Does castor oil help hair growth? Castor oil in finished cosmetics. Photos of application results

How does castor oil affect hair? Castor oil has a beneficial effect on hair growth, since the composition of castor oil includes various beneficial components, including:

When using castor oil for hair at home, fatty acids have a beneficial effect on the scalp:

  • ricinoleic acid softens it, nourishes and heals minor injuries;
  • oleic and linoleic acids create a natural barrier on the skin that prevents infections and relieves inflammation;
  • palmitic acid helps the skin and bulbs recover faster.

Thanks to these properties, the scalp stops flaking (dandruff goes away), and various inflammations go away.

Hair follicles become more active and hair grows faster thanks to the application of a warm mask and massage movements, as these actions improve blood flow.

In addition, the oil nourishes the hairs themselves, “glues” split ends and prevents their reappearance, so they become silky, shiny and manageable.

How to use it?

How to use castor oil for hair growth? As masks, spray, serum. We'll talk about masks later. The spray gives your hair a vibrant, healthy shine and helps it grow. It's easy to prepare:

A serum made from castor and almond oils helps fight split ends. To do this, the components need to be mixed in equal proportions, heated in a water bath and applied to the ends. After half an hour, wash off.

This mixture “glues” the split hairs together and gives them shine.

Many girls wonder whether to apply castor oil to dry or wet hair? A simple and ancient way to use castor oil for hair growth is to apply it to dry hair. You can keep it on for as long as you like, but if you decide to use castor oil on your hair at night, it is better not to apply it to your skin, as it may clog your pores.

How to apply castor oil to hair? It’s better to make a tail, coat it with castor oil, wrap only that in a bag and go to bed like that. It is best to repeat this procedure 1-2 times a week.

IMPORTANT: Oil does not dissolve in water, so it is difficult to wash off. To do this, you need to be patient and try to first rid your hair of it with hot water, then use shampoo. After washing, rinse your hair with cold water - this way the scales will “slam shut” and the hairs will be smooth.

Hair growth masks with castor oil at home

Here are some recipes with castor oil for hair growth that you can use at home.

It is optimal to use the oil and all presented castor masks for hair growth 2 times a week. Better not more often.

ATTENTION: You may be allergic to some elements, so before applying it is better to do a “test” on your wrist and wait at least 10 minutes.

How much your hair will grow is debatable. In the usual rhythm, hair grows by 1 centimeter per month. With the help of castor oil, growth can accelerate 2-3 times, for some even more. It all depends on individual characteristics.

Photos of application results

Using castor oil for hair growth - before and after photos:

So, castor oil is a proven remedy. This is not to say that it helps everyone, but you should definitely try recipes with castor oil for hair growth! Moreover, this miracle remedy costs a penny. In any case, you won't regret it.

Burdock and castor oil for hair growth in any condition can solve the vast majority of problems. But we will pay all our attention to castor oil. Do we know everything about its use in traditional medicine? Nosov’s book about Dunno, familiar from childhood, told all the kids that doctors treated all little people with honey and castor oil. But, if everyone has heard about the benefits of the first, then few have heard about the second. But it is used for constipation, for colds, against wrinkles, to strengthen nails, and to remove warts. This is not a complete list. And we will learn in more detail about castor oil for hair growth, and talk about the amazing effect it has on a woman’s main adornment.

This remedy can be found in every pharmacy. Using castor oil for hair growth became possible because our great-grandmothers knew its value and preserved centuries-tested recipes.

What it is?

This product is obtained from castor bean seeds. The oil was used for medicinal purposes three thousand years ago in Ancient Egypt.

Many people find its smell unpleasant. But castor oil contains some acids that make it an excellent cosmetic product.

Useful “actions” of castor oil for hair

They are numerous:

  • nutrition, restoration, prevention of fragility;
  • enriching them with oxygen;
  • increased growth;
  • prevention of loss;
  • getting rid of dandruff;
  • reduction in fat content.

Methods of application

If you still have no idea how to use castor oil for hair growth , maybe it's time to find out?

One way to use castor oil for hair growth is to use it as a standalone remedy, the other is to mix it with drugs that can improve its effect. Whatever you choose, castor oil helps for hair growth.

Various masks for hair growth with castor oil can relieve many problems. For your hair, it can act as a natural conditioner if you add one drop to your shampoo when washing your hair.

Castor oil is often used without any additives. It is rubbed into the hair roots. This is the easiest way to use castor oil for eyelash and hair growth. If you rub it into your bald spot regularly, hair will begin to appear. If you are affected by this problem, experience for yourself how castor oil for scalp hair growth effective.

Of course, you can use it in this way, but there are many recipes where castor oil is mixed with various medicinal drugs that enhance its effect.

But first, about the important rules for using masks:

  • it should be rubbed into the skin;
  • It is not recommended to leave it on for a long time if the mask was applied to the entire length of the strands;
  • use twice a week, no more often, for a couple of months.

Recipes for the most popular masks

Almost always, the oil (mask) is rubbed into the scalp with your fingers, massaging for about half a minute. By the way, it’s better to heat up the castor oil. Usually the bottle is placed briefly in a cup of hot water.

Castor oil for fast hair growth, their cure is used in many recipes. Every woman can choose any one, perhaps more than one, and then use it periodically. It is difficult to wash off hair, so it is better to use shampoo.

  • With honey and aloe juice. Take 1 teaspoon of castor oil and aloe, and 1 tablespoon of honey. The mixture is applied to the skin and strands and left on for 40 minutes.
  • With a decoction of herbs (you can use parsley or nettle. For half a glass of liquid you need 1 tablespoon of cast oil and an yolk. Rub into the skin, or on the hair. Leave for an hour.
  • With garlic. Take finely chopped garlic - half a teaspoon and 10-15 drops of castor oil. It is rubbed into the skin and lasts for half an hour.

According to reviews, masks with castor oil for hair growth are successfully used to strengthen hair, as well as in case of intense hair loss.

  • With 90% alcohol. Take according to Art. spoon cast. oils and alcohol. Rub into skin. It is recommended to wrap your head in polyethylene to prevent the evaporation of alcohol and leave for 4 hours. Get rid of the smell by rinsing after washing in water with vinegar or lemon juice added.
  • With onion. You need castor oil and juice squeezed from onions, 2 tablespoons each. Rub into the roots and leave for half an hour. Rinse off as described above.
  • With henna. You will need 1 tbsp. spoon cast. butter and 3 tbsp. spoons of henna). Apply to scalp. It is better to wrap it in cellophane and keep it for 40 minutes.

With this all-in-one product, split ends will no longer bother you. Usually this result is achieved with a compress, but masks are also used.

  • With vegetable oil. Take according to Art. spoon of each oil. Rub it into your skin and apply the remainder to your hair. This is washed off with a couple of eggs.
  • With glycerin and egg yolk. You need to take 2 tbsp. spoons cast. oils, a teaspoon of glycerin and yolk. Rub it into the skin and distribute the residue through the hair. Leave for 40 minutes.

A mask that contains castor oil for hair growth, recipe could be anything. What’s remarkable is that even the first use brings an effect. Does castor oil help hair growth? Certainly.

Castor oil for hair growth in the photo:

For all its effectiveness, modern hair cosmetics are not able to compete with time-tested beauty products. So if you have a bottle of good old castor oil lying around in your closet, it's time to use it for your beauty.

To be or not to be castor oil cosmetics?

Castor oil is a viscous, cloudy, yellowish liquid that has a specific odor. This scent, which repels most women, is very easy to remove. It is enough to heat the product in a water bath, and after applying it to the strands, wrap your head with a towel.

Castor oil contains a lot of useful components, including many fatty acids - linoleic, ricin, oleic, stearic, palmitic and oleic. The use of castor oil for hair was practiced by our great-grandmothers, and they probably knew a lot about hair. Why did they like this product so much?

  • Castor oil is organic in nature, so it a priori cannot cause allergies;
  • It is included in the recipe of many different homemade masks. But even in solo performance it works beautifully;
  • The active components of castor oil, penetrating deep into the follicle, promote the active formation of keratin, which strengthens the structure of the strands, glues the scales together and accelerates their growth;
  • A very strong moisturizing effect makes castor oil an ideal cure for dandruff and flaking;
  • Oils give strands smoothness and silkiness. They also save hair from brittleness, dryness and damage;
  • Regular application of oil to the strands guarantees their splendor, thickness and volume;
  • Girls who often resort to coloring, highlighting and perm simply cannot do without castor oil masks, which will improve their appearance.

Do you want to make these words a reality? Use castor oil once or twice a week for a month or two.

Secrets of using pure castor oil

This product can be applied to strands undiluted. In this case, it is kept for 15 minutes to an hour. This method is suitable for both therapeutic and preventive purposes. If desired, you can enrich it with a couple of drops of essential oil. If castor oil is very thick, feel free to dilute it with a thinner oil - from grape seeds, sunflower or olive. They will also help neutralize the unpleasant aroma.

Masks based on castor oil

To stimulate growth

Using castor oil for hair growth, try this recipe.

  • Castor oil – 1 part;
  • Red pepper tincture (can be replaced with alcohol or vodka with pepper) – 1 part.

How to make a mask:

  1. Mix tincture or vodka with castor oil.
  2. Rub the mixture into the scalp and hide it under a towel for 2 hours.
  3. Repeat twice a week.

Firming mask

  • Honey – 10 g;
  • Yolk – 1 pc.;
  • Lemon juice – 10 g;
  • Castor oil – 30 g.

How to make a mask:

  1. We combine all the ingredients.
  2. Lubricate your hair with a mask.
  3. We wash it off after half an hour.

Mask for oily type

  • Kefir – 100 g;
  • Castor oil – 10 g.

Making a mask:

  1. Warm up the kefir a little.
  2. Pour castor oil into it.
  3. Apply the composition to the hair.
  4. Wash off after an hour.

Mask against dry dandruff No. 1

  • Calendula tincture – 1 part;
  • Castor oil – 1 part.

How to prepare a mask:

  1. Combine the tincture with oil.
  2. Rub the mask into the root zone.
  3. Leave for 20 minutes and rinse hair with water.

Mask against dry dandruff No. 2

  • Juice from half a lemon;
  • Olive oil – 1 tbsp. spoon.

How to make a mask:

  1. Squeeze the juice from the lemon.
  2. Combine it with oil and castor oil.
  3. We lubricate the hair for an hour.

Mask for severe hair loss

  • Onion juice – 1 part;
  • Castor oil – 1 part;
  • Aloe pulp – 1 part.

How to cook:

  1. Squeeze the juice from the onion.
  2. Grind the aloe.
  3. Mix both components and add castor oil.
  4. Apply for exactly one hour.

Castor oil and cognac

  • Castor oil – 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • Yolk – 1 pc.;
  • Cognac – 1 tbsp. spoon.

How to make a mask:

  1. Combine the yolk with butter and cognac.
  2. We saturate the strands with the mixture.
  3. Wash off after 2 hours.

Spray for shine of strands

  • Mineral water – 0.5 l;
  • Castor oil – 10 ml;
  • Ylang-ylang essential oil – 3 drops.

How to prepare the spray:

  1. Add ether and castor oil to the mineral water.
  2. Pour the mixture into a spray bottle.
  3. Spray onto hair once a day.

Massage using castor oil

This is an excellent method to stimulate blood circulation in the subcutaneous layer. For massage, you need to mix 30 g of castor oil with the same amount of lavender oil and a couple of drops of any ether. Apply this product to the skin and perform a light massage.

Serum for split ends

By combining castor oil with almond oil in equal quantities, you will get a unique cure for split ends. Heat the mixture in a water bath and lubricate the ends with it for 15 minutes. You need to perform the procedure 30 minutes before washing your hair.

Another recipe:

How to wash castor oil from hair?

Ricin oleic acid, which is part of castor oil, is almost insoluble in water and does not respond well to detergents. That is why it is extremely difficult, but not impossible, to wash off such a mask from your hair. Our recommendations will help you solve the problem.

  • Tip 1. Before applying, add a little rosemary or grapeseed oil to the mask.
  • Tip 2: An alternative to these oils is egg yolk.
  • Tip 3. Wash off the mask with hot water, then take a short break and wash your hair several times with shampoo for hair with high oil content. At the end of the procedure, rinse the strands with cold water to close the scales.

By using castor oil for hair regularly and according to all the rules, you will achieve enormous results. Make masks according to our recipes - let yourself be beautiful.

Making numerous efforts to restore and strengthen hair, many are spent on expensive and ineffective drugs, which, in most cases, turn out to be useless. Castor oil is a godsend for those who are desperate to find that very remedy to save their hair.

Castor oil has a pale yellow color, a bitter taste, and differs from other oils in that it has a more viscous consistency. The product is made from castor bean seeds using hot and cold pressing. Experts advise using cold-pressed oil, as it is much healthier than the product produced using the hot method. Due to its high density, the product does not form a film and does not dry out.

What are the benefits of hair oil?

Compared to other oils, castor oil has a unique composition, as it contains only acids. Ricinoleic acid is its main component, not found in any product. Thanks to this acid, castor oil has a healing effect on the scalp and hair. . The composition also contains other acids (palm, linoleic, stearic), which together enhance the properties of the product.

Due to its composition, the product has a number of useful properties: antimicrobial, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, as well as moisturizing and regenerating.

Benefits of the product for hair and scalp:

  • Moisturizes and nourishes the skin, which is why there are so many masks with castor oil for dry, lifeless curls.
  • The ability of the product to awaken “sleeping” bulbs activates the growth of strands and helps in the fight against baldness.
  • By influencing the structure of the hair, the product strengthens it, making it smooth and preventing breakage.
  • Restores fat metabolism.
  • Whitens the skin, preventing the appearance of age spots, eliminates freckles.
  • Helps even out skin tone.
  • Having an antibacterial and antifungal effect, castor oil will save you from dandruff.

The product has long been used for damaged, dry and brittle strands. Thanks to its unique composition, the product restores and heals the scalp and eliminates dandruff.

How to use castor oil

Castor oil is one of the most popular remedies for home use. The use of the product is optimal at home, because while caring for your curls, you can do other things.

If you combine oil with other products, you can enhance the effect of the procedure: improve the condition of the strands, give them softness, smoothness and shine, and restore the scalp.

Problems that the product solves:

  • dryness, irritation of the scalp;
  • dandruff;
  • split ends, fragility of strands;
  • hair loss, slower growth, baldness.

The action of the product enhances the growth of curls, the roots become stronger and the shaft thicker. Castor oil is an effective remedy in the early stages of baldness. It will help with oily hair if mixed with other products and regulates metabolic processes in the scalp.

Treatment with castor oil at home has no contraindications, except for individual intolerance to the drug in the form of allergic reactions and itching. It should be noted that the product has a specific smell; if you cannot stand this aroma, add a little citrus juice or a few drops of any aromatic oil to it.

Important! Before use, test on any area of ​​the skin, such as the crook of your elbow or wrist. Allergies to the product are very rare, but if you are prone to it, be sure to get tested.

Application: basic rules

How to use castor oil? It can be used both in pure form and in the form of masks, serums on the roots, entire lengths, and ends.

Instructions for using the product:

  1. Heat the oil in a water bath until the temperature is comfortable for you.
  2. Apply castor oil to the roots (or the entire length).
  3. After applying the product, wrap your head with cling film. For greater penetration of the product into the scalp and to achieve maximum effect, wrap your head in a warm towel or put on a hat.
  4. Leave the product for 1-2 hours, be sure to wash off the product with shampoo.
  5. For a visible effect from the procedure, use castor oil on your hair 2 times a week for a month, then take a break for a month.

To prepare a serum from the product, you need to mix castor oil with jojoba oil or any other. Apply 10 minutes before washing your hair.

To use the product for the ends of your hair, you need to heat 1 tablespoon of oil in a water bath and apply it to the entire length using a comb, paying special attention to the ends. You can keep the product under plastic wrap for 30 minutes, or you can immediately wash it off with shampoo. After washing, rinse your hair with a herbal decoction.

How long do you keep the oil on your hair? If possible, the product should be kept on the head for several hours under plastic wrap and a towel or hat. Many people leave the product on overnight, but this should not be done too often. Make such masks once a week so as not to overload your curls.

How to use castor oil on colored hair? It can cause darkening of the strands, which blondes may not like. For brown-haired and brunette women, the product is an effective remedy for gray hair. If you are afraid for your hair color, then do a test on 1 strand and only then proceed with the mask.

How to wash off the product? Castor oil is quite difficult to wash off. It will take 2 or 3 approaches. You need to thoroughly wash your hair with shampoo to avoid greasy hair after drying. Rinse your hair with a herbal decoction after washing, it will remove excess oil.

To make the strands soft and shiny, add a few drops of castor oil to the shampoo before washing, then lather and wash your hair in the usual way.

Castor oil for hair growth

Does the product help hair growth? Certainly! The product not only awakens “dormant” hair follicles, but also strengthens hair, preventing hair loss. The acids contained in it activate growth, give curls softness, smoothness, shine, preserving their beauty and strength for a long time.

To strengthen and accelerate hair growth, it is necessary to massage the scalp lubricated with castor oil for greater penetration of all nutrients . The remains are distributed with a wide-toothed comb to combat not only fragility, but also split ends.

Mode of application

How to use the product? In this case, the product is applied as follows:

  • Apply castor oil to the roots.
  • For best results, massage your scalp.
  • Be sure to wrap your head in cling film or a plastic bag.
  • Warm your head with a scarf, towel or hat.
  • After 2-3 hours (if possible, leave the oil overnight) rinse off the product with shampoo.
  • Rinse your hair with nettle infusion, which also stimulates hair growth.

Castor oil and burdock oil - which is better for growth?

How to grow hair using castor and burdock oil? These two products have a very strong effect on curls. They soften, nourish, and are also effective for their strengthening and growth. It is impossible to answer the question of which product is better. Each of them has similar properties.

And each of us has an individual scalp. For some, burdock oil is more suitable, while others will see the effect only from castor oil. Each of us has our own hair type and structure. Therefore, you can find out which product will be better for you only by trying the effects of each of them on yourself. But the best option to grow your hair is to rub both of these products into the roots, mixing in equal proportions. In this case, you will get the maximum benefit and quickly get gorgeous hair.


As we already know, castor oil strengthens and activates hair growth, even in the early stages of baldness. For some, using the product in its pure form on the roots helps more, while others need to work hard, mixing castor oil with other products to enhance its effect.

Is it possible to smear masks over the entire length? This should not be done, since ingredients that increase blood circulation in the scalp, such as pepper tincture or onion juice, will not have any effect on the hair structure. But a pure product will have the most positive effect not only on the roots, but also on the shaft and ends.

Masks with castor oil for hair growth:

  • A mask with castor oil and pepper tincture has proven itself to be excellent for hair growth. How does this product affect hair? Pepper tincture strengthens and activates growth when applying masks with it to the roots. For the mask, we need to mix 1 tablespoon of castor oil with 1 tablespoon of pepper tincture, then heat the resulting mixture in a water bath. Apply to roots and leave for 2 hours. Wash off with shampoo. Repeat 3 times a week for one and a half months.
  • Another effective mask with Dimexide. This drug can enhance the effect of any product, as well as activate hair growth. Mix castor and burdock oils in equal proportions, add a little Dimexide and heat the mixture in a water bath. Apply the composition to the roots, massage the scalp thoroughly for 5 minutes. Distribute the remaining solution over the entire length using a wide-toothed comb. Leave the mask on for 1-2 hours. Wash off with shampoo.

To enhance the effect of any of these masks, after washing, rinse your hair with nettle decoction, which not only strengthens your hair, but also activates its growth.

Castor oil for hair loss

The use of castor oil for hair loss has long proven itself among owners of weak, thin curls. It penetrates deeply into the scalp and strengthens the scalp. The unique composition of the oil gives thickness and strength.

To strengthen and restore curls, castor oil is used, both in its pure form and in combination with other oils and components.

The oil helps not only against hair loss, but also against baldness in the early stages. Castor oil stimulates blood circulation in the scalp and activates metabolic processes. Under the influence of the product, the roots become stronger and the rods become stronger.

Masks with castor oil for hair loss

Masks based on castor oil will be of great benefit. Below we will present several effective remedies for hair loss.

  • Onion. As numerous excellent reviews of this mask show, onion juice perfectly fights hair loss and is also effective in strengthening it. For this we need to mix castor oil and onion juice in equal proportions. A teaspoon of lemon juice will help to slightly eliminate the smell of onions. If desired, add a few drops of vitamin A and E (just pierce a few Aevit capsules with a needle). To obtain onion juice, grate the onion on a fine grater, squeeze out the juice through a bandage or gauze. Make sure that onion pieces do not get into the mixture, otherwise when washing off the mask you will have problems extracting onion particles from your hair. Apply the resulting solution only to the roots; the castor oil itself can be distributed over the entire length, paying special attention to the ends. Warm your head. Keep it on for 1 hour, then rinse your hair thoroughly with shampoo. Use this mask 1-2 times a week for 2 months.
  • Another effective mask against hair loss with vitamins and essential oil. For it, we need to mix 2 tablespoons of castor oil with 6 capsules of Aevita (pierce the capsules with a needle). Add a couple of drops of Ylang-Ylang essential oil. Apply to the roots, distribute the remaining mixture along the entire length, paying special attention to the ends. Warm your head with cling film and a towel. Keep the mask on for 2-3 hours. Rinse your hair thoroughly with shampoo.

Hair mask with castor oil

Masks with castor oil are good because they are easy to prepare at home, and they are not inferior in effectiveness to store-bought ones. The product is included in many recipes for various masks, and also works great when applied in its pure form. Regular treatments with castor oil for hair will provide it with strength, growth, shine, as well as softness and silkiness.

Castor oil will be a real salvation for colored, damaged strands. A course of masks with castor oil will restore and soften, preventing brittleness and dryness.

The method of applying the mask to the hair differs depending on its effect. For example, products with onion or pepper tincture aimed at growth and strengthening are applied only to the roots. Masks with a pure product are applied both to the roots and to the entire length and ends.

After application, the head should be insulated with cling film and a towel so that all the beneficial substances penetrate better into the scalp. Masks with castor oil must be thoroughly washed several times with shampoo to avoid oily hair. After washing, you need to rinse your hair with a herbal decoction to achieve the best effect.

Effective recipes

Below we will provide several recipes aimed at solving various problems:

  • Mask with castor oil and egg. For it you will need to mix a tablespoon of castor oil with an egg yolk and a tablespoon of any other vegetable oil. Heat the mixture in a water bath and apply to the roots. Distribute the remaining mask along the length. Leave for 1 hour, then wash off with shampoo.
  • This recipe is effective against dandruff. Mix a tablespoon of castor oil with the same amount of olive oil, add the juice of half a lemon. Heat the mixture in a water bath. Apply to the roots and insulate. Keep the mask for 1-2 hours, then wash off with shampoo.
  • Masks with castor oil and kefir are effective not only for oiliness, but also for split ends. For this mask you will need 100g of kefir and a tablespoon of castor oil. Heat the mixture in a water bath, distribute it over the entire length of the strands, including the roots. Warm your head and leave the mask on for an hour. Wash off with shampoo. Kefir masks can lighten the natural color and restore shine to damaged, dull hair.
  • Mask with castor oil, honey and egg. Mix honey and castor oil in equal proportions, add egg yolk. Heat in a water bath, apply to the roots. Distribute the remaining mixture over the entire length of the curls. Leave for 1 hour, then wash off with shampoo.
  • Masks with atypical products: iodine and petroleum jelly, do an excellent job with dry, damaged strands . Mask with iodine, sour cream, egg against severe hair loss, fragility and for hair growth: beat an egg with 1 tablespoon of sour cream, add a few drops of iodine and castor oil. Apply to the roots, insulate, rinse with shampoo after an hour and a half.
  • A mask with Vaseline (Vaseline oil is used, not ointment) can save curls damaged by curling irons and flat irons from dryness and brittleness . Mix heated castor oil with Vaseline oil (1 tablespoon each), add 2 tablespoons of burdock oil. Apply to the roots and along the entire length, insulate. After 2 hours, wash off with shampoo. The Vaseline in the mask does not have any positive or negative effect, but it envelops each hair, thereby preventing dryness and further damage.

    Important! A mask with Vaseline should not be used more than 2 times a week.

  • Sea salt masks are indicated for oily hair, as well as against hair loss and growth. Sea salt in the composition enriches the skin with beneficial minerals and activates metabolic processes. For it we need a banana, which we turn into puree (before this, peel the banana not only from the peel, but also from the top rough layer), add a tablespoon of castor oil and sea salt. Apply to the roots, leave the mask for half an hour. Wash off with shampoo.

    Important! If you have any damage on your scalp, then avoid this mask.

  • Alcohol mask. Mix a tablespoon of castor oil and vodka, apply to the roots, rubbing the mixture into the skin. Leave for 1-2 hours. Wash off with shampoo. Such alcohol masks are used against oiliness, as well as to stimulate the growth of curls.

What do you think is the most popular hair care product today? Many people immediately have images of various shampoos or masks in their heads, but lovers of traditional methods know that the answer to the question is much simpler. One of the most effective hair care products is the most common castor oil, which you can purchase at your nearest pharmacy for mere pennies. For the most part, it acts as a moisturizer and nourisher, but some claim that castor oil can even regrow hair. Does castor oil really help hair growth? Now we will find out everything.

Castor oil has a positive effect on our hair due to the high content of healthy fatty acids in its composition. Some of them nourish and restore hair, while others are more beneficial for the scalp. Due to one of the acids, which has a powerful antiseptic effect, you can even get rid of dandruff.
A large supply of vitamins also has a caring effect. Castor oil contains the greatest amount of B vitamins. The appearance of hair largely depends on their amount in the body. With the help of castor oil, we can, ignoring other tissues, saturate the hair with these beneficial substances.
Another effect of castor oil is as a protective film. The oil is not completely absorbed into the hair, but remains on its surface. The protective film retains more moisture inside the hair and also protects it from a number of negative factors.

As you can see, there are no components in castor oil that will directly affect hair growth. Of course, it is rich in useful substances, but for the most part they do not accelerate hair growth so much; rather, they make the curls smoother and more well-groomed.
So does castor oil help hair growth? With regular use of this product, you will actually notice hair growth, but it will occur naturally. Hair grows 3-4 cm per month. Only without the use of castor oil you will not notice much of this growth.
The point here is that weakened hair usually splits and breaks badly. In the most advanced cases, they can break right in the middle. It is because of this that it feels like the hair is not growing at all. It’s just that a new hairline compensates for everything that was lost due to excessive hair fragility.
The use of castor oil strengthens and protects hair. They begin to fall and break less, and that is why when using castor oil it feels like the hair has begun to grow much faster.
If you combine this effect of castor oil with additional stimulating hair care products, you can achieve truly amazing results.

We have found out whether castor oil grows hair, now it’s time to understand how to use the product correctly to achieve this effect.
The fastest method is to apply oil to the entire length of your hair. Although you can only pay attention to the most vulnerable part of the hair, its ends. Before applying, the oil should be warmed up slightly. Then it will become more liquid and lighter.
You can keep pure oil on your hair as long as you like, most importantly, at least 1-2 hours. Some people use it at night. It is best to use this technique before each wash of your hair. Please note that after such use it is best to rinse your hair several times.
You can also add castor oil to hair growth masks based on mustard, onion juice, cinnamon, and pepper tincture. This product can already be applied only to the roots, but the ends can be coated with pure oil at the same time.
Keep the mask on for 10 minutes. In the future, its exposure time can be gradually increased up to 40-45 minutes. All these masks provide virginity not only due to additional nutrition of the hair. They also stimulate blood circulation in the scalp, saturating the curls with beneficial substances from the inside.

By using only oil, you can grow your hair 4-5 cm every month. If you resort to a whole range of measures, which will include, among other things, incentives for growth, you can achieve more noticeable results. Many people notice that after a month of masks, their hair becomes 5-7 cm longer.