What not to feed British cats. Homemade food in a kitten's diet. Basic rules for feeding a British cat

Cats British breed are very sensitive by nature. Representatives of this aristocratic variety are quite demanding of themselves both in terms of care and nutrition. What can we say about kittens, whose fragile bodies are even more sensitive to poor quality food. More information on what to feed british kitten and how to care for it, you will find in this article.


Natural food

A change of environment can cause stress even in humans, let alone pets. If you decide to get a cat of this breed that is several months old, then you do not need to feed it in the first days with what you have at home. You should find out his diet, what he ate when he lived with his mother, and in the first few days he should be fed exclusively with such food.

If you don’t know what to feed a British kitten several months old, then we will help you figure out this issue. If you decide to properly feed your cat natural food, then keep in mind that it is better to exclude fatty foods from the cat’s diet. Otherwise it will put a strain on internal organs a fold-eared pet (or a straight-eared one, it doesn’t matter), which can cause stomach upset.

As for how much food is best to give to a cat one to two months old, see for yourself depending on the situation. Usually at this age they eat little, leaving some of the food in the bowl. But you don’t have to worry about this topic. With age, your appetite also increases, so portions can be increased over time. It is better to underfeed your pet than to overfeed it. After all, if he is underfed, he will tell you about it himself.

British cats need to be fed 2-3 times a day.

Ready-made feed

If you do not want to feed your lop-eared pet natural food, then you can do it with food. Dry food is great product food for British breed cats, but remember that it is correct to give only food. Under no circumstances should it be mixed with natural food to avoid stomach upset in cats. Also keep in mind that dry food should always be premium.

These premium dry foods have stood the test of time and laboratory testing. They are suitable for both kittens from two months and adult cats. Royal Canin premium dry food can be purchased for both small pets and adult lop-eared pets. Before purchasing Royal Canin, you need to check with the seller whether you are buying food for an adult animal or for a kitten from two months old.

If for some reason you have a kitten who has been separated from its mother’s milk, then dry food, even if it is premium, will naturally not be suitable for it. But here, too, Royal Canin took care of the babies. Babies are properly fed by the premium dairy family Royal Canin Babycat Milk. In addition, you can feed the cat with this mixture in the first days after he was taken from his mother, which will greatly contribute to the transition to a different diet.

It is not at all necessary to feed your cat Royal Canin. There are many other premium dry foods for British cats. The main thing is that they are of high quality and fresh.

Economy class dry food, unlike premium food, can harm your pet. A cat that often eats Whiskas, Kitikat or Friskies dry food may be bothered digestive system. Such foods, unlike premium ones, contain many substances that are unnecessary and harmful to the sensitive body of the British. Moreover, they can contribute to the development of diseases.

Please note: loose dry food, even highest quality, over time many lose useful elements while they are on the store shelves. It is advisable to buy food in sealed packages. On own experience we have seen more than once that the bodies of some British women can react negatively to expensive food- may begin in cats allergic rash. Therefore, if you see that your cat is constantly itching, you need to take him to the veterinarian or try giving your pet anti-allergy food.

Mixed nutrition

Mixed nutrition is not just a mixture of fermented milk products, dry food and vegetables with cereals. Of course, with such a menu, the pet is guaranteed to have an upset stomach. If you give your cat everything at once, she will not eat all the foods at the same time. The British eat only what he likes, and leaves everything else in the bowl.

Therefore, you need to understand that mixed nutrition should be carried out correctly using premium dry food with a small addition of natural food. For example, if your cat eats canned food, then you can replace it several times a week boiled meat poultry or beef.

One way or another, the lop-eared pet’s diet should be regular. Calculate the schedule according to which you will feed the cat. And it is advisable to think in advance about all the products after which the animal has bad stool.

Basic feeding rules

  1. Eliminate fried meat from your cat's diet. Sweet foods, smoked meats, pickles, eggplants - all this must be excluded.
  2. Forget giving the British bones. If your cat needs his teeth sharpened, give him a piece of frozen beef with veins.
  3. It would be correct to exclude fish from the diet.
  4. Do not try to mix dry food with regular food. This is fraught with development urolithiasis. If a cat eats natural food, then it should not be given dry food under any circumstances. Even as praise or a treat.
  5. If dry food - then from the same manufacturer.
  6. You can't let your cat go without food for two or three days.
  7. If you feed your cat natural food, add vitamins to its diet to prevent the development of vitamin deficiency.
  8. If you prepare food for your animal in advance and freeze it, then it needs to be divided into single servings in advance. Regular defrosting and freezing of food will not lead to anything good.
  9. If the cat eats natural food, then the diet should include no more than 70% meat, 10 porridge and 20-30% vegetables.
  10. Generally daily norm feeding a cat should not be more than 5% of its weight, for a kitten aged from two months to a year - no more than 10%.
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How to care for the British?

Caring for British kittens is very important. After all, it is proper care and maintenance that makes your pet understand that you love him. Accordingly, he will show the same attitude towards you. The following are the basic rules on how to care for a cat and what its maintenance should be:

  • the pet must have its own dishes and a prepared place where it will sleep;
  • It would be a good idea to purchase or make a scratching post yourself;
  • stock up cotton swabs, as Britons need regular care for their ears, nose and eyes;
  • Naturally, the animal must have its own toilet;
  • bowls for water and drinking should always be clean;
  • buy a comb;
  • special shampoo for short-haired cats - it will need to be used in exceptional cases, when the cat gets dirty somewhere and cannot wash himself.

Video “How kittens eat in the first week”

We invite you to watch how British kittens feed in the first week of their life.

British cats are one of the most interesting representatives of the cat world. This applies not only to their unique appearance, but also to their character. Surprisingly smart and peaceful, they will keep anyone company and make friends with children. Natural patience allows you to endure any of their pranks. Today we want to talk about food for your British pet, which should be varied, complete and, of course, tasty, because these cats are selective.

Cat needs

First of all, food for British cats should contain a lot of protein. Despite the fact that these are domestic animals, they still remain predators, disposed to animal food. The average Briton needs 125-250g of food per day. IN in some cases(pregnancy, high physical exercise), this amount can be increased to 300 g. When you choose a kitten for yourself, you need to understand right away that food for British cats must be specially prepared. All seasonings, salt and other additives that are abundant in our regular food are harmful to them.

How to calculate the optimal portion

The diet is calculated based on the norm of 70 kcal and 10 g of protein per 1 kg of animal weight. At the same time, food for British cats can be either natural or ready-made. Moreover, it is best if you accustom the kitten to a variety of foods from the very beginning. of different ages. In this case the problem balanced nutrition you are not in danger.

So, as we have already said, first of all, the fluffy beauty needs protein. These are meat, fish and eggs, cottage cheese and total of which 200 g per day. Carbohydrates are also useful as they are sources of energy. However, their amount should be much less, about 50 g per day. This could be rice, rolled oats and buckwheat. Cereals are practically not digestible and are Meat and fish are well digestible in their raw form, you just need to freeze them well, but cereals definitely need to be cooked.

If you choose a natural diet

Eliminate pork or lamb from your diet, this is too heavy food. Eliminate foods from your table completely, otherwise you will shorten your Brit's life.

It is not advisable to give it to your pets chicken heads and legs, since after such food they may experience intestinal injuries. If you just want your pet to sharpen its teeth, then give it a large beef bone with veins. But the fish, contrary general opinion, should not be given often. Kittens can be given pre-frozen fish once a week, and adults once every two weeks. Be sure to lightly cook the fish and remove the bones. If your pet has urolithiasis, then fish is completely excluded.

A natural diet, no matter how balanced it may seem, requires the mandatory use of vitamin and mineral complexes. IN otherwise the development of vitamin deficiency is very likely. If you prepare food in advance, divide the food into equal portions and freeze. Before giving it to your cat, you need to not only defrost it, but also make sure that the food is warm. Cold food is contraindicated for the British.

From leading manufacturers

Dry food for British cats is, on the one hand, very convenient. The owner does not need to worry that his pet did not receive enough of any important substances. In addition, purrs always eat the contents of the bags with great appetite. However, there are also pitfalls. On the market ready-made feed there are a lot of fakes, and sellers don’t always comply optimal conditions storage All this, first of all, affects the quality of food, and this is already reflected in the health of your pet.

What not to feed

Remember that the food must be of high quality. You should not give your pet Whiskas, Kitikat, Purina and other cheap food. The entire economy class contains a lot of dyes and flavors, ballast components and very little protein. As a result of such feeding, the animal develops urolithiasis, liver diseases and gastrointestinal tract. Better feed your Brit natural food, there will be more benefits.

Optimal diet

Royal Canin is a premium food for British cats. It has a number of competitive advantages. First of all, because this food is relatively affordable and is available in most specialized stores. In addition, it should be noted that it has a balanced composition, and the food is made from high-quality ingredients. Based on the experience of many owners, breeders and veterinarians, we can conclude that this is one of the the best feed to date.

This brand includes several options for ready-made diets for your pet. The manufacturer offers a concentrated mousse for small kittens. After 4 months they can be introduced to dry food of the same brand. Remember that dry food should be stored in airtight, closed bags. Canned food is transferred to glass jar and stored in the refrigerator.

Everything is only the highest quality

Of course, all owners want to give their pets the best. Therefore, veterinarians advise paying attention to premium food. British cats are not easy to retrain, so it is better to immediately choose only the best. Moreover, many veterinarians agree that Royal Canin is a good, high-quality premium food, but if possible, it is better to choose an option from the super-premium line.

Main difference

This super premium food is just perfect for the British. The main difference is the high nutritional value, high digestibility. In the production of this category of food, chicken, lamb, eggs and high-quality cereals are used. Best options feed for the British is offered by Eukanuba (Netherlands), Hills (USA), Pro Pac (USA). Very good and high-quality diets recommended by leading breeders.

Holistic feed

It would seem that there could be better quality than the diets presented above. But best food for British cats, this is the super-premium elite. Holistic food is completely hypoallergenic. They include useful plants and fruits, vegetables and dietary supplements. The ingredients of the feed are selected in such a way that the animals receive everything necessary substances. The components of the feed do not interfere with each other’s absorption, which results in maximum absorption by the animal’s body. However, there are still few such offers on the market. These are the famous food Acana (Canada), Chicken Soup (Diamond, USA), Eagle Pack (USA). If you are lucky enough to find this type of food, then take advantage of this opportunity. Judging by the reviews from veterinarians, this is exactly the option that can be recommended to all Britons.

Is it possible to combine two types of diet?

A lot has already been said about mixing natural and ready-made food, but no one opinion has been reached. Many people believe that it is possible to feed an animal porridge and meat in the morning, and then provide a cup of dry food for the day, but veterinarians are categorically against such a decision. You cannot feed dry food in the form of treats, not once a day, not once a month.

It is strictly not recommended to feed your animal food from different manufacturers. The maximum that is permissible is to diversify the diet consisting of dry food with wet canned food from the same manufacturer. In this case, the share of canned food should not be more than 25% of the daily requirement.

Let's sum it up

Judging by the reviews, the ideal food for British shorthair cats is products from Hills (USA). This is a super-premium food that takes into account the characteristics of this breed and makes it possible to raise a healthy and active animal. In addition, of all the high-quality feeds, it is most often found in Russian stores, which makes the owner’s task easier. You only need to renew your supplies once a month, and your Briton will grow up healthy and happy.

Selecting a power type

When starting to create a diet, you should think about what food you will feed your British kitten in the future. It depends on many factors and conditions.

If the owner does not have the opportunity to cook every day natural food, then you should opt for industrial feed. This does not mean that natural products will be completely excluded. You can mix these types of food, but not in one go. For the absorption of canned and natural products A cat's stomach secretes various enzymes and acids. Mixing in one bowl can lead to gastrointestinal pathologies. But sometimes you can add another type of food. For example, if there is no way to replenish supplies industrial product, you can give a natural treat for a while. Or when natural diet, if necessary, you can use it for several days quality feed. But such exceptions should not be made often: the cat’s liver will not be able to quickly adapt from one type of food to another.

Speaking about changing the type of food, we must not forget about such cases as moving to new house. For any adult cat, and even more so for a small one, a change of place of residence is stressful. Changing the type of diet is also stressful. If you put one on top of the other, the baby will get sick. Therefore, after moving, be sure to give the cat familiar food. If it's just a trip with your hosts, then you need to stock up familiar products for the first time. If the baby changes family, then inquire about the diet and meal schedule - and in the first days strictly adhere to the advice of the former owners.

General feeding rules

The baby is fed by the mother for up to three weeks, so all attention is paid to her appetite and health. If she ate natural food before pregnancy, then the amount of beef in her diet should be increased: both meat and liver. If future mom was fed industrial food, then during pregnancy she must be switched to special diet: These products are labeled “for pregnant cats.” Special attention It is necessary to pay attention to the calorie content of food, which should not increase. Sometimes it makes sense to reduce your calories a little before giving birth. And be sure to stop giving. These rules must be followed not only before childbirth, but also during the period of feeding newborns, until they stop sucking.

British baby drinks milk

From the age of three weeks, babies require complementary feeding. The principle “the more the better” is not suitable: you need to feed a British kitten in moderation. There are many tables with accurate calculations number and size of portions. If the animal is healthy, it is easier to use the formula 30-70 g/1 kg for calculations. Accordingly, 50-70 g per day is enough for a baby to eat normally.

Be sure to follow a meal schedule. Firstly, it disciplines the little pet - he will get used to eating only at the allotted hours and will not beg for treats at other times. Secondly, both young and adult animals require fractional meals. A growing body requires frequent feeding. Up to three months - 5-6 times a day. From six months - 4-5 times. Having reached one year of age - 3-4 times. It is recommended that an adult cat be given food only a couple of times: in the morning and in the evening.

Be sure to maintain the ratio of dry and wet food. Up to two months, all products should be liquid. Later, the percentage of dry food is gradually increased. But it should be remembered that even in the diet of an adult cat, wet food should contain at least 30%, not counting drinking water.

Diet depends on age

In order for the little Briton to develop properly, new food should be gradually introduced into his menu. The most important period is 2-6 months, when organs and systems are quickly formed, the age of active growth. But at this time the baby still does not know how to eat everything, and is not familiar with the taste and smell of many foods.

3 weeks

From the age of three weeks, the first acquaintance with food begins. Before this, it was completely accessible and easily digestible. There was no need to look for it, chew it or lap it up. Therefore, all new foods must be crushed so that the baby learns to eat properly. Over the course of a week, the following is added to the mother's milk every day. a small amount of meat, only finely chopped. The quantity increases gradually. Milk porridges are added to complementary foods, for which you should only use goat milk. And be sure to follow the “one day, one new treat” rule.

British breed kitten

1 month

At the age of one and a half months, the baby begins to be given cottage cheese - always low-fat and without any additives.

2-3 months

The problem of what to feed a British kitten arises 2 months after birth. At this time, babies gradually refuse mother's milk. It is during this period that it is time for the owner to decide whether his pet will receive natural food, or it is time to start getting acquainted with industrial food. In the first case, it is better not to offer new food - refusing the mother is already an innovation. In the second case, you can add special canned food that is age appropriate to your baby’s menu. Do not use dry food right away.

While the baby is still sucking milk, complementary foods should be given more often and in small portions- up to eight times a day, so that the digestive system adapts to new conditions.

British kittens eat

The faster the abandonment occurs natural feeding, the more varied you can feed a British kitten: at 3 months, new types of complementary foods are possible. However, you still need to feed more often - at least six times a day. By the end of the third month, you can reduce the number of meals to five. At this time, poultry meat (chicken is best), offal, vegetables and fruits, egg yolk, sea fish (boiled and boneless) are added as complementary foods. dairy products. For animals whose diet is planned to be based on industrial food, it’s time to gradually add preserves (be sure to pay attention to the recommendations given on the packaging) and softened dry food. You can also use children's canned meat.

5-6 months

At this time, the main emphasis is on reducing the number of feedings per day - up to four times. There should be few new products: for kittens natural nutrition- low-fat cheeses; for babies on industrial food, the dilution of dry products is gradually reduced. This process lasts up to a year and the percentage is brought to 70% of dry food per day.

From six months to 10 months

The number of feedings is reduced to three. Milk is excluded from the diet and rabbit meat is added.

Up to a year

This is the age of adaptation to an adult diet: no more than twice a day, the amount of liquid food is reduced.

In this article we will talk about what to feed a British kitten so that the baby grows healthy and strong. Feeding kittens begins from the 3rd week of a kitten’s life. By this time, the kittens’ milk teeth begin to grow, and on the 5-6th day, this process is completed.

The first food given to kittens is:

powdered milk, diluted boiled water

- human infant formula.

You need to start with 1 ml. 2-3 times a day, gradually increasing the dose. Starting from this time, it is already possible to add raw frozen beef and chicken to the kittens’ diet.

Starting from 4 weeks of age, porridge and fish can be introduced into the kittens' diet, then the nutrition of British kittens will look like this: 2-3 times a day milk or porridge and 2 times meat or fish, with the addition of one drop fish oil for each kitten. Don't forget that kittens always have access to clean water.

What to feed a British kitten: a sample list of products

  • porridge with milk, oatmeal, semolina, sometimes rice
  • dry oatmeal, ground in a blender as an additive to minced meat
  • low-fat fermented milk products (kefir, fermented baked milk, baby curds, sour cream)
  • -1-2 times a week it is recommended to add raw or boiled egg yolk to the kittens’ diet
  • raw frozen, or chicken, and turkey (preferably lean breast)
  • raw or boiled rabbit meat, beef, cut into thin strips, ground beef, only homemade
  • chicken livers, stomachs, hearts, necks, boiled
  • boiled doctor's sausage, children's sausages (can sometimes be given as a treat)
  • Give seafood carefully; kittens may develop diarrhea.

Starting from 1.5 months, you need to give vitamins for kittens, and in the case of the British, these should be vitamins C increased content calcium, it is better to give preference natural vitamins from Canina (Canina) and Gimpet.

If you decide to feed British kittens with industrial food, then it should be exclusively premium cat food - Innova, Orijen, Acana. Before making a choice in favor of one food or another, check out the cat food ratings.

  • cats eat fish only in fairy tales; excessive consumption of fish can lead to metabolic disorders, vitamin deficiency and the development of urolithiasis in a cat;
  • In nature, adult cats do not drink milk and can do just fine without it;
  • inexpensive colored dry food can only harm the kitten, there is nothing natural in it;
  • It should also be remembered that foods such as seaweed, carrots and liver darken the tone blue color British.

Remember: food for kittens is not salted!

Meat and meat by-products that are given raw must first be frozen.

You cannot feed your kitten only meat and fish, or only cereals. You shouldn’t get carried away with fish at all; its excessive consumption leads to inflammatory diseases kidney and urolithiasis. Castrated animals should not be given fish at all.

Food should be slightly warm or at room temperature. Do not give food that is too hot or cold (from the refrigerator).

All food for the kitten is ground very finely, large and small bones are carefully removed. For an adult cat, food is cut into small pieces. Don't give large pieces!

Raw meat is given in pure form, boiled meat or fish (boiled) can be mixed with vegetables, cereals, etc.

Kitten 1.5-2 months. fed 5 times a day (or free access to food). By six months, gradually reduce the number of feedings to 3 times a day. From 8 months fed as adult cat 2 times a day.

Remember: a cat is a carnivore, and it does not have to eat borscht, pasta or coleslaw. The cat has his own special diet, and you should take this into account when feeding your pet, and not try to accustom him to what you and I eat - this is HARMFUL for cats and leads to various diseases.

Kitten - like Small child, for his good growth and full development is necessary proper nutrition. How to choose a diet for a British breed kitten, what is healthy and what is absolutely forbidden for this funny plush baby?

What to feed a British kitten: deciding on the type of food

homemade food or ready-made food? What would be better suited purebred British cat? There is no consensus on this matter even among breeders. Premium-segment industrial feed is well-balanced in terms of a set of microelements; its texture is developed taking into account the age of the animals. Many manufacturers make special food for British cats.

Homemade food attracts owners with its naturalness. When cooking for the kitten ourselves, we are confident in the freshness of the products and the absence of unnecessary additives. However, it should be remembered that homemade food for an animal is not the soup and cutlets that people eat. You will have to cook separately for your pet, and also supplement the food with special vitamin complexes. It is very difficult to independently balance the content of vitamins and microelements in homemade food for a purebred kitten.

What type of food to choose is up to the owners to decide. The best thing to do when picking up a British kitten from a nursery is to ask what the baby was fed there. If it is a certain industrial food, it is necessary to give it at least at first.

At the same time, we must remember that up to three months a British kitten is only allowed wet food, they begin to transfer to dry gradually. At 3 months add 10% drying, at six months - 30%, and at one year old The British diet already consists of 70% dry food. In this case, both drying and wet canned food must be from the same manufacturer.

Having given preference ready-made food, focus on the premium and super-premium class; cheap brands skimp on the quality of ingredients and will do more harm to the animal than good. Choose food according to age and breed. Be sure to always have a clean bowl drinking water in free access.

If the owner of the nursery where you are adopting a kitten prefers home-prepared food, find out what foods the baby already eats, how to process them correctly, and in what proportion to give them. A good breeder will definitely give recommendations on feeding the little Briton.

What to feed a British kitten: allowed foods

Pedigree cats more selective in food than their street counterparts. And their digestion is more sensitive. Therefore, if you decide to feed your British kitten homemade food, be responsible when choosing products.

Among the permitted products, first of all, meat. The cat is still a predator, and the British are no exception. You can give your kitten finely chopped or scraped raw beef. Beforehand, the meat must be kept in the freezer for at least 24 hours, or even better, three days. This way you will be sure that raw beef safe for baby. Before giving such meat to a kitten, scald it with boiling water. You can also include boiled and finely chopped chicken in the diet from 3 months, and turkey, rabbit, and lamb from 4-6 months.

In addition to meat, the British kitten's diet includes: following products:

Milk (only up to the age of six months, later it ceases to be absorbed);

Milk porridge;

Boiled chicken yolk;

Children's canned meat (puree);

Natural cottage cheese;


Dairy products;

Vegetables (except potatoes);

Boiled sea ​​fish.

Important! Each portion of food should be fresh; food should not be allowed to sit in the bowl.

What to feed a British kitten: prohibited foods

It's not so simple with milk either. In cats, it is normally absorbed only up to six months of age. Next, we give preference to fermented milk products.

Pork should not be given to both kittens and adult cats. This is very heavy meat and is difficult to digest.

Prohibited foods for a British kitten also include:


Onions and garlic (they provoke the development of anemia in cats);

Pickles and smoked meats;

Fresh meat.

What to feed a British kitten: creating a natural diet

Let’s immediately make a reservation that nurseries usually sell purebred kittens no earlier than three months of age. In more early age babies eat mother's milk, from about 3-4 weeks they begin to be fed milk porridge, cream, then cottage cheese, scraped beef or special wet food for kittens are added. We will look at the diet of a British kitten that has already entered the home of new owners, that is, from three months and older.

So, you can give your little Briton:

Daily: raw beef, frozen and scalded with boiling water, finely chopped or minced. You can also include baby food in your diet every day. meat puree.

3-4 times a week: raw or cooked rabbit, turkey, lamb. If we serve it raw, be sure to keep it in the freezer for at least a day, then pour boiling water over it and finely chop it.

2-3 times a week:

  • boiled chicken meat, you can also add chicken bouillon;
  • yolk chicken egg(boiled or raw, mixed with cottage cheese or kefir);
  • fermented milk products are natural, without any additives.
  • 1-2 times a week:
  • raw or boiled vegetables: carrots, cabbage, pumpkin, zucchini.
  • porridge – rice, buckwheat, oatmeal;

1 time per week:

  • boiled chicken or beef offal (liver, stomachs, heart, tongue, kidneys);
  • low-fat cheese;
  • boiled sea fish fillet;

Be sure to provide the baby with a bowl of clean drinking water, and also include high-quality vitamins for kittens in the diet.

With the right balanced diet The little plush purr will grow into a beautiful, imposing, and most importantly healthy representative of the British breed.