What can you eat if you have sugar? Nutrition for diabetes - allowed and prohibited foods, recipes and menu for the week. Regular consumption of products

Target therapeutic activities at endocrine disease is to stabilize disturbed metabolic processes. Compliance with the principles of nutritional therapy is of paramount importance. What you can eat and what you can’t eat diabetes mellitus? What are the general dietary approaches to food? What exactly should I cook for the patient for dinner today?

Diabetic Nutritional Options

Pancreatic disease associated with disorder metabolic processes. At the core serious violations This is due to poor absorption of carbohydrates by the body's cells and poor utilization of fats. The cause of the pathology is that the organ endocrine system partially or completely refuses to perform physiological functions.

The pancreas either does not produce insulin at all or produces insufficient amounts of insulin. In the first option, the severe form, the hormone is administered externally, in the form of injections. Synthesized drugs differ in their duration of action. Short insulin done “for food”, before or during a meal. Hormone long acting and tableted hypoglycemic agents - create the basis for maintaining the pancreas in tone throughout the day.

Specific products should be considered from the perspective of what is important for a patient with diabetes:

  • have normal body weight;
  • maintain efficiency;
  • prevent vascular complications.

To implement disease control they use medicines, lowering blood sugar levels. Doing what you can physical activity helps reduce Negative influence glucose on the circulatory system.

It is believed that by calculating and taking an adequate dosage of insulin, a diabetic with normal or low body weight can consume all foods like a healthy person. However, eating high carbohydrate foods glycemic index(GI), more than 50, they should be careful; dietary restrictions are valid for patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes. The state of good compensation for the disease can change to the exact opposite within a few hours.

With mild and medium forms diseases, diet therapy plays a major role. The diet option depends on the type of disease. Glycemic index values ​​help you navigate the variety of foods, determine which ones you can eat, and make them interchangeable.

An insulin-independent patient, often with a body weight exceeding the norm, should follow the indications energy value. His meal should be dominated by low calorie foods(vegetables fruits). Such patients should not use lard, dates, or honey in their diet. For a patient with 1 and 2 degrees of obesity, the restrictions are very strict.

Guidelines for creating a diabetic menu

For an insulin-independent patient, all products can be divided into two large categories. In one there are those that are allowed for consumption, in the other - those that are prohibited; The quantity allowed is also indicated. In diet therapy, glycemic index foods are also used.

The main principles of nutrition for diabetes are:

  • frequent meals;
  • approximately equal in carbohydrates eaten, estimated in XE or calories;
  • wide and varied product range;
  • perhaps replacing sugar with xylitol, sorbitol.

Endocrine disease entails significant violations in other body systems. In diabetics, liver cells suffer, pH is disturbed gastric juice; to improve functions digestive organs, diabetics are recommended to regularly consume lipotropic foods (oatmeal, cottage cheese, soy).

Patients should not eat fried foods, strong meat and fish broths. A group of vegetables with a low glycemic index, less than 15, satisfies hunger well and prolongs the feeling of fullness. This includes all types of cabbage, greens, cucumbers, tomatoes, and zucchini. Small amounts of some foods (spices, alcohol, smoked meats) do not particularly affect the glycemic level, but help stimulate appetite.

Of the berries and fruits, cherries and grapefruit have the lowest GI; apples have twice as much - 30-39

Based on developed by specialists therapeutic diet, which received the classification number 9, many menu options are compiled for every day. The bread unit or calorie table serves to help you calculate portions. The daily amount of XE or calories depends on physical activity sick. Relative ideal mass body is calculated using the formula: 100 is subtracted from height (in cm).

Eliminate from the diet completely carbohydrate products In case of diabetes mellitus, in order to avoid ketoacidosis, it is forbidden to eat refined substances (sugar, premium white flour, semolina and dishes using them). Nutritionists have named a specific allowed amount of carbohydrates per day - at least 125 g or half daily ration.

Recipes for festive and regular dinners

Recipe offered festive dinner very simple. There are no bread units in it, and sometimes you don’t have to count calories on a holiday. It has been proven that good mood reduces glycemic levels.

The cooking technology is that the fish is baked over coals. Salmon, salmon, grass carp, and catfish are suitable for this. Portioned pieces of cleaned fish are marinated for 4–5 hours.

Eating only protein foods for a diabetic is dangerous.

The marinade is whipped in a blender until smooth; its composition is:

  • parsley – 100 g;
  • onion – 1 pc. (large);
  • garlic – 3–4 cloves;
  • salt - to taste;
  • white wine – 1 glass.

The recipe has a children's version. Boil the fish for about 20 minutes. Carefully place on a plate, pour over the sauce and refrigerate. Use the same sauce composition, only replace the wine with the broth in which the fish was cooked. The filling turns out beautiful - bright green from parsley. You can add red currants, cut flowers from boiled egg white circles, and orange carrots. Children usually eat healthy, colorful food with pleasure.

The next dish that you can safely eat if you have diabetes is ordinary. It is served without pasta for dinner, with carbohydrates for breakfast or as a second dish for lunch. In the first half of the day the body is in active phase, and the calories received will be spent for their intended purpose.

Cut the beef fillet into strips and fry in vegetable oil. Boil durum pasta in salted water and rinse under running water. Tomatoes are cut into thin slices. Add lettuce leaves, salt and sprinkle with crushed garlic. Drizzle with vegetable oil lemon juice. Mix cooled meat and pasta with vegetables in a salad bowl.

  • Beef – 300 g; 561 kcal;
  • pasta – 250 g; 840 kcal;
  • lettuce leaves – 150 g; 21 kcal;
  • tomatoes – 150 g; 28 kcal;
  • garlic – 10 g; 11 kcal;
  • lemon juice - 30 g; 9 kcal;
  • vegetable oil– 50 g; 449 kcal.

An easy to prepare dish, well balanced in proteins, fats and carbohydrates. It is divided into 6 servings, each of which contains 2.8 XE or 320 kcal. A cup of aromatic tea without sugar will complement any dinner, festive or ordinary.

First, second and dessert on the diabetic table

To prepare liquid dishes, lean meat is used (chicken, rabbit, beef). You can add beets, eggplants, beans, carrots, and garlic to vegetable soups. Dairy - prepared with a low-fat product. For second courses, a variety of grains are used (buckwheat, oatmeal, pearl barley).

For dessert you can eat pear (currant, strawberry). Whole fruits and berries have advantages over their juicy pomace and compotes. They are completely preserved minerals and vitamin complexes.

When choosing a bakery product, you should choose the assortment with bran and rye flour. Fatty Maslenitsa products plant origin should prevail over animals in a ratio of 3 to 1.

For a patient, the answer to the question of which foods can be eaten with diabetes and which cannot should be limited to the criteria - how much to eat, with what, when. Advice from doctors and various publications are of a general advisory nature. The diet for each patient must be selected individually.

The opinions of endocrinologists are similar in one thing; for a diabetic of any type, it is important to avoid refined carbohydrates

To monitor changes in the body during diet therapy, endocrinologists advise their patients to keep a food diary. It indicates the time of meal, the amount of carbohydrates eaten, in XE or kcal. Blood sugar results are recorded in a special section.

Measurements are taken using a special device (glucometer), 2 hours after eating. Only empirically (experimentally), taking into account individual characteristics the body, with the remaining capabilities of the pancreas, a diet for diabetes is drawn up, and you can decide categorically: what is healthy to eat and what is not.

For productive treatment of diabetes mellitus, both type 1 and type 2, medication alone is not enough. The effectiveness of treatment largely depends on the diet, since the disease itself is related to metabolic disorders.

In case of autoimmune diabetes(type 1) the pancreas produces small amounts of insulin.

In age-related diabetes (type 2), there may be an excess and also a deficiency of this hormone. By eating certain foods when you have diabetes, you can reduce or increase the level of glucose in your blood.

What should a diabetic's diet be like?

In diabetes of any type, the main task of the diet is to establish metabolic processes and control the increase in glucose levels. Foods that contain simple carbohydrates can trigger a spike in glucose.

The indicator 100% is glucose in pure form. Other foods should be compared with glucose to determine their carbohydrate content. For the convenience of patients, all indicators are included in the GI table.

When consuming foods that contain minimal sugar, blood glucose levels remain the same or rise slightly. And foods with a high GI significantly increase blood glucose.

Patients with type 2 diabetes simply must be careful when choosing foods. On initial stages, with mild and moderate severity Diet is the main medicine for diseases.

To stabilize normal level glucose, you can use low-carbohydrate diet No. 9.

Bread units

Insulin-dependent people with type 1 diabetes calculate their menu using grain units. 1 XE is equal to 12 g of carbohydrates. This is the amount of carbohydrates contained in 25 g of bread.

As a rule, an adult needs 15-30 XE. Based on these indicators, you can make the correct daily menu and nutrition for people suffering from type 1 and type 2 diabetes. You can find out more about what this is on our website.

What foods can diabetics eat?

Food for type 1 and type 2 diabetics should have a low glycemic index, so patients need to choose foods with a GI of less than 50. You should be aware that the index of a particular product may vary depending on the type of processing.

For example, brown rice has a rate of 50%, and refined rice has a rate of 75%. Also heat treatment increases the GI of vegetables and fruits.

Priority should be raw, unprocessed foods: lean fish, meat, vegetables, herbs and fruits. You can look at the list in more detail in the table of glycemic indexes and permitted foods.

All food consumed is divided into three groups:

Products that have no effect on increasing sugar levels:

  • mushrooms;
  • green vegetables;
  • greenery;
  • still mineral water;
  • tea and coffee without sugar and without cream.

Foods that moderately increase sugar levels:

  • unsweetened nuts and fruits;
  • cereals (except rice and semolina);
  • bread made from wholemeal flour;
  • durum pasta;
  • fermented milk products and milk.

Foods that greatly increase sugar levels:

  1. pickled and canned vegetables;
  2. alcohol;
  3. flour, confectionery products;
  4. fresh juices;
  5. drinks with added sugar;
  6. raisin;
  7. dates.

Regular consumption of products

Food sold in the diabetic section is not suitable for constant use. This food does not contain sugar, it contains its substitute - fructose. However, you need to know which ones exist, and fructose has its own side effects:

  • increases cholesterol levels;
  • high calorie content;
  • increased appetite.

What foods are good to eat for diabetes?

Fortunately, the list of permitted foods is quite long. But when creating a menu, it is necessary to take into account the glycemic index of food and its beneficial qualities.

If these rules are followed, all food products will become a source necessary microelements and vitamins that help reduce destructive effect diseases.

  1. Berries. Diabetics are allowed to eat all berries except raspberries. They contain minerals, antioxidants, vitamins and fiber. You can eat both frozen and fresh berries.
  2. Juices. It is not advisable to drink freshly squeezed juices. It will be better if you add a little fresh juice to brewed tea, salad, cocktail or porridge.
  3. Nuts. Very useful product, because it is a source of fat. However, you need to eat nuts in small quantities, because they are very high in calories.
  4. Unsweetened fruits. Green apples, cherries, quinces - will saturate the body useful substances and vitamins. Diabetics can actively consume citrus fruits (except tangerines). Oranges, limes, lemons – abound ascorbic acid, strengthening the immune system. Vitamins and minerals have beneficial effect on the heart and blood vessels, and fiber slows down the absorption of glucose into the blood.
  5. Natural yoghurts and skim milk. These foods are a source of calcium. Vitamin D contained in dairy products reduces the sick body's need for sweet food. Lactic acid bacteria normalize the microflora in the intestines and help cleanse the body of toxins.

Vegetables. Most vegetables contain moderate amount carbohydrates:

  • tomatoes are rich in vitamins E and C, and the iron contained in tomatoes promotes hematopoiesis;
  • Sweet potato has a low GI and is also rich in vitamin A;
  • carrots contain retinol, which is very beneficial for vision;
  • legumes contain fiber and mass nutrients, promoting rapid saturation.
  • Spinach, lettuce, cabbage and parsley contain many the most useful vitamins and microelements.

It is advisable to eat potatoes baked and preferably with the skin on.

  • Lean fish. The lack of omega-3 acids is compensated for by low-fat varieties of fish (pollock, hake, tuna, etc.).
  • Pasta. You can only consume products made from durum wheat.
  • Meat. Poultry fillet is a storehouse of protein, and veal is a source of zinc, magnesium, iron, and vitamin B.
  • Porridge. Healthy food, which contains fiber, vitamins and beneficial microelements.

Specifics of the diabetic diet

It is very important for people with diabetes to eat food regularly. Nutritionists recommend separating daytime appointment food for 6 meals. Insulin-dependent patients should consume from 2 to 5 XE at a time.

At the same time, you need to eat the most high-calorie food before lunch. In general, the diet should contain everything necessary substances and be balanced.

It is also useful to combine food with exercise. So, you can speed up your metabolism and normalize your weight.

In general, type 1 diabetics should carefully calculate the dose of insulin and try not to increase daily calorie content products. After all competent compliance diet and nutrition will keep glucose levels normal and will not allow type 1 and 2 diseases to further destroy the body.

16/12/2014 13:32

Endocrine disease occurs because the body needs insulin. And this hormone secreted from the pancreas, in turn, is responsible for the absorption of glucose. Thus, unused sugar quickly enters the blood, insulin is released, while glucose levels increase and all types of metabolism in the body are disrupted.

List of foods to avoid if you have diabetes

To overcome diabetes, you should stick to a diet. It should consist of 40-50% from carbohydrates, 30-40% proteins and 15-20% fats.

You need to eat 5-6 times a day. If you are insulin dependent, then the same amount of time should pass between meals and injections.

Note that the most dangerous and prohibited foods are those with a high glycemic index of 70-90%, that is, those that are quickly broken down in the body and lead to the release of insulin.

Here is a list of prohibited foods for diabetes:

  1. Sweet products. These include candies, chocolate, honey, jam, marshmallows, marmalade, and ice cream.
  2. Confectionery products, especially rich ones. They may contain fats or cocoa butter substitutes.
  3. White bread.
  4. Alcohol.
  5. Pickled, spicy and salty foods.
  6. Smoked sausages, frankfurters, lard.
  7. Fast food, especially French fries, hot dogs and hamburgers.
  8. Meat - pork and beef.
  9. Fruits containing great amount carbohydrates. For example, it is better to avoid bananas, raisins, dates, and grapes.
  10. Some vegetables rich in carbohydrates: potatoes, beets, carrots.
  11. Fatty dairy products: sour cream, butter, margarine, spreads, yogurt, cream, milk.
  12. Cheese varieties are yellow in color.
  13. Mayonnaise, mustard, pepper.
  14. White, brown sugar.
  15. Cereals – rice, millet, semolina.
  16. Sparkling water.
  17. Juices that contain sugar.
  18. Any products containing fructose.
  19. Popcorn, cornflakes, muesli.

Allowed foods for diabetes - list

Foods with a low and even medium glycemic index are allowed to be eaten if you have diabetes. They will not harm and will saturate the body with useful substances necessary for the functioning of all systems.

Here is a list of foods that can be consumed if you have diabetes:

  • Brown bread or whole grain products.
  • Low-fat broths and soups.
  • Lean meat - chicken, rabbit, turkey.
  • Pasta.
  • Cereals – buckwheat, oatmeal.
  • Legumes - peas, beans, lentils.
  • Eggs.
  • Sea and river fish.
  • Some seafood - caviar, shrimp.
  • Some dairy products - cottage cheese, kefir, skim milk, yogurt.
  • Vegetables - cucumbers, tomatoes, all types of cabbage, radish, avocado, zucchini, eggplant.
  • Greens – spinach, asparagus, onions green onions, basil, lettuce, parsley.
  • Almost all fruits - apples, oranges, lemons, quinces, pears, apricots, pomegranates. And tropical fruits - pineapple, kiwi, mango, papaya.
  • Propolis, in limited quantities.
  • Tea and coffee.
  • Mineral water and sparkling water, just without sugar.
  • Nuts – hazelnuts, pistachios, peanuts, almonds, walnuts and pine.
  • Mushrooms.
  • Berries - strawberries, wild strawberries, cherries, plums, raspberries, currants, blackberries, blueberries, lingonberries, blueberries, gooseberries, melon, watermelon.
  • Kissel, compote, jam without sugar.
  • Soy sauce, tofu, soy milk.
  • Sesame seeds, sunflower, pumpkin.
  • Some foods can lower your blood sugar. But they should not be used together with medications.

Foods that lower blood sugar:

  • Cabbage juice.
  • Grapefruit and grapefruit juice.
  • Chicory.
  • Jerusalem artichoke.
  • Rose hip.
  • Ginseng.
  • Eleutherococcus, St. John's wort, nettle, dandelion.
  • Flax seeds.
  • Celery, parsley, horseradish, and onion.

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Widespread complex disease, which usually requires not only constant reception hypoglycemic agents, but also mandatory adherence to a diet.

Moreover dietary food for diabetes mellitus - this is 50% success in treatment. This is a disease of older people: it mainly develops after 40 years of age, and the risk of the disease increases with age.

The main risk factor for this pathology is excess weight - it is dangerous even for people who do not have hereditary predisposition. Type 1 diabetes mellitus if the diet is not followed can be complicated by coma and even end fatal. Since with this pathology there is a violation of not only carbohydrate, but also fat metabolism, nutrition for diabetes is aimed at normalizing them. Its goal: reduction overweight and replacing some carbohydrates in the diet with other components.

General principles of nutrition for diabetes mellitus

To successfully cope with the disease, you must strictly follow the basic principles of nutrition for diabetes. They relate to the main components, calorie content, frequency of meals:

1. Good nutrition. It depends on the patient’s body weight:

At normal weight The body's need is 1600 - 2500 kcal per day;

If exceeded normal weight body - 1300 - 1500 kcal per day;

For obesity - 600 - 900 kcal per day.

There are certain features in the calculation daily norm nutrition: for some diseases, a low-calorie diet is contraindicated, despite the existing overweight bodies. These include, first of all, complications of diabetes itself:

Severe retinopathy (damage choroid eye);

Nephropathy in diabetes with nephrotic syndrome(kidney damage with high content protein in urine);

As a result of nephropathy - developed chronic failure kidney (CRF);

Heavy diabetic polyneuropathy.

Contraindications are mental illness And somatic pathology:

Unstable angina and the presence of life-threatening arrhythmias;


Serious illnesses liver;

Other related chronic pathology

2. The specific portion of carbohydrates in the daily diet of a diabetic should be no more than 55% - 300 - 350 g. This refers to complex, slowly breaking down carbohydrate products containing vitamins, microelements, and hard-to-digest fibers:

Various cereals from whole grain;

Wholemeal bread;


They must be evenly distributed in the daily diet, divided into 5 - 6 doses. Sugar and products containing it are strictly excluded; it is replaced with xylitol or sorbitol: 1 g per 0.5 kg of body weight (40 - 50 g per day for 2 - 3 doses).

3. The amount of protein is approximately 90 g per day, That is physiological norm for anyone healthy person With normal content blood sugar. This amount corresponds to 15 - 20% of the total daily diet. Featured protein products:

Meat of any poultry without skin (except goose meat);

Chicken eggs(2 – 3 pieces per week);

Lean fish;

Low-fat dairy products (kefir, fermented baked milk, cottage cheese).

5. Limitation table salt up to 12 g per day(in order to prevent certain types of complications of diabetes), products containing a lot of cholesterol and extractives (strong meat broths).

Prohibited Products

There are foods (containing glucose) that absolutely must be excluded from the diet for diabetes. Even in small quantities, their use is contraindicated. These include:

Sugar, honey, all sweets made from fruits and berries (jam, marmalade, preserves, marmalade), chocolate, candies, grapes, bananas, dates, figs;

Fruit drinks with sugar, Coca-Cola, tonic, lemonade, liqueur;

Sweet and semi-sweet wines, fruits preserved in sugar syrup;

Pies, butter flour products, cookies with sweet cream, puddings;

Canned food, smoked meats, sausages;

Alcoholic drinks– even the weakest of them contain a large amount of calories.

Products allowed in limited quantities

Allowed in very small quantities following products:

Low-fat varieties meat, fish products, skinless chicken, eggs, cheese (only one of the listed protein products can be consumed once during the day);

Butter, margarine, whole and baked milk;

Any vegetable oil;

Nuts (up to 50 g).

Products that can be consumed in measured quantities

Porridge, bran flakes;

Wholemeal bread, whole grain biscuits (crackers);


All fresh fruits(no more than 1-2 per day).

Green vegetables;

Berries: gooseberries, cherries - flask, any kind of currants, blueberries;

Citrus fruits: lemons, grapefruits;

Tea, coffee, fruit drinks without added sugar, water;

Pepper, seasonings, mustard, various herbs, vinegar;


Example of daily meals for diabetes for a week


First breakfast: low-calorie cottage cheese with a small amount milk rosehip decoction.

Second breakfast: jelly from any permitted fruits or berries with xylitol, orange.

Lunch: cabbage soup white cabbage, lean boiled meat with stewed vegetables, a decoction of dried fruits without sugar.

Afternoon snack: rosehip decoction.

Dinner: sea kale, baked lean fish, vinaigrette with corn oil, stewed eggplant with onions, tea.


First breakfast: buckwheat with added corn oil, steamed omelette, vegetable salad with sunflower oil(tomatoes, cucumbers, sweet peppers), bran bread, unsweetened tea with added milk.

Second breakfast: a decoction made from wheat bran.

Lunch: borscht with a spoonful of sour cream, boiled lean meat, stew from various permitted vegetables, xylitol jelly from unsweetened fruits.

Afternoon snack: grapefruit.

Dinner: steamed fish, carrot and cabbage schnitzel, fruit broth.


First breakfast: low-calorie cottage cheese casserole.

Second breakfast: oranges (2 medium sized).

Lunch: cabbage soup, 2 lean fish cutlets, fresh vegetables, fruit compote without sugar.

Afternoon snack: 1 boiled egg.

Dinner: braised cabbage, 2 small sizes meat cutlets steamed or cooked in the oven.


First breakfast: wheat milk porridge, boiled beet salad with corn oil, tea.

Second breakfast: yogurt with minimal fat content - 1 cup.

Dinner: fish soup, barley porridge, meat goulash.

Afternoon snack: salad from different fresh vegetables.

Dinner: vegetables stewed with lamb.


First breakfast: cereals, carrot salad, apple.

Second breakfast: 2 medium-sized oranges.

Lunch: cabbage soup, 2 stuffed with meat and permitted peppercorns.

Afternoon snack: carrot casserole with low-fat cottage cheese.

Dinner: salad of any vegetables, stewed chicken without skin.


First breakfast: any porridge with added bran, 1 pear.

Second breakfast: soft-boiled egg, unsweetened drink.

Lunch: vegetable stew with lean meat.

Afternoon snack: several permitted fruits.

Dinner: vegetable salad with stewed lamb.


First breakfast: low-calorie cottage cheese, fresh berries.

Second breakfast: boiled chicken.

Lunch: vegetarian vegetable soup, goulash squash caviar.

Afternoon snack: berry salad.

Dinner: beans, steamed shrimp.

It must be remembered that with mild and medium degree the severity of the disease, diet is decisive therapeutic measure. At severe course disease, it is a necessary component of treatment.

With this terrible diagnosis– diabetes mellitus – 382 million people worldwide live today. Moreover, every 10 seconds, two inhabitants of our planet learn about their disease for the first time, and one dies due to a diabetes-related disease.

However, drug therapy It is quite possible to curb the disease and not give diabetes power over the entire body. But besides traditional treatment It is important to know what you can eat if you have diabetes. After all, a strict diet is another key to a successful fight against this insidious disease.

Where does it come from?

Where does diabetes come from? It can occur in both childhood and adulthood, and the reasons for its appearance will be very different. There are two types of diabetes mellitus – insulin dependent and non-insulin dependent. Both types cannot be completely cured, but they can be corrected with medication.

The most common causes of diabetes that doctors name are:

  • genetic predisposition: if any of your close relatives or family members have had or are suffering from this disease, then the risk of type 1 diabetes is 10%, type 2 diabetes is almost 80%;
  • unbalanced diet: constant food on the go, love for unhealthy foods and snacks, alcohol abuse, passion for carbonated drinks, fast food - this is understandable and has not added to anyone’s health. However homemade food prepared using large quantity vegetable and animal fats, an abundance of fried, pickled, smoked foods are also prohibited. Therefore, not only those who have practically no culinary skills need to reconsider their diet. family traditions, but also for those who have these traditions too strong;
  • frequent stress;
  • diabetes as a consequence of other diseases: atherosclerosis, coronary disease hearts. These ailments reduce the sensitivity of the body's internal tissues to insulin;
  • excessive use of certain medications.

Unfortunately, diabetes, like any disease, does not choose its victims - it powerfully attacks everyone indiscriminately. However, experts designate a certain category of risk. It includes people who are susceptible to both type 1 and type 2 diabetes more often than others. First of all, these are people of the third age, those who suffer from excess weight, as well as women who know first-hand what a miscarriage is. They should be especially careful.

Caution: diabetes!

Doctors say: most often the disease begins and develops generally asymptomatically. The only way find out about your diagnosis on early stage– Check your blood sugar levels periodically.

However, more late stages As the disease progresses, diabetes symptoms manifest themselves in full force:

  • fatigue, chronic fatigue;
  • frequent urge to urinate;
  • sudden weight loss or, conversely, weight gain “out of thin air”;
  • wounds and abrasions for a long time do not heal;
  • constant feeling of hunger;
  • problems in the intimate sphere;
  • reduced visual acuity;
  • numbness and tingling in the limbs;
  • constant thirst.

It is important to remember: diabetes has two stages of development - rapid and gradual. When it is rapid (mostly type 1 diabetes), the disease manifests itself very quickly, within a few days, and the result can be diabetic coma. In the gradual stage (usually type 2 diabetes), the disease progresses over many years.

However, proper nutrition and during drug treatment diabetes, and doctors pay maximum attention to its prevention. Diabetes can be prevented by reviewing your daily routine and the foods that make up your daily diet.

How to eat wisely if you have diabetes?

The main thing in such a diet is to include in its composition maximum amount products with negligible carbohydrate content. Under strict ban– starchy foods, store-bought sweets, refined sugar, overly sweet fruits (peaches, grapes). These foods cannot be eaten.

But what is possible? Don't despair: the list of permitted ones, if you think about it, is quite long.


It is recommended to consume foods high in fiber. These include brown rice, coarse bread, whole grain oatmeal, and bran. All cereals contain the so-called slow carbohydrates, which are not immediately thrown into the blood, causing an increase in sugar levels, but enter it gradually.

This regimen will not cause harm to the body. And yet, experts insist: the eating process should be slow, and you should not overeat. It's better to eat more often and get by in small portions than to overeat from your belly twice a day.

Fruits and berries

It is best to choose unsweetened fruits: apples, pears, lemons, grapefruits, pomegranates, oranges, currants, raspberries, strawberries.

It is best to eat these foods raw or dried. They are also good in compotes and jelly, but adding sugar during cooking is prohibited.


As for vegetables for diabetes, there are no special restrictions, except, perhaps, potatoes - there is a strict taboo on it. Very little beets are allowed. The most suitable vegetables are cabbage of all types, cucumbers, zucchini, sweet peppers, eggplants, and greens.


Banned semolina– It is better to minimize its use.

The rest is almost complete freedom. You can eat millet, buckwheat, pearl barley, rice, bulgur, couscous.

Dairy products

When choosing dairy products in the store, you should give preference to those with minimal fat content. Milk, kefir, fermented baked milk, cheese, cottage cheese, yoghurts - all this is quite acceptable in the daily diet.

It is better to limit the consumption of sour cream for diabetes, and products like processed cheese or glazed sweet curd - and exclude it altogether.

Meat products and seafood

For both type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus, lean meat is acceptable, which in itself is dietary. This is beef, white meat chicken and turkey, rabbit fillet.

You can cook meat different ways: bake, stew, boil. The main thing is not to fry the product. The same rule applies to fish, which can be eaten of almost any type.


There is little choice here. Refined sugar and products with its addition should not be consumed. If you want something sweet, eat a teaspoon of honey, but not immediately, but slowly dissolving the viscous sweetness in your mouth.

You are allowed to eat ice cream, but in very limited quantities and very rarely.


You can drink unlimited quantities mineral water, black and green tea, herbal infusions, rosehip decoction, diluted with water natural juices. But diabetics should not drink coffee, no matter how much they want it.

To make it easier for you to navigate the lists of prohibited and permitted, below is a table that will help you create your own daily menu competently and balanced.

Products and dishes Allowed Forbidden
Bakery Gray or black bread made from second-grade flour, unsweetened pastries – 1–2 times a month Sweet baked goods, products made from yeast or puff pastry
First meal Vegetables, mushroom soups, first courses cooked with very weak broths Thick rich broths, soups with spaghetti or pasta
Meat and products made from it White poultry, selected cuts of beef, veal, boiled sausage, best dietary Pork, fried meat of all types, smoked meats, any canned food
Fish and seafood Lean pieces of fish, shellfish, seaweed Oily fish, fried fish fillet, canned food in oil, caviar
Sour milk Milk, fermented baked milk, curd mass - with a minimum of fat, sour cream - no more than 1-2 teaspoons per week Spicy cheese, sweet glazed curds
Cereal products Whole grain porridge Pasta and semolina porridge
Vegetables Any green vegetables, tomatoes, pumpkin, eggplant Canned vegetables
Fruits Fresh unsweetened fruit: apples, pears, plums, almost all berries Grapes, peaches, bananas, sweet dried fruits
Beverages Tea – green and black, herbal infusions, still mineral water Strong coffee, sweet sparkling water, concentrated fruit juices