Zhiber's pink lichen. Doctor's advice. Pityriasis rosea: the “dark horse” of dermatology Pityriasis rosea in a child – treatment

Some time passes after suffering from the flu, a cold as a result of severe hypothermia, severe stress, and you are surprised and frightened to discover on your body a bright pink spot about 3-5 cm in diameter, oval or round in shape, slightly protruding above the surface of the skin. At first, this is a single spot, which sometimes does not increase in size and, frankly speaking, does not cause any particularly unpleasant sensations, apart from, of course, the very fact of its existence. Therefore, most of us simply shrug it off and reassure ourselves: “Oh, nonsense! If you’ve been bitten by something, rubbed against something, or have an allergy to medication, it will go away on its own!”

However, after taking a bath, using a “miracle remedy” recommended by a friend who knows everything in the world, or simply over time, secondary rashes begin to appear around the first spot, gradually covering an increasingly larger surface of the body. Now you are worried not only about your appearance: you are overcome by weakness, there is a slight increase in body temperature in the range of 37.0-37.2 C, sometimes you have a headache and, most importantly, itching appears in the area of ​​the rash, especially at night. And you finally decide to visit a dermatologist.

After an examination, taking skin scrapings, and a referral for a general blood and urine test, the doctor summarizes the results and, with a smart look, surprises you with the news: “You have Gibert's disease or pityriasis rosea!»

Of course, the word “” does not evoke positive emotions. And in combination with a prescription written out by a doctor, which forlornly lists an antiallergic drug in tablets and several ointments “to choose from,” a combined composition with the obligatory presence of corticosteroids, does not add optimism. And you begin to persistently search for information about this disease on the Internet, ask acquaintances and friends.

I’ll say right away that it’s not possible to put everything into pieces and get comprehensive information about the nature of the disease, the causes of its occurrence and methods of treatment. Today, doctors who have learned to diagnose based on the totality of facts do not really know this. pityriasis rosea, and may prescribe purely symptomatic treatment to make the patient feel better and speed up the recovery process. It is known for certain that severe stress can become a “detonator” and provoke the development pityriasis rosea, however, it has not yet been possible to isolate the causative agent of the disease. Exactly because of this reason Gibert's disease modestly referred to as " allergic-infectious skin diseases».

It is impossible, accordingly, how to attribute pityriasis rosea to bacterial, viral or fungal diseases, and prescribe appropriate treatment with specialized drugs. Due to the obvious similarities in developmental stages pityriasis rosea With shingles, it has been suggested that Gibert's disease may be caused by altered herpes virus types 6 or 7, however, this has not yet been confirmed. It seems quite possible that we become infected with a pathogen pityriasis rosea, like the herpes virus, but for the time being it does not manifest itself in any way, but under certain circumstances it blooms in full bloom. This theory is also supported by the fact that after a “complete” recovery from pityriasis rosea Repeated relapses of the disease are possible.

Let's try to summarize briefly: pityriasis rosea begins with a single pink spot, the so-called “maternal plaque” or “maternal spot,” which is usually localized on the patient’s torso, less often on the arms. The formation does not have clearly defined boundaries, they are smoothed out, and at this stage the patient is practically not bothered by anything. After about a week, the spot begins to resemble a crater with a concave, flaky center and a ridge along the edge, its color changes to bright pink. The patient's lymph nodes become enlarged and all the symptoms described above appear. Secondary rashes pityriasis rosea, in addition to the torso and arms, can spread to the neck and legs, but the rash almost never occurs on the face. After two weeks, the spots begin to change color to yellowish-brown, while the middle remains pink and flaky. Gradually, the spots fade and disappear, but in some cases white marks remain on the skin for a long time or, conversely, areas with increased pigmentation. The patient’s recovery may occur in 2-3 months, or it may take six months or more.

Additionally, the patient may be bothered :
- a feeling of severe dryness and “tightness” of the skin in areas of rashes;
- peeling of the skin between spots, its redness;
- sharp deterioration of condition after contact with water

There is a clear connection between a sharp weakening of immunity and the development Giber's disease is also clearly visible, and therefore the peak incidence is observed in winter and spring. There are known cases of the disease developing after stress, skin damage, metabolic disorders, blood-sucking insect bites. Pityriasis rosea has no gender preferences, most patients are men and women from 16 to 40 years old, this disease develops extremely rarely in children.

In diagnostics pityriasis rosea Of primary importance, in addition to the general complaints of the patient, is the localization of the primary maternal plaque, the absence of recurrent rashes within a week, and also the fact that recurrent rashes occur exclusively along the so-called Langer’s lines, which are located along the natural skin folds. A blood test will show an increase in the number of leukocytes and ESR levels, as evidence of the presence of an inflammatory process in the body, and a general urine test will show traces of protein. Scraping is taken mainly to separate pityriasis rosea from other similar diseases.

In treatment pityriasis rosea the main place is given to medications that increase immunity (immunomodulators and vitamins), relieve allergic manifestations (primarily itching - antihistamines and corticosteroids are indispensable here); in case of extensive rashes with secondary bacterial infection due to scratching, antibiotics are prescribed. A beneficial effect of UV radiation on patients has been noted, so sunbathing or visiting a solarium is not forbidden, but it is better to avoid synthetics and scratchy woolen items in the wardrobe for now.

Diet is also of great importance. Patients with pityriasis rosea are advised to exclude it from the diet:
- citrus fruits;
- eggs;
- chocolate;
- nuts;
- alcohol;
- strong coffee and tea;
- spicy;
- fatty;
- fried.

You are allowed to wash only in the shower, without soap or a washcloth.

Opinions about contagiousness pityriasis rosea also vary greatly. There are cases where the disease developed in several family members at the same time, but at the same time there is a lot of evidence when, even if there was a sick person in the house and very close contact with family members, no one else got sick. Even in this case, doctors blame the state of the immune system: they say, if everything is fine there, pityriasis rosea you are not in danger. Just in case, it is strongly recommended that you do not share a comb or towels with the patient.

There is no specific prevention for pityriasis rosea . The key to success here is a healthy lifestyle and the absence of concomitant diseases. And, alas, no one is guaranteed against stressful situations.

Good health to everyone!

Regular readers of the site have long known that the Pantone Institute named the main color of 2016 as shade 13-1520 or, if you’re not being clever, rose quartz.
However, pink is a controversial color, especially when it comes to the wardrobe of an adult woman. For example, Alexander Vasiliev in one of the episodes of the program “Fashionable Sentence” stated that only little girls can afford a pink total look; young ladies who have reached the age of 12 must forget about pink once and for all. Is it so? Let's find out!

With all due respect to maestro Vasiliev, the question “why can’t you wear a pink total look after 12 years?”, in most cases, remains unanswered, but any color in a huge palette of colors is just a color! It cannot be good, bad, successful or unsuccessful. Color manifests itself when surrounded by other participants in the outfit: accessories, shoes, makeup, hairstyle, composition of things and many other nuances. Why did pink deserve such categorical judgments?

However, an impartial review of most folk outfits in pink tones leads to disappointing conclusions: adult women in Peppa Pig outfits really look ambiguous, and you can’t always immediately answer the question: what’s wrong with these images?

The mind immediately gives out the most understandable cliché - you can’t wear pink after 12, (otherwise you’ll turn into a pumpkin!), it’s ridiculous, vulgar and completely inappropriate for your age!

However, if fashion designers create entire collections in pink tones for adult women, and a world-famous color expert calls pink the shade of the year, then perhaps it’s worth giving pink a chance and at least trying to look at it from a different angle?

The mystery of pink

The main difficulty of pink is that, like red, it has the properties of an amplifier. But if red emphasizes and multiplies the characteristic features: dark hair color will look even darker and more dramatic in a duet with a red scarf, an attractive girl in a red dress may seem too sexy, and a “gray mouse” in bright red clothes will be completely “lost”, then pink enhances flaws. Everything, and even those you didn’t know about!

Ungroomed hair and skin, cheap fabric, poor fit of the item, poor posture, bad shoes, excessive thinness or weight, inappropriate accessories, poorly cut clothes - the list can be endless, any flaw will be greatly enhanced by the color pink!

But not everything is as bad as it might seem: the good news is that modern fashion favors pink. The words of Alexander Vasiliev mentioned at the beginning of the article were spoken by him in December 2014, when pink was not yet so popular. Nowadays, Vasilyev, criticizing domestic pop stars, is very loyal to pink total looks, occasionally adding that dark/rich shades of pink are more suitable for brunettes, light shades for blondes, and so on in the same spirit.

And fashionistas today perceive pink less categorically: the abundance of pink in the collections of famous fashion designers and brands, the popularity of pink among fashion bloggers has increased observation and neutral perception, which, however, does not negate the insidious properties of this color.

Who should wear pink?

Christian Dior, nicknamed by his contemporaries “the dictator with suede gloves” for his uncompromisingly strict attitude towards women, was very fond of using pink in his collections. Every woman who decides to try on an outfit in pink tones should evaluate herself with such a “dictatorial” look and, believe me, in this case it is not a question of complexes or self-doubt, but a moment of adequate assessment of her initial data.

The figure, the condition of the hair and skin, the desire to do makeup and hairstyle or, conversely, the lack thereof - everything can affect the final result. This does not mean at all that all slender women have been given the green light to use pink in their wardrobes, but the strictest ban has been imposed on all women, far from it! Girls with curvy figures can also wear pink, but on condition that the style of the dress or suit matches the characteristics of the figure, and the figure itself maintains harmonious proportions.
Examples of looks in pink tones for a full figure

All girls have neat hairstyles, makeup and carefully selected accessories

And here is an example of an unsuccessful pink on a full figure: too dark a shade for a brunette + pink enhances the fullness/lack of waist

There is an opinion that dark pink shades are suitable for brunettes and brown-haired women, but in reality the combination of dark pink with black (in this case hair) creates an overloaded and even vulgar image. The degree of vulgarity will be higher, the darker and more saturated the pink color used in the outfit.

To avoid too strong color contrast, it is better not to combine pink and black in one look at all and choose pink colors of medium lightness and brightness for dark hair.

Which pink to wear?

The shade of pink is as important as the overall appearance of the clothing, its style and workmanship. So dark tones of pink - fuchsia and the like, are more suitable for slender women with light brown/caramel hair, medium-light pink is more universal and acceptable for both light-skinned blondes and brunettes with a dark skin tone, and you can try light pink, bleached colors to be worn by everyone without exception.

Medium light pink suits both brunettes and blondes

What to combine pink with in your look?

The companion colors of pink should ideally match the selected shade in lightness and brightness, or be lighter than other members of the outfit. It is advisable to avoid combinations of any shades of pink with black and select tones of gray, blue, green, red or brown that are equal in lightness.

If you can’t live without black, then it’s better to choose light, pastel shades of pink for an ensemble with it.

Popular this season, shoes and accessories in mirrored silver, gold and other metallic colors are a perfect match for clothes in pink tones.

An ideal fit and quality of tailoring are the alpha and omega of any successful outfit, but, as has been said more than once, if clothes of other colors can smooth out a low-grade fit, then pink will mercilessly trumpet this mistake to everyone! This also includes: the quality of stitching and finishing of pink items, the cost of fabric and accessories and the general condition of the clothes. If the stitches are crooked, the fabric is cheap, the model is overly decorated with frills, rhinestones, and even wrinkles at the slightest touch - then even a thousand times you will be young and slender, the image will turn out to be vulgar and cheap.

The things are expensive, but the image... is very much for everyone

Pink requires a laconic design, a clear cut, neat hair and makeup, modern shoes and discreet accessories. Only in this design the image in pink tones will turn out stylish, and not vulgar or vulgar.

On the left, a hairstyle that is too careless for a pink coat, on the right, babylons filled with varnish and outdated makeup - both are equally bad


- try to avoid dark and rich shades of pink (fuchsia and the like) if you are a brunette or are far from a model figure. Dark shades of pink strongly emphasize fullness, and also look too contrasting in a duet with black, making the image vulgar. Exception: sporty style, but pink should be very dosed: stripes, blotches, etc.

- pink is very picky about appearance. Neat (but not fancy) hair and makeup are a must for a pink look.

- In order not to make a mistake with shades, try to pair colors with pink that are close in lightness and saturation

- it is better to combine black with light shades of pink, this way you will avoid strong contrast, which can be very insidious

- for a full figure, light and medium shades of pink are suitable

- the quality of things in pink tones is one of the main conditions for a successful image

- avoid active decor on pink things

However, modern fashion has become less demanding and conservative, so experiment and be trendy!

Pityriasis rosea (Zhiber's pityriasis, roseola exfoliating) refers to diseases of an infectious-allergic nature. The reasons for its occurrence are not fully understood, but its origin is associated with the herpes virus type 7. Most often, the disease manifests itself in the off-season, when colds are at their peak. People who have had an infection and whose immune system's defenses are running low are prone to it. Against this background, roseola “blooms”. Is pityriasis rosea contagious and should I be afraid of it?

Theories for the appearance of pityriasis rosea

Dermatologists have long been researching the causes of this skin disease. Only by knowing where the problem “legs grow” from can you prescribe the correct treatment and discuss whether infection with pityriasis rosea is dangerous.

Pathology occurs under the influence of infections. The following signs support this statement:

  • outbreaks are observed after winter, in damp, windy and slushy weather, when vitamin deficiencies and colds dominate;
  • stressful situations that arise due to various factors: nervous strain, antibiotic treatment, climate change or hypothermia (overheating);
  • the disease is typical for children over 10 years old and the age group from 20 to 40 years;
  • goes away on its own after a few weeks and does not require specific treatment;
  • acquired immunity develops: it is impossible to get sick again.

Sometimes pink spots of lichen occur during pregnancy, but there is no need to be afraid of this. The disease does not in any way affect the health of the unborn child.

Doctors tend to believe that pink dermatosis is caused by the herpes virus type 7. There is a basis for this statement: in the early stages of the development of herpes, rashes characteristic of Zhiber's lichen appear on the skin. The disease occurs only against the background of reduced immunity, during the cold season, which also speaks in favor of its viral nature.

In addition, lifelong immunity is formed, and the disease is mild. It is enough to sleep well, eat right, take vitamins, and after a few weeks you can forget about the disease.

Roseola exfoliates is classified as an allergic disease, and not without reason. The symptoms of dermatosis are alleviated by wearing clothes made from natural fabrics and taking antihistamines that relieve allergies. Therefore, the general nature of the disease is infectious-allergic.

Whether Gibert's pityriasis rosea is contagious or not remains a mystery. Usually the infection is transmitted by airborne droplets or household contact, but such cases are rare. There are examples when pathology affected entire families, but these are also rare. Therefore, the exact routes of transmission of pityriasis rosea are unknown.

If you come into contact with a person infected with pityriasis rosea, then this is not a reason to panic: the likelihood of infection is extremely low. It is worth taking immunostimulating drugs to maintain the body's protective barrier.

Roseola exfoliates belongs to skin pathologies grouped under the name “lichen.” Symptoms of pityriasis rosea include the initial appearance of 1-3 pink maternal plaques up to 3-5 cm in diameter on the skin. After a week, the number of rashes increases.

Over time, the rashes grow up to 2 cm, but do not merge with each other. The center of the spot becomes yellowish and begins to peel off. The edge of the spot remains pink and smooth, giving the overall appearance of a medallion. Skin itching and fever are possible.

The features of dermatosis include a clear duration of progression. Recovery occurs 6-8 weeks after the appearance of the first spots, with no relapses observed.

Is pityriasis rosea transmitted?

Since other types of lichen are contagious, many are concerned about the question of whether lichen rosea is contagious in humans, how to protect yourself from the infection and prevent its spread among loved ones. The question is not idle: no one wants to walk around with pink spots on the skin, even if the dermatosis is mild.

From a person

Lichen is transmitted from person to person extremely rarely, but since such cases occur, they need to be paid attention to. The following categories of people may get sick:

  • with a mobile nervous system that react painfully to any negative situation;
  • those exposed to constant stress, with a weak psyche;
  • children, because their nervous system is not fully formed;
  • with weakened immunity, to which any infection “sticks”.

Perhaps the pathogen is transmitted through contact and through household items. The airborne route of transmission is questionable if the disease is caused by the herpes virus. In case of bacterial infection, this route cannot be excluded.

Rarely does Zhiber's lichen spread to all inhabitants of the apartment. This is possible due to hereditary factors, weak immunity, poor nutrition, and unfavorable environmental factors.

From animals

If there are animals in the house, you can become infected with pityriasis rosea from a cat. For prevention, regularly examine your furry pet and wash your hands with soap after handling it. If the veterinarian has diagnosed this particular lichen, then it is better to isolate the cat.

So, Zhiber's lichen can be transmitted to humans through close contact with a pet. To prevent this from happening, it is important:

  • examine apartment residents for illness;
  • treat the cat's bedding, bowl, toys;
  • monitor the correct, balanced diet of the animal;
  • protect him from communicating with street cats;
  • monitor your pet's health.

In other ways

The category of people and their age who are most susceptible to Zhiber's disease have already been listed. The virus migrates from person to person and is conditionally infectious to others. This means that after communicating with a sick person or shaking his hand, the likelihood of becoming infected is low.

It is possible to get sick under a certain set of circumstances: hypothermia, previous infections, weak immunity. The pink type of lichen is dangerous for a person whose immunity is working “on its last legs.” It is not characterized by common symptoms with other contagious forms of lichen, most of which are fungal in nature.

The herpes virus type 7 is constantly in the body and is activated when the immune defense does not work. It’s just that the diagnosis “lichen” causes an association with other forms of skin diseases, so people are wary of this name.

People with low immunity are susceptible to the disease, so it is necessary to follow all the rules of a healthy lifestyle and not neglect the prevention of infectious and allergic diseases. If you suspect pityriasis rosea, consult a dermatologist to prescribe appropriate treatment.

If a person has a strong immune system, then he has no chance of becoming infected, even if there is a patient nearby with whom he is actively in contact. No precautions are needed.

Atypical forms of the disease

Sometimes Zhiber's disease proceeds according to a non-standard pattern:

  • the presence of severe itching (usually it is minor);
  • increase in body temperature against the background of general malaise;
  • maculopapular rashes that last much longer than 6-8 weeks;
  • complications leading to eczema.

Whether complications arise or not depends on the behavior and condition of the patient. Problems arise from rubbing the skin or frequent washing, ill-conceived local therapy, increased sweating and predisposition to allergic manifestations.

Mechanical or chemical action on inflamed areas does not alleviate the condition, but increases itching and prolongs the duration of the disease. Only a qualified doctor can help with treatment (if necessary).

One of the skin diseases that is often referred to a dermatologist is called pityriasis rosea (Giber's disease). It occurs in people at any age, has pronounced symptoms (flaky pink spots) and a different nature of occurrence.

What is pityriasis rosea?

Pityriasis rosea is a disease that is diagnosed in children and adults, but more often occurs in young people. The causative agent of the disease is unknown, but there is an assumption that the disease occurs as a result of the penetration of a virus into the body. Most often, skin ailments occur in the off-season (spring and autumn), when the immune system is weakened and the risk of catching a cold is increased.

Inflammation can go away on its own with complete disappearance of symptoms, and then in most cases the patient develops immunity to the disease. But if pityriasis rosea does not go away, then it becomes chronic. And then not just treatment is required, but the development of a special program to prevent frequent relapses and strengthen the patient’s immunity.

Is pityriasis rosea contagious or not, transmitted from person to person or not?

There are several assumptions about how a person can become infected with this disease:

  • transmission from person to person by airborne droplets, but with strong immunity this is impossible;
  • pityriasis rosea can occur as a result of the body's reaction to hypothermia (this is why the disease often occurs in spring and autumn);
  • severe stress, prolonged nervous tension and other factors that undermine the body's defenses can also trigger pityriasis rosea.

Pityriasis rosea and pregnancy

In pregnant women, pityriasis rosea can occur both when a virus enters the body and when there is a tendency to allergic reactions. An “interesting situation” causes a loss of strength, vitamin deficiency, fatigue, hormonal changes, which leads to a decrease in immunity, which means there is a risk of “catching” an infection.

What does pityriasis rosea look like in pregnant women? Exactly the same as in other patients, only treatment in this case is selected even more carefully - taking into account the patient’s condition and the duration of pregnancy.

In young children and newborns, cases of infection are extremely rare. Children's pityriasis rosea often occurs in adolescence, when the hormonal system undergoes restructuring. If pityriasis rosea is diagnosed in a baby in infancy or up to one and 2–3 years of age (the rash spreads throughout the body), then the causes are often intestinal or other past infections, and in rare cases, vaccinations.

Complications after pityriasis rosea, and why it reappears

Relapses of the disease occur rarely or never, but under different circumstances complications such as folliculitis, osteofolliculitis, eczema, streptococcal impetigo, etc. are possible.

Recurrence of the disease is possible when wearing tight clothing, frequent rubbing of the skin during water procedures, incorrect and illiterate treatment of an individual tendency to allergies and excessive sweating.

Secondary infection is manifested by rashes on areas of the skin that are subject to stretching to the greatest extent (along Langer's lines). Especially a lot of flaky spots appear in the groin area and on the inner thighs, as well as on the forearms.

Secondary infection is also possible in places where there are many sweat glands and on delicate areas of the skin. The face is rarely affected; the scalp and mucous membranes also remain clean.

Pityriasis rosea: symptoms

The main symptom is pink, scaly spots that appear gradually. The disease begins with the appearance of one spot (maternal plaque) measuring 2 cm. After about a week, multiple pink spots of different diameters appear (smaller than the maternal plaque).

Location of rashes: pityriasis rosea appears on the face and other areas of the skin (sides of the body, back, shoulders, etc.). Peeling appears in the center, and a red border remains around the circumference. Individual spots may merge with each other. Patients may also be bothered by itching of varying intensity and increased body temperature (in cases with complications).

Sometimes pityriasis rosea has atypical forms with symptoms such as blistering, dotted and draining rashes in small quantities, but the spots can reach large sizes and also become chronic.

Pityriasis rosea: causes

As mentioned above, the causes of the disease are not fully understood. Perhaps it is a viral disease; pathogens like herpes are sometimes cited as the cause.

What else causes pityriasis rosea?

As a rule, this is a standard set of reasons that lead to a decrease in immunity and disruption of the normal functioning of the body’s protective functions, namely:

  • past infections and diseases;
  • colds;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and endocrine system;
  • stress and nervous tension;
  • change of climate and time zone;
  • allergic reactions;
  • metabolic disease;
  • insect bites, etc.

The Energo Medical Center provides comprehensive diagnostics and treatment of skin diseases of varying levels of complexity and causes. For diagnosis and treatment, dermatologists use specialized expert clinical and clinical-biochemical microscopy, as well as dermatoscopy and cultural diagnostics.

Initial appointment

Treatment of pityriasis rosea in children and adults begins with the first consultation with a specialist. As a rule, already at the first examination, the doctor can make a diagnosis and prescribe a course of treatment with a plan of individual visits according to each specific clinical case.

If the disease is severe or has complications and concurrent infections, then appropriate tests and examinations are prescribed.


Diagnostics includes:

  • examination of the patient by a dermatologist;
  • taking material for biopsy and histological examination to exclude parapsoriasis;
  • scraping for bacteriological culture;
  • scraping for pathogenic fungi;
  • fluorescent diagnostics;
  • conducting RPR tests for syphilis (in rare cases).

Repeated appointment

The main means of treating pityriasis rosea, its causes and consequences are ointments, gels and creams. But besides this (depending on the case) the patient:

  • bathing is prohibited (only washing in the shower with gentle detergents is possible);
  • It is advised to limit your time in the sun;
  • It is advised to wear loose clothing made from natural materials;
  • a hypoallergenic diet is prescribed during treatment and for some time after it;
  • prescribe the use of antiallergic and anti-inflammatory ointments for severe itching;
  • antibiotics are prescribed (in particularly difficult cases).

Since pityriasis rosea looks like an unpleasant and unaesthetic skin reaction, and can be contagious, it creates psychological discomfort in the patient. A common reaction to any skin rash is a reluctance to leave the house and communicate with people, embarrassment when communicating, isolation and detachment. Accordingly, if necessary, consultations with a psychotherapist or psychologist may be prescribed during treatment. If a dermatologist suspects a hormonal imbalance, an endocrinologist will also conduct a consultation.

If treatment of pityriasis rosea in an adult or child with ointments and other means has already been prescribed, then at a second appointment the doctor evaluates the results. If no improvement is observed, then a new course of treatment and restorative procedures are selected to strengthen the immune system.

Treatment of pityriasis rosea in children depends on the age of the child, his condition and the stage of development of the disease. Means and methods of combating the disease are also selected individually, but the treatment regimen is similar to that for adult patients. As a rule, a child recovers from a disease several times faster than an adult.

Control reception

A follow-up appointment is required 21–30 days after treatment to assess the patient’s condition and treatment results. If the outcome is positive, methods of restoring the patient are prescribed (physiotherapy, immunotherapy, etc.).

Treatment result

Achieving positive results is only possible if you strictly follow the doctor’s recommendations and prescriptions. The duration of treatment is also individual in each case and is discussed with the doctor at the appointment: treatment usually takes from 2 to 6 weeks. If the patient has excessive sweating or allergic reactions, the treatment period is increased.


To avoid the need to treat pityriasis rosea in a person, he should be warned: with what and how?

Good prevention is:

  • proper nutrition or a hypoallergenic diet if you are prone to allergic reactions;
  • strengthening the immune system through sports and active recreation;
  • wearing high-quality clothes made from natural materials;
  • individual selection of cosmetics and care products for body and face;
  • local therapy, including taking medications to strengthen the immune system;
  • careful use of water procedures;
  • wearing warm clothes in the off-season and cold season to avoid hypothermia.

Making a diagnosis on your own is not recommended, nor is it recommended to prescribe treatment on your own. How and with what to treat and cure pityriasis rosea, get rid of symptoms and prevent the causes of relapses, only knows. So don't delay visiting your doctor. High-quality and timely prescription of a course of treatment will allow you to quickly get rid of the disease and significantly improve your quality of life.

To make an appointment with a dermatologist in our center, just leave a request on the website (there is a special registration form) or call the phone number listed on the page.

By its nature, pityriasis, popularly called pityriasis rosea, is a stable virus that penetrates into the body when the immune system is weakened after illness, during the period of vitamin deficiency - in autumn, winter, spring. To date, experts have not fully studied the disease pityriasis, which is also called Gilbert's lichen. Pityriasis rosea can be contracted through household contact with a sick person.

Pityriasis rosea: diet and treatment required

Pityriasis rosea: what is dangerous, symptoms

If you see that an infected person is near you or is working, you need to create all the conditions to avoid getting infected - have your own hygiene items, dishes, clothes, etc. Fortunately, not everyone is susceptible to infection, only those who have a weakened body. Most often, pityriasis and Gilbert's pityriasis rosea occurs in people aged 20 to 40 years. This suggests that socially active people are susceptible to the virus.

Primary signs:

  • Weakness.
  • Fever.
  • Growth of lymph nodes.

Following these signs, the first maternal lesion appears on the human body - a pink spot that can reach 4 cm in diameter, covered with scales. Then, pink-colored lesions protrude above the skin form.

More often, formations appear on the back, shoulders, hips, chest, and sides of the body. The period of distribution throughout the body is 14−21 days. The spots may disappear, leaving a white coating in their place. They can also have blisters, a rash, and merge into one big one. Pityriasis on the face rarely occurs; when infected, itching may occur. Pityriasis rosea can often disappear without a trace even without treatment. But you should not hope for such an outcome and it is better to consult a doctor.

Pityriasis rosea - consequences

It is not pityriasis itself that is dangerous, but the consequences of pityriasis rosea - streptoderma, eczema, etc. Allergies can also provoke it, so pityriasis rosea and diet are things directly related to each other.

  • When allergic reactions occur, a person’s immunity drops, which allows pityriasis to spread and cause side skin diseases. Patients are not recommended to consume citrus fruits, fish, eggs, honey, nuts, chocolate, milk, alcohol, coffee.
  • Gilbert's lichen is treated with external use of specially formulated ointments prescribed by a dermatologist.
  • You should not stay in the open sun for a long time, expose your body to overheating or hypothermia, you should avoid clothing made from synthetic fabrics and natural wool, and also avoid spicy foods, smoked meats, and pickled vegetables.
  • Doctors do not recommend soaking the affected areas with hot water; they advise not to take baths and give preference to showers, and to use washing products that have the effect of moisturizing the skin.

Treatment of pityriasis rosea

Gilbert's lichen can be easily treated with both folk remedies and dosage forms. If you decide to use old, proven recipes, do not forget to first visit a doctor and get qualified advice.

  • Sea buckthorn, rose hip, milk thistle, and sunflower oils are highly effective in the treatment of pityriasis; they are used to lubricate the affected areas.
  • Juice, tincture of medicinal celandine, and ointment from calendula flowers are also used.
  • Under no circumstances should substances such as sulfur, tar, or alcohol be used, otherwise the skin will experience additional irritation and cause complications.
  • A number of drugs have been created – chlorophyllipt, “Romazulan”, which reduce itching and burning in the formations.
  • Complex treatment includes taking antihistamines that relieve swelling, itching, irritation, and corticosteroid ointments containing hormones.
  • In advanced stages and the addition of eczema, streptoderma and other skin diseases to pityriasis, antibiotic therapy is necessary.

We should not forget about strengthening the immune system, so the list of medicines also includes a complex of vitamins and immunomodulators.