Skin diseases of the scalp. Infectious and fungal diseases of hair. What does trichology study?

The scalp is susceptible to various diseases no less than any other part of the body. Any of the following diseases causes a lot of discomfort, worsens the condition of the hair.

If the problem is detected in a timely manner and with the necessary knowledge about how the disease proceeds and what its causes are, the disease can be eliminated at the earliest possible moment. early stages. For correct setting diagnosis and treatment, a visit to a specialist is very important, since independent struggle with the disease there is a possibility of worsening your condition.

Types of scalp diseases

Depending on the causes of occurrence, there are common types heads:

  • Dermatological diseases.
  • Fungal diseases.
  • Diseases of the autoimmune system.
  • Infectious skin diseases.

Dermatological diseases

This type includes:

  • Hyperkeratosis.

Consequence of malfunction sebaceous glands skin, leads to the proliferation of opportunistic microflora. Is the most common disease skin heads.

The causes of seborrhea of ​​the scalp include:

  • Heredity, since seborrhea is often a family disease transmitted at the genetic level.
  • Hormonal changes, and during puberty the disease is functional in nature, and symptoms disappear with the restoration of normal hormonal levels. However, if androgen levels are abnormal, seborrhea can be caused by testicular tumors in men or ovarian diseases in women, such as polycystic disease.
  • Diseases nervous system, stress.
  • Disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract, lack of vitamins, unhealthy diet.
  • Problems endocrine system.

Types of seborrhea:

  • Fat.
  • Dry.
  • Mixed.
  • A sign of oily seborrhea is thickened thick skin heads. Hair becomes coarse. The mouths of the sebaceous glands expand, the skin is dirty gray in color. Comedones and acne appear. The hairy surface of the skin becomes covered oily dandruff. If the disease is neglected, oily seborrhea can provoke pustular formations and furunculosis.
  • A sign of dry seborrhea is dandruff.. Causes peeling, sometimes severe, with abundant appearance dandruff, the patient is plagued by itching, the hair becomes thinner and breaks off.
  • With mixed seborrhea, the facial skin in the nasolabial triangle is oily, with wide contaminated pores, dry cheek skin. The hairy surface is often oily.

To avoid seborrhea, you must adhere to the following measures:

If signs of seborrhea appear, it is better to consult a specialist. Depending on the causes, this may be a dermatologist, endocrinologist, gynecologist, etc.

To identify the causes and eliminate the symptoms of seborrhea, take the following measures:

  • A visit to a specialist is required: dermatologist, andrologist - for men, gynecologist - for women, endocrinologist, neurologist.
  • A diet is prescribed: fats, carbohydrates and salt are kept to a minimum. The diet should be dominated by fiber (fruits, vegetables, oatmeal, buckwheat, bran), protein (lean meat, fish, cottage cheese), dairy products; limiting alcohol and nicotine.
  • CNS problems are identified and digestive tract, are eliminated chronic lesions diseases.
  • Drug therapy.
  • Physiotherapy.

Medication methods include:

  • Treatment with antifungal drugs, the most effective is ketoconazole. In tablet form, or as part of shampoos and ointments, it kills fungus, normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, eliminates itching and excessive peeling.
  • Help to cope with severe cases hormonal antiandrogen drugs, the course of treatment will be determined by a specialist.
  • For a general strengthening effect vitamins and mineral complexes, enriched with zinc, copper, sulfur.
  • At oily seborrhea Rubbing a solution into the scalp helps salicylic acid, Naftalan oil, Sulsena paste.
  • Dry seborrhea treated with creams and ointments containing sulfur and salicylic acid.


One of the dermatological diseases of the scalp is hyperkeratosis. This disease is characterized by repeated thickening of the stratum corneum of the epidermis. Excess keratin prevents dead scales from peeling off, but tightly glues them together. As a result upper layer the skin thickens abnormally.

Hyperkeratosis can be determined by visual inspection. There are small pimples and bumps on the scalp brown color, roughness and irregularities appear. With hyperkeratosis of the scalp, the hair becomes dull, brittle, split ends, and dandruff appears.

This disease is pathological condition causing serious harm to health. From the aesthetic side - an unattractive appearance, partial or complete baldness is possible if the disease is started or treated incorrectly. On the other hand, they are violated metabolic processes in the skin, the localization of the disease increases, and as a result of stress and insomnia, the patient’s nervous system suffers.

The causes of hyperkeratosis often lie in diseases internal organs, fabrics or systems:

  • Liver dysfunction.
  • Endocrine system diseases: incorrect operation thyroid gland or diabetes.
  • Diseases of the hematopoietic system.
  • Genetic diseases of the ichthyosis group.
  • Varieties of lichen.
  • Gastrointestinal dysfunction, unbalanced diet.
  • Pathological conditions of the nervous system: stress and depression.
  • External factors, such as constant and excessive pressure from a headdress, tying hair tightly with elastic bands, improper hygiene and care, can provoke the development of this disease and aggravate the condition.

The disease is chronic, therefore it is impossible to be completely cured. However, when the right approach, you can stop its course and spread, minimize the unpleasant symptoms and aesthetic manifestations of this disease. The course of treatment is selected individually by a qualified specialist.

Methods to combat hyperkeratosis of the scalp:

  • Vitamin therapy(prescription of retinoids, ascorbic acid, tretionin, calpotriol). These and many other drugs are prescribed both orally and as ointments and creams; they help combat dry skin, normalize, relieve irritation and heal damaged areas.
  • Hormone therapy(drugs of the corticosteroid group). Apply topically to affected areas. Relieves inflammation, normalizes the condition of the skin.
  • Creams and ointments rich in fats, to improve the lipid composition of the skin and retain moisture.
  • In special cases, a course of laser therapy is used.
  • Salon procedures: peelings based on salicylic and fruit acids.
  • Diagnosis and treatment of chronic diseases, provoking the development of hyperkeratosis.

Fungal diseases

It has the following properties:

  • Eliminates itching and flaking of the scalp
  • Awakens dormant hair follicles
  • Stops hair loss
  • Returns hair health, strength and beauty!

Infectious diseases

Infectious skin diseases are contagious and are the result of contact with a patient, his things, and poor hygiene.

The scalp is affected by the following: infectious diseases:

  • Pediculosis
  • Folliculitis


It is difficult to identify the disease in the early stages, however, lice multiply very quickly.

The main signs of lice infestation are:

Choice pharmaceuticals for the treatment of pediculosis is quite wide - shampoos, ointments, sprays. The drugs are effective against both lice and their larvae.

Since ancient times, hair has been considered the best adornment of every representative of the fair sex. It is not for nothing that Muslim women are prohibited from walking around with their hair uncovered. And young ladies always pay their attention to men with luxurious hair. But the condition of the hair can deteriorate significantly due to various scalp diseases. To avoid dangerous consequences For such a phenomenon, you should try to start treatment as soon as possible and get rid of the problem. Thanks to folk remedies and numerous modern medical drugs, curing any scalp diseases is not difficult.

Fungal diseases of the scalp

Such diseases are quite common and occur very often. Microorganisms that cause this disease are divided into four types:

Dermatological diseases of the scalp

  1. Sebreal dermatitis. This inflammatory disease not only the scalp, but also the face. Its development occurs as a result of the spread of a certain yeast-like fungus.
  2. . This chronic illness, in which unsightly plaques appear on the skin, similar to frozen wax. As a rule, such a disease occurs cyclically, either dying down or flaring up again. Both diseases require complex treatment under the supervision of a specialist.

Seborrhea of ​​the scalp

This is the most common scalp problem, which every fourth person on earth has encountered at least once in their life. Numerous advertisements have convinced people that dandruff is actually only a minor problem. cosmetic defect. Actually this is not true. If your scalp is heavily covered in dead skin, this may indicate a serious condition.

How can you cure seborrhea?

This disease can be cured either with the help of special ointments, gels and shampoos, which are actively offered to customers in every pharmacy, or by using folk recipes.

For example, you can make a mask twice a week from burdock oil with 2-3 drops of essential oil tea tree. Relief will appear after the first procedure.

Or prepare a decoction for washing your hair from equal parts dry nettle, burdock and willow. This mixture is poured warm water and simmer in a water bath for half an hour. The strained broth is used to wash your hair at least twice a week.

Using a special shampoo for seborrhea

enjoy special shampoos Seborrhea is, of course, much easier. As a rule, they are all applied to clean wet hair, thoroughly rub into the scalp, and after 5-7 minutes, wash off with warm water. For example, Sebozol can be purchased both in a standard bottle and in portions in bags, especially for treatment. The course of treatment lasts two weeks, during which the hair is washed with medicated shampoo approximately once every 3 days. After this, you need to use this product for prevention once every 2 weeks.

Psoriasis of the scalp

Scalp psoriasis is quite difficult to cure. Modern manufacturers produce for this various ointments, creams, shampoos and even soap. In addition, the clinics offer patients procedures such as ultraviolet treatment and cryotherapy.

Traditional methods of treatment

But don’t forget about the effective folk recipes. For example, about treatment with onions. The vegetable is turned into a paste using a blender and then applied to damp hair and scalp. After 20 minutes - washed off cool water. The main thing is to stop using shampoo and store-bought masks on this day.

You can also replace your usual shampoo with tar soap. It has a specific smell, but is very effective in treating psoriasis.

Infectious diseases of the scalp

Such diseases most often occur due to insufficient skin hygiene in the area or are transmitted from an infected person.

Any infectious diseases of the scalp must be treated under the supervision of a specialist so as not to further harm your health. The sooner treatment begins, the less consequences will be from infection to the human body.

Video: Treatment of seborrhea

Scalp diseases are quite common. Moreover, while some of them cause patients only minor troubles, others can even cause psycho-emotional stress. This is explained by the fact that there are skin diseases of the head that are difficult to cure and cause a lot of trouble for patients.

Since there are enough big list such ailments, then a science such as trichology was even created to study them. Diseases most often appear as a result of:

  • stress;
  • bad environment;
  • weakened immune system;
  • bad habits;
  • other factors.

Trichology subdivides pathologies skin diseases human head on:

  • fungal or infectious;
  • dermatological

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Fungal diseases

Especially often, people encounter fungal diseases of the scalp - mycoses. The cause is pathogenic fungi that affect human hair and skin.

The main types of such ailments are:

  • scab (favus);
  • trichophytosis ( ringworm).


The disease is contagious and can be transmitted through various things: comb, clothing, hat.

A characteristic feature of scab is that it occurs not only in humans, but also in animals: mice, cats, dogs, etc.

The scalp becomes covered with yellow, dry crusts with a musty smell.

Important! The skin under the crust, gradually thinning, turns into a scar, and the affected area is freed from hair, which subsequently does not grow back. Hair loses its elasticity and intense hair loss may result in complete baldness.


Among fungal diseases of the scalp, trichophytosis, or ringworm, is often found. The disease manifests itself as hair loss on:

  • crown;
  • back of the head;
  • temples.

A few days after the onset of the disease, hair begins to break, and at the same distance from the head, which resembles curls cut with scissors. Hence the name of the disease.

Ringworm of the scalp is sometimes accompanied by the formation of pus. The skin takes on a bluish-red or bluish-pink hue. Similar manifestations arise either due to the neglect of the disease, or improper treatment. Chronic ringworm is accompanied by only mild itching. There are usually no other subjective symptoms.

Attention. Fungi are also present in absolutely healthy people. They begin their activities when there are ideal conditions for this.

Dermatological diseases

Diseases of the scalp include a group of dermatological ailments. The main one is called a disease of the 21st century - dandruff. It is the result of peeling of the epithelium of the scalp. At the same time, the skin begins to flake off in the form of grayish-white scales - dead cells that fall off the scalp.

Remember. Dandruff doesn't count independent disease. Its cause is most often various internal problems in the body.

Dandruff may be a signal:

  • hypothermia of the body or part of the head;
  • uncontrolled use of thermal appliances (hair dryer);
  • weak immunity;
  • vitamin deficiency;
  • dysfunctions of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • chronic stress, neuroses, depression;
  • changes in hormonal processes (as a result of puberty, pregnancy).

Note. Sometimes you can get rid of dandruff at home, but if running forms It’s better to see a trichologist.

Dandruff is a disease known to every person. Its appearance usually signals problems in the body.


Dandruff and seborrhea are often perceived as synonyms. Although this is not true. Dandruff can be a harbinger of a rather serious disease of the scalp and hair - seborrheic dermatitis. The disease pathologically disrupts the function of the sebaceous glands of the head, designed to secrete subcutaneous fat. The latter is very important for the normal appearance and maintenance of healthy hair.

Problems with the sebaceous glands lead to:

  • the formation of difficult-to-heal pustular skin patches on the head;
  • hair pollution and greasy;
  • the appearance of profuse dandruff;
  • inflammation of the skin under the hair and pain;
  • cosmetic defects;
  • hair loss.

Note. In order to distinguish dermatitis from dandruff yourself, you need to use quality shampoo from dandruff. If using the product does not eliminate it, then the person may have seborrhea.


An equally common disease not only of the scalp, but also of the face, as well as other parts of the body, is psoriasis. Often affects people predisposed to allergies. Unpleasant symptoms may be caused by:

  • unhealthy diet,
  • bad habits,
  • lack of hygiene.

A rash forms on the skin Pink colour which is accompanied by itching. Subsequently, the dermis becomes covered with fairly large scaly plaques. As a result of such a skin disease, when it is located on the head under the hair, the dermis loses its elasticity and is susceptible to injury. However, at the same time:

  • hair growth is not impaired;
  • they don't break;
  • don't fall out.

Important. Since the cause of psoriasis lies in metabolic processes in the body, the disease cannot be transmitted from one person to another.


Treatment of diseases of the scalp and hair should begin with staging correct diagnosis. Only in this case will it be effective and achieve the goal. Although these scalp diseases are similar in many ways, they are cured differently. Define tactics therapeutic activities the doctor can. After blood tests and other studies, it will be suggested complex treatment with help:

  • shampoo with zinc or sulsen;
  • subcutaneous injections;
  • antibiotics;
  • rinsing with decoctions.

The measures listed may be sufficient for treatment. Unadvanced cases of scalp and hair diseases can most often be cured with antifungal ointments and shampoo. These products have a disinfecting effect and can restore the skin to a healthy appearance.

Note. For advanced cases, such measures are not enough; serious treatment will be required.

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Features of the treatment of fungal diseases

Treatment of such scalp diseases should be carried out with antifungal drugs. They must be taken orally and applied externally to diseased areas of the skin at the same time. The dosage and duration of use depend on the type of infection and its location. So, with damage to the scalp antifungal drugs should be taken longer than for a similar disease of the smooth skin surface.

Treat fungal disease scalp using medical procedures should be specialists - a dermatologist or trichologist. The following methods can relieve symptoms and completely get rid of the fungus:

  • Cryomassage, that is, treatment of the head using low temperature. This is especially effective in the initial phase of the disease.
  • The use of antifungal drugs, popular of which are Miconazole and Clotrimazole. The use of products that relieve itching and reduce skin irritation is also indicated.

Treatment of dermatological diseases

Treat dermatological diseases scalp, for example, seborrhea, preferably on an outpatient basis. Externally prescribed:

  • application 1-2% aqueous solutions sodium thiosulfate or tetraborate;
  • rubbing with a solution of salicylic or citric acid;
  • taking vitamins A, C, group B.

A significant effect is achieved after using UV irradiation, water procedures. In advanced situations, funds aimed at normalizing the activity of the nervous system will be required.. It's about O:

  • sedatives,
  • tranquilizers,
  • nootropics.

Attention. Some scalp diseases can be cured with herbal preparations However, in these cases, consultation with a doctor is necessary.

Preventive measures consist of strictly following the doctor’s recommendations, strictly following the rules of hygiene and skin care, and systematically taking vitamins.

The condition of the hair largely depends on how healthy and well-groomed the scalp is: treatment and care for it at home should be comprehensive, competent and complete. Find out what are the most common scalp diseases you encounter most often.

Everyone wants to have beautiful, thick, gorgeous hair. However, few people think that their condition largely depends on how healthy and well-groomed the scalp is: if everything is in order with it, the curls will look amazing. Therefore, you need to know how to properly care for it at home and be able to prevent various diseases associated with it. If you think not only about your appearance, but also take care of your internal health, you can avoid many problems.

Scalp diseases

Even the most expensive shampoos cannot make your hair beautiful if there are any internal diseases scalp, which require quality and timely treatment. In some cases, they can be treated at home if they are minor problems. But in some situations you will have to contact a specialist (trichologist or dermatologist) for help and treatment.

All of these diseases are quite serious and can cause serious harm to health and appearance hair. Required professional treatment scalp, i.e. contacting a trichologist - a specialist involved in eliminating this kind of problem.

Each disease requires the use of certain remedies and medications. Self-medication at home can have the exact opposite effect: curls will begin to fall out even more, and the condition of the epidermis of the scalp will worsen.

Treatment of scalp diseases

After an examination and diagnosis, your doctor will determine why your scalp is giving you so many problems and tell you how to proceed. Depending on the disease, appropriate treatment will be prescribed.

  • Fungi

Any scalp fungus is treated primarily with medicinal antifungal drugs systemic action. Despite his high efficiency, they are toxic, so they have many contraindications: cancer, blood diseases, impaired metabolism, vascular pathology limbs. Usually prescribed in such cases are Clotrimazole, Miconazole, Griseofulvin, various keratolytic agents (both tablets and ointments), various local drugs(antifungal balms and shampoos). Treatment of fungal diseases of the scalp usually lasts more than one month. Sometimes antibiotics and hormone-containing drugs are even prescribed.

  • Dermatitis

If one of the dermatitis has been diagnosed, treatment of the hair and scalp is comprehensive and is aimed primarily at eliminating the symptoms of the disease. The patient is recommended to normalize his diet (eat more foods that contain a lot of zinc, selenium, vitamins A, B, C). Antifungal drugs are prescribed (Nizoral, Mycozoral, Sebozol, Nizorex). Trichologists often advise making special compresses to soften the scalp based on vegetable oils. In salons they can offer such healing procedures for scalp dermatitis, such as darsonvalization, cryomassage or ultraviolet radiation.

  • Infections

At It will be enough to treat the scalp at home, which involves external processing. Pharmacies today have enough wide choose drugs for the treatment of this disease. Use Permitrin, Para-plus, Spray-pax, Nittifor, Medifox, A-Par and other similar drugs.

For folliculitis It will no longer be possible to limit yourself to home treatment. The specialist must open all the formed purulent pustules and remove the pus from there. Often used ichthyol ointment. In the most severe cases applies antibacterial therapy and complex treatment with supportive immunotherapy.

If you have been diagnosed with similar scalp diseases, when you contact a specialist, a properly selected course of treatment will allow you to get rid of them in the most short time. To avoid all these troubles and not get poisoned medications, you need to know how to properly care for your scalp.

Home scalp care

Complete, competent scalp care at home is a guarantee that your hair will look beautiful and chic at any time and at any age. Of course, this requires a certain investment of time and financial resources, but all this will be more than justified. If you don't get treatment, then much later more money will go on medication.

Regular compliance simple rules will allow you to prevent many problems associated with the scalp.

    1. Take care of your nutrition. For your scalp to be healthy, it must receive all the vitamins and minerals it needs through the food you eat daily. Be sure to include in your diet linseed oil, fish fat and those foods that are high in zinc.
    2. If you have dry scalp, it requires maximum hydration, and not only external. Normalize water balance your body, consuming at least 1.5 liters of clean, ordinary water per day (tea, juices and other drinks are not taken into account). This will relieve itching, flaking, and dandruff.
    3. If you have oily skin heads, it's worth going through medical examination the whole body. The fact is that the activity of the sebaceous glands depends on the work of the endocrine, nervous and gastrointestinal systems. If everything is in order with them, then your scalp will not be at risk for any oiliness. Therefore, be sure to try to avoid stress and stomach upset, and also promptly treat any diseases (acute and chronic) associated with the functioning of these organs.
    4. Choose your shampoo carefully and wisely. The skin on the scalp often peels due to improper use of the product. If possible, be sure to choose pharmaceutical drugs: they are more reliable because they are certified and have therapeutic effect.
    5. Don't wash your hair too often: twice a week is enough. If you do this more often, your hair will become dirty twice as fast because the functioning of the sebaceous glands will be disrupted.
  1. It is very important what kind of water you wash your hair in. If it is very hard, and even more so highly chlorinated, this can cause flaking of the scalp and the formation of numerous dandruff.
  2. Rinse the shampoo off with plenty of water without leaving it on the scalp.
  3. Many people dry their hair incorrectly after washing: they rub it mercilessly with a towel, injuring the skin. That's right - you just need to lightly blot it.
  4. Be sure to wear hats at any time of the year. In summer they protect against sun rays that dry out the scalp. In the off-season (spring and autumn) - from rains that accumulate too much harmful substances. In winter - from low temperatures. This is especially true for those who have sensitive skin head that requires special care.
  5. Often, dry scalp is caused by frequent and irrational use of thermal hair styling devices - hair dryer, curling iron, curling iron, flat iron, diffuser. Try to resort to their help as rarely as possible, only in the most urgent cases.
  6. It also happens that the scalp hurts only because the woman spent the whole day wearing a tight hairpin (elastic band or invisible hairpin) on her head.
  7. All products you use to care for your scalp should be of high quality. Don't skimp on the health and beauty of your hair.

If you follow all these simple rules, the scalp will be healthy, clean and problem-free. Accordingly, your hair will always look beautiful and well-groomed. In addition, at home, be sure to use folk remedies for scalp care. They can be easily and quickly prepared from available and inexpensive materials.

Home care products

Home remedies for the scalp are the simplest masks made from common food products, wraps and compresses made from cosmetic and vegetable oils, as well as decoctions from medicinal herbs for rinsing. By learning to use all this, you can speed up the healing of your scalp if it is sick and get rid of dryness or oiliness.

  • Scalp masks

This should be a mask for the scalp, not for the hair. It needs to be rubbed into the roots, and not applied directly to the curls. Use the best ingredients to prepare it. regular products food: eggs, milk, kefir, yogurt, fruit and vegetable purees.

  • Scalp peeling

Homemade scalp exfoliants (these are usually made from granulated sugar or salt) is recommended only for those who have problems with oily hair, as well as in the absence of any microdamage or wounds.

  • Scalp oils

Be sure to use cosmetic oil for the scalp, which has an almost therapeutic effect: softens, prevents inflammatory processes, alleviates the course of many diseases. You just need to rub it into the scalp and leave for 40-60 minutes, covered with a warm towel. If you have no problems with aromatherapy, use it at home and essential oils: it is enough to add them to small quantity V regular masks or rinsing.

  • Scalp rinses

Make decoctions and infusions based on medicinal herbs (oak bark, chamomile, sage, etc.), dilute them in ordinary water and rinse your hair with the resulting decoction every time after washing. Such procedures have an excellent general strengthening and softening effect on both the epidermis and the curls themselves.

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Thick, beautiful hair- This is primarily luxury and decoration. Diseases of the hair and dermis of the scalp can lead to unpleasant consequences, scalp diseases can be expressed by the following factors:

  1. First of all, the hair loses its shine and becomes dull;
  2. Appears ;
  3. Curls become brittle;
  4. Redness, pustules or ulcers appear on the scalp;
  5. The patient constantly feels itching;
  6. At a difficult stage, it begins, which leads to bald spots.

Today there is a large number of scalp diseases, scalp diseases have a number of specific symptoms.

Scalp diseases

Before you start treatment, you should know that all diseases are divided into types:

  1. Infectious diseases are pediculosis and. The first disease is caused by lice, which, when biting, leave redness in the form of dots after the bite; it causes itching and a slight burning sensation. Folliculitis is a disease that is expressed by red spots on which blisters appear filled with purulent fluid.
  2. Dermatological diseases of the scalp include seborrheic dermatitis. The first disease relates to chronic form. Symptoms are expressed in the form of plaques, which in appearance resemble frozen wax. The disease occurs in certain cycles. Seborrheic dermatitis is a disease that is caused by a yeast fungus that can affect not only the hair or a segment of the head, but also the face. The main symptoms of the disease are peeling of the skin, changes in skin tone, and itching.
  3. Seborrhea is a type of disease that occurs in almost every fourth person. The main signs of the disease are greasy hair, hair loss, flaking of the skin, and the presence of dandruff.
  4. Impetigo is a disease that is caused by staphylococcus or streptococcus bacteria. The infection penetrates the skin through minor wounds or scratches. At the first symptoms, blisters appear and itching begins. It is strictly not recommended to rupture the blisters, since the infection can spread to other parts of the body.
  5. Fungal skin diseases are favus, trichophytosis, microsporia.
  6. TO rare species Skin diseases of the head include skin cancer, eczema.

Symptoms of scalp disease

Each disease has its own specific manifestations (symptoms), and scalp diseases are no exception. During laboratory examinations and diagnosis, symptoms play a major role; their manifestations are used to establish the correct diagnosis.

Almost every type of scalp disease is accompanied by itching; if additional peeling of the skin appears, this indicates that the outer layer of dermal cells is dying. Such a detached layer appears when:

  1. Fungal diseases;
  2. Eczema;
  3. For lichen;
  4. For psoriasis;
  5. For seborrheic dermatitis.

Some types of diseases may be accompanied by blisters or swelling, which are associated with various factors.

Manifestations in the form of blisters and swelling are characteristic of:

  1. Folliculitis;
  2. Contact dermatitis;
  3. For severe allergic manifestations;
  4. With chickenpox;
  5. For herpes zoster.

The appearance of red spots with clear boundaries indicates the manifestation of scalp diseases such as psoriasis or seborrhea. Much less often, such spots can appear with lichen erythematosus, this disease additionally accompanied .

Excessive dry skin can occur when hormonal imbalance, vitamin deficiency as a result poor nutrition. This is a condition of the skin during which cells die and peel off at an accelerated pace.

The most common symptom of scalp disease is. It is called:

  1. Constant stress;
  2. Vitamin deficiency;
  3. Hormonal disorders;
  4. Chronic fatigue;
  5. Failure of the endocrine system;
  6. Hereditary predisposition.

Diagnosis and treatment of scalp and hair diseases

When the first signs appear and a skin disease is suspected. First of all, you should immediately contact a trichologist.

IN mandatory In addition to general laboratory examinations, you will be prescribed a trichoscopy. After passing the diagnosis, the patient is prescribed an appropriate course of treatment. Scalp diseases with correct diagnosis respond quite successfully to treatment prescribed by a specialized doctor. Treatment of diseases is therapeutic medication.

Except medicinal ointments and tablets you should definitely use medicated shampoos, balms. How additional remedy, you can use recipes.

First of all, they eliminate the symptoms of the disease - this and hair fragility, in addition, medicated shampoos significantly speed up the treatment process.

If the disease is infectious in nature, then the course of treatment should take place in a hospital setting. In this case, a course of antibiotics is necessarily prescribed.

You should not make a diagnosis yourself, as this will not lead to anything good.