How to cauterize lichen in a person. The dangers and consequences of deprivation in humans. Treatment of scaly lichen

Lichen (mycosis) refers to skin infection, which manifests itself as rashes, peeling, itching. The causative agents of infection are viruses and pathogenic fungi . Infection with mycoses occurs after contact with a carrier, and internal problems (chronic diseases, stress, decreased immunity) can also lead to the development of the disease. Ringworm is easily transmitted through household contact, so if suspicious symptoms appear on the skin, you need to contact an infectious disease specialist or dermatologist to find out the cause of the disease and take measures to eliminate it. How to cure lichen in humans? Let's try to figure this out.

The most common types of lichen are:

  • shearer;
  • pink;
  • red flat;
  • encircling;
  • pityriasis (multi-colored).

Let us consider in more detail the features of each type of mycosis and methods of treating lichen in humans at home.

If the fungus affects hairy part head, then round-shaped lesions appear on the skin. The hair inside them begins to break off at the roots and falls out, resulting in the formation of bald spots. The lichen that appears on the body looks like a rounded red spot surrounded by a cushion around the perimeter. White scales cover its central part.

Foci of lichen usually become inflamed, begin to itch and itch, and if you scratch them, the infection will quickly spread throughout the body. Such a person is very dangerous for others, so he is strictly prohibited from contacting other people for the entire treatment period, which is 2–6 weeks.

How to remove lichen? Usually carried out drug treatment . The course of treatment begins after consultation with a dermatologist. The doctor usually prescribes local antifungal drugs that should be used to treat the lesions. These include: Lamisil, Clotrimazole, Miconazole. According to the instructions, the skin needs process 2 – 3 times a day. To eliminate fungus on the head, you should wash your hair with special products 2 times a week. medicated shampoos: Mycozoral, Sebozol, Nizoral.

In addition, foci of lichen can be treat with iodine, salicylic, sulfur or sulfur-tar ointment. If a person is bothered by severe itching and inflammation, the doctor may prescribe hormone-based corticosteroid drugs (Fluconazole, Sinaflan) along with antifungal ointments. Thanks to them, all symptoms are quickly eliminated, but they can be used for no more than 5 days, as serious symptoms may develop. side effects.

At extensive damage or if the disease is severe, the doctor may prescribe antifungal drugs in tablets (Itraconazole, Terbinafine, Griseofulvin). They must be taken strictly according to the instructions and it is forbidden to exceed the required dosage, because they negatively affect the functions of the kidneys and liver.

Treatment with folk remedies

How to remove lichen using folk remedies? There are several effective treatment methods.

Outbreaks ringworm It is recommended to treat the head with homemade sulfur ointment. You need to buy it at the pharmacy yellow sulfur, heat in a water bath and mix in equal proportions with unrefined vegetable oil. The resulting mixture should be applied to the affected areas every day before going to bed.

Foci of lichen on the body are treated with garlic-based infusion. To do this, peel the head of garlic, pour a glass of cold boiled water, add 10 ml vinegar and leave for 2 hours. Then 20 drops are dripped into the tincture camphor oil and treat the affected skin with it 3 – 4 times a day.

Pityriasis versicolor

This type of mycosis is characterized by the appearance of small brown spots with clear boundaries. Itching, which often accompanies many fungal diseases, is absent in this case. To the touch, the spots are slightly convex and they can peel off greatly, merging with each other into one big spot. Pityriasis versicolor often takes on a chronic form.

Drug treatment

How to get rid of lichen on the body with medications? In this case, ultraviolet light comes to the rescue. Sun rays, penetrating the skin, lead to the death of the fungus.

Creams, lotions, ointments, and solutions are usually prescribed as external agents, which are used to treat the affected areas several times a day. This type of mycosis can be treated with Bifonazole cream, Miconazole ointment, salicylic lotion, Clotrimazole solution. If the skin is extensively affected or the disease has become chronic, a course of antifungal agents for oral administration (Terbinafine, Clotrimazole).

It is necessary to treat pityriasis versicolor according to the following scheme: during the day the skin is lubricated antifungal ointment(Miconazole, Lamisil), in the evening the pathological lesions are dried with salicylic alcohol so that the dry scales peel off, and the ointment is applied again before going to bed. This scheme must be followed until full recovery.

Folk remedies

Fir oil. It must be mixed with vodka in equal proportions. Before use, the resulting composition must be shaken, after which a cotton swab is soaked in it and the pathological area is treated. It is recommended to repeat the procedure 5 times a day, helping to quickly get rid of the lesion. Celandine. To prepare medicinal composition, celandine juice in a 1:1 ratio is mixed with vodka and infused in a dark place for 10 days. The resulting infusion is used for lotions that are applied to problem areas.


The causative agent of this type of mycosis is a herpevirus. Characteristic blisters filled with liquid appear on the skin, causing severe itching and burning. Such rashes are accompanied by symptoms of intoxication of the body (chills, fever, headache). Mostly the rash appears in the direction of the large nerve trunks and intercostal region. After some time, the bubbles begin to burst, and in their place a rough crust appears.

Drug treatment

How to quickly get rid of lichen with the help of medications? For this, the doctor prescribes antiviral drugs:

  • Valtrex;
  • Acyclovir;
  • Famciclovir.

To relieve itching and painful sensations, it is necessary to take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Indomethacin, Ibuprofen) in the form of tablets or ointments, as well as lidocaine gel. A drug such as Paracetamol effectively reduces temperature and eliminates fever. Bubbles should be treated antiseptic solutions(fucorcin, brilliant green), which helps prevent them further distribution.

Shingles can be treated with such an effective remedy as Epigen cream, consisting of glycyrrhizic acid. When treating this type of mycosis, corticosteroid drugs are not prescribed, because they can worsen the condition and cause various side effects. If you joined bacterial infection, then the doctor prescribes antibiotics.

Traditional methods of treatment

Shingles should be treated at home only after consulting a doctor to avoid complications.

Compresses with apple cider vinegar help relieve a person’s condition, reduce itching and burning. For this procedure, take apple cider vinegar and soak it in it. gauze pad and apply to the affected area for 10 - 15 minutes. Thanks to this medicinal compress All unpleasant symptoms are significantly reduced.

Melissa infusion improves general state, reduces intoxication of the body and improves immunity. To prepare the infusion, you need a tablespoon fresh leaves lemon balm pour a glass of boiling water and leave within 30 minutes. After that ready-made composition filter and take half a glass three times a day.

Pityriasis rosea

This type of mycosis is characterized by the formation of a “maternal plaque” on the skin with clear boundaries, which are shaped like a medallion. The inside of such a spot is covered with light scales. After a week or two, the whole body is covered with round rashes Pink colour and they are accompanied severe itching. The patient's condition worsens: fever, joint pain and headaches occur. Pityriasis rosea spreads rapidly, and small elements can merge into larger lesions. If this condition is not treated, the rash can cover up to 80% of the patient's body.

Treatment with drugs

In order to get rid of pityriasis rosea, it will take 4 to 6 weeks. The doctor prescribes these antihistamines, like Cetrin, Zyrtec, Suprastin, Claritin, which can reduce inflammation and eliminate painful itching. To strengthen the immune system, you should take vitamin and mineral complexes.

If a person suffers from a feverish condition, the doctor prescribes antipyretics, and to prevent further spread of the rash, antiseptics are used (Chlorophyllipt, Sangviritrin). Severe itching forces a person to scratch the affected areas, which may result in streptococcal infection. To eliminate it, a course of antibacterial therapy is prescribed.

Folk remedies

How to quickly cure lichen in a person? Helps well in this case Birch tar, on the basis of which the ointment is made. For this purpose, it must be mixed in equal proportions with butter and the resulting composition should be treated with the affected areas.

The next remedy is chatterbox. To prepare it, take glycerin, zinc oxide, and water in equal proportions and mix until smooth. The resulting mass is applied to the affected areas, kept for 30 minutes, after which it is removed with a cotton swab dipped in vinegar.

Lichen planus

This type of mycosis usually occurs in women and manifests itself as red nodules on the abdomen, legs and arms. Accompanied by a rash itching, but there is no characteristic peeling of the skin. Lichen ruber can affect not only the skin, but also the mucous membranes of the genitals or oral cavity. The nail plates may become damaged, causing them to change color and begin to crumble.

Treatment with medications

Treatment consists of taking corticosteroids (chloroquine, hydroxychloroquine). For acute manifestations, the doctor prescribes:

  • penicillin;
  • prednisolone or hydrocortisone ointment.

To eliminate itching, you need to take antihistamines(Suprastin, Tavegil). Prescribed to maintain immunity multivitamin complexes and agents that stimulate the immune system.

Traditional methods of treatment

Calendula ointment helps relieve the patient's condition. To do this, 10 g of calendula flowers are crushed and then ground with 50 g of Vaseline. The resulting composition is applied to the affected area.

Sea buckthorn oil is used to heal ulcers that appear on the mucous membrane. It is necessary to soak a gauze napkin with this oil and apply it to the affected area for 20 minutes.

Thus, lichen on the human body is enough unpleasant nedu d, which is accompanied by itching and peeling. This disease is extremely unpleasant for others and can ruin the mood of the patient. To get rid of lichen, there are many methods, both traditional and traditional medicine. In addition, to avoid getting infected, you need to observe personal hygiene measures and not have contact with sick people or animals.

Skin diseases are a triple unpleasant thing. In addition to the actual fact of disturbances in the functioning of the body, they, as a rule, also look extremely unaesthetic, and in addition cause considerable physical discomfort to the patient.

A good example are different kinds lichen- this group of problems includes inflammatory processes on the skin, which are accompanied by a characteristic rash, pigmentation disorders, peeling, itching, hair loss and other similar symptoms. They are most often caused by fungi:

  • zooanthropophilic (affect people and animals);
  • anthropophilic (found only in humans);
  • geophilic (transmitted through contact with the ground).

Also, some types of the disease have viral nature, and the key impetus for its development in all cases is weakened immunity. There are more complex cases, which, although formally related to lichens, are considered by doctors as independent pathologies with their own internal classification and variability (eczema, psoriasis).

Contagious or not?

If dermatologists are primarily interested in the etiology and symptoms of the disease, then for the patient and his relatives the question is no less important - is this or that lichen contagious? Is it transmitted from the patient to others, are any precautions needed?

To protect others from infection, the sick person should go to home (in some cases he is admitted to a hospital) and use individual utensils, household items and hygiene products until complete recovery.

The main types of lichen and methods of their treatment

The first and most obvious symptom of lichen is the appearance of suspicious spots or rashes on the skin. In this case, you should immediately contact a dermatologist who will conduct a diagnosis, make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

  • Pityriasis rosea (lichen of Zhibera)

A viral disease, the causative agents of which are not fully understood. It manifests itself as inflammation of areas of the skin on which pink or light brown round spots appear, the center of which is usually slightly paler than the edges and may peel off. The size of the spots varies from a few millimeters to 3-4 cm.

Most often it affects people from 10 to 55 years of age during the period of seasonal weakening of immunity (spring and autumn), especially after previous cold infections. It can occur “out of nowhere” or after contact with a carrier. As a rule, spots are localized on the back, sides, stomach and chest. On initial stage In the course of the disease, the first “maternal” spot-plaque appears, over time it increases to 3-4 cm, and a smaller pink rash appears nearby, which can cause slight itching.

Pityriasis rosea does not require any special treatment and goes away on its own after one and a half to two months. To relieve itching, your doctor may prescribe antihistamines, and to strengthen the immune system, vitamin complexes and immunomodulators. Also, you will need to temporarily stop visiting the pool, sauna, solarium, reduce the number of water treatments at home, and limit the use of cosmetics.

Photo 1-3 - pityriasis rosea on the stomach and back:

  • Shingles (herpes zoster)

Caused by the chickenpox virus. It is localized mainly in the area of ​​the ribs, but can sometimes be present on other parts of the body. This disease mainly affects adults, childhood it manifests itself as chickenpox.

Shingles is characterized by severe itching, the appearance of blisters with clear liquid, which burst after 3-4 days and become crusty. A feature of the disease is severe pain (since the herpes virus affects the nervous system). They can occur in the intercostal space and in other parts of the body where nerve bundles pass. Those who have not had chickenpox can become infected through contact with a carrier of the virus, as well as those whose body, despite previously past illness, did not develop a strong enough immune system.

With absence adequate treatment this type of lichen can cause secondary diseases, leading to lesions of the cornea of ​​the eyes, hearing impairment, unilateral paralysis of the facial muscles, muscle weakness, etc. Usually, after 2-4 weeks, herpes zoster gradually goes away, but itching and pain may remain for a long time. a long period- until the affected nerve cells are completely restored. Treatment consists of taking antiviral drugs such as Acyclovir and pain medications as needed.

Photo 4-6 - shingles on the body (stomach, back, sides):

  • Ringworm (trichophytosis)

It is caused by trichophyton fungi, which can be “caught” both from animals and from another person - during direct contact with a patient, as well as through hats, towels, clothes, etc. In this case, the disease obtained from an animal occurs in a more severe form.

This type of lichen appears in the form of small spots with uneven outlines on the scalp (or in the area of ​​the beard and mustache in an adult man), less often - on other parts of the body. The color of the spots is pink, but closer to the center they are covered with whitish scales. The hair in the affected area thins and breaks close to the root, and mild itching is possible.

Treatment for ringworm involves taking antifungal drugs and local treatment of rashes (iodine, sulfur-salicylic, sulfur-tar ointment). Since the disease is contagious, in order to prevent the spread of the fungus, isolation of the patient is necessary during treatment, and running forms illness, even his hospitalization is possible.

  • Microsporia

A type of ringworm caused by fungi of the genus Microsporium. The type of spread is zooanthropophilic, through the fur and skin scales of animals affected by the virus, as well as through contact with patients and their household items. Clinical picture similar to trichophytosis, but the hair breaks off not so close to the root, the treatment is similar.

  • Pityriasis versicolor (lichen versicolor)

Caused by a yeast-like fungus that attacks epidermal cells and disrupts the functioning of melanocytes. Appears as spots various shapes, sizes and colors, which can be either paler or darker than the base skin tone. Small lesions may coalesce to form larger patches with minor peeling. The disease spreads to the abdomen, back, chest and shoulders, and occurs chronically over a long period of time.

This type of lichen is not contagious. The yeast-like fungi that cause it are present on the skin of most people, and the disease mechanism itself is triggered by a combination of immune and hormonal disorders in the presence of a genetic predisposition.

Treatment of pityriasis versicolor involves the use of external antifungal agents (Exoderil, salicylic ointment), as well as correction of the pH balance of the skin (use of special hygiene products). In advanced cases, oral medications such as Rumicosis are additionally prescribed. After recovery, the pigmentation of the affected areas of the skin returns to normal, but to completely even out the tone you will need an intense tan.

Photo 9-10 - light multi-colored lichen on the back and stomach:

Photo 11 - dark (pigmented) multi-colored lichen on the body:

Presumably caused by a virus due to decreased immunity due to severe stress or allergies, is not contagious. It manifests itself in the form of the formation of multiple flat red, purple nodules on the skin, nails and mucous membranes, accompanied by severe itching. Most often, middle-aged and elderly women are susceptible to this disease. Lichen planus can manifest itself in several forms:

  • ring-shaped - rashes resemble rings;
  • warty - looks like unevenly shaped tubercles;
  • erythematous - soft itchy bumps;
  • erosive-ulcerative - rashes are accompanied by the appearance of ulcers and erosions.

Treatment consists of taking antihistamines and corticosteroid ointments. To prevent the addition of other infections, vitamin therapy, physiotherapy, and immunomodulators are used.

  • Ringworm (eczema)

The cause of this disease is considered to be immune pathologies in combination with genetic predisposition and other internal factors. Depending on the specific etiology, there are more than 10 types of eczema, each with its own specific symptoms, but none of them are transmitted from the patient through household contact or any other means.

In its “classic” form, tinea versicolor appears as red spots, which are most often localized on the hands or face. Small bubbles appear on their surface, which burst almost immediately, releasing serous fluid (hence the name “wetting”). As the affected areas dry out, they become crusty. This cycle can repeat many times and is usually accompanied by noticeable itching.

Treatment of eczema is long-term and complex. Strengths are used as a basis hormonal ointments in combination with antihistamines. Additionally, the dermatologist adjusts the patient’s diet and routine, prescribes procedures to strengthen the immune system and other measures to prevent relapses.

  • Squamous lichen ()

Like eczema, it is considered an autoimmune disease with a strong genetic predisposition factor, but its etiology has not yet been adequately studied. IN medical literature You can find several classifications of psoriasis, the authors of which distinguish from 6 to 11 of its varieties.

Most typical manifestation diseases - red papules (nodules protruding above the skin), which merge into characteristic dense “plaques” covered with white scales. These rashes do not have any priority localization; they can appear on almost any part of the body. Additionally, patients often experience itching and even pain, and also note increased fatigue.

Lichen squamosus is not contagious and does not require isolation of the patient, but is currently considered incurable. There are many drugs that can smooth it out external manifestations and increase periods of remission, primarily these are ointments for external use (, etc.), as well as comprehensive programs aimed at cleansing, general healing and strengthening of the body, and even psychotherapeutic sessions.

Ringworm is whole group diseases characterized by the appearance of a rash on the skin in the form of nodules, blisters with liquid, small scales, crusts or spots.

It must be remembered that not all types of lichen are contagious. Some of them are hereditary or autoimmune diseases, and even with prolonged and close contact they are not transmitted.

Types of lichen in humans

The most contagious and quickly spreading is ringworm., so it needs to be treated as quickly as possible, and the patient must be isolated for this period. Most serious illness from this group is psoriasis. It is often inherited and significantly worsens the quality of life of patients. Also a lot discomfort can cause herpes zoster, because its appearance is accompanied by severe pain.

Other types of disease are not so dangerous, correct image life and following all the doctor’s recommendations will help you get rid of them forever.

Pityriasis rosea (lichen of Zhibera)

The disease develops gradually, with the following symptoms appearing:

  • 2 weeks before the onset of the disease, half of the patients develop a spot on the skin up to 4 cm in size, flaking over the entire surface. It is called maternal;
  • At the initial stage, before the rash appears, the patient complains of general malaise, a slight increase in temperature, joint pain and, in some cases, enlarged cervical lymph nodes;
  • Then a rash appears, which initially appears as punctate pink spots, increasing to the size of a 10-kopeck coin and sensation-inducing skin tightness. It is located along the lines of skin tension directed perpendicular to the axis of muscle contraction;
  • The spots may be oval or round. Most often located on the torso. In more in rare cases– on the limbs or genitals;
  • After 2–3 days, the color of the spots changes to brown, and along the periphery they rise and become covered with scales;
  • After a few more days, the scales peel off, and the edges around the edges become pink. The spot takes on the appearance of a medallion.

Most often, pityriasis rosea does not require specific treatment, you just need to limit water treatments and exposure to ultraviolet rays.

If the spots cause itching, antihistamines are prescribed: Suprastin, Tavegil, Diphenhydramine.

If necessary, antiviral drugs may be prescribed: Acyclovir, Valavir, as well as immune system stimulants and vitamins.

Photo of pink lichen:

Shingles (herpes zoster)

The following drugs are used to treat the disease:

  • Antifungal drugs for external and internal use: Ketoconazole, Nizoral, Orungal, Clotrimazole, Terbinafine, Griseofulvin;
  • External agents: iodine, sulfur-salicylic ointment, zinc-salicylic paste;
  • Antifungal shampoos: Nizoral, Dermazol.

Photo of ringworm:

Pityriasis versicolor (lichen versicolor)

The following symptoms are typical:

  • The appearance of spots of pink, brown and yellow color. They are not symmetrical and over time can merge into large lesions with jagged edges;
  • The color of the spots may change depending on the exposure of the skin to ultraviolet radiation: winter time they are brown, and become light in summer;
  • There is subtle peeling on the surface of the spots;
  • Localization location versicolor is the back and chest. In rare cases, it may appear on the neck, abdomen, shoulders or scalp. And with the inverted form of pityriasis versicolor, the spots are located in the folds of the skin;
  • The disease is prone to relapse and, despite treatment, can last for years.

In the follicular form of the disease, pustules and papules up to 2 mm appear against the background of inflamed skin. The disease is accompanied by quite severe itching.

Treatment of pityriasis versicolor is a long process. During this period, the following drugs are prescribed:

  • Antifungal drugs for external use: Clotrimazole, Dermazole, Ketoconazole, Nizoral, Lamisil;
  • Antifungal drugs for internal use: Terbinafine, Dermazol, Sporagal. They are prescribed in the case of the follicular form of the disease or if the disease covers large areas of the skin and progresses;
  • Disinfecting solutions: iodine, salicylic alcohol, boric alcohol.

Photo of pityriasis versicolor:

Lichen planus

The disease affects only the skin, but also mucous membranes. Ringworm can be located on the forearms, thighs, legs, armpits, groin and manifests itself in the form of the following symptoms:

  • Small nodules with a shiny surface appear on the skin, the color of which can be brown, red or bluish. In the center of some of them there is a notch resembling a navel;
  • The nodules can merge into plaques, forming a peculiar mesh-like pattern on the skin. This can be seen if you lubricate the skin with vegetable oil;
  • The patient feels severe itching. The disease lasts up to 4 weeks, and subsequently may recur;
  • Almost half of the patients have damage to the mucous membranes of the genitals and mouth. In this case, the whitish nodules are grouped. IN oral cavity they are located in the area where the teeth meet;
  • In 15% of patients, the disease affects the nails. In this case, the nail plates become cloudy, crumble, and longitudinal stripes appear on their surface.

In the absence of bright severe symptoms the disease does not require treatment and disappears on its own. If it is accompanied by severe itching, then antihistamines are prescribed: Suprastin, Diphenhydramine, Loratadine. It is also necessary to take immunostimulants and vitamins.

During lichen planus it is necessary to conduct healthy image life, and if the rash is located in the mouth, Special attention pay attention to nutrition.

Photo of lichen planus:

Ringworm (eczema)

Weeping lichen is most often called true eczema, which has the following symptoms:

  • The rash is located symmetrically (for example, on both hands);
  • Areas of redness and swelling with unclear boundaries appear on the skin;
  • Subsequently, these areas become covered with nodules and blisters filled with liquid;
  • After some time, the bubbles open, releasing the contents, and erosions form in this place (wetting period);
  • Then the contents dry out, forming bloody or serous crusts.
  • The disease is accompanied by severe itching, especially after contact with water or in the evening.

To treat the disease use:

  • Corticosteroid hormones: Lorinden, Hyoxysone, Hydrocortisone;
  • Antihistamines: Pipolfen, Suprastin, Diphenhydramine;
  • Sensitizing therapy: solutions of Neohemodez, Reosorbilact, Sodium Thiosulfate;
  • B vitamins.

Photo of eczema:

Lichen squamosus (psoriasis)

Squamous lichen can be located on the torso, extensor surfaces of the arms and legs, on the scalp, on the palms, and on the face.

Typical psoriasis causes the following symptoms:

  • A specific rash appears on the skin, which is flaky, rounded bumps of pinkish-red color that rise above the surface;
  • If you scrape, the whitish-gray scales crumble, revealing a shiny, wet, red surface underneath. If you scrape it too, pinpoint bleeding occurs;
  • The tubercles grow and form plaques up to several centimeters in diameter, then merge into solid areas with uneven edges;
  • Most often, they begin to dissolve from the middle, forming a garland on the skin. And in the place where the rash disappeared, an area with disturbed pigmentation forms;
  • The disease is accompanied by severe itching.

At exudative form psoriasis rashes are bright and swollen. Crusts form on their surface yellowish color. If the disease affects the palms and soles, the skin in this area turns red, becomes rough, covered with crusts and cracks, scales and psoriatic plaques.

With any form of psoriasis, the nails can be affected; in this case, the plates thicken and become cloudy.

Psoriasis is chronic illness, which is very difficult to get rid of. Exacerbations occur most often in winter. Treatment of the disease must be comprehensive; in this case, drugs from different groups are used:

  • Hormonal ointments: Mometasone, Betamethasone, Lorinden;
  • Ointments based on tar: Kolposedin;
  • Ointments based on solid oil: Antipsor.
  • Non-hormonal agents that activate natural protective processes in the body.

Physiotherapeutic methods are also used, spa treatment, proper nutrition, hardening.

Photo of psoriasis:

Ringworm is scaly spots or papules on the mucous membranes or skin. Virus, fungus, infection and allergies can trigger the appearance of lichen, which most often occurs against the background of hormonal or endocrine disorders, as well as weakened immunity.

Types of lichen

Exists great amount types of lichen: pink, ringworm, red flat, tropical white and black, simple, scaly, shingles, pityriasis versicolor and so on.

Pityriasis rosea manifests itself by the appearance of a pair of spots of a similar color on the skin. After a few days, these maternal plaques begin to shed small pink spots that do not cause itching. At proper treatment After nine weeks the rash goes away.

Ringworm appears on the scalp and body. Flaky spots break off the hair in the affected area, causing bald spots to appear on the person. On the skin, the lichen rises slightly. Rarely, lichen affects the nails, which begin to crumble and turn yellow.

Lichen planus is a pink-purple small rash, appearing on the chest, abdomen, lower back and limbs. The rash forms a pattern and is very itchy.

The types of lichen can be listed endlessly. To a man without medical education This information will not give you anything. It’s better to go to a dermatologist and start the right treatment.

Pityriasis rosea

Pityriasis rosea can form from viruses or allergens. Scaly patches affect the trunk, limbs and neck. This happens mainly in the off-season, when people most often catch colds.

Ringworm appears in people with weakened immune systems. If a person is hypothermic or constantly catches a cold, he or she develops lichen regularly.

First, a maternal plaque appears - a spot two centimeters in diameter with clear edges. There is a yellow spot in the center. Gradually, the central part wrinkles and peels off. At the same time, the person experiences headache, weakness and general malaise. After four days, a large number of spots appear on the skin.

After a month or two, the rash goes away. Moreover, it is not at all necessary to treat it; the spots disappear on their own. Some people do not want to wait that long and begin to actively undergo treatment. During treatment it is prohibited frequent washing. You need to shower with soft detergents. Avoid overcooling and sunbathing. Dermatologists usually prescribe antibiotics, hydroalcoholic or oil solutions, ointments with glucocorticosteroids, herbal infusions, antiallergic drugs and vitamins.


Shingles is caused by the chickenpox virus. If a person had chickenpox as a child, the causative agent of the disease goes into a latent state and lives in nerve cells spinal cord or in the autonomic ganglia nervous system.

Shingles is a slow-onset, recurring disease that most often occurs in immunocompromised people aged 60 to 75 years. Also at risk are people who are constantly stressed, who have tumors and patients with HIV.

The patient first develops a fever, itching and malaise. After some time, the body becomes covered with spots, which after a few days turn into erythematous papules.

There are several types of herpes zoster: herpes zoster ophthalmicus, Ramsay-Hunt syndrome and herpes zoster motor. Herpes zoster ophthalmicus damages the cornea and ophthalmic branch trigeminal nerve. With Ramsay-Hunt syndrome, the facial muscles are paralyzed, rashes appear in the external ear canal and in the oropharynx. A person begins to hear worse, he is tormented by dizziness and pain in the ear canal. Motor herpes zoster manifests itself muscle weakness and rash.

Shingles is treated with drugs such as Famciclovir, Acyclovir and Valacyclovir. "Acyclovir" is integrated into the viral DNA molecule and prevents it from multiplying. If you start using these drugs immediately after the first signs of shingles appear, or at least in the first three days, the disease will end much faster, the pain will disappear, and the likelihood of postherpetic neuralgia will be zero. In order for the patient to move and breathe normally, he is prescribed narcotic analgesics. Can also be used non-narcotic analgesics: “Dexketoprofen”, “Naproxen”, “Ibuprofen”, “Ketorolac” and others.

Corticosteroid medications reduce itching and inflammation, but are not recommended for use in the treatment of this disease.

This type of lichen affects not only nails and skin, but also mucous membranes. An itchy rash appears on the abdomen, back and flexural surfaces.

Lichen planus can appear due to both viruses and allergens. There have been cases where people became covered with lichen ruber due to stress.

Initially, a person develops shiny small papules with a diameter of five millimeters, which gradually merge and form a continuous spot, similar to a mesh. If you lubricate the skin with vegetable oil, this mesh will be clearly visible. The central part of the pink-purple nodule is slightly depressed. After the rash disappears, brown spots remain on the skin.

Often the rash appears in the mouth, on the labia and the head of the penis. Here the lichen resembles light gray warts. Lichen planus can be linear, atrophic, hypertrophic, bullous, flattened, annular, pigmented and erythematous.

With atrophic lichen, the skin dies at the site of the rash. Lichen linearis forms along the nerves. Lichen verrucosus or verrucous is a purple or blue rash that looks like warts. After long-term use medicines Lichen bullosa may appear. If the lichen has the form of rings or arcs that quickly cover new areas, it is called annular.

Lichen planus may appear on the nails. The nail plates become cloudy, thin, brittle and lumpy.


This type of lichen is an infectious disease that most often occurs in children, animals and middle-aged people. Infection occurs through direct contact with a sick animal or person. Ringworm appears on the body, limbs and scalp. The worst thing about this type of deprivation is that bald spots appear on the head. In order to get rid of lichen on the head, you need to cut off all your hair. It's terrible, especially in adolescence. It is difficult to explain to children that lichen is a disease like others. Nobody wants to become the subject of ridicule.

Tinea versicolor

Tinea versicolor is fungal disease skin, which affects the stratum corneum of the epidermis. The pathogen settles in the stratum corneum of the epidermis and in the mouths of the follicles.

This type of lichen infects people with diabetes mellitus, vegetative neurosis, tuberculosis and excessive sweating.

Such lichen is treated with Andriasyan's liquid, Wilkinson's ointment and salicylic-resorcinol alcohol. The main thing in treatment is to speed up the exfoliation of the horny epidermis.

Take away the reasons

Fungal and viral microflora provoke the appearance of lichen. It occurs in those who are often in stressful situations. The causes of lichen can be genetic predisposition, weak immunity, infectious diseases, emotional and physical stress. It is difficult to say how long the disease lasts, it all depends on individual characteristics person and type of lichen.

Ringworm treatment

Some types of lichen do not require specific treatment. For example, pityriasis rosea goes away on its own after 4-7 weeks. Dermatologists often prescribe antihistamines (Tavegil, Zyrtec, Loratidine). During treatment, it is recommended to wash as little as possible and not use any cosmetics.

Treatment for ringworm involves isolating the patient and treating the affected areas. Those with ringworm are hospitalized and have their hair shaved off. Every morning, the spots are smeared with iodine, and at night, sulfur-tar or sulfur-salicylic ointment is applied. The doctor prescribes antifungal drugs.

Ointment for ringworm

In the morning, lichen is treated with iodine, and in the evening - with ointment. Treatment lasts about three weeks.

There is also soap, paste and Sulsen shampoo. This drug is used for dermatomycosis: seborrheic lichen and dermatitis, foot fungus and other skin diseases.

Ringworm in humans

With lichen, the skin becomes inflamed and its pigmentation is disrupted, hair falls out, and itching appears. Most often, this disease occurs due to infection, fungus or virus. People with weakened immune systems and children are at risk. If a person develops lichen, they should go to a dermatologist. Treatment will depend on the type of lichen. In any case, the patient must be isolated, because many types of lichen are transmitted through close contact.

Ringworm in children

In summer and autumn the weather is warm and humid at this time of year fungal infections feel most comfortable, therefore they are transmitted from one person to another with great speed. Those who have weak immunity get sick more often. Even if fungal spores get on the skin, it is not a fact that a person will get sick. Lymphocytes and protective proteins can react well and prevent the fungus from attaching. Weak immunity is not able to protect the body, so fungi multiply not only on the surface of the skin, but also in its deep layers.

Mushrooms, like all living things, need liquid. If there is enough moisture on the skin, the fungi germinate and actively multiply. At increased sweating sweat channels expand and skin permeability increases - creating favorable conditions for the propagation of mushrooms.

Ringworm occurs more often in children than in adults, since children's immunity is much weaker, and children are constantly in contact with animals. The parents do not have time to turn away, and the child has already grabbed the cat at the entrance. Stray animals carry a huge number of infections, including lichen.

If lichen appears on the head, the child will have to be shaved bald, otherwise treatment will be useless. This can create psychological discomfort, because children are cruel to each other - just give them a reason to make fun of someone who looks different from everyone else. Therefore, it is better to take the child from kindergarten or school, preferably until the hair grows back at least a little. You also need to constantly talk to your child about this disease so that he understands that this is not something shameful, but an ordinary fungus that can appear in anyone.

Ringworm in cats

Ringworm affects the skin, fur, and claws of cats. This infectious disease can go away in an animal without any treatment, but it is better to still help the pet and speed up this process.

Fungi are found not only on the animal itself, but also in the area where it walks. The most dangerous thing is that the spores can remain active for two years.

Ringworm in cats may not appear in any way for some time, and the fact that it is present can only be determined by conducting special tests.

Ringworm in dogs

A dog becomes infected with lichen through close contact with a carrier. The fungus does not always manifest itself immediately. There may be no symptoms of the disease, but the animal is already a carrier.

Ringworm in dogs is treated with ointments and medications that need to be taken orally. In order to draw up a treatment plan, you need to show the animal to a veterinarian.

Ringworm photo

These are skin diseases that may not bother a person or may cause a lot of inconvenience. Everyday life: itch, peel, hurt or have an unpleasant aesthetic appearance. If not treat lichen, it affects increasingly large areas of the body, can be transmitted to others, and the process of getting rid of the disease will take a significant period of time.

What to do if lichen occurs?

Before starting treatment for lichen, it is necessary to clarify the diagnosis, identify the cause of its occurrence and collect information about how to treat lichen in humans. The causative agent of the disease can be a fungus or a virus that affects the skin and causes the appearance of papules, ulcers, peeling, and pigmentation. The impetus for the development of the disease can be a decrease in immunity, stressful situations, genetic predisposition, disruption internal organs, vaccinations and insect bites. The disease can be transmitted from person to person, be potentially dangerous or not pose a threat of infection even with prolonged contact.

Detecting a change skin or mucous membranes, you must consult a dermatologist, because self-diagnosis sometimes it is wrong.

Types of lichen in humans and methods of treatment

The specialist determines the type of disease based on medical history and microscopic examination scraping the skin from the affected area. In some cases, a Balzer test is performed, in which the affected area is smeared with an iodine solution or the skin is examined under ultraviolet lamp Wooda. After diagnosis, the doctor selects optimal method treatment.

Treatment of ringworm

Ringworm - common names skin diseases caused by the fungus trichophyton or microsporum. Therefore, treatment of the disease is primarily aimed at combating fungal infection. The diseases trichophytosis and microsporia are similar and have similar symptoms. The method of localizing the disease is the scalp, in rare cases - nails.

The disease most often affects children. In order to see a doctor in time, you need to know the main signs of ringworm:

  • the appearance of reddish spots;
  • peeling of the skin at the site of the lesion;
  • the appearance of small papules;
  • enlargement of lymph nodes due to development inflammatory process;
  • formation of scars in areas affected by lichen;
  • hair loss on the scalp.

When symptoms of the disease appear, the question arises: how to treat lichen on the head, since during the incubation period of 4-6 weeks there is a high probability of infecting other people.

Remove ringworm means will help:

  • The drug Griseofulvin, which has antifungal properties. The medicine can be taken in the form of tablets of 0.125 g, a suspension of 0.1 g/100 ml, and is part of liniment 2.5%. The dosage of the drug is determined by the doctor based on the degree of neglect of the disease. The duration of treatment with the drug is at least 20 days.
  • The affected areas are treated with 10% salicylic ointment, after which the hair at the site of the lichen is removed.
  • For treatment to disinfect the skin, 2-5% tincture of iodine is used.
  • Sulfur-tar ointment promotes exfoliation of skin cells and has regenerating properties.
  • In case of defeat small area skin ointments are used: Lamisil, Miconazole, Clotrimazole.
  • If the location of the lichen is the scalp, you can use Nizoral shampoo.

Important! Do not wash the affected area, otherwise you can spread the fungus to other parts of the body. Also recommended frequent change underwear and bed linen, followed by boiling.

Garlic tincture is used; sulfur mixed with vegetable oil.

After treatment, scrapings are taken for the fungus at least 3 times.

Treatment of versicolor

Also called pityriasis, solar. The cause of its occurrence is the fungi Malassezia furfur and Pityrosporum. They are yeasts that are constantly present on human skin and are activated when immunity decreases, endocrine disorders, diseases of the stomach and intestines. This type of lichen is more often observed in men and children during puberty.

Pityriasis versicolor can be recognized by the following signs:

  • At first, spots appear on the skin big size pinkish, yellow and brown shades;
  • As the fungus multiplies, the spots increase in size and merge, forming large lesions with uneven edges and a flaky surface.

Treatment of versicolor consists of the following actions:

  • Sunbathing.
  • Treatment of the affected area with ointments that have antifungal properties: Clotrimazole, Candida, Fungisan. The duration of treatment is at least 2 weeks. Ointments are applied 2-3 times a day. If the disease relapses, treatment can be repeated after 2 weeks.
  • Oral medications are used for treatment. These are Ketoconazole, Nizoral, Fungavis, containing imidazole derivatives; Kanditral, Rumikoz, Orungal, containing intraconazole; Diflucan, Mikosist, Flucostat containing fluconazole.
  • Additional treatments may include antibiotics (Cycloserine), vitamin complexes, and antihistamines.

How to quickly get rid of versicolor? To speed up the exfoliation of the layer of skin affected by the fungus, treatment of lichen with alcohol containing salicylic acid, resorcinol, glycolic acid. By effective means containing salicylic acid are Vidal's milk and Lassar's paste, prepared in pharmacies according to prescriptions.

Treatment of herpes zoster

The causative agent is the chickenpox virus (Varicella zoster). Long years The virus may not manifest itself in any way while in the cells of the human nervous system. Moving along the shoots nerve cells, the virus reaches the skin and causes infection. Shingles on the face may occur. The causes of the disease may be blood diseases, cancer, stress, trauma, or surgery.

A patient may suspect the development of the disease based on a number of signs:

  • increase in body temperature above normal;
  • headache, chills;
  • sensation of itching and burning in areas where the skin is affected by infection;
  • the appearance of papules with protein content.

Information! Without the use of medications and physiotherapeutic methods of treatment, shingles in most cases goes away on its own.

How to treat shingles? The following medications are used to relieve the symptoms of the disease:

  • The choice of drugs depends on how long does it take to treat lichen. With a long course of the disease (more than 3 weeks) in people with weakened immune systems, children and the elderly, it is possible to prescribe antiherpes drugs: Acyclovir, Valtrex.
  • An ointment containing lidocaine relieves pain;
  • Ibuprofen and Paracetamol help reduce body temperature and relieve pain;
  • as antiviral agent with regenerating properties, the use of Epigen in the form of a spray or cream is indicated.

You can alleviate the patient’s condition by using the following remedies: applying compresses with infusion of immortelle, lemon balm or solution apple cider vinegar to the affected area, lubricating the lichen with a mixture of ash, honey and garlic.

Treatment of lichen planus

The difficulty of treatment, otherwise called Wilson's lichen, is associated with the lack of reliable data on the factors that cause its occurrence. Presumably, the cause of the disease lies in the manifestation of the destructive function of infections, which are activated when immunity decreases. The immune system, trying to fight the infection, destroys the top layer of skin. This manifests itself in increased peeling individual areas skin, redness, formation of spots of small itchy papules on the dermis or mucous membrane, depending on the location of the lichen. Often lichen arises on the face, mucous membrane of the lips and oral cavity.

People with liver, stomach and intestinal diseases, hypertension and work disorders are most at risk of the disease endocrine system exposed to frequent stressful situations.

Lichen ruber has many atypical forms, so diagnose the disease and advise how to remove lichen, only a doctor can.

The following means are usually used:

  • Drugs of the corticosteroid group aimed at eliminating the inflammatory process and itching. This could be Diprospan, Hydrocortisone.
  • If the disease progresses and a bacterial infection is attached to it, drugs of the penicillin, tetracycline group, and macrolides (Tetracycline, Oxycillin, Sumamed) are prescribed.
  • When lichen is localized on the face in the mouth area, rinsing with soda is recommended.
  • As aids vitamins and drugs are used to strengthen the walls of blood vessels (Troxevasin, Ascorutin).
  • Means for stimulating tissue regeneration (Retinol).

Following the advice on how to quickly cure lichen, the lesions are lubricated sea ​​buckthorn oil and ointment from calendula flowers, apply compresses from cranberry and viburnum juice.

Treatment of pityriasis rosea in humans

Zhiber's pityriasis rosea is a skin disease of an infectious-allergic nature. The main reason for its occurrence is weakened immunity against the background of seasonal colds and chronic diseases. Its causative agent has not been reliably identified, but there is an assumption that its causative agents are herpes viruses types 6 and 7.

First, a “maternal plaque” appears on the body - a spot more than 2 cm. Then in the center it wrinkles a little, turns yellow, peels off, and after a few days multiple spots appear on the body oval shape, the diameter of which does not exceed 1 cm. If signs of lichen Zhiber are detected, it is necessary to take measures to prevent its further spread:

  • do not scratch or squeeze the affected skin;
  • do not take a bath, as the lichen will rapidly spread throughout the body, occupying about 80% of the skin surface;
  • Avoid exposing your skin to direct sunlight.

How long does it take to treat pityriasis rosea in humans? After 1.5-2 months, pityriasis rosea goes away on its own. To alleviate the patient's condition, the following medications are prescribed:

  • antiseptics – Sangviritrin, Chlorophyllipt;
  • antihistamines that help reduce itching: Suprastin, Zyrtec, Claritin.

Attention! When diagnosed pityriasis rosea It is not allowed to treat the skin with solutions of iodine, salicylic acid, hydrogen peroxide or sulfur-containing preparations to avoid drying out the skin and increasing irritation.

The reference books recommend lubricating the affected areas of the skin with sea buckthorn and peach oils. Treatment of pink lichen with birch tar is effective: based on it, an ointment is prepared with the addition of butter, which is used to treat lichen spots.

Treatment of lichen simplex

White (simple) lichen - form skin disease, Not causing danger for human health and does not require treatment. The disease most often occurs in children from 3 to 16 years old, more often in boys, and is light spots on the skin. On initial stage development, light pink papules are formed, which lighten over the course of 3 weeks. IN summer period they can peel off, and in the cold season they can become inflamed.

Knowing that the cause of the disease is unclear, how to cure lichen in humans? There is a version that the causative agent of pityriasis alba - Malassezia - yeast-like mushroom, preventing the influence of ultraviolet radiation on the skin and the transport of melanin to keratinocytes. Possible causes are: hay fever (allergy to pollen), eczema, asthma or predisposition to the disease, allergic dermatitis.

Important! Lichen alba may arise due to frequent use aggressive means for washing skin and hair, so it is recommended to use gels and shampoos for children, lubricate the skin with baby cream and antifungal ointments.

Localization of lichen on the human body depending on its type

If any characteristic symptoms the occurrence of lichen, and a visit to the doctor is postponed for objective reasons, the need arises to recognize its type independently.

About, how to get rid of lichen on the body most effective way, the dermatologist will tell you. However, by comparing the symptoms of the disease with its location, you can begin timely treatment on one's own. Ringworm usually affects the following parts of the body.

Ringworms on the face and head

Before how to get rid of lichen on face, which most often worries about its aesthetic unattractiveness, it is necessary to decide on its variety. Types of lichen localized on the face:

  • flat red,
  • colorful,
  • encircling.

Important! The appearance of a formation resembling lichen cannot be a sign of rosacea, since the maternal plaque forms only on the trunk.

Ringworms appear on the scalp:

  • pityriasis,
  • shearer

They are similar in that they cause ring-shaped spots to appear, only ringworm is accompanied by severe itching, and pityriasis versicolor is not.

To cure lichen on the head, it is necessary to use Nizoral shampoo with antifungal properties, use the following products: Candide, Lamisil, Befol.

To treat lichen on the face, ointments are used: Advantan, Celestoderm.

Ringworm on hands

Spots of both pityriasis versicolor and ringworm, as well as red flat, may appear on the hands. Its distinctive feature will be the presence of reddish papules, which can spread to the fingers and nails.

To treat ringworm on the hand, it is necessary to use antihistamines, anti-inflammatory, regenerating agents.

Ringworms on legs

Recognize fungal nature lichen on the leg You can use the Balzer iodine test. When applying iodine solution to the affected area, it will become more colored. If you direct a source of ultraviolet radiation to an area with lichen, the fungal spores will appear with a yellow-brown glow. Having discovered the fungal nature of the disease, it is necessary to begin treatment with antifungal drugs.

Ringworms on the back, stomach, shoulders

Pityriasis rosea is most often localized in these places. His distinguishing characteristic– the presence of spots that do not merge with each other and have clearly defined boundaries.

Information! Indicated for the treatment of pityriasis rosea indoor application licorice syrup, commonly used to relieve coughs.

To prevent the spread of lichen, it is necessary to take antiviral drugs.

Also, shingles may spread on the chest and legs, the distinctive feature of which is intense pain in areas of skin damage.

Prevention of shingles infection

In order not to become infected with lichen, you must adhere to some rules of behavior:

  1. Avoid yourself and do not allow children to come into contact with stray cats and dogs that have round bald spots on their bodies. If tactile contact does occur, purchase antifungal shampoo and bathe, using it as a shower gel, for at least 2 weeks.
  2. To prevent lichen versicolor, it is necessary to strengthen the immune system; Relapse can be prevented by timely prophylactic repetition of the course of antifungal therapy.
  3. In case of deprivation of fungal nature, it is recommended to carry out heat treatment underwear and bed linen, towels. Use shampoo containing ketoconazole when showering; After recovery, change the bathing sponge. It is recommended to avoid wearing clothes made of synthetic materials.
  4. Treat children's toys and combs with disinfectants.
  5. When going to places where large numbers of people gather, take with you quick disinfectants, for example Sterillium, disposable alcohol-containing wipes; periodically wash your hands with them.

Since the main factor in the development of the disease is decline in immunity, from autumn to spring it is recommended to take vitamin complexes, avoiding hypothermia. For nervous overloads, yoga and meditation are recommended. Regular moderate physical activity and a healthy diet will help prevent the occurrence of lichen.