The girl has a sudden change in mood. Frequent mood swings

  • Symptoms of mood disorder
  • Causes of mood swings
  • Treatment for mood swings

Mood swings are a phenomenon that a large number of people experience. Although it should be noted that the fair half of humanity is still more susceptible to mood swings. Very often, such mood swings in women are perceived by people around them as whims and a sign of bad character. However, this is not at all true - mood swings in women often indicate the presence of certain problems that require medical attention. Emotional stability greatly reduces a woman’s quality of life.

In medicine, mood swings are called “affective disorder.” This phenomenon is characterized by a wide range of emotions, replacing each other in a short period of time. Simply put, in just one hour a woman manages to enjoy life, get upset, cry, get angry, feel a surge of tenderness and be happy about something again. As you yourself understand, it’s very difficult for a woman, not to mention the people around her.

Medical statistics say that approximately 15% of all women, at least occasionally, encounter this problem. Moreover, during menopause, the likelihood of encountering affective disorders increases significantly during menopause.

Doctors believe that the presence of mood swings is a reason for close attention. And sometimes they even insist on special treatment. However, of course, such changes cannot be put on a par with such serious mental illnesses as manic depression or bipolar disorder, under no circumstances.

Symptoms of mood disorder

The symptoms of such a disorder are extremely simple and there are not so many of them:

  • Sudden change of mood

If you begin to notice that your mood is changing with alarming speed, you should be wary. Of course, if your mood has deteriorated due to the fact that your child has brought another “D”, or you had a fight with your beloved husband, everything is quite natural and within the norm. But if these changes occur without any prerequisites, an affective disorder can be suspected.

  • Appetite disturbance

In affective disorders, in addition to emotional instability, appetite disturbances are very often observed. Moreover, one woman develops a persistent aversion to all products without exception, while another, on the contrary, has an appetite that increases significantly. The refrigerator becomes your best friend. As a result, sooner or later problems with the digestive tract will begin. And if the appetite is significantly increased, problems with excess weight may arise.

Causes of mood swings

As the same dry statistics say, most often women living in big cities are susceptible to mood swings. Residents of small towns and especially villages, as a rule, do not face such complications. Psychologists explain this fact by the fact that city residents experience greater psychological stress, and the pace of their lives is much higher.

In addition, there are several main reasons that can trigger the development of severe mood swings:

  • Changes in hormonal levels

One of the most common causes of emotional instability is a change in the normal hormonal levels of a woman’s body. As a rule, this occurs as a result of certain diseases, during pregnancy and menopause. By the way, during menopause these disorders are especially severe, since the level of several hormones decreases at once - in particular, progesterone and estrogen.

  • Premenstrual syndrome

Very often, emotional instability is observed during a certain period of the menstrual cycle. There is even such a term as premenstrual syndrome. This period begins a few days after ovulation and ends only after the start of menstruation. A similar phenomenon occurs in approximately 50% of all women.

  • Strong psychological stress

If a woman systematically experiences serious psychological stress, sooner or later emotional instability is practically guaranteed. By the way, men are much more stress-resistant.

  • Unfavorable psychological atmosphere in the family

The psychological situation in the family also plays an important role. If there are certain problems with children, or spouses constantly quarrel, or there is no mutual understanding with the older generation, the risk of developing emotional instability increases significantly.

Treatment for mood swings

As already mentioned, such emotional swings should not be ignored - they need to be treated. A lot depends on the woman herself, but it is still worth consulting a doctor for advice. The doctor will realistically assess the woman’s condition and, if necessary, select the optimal treatment, including medication.

  • Hormone therapy

In some cases, doctors resort to hormonal therapy. This is done in order to normalize hormonal levels. However, resort to this treatment should only be used as a last resort, since hormonal therapy can lead to the development of a variety of complications. One of the most dangerous is the increased risk of cancer. However, of course, the doctor prescribes hormonal therapy only if the expected benefit outweighs the possible harm.

  • Mild sedatives

In especially severe cases, you can resort to sedatives. Moreover, it is not necessary to rush to the pharmacy - all medications should be prescribed exclusively by a doctor. You can only use medicinal herbs on your own. And then only if the person does not have allergic reactions.

Similar herbs include motherwort, chamomile, and lavender. Decoctions of these herbs are used for treatment. They are all prepared in the same way - place one tablespoon of any of the above herbs in an enamel pan, pour in half a glass of water and bring to a boil. Leave to infuse for two hours, then strain using gauze.

The resulting decoction should be taken at night, half a glass. Don't expect results too quickly. The duration of treatment is at least 30 days. And if necessary, it can be extended up to three months. As a rule, improvement will not be long in coming.

  • Yoga classes

A good alternative remedy for eliminating emotional instability is yoga. Of course, finding the necessary materials with which you can study independently at home is not a problem today. However, it is much wiser and more useful to practice under the guidance of a specialist.

  • Aromatherapy

No one will argue with the fact that odors have a huge impact on the human body. So why not turn this feature to your advantage? For example, use aromatherapy to treat emotional instability. Recommended oils include rose, chamomile and jasmine.

  • Behavioral therapy

If you have the opportunity, seek help from a psychologist. He will probably suggest that you take a course of behavioral therapy. The essence of this therapy is to teach a person the skills of strict self-control over any of his emotions. By the way, such skills will come in handy many times in your life.

  • Communication therapy

Often, people faced with changes in instability make the same mistake - they reduce contacts with other people to a minimum. However, doctors recommend communicating with people as much as possible - colleagues, relatives, children, spouse. This is the only way to stabilize your emotional state.

  • Normalization of lifestyle

Don’t forget about your lifestyle - very, very much depends on it. Watch how much time you sleep - an adult needs at least 8 hours of sleep. Otherwise, chronic lack of sleep will sooner or later lead to a real nervous breakdown, not to mention emotional instability.

Be sure to take regular walks in the fresh air. Walking improves blood circulation, normalizes blood pressure, has a positive effect on the quality of sleep and, of course, on the emotional state of any person. The same goes for physical exercise - a sedentary, sedentary lifestyle is not the best ally in the fight against emotional instability.

  • Diet

Pay attention to your menu too. It should contain as many fresh vegetables and fruits as possible. It is very useful for both physical and psychological health of a person. Don't forget about fermented milk products.

It is quite possible to cope with changes. The main thing is desire and patience! Be healthy and happy!

Almost all people suffer from mood swings from time to time, because any emotions are temporary. However, when emotions interfere with a normal life, and your mood swings like a roller coaster, specialists come to the rescue. Mood swings are also called an affective disorder; its main symptom is frequent mood swings, when in just a couple of hours you can feel the whole range of emotions, from boundless happiness to anger and hatred. Affective disorder is not considered as serious a problem as, for example, manic depression, but it is necessary to work with it.

Symptoms of the problem

There are few symptoms of this disorder, and they are very simple:

  • if the mood changes literally at lightning speed, and often without reason, this is the main symptom of the disorder;
  • the second symptom of this problem is loss of appetite, an aversion to previously favorite foods may appear, or, conversely, a brutal appetite;
  • difficulty falling asleep or constant drowsiness is another alarming symptom;
  • nervousness, irritability, causeless sadness and melancholy are the fourth symptom of an affective disorder.

Main causes of affective disorder

People suffering from this problem feel bad, because mood swings often do not depend on any circumstances, and emotions practically “live their own lives” during an exacerbation.

The most common causes of mood swings are:

  • hormonal imbalance caused by physiological problems (pregnancy, hypothyroidism, menopause);
  • taking birth control pills can also cause frequent mood swings in women;
  • high level of psychological stress;
  • puberty;
  • for representatives of the fair sex, the reasons may be pregnancy, breastfeeding and even the lack of a full sex life;
  • an imbalance of chemicals that are produced by the brain and are responsible for emotions;
  • stress, quarrels with loved ones, life difficulties;
  • bad habits (passion for fast food, cigarettes, alcohol);
  • movement deficit.

Mood and change of seasons

While studying this problem, scientists found that many people complain less in the summer than in the winter. Professor Jane Endicott argues that emotional problems are directly related to the changing seasons. There are several reasons for this. Firstly, this is the effect of sunlight on the patient’s condition. Secondly, it is known that in spring and summer people exercise more often, walk more - all this alleviates the symptoms that are associated with hormonal storms in the body.

This connection can also be explained by biological factors. And changes in the amount of “insidious” hormones estrogen and progesterone in the body can cause changes, including in a person’s biological rhythm.

How to cope with mood swings?

If the problem is not pronounced, and mood swings only slightly interfere with enjoying life, and do not make it impossible, you can overcome it on your own. Here are some proven recipes:

  • It is necessary to get enough sleep. Not long ago, scientists from the American Health Association established a direct relationship between a good mood and seven to eight hours of sleep. It is also very important to maintain a sleep schedule, that is, go to bed and wake up at the same time every day.
  • The bedroom should be arranged in such a way that it is as dark as possible during sleep. It is this environment that helps the body produce melatonin, and low levels of this substance are precisely the cause of depression and mood swings.
  • The diet of a person suffering from mood swings should support brain health. The following substances will help stabilize your mood: vitamins C and E, B vitamins, calcium, zinc, magnesium, iodine, Omega-3 fatty acids. Sudden and frequent changes in blood sugar levels also contribute to changes in emotional state, so you need to control the consumption of foods that contain sugar. Including complex carbohydrates in your diet will help.
  • Surely natural remedies given by nature itself will help. Chamomile, lemon balm, mint will remove anxiety. They can be used as aromatic oils or brewed as tea. Valerian root tincture is another effective remedy. Homeopathic remedies also remove irritation and anger. Raspberries, thistles and sarsaparilla can help with hormonal storms in the fair sex. All these remedies are relatively harmless, but you should not self-medicate - even natural medicines and herbs should be prescribed by a doctor.
  • Anyone who suffers from mood swings and irritability should include exercise in their daily schedule. Moderate exercise releases doses of endorphin, a hormone that helps you stay calm and feel good. Physical activity is also an excellent sleep aid. You don’t have to go to the gym - you can just walk a lot, walk up to your floor.
  • The most important thing is that you need to properly systematize your life. To do this, you can start keeping a diary of emotions - in it you need to record when and under what circumstances the mood pendulum begins to rush in the negative direction. This will help you analyze your life and eliminate factors that provoke mood swings.

Acupressure is an effective remedy for mood swings

A fairly simple acupressure massage can help with affective disorder - doing it in the morning and evening every day and following the above tips, you can get rid of mood swings forever.

To do it, you need to sit on a comfortable table, place your hands on your knees, palms down. The point that should be massaged is on the knees, under the ring fingers. This is a small hollow. You need to massage it with soft circular movements of your index fingers for three to five minutes. This massage should be done in the morning, after waking up, and in the evening, before going to bed. In the morning you need to massage clockwise, in the evening - counterclockwise. This massage is simple and quite effective; it will help remove mood swings and even fight depression.

All of the above methods help quite well with this problem, however, if the problem is neglected or aggravated by external factors, you should not waste time - you need to seek help from competent specialists. You can start with a psychotherapist; he will be able to analyze the patient’s condition and draw conclusions about the degree of neglect of the problem. Only a qualified doctor should prescribe medications that calm and stabilize the psychological state; self-medication or taking pills on the advice of a friend is very dangerous!

It is quite possible to cope with mood swings and an unstable psychological state; to do this, you just need to change your life for the better, bring joy and physical activity into it. In more serious cases, an experienced specialist will always help.

Both men and women experience mood swings, but women are more sensitive to mood swings. They manifest themselves as the expression of several opposing emotions in a short period of time.

For example, a woman may be upset and then suddenly angry, happy and then depressed all of a sudden, for no specific reason. Frequencies of mood swings may vary. If they become severe, they can cause other mental disorders and problems.

Causes of mood swings in women

Below are some of the causes of mood swings in women. Hormones One of the main reasons for mood swings in women. Hormonal changes and changes that occur during or before the menstrual cycle, pregnancy and menopause are responsible for mood swings. Teenage girls are prone to mood swings during puberty. Mood swings are often associated with premenstrual syndrome because most women experience mood swings during this time. Stress The need to combine family and work, child care, etc. often lead to stress in women and depression, which is accompanied by mood swings. Stress can also be caused by failed relationships, living with and caring for elderly parents, family problems, problems with children. Chemical imbalance The brain produces chemicals known as neurotransmitters. They are responsible for numerous emotions such as fear, depression and happiness. If a chemical imbalance occurs in substances such as dopamine, serotonin, norepinephrine, mood swings and other problems begin.

Treatment of mood swings in women

Lifestyle change A healthy lifestyle is important to treat mood swings. This includes, first of all, a normal psychological climate in the family, peace, absence of severe stress, normal sleep. Make sure you include exercise in your daily routine. Dancing, swimming and brisk walking help a lot. Try not to smoke, eat healthy foods and stop drinking alcohol to effectively treat mood swings.
Diet plays an important role in treating mood swings. You should include more minerals and vitamins in your diet if you are prone to mood swings. You can also start consuming certain herbal supplements, such as ginseng, for example.

Therapy Excessive and frequent mood swings can interfere with your daily activities, professional and personal life. To treat this condition, you must learn how to exercise self-control. It is often necessary to undergo multiple therapies, such as behavioral therapy, hormone replacement therapy, cognitive therapy, and talk therapy.

Alternative therapy Acupuncture, aromatherapy and homeopathic medicines help treat severe mood swings in women. Meditation and yoga are also good for getting rid of mood swings.

Do you have mood swings? The good news is that you are not alone - it is completely natural for it to change depending on what is happening in our lives. When we are happy, we ignore negative events, and when we are sad, we may not notice positive ones. There is nothing wrong with mood swings, there is nothing wrong with moving from one state of consciousness to another throughout the day. The problem arises when there is an extreme response to events around or within us. Mood swings can be so rapid that they affect quality of life. This is when people suffer from emotional distress.

It is not known exactly why mood swings occur. Some scientists believe that the cause is chemical reactions, or more precisely, a chemical imbalance in the brain. Mood swings are typically accompanied by symptoms such as anxiety, changes in behavior or personality, confusion, poor judgment, rapid speech, difficulty concentrating and understanding, forgetfulness, and even excessive alcohol consumption.

Listed below are some of the main causes of sudden mood swings.

Hormonal changes

You probably remember your mood swings as a teenager - aggression, and then depression, irritability or anger at your parents. Mood swings during puberty can be attributed to the rapid increase in sex hormone levels. PMS is also a known cause of mood swings in teenage girls and adult women, which can be attributed to fluctuations in estrogen and progesterone levels during periods.

Mood swings are very common during pregnancy, especially in the first and third trimester. Pregnancy is a condition that is associated with emotional and physical changes causing physical tension, fatigue, anxiety along with hormonal changes that affect neurotransmitters that regulate mood. All this can cause sudden mood swings. Don't worry, this is completely normal.

Menopause is another reason why women experience mood swings. The main factor is a decrease in estrogen levels. One theory is that low estrogen levels cause hot flashes and night sweats, which lead to sleep disturbances and hence changes in daytime mood. Another theory supports the idea that mood swings are a response to changing roles and relationships associated with age. Another theory holds that women may experience mood swings when low estrogen levels disrupt the balance of hormones that regulate mood and emotions (dopamine, serotonin).

Mood swings due to hormonal changes are easily treatable. Your doctor will prescribe medications based on your symptoms. Psychotherapy also helps to cope with the situation.

Mood swings are a side effect of medications and substances

Sudden mood swings or outbursts of anger are often a symptom of drug addiction. If you are using drugs to escape problems in your life, know that you are not only making existing problems worse, but you are also creating new problems for yourself. All psychotropic drugs change the way the brain functions.

These drugs cause a surge in the action of dopamine in the brain, causing a feeling of pleasure. Gradually, the brain adapts to dopamine surges and produces less of the hormone, thus reducing its impact. Therefore, you need a larger amount of the drug to get a high dose of dopamine. Long-term abuse also alters other brain chemicals. Glutamate, a neurotransmitter implicated in cognitive function, is altered by drug abuse, negatively affecting learning and memory, behavioral control, and decision-making potential.

Realizing that you have a drug addiction is the first step towards recovery. Don't downplay the problem. Seek support from your family and friends. Don't hesitate to seek professional help.

But it’s not just the abuse of illegal substances that can cause mood swings. Some medications can also cause sudden mood swings.

Antidepressants, which you take for depression or bipolar disorder, may cause violent mood swings. Tell your doctor about this and he will probably prescribe other medications. Mood swings are also common in those who have just completed a long course of SSRI antidepressants (for example, Paxil). Withdrawal symptoms usually last less than two weeks and resolve on their own.

Some drugs for hypertension medications such as lisinopril reduce sodium levels in the blood and increase potassium levels. This can lead to depression and anxiety in some people.

Some studies have shown that lowering cholesterol with statins(eg, Simvastatin) causes mood disturbances, however, this data is not conclusive and mood swings are not officially a side effect of taking Simvastatin and many other statins. But it's better to be aware!

Some antibiotics, such as Gentamicin and Ciprofloxacin, cause mood changes in some people.

Ritalin, which is used to treat ADHD, is another medication that can cause mood swings among other side effects of its use.

If you notice severe mood swings or depressive symptoms, consult your doctor immediately. Do not stop taking the medicine yourself. Only your doctor can decide whether you should continue or stop taking the medicine.

Depression and bipolar disorder

Mood swings are most evident in mood disorders such as depression and bipolar disorder. Depression is when you have a constant feeling of sadness, hopelessness and despondency. Depression can be caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain, or by life events such as the death of a loved one, suffering from a terminal illness, job loss, or divorce.

The most common symptoms of depression are:

  • Mood swings, hopelessness, guilt
  • Loss of interest in activities or loss of interest in friends and family
  • Delusions or hallucinations
  • Problems with concentration, memory and decision making
  • Suicidal thoughts, isolation from people
  • Poor sleep, fatigue
  • Unexplained pain
  • Loss of appetite or overeating

Bipolar disorder is when you have depression interspersed with periods of more than a week of unusually high energy. Symptoms:

  • Overconfidence and optimism
  • Excessive physical energy
  • Aggressiveness and anger
  • Impulsivity, poor judgment and careless behavior
  • Delusional thoughts and hallucinations

Depression or bipolar disorder is not something you can prevent or cause. Your chances of having these conditions increase if there is a family history of these problems. You may simply not know it, but when symptoms become obvious and sudden mood swings begin to poison the life of not only you, but also those around you, consult a doctor as soon as possible. He will outline a treatment plan for you. Basically, mood disorders are treated with medications that have a psychotherapeutic and stabilizing effect. You will probably be recommended individual or group psychotherapy.

4. Stress as a cause of mood swings

Whenever you are nervous, large amounts of stress hormones are released into the bloodstream, through which they travel to the heart, lungs, stomach and other parts of the body. This results in changes such as increased senses, rapid breathing, increased heart rate, increased energy, and changes in brain function.

Moderate stress is actually good for the body as it improves productivity and cognitive abilities, but persistently high levels of stress reduce hormonal balance, leading to an imbalance in the brain's neurotransmitters. And an imbalance in neurotransmitters causes severe mood swings. Meditation, tai chi, yoga, relaxation techniques are all good ways to relieve stress. Even a simple long walk alone can reduce your stress levels.

Diet and food

Have you noticed that you reach for a chocolate bar or a piece of cake when you are in a bad mood? Carbohydrates are known to increase tryptophan levels so that more serotonin is synthesized in the brain. Namely, serotonin is responsible for a good mood!

Important: Choose healthy carbohydrates instead of the usual sugary foods so you can get other beneficial nutrients. In addition, omega-3 fatty acids, found in foods such as fatty fish, flaxseeds, walnuts and soy, have a positive effect on neurotransmitters, elevating your mood. Omega-3 deficiency is known to cause anger, irritability and depression.

A study published in the journal PLoS shows that there is a connection between food and mood. Scientists fed experimental animals a high-fat, high-sugar diet and found that the diet altered the gut microbiota and caused depressive symptoms such as an inability to feel pleasure. Conversely, a diet low in sugar saved the test subjects from mood swings. Thus, do not disturb the intestinal microflora and this will prevent mood swings.

This shows that a balanced diet is very important. Keep this in mind the next time you eat a nutrient-restricted diet or lose weight through a crash diet. Some diets are based on eating less and exercising more. This is a surefire way to become moody and experience sudden mood swings.

6. Other medical problems

Last but not least are various diseases and medical conditions such as:

  • a brain tumor
  • stroke
  • dementia
  • meningitis
  • lung diseases
  • cardiovascular diseases
  • thyroid diseases

can also cause sudden mood swings. Talk to your doctor about your emotional fluctuations. There is no need to be shy, this is valuable information for a doctor, no one will look at you askance. Don't ignore mood swings, otherwise they can lead to serious mental and physical health problems.


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Denial of responsibility : The information provided in this article is for informational purposes only. It is not a substitute for consultation with a medical professional.