Sleep reported a serious illness. What dreams portend illness. When do you start having warning dreams?

Scientists have long been able to prove that you can diagnose your diseases by dreams. Interestingly, sometimes a person is absolutely healthy, but he dreams of something - strange plots, images, the level of anxiety rises, and he gets sick. It is not clear why some dreams predict illness, although it is not yet. For example, dirt, swamp, hair cutting, lice in the head will decrease - any healer will say that this is a disease, but the disease comes in a few days, weeks, but certainly not immediately. How is our health related to?

Dreams-warning of illness

Indeed, if you understand in time, you can prevent the disease. Even in ancient times, people knew that dreams are the best diagnostics of the whole organism. If a person has heart problems, a rhythm failure occurs in a dream, at that moment there is a dream of an abyss and a strong fear, from which you freeze in a dream. A rapid heartbeat in a dream is a chase, a run, often many people dream about how they catch up with a train that is leaving or are constantly in a hurry somewhere.

Dreams and diseases

respiratory organs

With problems with the lungs, it becomes difficult to breathe, so you can often dream of a tunnel through which a person makes his way. Some dream that they are drowning in the sea, a pond. But angina is indicated by strangulation, swallowing stones.

Vessels and heart

When you dreamed that you were buried alive, while a lot of earth was covered from above, it became hard to breathe, immediately go to a cardiologist. In addition, a stone, a coiled snake on the chest can indicate cardiac pathology. If you are chasing someone or running away, then you have.

Stomach and intestines

In case of problems with these organs, spoiled, rotten food, sand begins to dream.

Gall bladder and liver

In case of accumulation of bile, malfunctions in the liver, dark red meat constantly dreams. Also, in case of illness, an enemy appears in a dream, he runs after you, and at this time you start to fuss. The situation leads to increased irritation, makes you angry.

Bladder and kidneys

She dreams that a person is in a dark place, he is very scared. Dreams about pregnancy can indicate problems with the urinary system, especially if the woman has long gone through childbirth.


Here you always dream of dirty laundry, swimming in a swamp. Sleep indicates that the virus has begun to attack the body. Dreams about your childhood speak of health problems.

Skin diseases

It is a dream that spiders, insects, cockroaches crawl over the body.

Arthritis of the fingers

A person in a dream cannot pick up something, write it down, hold it.


Dreaming of a head wound, an uncomfortable hairstyle or a squeezing helmet.


Stab, cut wounds with a lot of blood appear in a dream.

High temperature and fever

Traveling, being in a completely different city, remoteness from loved ones.

dream formation

It is important to understand that our brain is a kind of control of the whole organism. The external world is perceived by different parts of the brain - tactile, auditory, olfactory, visual. When we fall asleep, the brain is offline: due to sleep inhibition, the sensitivity of different departments is dulled, only the visual one works. So he catches all the stimuli, and in due time they turn into images.

You have noticed that the real doorbell in the sleepy mind appears in the form of a telephone. When a person wakes up, he has the auditory center of the brain working, so he understands that the doorbell is ringing.

The famous scientist V. N. Kasatkin conducted many interesting experiments, during which he found out:

  • If you bring a handkerchief with perfume to the nose of a sleeping person, you will definitely dream of a bottle.
  • When it is very hot in the room, one dreams of summer, a hot fireplace, a stove.
  • If a person sleeps in a well-lit room, he will dream of a sunny day, fire.

V. N. Kasatkin bandaged a finger tightly to one person during sleep, and so he dreamed of a swollen, sore hand, which was in a tight glove. The visual center reacts in exactly the same way to internal stimuli. When a signal is received from a particular organ, certain images immediately appear. For example, you are very hungry, you will dream of delicious food. You are thirsty, you will dream of water that you drink with pleasure.

The psychoneurologist came to the conclusion: dreams that are repeated too often are especially dangerous - they are an SOS signal that it is time to be treated.

When should you take dreams seriously?

V. N. Kasatkin recommends not to worry if the disturbing dream bothers you only once. It is important to understand that all thoughts materialize, which is why it is so important to tune in positively, to give yourself attitudes that you are absolutely healthy.

One woman told a psychoneurologist: “I am very worried when a child gets sick, so I always want to take away his illness. Therefore, he is recovering, and I am sick. ”. Indeed, even the most terrible disease can be programmed with thoughts. Some mothers invent diseases for their children, so they get sick endlessly.

What is the conclusion? It is impossible to accurately diagnose the disease after sleep, for this there is official medicine, special diagnostic methods. Dreams are just a sign, a hint that it's time to take care of your health, change your lifestyle, change your thoughts. This area has not been fully explored. We cannot say exactly what a particular dream means, why some come true after a while. Sometimes you will dream of a person with whom you would not even think that you would have any kind of relationship, but they happen after a while. How to explain it? Impossible! Not everything in the world is proved from a scientific point of view, there is still intuition and other phenomena that the human brain is not aware of and does not perceive rationally. Therefore, sleep peacefully, pay less attention to everything. Most importantly stay healthy!

The state of a person's health is reflected in his dreams. Moreover, very often the disease has not yet begun, and unusual images appear in dreams, unusual plots that make you worry. Sometimes insomnia torments, and in other cases, people complain of drowsiness.

Often dreams suggest a problem long before it starts, indicate what to pay attention to in order to heal in time. After all, it is no secret that the sooner treatment is started, the sooner a person will be healed.

Diagnosis through dreams has been known to people since ancient times. It is noticed that each organ expresses its state through a dream with the help of certain images. An unhealthy heart in a dream loses its rhythm, skips beats, and a person dreams that he falls into an abyss and his heart stops with fear. A rapid heartbeat in a dream also often happens, it turns into an image of a chase, a person dreams that he is running away from someone or trying to catch up with a departing train.

What dreams do you have when you are sick

  • Respiratory system. With lung diseases, breathing is difficult, while dreaming that a person is drowning or trying to climb through a narrow tunnel. Beginning sore throat gives rise to images of swallowing stones or a stranglehold on the neck.
  • The cardiovascular system. If a person dreamed that he was buried alive and covered with earth, it is time to go to a cardiologist and check his heart. If a snake curled up on the chest or a stone lies, it is also worth thinking about health. Catching up with the bus, running away from the chase happens with tachycardia.
  • Gastrointestinal tract. With diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, a person has dreams in which everything that happens is painted in brown tones. Some people dream that they eat spoiled, rotten food, while others dream of sand.
  • Liver and gallbladder. With liver problems, many people dream of raw dark red meat. If there is an enemy, an unpleasant person, then he can appear in dreams when the disease begins. Very often he runs, fusses, causing anger and irritation.
  • Kidneys, bladder. With such diseases, one dreams of endless wanderings through dark and dangerous places, accompanied by oppressive fear. Inflammatory phenomena in the bladder can give rise to dreams about pregnancy in women who have given birth.
  • Cold, flu. Bathing in dirty water or washing dirty clothes says that the virus develops in the body. Often such diseases are “reported” by dreams in which a person sees images of his childhood, a grandmother, for example.

Most middle-aged people can say with certainty that they have a certain dream before the onset of the disease. Sometimes people know what it is connected with, and everyone has such an individual dream, it reflects personal experience.

How often we dream of incomprehensible things and we sometimes resort to the help of a dream book. And how to understand what we dream ...

What dreams of illness.

Heart diseases.

Usually they are accompanied by terrible dreams, because of which a person wakes up in a cold sweat in the middle of the night. Often the dreams of the cores contain pictures of chase, pursuit, falling into an abyss, some kind of frenzied racing. Almost always in such dreams there is a feeling of fear of death.


Dreams are fragmentary, they are accompanied by a feeling of anxiety, which persists even upon awakening. Common images: natural disasters (earthquakes, hurricanes, floods), the collapse of the house and you or your loved ones under the rubble, falling into a pit (pipe), military operations or terrorist attacks. Often the dreams of hypertensive patients are saturated with rolling or whistling unpleasant sounds, from which the ears are blocked.


Faded "sluggish" dreams, now interrupted, then renewed. Sensation of impossibility to move, to lift some burden, to swim across the river. Plots about how blood is pumped out of you (all sorts of vampire themes), and at the same time the impossibility and unwillingness to resist. There is no fear, on the contrary, indifference and apathy.

Respiratory diseases, asthma.

Rapid, feverish dreams with vivid, sometimes fantastic images. Common themes: a person is strangled, something large and heavy sits on his chest (for example, a furry gorilla jumps on his chest or knocks down a hefty dog ​​with a blow to the chest), a person is covered alive with earth, he is tone, tentacles wrap around him, an avalanche covers him, he finds himself in some place where it is impossible to breathe normally (in the hold of a ship or on another planet where there is no oxygen). Upon awakening - fear, sticky sweat, desire to act immediately, to run somewhere, but there is no strength.

Gastrointestinal diseases

They are characterized not only by visual, but also by taste sensations, as a rule, unpleasant. With liver diseases, fights, knife wounds, blood, the taste of blood in the mouth are often dreamed. Digestive disorders are signaled by pictures in which there is raw meat (often spoiled or even human), rotten fish, modified or poisonous vegetables and fruits, eating inedible things, some bizarre, often unpleasant-tasting dishes, loss of one's own teeth. Upon awakening, there may be a feeling of disgust, nausea.

neurosis and depression.

With neuroses and obsessions, dreams are bright, juicy, with depression - pale, with a predominance of dark tones. The harbingers of depression are dreams with a feeling of impossibility to find a way out of a dead end or a tunnel, a forest, a gallery of rooms, a labyrinth, a series of stairs, etc. It is not uncommon to feel that you are in a familiar place, but it suddenly changed, and everything became strange and incomprehensible. You dream that you are wandering in the dark, and you are very scared of the unknown or hiding from some monsters. You dream of your own funeral, close in dark clothes. Often with depression in adult dreams, childhood nightmares come to life.

Signs of impending neurosis

- dreams associated with the impossibility of overcoming some obstacles. Doors that you cannot open slam shut in front of you, the last carriage runs away, you cannot jump over the pit that others can easily overcome. Well-known people appear somehow strange, in unusual clothes.

Influenza and other infectious diseases

You can "consider" them in a dream a few days before the transition from the latent period to the open one. It is typical to see oneself naked from the outside, burn in a fire, take a steam bath, see oneself bathing, wear tight, uncomfortable clothes, drink a lot of liquids and not get drunk at all.

There is reason for optimism

What is seen for recovery

The following stories will tell you from the subconscious mind that the most difficult time is behind you and you will soon get better:
  • to see a bright sun in a dream, to go into the light, to enter clean running water.
  • someone else's funeral (especially someone you don't like)
  • win a fight (war, competition)
  • see blooming flowers, cheerful and well-fed children.
Why does it happen that our subconscious warns us like that, you ask?
But because our subconscious "thinks" in images.
In images, we see or do not see clues. We use or we don't use. Who is like.

How can you help yourself if you find warnings?
In the case of neurosis and depression, for example, it makes sense to take care of yourself in such a way that you get good sleep. After all, you must admit that the first thing in a nervous state is to get enough sleep.
After all, they say the same in the people not in vain: "Lie down and sleep and everything will pass"
And if it's a bad dream C-energy very good help.

How and where to buy, ask me.
Write to me on soap: [email protected]

Dreams can warn a person about his illness. And if today the body is full of strength and energy, then tomorrow it is possible to feel some discomfort. Do you believe in dreams?

Read this article:

Sleep is the best diagnostician

Today, many psychotherapists think so. No wonder they began to seriously engage in their interpretation. And all this is done in order to penetrate the secrets of many diseases and understand their nature.

If, for example, you have a dream about strangulation, then you can say for sure that it has begun. And to see raw meat in a dream means that some kind of illness will definitely happen.

There are many questions about the nature of such dreams, but it has not yet been possible to fully answer them.

Dreams portending an imminent illness

What you need to pay attention to when dreaming:

  • rotten vegetables or fruits, spoiled meat - pancreas or stomach;
  • abdominal trauma, abdominal surgery, prenatal contractions - gastrointestinal diseases;
  • sinking and difficult to emerge, something heavy on the chest prevents you from getting up or breathing - diseases of the respiratory system;
  • to be shackled, put on very tight shoes - and the spine;
  • to see yourself without teeth, to be naked in a dream is a serious illness.

Dreams that speak of diseases can be completely different in their history, but there are exactly those that have already been tested and analyzed by specialists.

If you dream of them, then pay attention to your lifestyle and health:

  • broken glass objects (vase, glass, jar);
  • white butterfly or butterflies;
  • eat unripe fruit;
  • hear the beat of a drum;
  • drink dirty water;
  • cut nails;
  • fallen hair;
  • find yourself in an intricate maze;
  • see how the lamp goes out;
  • moon eclipse;
  • see snakes, bedbugs or flies;
  • cockroaches;
  • hear the cuckoo;
  • icicles along the edge of the roof.

You should not firmly believe in the interpretation of dreams, for example, according to Freud, but you should think about it if dreams began to repeat themselves.

If a person negatively perceives the surrounding world of reality, then a doctor can help him get rid of disturbing dreams.

Dog in a dream - why?

If in a dream you see yourself as the owner of a thoroughbred dog, then according to Miller's dream book, there is a successful and profitable business ahead, promising profit or a solid fortune.

If a sniffer dog is dreaming, and it follows you trail after trail, this is a warning against temptation, which can be fatal.

The dog is evil - bad luck, insidious machinations of enemies. And an affectionate dog visited the dream - good luck and true friends.

According to Vanga, a dog that protects in a dream is the patronage of higher powers, a person has nothing and no one to fear.

The correct interpretation of dreams can also warn of malfunctions in the body. At the same time, don't be afraid of them. They only warn. Sometimes dreams can be reflections already that lurk in the subconscious. Therefore, a dream needs to be analyzed, and only then draw conclusions.

A disease in a dream can overcome even the most healthy person, who, due to his health, does not even think about illnesses. In any case, the dreamer needs to be wary, since the dream book interprets what any painful condition is dreaming of as problems in the inner world, the soul.

On the one hand, according to the law of inversion of the dream book, problems in the body can be interpreted as the reverse side of the coin - a harbinger of good health and healing. But not everything is so simple, and often, learning about a disease in a dream is an unfavorable sign.

All variety of painful states in a dream

According to the women's dream book, the meaning of sleep about illness is interpreted as a signal to rethink life values, a complete change in priorities. Remember, if you offended someone, acted unfairly, even for objective reasons - it's time to ask for forgiveness, even mentally, repent and not commit more reprehensible acts.

According to Miller's dream book, the disease portends only a slight malaise. If an unmarried girl sees such a plot, then very soon she will be delighted with her freedom from obligations to a man. Mental illnesses, such as psychosis or rabies, can mean gossip and intrigues of enemies.

Even if at the moment your social position does not suit you at all, do not worry, according to the interpretation of the dream book, what a fatal illness means in a dream portends the emergence of new pluses from seemingly bad prospects.

Heaviness in the soul from reprehensible, morally low actions can be expressed in a dream as an incurable disease. There is a stone of guilt on your soul, and until you throw it off, having atoned for your misdeeds, you can not hope for harmony and tranquility of the inner world.

Large-scale, comprehensive predictions are given by Vanga's dream book to what a serious illness of many people dreams of. If you don’t see people dying on the roads, then this is a clear harbinger of an environmental disaster that will affect the area where you live.

Seeing cancer in a dream is not such a bad sign of a dream book, as it might seem at first glance. After such a dream, you will most likely quarrel with your soulmate, but the result of the conflict will be the revival of the former passion, a new surge in long-faded feelings.

If you do not experience health problems, but the disease began to come to you more and more often in the arms of Morpheus, then listen to the recommendations of the English dream book about what your own illness is dreaming of. Your body is giving you signals about problems, it is better to consult a doctor.

According to Freud's dream book, skin disease in a dream is a sign of narcissism and narcissism. You are too fixated on your appearance, and pay little attention to spiritual qualities. For this reason, many people turn away from you, and if nothing changes, you will remain completely alone.

As it turned out, a violation of the physical condition is not always a reason to take care of your body. And what signals should be perceived as anxiety, what dreams do you have for illness? According to many dream books, the symbol of health is teeth, and if in a dream they crumble, break, have an unhealthy appearance, then this is a clear harbinger of poor health.

Also, dreams foreshadowing illness often contain foul-smelling food, feces, decaying meat and fish in their plot. Heart failure can be predicted with frequent awakening, and dreams of stab wounds in the region of the heart.

Diseases of loved ones in a dream

The interpretation of dreams about illness concerns not only the dreamer. Diseases of relatives, or just friends, also carry a certain semantic load. Based on what illness means in a dream, the dream book gives an interpretation of dreams where ailments touched relatives

The illness of a loved one is a warning to your subconscious that relatives and friends at the moment need your support more than ever. Pay attention to their financial situation, do not reject calls for help, in the future all this will pay off.

Why dream of mom's illness? It all depends on the details of the dream. If she complains of diseases, then you will soon be disturbed by slight ailments. Often, the mother's illness can be a flip-flop, especially if she is currently feeling unwell and struggling with illness. Relax, the disease is slowly receding, and will soon come to naught.

Interesting predictions are given by the dream book of the father’s illness in a dream, if at the same time you clearly feel that he is recovering. Such a picture means that obsessive fears live in your subconscious, which are associated with the well-being of not only your father, but also your mother. If you continue to torture yourself with unfounded superstitions, you can bring trouble.

Why dream of a child's illness? For a mother, such a dream is always a shock, but if the course of the disease is mild, then you can breathe easy, the baby will be strong throughout his life, and even minor problems - a cold, a runny nose - will touch him very rarely.

Why dream of a relative's illness? The dream interpretation predicts the appearance of a stranger at the threshold of your house, who will break into the everyday way of life and cause disharmony in relations with household members.

If you see a friend’s illness, then this is a sign of solving all the problems that suddenly fell on you. Moreover, the person from the dream will tell you the way to solve them. The same bright prospects can be expected from the interpretation of the dream book about what the husband’s illness is dreaming of. His wife can be sure that she will live to a ripe old age and see grandchildren and great-grandchildren.