The cat is breathing heavily with its belly. Causes of shortness of breath in cats and methods of treatment. Shortness of breath in cats: types and causes

Why does a cat breathe frequently? This question worries all pet owners. In this article we'll talk about why this happens and what needs to be done.

The normal breathing rate for a cat is considered to be from twenty to forty exhalations per minute. However, there are situations when a pet’s breathing is impaired. When a cat breathes with its belly, its lungs and rib cage, because normally a vacuum is created around the lungs in the chest cavity and allows the organs to have space. Due to certain problems with the body, both air and blood along with harmful substances can enter the cavity. This may also be due to increased physical exercise, various pathologies and harsh climatic conditions. This can also be caused by the onset of labor in a cat and stressful situations. Any of these options will be a reason to visit a doctor.

Why does the cat breathe quickly and stick out its tongue?

Everyone is familiar with the situation when a cat sticks out its tongue to wash itself or lap up milk. However, there are situations when you should worry about the condition of the animal.

First, let's look at situations where you don't need to worry:

But if the cat breathes frequently, while opening its mouth, then you need to sound the alarm. The mechanism for the occurrence of problems in terms of breathing is quite simple: to improve gas exchange in the lungs and better supply of air there, the animal needs to breathe more often and deeper, which is why it has to open its mouth, stick out its tongue and lower it beyond the boundaries of the oral cavity. The reasons may be the most various diseases by type of rhinitis, sinusitis, pulmonary inflammation and many other diseases.

And it is also important to note that the cause of this phenomenon is cardiovascular failure, poisoning and disorders in the brain. When poisoning occurs, vomiting occurs, the animal begins to cough, and as a result, all harmful substances leave the body. When disturbances occur in the brain, the cat is unable to control the movements of its body, including its tongue. Additionally, the cat may be accompanied by strabismus and other diseases.

The main causes of deterioration in breathing in cats

The reasons leading to deterioration of breathing in cats include symptoms such as:

Also, the reasons may be the consequences of heart disease, which lead to heart failure, metabolic disorders, filling the space in the chest with harmful substances, as well as the presence of foreign objects for example, a piece of food that has gone down the wrong throat, or plants, especially those with sharp stems and leaves. In addition, gas exchange disorders when blood does not enter the body can interfere with breathing. This may occur due to previous injuries, swelling in the lungs, or pneumonia.

Diagnosis and prevention of diseases

For correct diagnosis diseases respiratory tract In cats, it is necessary to organize the prevention of diseases and their treatment. First you need to study the medical history of the cat and the results of the examination for physical state health. The upper respiratory tract is examined using an x-ray, and it is performed in the presence of diseases of the lower respiratory tract, for example, cough, difficulty breathing or rapid breathing. Doctors often use devices to examine the nose, throat, and respiratory system. If there is a suspicion of a lung disease, it is necessary to analyze what is contained in the lungs and respiratory system by washing the trachea or sacs with a sterile liquid and further studying the resulting liquid. This procedure is called
transtracheal flushing.

Cats that have a lot of fluid in the pleural area need to have it pumped out using a special needle, and then this fluid is examined under a special microscope. If there is a lot of liquid, then this is the reason possible diseases heart, for a more complete result it is necessary to perform an electrocardiogram procedure.

Prevention is that cats develop diseases as a result of stress, certain health problems, climate conditions, as well as dust, dampness, and drafts. Some types of diseases can be cured through vaccination. However, in any case, it is necessary to comply with sanitary standards for keeping cats.

Providing first aid to a cat

It is necessary to secure the cat so that its neck is straight and in line with the spine; The pet’s mouth should be closed, the mouth should be free of saliva, foam, and mucus; we produce deep breath, exhale air into the nose through the palm, which is folded into a tube. You can cover the cat’s mouth with a thin scarf and clasp the nose with your lips without using your palm; frequency approximately twenty times per minute, depth will depend on the size of the pet.

Kittens to do artificial kind breathing must be done extremely carefully, since if you exhale too intensely, you can harm your small lungs (they simply won’t be able to
place the volume of air exhaled by a person). To calculate the volume, place your palm on the cat’s chest: a slight expansion is enough, do not overdo it; We check the pulse every 15–20 seconds.

If your heart has stopped, don’t panic! Usually, if the cat can still be saved, the heart rate is restored within ten to fifteen minutes. indirect massage; We wrap our palm around the cat’s sternum from below so that it becomes sandwiched in the area between thumb on one side and the remaining fingers on the other. We sharply squeeze and unclench our fingers (five times in a row), then blow air into the cat’s nasal openings once, then again five compressions of the chest.

Every two minutes we check to see if the heart is beating. It’s great if there is an assistant nearby: one person produces artificial respiration, and the second massages the heart without interruption.

Transporting cats to the veterinary clinic

Ten tips for transporting your cat to the veterinary clinic:


So, now we know how to help a cat cure respiratory tract diseases. After all, you really want your pet to live as long as possible. Remember: fast reaction on the symptoms of the disease will help in time to help treat the respiratory tract and prolong life path your pet.

In the article I will talk about hard breath in cats and its causes. I will explain the signs indicating a problem in the respiratory system of a pet. I will explain how to provide first aid and transport a cat to a veterinary clinic if he is breathing heavily from his stomach. I will list the moments when rapid inhalation is a variant of the norm or pathology.

It is difficult to notice the healthy normal breathing of a cat.

If it becomes clear that your pet is having difficulty breathing, he has to make an effort to inhale or exhale, the sound when inhaling has changed, this means that the functioning of the respiratory system is impaired.

In most cases, deterioration in breathing is associated with nasal congestion, for example, during a runny nose or foreign objects. Colds not uncommon and easy to treat.

Sometimes, during difficulty breathing, the pet may experience pain. Externally, this manifests itself as the following signs:

  • cat looks worried and scared;
  • the muzzle is stretched out in an unusual grimace;
  • pupils dilated;
  • tail pressed to body;
  • mustache pressed;
  • animal aggressively.

Heavy belly breathing is a sign that your cat is not feeling well. It looks as if the pet is trying to inhale air with its stomach and push it out when exhaling. This type of breathing is called abdominal.

Normally, the abdominal muscles should not be used. When healthy, there is a vacuum in the sternum around the lungs. It allows the lungs to expand when inhaling.

In case of injury or serious illnesses, air (pneumothorax) or liquid (hydrothorax) can enter the chest cavity, which is why the lungs cannot expand normally and take in air when inhaling.

The compensatory functions of the body are involved: the diaphragm is included in the inhalation process, so it is carried out by the “stomach”.

This condition It is extremely dangerous for the pet’s life and requires urgent hospitalization to a veterinary clinic.

Shortness of breath in cats always indicates the animal’s ill health and requires increased attention from the owner's side.

The cause can be both chronic and acute conditions:

  • diseases of the respiratory system;
  • progressive anemia;
  • recently previous operations under anesthesia;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Heavy breathing with open mouth occurs due to oxygen starvation of the body. In this state, you can notice a pose that is not typical for the cat’s normal behavior. It looks like this: the pet spreads its front legs wide, stretches its head and neck (trying to straighten the trachea), opens its mouth and breathes with shortness of breath.

This condition indicates that oxygen from the inhaled air is not delivered to the organs and tissues of the body. As a result, hypoxia occurs - a serious, life-threatening condition.

Another cause of open-mouth breathing is a cat in shock. This is a severe circulatory disorder, also leading to hypoxia. This condition can occur due to injury, allergic reaction and intoxication of the body.

Heavy breathing with your tongue hanging out also indicates oxygen starvation. Sometimes such a reaction occurs in a cat after active physical activity. In this case, a blue tongue may appear. After resting a little, the cat returns to normal and all symptoms disappear.

This condition indicates heart failure and requires consultation with a specialist.

First aid

Signs that your cat needs emergency help:

  • frequent difficulty breathing with an open mouth or protruding tongue, like a dog, abdominal inhalation;
  • sounds uncharacteristic for a pet (wheezing);
  • unusual unnatural pose;
  • the pet is lying down and cannot get up;
  • anxiety, fear, aggressiveness, lethargic pet;
  • pallor and blueness of the mucous membranes(gums, lips, tongue).

If these symptoms are detected, it is necessary to urgently take the cat to a veterinary clinic.

It is strictly forbidden to give human medications or do any procedures. This group This product is completely unsuitable for use in animals and may cause irreparable harm health.

The only thing a person can do to help their pet before coming to the veterinarian is to create maximum access to fresh cool air and try to calm the animal.

Transportation to the veterinary clinic and treatment

When transporting to a veterinary clinic, it is necessary to ensure maximum influx fresh air. You need to transport your pet in a carrier (if it does not cause stress). There is no need to hug or cuddle your pet.

If breathing is difficult, the process of inhalation and exhalation is difficult for the animal, and constrained movements will only aggravate the situation.

At the veterinary clinic, the pet will be placed in an oxygen chamber or allowed to breathe oxygen using a special mask. Sometimes there is an urgent need surgical intervention And artificial ventilation lungs.

If the violation was caused by foreign body into the respiratory tract, the veterinarian will be able to carefully remove it.

In other cases, after providing first aid, the veterinarian will collect an anamnesis from the cat’s owner and prescribe the necessary examination.

After full examination the veterinarian will determine the real reason diseases and prescribe treatment.

Breathing problems – severe pathological condition, requiring comprehensive examination and prescribing appropriate treatment. You won’t be able to solve the problem yourself at home without harming your pet.

When fast breathing is normal

Frequency is total breaths in 1 minute.

The normal breathing rate for a cat is 20-30 breaths per minute. In this case, slight deviations in both directions are possible. For example, a cat that inhales up to 35 times per minute, in the absence of other symptoms indicating illness, is completely healthy.

It is normal to inhale more frequently after physical activity and during hot weather. This is how the body tries to cool down.

During times of fear or stress, a cat's breathing may also become faster.

If breathing problems are not associated with these reasons and have the symptoms described above, you cannot postpone a visit to the veterinarian.

In the article I talked about respiratory dysfunction in cats. Listed its signs and possible reasons. Describes cases in which changes in inhalation are normal and those in which urgent veterinary care, including signs that are similar in young kittens.

Most pet owners only notice external signs their illnesses. Hair loss, the appearance of pus in the eyes, and vomiting are simply impossible not to notice. But as for changes in breathing, they are difficult to determine in a cat. Unless the cat comes to the owner’s bed, and he hears alarm bells. This pathology may be due to serious reasons. So, let's learn about them, about the features of rapid breathing and its treatment.

Shortness of breath in cats: types and causes

This is what rapid breathing is called. On medical language the pathology sounds like tachypnea. Very often, with this diagnosis, the animal takes a position in which the front legs are extended and the back is arched.

Tachypnea in cats can be pathological and physiological. The second type is the norm. Observed after birth, when the cat is hot. In this natural way, the pet’s body returns to normal. Sometimes physiological shortness of breath in animals can be observed after castration or sterilization. In this case, the cat also recovers from the effects of anesthesia and comes to its senses. IN in rare cases rapid breathing after the above procedures is side effect, evidence of pulmonary edema. If this is the case, then the animal’s condition may worsen, and the mucous membranes gradually turn blue.

Symptoms of shortness of breath

Tachypnea in cats manifests itself in specific behavior. The animal tries to lie down and take a semi-recumbent position to facilitate breathing. His mouth may be half open. At the same time, appetite decreases sharply. The cat's condition is apathetic. Breathing becomes noisy, fast, hoarse, or shallow. It may seem to the owner that the cat is constantly sleeping. He also tends to hide in far corners and hide; he is irritated by light. Sometimes he may cough. The animal's gums become blue or burgundy. This is a sign that there is not enough hemoglobin in the blood, all tissues are poorly supplied with oxygen. If the course of tachypnea is mild, then there may not be such symptoms. When breathing is hoarse, frequent, and accompanied by foam coming from the nose, it means the cat is seriously ill. These are symptoms of pathologies of the pulmonary circulation. That is, the cat has problems with the heart or lungs, possibly feline infectious peritonitis.

If tachypnea occurs in old cat(more than 10 years), then most likely this is due to chronic heart failure. It always causes shortness of breath. But if we're talking about about tachypnea in representatives of brachycephalic breeds, for example, Persians, then in them this phenomenon is considered the norm. After all, such violations are provoked by the flattening of the animal’s muzzle. Yes, in this case, tachypnea can hardly be called physiological.

What should an owner do if an animal is short of breath?

Let us remind you that it may be a sign serious illnesses. Therefore, there is no need to listen to your neighbors and self-medicate. Tachypnea is not rhinitis, and an animal is not a field for medicinal experiments. Even the experienced owner cats. If he is responsible, he should immediately apply for medical care. Calling a doctor to your home or taking the animal to a clinic is up to the owner to choose depending on the circumstances. The main thing is not to lament or worry the cat again.

Perhaps in veterinary clinic Tracheal intubation will have to be done. If the condition is not very serious, then limit yourself to an oxygen mask. In a clinic, the cat will be given ultrasonography chest or x-ray. Required for diagnosis are biochemical analysis blood and electrocardiogram. It will accurately detect disturbances in the functioning of the heart.

Treatment for tachypnea depends on the underlying cause of the disease. If it is hydrothorax, then excess fluid will need to be removed. Manipulation is carried out surgically or using medications. IN mandatory medications are prescribed to support cardiac activity.

Often people encounter a problem when a cat breathes heavily from its stomach and with its mouth open. It is necessary to understand the causes of abnormal breathing if the symptoms do not go away. This means that the animal's health is at risk.

Causes of improper breathing

A cat's normal breathing rate is 20-40 breaths per minute. Sometimes it is possible to observe situations where this process may be disrupted. When a cat breathes heavily from its belly, the chest cannot cope with its functional responsibilities. At normal breathing V chest cavity a vacuum is formed, which provides the organs with free space. If there are some problems with the internal organs of the animal, not only vital oxygen, but also blood can penetrate into the cavity. The reasons why a cat wheezes when breathing can be excessive physical activity, unfavorable climatic conditions, stressful situations and various pathologies.

Heavy breathing with an open mouth indicates the presence of possible diseases. Scientists often distinguish physiological (normal) and pathological features what causes cats to breathe improperly. Main function respiratory tract is to supply required quantity oxygen during inspiration. Violation of the process leads to the stoppage of the entire system, so the body has no choice but to change the type of breathing.

Features of rapid mouth breathing

You often notice how a cat sticks out its tongue and begins to wash itself. At first glance, the situation is quite normal, but sometimes you should seriously think about the condition of the animal. There is no need to worry about the health of your pet in the following cases:

  • Cats are forgetful and often simply do not hide their tongue after washing.
  • During sleep, the muscles are in a relaxed state, and you can see a red stripe between the teeth of cats.
  • At elevated temperatures air cats stick out their tongue.

It should be noted that sometimes animals can suffer from heatstroke. Therefore, when extreme heat It is recommended to move the pet to a cool room and provide it with water.

In the above cases, there is no need to worry about your pet, but if you are breathing with your mouth open, you should urgently take action. decisive action. To improve the process of gas exchange and sufficient oxygen supply to the lungs, cats should exhibit frequent and deep breathing. As a result, you have to open your mouth and stick out your tongue. Causes vary, but you should always treat your pet.

Situations arise when such a phenomenon is characterized cardiovascular failure, poisoning and disorders in the brain. During poisoning it is possible vomiting reflex, in which cats begin to cough and bacteria are expelled from the body. Disorders in the brain prevent your pet from controlling his body and make it difficult for him to move.

If health problems arise, you should not try to help your cat on your own. Install accurate diagnosis Only a qualified doctor can. Therefore, at the first symptoms, it is recommended to seek help from a specialist.

Symptoms of a deteriorating cat's condition

Breathing problems in most cases are characterized by the following symptoms:

  • a posture that causes suspicion and concern;
  • the cat does not eat and drinks little;
  • the pet makes suspicious sounds that were not previously characteristic of it;
  • blue lip color;
  • rapid and heavy breathing with an open mouth.

The reasons may be the consequences of heart disease, impaired metabolism, the presence in the chest cavity harmful substances and bacteria or foreign objects (food debris, plants). A similar condition is observed after castration of a cat.

Diagnosis of the disease

Before making a diagnosis, it is necessary to study the cat’s medical history and conduct an appropriate examination. The condition of the respiratory tract is checked by x-ray. It is important to note that this method is used only for diseases of the lower respiratory tract. Doctors quite often use special devices to examine the nose and throat. If even the slightest suspicion is detected, a thorough analysis of what is in the lungs should be carried out by washing the trachea.

If a cat has a a large number of liquid, it requires immediate pumping with a needle. IN further liquid sent to the laboratory for study. If there is an abundance of it, we can talk about possible heart disease. Cats and cats often have health problems as a result stressful situations, unfavorable climatic conditions, dampness of premises and constant drafts. Prevention consists of timely vaccination. Should be strictly observed sanitary standards on keeping and caring for cats.

First aid

During assistance for a pet it is necessary to fix his body so that the neck is in a straight position. The mouth should be closed and cleared of saliva and other mucus. Then you should take a deep breath and exhale through your cupped palm into your nose. Front part The cat can be covered with a rag or handkerchief.

If cardiac arrest occurs during the process, then there is no need to worry. In situations where the animal cannot be brought back to life, the heart rhythm is restored after 10-15 minutes massage treatments. To do this, you need to clasp your palm chest area cat in such a way that it is pinched on one side with the thumb and on the other with the rest. You need to squeeze and release your fingers 5 times in a row, then blow air into the nasal openings.

An immediate reaction to the first signs of the disease will help you make the right decision in time and save the animal.