You definitely need to know whether you can give your dog Imodium. Dangerous medicine! Diarrhea, diarrhea in a dog: treatment at home, what to give from human medicines if it is with blood? What can you give your shepherd dog for diarrhea?

When a dog begins to have diarrhea, every owner wants to help their pet get rid of this disease as soon as possible. Someone immediately goes to the veterinarian so that an experienced specialist examines the animal and prescribes the necessary medicine.

And someone decides to act independently, resorting to the use of improvised means, mainly the same ones that they take themselves, which is a big mistake. For example, loperamide very quickly relieves diarrhea in humans, but for animals this medicine is a dangerous drug.

The drug Loperamide, entering the pet’s intestines, anesthetizes it, but does not relieve the inflammatory processes occurring in the body.

For diarrhea

When a dog develops diarrhea, Loperamide should never be given.

Often, diarrhea is the body’s reaction to inflammatory processes and the fight against them. By feeding your dog a tablet, you will stop the body’s defense process against inflammation, and then all pathological microorganisms will gradually begin to penetrate the blood, which will lead to infection, internal bleeding or intoxication of the body.

All these consequences can have a very negative impact on the life of your pet and, in frequent cases, lead to death.

Therefore, before giving any pill to an animal, you should first consult a specialist. It will help cure the pet’s main ailment, which is actually tormenting him, and after that the diarrhea itself will go away.

Possible causes of diarrhea in dogs:

  • eating stale food;
  • foreign objects getting into food;
  • indigestibility of food;
  • pancreatitis;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • gastroenteritis;
  • tumor of the abdominal organs.

Instructions for use


Dog owners love to feed their pets various plant foods, which are poorly digestible for the animal’s body. So, for example, cabbage, carrots, bread or cookies.

As a result, animals often develop colitis. This is manifested by constant bloating, frequent trips to the toilet, and when you try to defecate, very little content comes out, and sometimes with streaks of blood.

How much to give?

For colitis, dogs are prescribed Loperamide for 5-7 days. Under no circumstances should you give a random number of tablets. The dosage of this drug is calculated based on the weight of the animal. 0.2 mg tablets are prescribed per 1 kg.

After calculating the dosage, the drug is given to the pet 2-4 times a day, depending on the condition. Subsequently, the amount of drug taken is reduced.

Exceeding the dosage

For diarrhea, any dose of the drug can be dangerous or fatal. It all depends on the animal’s immunity and its weight. Dogs that weigh less than 10 kg should not be given this tablet at any dose.

What to do if you eat it?

If your dog has eaten a Loperamide tablet, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible. Self-treatment here would be inappropriate; it will only aggravate the situation and can lead to the death of the animal.

Symptoms that may occur due to taking this remedy:

  • Weakness. The animal does not want to play and is passive towards everything.
  • Blood in urine and stool.
  • Bloating.
  • Rapid breathing.
  • Vomiting and nausea.
  • Incessant thirst.

It is very difficult to accurately determine the symptoms of internal bleeding in animals on your own; only an experienced specialist can do this. Therefore, you need to monitor the tablets and not leave them in places where they can be accessible to animals.

But if the above symptoms appear, you don’t need to wait until it goes away on its own; you need to urgently take your pet to the doctor.

For puppies

Loperamide is strictly contraindicated in small dogs or puppies. If the tablet gets into the puppy's body, you should immediately take him to the doctor. Otherwise, everything could end in death.

The number of bowel movements per day in dogs depends on the amount of food eaten, and their consistency depends on the diet. Healthy dogs have well-formed feces, without any impurities. Diarrhea in dogs: causes and treatment will be discussed in detail below.

There are many causes of diarrhea, The future nature of treatment depends on the correct identification of the cause. The causes of diarrhea in a dog can be the following:

Important! Diarrhea is not a diagnosis, but a symptom that indicates a disruption in the normal functioning of the intestines.

The first thing you need to do is analyze your last meals. If the dog was fed spoiled or stale food, the diet was suddenly changed, or the dog simply ate a foreign object - all this provokes diarrhea.

Various medications and toxic agents can cause acute diarrhea. They may irritate the mucous membranes, or simply have a side effect. And also other various reasons in the form of stress, allergic reactions, metabolic disorders or even tumors in the gastrointestinal tract.

Diarrhea in a dog: treatment at home

The prescription of medications is made after a complete analysis of the symptoms and manifestations of the disease.

Symptoms, acute and chronic form

With diarrhea, feces become liquid, unformed, and may contain various impurities: blood, mucus, etc. The urge to defecate becomes frequent, but with a small amount of contents. There is also rumbling in the stomach and weight loss.

Black feces may indicate internal bleeding, but they also happen after taking blood sausage or activated charcoal.

A dog has diarrhea with blood, what should I do? In this case, you need to urgently contact a veterinarian. It can appear due to ordinary intestinal trauma, for example after eating bones. But often this sign indicates more complex cases, including dangerous viral diseases.

Diarrhea can occur in acute and chronic forms.

Acute diarrhea occurs suddenly and lasts from a couple of days to two weeks. Such a short duration is associated with a short-term effect on the intestines of the previously mentioned factors: poor quality and not fresh food, a sudden change in diet, or a foreign object eaten. All of this can cause diarrhea.

Attention! If diarrhea lasts longer than a day, complications usually arise: lack of fluid in the body, dehydration and loss of energy.

Since feces have a liquid consistency, the body loses a lot of water, especially if it is accompanied by vomiting. Acute diarrhea is often accompanied by symptoms such as vomiting, lethargy, thirst, refusal to feed, and sometimes fever. To avoid complications, it is better to see a veterinarian who will provide emergency care.

Chronic diarrhea occurs due to prolonged exposure to the previously mentioned factors. It can last from two weeks to several months.

As previously said, diarrhea is not a diagnosis, but a symptom that indicates that something is wrong in the body. In order to prescribe treatment, you must first find out the cause.
But first aid can also be provided at home.

Important! Self-treatment without eliminating the root cause leads to even worse consequences.

Treatment: first aid and elimination of causes

What to give your dog for diarrhea using human medicine? Treatment should begin with activated carbon - one tablet is given per ten kilograms of the dog’s weight. Next, so that the patient does not suffer from frequent urges to go to the toilet, they give her an antidiarrheal tablet. Additionally, decoctions of herbs are given that have an astringent effect, for example, oak bark.

Diarrhea in a dog: treatment at home should not be limited to relieving the urge to defecate. At the same time, you need to find out the reason.

If your dog has eaten poor quality food, then you should act as if

How to treat diarrhea in a dog? Often the owners themselves cannot find out the exact reason that caused the diarrhea. For this You need the help of a doctor, tests, and special medical equipment. Only after this the doctor prescribes suitable treatment.

Bloody diarrhea in a dog: treatment should be carried out only as prescribed by a veterinarian after determining the cause. In addition to intestinal injury, the cause may be:

  • a serious viral disease;
  • ulcers affecting the intestinal mucosa, especially after taking irritating medications;
  • tumor in the intestinal lumen.

Nutrition during treatment

The first step is to fast for 1 day. Give water in unlimited quantities. From the next day we prepare enveloping cereals: rice, buckwheat, oatmeal. There is no need to force the dog to eat everything; to normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, not much is needed.

To improve intestinal microflora, fermented milk products can be given in small quantities. If the dog doesn’t refuse sweet tea, which will fill the body with energy, instead of regular water, that will be great. When the condition has returned to normal and all the symptoms have passed, you can gradually return to your normal diet.

Attention! Under no circumstances should you give fried, fatty or spicy foods.

If there is no improvement, and something is still bothering the dog, an urgent consultation with a doctor is necessary.

Prevention of diarrhea consists of a carefully selected, high-quality diet and proper care for your pet. Also, you should carry out deworming on time and undergo routine examinations with a veterinarian.

Additionally, watch a video about treating diarrhea in a dog:

Defecating liquid feces is a fairly common problem among man's four-legged friends. Not all pet owners know what they can give their dog for diarrhea to alleviate the condition. Let's find out the causes and symptoms of the development of the pathological condition.

Is it possible to give a dog Loperamide for diarrhea, as well as other pharmacological drugs intended for humans? What methods of traditional therapy are effective in treating pets? The answers to these and other questions can be found in our material.

What is diarrhea?

A negative state can be observed in just one day. In the most dangerous situations, diarrhea can continue in an animal for several weeks. In the first case, there is absolutely no reason to worry. If the problem cannot be dealt with for a long time, you need to understand what to give your dog for diarrhea. The choice of help for your pet depends on the general condition of the animal, the structure of the stool, and its shade.


Among the main causes of diarrhea in dogs are the following:

  • Improper nutrition (pet eating stale food, sudden changes in the nature of food, individual intolerance to specific foods).
  • Food allergies.
  • Use of spoiled drugs during vaccination.
  • Helminthiasis.
  • Avitaminosis.
  • Bacterial, viral, fungal infections.
  • Inflammation of the tissues of the digestive organs.
  • Eating contaminated food and drink.
  • Entering the digestive tract of feces of other animals.
  • Intoxication with toxic substances.
  • Mechanical damage to the tissues of internal organs.
  • Development of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

In what cases should you contact a veterinarian?

It is necessary to take your dog to the clinic if diarrhea does not stop for several days. A cause for alarm is the accompaniment of a negative state by frequent vomiting and the refusal of the four-legged friend to eat and drink. You should seek help from a veterinarian if there is a sharp decrease in the dog’s weight, the presence of feces of an atypical color, or a significant increase in temperature.

Forms of diarrhea in dogs

Digestive disorders in four-legged pets can occur in the following forms:

  1. Acute diarrhea - characterized by regular release of liquid feces for 10-14 days. Often the cause of the development of the pathological condition is the wrong choice of food for the daily diet. Some dog breeds do not accept food that is too fatty, sweet, spicy or dairy, which causes diarrhea.
  2. Chronic diarrhea - a negative condition is maintained for more than 2 weeks. The manifestation occurs against the background of the lack of adequate treatment for outdated diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. To determine the recurrence of a specific disease, it is important to conduct laboratory tests.


Symptoms of diarrhea in dogs include:

  • Atypical change in stool character;
  • The appearance of feces with a pungent odor and a strange hue;
  • Frequent urge to defecate;
  • Increased pet anxiety;
  • Attacks of vomiting;
  • Increased body temperature;
  • The appearance of seething sounds in the dog’s abdominal cavity;
  • Bloody discharge in the stool structure.

Viral infections

The greatest danger is diarrhea, which occurs against the background of damage to the animal’s body by pathogens of viral infections. Most often, symptoms characteristic of diarrhea are caused by the following diseases.

Parvovirus enteritis is popularly known as “canine distemper.” This virus often affects immature dogs. Puppies a few months old are especially susceptible to this viral infection. Characteristic signs of development are frequent urge to defecate, severe vomiting, and the appearance of copious discharge from the eyes and nasal openings of the animal. In such a serious condition, drink and drink for a week. Then relief may occur for a short time. However, most often the exhausted pet dies.

Coronavirus and rotavirus are viral diseases that can affect dogs of all ages. These ailments pose the greatest danger to fragile puppies. The manifestations of the pathology are extremely similar to parvovirus enteritis. But unlike the previous disease, the animal body most often copes with the viral pathogen on its own. The pet is gradually recovering.

Another viral infection that can lead to the development of diarrhea in a four-legged friend is adenovirus. In addition to the appearance of liquid stool, the causative agent of the disease causes an increase in body temperature. Then inflammatory processes develop in the body, which most often affect the mucous membranes of the eyes. The disease continues to progress over 2 weeks. During this time, the functions of the liver are inhibited, and an increase in the volume of the organ is observed.

First aid for viruses affecting the body

What to give your dog for diarrhea and vomiting? With these symptoms, it is recommended to limit the animal’s access to food for a day. The pet must be offered plenty of fluids. Additionally, water-salt solutions should be introduced into the body. In order to restore healthy intestinal microflora, the dog should be given fermented milk food. Probiotic medications can help. Naturally, you cannot do without visiting a veterinarian, who will conduct all the necessary tests, determine the causative agent of the disease and prescribe the appropriate antiviral drugs.

Bloody diarrhea

What can you give your dog in stool? First of all, you should contact a veterinarian, who will prescribe the use of pharmacological agents, the properties of which promote the healing of tissues of internal organs. When diagnosing tumors of a benign or malignant nature, surgery may be necessary.

In case of suspected food poisoning, gastric lavage is recommended. If worms are detected, then you cannot do without taking anthelmintic drugs, among which the most effective are drugs such as Albendozole and Macmiror.

Unusual diarrhea

Often, such manifestations are the result of feeding the dog vegetables, beets, carrots, and tomatoes. If such products were not present in the animal’s diet, you should be concerned.

A tint may be a sign of liver failure and the development of jaundice. White stools indicate blockage of the bile ducts. Red diarrhea is often the result of mechanical trauma to the intestines. The greenish tint of feces is caused by the processes of rotting and fermentation in the gastrointestinal tract, the development of dysbacteriosis, and bacterial infections.

What to give your dog if stool color changes?

In such situations, the most effective solution is drug treatment. The only exception is if a foreign object enters the intestines. In this case, surgery may be required. In other situations, pharmacological agents are prescribed whose properties help restore normal functioning of the digestive organs. Adsorbents and antibiotics may also be prescribed.

What to give your dog for diarrhea using human medicine?

Some pharmacological agents intended to eliminate disorders of the digestive system in humans can be given to animals. Naturally, before resorting to such actions, it is better to consult a veterinarian.

Is it possible to give it for diarrhea? The presented remedy belongs to the category of the most harmless, time-tested medicines. Activated charcoal should be offered to dogs if it is necessary to quickly eliminate all kinds of toxic manifestations, including signs of diarrhea. To determine the dosage, you need to focus on the weight of the animal. For every 10 kg, it is enough to use one tablet of activated carbon. Enterosgel, which has a faster and gentler effect, can be a good alternative to such a product.

What to give your dog for diarrhea? "Smecta" will help eliminate the manifestations of diarrhea in your pet. Medicine is prescribed for mild indigestion and food poisoning. The active ingredients in the drug effectively remove toxins from the body. with diarrhea? You need to offer the medicine to your pet by injecting it into the oral cavity from a syringe. First, you need to give the animal a drink of the drug diluted in water. If signs of diarrhea persist, it is worth using a more concentrated formulation.

Dogs like the sweetish taste of the drug "Enterofuril". The drug effectively eliminates the consequences of damage to the body by intestinal infections. The medicine makes it possible to quickly alleviate the general condition of diarrhea. However, it is recommended to use it only after consulting a veterinarian.

If your dog has diarrhea, you can give it Loperamide. The drug is one of the most accessible and effective for diarrhea. How to give your dog Loperamide for diarrhea? If the animal has a severe disorder of the digestive organs, you can use several tablets of the pharmacological agent, dissolved in water in advance. However, veterinarians do not recommend resorting to this solution too often. Because the medicine contains a whole host of chemically active substances that can harm the pet’s health.

What else can you give your dog for diarrhea? The popular synthetic antibiotic Levomycetin can help eliminate the problem. The active ingredients of the drug have a negative effect on a number of pathogenic microorganisms. It is recommended to use the medicine if diarrhea in a dog is infectious. You can give your animal no more than one tablet per day.

Traditional medicine

At home, you can alleviate your dog’s condition using effective, time-tested recipes. First of all, your four-legged friend should be given rice water or an infusion of flax seeds to drink. Such folk remedies have an enveloping effect on the mucous membranes of the stomach and allow you to get rid of all kinds of digestive disorders.

Some herbal infusions will help cure a dog with diarrhea. You should use blueberries, alder fruits, dried St. John's wort and sage. Based on these plants, infusions are prepared to feed the animal. Such herbs relieve inflammation and have an antimicrobial effect.

Diarrhea, or diarrhea, is a very common problem in dogs. Many cases of diarrhea are not serious and can be corrected with proper dog care. By taking the right measures, mild, uncomplicated cases of diarrhea can be managed without a visit to the veterinarian. However, sometimes the problem can be serious, requiring a visit to the veterinary clinic.


Part 1

Treat Your Dog's Diarrhea with Diet Changes

    Do not feed your dog for 12 to 24 hours. The presence of food in the intestines provokes contraction of the muscles of the intestinal walls and the pushing of their contents out. If your dog has diarrhea, these contractions may be too vigorous, causing food to move through the intestines too quickly and allowing the diarrhea to continue. The solution to the problem may be a break in feeding for 12-24 hours to allow the irritated intestinal walls to calm down and begin to function normally.

    Provide your dog with fresh drinking water. During the non-feeding period, provide the dog with access to clean, fresh drinking water. Monitor the water bowl to make sure your dog is drinking water (and that the volume is decreasing). If your dog drinks well, the risk of dehydration due to diarrhea will be significantly lower.

    After fasting, switch your dog to an easily digestible diet. After fasting, DO NOT immediately start feeding your dog his usual food. Instead, offer her food that is easy on the stomach and will be easily digested.

    • An ideal, easily digestible diet would be low-fat food without the inclusion of red meat.
    • Offer your dog chicken, which is meat in itself, as opposed to ready-made dog food with only chicken added for flavor. Give your dog clean, skinless chicken.
    • Mix chicken with cooked white rice, pasta or mashed potatoes.
    • Avoid milk and dairy products, as many dogs are lactose intolerant, which can cause diarrhea. This also means that you should not add butter to your dog's food.
    • Light foods produce small amounts of stool (pale in color), so don't expect your dog's stool to return to normal immediately. You just need to watch for signs that your dog is getting better.
  1. Try switching your dog to the diet prescribed by your veterinarian. If you know that your dog does not react well to easily digestible homemade food, ask your veterinarian to prescribe a special type of food that will help restore the stomach. Brands of food such as Hills I/D and Purina EN have already shown themselves to promote a dog’s speedy recovery from diarrhea.

    Divide the food into smaller portions. Smaller serving sizes are less likely to cause intestinal spasms. When your dog's fasting period ends, begin feeding him the same daily amount of food that he is accustomed to. However, divide the food into four smaller portions and distribute feedings evenly throughout the day. This will prevent diarrhea from recurring.

    Slowly transition your dog back to his regular diet. Once your dog's diarrhea is successfully resolved, you can begin to transition your dog to a normal diet. You should not do this suddenly, as the intestines need time for final recovery. Stick to an easily digestible diet for a couple of days to ensure that the diarrhea goes away. Then spend another two days gradually transitioning to normal food according to the schedule below.

    • Mix ⅔ easily digestible food with ⅓ regular food.
    • The next day, use ⅓ digestible food and ⅔ regular food.
    • On the third day, you can completely return the dog to regular food.
  2. Take probiotics. Probiotics are bacteria that are beneficial for digestion and speed up recovery from diarrhea. During diarrhea, the intestines may lose the beneficial bacteria that inhabit them. Then it takes some time to restore their population and return to normal, fully functional digestion. Dietary supplements with probiotics speed up the restoration of the population of beneficial bacteria. They are usually mixed into dog food once a day for 5 days.

    • The bacteria that live in a dog's intestine are different from the bacteria that live in the human intestine. Do not give dogs probiotics intended for humans.
    • You can purchase various brands of probiotics for dogs at your veterinarian's office or most pet stores.
  3. Do not give your dog human medications for diarrhea. Moderate diarrhea should be corrected with the above steps. Giving your dog medications that slow down bowel movements may hide a serious problem until it is too late to correct it. If the symptoms of diarrhea do not go away within 2-3 days with the above methods, then there is a possibility that the dog's problem is more serious and requires the intervention of a veterinarian.

    Part 2

    Determine the need to contact a veterinarian
    1. Check to see if your dog has eaten anything poisonous. Diarrhea is often caused by a dog eating something it shouldn't have eaten. In most cases, the dog should recover once everything he ate is out of his body.

      • However, if you realize that your dog has eaten something toxic, such as rat poison or household cleaner, take him to the vet immediately.
    2. Take the dog's temperature. Normal diarrhea is rarely accompanied by fever. If your dog has a fever, he may have some kind of infection. To take your dog's temperature, you will need the help of a friend to hold the dog by running your hand under its belly and pulling its back legs toward its chest. With the other hand, the friend should firmly support the dog under the chin. Gently immobilize the dog and begin to talk to it soothingly if it twitches. If you are afraid that the dog may bite during the procedure, then put a muzzle on it.

      Pay attention to the combination of diarrhea and vomiting. Vomiting and diarrhea are a dangerous combination, since in this case the dog’s body loses fluid twice as much. This creates a risk of dehydration. A particularly dangerous situation is one in which the dog cannot drink and retain water. In this case, an urgent visit to the veterinarian is necessary.

      Check for signs of dehydration. Diarrhea is loose stool. If your dog has very severe diarrhea and does not replenish the lost fluid, he will become dehydrated. Dehydration reduces blood flow to organs, including the liver and kidneys, which can potentially pose health risks.

      • To check for dehydration, lift the dog's withers at the shoulder blades and release.
      • Completely dehydrated animal skin will remain in a retracted position.
      • When dehydrated, the skin becomes less elastic and will take a few seconds or more to return to its previous shape.
    3. Check for blood in the stool. If you notice blood in your dog's stool, this may indicate inflammation or bleeding. While inflammation simply causes discomfort, bleeding can be fatal. You won't be able to tell the difference between the two conditions on your own, so don't take unnecessary risks. Contact your veterinarian immediately if you notice blood in your dog's stool.

    4. Pay attention to weakness, apathy and loss of strength. A dog with mild diarrhea will always remain alive and active. If your dog develops diarrhea but remains in good condition and his eyes are still burning, continue to monitor him closely for development of the above symptoms. It is quite reasonable to try to control such a situation yourself.

      • However, if your dog lacks energy, is lethargic and unable to recover, or even collapses from exhaustion, then you should seek professional help.
    • When you go to the vet, bring a sample of your dog's stool with you for a general clinical examination and a worm test.
    • Some dogs react poorly to canned food. Consider feeding your dog a premium dry food or a mixture of dry and canned food.

Diarrhea in dogs can occur as a result of poisoning or be a symptom of a serious illness.
Not every owner knows what to give their dog for diarrhea, so you need to contact a veterinarian.

This reaction of the digestive tract indicates that there are internal problems in the animal's body that should be identified and treated.

How it manifests itself

All symptoms of the disease are directly dependent on its neglect and severity. Diarrhea may have the following symptoms:

  1. Changes in the nature of stool - stool softens and becomes more liquid.
  2. The feces become watery, have blood in them, and a pungent odor appears.
  3. The color of the stool changes - it may become brown, green, black or yellow.
  4. When defecating, the animal experiences pain and moans or whines during defecation.
  5. Bowel movements become more frequent and the volume of stool is small.
  6. If you have stomach problems, mucus appears in the feces.
  7. The dog begins to worry too much or, conversely, becomes lethargic; she whines or sighs heavily all the time.
  8. The dog becomes nauseous and may vomit.
  9. Body temperature rises.
  10. You can hear rumbling in your stomach.

All signs can occur independently, and in any combination.

If at least one of these manifestations has been noticed in an animal, then it should be shown to a specialist.

The puppy is bleeding

If blood clots are present during diarrhea, then most likely this is evidence of a serious pathology. You need to take the dog to the doctor.

Diseases accompanied by this symptom:

  1. Poisoning. The dog sometimes picks up various objects or foods from the ground. When they enter the stomach, they lead to intense irritation of the intestinal walls, resulting in diarrhea with blood particles.
  2. Parvovirus enteritis in dogs. This pathology usually affects young individuals aged from two to twelve months. The disease often ends in death if adequate medical care is not provided in time.
  3. Traumatic enterocolitis. Bloody diarrhea can result from an animal eating foreign bodies, which lead to injury from the inside of the walls of the intestines and stomach.
  4. Adverse reaction to the use of analgesics.

Acute disease

The owners are faced with an acute form of diarrhea. It appears suddenly and is usually short-lived. Acute diarrhea in dogs does not last longer than three weeks, but this does not make it any less dangerous and should be treated.

The causes of acute diarrhea are the same factors that cause ordinary stomach upset. Among the symptoms are liquid stools, sometimes they may contain blood.

In this condition, the dog often defecates, a large volume of fluid is lost, which leads to significant dehydration of the body.

Has become chronic

If diarrhea lasts three or more weeks, then we are talking about a chronic process. There is often mucus or blood in the stool.

With prolonged diarrhea, the animal's body weight decreases, its appetite worsens, its hair becomes dull or falls out, and the dog stops enjoying life.

Why does it occur

Normal bowel function can be disrupted by various reasons, such as:

Before you begin to treat this pathology, you need to reliably determine the cause of its occurrence. Only after all diagnostic procedures have been completed can all necessary measures be taken to save the health and, possibly, the life of the pet.


What to use

When the very first symptoms appear, you need to take the animal to a veterinary hospital or call a doctor at home. The veterinarian will prescribe the necessary medications once the cause of the disease is determined.


Often, owners are interested in what to give their dog for diarrhea from human medicines. This is unacceptable, since you cannot calculate the dosage.

All groups of medications should be prescribed only by a veterinarian and only after the animal has been thoroughly examined. You cannot use any medications on your own to treat an animal.

We treat at home

If it is not possible to see a veterinarian, then you can help your dog overcome the disease using effective, but safe and gentle means.

What can you give your dog for diarrhea:

  1. Rice broth. To prepare it, rice cereals are boiled in a small volume of water, then the rice itself must be removed and the animal must be given the resulting decoction to drink.
  2. Herbal preparations. You can give your dog an infusion of various medicinal herbs. Alder, blueberry, St. John's wort or sage fruits are well suited for this.

What to feed your dog during diarrhea

During the period of illness, the animal usually feels unwell. If a dog refuses to eat, then you cannot force feed it. The dog should drink plenty of water.

Nutritional rules to follow during illness:

  • on the first day, it is better not to feed the sick animal at all, and if the dog has an appetite, then you can give it a little boiled rice;
  • on the second day you can add fermented milk products so that the digestive process returns to normal;
  • if the animal’s condition begins to improve, then on the third day you can introduce foods with a small amount of fat into the menu - boiled eggs, fish, chicken.

For all three days, the pet can be fed boiled rice.

It is important to always remember that a sick animal needs plenty of fluids. Even plain water will serve as a medicine; tea with sugar, rice water, and infusions of medicinal herbs are good options.

Effective prevention

As preventive measures, animal owners should adhere to the following recommendations:

Every owner must remember that he is responsible for the health and well-being of his pet, and even a slight illness of his dog should not go unattended.

What is this

Veterinarians are faced with a problem. However, owners are not always able to immediately figure out what medicine to give their dog for diarrhea.

A negative state can be observed in just one day. In the most dangerous situations, diarrhea can continue in an animal for several weeks. In the first case, there is no reason to worry.

If the problem cannot be dealt with for a long time, you need to understand what to give your dog for diarrhea. The choice of help for your pet depends on the general condition of the animal, the structure of the stool, and its shade.

Viral infection

The greatest danger is diarrhea, which occurs against the background of damage to the animal’s body by pathogens of viral infections. Most often, symptoms characteristic of diarrhea are caused by the following diseases. Parvovirus enteritis is popularly known as “canine distemper”. This virus often affects immature dogs.

Puppies a few months old are especially susceptible to this viral infection. Characteristic signs of the development of parvovirus enteritis are frequent urge to defecate, severe vomiting, and the appearance of copious discharge from the eyes and nasal openings of the animal.