Causes of pulling sensations in the testicles. Why do a man’s balls hurt: reasons and when to see a doctor

Testicles... The Holy Grail, the pride and main wealth of any man! Nature gave you them to reproduce, and you're wasting them on Pornhub.
An object of male pride and a symbol of masculinity. As Vinnie Jones said in Snatch:

There are two types of eggs: big brave balls and little queer balls.

And you can rely on Vinny, he won’t say anything bad.
But like others human organs, bells are susceptible to diseases and various kinds problems. And given the unique strategic function of the balls, we worry about them much more than about our hearts or even our brains. That's why there is so much gossip, fears and rumors around eggs. We will answer the most exciting questions, one way or another related to egg troubles.

1. Is it bad if they are too big or too small?

The good news is that in 90-95% of cases, the size of the cockles is not related to health conditions. The vast majority of guys can have children, please their girlfriends with their sexual abilities and have normal level testosterone, regardless of the size of your “berries”.

The only time testicular size correlates with potential medical problem– when there are problems with fertility, that is, the ability of a sexually mature organism to produce viable offspring. Small eggs sharply reduce fertility, but only if you already have difficulties conceiving. One famous urologist with the difficult-to-pronounce surname Steischleiger said:

Most normal men, size does not affect functional differences. They do their job the same way.

Steroids affect size. Steroids can also affect fertility and testosterone levels. I have many patients who used supplements when they were younger and now find it difficult to have children.

Of course, you can prove with foam at the mouth that all this is not true. You have the right, but it’s not us, it’s Steischlager. By the way, the doctor asked me to tell you that drugs also contribute to the compression of mischievous bells.

2. Is it normal that they are different sizes?

Testicles are like snowflakes: no two are alike. And they always differ slightly in size. According to Dr. Steischlager, your beans are actually likely to be different. If you notice slight changes in size, there is nothing to worry about, don't pick on them. Your body just develops that way.

As a rule, the testicles are different the same size as the legs.

However, there are times when they are too uneven and need to be taken to a doctor. And it’s not about size, but about very obvious changes in shape, or when you’re 30 and your testicle is growing by leaps and bounds. Then you need not just go, but fly to the doctor, in case there is inflammation, a consequence of injury, infection, or hernia. So every time you pull your scrotum, pay attention to the condition of the bells. Matsai without hesitation, but purely for the sake of his health.

3. Is it true that if you don’t… ejaculate for a long time, you can become infertile?

Short answer: no.

Long answer: Failure to ejaculate can lead to short-term fertility problems. Sperm die idle and clog your “gun” with their dead bodies.

Dr. Steischlager says:

There is no serious evidence that What rare ejaculations reduces the functionality of the testes.

He also says that in order to fix this situation, all you have to do is empty the clip... feel the cyclops... grunt on Brazzers... you get the idea.

4. Why do they hang when you have a fever?

Are your jewels hanging over the planet like bags of cannonballs? Are they so close to the floor that you can literally tie them in a knot? Okay, we got excited about the knot.

Well, what can I say, this is completely normal. Do not worry about it. Hardcore sagging during the summer months, or when you're feeling feverish is super normal. In fact, your scrotum, unlike you, tends to always be in constant motion.

Let's start with the basics: the testicles are located under the skin, but actually outside the body. In order for sperm to develop properly, they must feel the May breeze and generally be at a temperature that is much lower than the temperature inside your body. When they are too high, this is a reason to sound the alarm, moreover, this is a disease, and a caring surgeon will pick them out.

The muscles around the scrotum listen to their body more sensitively than you do and react to any changes with lightning speed. There is a lot to learn from your bells. For example, in under stress your testicles, cold from stress, need the warmth of their own body, so they shrink. Simply put, the scrotum knows what to do, and if the process is painless, then there is nothing to worry about.

5. Is it true that they twist?

Your balls can 100 percent get twisted, and that's no joke. It seems as if they are floating freely in a “leather bag of happiness,” but in fact, such a nuisance as testicular torsion can happen to them.

Sometimes one testicle, due to its mobility and energy, twists around its axis. After this there is sharp pain in the testicles and stomach. Sometimes the testicle, when torsion occurs, is more often located above its normal position. In some places, redness of the skin and an increase in its temperature may be observed. The body is so shocked by what is happening that it begins to send you hints in the form of vomiting. And at the scene of the events, a terrible picture unfolds: blood stops flowing to the bell, resulting in necrosis, and the only option is to remove the rotten bell before the entire body is damaged. You can live without one bell, but without two it’s better not to live at all.

You need to react with lightning speed, after 6 hours the bell starts to experience ischemic changes, and in 24 hours it may be completely too late, and only a miracle, God and a talented urologist, joining forces, can help you.

By the way, interesting feature: in people born with three testicles (yes, yes, this also happens! Touch, check, maybe it’s lost somewhere) torsion occurs several times more often.
Most often, this scourge occurs in children during puberty, but the number of adults with twisted eggs is not as small as we would like. So keep an eye on them.

6. If I have a tumor, am I finished?

The main thing is not to panic, not to pick up a hammer and not to make scrambled eggs out of your dignity. It's too early to write him off! The tumor may not be dangerous, but you will have to go for an ultrasound. If the tumor is inside, then you need to take serious measures, and if peculiar “lumps” are observed outside under the skin, then these are just epididymal cysts, and they are no worse than the threats of a schoolchild on social networks.

In any case, whether it is a cyst or a tumor, you will have to go to the doctor. Why do we need seals on eggs? We don’t need seals on the eggs, especially since one day they can turn into a serious cancerous tumor.

By the way, there are two main factors that provoke egg tumors. The first is cryptorchidism or undescended testicle into the scrotal cavity. The second point that provokes the development of a testicular tumor is testicular atrophy and hormonal imbalances in the male body, which are referred to as atrophy.

7. Why does your stomach hurt when you hit the balls?

This question interests us all. Why, when you hit me in the groin, does it feel like you were shot in the stomach with a howitzer?

The reason is actually quite logical. Before they descend during development/embryogenesis, the testes begin their long journey to glory near the kidneys. In the end, in the womb they move from the kidney area down to the scrotum, and then there is a long path of development and further exploitation.

The nerve endings of the testicles go back to their place of birth, that is, somewhere at the level of the kidneys. When you are hit on the very same thing, the brain, which is ready to fall into a coma from such insolence (you must hit something sacred!), sends an impulse precisely to the abdominal cavity and makes you bend, and also lowers it to the muscles of your legs and tightens them. Pain in the groin can cause involuntary contractions of the abdominal muscles. Moreover, this pain is felt as real pain in abdominal cavity, but it is not.

Don’t be surprised, it’s just that nature couldn’t come up with normal protection for the bells, like strong muscles and bones, so it causes contractions so that you quickly bend down and don’t get a second star.

Although this monk clearly does not understand the essence of the problem. Over the years of training, his broken balls have grown a keratinized layer that protects him from everything in the world, even from the wrath of God. But don't try to become the same! You need to study this for 20 years and at the same time be absolutely proficient!

By the way, never hit a person in the “sacred purse”. Firstly, this is vile, in our area they beat us for this, and secondly, it is fraught with testicular cancer and infertility. So don't ruin a person's life. And take care of your ringing bells of glory and honor!

--- The position of the testicles in the scrotum says little and, in principle, is variable; in addition, they are rarely located at the same level.

The thing is that this variability is quite strange. Moreover, it began a month after my manipulations, that is, the first month after the manipulations I watched my testicles, everything was the same as before. And a month later the right one was already falling lower than the left. Wherein last month There is a ache in the right testicle and it also protrudes a little forward.

--- Check your hormonal background- get tested - which ones? - see on this page:

I would like to know if this test can reveal what I really have hormonal disorder. Let’s assume that my hormonal levels were initially high, and I had them like this, I’ll explain why:
1) My stubble grew quickly, it was very hard and dark in color.
2) Acne appeared quite often on the back, which, as I read, also indicates increased hormonal levels.
3) My libido was really strong, I often fantasized about women.

Well, let’s give this hormonal level a rating of 10. And let’s say the norm is 6.
And so the test shows 6, which is the norm, but my background, given to me by nature, is 10. And here I have a question, how can this test show me that my hormonal background has really changed. The testicle may not produce, say, 100% of the hormone, but let’s say 50%, which the test considers normal. But I see that my stubble is growing worse, and I haven’t seen acne on my back for a long time (maybe this is for the best, but it’s a shame about the hormonal background).

--- If necessary, see a urologist and endocrinologist.

1) What kind of check needs to be done to ensure that nothing is broken in the testicles and that they work the same way as before the manipulations were performed. (i.e. genetics and testicular function are not impaired).

2) I also read a lot on the Internet and wanted to ask if it could be testicular torsion. The thing is that my last manipulation was accompanied by the testicle sinking somewhere upward, lifting it up from the scrotum. When the rope was removed, it came back, there was no pain. Could this be testicular torsion, or is this torsion accompanied only by acute pain, as they write in the symptoms of this disease.

3) I also have a question about orchitis. I also read about him. What is interesting is that with this disease the testicles become swollen and painful. They were really a little swollen, which basically went away quickly in 1 day, there was no pain, the only thing I can say is that there wasn’t much shooting in the groin, in the leg for 1 day, which also went away. Could it be orchitis?

4) Also, another suspicion that I had after studying the symptoms on the Internet is varicocele.
As I understand it, my manipulations could well have done some vascular problems in the testicle, which is what a varicocele basically is. But again, looking at the photographs of this disease, I understand that if I have it, it is most likely stage 1, which is difficult to diagnose visually. So, even if it is a varicocele, can it somehow affect the production of testosterone or any other hormones by the testicle?

5) I also read a lot about such a terrible disease as testicular atrophy, in which this is exactly what happens this failure V hormonal system. I can't say that my testicles have shrunk, but... at least, perhaps, but not so much that I noticed it (I repeat, I see some kind of change in the geometry of the scrotum, I can’t say for sure based on the size). By the way, it is written that one of the symptoms of this disease is a decrease in the growth of stubble on the face. As far as I understand from the description, this process of atrophy starts after any past diseases on the testicles, which have clear, acute symptoms that cannot be ignored or felt.
But if this process started, then at the beginning of this process I should have suffered some acute symptoms, pain, etc., right? But, as I already said, there was no pain in the testicle, nothing so bad that it would push me to run to the doctor. Could testicular atrophy have started despite the fact that I did not feel any acute symptoms Are you in pain?

6) After these manipulations, at the site of the dressing, a mark remained on the skin of the penis at the base. There you can see that the skin seems to be lighter than the rest of the skin on the penis. During an erection, you can see that in this place there is a small dent in the skin from this rope. What kind of trace could this be, and does this trace affect the functionality of the penis?

The other day I watched a program about rapists and there was a story in which a woman claimed that despite the physical power of the male sex, male anatomy allows even the weakest girl to easily defeat a strong male if she uses a FEMALE STRIKE! She also recommended that girls not sit at home, but enroll in the women’s self-defense section, where almost all techniques have an emphasis on strikes and grabbing the enemy’s scrotum in different positions, but this is not difficult! The main thing is to be prepared psychologically!
Every girl knows that the groin is a very sensitive vulnerable spot. The testicles can be kicked, punched, or used a crushing technique. A moderate kick may cause various reactions, such as severe pain, nausea, vomiting, respiratory failure and the possibility of infertility. Swipe in the groin can destroy the scrotum and testicles by impacting the pubic bone and cause shock and loss of consciousness.
The ideal target for hand grabs is the male genitals. If your hands are free and you are standing next to the rapist, and the target is covered by trousers or swimming trunks, then sharply slamming your palm into the crotch, cover the bulge with your palm and squeeze it with all your might, without understanding what is there. The enemy will develop natural tetanus! It's tetanus, not boner. While he stands like a pillar of salt, you will calmly leave without even turning around.
If it is possible to get to the goal using cunning, go for it. For example, promise your opponent a session of blowjob (oral sex), promise to massage and invigorate the “cock”, and then grab his genitals as tightly as possible. It is possible that the pervert himself has already exposed them.
In any case, grab the scrotum with your hand in a handful, tightly connecting your thumb with the index and other fingers. It is the scrotum, not the penis or groin hair. Then pull as hard as you can! Toward yourself, left, right, down, up - wherever you want! If you are sitting in front of a standing opponent, pull down. If you are both standing, then on yourself or up!
Women don't even realize how painful the impact is on this area. Gestapo things like “needles under the nails” are sweets compared to tugging on the scrotum! Depending on the strength of the jerk, the opponent may: a) howl wildly in pain and lose all ability to fight for several minutes. active actions; b) howl and lose consciousness; c) howl, lose consciousness, and upon waking up, cease to be a man; d) howl, lose consciousness and never wake up again.
In any case, whether you release the enemy after the jerk or continue the exercises with his scrotum, he will bend in half, howl terribly or groan in his gut: “Kill-yu-yu-yu-yu-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u. ****." There is no need to be afraid of threats. That's not for long. Very quickly the enemy will go limp, fall to the ground and will not be able to realize his promises in the near future.
Girls and women who know such techniques will easily find the opportunity to repeatedly hit the groin several times or grab and squeeze the scrotum and pull the testicles down! This does not require special training!!! That a man stronger than women it is a myth! In some European countries in high school, girls are taught lessons in women's self-defense and girls study male anatomy in detail! And every girl who has undergone such training easily wins strong man! EVERY WOMAN SHOULD KNOW THIS!! I HOPE THIS WILL HELP YOU, GOOD LUCK!

In fact, there are many things in the world that are simply amazing in their amazingness. Sometimes it seems that it is simply impossible to get answers to questions. But if you think carefully, then to resolve the situation it is enough to use simple rules various sciences.

In this article we will look for the answer to the question: “Why can’t you crush an egg with one hand?” You'll be surprised how simple it really is.

Myth or reality

Of course, most of us have at least once heard the story about how it is simply impossible to crush an egg with one hand. And, of course, I immediately wanted to know whether this statement was really true. Anyone who has decided to do this experiment can confidently say that it is impossible to crush something that does not have cracks with one hand. Although there will certainly be those who will responsibly declare a different result that they obtained from personal experience. But what is it connected with this phenomenon, and why does such a fragile product as an egg actually turn out to be very durable? So, let's try to answer the question of why you can't crush an egg with one hand.

In many respects, everything depends on the fact that a person experiences some “fear” and does not fully apply force to this process. And then a lot depends on how to position the product in the palm of your hand. So it turns out that in order to actually crush an egg, you need a certain amount of effort and no fear of getting your hands, clothes and walls of the room where you are conducting such an experiment dirty.

Let's turn to science

In fact, in order to get an answer to the question asked earlier, you need to resort to sciences such as physics and chemistry. They are the ones who are able to resolve all doubts regarding this topic.

The first thing worth talking about is that the egg shell is a crystal-like structure, which actually differs in its increased strength. The entire interior of the product is distributed evenly, hence creating back pressure. So why can't you crush an egg with one hand? Once the egg is grasped in your hand, there will be an even distribution of pressure. Consequently, if there are no cracks on it, it simply will not break, and in the case when the egg has the shape of a dome, then when squeezed it can even jump out of your hands.

How people use the egg shape in real life

A long time ago, people paid attention to the shape of the egg. Ideally created, it allows birds to hatch their offspring. The man analyzed all the advantages of this form and began to widely apply it in life. For example, northern peoples began to make boats in the shape of an egg. After all, it was with this unusual approach that when it hit the ice, the boat was thrown up. Currently, icebreakers are shaped like half an egg, thanks to which they can perform their direct functions.

Is it possible to crush an egg with one hand?

This question interests great amount people, although anyone can take this popular product out of their refrigerator and try to confirm or refute this assumption using personal example. We have already said that it is very difficult to crush an egg with one hand due to the uniform distribution of pressure. But anyone who has ever tried to do this will say that it is still possible to crush an egg. The trick is not to squeeze this oval object evenly with all your fingers, but to transfer the pressure to individual fingers, with which you will crush the egg. Only in this case will you easily achieve success. This little trick will help solve the problem, but here you need to be careful and be prepared for the fact that everything around you can get dirty.

So, to summarize, let’s say that in order to understand why you can’t crush an egg with one hand, you simply need to know the laws of physics and chemistry. After all, these two sciences provide answers to the most complex questions at first glance.

The testicles usually sit at the back of the penis. One of the reasons for this is that the pleasure you get from them is barely noticeable compared to, for example, a big spanking. However, the fact that the pleasure they can give is not one of the strong sensations, does not mean that it should be ignored. Here's what one of our readers says about it: “When my wife caresses my testicles and moves her hand up and down inside my thighs, then I rate it as one part delight, two parts complete relaxation and six parts of complete bliss. I could not appreciate this in my twenties, but now I enjoy every moment of these caresses and get as much pleasure from them as from oral sex. The feeling is different, but it completely satisfies me.”

Rules for handling testicles

The testicles are actually not as smooth as you might imagine, in fact they are rough and uneven. Usually they can be handled quite calmly and with impunity, but if someone tries to flick their finger on them, then it is possible that its owner (in the sense of the owner of the finger) will have to be torn from the ceiling in parts. God only knows why this is so. The eggs should feel about the same as hard-boiled eggs, only without the shell and not as large.

As a man becomes more sexually aroused, his testicles increase in size and become larger. When the moment of intense sexual arousal comes and the time approaches when a man is about to come, his scrotum and testicles turn towards the penis and squeeze it in their tight embrace, like a rubber rope jumper at the moment when the rope lifts him up after a jump.

And one more thing you need to know about the testicles is that they can be soft or hard to the touch and, very importantly, quickly change from one state to another. And it all depends on the temperature external environment and the degree of sexual arousal of a man.

Embryology of the testicles

In the womb of the mother, male and female humans begin their existence with the same genitalia. And these genitals are female. If the fetus is washed male hormones, then under their influence the female genitals turn into male genitals. If this does not happen, then the genitals remain female.

In the language of embryologists, if your man had not undergone changes in the womb, then the skin from which his scrotum was created would have remained the large outer lips of the female genital organs. If you look closely at his scrotum, you will see a barely noticeable seam running right down the middle. This is the same place where his primary lips fused together to form the scrotum. And the essence of this intricate story leads us to the idea that the male scrotum is as sensitive as the lips of the female external genitalia. Moreover, the inner thighs of men are just as sensitive as your own, but the man does not notice it because he is too busy playing with his penis.

Embryology is the science of the embryonic development of organisms. She also studies issues of fertilization. (Approx. Transl.)

What are the testicles prone to?

The previous chapter contains an entire section devoted to testicular massage. In this regard, there is no need to try other fun with the testicles, you just need to experiment and find out what your man likes best. You could start by placing your fingertips on the sides of the scrotum and begin to caress it as gently as you know how. And then let him help you with words to understand where to move next.

You can place your palm on his penis so that the fingers of your hand rest on the scrotum. Try massaging lightly back the scrotum where it meets the groin. Every minute (or so), run your palm over his penis. This will create a pleasant sensation in the penis, a kind of surge

Pleasure, which can be interspersed with the gentle delight that he will feel while your fingertips caress his testicles.

Some men get great pleasure from lying face down while their testicles are caressed.

Supplement to sexual intercourse

You can stimulate a man's testicles during intercourse if you are in a position that allows you to do so. The most comfortable position for this is one in which you sit on top of the man, with your face facing his feet. Various positions in which a man enters you from behind also allow you to reach and caress his balls if you reach between your legs. It's worth experimenting to see what he and you like best.

He likes you to lick them

Some men enjoy it when a woman licks or sucks their balls. In any case, what has been said definitely relates to the guy you will see in the illustration in the chapter “ Oral sex: soft lips and “honey” places...” and who clearly enjoys it.

Sophisticated hairstyle

Get yourself a makeup brush or a Japanese bamboo brush, make your cowboy spread his legs wider and gently brush with the above items. inner part his thighs, testicles, penis and bottom part belly. Circular movements around his scrotum can give him unforgettable pleasure. The feeling from such caresses is similar to something between the touch of a peacock feather and soft fingertips. It's a little ticklish and relaxing at the same time. If you like to be in control, then you might want to tie it up first.

The same man morning, noon and evening?

Not really.

Different testicles and different boys.

When doing this type of brushing, don't just limit yourself to your man's genital area. Try doing the same with his back, legs, arms and face. If you are lucky, he will snatch the brush (or tassel) from you and do the same for you.


Between the testicles and anus there is a piece of anatomical property called the genitals. It has high potential and can be a source of great pleasure, although it is often ignored in genital sexual stimulation. It's called the perineum. (By the way, women have it too.) Tantrics and Hindus are delighted when it comes to this area and treat it with awe, while we Westerners perceive it as a garbage can pedal that always returns to its original position. Place your fingertips on this area and apply a little pressure so that the skin moves along the surface of the underlying tissue. Experiment to see how best to target this area.

Another tenderness

If you really want to caress his testicles, then cast aside all doubts and stick your hand between your man’s legs. You can hold onto his testicles when you're not having sex. For example, when you just watch TV and fall asleep. Some men will see this as a manifestation of special care and affection, while others will understand that this greatly excites them, although others may completely reject this type of tenderness.

Dear Paul!

I had mumps as a child and my testicles became swollen. I have heard that this can cause infertility. Is this really true and I won't be able to have children?

Bila from State Egg University

Dear Bill!

Pig is viral disease, which actually causes swollen tear glands (the ones under your jaw) and swollen testicles (the ones under your penis). Approximately 15-25 percent of boys who have had mumps usually experience swelling in their testicles - one or both at once. Even if your testicles were swollen during mumps, it is unlikely that this could make you infertile. Doctors use the words “rarely” or “very rarely” when talking about the possibility that mumps can cause infertility.

Most likely you are not infertile, although you have had mumps, but to make sure of this, give your sperm for analysis or get a woman pregnant from you. I bless you for the first of two options.

Dear Paul!

My newborn son had one of his testicles that did not descend into his scrotum. What do you know about this?

Pam from Little Egg Rock

Dear Pam!

When we're talking about about a testicle that has not descended into the scrotum, then we apply to it medical term"cryptochidism", which comes from a Greek word literally meaning "hidden gonad". There are two ways to encounter this problem: the first is to go surfing in the middle of winter, and the second is to be born with it.

Contrary to what seems logical, the testicles of a fetus do not form between the legs of that fetus. Instead, they develop in his lower abdomen and do not descend into the scrotum until one or two months before the baby is born. They travel from the lower abdomen to the scrotum through the inguinal canal.

About 3.5 percent of boys are born with undescended testicles. This testicle usually then descends into the scrotum on its own without medical intervention Thus, by the age of one year, approximately only one percent of boys (1 in 100 or 150) still have undescended testicles.

If this happens after the boy reaches the age of one year, then it is usually necessary surgical intervention. This operation is performed on an outpatient basis. Attempts to bring the testicle into the scrotum through treatment hormonal drugs often have unacceptable side effects, and all the progress in this area is very insignificant.

In any case, I would recommend listening to the opinion different specialists in pediatric urology, but listen only to the second, and maybe even the third of them. As urologist Joseph Dwoskin of Texas Tech College, urologist, said, “There are as many opinions about the tests as there are specialists who study them.”

Dear Paul!

A friend of mine was recently diagnosed and told he has testicular cancer. Since I took all this to heart, I tried telling other boys to check their testicles. Most of them just laugh. Maybe they will listen to you?

Barb from Rocky Island Dear Barb!

The term testicular cancer is a misnomer. This should sound like "cancer of the testicle" (of one testicle), since usually only one of the testicles has cancer. And this good news, because for us men, it is enough to have one egg to remain capable of conceiving. In addition, it does not affect normal sexual desire. We have two eggs so that with one egg we can play pocket pull.

Typically, testicular cancer is curable in 97 percent of cases if it is diagnosed early stage development of the disease. Unfortunately, young men between the ages of 15 and 35 are the least likely to think about the possibility of testicular cancer. Also, testicular cancer usually occurs in people your parents' age, so checking your testicles for cancer cells or changes in tissue texture simply do not fit into the minds of young people.

Another problem is that most young people would rather sit naked on a fence than go to the doctor and say, "I'm worried about my testicle and would like to have it checked." This is how it happens that cancer cells spread everywhere before any treatment begins. This is bad because some testicular cancer cells can double in size in less than 30 days without you feeling any pain.

The third obstacle to detecting the presence of cancer cells in the testicles is that special meaning, which we attach to the testicles, as when we say: “He’s a man with balls!” Have any of us ever heard the phrase “She’s the lady with the ovaries!”? Purely symbolically, it is very important for a man when he loses one testicle, and I am not embellishing anything here. Most of us would prefer to deny that such a possibility exists.

It is interesting to note that most cancers in men are found in women. Then she truly is his real savior, and therefore I hope that women will learn how to check male testicles not only in the name of health, but also in the name of pleasure.

The most common symptom is the presence of a lump or nodule on the side or front of the testicle. Usually clicking on this place does not cause any painful sensations. Another symptom appears when the area becomes harder. Remember that if the testicles become swollen or shrink, or the testicle begins to lose its spongy texture, then you should have them checked.

Much less common symptoms are pain and discomfort in the testicles, back pain, breast swelling (male) or a feeling of heaviness in the depths of the pelvic area.

Sometimes there are some diseases that may look like cancer. Most can be treated relatively easily with antibiotics. Therefore, do not prepare yourself in advance for the fact that the doctor will definitely tell you bad news. It would be very wise to examine your testicles yourself once a month. For example, after taking a hot shower, when the testicles are warm and calmly hang down. Next, follow the instructions in the pictures, which show complete diagram testicular checks.

If you would like to participate in the conversation regarding testicular cancer, please visit our website at Enter the Cancer window in Goofy Search Engine. We maintain relationships with sites of men who have had testicular cancer. Interestingly, everyone who lost one testicle due to cancer did not replace it with an artificial one, and at the same time they feel completely normal.

Testicle check

You should check your testicles about once every 30 days or after every 3,000 movements, whichever is faster.

Use both hands. Take the egg. Roll it between your fingers. You should look for any swelling or lumps on it.

NEW IMAGE OF THE SCRUM! This is what your testicles would look like if you could see them through your scrotum. Each testicle has a pair of spaghetti-like ligaments attached to its back and top. The whole structure, taken together, forms something shaped like a comma. This design would look more voluminous if you delayed ejaculation for a while. If you are experiencing strange sensations in the testicular area, then check your “comma” for any lumps or tumors that may have appeared there since the last test.

Squeeze this baby carefully. You should feel its spongy surface, although sometimes this sensation varies depending on the weather or the degree of hardness of the penis. Be alert if you suddenly notice that the testicle becomes hard, weak, or begins to lose its spongy structure.

Now check your second testicle in the same way.

If you find any suspicious tissue lumps, tumors, or swellings on one of your testicles, take it to the doctor to have it checked. It could be a cyst or an infection, but they should not be ignored.

CONGRATULATIONS! Now you have completed the test. Now go grab your favorite lube and educational materials and make sure your sperm are excellent swimmers.

The most explosive (pardon the pun!) news about testicles

Doctors have just begun to discover that some adult men are suffering from infertility because they played active games. sport games without the armor cups that protect the testicles, and once bruised them. Any man who is engaged active sports, regardless of age, must wear armor cups. The same applies to defenders when playing baseball. Fortunately, they now wear soft protective armor, which is better than having nothing. In addition, these armor will make you irresistible in the eyes of women. Look up the word "cup" in the Goofy dictionary at the end of this book, where detailed tips regarding wearing protective cups (lats).