystematic excitation of the heart muscle fibers. In this case, a violation of the pulse rate is observed.
  • Overweight. Shortness of breath at night often occurs in overweight people.

Asphyxia with difficulty breathing out

An attack of suffocation with difficulty in exhaling can be caused by spasms of the small bronchi and bronchioles. The cause of difficulty in exhaling, causing suffocation, may be:

  • sudden change in air temperature;
  • allergic reaction;
  • diseases of the respiratory, cardiac system, colds;
  • unstable emotional state, stress.

There are mild, moderate and severe forms of asthma attacks, accompanied by difficulty in exhaling.

In a mild form, shortness of breath is observed, which occurs when walking quickly, being slightly excited, etc. The breathing rate increases, wheezing appears when exhaling.

The middle form implies strong excitement, in which auxiliary muscles are involved. The respiratory rate increases significantly, and loud wheezing appears, which can be heard from a distance.

A severe form is observed during an attack of suffocation, when the respiratory rate exceeds more than 30 in 1 minute. The patient is in an excited state, there is a dry cough, breathing is difficult, especially when exhaling.

It should be noted that an attack of suffocation with difficulty in exhaling is one of the main diagnostic signs of bronchial asthma. Moreover, with frequent attacks of asthma, status asthmaticus develops, which is characterized by obstruction (obstruction) of the bronchi. Status asthmaticus develops during a prolonged attack of bronchial asthma. The patient experiences loud breathing with difficulty exhaling. An attack of expiratory shortness of breath, increasing cyanosis, and tachycardia develops. Sometimes symptoms of heart failure appear. This is very dangerous condition threatening the patient's life.

Sudden attack of suffocation

A sudden attack of suffocation greatly frightens both the patient and those around him. If the attack appears for the first time, then it is necessary to find out the reason for its occurrence. A sudden attack of suffocation may be the first signal of the development of diseases such as:

  • bronchial asthma;
  • cardiac asthma;
  • allergy;
  • cardiovascular diseases, etc.

Sudden attacks of suffocation are of the same type and pass gradually, almost always causing a feeling of strong fear in a person.

The cause of suffocation can be severe stress, physical activity, or overeating. Often the attack occurs at night. A man wakes up from lack of air. He is unable to take a breath, after which shortness of breath begins.

A sudden attack of suffocation can occur in a completely healthy person. The reason may be foreign body, in which a reflex spasm of the bronchioles occurs. The final conclusion can only be made after bronchoscopy. Also, a foreign body can cause laryngeal stenosis with an attack of sudden suffocation.

Periodic attacks of suffocation

Periodic attacks of suffocation can occur at any time of the day. The patient feels a sharp spasm in the throat, breathing becomes heavy, accompanied by whistling. In some cases, a dry cough appears.

Such attacks occur when the function of the thyroid gland is impaired, so consultation with an endocrinologist is necessary. You should also contact an ENT (otolaryngologist), pulmonologist and cardiologist, since such symptoms may be associated with heart pathology, diseases of the respiratory system and spasms of the laryngeal muscles.

Periodic attacks of suffocation may be caused by an allergic reaction, psychological reasons and various infectious diseases.

Attacks of suffocation due to nervousness

Illnesses arising from stress are called psychosomatic disorders in medicine. According to medical statistics, approximately 50% of cases of bronchial asthma and allergic diseases occur on nervous soil. Neuropsychiatric diseases in most cases cause attacks of suffocation.

Neurogenic breathing disorders such as hyperventilation syndrome, panic attacks, reactive psychoses, paranoia disrupt the regulation of the respiratory system. Attacks of suffocation are also observed in people suffering from claustrophobia.

Stressful situations that arise at home, at work, or related to children's problems often cause feelings of anxiety, panic, and fear. Against the background of these events, a dry cough, wheezing, shortness of breath and an attack of suffocation occur. Stressful situations are considered the most common symptom of bronchial asthma. The asthmatic condition or nervous asthma first causes a breakdown of the nervous system, and only after that significant changes are observed in the bronchi and lungs.

An attack of suffocation can be provoked by pathological conditions digestive system. As a result of a nervous disorder, the muscle activity of the esophagus is disrupted. A spasm of the larynx is observed, a “lump in the throat” appears, which causes suffocation.

Often during a neurotic disorder, pain is observed in the intercostal space, which patients mistakenly consider to be a heart attack.

Attacks of suffocation due to nervousness decrease if a person does not think about problems and is distracted by other things.

Choking attacks in a child

Choking attacks in children can be caused by:

  • unstable emotional state (crying, laughing, fear);
  • severe cough;
  • entry of a foreign body into the body;
  • allergic reaction;
  • a consequence of a viral infection;
  • diseases of the throat, bronchi, lungs, heart, etc.

Choking can develop against the background of a lack of calcium salts in the body, with rickets, or postpartum trauma.

During an attack of suffocation, the muscles of the child’s face and neck tense, and the head falls back. The face becomes red, gradually acquiring a shade of blue color, on which small drops of cold sweat appear. Symptoms such as vomiting, coughing, increased salivation, shortness of breath. There are cases of loss of consciousness and temporary cessation of breathing.

Choking in children due to uncontrolled emotions occurs due to spasm of the muscles of the larynx. Typically, such attacks pass on their own and end with an extended inhalation. The help of a child psychologist is recommended.

A strong cough provokes swelling of the larynx, which can result in an attack of suffocation. You should not leave your child alone, especially at night. A consultation with an otolaryngologist is required.

A foreign body in the larynx or trachea is life-threatening, since asphyxia may develop due to obstruction (obstruction) of the respiratory tract. The nature and size of the foreign body plays a big role. Metal and plastic objects pose less of a threat than objects plant origin, such as nuts, seeds, leaf fragments, etc. A sharp cough begins, shortness of breath, hoarseness of the voice, breathing is accompanied by whistling and heavy inhalation.

The child needs first aid. Turn him over your knee and slap him several times on the back in the area of ​​the shoulder blades. If the attack does not go away, turn the child to face you and press on the chest with your palm. Otherwise, the foreign body will have to be removed using rigid tracheobronchoscopy. From right actions, the speed of assistance depends on the life of the child.

Allergies can occur from the first days of life. Choking attacks due to allergies are usually a signal of a dangerous chronic disease. Children with bronchitis are susceptible to a condition medically called bronchospasm. The child is choking, cannot take a breath, and tries to clear his throat. Obstruction occurs suddenly, due to the reaction of the bronchi to irritants, which are quite difficult to identify. This could be a reaction to mold, strong odors, household chemicals, pets, etc. In such cases, doctors recommend doing nothing, but immediately calling an ambulance. Children are often admitted to the intensive care unit with bronchospasm who have taken a dose of antiallergic drugs. Therefore, only a doctor should provide assistance. In each specific case, treatment methods require an individual approach.

Recent medical studies have proven the connection between diseases allergic nature in children with viral infections. Increases risk bad ecology, weather changes. These factors can provoke asthma attacks in children.

Complications and consequences

The consequences of an attack of suffocation are as follows:

  • Air is retained in the lungs, resulting in a disturbance in the rhythm of breathing, especially when exhaling. The rate of breathing accelerates as the body tries to make up for the lack of oxygen;
  • the productivity of the respiratory muscles decreases. The body tries to restore breathing using auxiliary muscles;
  • pulse and heart rate increase;
  • in connection with reduced content oxygen levels rise sharply carbon dioxide in blood. The skin acquires blue tint;
  • due to lack of oxygen in the blood, the brain cannot perform its functions, loss of consciousness occurs;
  • convulsions begin, foam may appear at the mouth;

Possible complications are divided into two groups. These are pulmonary (respiratory) complications, affecting only the lungs, and extrapulmonary, which in the course of the disease affected other important organs and systems.

Pulmonary complications include:

  • hyperinflation of the lungs;
  • pneumothorax;
  • emphysema;
  • status asthmaticus;
  • atelectasis;
  • and others.

Extrapulmonary complications are:

Pulmonary complications are observed in patients much more often; moreover, if the disease continues for three years, complications occur in almost all cases of the disease.

Hyperinflation (severe bloating) is characterized by an irreversible flow of air into the lungs. The disease cannot be cured, it can only be stopped.

With pneumothorax, patients have a constant dry cough, shortness of breath, and chest pain. Happening a sharp decline vital activity, weight, lethargy of the body.

Emphysema is an insufficient expansion of the alveoli of the lungs, resulting in a disruption in the supply of oxygen to the blood and the removal of carbon dioxide. The consequence of the disease may be heart failure.

Status asthmaticus is a severe and prolonged attack of suffocation. Sputum accumulates in the bronchioles of the lungs, which leads to edema, hypoxia, and suffocation.

Atelectasis is a disruption of the alveoli in the bronchi, as a result of the accumulation of mucus, resulting in impaired ventilation of the lungs. Patients experience constant shortness of breath, with characteristic signs of suffocation.

There is a circulatory disorder, a sharp decrease in blood pressure, arrhythmia, which can cause myocardial infarction and cardiac arrest.

Doctors consider brain dysfunction to be the most severe pathology. The fact is that with any changes in the composition of the blood (insufficient oxygen saturation, increased carbon dioxide content), disruption of brain activity occurs, loss of consciousness, memory, fainting, etc. Irreversible processes often occur, such as dementia (encephalopathy), disruption of the processes of perception, thinking, and psyche.

Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract occur as a result side effects medications used to treat and stop asthma attacks.

During an attack of shortness of breath, severe cough, suffocation, the patient may experience cases of fecal and urinary incontinence. This is due to increased intra-abdominal pressure and weakening of the sphincters. Weak muscles perineum can provoke rectal prolapse. The appearance of a hernia is also observed, in some cases rupture of internal organs may occur, followed by bleeding.

Diagnosis of an attack of suffocation

Diagnosis of diseases that cause asthma attacks is divided into three stages:

  • examination of the patient, identification of complaints and symptoms of the disease;
  • laboratory research;
  • instrumental diagnostics.

At the first stage of diagnosis, the patient is examined by auscultation of the lungs, blood pressure and pulse are measured. Based on complaints, the main signs of the disease, anamnesis data are identified, and the preliminary diagnosis. Anamnesis collection involves information about the genetic data of close relatives who suffer from bronchial asthma or allergic diseases. Attacks of suffocation can also be associated with specific factors, such as increased physical activity, seasonal flowering of plants, animal hair, cold air, etc. It is not always possible to make the correct diagnosis initial stage diseases. An important point when examining a patient is auscultation of breathing, when strong wheezing of the lungs is heard, especially at the time of exacerbation. During the subsidence of attacks, wheezing occurs with strong inspiration and is heard in the basal part of the lungs. During tapping of the lungs (percussion), a sound with a boxy tint appears.

Laboratory diagnostic methods– collection of blood, urine, sputum tests, spirography, provocative tests, allergy tests. For example, a blood test will help identify zosinophilia, and with the help of a function study external respiration Allergy tests can exclude other possible diseases.

Instrumental diagnostics implies mandatory X-ray, bronchoscopic examination, ECG, computed tomography lungs, as well as radiological examination methods.

The main procedures in the diagnosis of asthma attacks are spirography and peak flowmetry. Using spirography, you can assess the condition of the patient's lungs by determining the speed and volume of exhaled air. Peak flowmetry determines peak expiratory flow. The measurement is carried out in the morning using a peak flow meter. In just a few minutes you can assume or determine the correct diagnosis of the disease.

Diagnostics on initial stage is of great importance, since treatment may be more effective in early stage diseases.


Laboratory methods for studying diseases that cause asthma attacks are mandatory. The test results allow the doctor to assess the patient’s condition and determine accurate diagnosis and appoint effective treatment. During medical examination The doctor suggests the patient to do the following tests.

Instrumental diagnostics allows you to obtain objective data to establish correct diagnosis and subsequent treatment of asthma attacks. Instrumental research methods are:

  • radiography;
  • tomography;
  • fluorography;
  • bronchoscopy;
  • thoracoscopy;
  • electrocardiogram.

The most common instrumental diagnostic method is radiography, which can be used to detect the following abnormalities:

  • changes lung tissue;
  • pockets of compaction;
  • the presence of air or liquid in the pleural cavity;
  • enlargement of blood vessels located in the roots of the lungs;
  • intensity of the pulmonary pattern;
  • other pathological processes.

Tomography is one of the radiography methods, which is used to perform a step-by-step examination of the lungs, bronchi, and infiltrates ( increased concentration in tissues of cellular elements containing impurities of blood and lymph), caverns, etc.

Fluorography allows you to get X-ray, where you can see the changes occurring in the bronchi and lungs. For example, if a patient has frequent attacks of suffocation, then the image will show thickening of the walls of the bronchi.

Bronchoscopy diagnoses the condition of the bronchi if the presence of tumors or foreign bodies, as well as cavities and abscesses of the lungs is suspected.

Thoracoscopy is performed by inserting a thoracoscope into the pleural cavity through chest wall. The procedure is painless, has no complications or injuries.

Electrocardiogram (ECG) - detects cardiac overload, especially in older people. It could be a blockade right leg His bundle, load on the right side of the heart, ischemia, extrasystole, dysfunction of the left side.

Differential diagnosis

Differential diagnosis should take into account all clinical symptoms - shortness of breath, cough, asthma attacks, characteristic of other diseases. An attack of suffocation is not always associated with bronchial asthma. Other diseases have similar symptoms, such as:

Let's look at some listed diseases in details.

Most often, bronchial asthma is differentiated from cardiac pathology. Signs of heart failure develop against the background of high blood pressure, after psychological stress, physical activity, etc. The patient is suffocating and finds it difficult to take a deep breath.

In the presence of a foreign body, attacks of suffocation similar to bronchial asthma may occur, while wheezing in the lungs is not audible.

In medicine, there is a condition called hysteroid asthma. This condition is familiar to young women whose nervous system is disturbed. In this case, the attack of suffocation is associated with hysterical crying, laughter or strong moaning. In the process of active movement of the chest, increased inhalations and exhalations appear. There are no signs of obstruction or wheezing in the lungs.

Treatment of an attack of suffocation

The sequence of actions of a doctor when providing emergency care:

  • diagnose the patient;
  • record the duration and severity of an attack of suffocation;
  • select a drug correct dose and the form of administration.
  • determine the further plan of hospitalization and treatment of the patient.

Initial stage of emergency care:

  1. Call an ambulance urgently;
  2. Free the chest and throat area from clothing, provide access to fresh air;
  3. Monitoring body temperature, respiratory rate (number of inhalations and exhalations per minute), peak exhalation rate (recorded after a deep breath);

Treatment for a mild attack:

  1. Inhalation of berodual, ipratropium bromide or other bronchodilators using an aerosol inhaler
  2. Inhalation using a nebudizer, 20-40 drops of Berodual per 3 ml of saline solution.
  3. Oxygen therapy (warm and humidified oxygen).

The effect of therapy is assessed after 20 minutes.

Treatment for a moderate attack:

  1. Oxygen therapy;
  2. Inhalation of bronchospasmolytic drugs (ventolin 1 ampoule 2.5 mg; berodual 10 drops);
  3. If the effect is insufficient, aminophylline 2.4% is recommended.

Relief occurs within 20 minutes.

Severe attack:

  1. Dilute berodual from 40 to 60 drops with saline, inhale for 5-10 minutes.
  2. pulmicort 1-2 mg;
  3. prednisolone 60-120 mg intravenously.

If an attack of suffocation develops, urgent hospitalization in a hospital department is necessary.


Effective for relieving asthma attacks adrenalin. If the patient develops state of shock or anaphylactic shock, the administration of adrenaline is mandatory, since in this case it is the first resuscitation agent. This drug has a stimulating effect on adrenergic receptors. To relieve an attack of suffocation, adrenaline is injected subcutaneously. The dose of the drug is determined by the patient’s body weight. Less than 60 kg - 0.3 ml of 0.1% solution (0.3 mg). If there is no improvement in the condition, you can repeat the injection after 20 minutes. You can repeat no more than three times. Adrenaline in combination with pituitrin P (asthmolysin) has a good effect. 0.2 ml is injected subcutaneously.

To alleviate the patient’s condition when providing first aid, use ephedrine. The drug begins to act 30 minutes after administration, but the effect lasts up to 4 hours. 0.5 - 1.0 ml of 5% solution is administered intramuscularly or subcutaneously. Ephedrine is used to prevent asthma attacks and at the first symptoms of the disease. It is enough to take 0.025 g tablets 2 times a day. Possible side effects such as increased arousal, rapid heartbeat, sweating, increased blood pressure.

Eufillin relaxes the muscles of the bronchi, contracts the diaphragm of the lungs, stimulates respiratory process, improves alveolar ventilation, which significantly reduces the attack of suffocation. Eufillin also has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system of the body, reduces tone blood vessels, lowers pressure in the “lesser” circulation, has a peripheral venodilating effect. Eufillin plays an important role in the treatment of bronchospasm. 3 mg per 1 kg of weight is administered intravenously or by drip.

Used to relieve asthma attacks a group of drugs of inhaled glucocorticosteroid hormones. The drugs have anti-inflammatory properties; regular use significantly improves the condition of patients, reducing the frequency of asthma attacks. The most popular and popular drugs:

Budesonide (Benacort, Pulmicort,). One dose contains 50 mcg (Mite) or 200 mcg of the drug (Forte). Take 1-2 breaths 2 times a day.

Beclomethasone dipropionate (Aldecin, Beclodget, Becotide, Klenil, Beclazon, Nasobek, Eco Easy breath). One dose of the inhaler contains 50, 100 or 250 mcg. Apply 2-4 times a day. (200-1000 mcg/day).

Fluticasone propionate (Flixotide) 1 dose contains 50, 100 or 250 mcg of the drug. Prescribe 1-2 doses 2 times a day.


To alleviate the patient’s condition during asthma attacks, the body needs vitamins and minerals. Let's list some of them.

  • Vitamin C (ascorbic acid). The results of clinical studies have shown that a lack of vitamin C increases asthma attacks. For bronchial asthma, heart and allergic asthma attacks, it is recommended to take 1-4 grams of ascorbic acid per day. The combination of nicotinic and ascorbic acid increases the effect of the components, which greatly alleviates the attack. Recommended dose: 90-110 mg nicotinic acid and 250-300 mg of ascorbic acid once a day. It is advisable to include foods rich in vitamin C in your diet. These are citrus fruits, strawberries, rose hips, red and green peppers, cabbage, black currants, etc.
  • Vitamin B 6 (pyridoxine). In patients with bronchial asthma there is low level pyridoxine (B 6). This is due to the use of drugs that expand airways(bronchodilators), which contain theophylline. The use of B 6 reduces shortness of breath. The recommended dosage is 50 mg once a day. The dose can be increased to 100 mg 2 times a day. An overdose may cause tingling and numbness in the limbs. In some cases, nervous excitement is observed. Foods rich in vitamin B 6 - nuts, beans, liver, chicken, fish (mackerel, tuna), pomegranate, etc.
  • Vitamin B 12. According to medical research Vitamin B 12 helps ease the breathing of asthma patients. It is recommended to take 1 mg of the drug once a week. Continue treatment for 4 weeks, then gradually reduce the dose to one dose per month. Frequency of administration – no more than 4 months. Vitamin B 12 is recommended to be taken only under medical supervision. It is advisable to eat foods such as meat, eggs, sour cream, liver, fish, cheese, etc.
  • Vitamin E (tocopherol). IN Lately During treatment, patients with asthma are prescribed vitamin E. The drug has positive impact on the heart muscle. Excessive use of vitamin E increases blood pressure. It is recommended to take 200-400 IU for adults and 50-100 IU for children. Patients with asthma are advised to include foods rich in vitamin E in their diet. This beef liver, eggs, cereals, vegetable oil, etc.

Vitamins Omega 3, Omega 9, magnesium, selenium, and flavonoids, which can protect the body's cells from damage, will help reduce the inflammatory process in the body. Science has proven that people who eat foods containing the vitamins of the above groups are less prone to diseases of the lungs, bronchi, and heart, which can cause asthma attacks.

Regarding vitamin D V medical practice there is a lot of disagreement. Some sources of information claim that D vitamins improve the condition of asthma patients. However, latest research showed that its action has absolutely no effect on the effectiveness of therapy, the nature and course of the disease.

Physiotherapeutic treatment

In the treatment of respiratory diseases good results provides physiotherapy, the use of which depends on the nature and stage of the disease.

During exacerbation of attacks, aerosol therapy (inhalation) is used, with the help of which medications are introduced into the patient's body by inhalation. The most effective are considered aerosols generated by ultrasound and electroaerosols. The result of aerosol therapy is achieved by improving the condition of the mucous membrane, bronchial glands, and respiratory function.

Good for restoring respiratory function electrophoresis, ultrasound, phonophoresis, magnetotherapy, as a result of which the immunobiological reactivity of the body increases and the general condition of the patient improves.

During exacerbation of diseases, it is prescribed electrosleep and electroanalgesia, and hydrotherapy also has a positive effect.

Has a good effect speleotherapy method– treatment in salt mines, the air of which is saturated with salts of calcium, sodium, magnesium and negative ions. The session can last from 2 to 9 hours, it all depends on the degree of the disease. During the procedure, the patient can sit quietly, walk, perform basic gymnastics or breathing exercises. With the help of a microclimate during treatment, patients cleanse their lungs, improve the body’s immune system, stimulate breathing, improve heart function, and normalize blood circulation.

Also applicable complex methods reflexology (acupuncture), therapeutic massage, exercises in the pool, at a water temperature of 38 0 C. Physiotherapy They allow you to strengthen the respiratory muscles, improve ventilation of the lungs and bronchi, which has a positive effect on the patient’s condition.

How to relieve an attack of suffocation at home?

The necessary medications are not always at hand, so you can relieve an attack of suffocation at home if you have home remedies. For example, the condition will improve significantly if:

  • take a warm bath. Immerse the patient's feet in a basin with water and mustard for 10-15 minutes (water temperature about 45°, mustard - 2 tablespoons). You can simply put mustard plaster on your calves and chest;
  • drink a glass warm milk with the addition of 1 teaspoon of soda. Valerian tincture (15-20 drops) with the addition of a small amount of soda also helps well. These two components thin the mucus, making breathing easier. Drinking plenty of warm water helps;
  • set fire to dry nettle, coltsfoot, wormwood and inhale the smoke until relief is felt. This recipe relieves the most severe attacks of suffocation. It is not recommended to take herbal decoctions during attacks, as in some cases they can aggravate the attack due to the concentration of the anti-asthmatic drug in the blood.
  • do a cupping massage. The patient's back should be lubricated with Vaseline, place the jar on the lung area and slowly rotate it. The duration of the massage is 1-2 minutes on each side.

If the attack continues for more than one day, you should seek help from a doctor, as irreversible changes in the bronchi, lungs, and heart may occur, which entails an attack of suffocation and coma. Only a doctor can completely stop an attack.

Traditional treatment

In many countries around the world, medical scientists recognize the effectiveness of traditional methods of treatment and treat them with respect. Of course, you should not avoid qualified medical help, but you can combine the methods of modern medicine with alternative ones grandma's recipes. For example, you can prevent asthma attacks using the following recipes:

  • Onion compress. Grate the onion or chop it with a meat grinder, apply the pulp between the shoulder blades, put compress paper on top, and wrap it in a warm scarf. Do not remove the compress for 3 hours.
  • Mumiyo. Dissolve 1 gram of mumiyo in 1/3 cup of warm milk and add half a teaspoon of honey. Take the mixture before bed.
  • Alcohol tincture of propolis. Take 30 drops 30-40 minutes before meals.
  • Horseradish with lemon juice. Grate 150 grams of horseradish and add the juice of 2 lemons. Mix everything. Take a teaspoon with meals. You can drink it with water or tea.

During severe attack suffocation is necessary:

  • moisten a cotton napkin with water, apply it to your mouth and breathe through it;
  • lower your arms and legs into hot water for 10-15 minutes.
  • put a pinch under your tongue sea ​​salt and wash it down with cool water.

There are times when traditional methods treatment is given to the patient last chance, so their use allows you to achieve the desired results.

Herbal treatment

Since ancient times it has been used to treat the respiratory system. medicinal herbs. There are many herbs in nature that improve the functioning of the body's respiratory system. Some species have expectorant, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial effect, thin mucus and relax the muscles of the respiratory tract. IN folk medicine Herbs such as thyme, coltsfoot, marshmallow, wild rosemary, elecampane, oregano, yarrow, etc. are widely used. There is no need to list all types of herbs and talk about their healing properties. Let's note some types of herbs that will help the body's respiratory system cope with asthma attacks.

Lungwort (pulmonaria). The leaves of this plant resemble human lungs, and this is symbolic, since lungwort is used to treat the respiratory system, including the treatment of the lungs. Lungwort contains a large amount of nitrogen-free organic compounds of plant origin (saponins), which facilitates the functioning of the bronchial glands, helps thin mucus, and relieves inflammation. IN medicinal purposes They use flowers, leaves, root and juice of lungwort. At prolonged cough with attacks of suffocation, bronchial asthma, and lung diseases, a decoction of lungwort leaves is used. Pour boiling water (400 ml) over crushed leaves (3 tablespoons) and leave for 3 hours. Take 100 ml 4 times a day.

Oregano. Thanks to high content Corvacrol and rosmarinic acid have an essential antihistamine and decongestant effect. It is used as an expectorant and anti-inflammatory agent for colds, coughs, and suffocation. Place 2 tablespoons of chopped oregano herb in a thermos and pour 2 cups of boiling water. Take ½ glass 2 times a day. Wide Application got alcohol tincture and oil of oregano.

Peppermint. The plant contains a large amount of menthol, which has a positive effect on the body's respiratory system, especially during attacks of suffocation when exhaling. Inhalations, lollipops, mint tablets, and balms that alleviate the patient’s condition are extremely popular. Preparations containing peppermint relax the smooth muscles of the respiratory tract, making breathing much easier. Tea, tinctures, and decoctions are used for treatment.

Elecampane. To relieve attacks of suffocation, the root of the plant is used, which contains two significant elements - inulin, which has a calming effect on bronchial patency and alantolactone, an essential expectorant and antitussive component. Decoctions and tinctures of elecampane root have a relaxing effect on the smooth muscles of the trachea. Elecampane root juice and honey, in equal proportions, help well. Take a teaspoon 20 minutes before meals 3 times a day.

It should be noted that herbal remedies do not replace drug treatment. In therapy they are used to support and prevent attacks.


Patients with bronchial asthma or other diseases that cause asthma attacks treat homeopathic medicines with extreme caution, one might say, with distrust. This is an erroneous opinion, since the effect of treatment depends on the qualified homeopathic doctor prescribing the treatment and on the patient himself, who must follow all the doctor’s recommendations. Medications, relieving attacks of suffocation, have many side effects which cannot be avoided. The goal of homeopathic remedies is to get rid of the symptoms of the disease. When treating, it is necessary to take into account three main factors - spasm, fear, allergic reactions. When prescribing treatment, the homeopathic doctor pays Special attention, mental state the patient, taking into account panic and fear during attacks of suffocation. Taking an anamnesis makes it possible to find out all the details and symptoms of an attack and select the right drug.

Bryonia (Bryonia alba L) prescribed for bronchitis, bronchial asthma, bronchopneumonia, pleurisy and other diseases. Bryonia will help reduce dry cough, attacks of shortness of breath, cough with expectoration of sputum, as well as reduce irritability and calm the nervous system of the body. Release form: granules D3, C3, and higher, ointment, oil.

Doses: for bronchial asthma, children from 3 years old, D3 granules up to 6 divisions, adults from 6 divisions and above. For lung disease, it is recommended to apply ointment and oil, rubbing the patient’s chest and back.

Tartafedrel N used for inflammation of the upper respiratory tract. Release form: transparent drops with a pleasant odor, prescribed from 10 drops 3 times a day. In case of exacerbation of the disease, take 10 drops every 15 minutes for 2 hours. Treatment should continue for 4 weeks, increasing the course is possible only as prescribed by a doctor.

Traumeel S– anti-inflammatory, analgesic, anti-exudative homotoxic drug complex action, used for inflammation of the body's respiratory system. The drug is prescribed intramuscularly, 1 ampoule per day; in case of exacerbation of the disease, 2 ampoules per day can be used. After stopping the disease, Traumeel C tablets are prescribed (1 tablet 3 times a day).

Dulcamara - complex drug homeopathic action is used for chronic bronchitis, dry cough, asthma, accompanied wet cough. The basis of the drug is an extract from the leaves and stems of bittersweet nightshade. Dulcamara enjoys good reviews in people living in harsh climatic conditions associated with dampness, cold, and also susceptible to frequent diseases of the respiratory system of the body from damp fresh air.


To reduce the frequency of asthma attacks and prevent diseases, it is necessary to observe prevention, which consists of the following:

  • carry out wet cleaning, regularly ventilate the room;
  • get rid of carpets and carpeting, change bed linen and pillows regularly;
  • adhere to a strict diet, exclude foods from the diet, causing allergies;
  • apply electronic systems air purification using air conditioners, fans, ionizers and humidifiers;
  • identify the allergen that causes asthma attacks and get rid of it;
  • do breathing exercises regularly, you can inflate Balloons;
  • spend more time outdoors;
  • prevent colds, viral infections, etc.;
  • to protect the mucous membrane from external factors before going to bed, take a tablet of bromhexine or ambroxol;
  • closely monitor the body, take into account the first symptoms of the disease, carry out timely diagnosis and treatment of diseases that cause suffocation.


The prognosis is determined by the frequency and nature of the attack, but more emphasis is placed on the underlying disease that caused the attack of suffocation. A favorable prognosis is observed with systematic dispensary observation and correctly selected treatment, which allows patients to maintain working capacity and satisfactory condition health. With severe infectious complications and progressive pulmonary heart failure, death is observed in most cases.


1 Causes of suffocation

2 Choking due to lung diseases

3 Choking in diseases of the cardiovascular system

4 Choking in other diseases

5 Help with symptoms of suffocation. Caring for patients with shortness of breath

6 How to help a patient during an asthma attack?



Choking is a paroxysmal difficulty breathing that leads to an acute lack of oxygen in the tissues. Choking is manifested by severe shortness of breath, tightness in the chest and cyanosis of the skin.

For purposes differential diagnosis It is advisable to divide shortness of breath not according to the mechanisms of occurrence, but according to clinical course, using criteria that are easily determined at the bedside. We distinguish shortness of breath, which occurs mainly during physical effort, and shortness of breath, which occurs in the form of attacks during physical activity, after it, or independently of it. In some cases, these attacks develop while in full health. After their cessation, the patient does not show any complaints and does not experience any breathing difficulties. In other cases, attacks of suffocation occur as a complication of an illness that occurs with constant shortness of breath. In practice, attacks of suffocation are more often observed in diseases of the lungs and cardiovascular system.

1 Causes of suffocation

· Chronical bronchitis. Pneumonia.

· Obstructive pulmonary emphysema. Tracheobronchial dyskinea

· Tumor of the bronchus. Bronchoadenitis. Lymphogranulomatosis. Occupational diseases. Foreign body in the bronchus. Spontaneous pneumothorax. Cardiopsychoneurosis. Hysteria.

· Diseases of the cardiovascular system. Hypertonic disease. Diseases of the heart muscle. Myocardial infarction. Left ventricular aneurysm. Cardiosclerosis. Myocarditis. Cardiomyopathy. Heart defects. Aortic stenosis. Aortic insufficiency. Other diseases. Acute nephritis. Brain hemorrhage. Epilepsy.

· Mitral stenosis.

· Mitral regurgitation. Bacterial endocarditis. Sarcoidosis. Dermatomyositis. Arrhythmias.

· Periarteritis nodosa. Pulmonary embolism.

· Heroin poisoning. Sepsis.

2 Choking due to lung diseases

An attack of suffocation in previously healthy young and middle-aged people most often turns out to be the debut of bronchial asthma. Most clinicians of our time distinguish 3 types of bronchial asthma. Atopic bronchial asthma is caused by antigenic irritants entering the bronchial tree from external environment. The disease in most cases begins between the ages of 3 and 45 years and is caused by allergens that enter the bronchial tree along with the air. The content of immunoglobulin E in the blood of these patients is usually increased. Infectious bronchial asthma sometimes occurs without an obvious cause. According to most clinicians, it is most likely caused by chronic infection bronchial tree. The nature of the infection often remains unknown. The disease is severe and usually begins before the age of 5 or after 35 years. Mixed bronchial asthma is spoken of in cases where the patient is expected to have both allergic and infectious factors active at the same time.

The mildest attacks of bronchial asthma are manifested by a cough without sputum. Breathing may remain vesicular without adverse breath sounds. In more severe cases breathing becomes difficult. The cough is accompanied by the release of a small amount of mucous sputum. During exhalation, dry wheezing is heard in small quantity. During a severe attack of suffocation, the patient is forced to sit. The sputum becomes glassy and viscous. Mucus plugs are often found in it. During slow exhalation, a large number of dry whistling rales are heard. A sharp decrease in the number of wheezes or their almost complete disappearance (“silent lung”) is observed during extremely severe attacks of suffocation, usually shortly before a hypoxic coma. Appearance purulent sputum indicates the addition of an infection of the bronchial tree. Bronchial asthma is characterized by the reversibility of bronchospasms, that is, the alternation of periods of severe disruption of bronchial patency with periods when their patency becomes normal or almost normal.

Attacks of suffocation in patients chronic bronchitis, chronic pneumonia, obstructive pulmonary emphysema occur under the influence of bronchospasm and narrowing or even blockage of the bronchial lumen with viscous secretions. The formation of atelectasis in these cases leads to shortness of breath, cyanosis, and tachycardia. The addition of infection is manifested by fever. Physical signs lung infiltration often not detected; fluoroscopy reveals small focal shadows, which are usually located in the lower lobes of the lungs. Unlike bronchial asthma, the patency of the bronchi in these diseases is impaired not only during attacks of suffocation, but also in the interictal period.

Attacks of suffocation also occur with mechanical obstruction of the bronchi by a foreign body, a sagging posterior membrane wall of the trachea and large bronchi (tracheobronchial dyskinesia), a tumor of the bronchial tube or compression of it by rapidly growing lymph nodes, for example, with bronchadenitis, lymphogranulomatosis, tumor metastases. Attacks of suffocation in these patients are very severe and do not respond to conventional anti-asthma therapy. Attacks of suffocation occur due to accidental or professional irritation of the trachea and bronchi. A well-collected anamnesis makes it easy to distinguish them from bronchial asthma. Respiratory disorders with neurocirculatory asthenia and hysteria usually occur with rapid shallow breathing and laryngospasm.

An attack of suffocation during spontaneous pneumothorax occurs suddenly following pain in the affected half of the chest. In the future, pain and shortness of breath exist together. By the end of the first day, shortness of breath, as a rule, decreases, and the patient’s condition becomes noticeably better. Physical signs of pneumothoract (tympanic percussion sound, weakened breathing, heart displacement) in some cases are not clearly expressed. The diagnosis of spontaneous pneumothorax becomes convincing only in cases where, during X-ray examination, it is possible to clearly see the line of the visceral pleura. When pneumothorax clinically appears highly probable, but its radiological signs remain unclear, it is recommended to examine the patient in the lateral decubitus. Free air in these cases rises to the lateral wall of the chest, thereby significantly improving the conditions for its detection.

A favorable course is observed in most cases of spontaneous pneumothorax. Sometimes when lung injury, bronchial cancer, pneumonia, valvular pneumothorax develops, in which the amount of air in the pleural cavity gradually increases and the patient’s condition becomes very serious. A tympanic percussion sound is noted only at the beginning of the occurrence of this type of pneumothorax. Subsequently, as air accumulates in the pleural cavity, the percussion sound over the affected lung becomes dulled tympanic. In combination with weakened breathing, a picture is created that resembles the accumulation of fluid in the pleural cavity. X-ray signs pneumothorax in such cases are always clearly expressed. Spontaneous pneumothorax is more common in men aged 20 to 40 years. The right lung is affected somewhat more often than the left. The disease often recurs. Repeated pneumothorax develops in 30% on the same side as before and in 10% of cases on the opposite side.

3 Choking in diseases of the cardiovascular system

Suffocation (state asphyxia ) is difficulty breathing in a person, which manifests itself in paroxysms, and at the same time it is ultimately observed oxygen starvation body tissues.

How does suffocation manifest?

Choking in children and adults is severe , a feeling of tightness in the chest area, the appearance of cyanosis of the skin. The feeling of suffocation is painful for a person who is afraid of lack of air and fear of death. This symptom is present in children and adults when various diseases. The causes of suffocation, as a rule, are the presence of pathologies of the cardiovascular system, lungs, and respiratory tract. If a patient develops pulmonary diseases, then suffocation occurs due to a disruption in the supply of oxygen to the blood and subsequent obstruction of the person’s respiratory tract. With asthma, there is a sharp feeling of lack of air, the person is severely suffocating. - a serious illness, because breathing is a basic human need. Therefore, breathing problems are a kind of signal of serious danger, and the person experiences a serious fear of death. At the same time, it is possible. After a cough and attack, suffocation does not bother the patient

A constant feeling of suffocation in the neck and chest can occur after physical activity. In this case, suffocation is a signal of oxygen deficiency in the respiratory and circulatory system.

If a person experiences suffocation at night, he suffers from cyanosis, the patient’s skin becomes covered with sticky sweat, and is sometimes present. Wheezing in the lungs can also be heard. In most cases, people who suffer from attacks of nocturnal breathlessness experience increased venous pressure, an enlarged liver, and other symptoms of heart failure.

Why does suffocation occur?

To take all measures to get rid of this unpleasant symptom, it is necessary to clearly know what exact causes of suffocation occur in a particular case. If symptoms of suffocation appear, first of all, one should suspect the development of bronchial asthma , pneumonia , chronic , emphysema , bronchial tumors , foreign bodies entering the respiratory system. Bronchial asthma is more common among young and middle-aged people.

The state of suffocation manifests itself in a number of diseases of the cardiovascular system. This , hypertension and hypotension , aortic insufficiency , heart defects , arrhythmia , cerebral hemorrhage and etc.

A feeling of suffocation accompanies some mental illness. Choking may accompany reactive psychosis , claustrophobia , paranoia and etc. This symptom It also manifests itself in some common diseases - with, sepsis and etc.

Some external negative factors can also provoke suffocation. This is a drug overdose, poisoning ethyl alcohol, in pairs of different toxic substances. This symptom is characteristic of some types of allergies.

Choking at night can occur in a person due to too much blood filling the lungs. This occurs due to changes in the tone of the autonomic nervous system. Choking in sleep is difficult for most people.

A feeling of choking in the throat sometimes manifests itself as a consequence high sensitivity esophagus, muscle activity disorders. A feeling of choking in the throat may occur due to the high sensitivity of the esophagus. The reasons for the manifestation of such a symptom may be the experience of strong emotional shocks, fast breathing, state of anxiety. That is, a lump in the throat very often appears due to nervousness. Throat spasms are especially common among those who experience prolonged stress.

One should not write off other reasons that may provoke such symptoms. These may be physiological problems of the throat, disorders of the thyroid gland. Symptoms of choking in the throat in some cases also appear due to diseases associated with spinal pathology. Sore throat and signs of choking in the throat area occur with injuries to the esophagus. Treatment is prescribed only after an accurate diagnosis has been established.

Choking may occur when acute nephritis . This most often occurs in older people. Sometimes suffocation in this case is taken as a manifestation hypertensive crisis or heart attack. However, with myocardial infarction, suffocation can also appear as a symptom of the disease.

How to get rid of suffocation?

In most cases, an attack of suffocation occurs in a person outside a medical facility. Therefore, urgent first aid for suffocation. Therefore, knowledge of the basic principles of providing such assistance can be useful to every person. Providing assistance for choking, first of all, involves facilitating the breathing process. It is important to calm the person who is having an attack. Emergency care for choking is provided after the person has been moved to a sitting position. It is imperative to ensure a good flow of fresh air. Heating pads are applied to the legs and arms, and the patient's legs can be immersed in hot water. Mustard plasters are placed on the chest or back under the shoulder blades. If first aid for suffocation is provided, the patient can be given one tablet orally Euphyllina And .

Providing first aid for suffocation when foreign objects enter the respiratory organs is carried out in the same way as for drowning. It is important that first aid is provided without panic, promptly and correctly. To remove a foreign body from a person’s larynx, you need to compress his chest. When pressure is applied, the foreign object is pushed into the airways. First aid for suffocation caused by a foreign body getting inside is then provided as follows: the victim needs to be helped to lean forward and clear his throat. If you faint, the victim should be placed on his knee with his stomach to prevent choking on vomit. If a foreign body gets into the child's respiratory tract, they lift him up by the legs and pat him on the back so that the baby clears his throat.

After the patient has been given first aid, he must be taken to medical institution. After breathing has been restored, an appointment is made antibiotics to prevent pneumonia.

If suffocation occurs due to allergic edema, it is necessary to give the patient, or. A quarter glass of 10% solution is also given or calcium chloride . If there are no positive changes, 2 ml is injected intramuscularly.

If a patient is bothered by attacks of suffocation at night, provoked by bronchial asthma, then night attacks are treated with drugs that relieve bronchospasm. This ephedrine , theophedrine , antasman , they must be taken orally. An attack of suffocation during bronchial asthma can also be relieved with the help of aerosols and inhalers. However, in this case it is important to ensure the necessary degree of inhalation to relieve a sudden attack.

First aid for an attack of suffocation caused by asthma can also be provided by applying a heating pad to the arms and legs; also, to ensure the flow of venous blood, the patient’s legs can be immersed in hot water. Asthma symptoms will become less severe.

Emergency assistance to a person who has a sudden attack of bronchial asthma and cough can be provided by massage of the upper body. You need to massage from your head down your back and chest.

If the question arises of how to relieve an attack, and at the same time there is no necessary medications, urgent Care during an attack, it can be provided with the help of some available means. You can let the patient smell it, let him swallow small pieces of ice. Baking soda helps thin mucus during an attack. If the attack cannot be relieved on your own, you should definitely call emergency medical help.