Reduxin - reviews. Ozone Reduxin (The drug is available strictly according to prescription)

Regardless of place of residence, gender and age, a large number of people are faced with the problem of excess weight. Most use well-known traditional methods to make their shape closer to the standard image, such as proper nutrition and sports activities.

But there are people who use special medications, such as Reduxin tablets for weight loss, which gives them the opportunity to achieve the desired result without resorting to grueling diets and sports. In this regard, and taking into account the fact that all people suffering from this disease have a great desire to never remember the much-hated excess weight, a question arises. How effective can Reduxin capsules help you lose extra pounds and what should you expect from it?

If you have made a firm decision to permanently get rid of the hated fat deposits with the help of medications, you should opt for the tested and safest ones. Exactly like Reduxin tablets for quick weight loss. And, naturally, you should begin the difficult path to a perfect figure after consulting with a professional nutritionist and obtaining his permission.

It is important! Professional nutritionists advise trying not to follow attractive slogans about instant weight loss. Since, by definition, productive diets cannot bear fruit quickly. The basic rule of smart diets: one hundred percent and leisurely.

Countless varied reviews of Reduxin capsules, which promote rapid weight loss, give reason to assert that the tablets are harmless, although minor side effects occur when they are used. But still, the most important thing that happens when using them is a noticeable reduction in body weight.

It is necessary to understand that the drug that provides effective weight loss is a full-fledged medical drug, and therefore it should not be used as a supplement to your own diet. It has certain side effects and specific restrictions when taken, so its use must be approached with full responsibility. Professional nutritionists prescribe Reduxin capsules as one of the methods only after conducting a comprehensive medical examination of the patient. Reduxin tablets, designed for rapid weight loss, help dull the feeling of hunger for a certain time, and thereby help cope with the constant desire to eat.

Composition of the drug

This unique drug, which activates the process of effective weight loss, contains only two active ingredients, cellulose with a microcrystalline structure and sibutramine.

Each component has its own exceptional therapeutic properties that contribute to the following processes:

  • reducing the amount of fat deposited in different parts of the body;
  • normalization of metabolic transformation reactions;
  • reduction in total body weight.

In order to know how Reduxin helps with weight loss, you need to take a closer look at its components separately.

Crystalline cellulose

Cellulose, which has a microcrystalline structure, acts as a food substitute. After it enters the body, it begins to absorb liquid and harmful elements dissolved in it, which leads to complete filling of the stomach space. This allows the brain to receive a signal of satiety, and the obsessive desire to eat something goes away.


Drug manufacturers have long tried to develop a substance that promotes a feeling of fullness even after a small amount of food. Since it is constant and uncontrolled food intake that leads to excess weight in a person. Such a substance was sibutramine, which has anorexigenic properties and therefore copes well with its functions.

This is interesting! With the help of sibutramine, one of the components of Reduxin, a person begins to consume significantly smaller portions. This can be judged by the numerous rave reviews about the drug for rapid weight loss.

In people who are obese, a violation occurs, and as a result, the efficiency of heat balance decreases. The human body begins to store fat from food instead of using it to stabilize the temperature. Sibutramine also copes well with this task; it helps normalize heat balance.

There are many reviews from people who lose weight using Reduxin capsules. Judging by them, after taking the drug, a wonderful feeling of warmth spreads throughout the body, thermal balance and metabolic processes begin to function normally, and the body begins to burn fat. In addition, sibutramine stabilizes the amount of cholesterol, uric acid and blood sugar levels.

Mechanism of action

Medicine manufacturers were able to offer a very modern and effective remedy to people who want to lose excess fat. Reduxin tablets are a unique drug that helps achieve excellent results in the process of losing weight. It can be taken without fear for the treatment of obesity, it has almost no negative effects, and, judging by the reviews, literally immediately after starting to take it, positive changes occur in the body.

With the help of Reduxin tablets, which promote rapid weight loss, you can lose weight by 1 kilogram every week, which, according to doctors, is the most acceptable rate of weight loss for the body. This drug, intended for rapid weight loss, has a complex effect:

  • A comfortable internal state arises. There is a general improvement in the functionality of the entire body as a whole, due to the stabilization of glucose and cholesterol levels in the blood after using Reduxin tablets.
  • The effect after taking the capsules lasts for a long time. The drug ensures measured weight loss over a long period of time, and the lost kilograms will not return even after you stop taking Reduxin tablets.
  • Increased metabolic reactions. A person loses weight much more vigorously as the body begins to burn more calories due to faster chemical reactions. Additionally, we recommend that you read the material about.
  • Appetite decreases significantly. When taking a drug intended for weight loss, as is known from a large number of reviews, the feeling of hunger is dulled for a long time. A person, in order to constantly maintain a state of satiety, only needs to occasionally eat a small amount of food.
  • The weight loss process occurs at an optimal pace. The disadvantages include the fact that weight loss with the help of Reduxin tablets occurs at a rather slow speed. This pace, according to professional doctors, does not cause stress in the body and is optimal for a person.

Despite all the effectiveness of Reduxin capsules for rapid weight loss, you can achieve even more significant results with the help of dietary nutrition and sports activities. There are many people who, judging by their reviews, combine drug therapy with other methods of losing weight, and thereby achieve significant success in losing weight.

Instructions for use

Due to the convenience and comfort of use, positive results during and after the end of therapy with this drug, it enjoys very high popularity and undiminished demand, and therefore the question arises of how to take Reduxin correctly to lose weight and the result will remain for a long time. The schedule for taking it does not depend on your diet, and just one capsule once a day is enough. This means that one package containing 60 tablets will last for 2 months, while the duration of the full course of obesity therapy is 1 year.

To increase effectiveness, of course, provided that the components of the Reduxin drug are well accepted by the body, take 1.5 capsules at a time. But doing this without first consulting a doctor is strictly prohibited. Since no one is immune from side effects, if they occur, you should reduce the dosage to 0.5 capsules and immediately consult your doctor.

Only a highly specialized doctor can prescribe Reduxin tablets as an effective means of weight loss, after a mandatory examination. Therapy with Reduxin is prescribed in the following cases:

  • very slow weight loss when using other methods of combating obesity;
  • traditional methods do not give the required result.

As one of the components of a set of measures to achieve stable weight loss, Reduxin capsules can lead to a significant reduction in body weight, which will allow you to lose 5-10 kilograms every month.

Price and release form of Reduxin

This drug for effective weight loss is available in the following dosage:

Name Price
Reduxin 10 mg (30 pcs.) from 1650 rub.
Reduxin 10 mg (60 pcs.) from 2800 rub
Reduxin 10 mg (90 pcs.) from 3800 rub.
Reduxin 15 mg (30 pcs.) from 2500 rub
Reduxin 15 mg (60 pcs.) from 4200 rub
Reduxin 15 mg (90 pcs.) from 5800 rub.
Reduxin Light (30 pcs.) from 1450 rub.
Reduxin Light (120 pcs.) from 2700 rub.
Reduxin Light (180 pcs.) from 2900 rub.
Reduxin Light Strengthened Formula (30 pcs.) from 1650 rub.
Reduxin Light Strengthened Formula (60 pcs.) from 2800 rub
Reduxin Met set (850 mg) from 1645 RUR

It is worth considering that the cost, depending on the region and the manufacturer, the cost of medicines may vary slightly.

Contraindications and side effects

If a person losing weight with the help of Reduxin capsules follows the recommendations of doctors, then the drug for effective weight loss will be easily tolerated. But, according to reviews, it is known that it still has side effects that appear at the very beginning of use.

They can be like this:

  • increased heart rate;
  • dry mouth;
  • minor headaches;
  • nausea;
  • change in the perception of food taste;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • constipation;
  • causeless worries;
  • decreased appetite.

Also, in addition to this, the action of Reduxin tablets can sometimes cause swelling, itching, pain in the abdomen and back, sweating and drowsiness.

A drug intended for effective weight loss, along with side effects, also has contraindications for use, and therefore it is necessary to know the effect of the drug Reduxin on the body in order to try to prevent the consequences.

Contraindications and side effects are as follows:

  • serious abnormalities in the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • mental illness;
  • taking medications to treat the central nervous system;
  • kidney and liver diseases;
  • arrhythmia of the heart muscle;
  • addiction to alcohol and drugs;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the coronary arteries;
  • allergic reactions to the components included in Reduxin tablets;
  • glaucoma;
  • eating disorders such as bulimia;
  • in places where increased concentration is required;
  • during breastfeeding or pregnancy;
  • at the age of less than 18 years and more than 65 years.

Also, when taking Reduxin tablets for effective weight loss, a doctor’s recommendation is necessary regarding the choice of the optimal contraceptive. A specialist can prescribe medication only based on the individual characteristics of the body and only after a thorough examination.

In this case, the patient should carefully monitor his blood pressure and pulse rate from the moment he first takes the capsules. This is necessary in order to promptly detect the occurrence of side effects.

If diet doesn’t help, is it worth losing weight with pills and who can do it?

Have you tried a lot of diets, fitness, all kinds of teas and dietary supplements, but the result does not make you smile? At such a moment, the only option seems to be surgical intervention. It is in this situation that diet pills can come to the rescue.
The main selection criteria always remain the speed of weight loss, side effects of treatment and the price of the drug. This is what we will discuss.

How to choose a weight loss product?

The market for weight loss products is expanding daily. Reduxin became one of the first centrally acting drugs produced in Russia.

IMPORTANT: The active ingredient in the medicine is subitramine. It affects the hunger center, which is responsible for the feeling of fullness and removes the feeling of constant malnutrition during a diet.

Slender figure with reduxin

To date, subitramine is the only substance officially approved for use in drugs to combat obesity. Most medications are created based on this substance. All of them are practically identical in their composition and differ only in name and price, which depends only on the bright advertising of the company that produces it.

Reduxin analogues: compare prices

The most famous drug in Germany is called Meridia, the analogue of which in Russia is Reduxin. It is not inferior to its German “brother” in quality. At the same time, the cost of the Russian medicine is on average 30-35% lower than the price of Meridia.

Video: How does reduxin work?

Many people, feeling hungry, cannot resist eating something tasty and high in calories. Our brain is responsible for the functioning of our body; the part of it in the temple area is also responsible for the feeling of fullness, for the desire to eat more than is actually necessary.

IMPORTANT: Reduxin promotes a rapid onset of a feeling of satiety and puts the metabolism in order in the body. The drug accelerates the process of breaking down accumulated fats in the body.

In addition, it has a general healing effect - it stabilizes glucose, cholesterol and uric acid levels in the blood. Which is not unimportant for the functioning of the cardiovascular system and the digestive system.

Reduxin: instructions for use. Method and dose of administration

Reduxin: instructions for use. Method of administration and dosage

The drug is released in the form of blue capsules in doses of 10 and 15 mg. One package is enough for a course lasting one month. In order to lose weight, you need to drink Reduxin for at least three months, that is, three packs.

Effect. Note that once you start taking the medicine, the result does not come the next morning or a week later.

IMPORTANT: Reduxin must be taken in a course. It will help you lose up to 1 kg of excess weight per week.

To enhance this effect, follow a diet regimen and add fruits and vegetables to it. Start doing light exercise.
If you decide that while taking the drug you can safely eat whatever you want and lie in front of the TV, it is better not to start taking the medication. The result will remain zero and the kilograms will remain in the same place.

Advantages of a diet in combination with taking the drug reduxin. Reduxin: before and after

Reduxin: before and after

Everyone knows the feeling of constant hunger when you are on a diet. When you start taking the medicine, this feeling disappears, and the desire to snack during the working day disappears. As a result, your performance increases, and your thoughts are not occupied with the constant idea of ​​​​eating something.
Thus, the amount of food you eat decreases, which means your chances of gaining a slim and attractive figure increase.

Cautions. Sibutramine works well to get rid of excess weight, but

This is not ascorbic acid. This is a potent substance, the abuse of which can have serious consequences.

Mood can change frequently, and long-term use can contribute to the development of anorexia.

Reduxin: side effects

Reduxin is highly effective, but it has side effects, like any other medicine and is not without its drawbacks. When you start taking it, you may encounter:
Increased arterial
Increased heart rate (tachycardia)

Change in taste
Digestive disorders
However, these are temporary inconveniences that pass and are not a reason to discontinue the drug.

Reduxin: side effects

However, more serious side effects of sibutramine may occur: Painful menstrual periods;
Pain in joints and muscles
Problems with urination
Visual impairment
At a young age, such problems are not observed.

IMPORTANT: In comparison with possible complications from obesity, taking sibutramine has a justified purpose.

It is believed that this medicine has a narcotic effect and is addictive. This is wrong. High control and prescription only mean that Reduxin is in great demand among women who are fanatical about losing weight.

Reduxin: contraindications

If, after reading about the advantages of Reduxin, you are already going to the pharmacy to buy it. There's no need to rush. The drug has a number of restrictions and contraindications, like all drugs. Medical prescription of such medications is required for patients with a degree of obesity of at least 2, and sale occurs only with a doctor’s prescription.
Surely, there is a way to purchase sibutramine without a prescription. But it’s worth thinking about: is it worth putting your health at risk by taking capsules that are harmful to you in order to achieve your desired weight?

IMPORTANT: There are a number of diseases for which taking Reduxin is strictly contraindicated:

Kidney and liver failure

Diseases of the central nervous system (CNS)
Mental illness
If you have the listed diseases, be sure to consult your doctor before starting to take Reduxin.

Reduxin and pregnancy, breastfeeding

Reduxin: pregnancy and lactation

Women always have the issue of weight gain during pregnancy, after childbirth and during lactation.

IMPORTANT: Remember that you should limit all medications during this time. Reduxin is no exception to the rule. Don't put your health and the health of your baby at risk.

Among the many weight loss products, only a few have official approval for sale and have undergone clinical trials. These include Reduxin. This is not a dietary supplement (dietary supplement), but a certified medicinal product and is sold strictly according to a prescription, which indicates its reliability. Remember that only a specialist can prescribe this medicine. The doctor takes into account the examination data and the condition of your body. When choosing a drug, pay attention to the manufacturer, good value for money. Be interested in the opinions of other buyers and reviews of the drug.

We wish you a good mood and personal victories in the fight for your health!

Reduxin is a domestically produced weight loss drug, the main active ingredient of which, sibutramine hydrochloride monohydrate, according to doctors, has a powerful effect on metabolism. It forces the body to expend energy, which leads to the fact that the absorption of nutrients contained in food is much more active, and also, by acting on the brain centers responsible for the feeling of hunger, causes rapid satiety. The second active ingredient of the drug reduxin, microcrystalline cellulose, fills the stomach and, according to reviews, does not allow the feeling of hunger to develop. Along the way, cellulose removes waste and toxins from the body.

Action of reduxin

The main pharmacological effect of the drug reduxin is aimed at combating obesity and excess weight. Reduxin has been successfully tested and has been used in medical practice for a long time to treat obesity caused by constant overeating. This is a form of obesity in which a person suffers from increased appetite and cannot control it. However, this form is very rare; most people on the planet suffer from obesity caused by hormonal imbalances in the body. And in such forms, the use of reduxin, according to doctors, can cause dangerous complications.

Reviews about reduxin among doctors are quite contradictory. If you decide to start taking this drug, you should definitely consult with your doctor about possible contraindications, listen to existing reviews, and also receive complete instructions for use. Only carrying out a full course of using reduxin under the supervision of a doctor will help to avoid all kinds of complications.

Reviews about reduxin

Only completely healthy people who do not have problems with the cardiovascular system or metabolic disorders in the body can consume reduxin. Also, contraindications to taking this drug may include: pregnancy, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, diabetes mellitus, adolescence, mental illness, alcoholism and drug addiction. In addition, contraindications include individual intolerance to individual components of the drug reduxin.

According to reviews from people who have taken reduxin, the effect of taking the drug begins within a few days. A person’s appetite decreases, the craving for all sorts of goodies disappears, as a result of which weight begins to gradually decrease. The rate of weight loss when taking reduxin is considered optimal and ranges from five hundred grams to one kilogram per week. In addition, reduxin helps reduce excess cholesterol in the blood and normalizes glucose and uric acid levels.

Doctors about reduxin

Doctors usually recommend taking reduxin for two years. During this time, again, according to reviews from people who took reduxin, the body will learn to make do with a small amount of food, which will prevent weight gain again in the future.

According to doctors, in the vast majority of cases, side effects from taking reduxin develop in the first month from the start of taking the drug. It could be

It is known that an increasing proportion of the world's population has been suffering from obesity in recent decades. It's no secret that the point here is not even about aesthetic shortcomings, but rather about the potential for very serious diseases, such as arterial hypertension, coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction, type 2 diabetes mellitus, infertility, and so on.

Anyone who has ever decided to fight the notorious kilograms knows how difficult it is: grueling diets, severe physical activity, giving up your favorite foods, limiting yourself in almost everything. People are ready to lose weight by any means in order to quickly get rid of fat, which is why many people who want to lose weight are looking for new ways to lose weight. We are talking about taking medications. In the treatment of obesity, drugs of a wide variety of types are used. But reduxin is best known for its combined effect.

Its first and main effect is to provide an anorexigenic effect, which is based on blocking the reuptake of neurotransmitters in the synapses of the brain, as a result of which a feeling of satiety occurs much earlier than usual.

The second effect is associated with stimulating metabolism. In this case, the body begins to experience a greater need for energy, the consumption of which begins to increase. All this leads to the fact that the absorption of food and the use of nutrients contained in food is much more active.

After examination and observation of patients who took Reduxin, doctors’ reviews can be summarized as follows:

  • 98.5% of patients experienced a noticeable decrease in appetite;
  • The portions eaten and the patient’s usual daily calorie intake are significantly reduced. On average 2 – 2.5 times;
  • in the process of taking the drug, those losing weight develop correct eating behavior;
  • this drug for weight loss gives the most stable results, which patients manage to maintain for a long time;
  • In general, sibutramine is well tolerated by patients and is not addictive.

Thanks to all this, rapid weight loss is achieved. The patient receives visible motivation.

Vladimir Larionov, nutritionist

I know from practice that Reduxin is very helpful in the treatment of obesity, when folk remedies for weight loss are no longer capable of producing a good effect. At the same time, having read only the most general reviews, some women, and often men, begin to drink it on their own. After this, serious side effects occur. I can recommend this drug to combat obesity. But only on condition that a doctor is constantly involved in this process.
To achieve a lasting effect, taking the drug should last at least three months, and its use should be combined with moderate physical activity and a balanced diet.

In general, reduxin has established itself as one of the best drugs for the treatment of obesity and weight loss, and there is a feeling that humanity has invented universal anti-obesity pills, taking which you can get rid of terrible problems forever.

Reviews from doctors allow us to mark it as the optimal drug, the use of which does not depend on food intake. It is very convenient when you can take just 1 tablet a day without having to adjust to the need to eat something.

But like any pharmaceutical drug, reduxin has a number of side effects:

  • headache;
  • changes in appetite;
  • constipation;
  • heartburn;
  • dry mouth;
  • weakness;
  • backache;
  • nervousness;
  • difficulty falling asleep or poor sleep;
  • runny nose;
  • flu symptoms.

Some side effects may be serious. The following symptoms are not typical, but if any of them are present, you should consult a doctor immediately: rapid heartbeat, chest pain, difficulty breathing, nausea, intense pain in the stomach, vomiting, euphoria, restlessness, anxiety, depression, dizziness, loss of consciousness, confusion, uncoordinated or abnormal movements, muscle stiffness, uncontrollable hand shaking, seizures, trembling, excessive sweating, fever, sore throat, dilated pupils, vision changes, eye pain, rash, redness of the skin, itching, difficulty speaking , breathing or swallowing, hoarseness, swelling of the face, throat, tongue, lips, eyes, hands, feet, ankles.

In addition, reduxin is not compatible with most medications; it puts increased stress on the liver, and can even cause poisoning with regular flu powders containing paracetamol. Remember that taking strong weight loss medications on your own can be dangerous to your health. Therefore, reduxin should be prescribed by a competent doctor after carrying out special diagnostic measures.

Losing weight without much effort is the dream of many people. It's easy to gain extra pounds, but it's very difficult to get rid of them. To fight excess weight, you need to constantly control yourself: eat right, lead a healthy lifestyle, and exercise. Drugs for appetite control and weight loss, for example, Reduxin, can help in the fight for a beautiful body.

Reduxin is a domestically produced drug that helps in the fight against excess weight. The active component intended for the treatment of obesity is sibutramine. It is this substance that helps you feel full faster with a small amount of food.

The drug Reduxin is available in capsule form and is intended for weight loss

Operating principle and effectiveness

Reduxin affects the human body, dulling the feeling of hunger. The active substance accelerates the process of saturation, so a person only needs a small portion (one and a half to two times less than usual) to satisfy hunger. The loss of extra pounds in this case is easily explained by the smaller number of calories consumed.

In addition, Reduxin helps increase energy expenditure and improves metabolism, bringing the amount of sugar and cholesterol in the blood to normal. While taking the drug, thermogenesis is activated, and fat literally burns.

The effectiveness of this drug has been proven by many studies, and it is not for nothing that the drug has gained popularity among those losing weight. But we should not forget that capsules should be taken under the supervision of a doctor and their help should be used as a last resort. The first step to eliminating excess weight is following a diet and regular workouts in the gym, and only then taking medications.

Reduxin is taken on the recommendation of doctors at any convenient time and regardless of meals. If poor tolerability of the drug is detected, you should contact your doctor to review the dosage. If a month after the start of treatment the weight has remained virtually unchanged, the doctor may increase the dose. The course of treatment lasts three months, but experts recommend taking Reduxin for six months to consolidate the effect. During this time, you can lose approximately 10 kg of excess weight, and in combination with physical activity, even double this result. The maximum duration of treatment is 1 year. Reduxin is not recommended to be combined with alcohol. If you are taking other medications, be sure to tell your doctor before starting treatment.

The consonant drug Reduxin Light is somewhat different from Reduxin and is a dietary supplement, not a medicine. As an active substance, it contains conjugated polyunsaturated linoleic acid, which prevents the accumulation of fat in cells and tissues. Reduxin Light has no contraindications except pregnancy and lactation.

Many women who have taken both Reduxin and Reduxin Light claim that it is Reduxin Light that has the greatest effect. This may be due to the fact that the active substance Reduxin only reduces the feeling of hunger, and the linoleic acid Reduxin Light directly fights fat deposits.

The drug has the following number of contraindications:

  • eating disorders (bulimia, anorexia);
  • mental illness;
  • alcoholism and drug addiction;
  • glaucoma;
  • serious disorders of the liver and kidneys;
  • cardiovascular diseases.

Side effects caused by Reduxin usually appear during the first month of taking the drug and gradually weaken towards the end of the course. These include:

  • headache;
  • dry mouth and thirst;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • constipation;
  • increased sweating.

Reduxin is a fairly expensive drug, the cost of a package of 60 capsules ranges from 1.5 to 2 thousand rubles, but there are other products based on sibutramine.

Reviews from doctors

Doctors believe that all medications for weight loss should be taken under medical supervision. No one can guarantee that Reduxin will help all patients lose weight without harm to health. Do not forget about the large number of contraindications and side effects that accompany drug treatment of obesity. But in some cases, when a person cannot cope with excess weight without the help of pills, Reduxin can have a positive effect on the physical and emotional state of the person losing weight. Elena Malysheva in the “Health” program paid special attention to losing weight with the use of medications, emphasizing that breaking out of the vicious circle of “dissatisfaction with oneself - overeating - dissatisfaction with oneself” in most cases is only possible with the help of medications.

Most of those who took Reduxin for weight loss were satisfied because they saw the long-awaited result in the mirror. There are also negative reviews, but this is due to pronounced side effects, and not to the lack of effect from the drug.

Reduxin is truly effective and allows you to lose up to 1 kg per week, providing weight loss, which, according to nutritionists, is safe for the body. This drug preserves a person’s normal psychological state, allowing you to lose weight without excessive physical activity and strict diets. However, a wide range of side effects and contraindications, like any other drug, makes Reduxin a last resort in the fight for a beautiful body. Before turning to pharmacological drugs for help, try to lose weight through exercise and proper nutrition.

Do you want to lose weight with Reduxin? Be careful, under no circumstances start taking it on your own, be sure to get tested!

Before you start treatment with this remedy, be sure to read its characteristics and reviews that are written in this article.

Excess weight always causes great discomfort. Not only does it harm the appearance of the figure, but it also causes serious health problems. Today you can find many reviews from doctors and those losing weight themselves about the drug Reduxin.

Some characterize it as an effective means for losing weight, while others, on the contrary, believe that it does not help. The fact is that it is accepted only in serious cases and after the appointment of an appropriate specialist.

It is worth considering that this drug has many side effects and contraindications, which must be taken into account when taking it.

Reduxin is a domestic medicine used for weight loss.

This drug is very popular among many nutritionists and weight loss specialists.

It is mainly prescribed in severe cases, when the weight is 30-40 kilograms above normal.

The product is available in the form of two types of capsules, which differ in the level of active components.

Blue-colored capsules contain 10 mg of sibutramine and 158.5 mg of microcrystalline cellulose, while blue-colored capsules contain 15 and 153.5 mg of the same active substances, respectively.

The composition of the drug Reduxin includes the following components:

  1. The main active ingredient is sibutramine. This substance reduces appetite and suppresses hunger. As a result, a person who is used to eating a lot begins to consume fewer calories and gradually loses weight;
  2. The second, no less important component is microcrystalline cellulose. This substance causes a feeling of fullness. Once in the stomach, it swells, absorbs water and harmful substances, and thereby fills it. Therefore, you may feel very thirsty while taking this drug.

It is worth paying great attention to the main active ingredient sibutramine.

This substance is prohibited by law in many European countries and is also restricted for sale by the US FDA.

The thing is that this component is part of a group of potent and toxic substances that are prohibited for the production of medicines.

Sibutramine affects noadrenaline and serotonin, thereby reducing appetite and increasing thermogenesis.

As a result, this leads to the burning of accumulated fat, without the use of diets and physical activity.

  • During nutritional obesity with a body mass index of 30 kilograms per square meter or more;
  • During nutritional obesity, when the body mass index is 27 kilograms per square meter, in the presence of dyslipidemia and diabetes mellitus.

It is recommended to take Reduxin once a day, in the morning. The capsule should be swallowed and washed down with a small amount of water. The drug can be taken with food or on an empty stomach, its effectiveness is not reduced.

The dosage of the medicine is determined only by the attending physician. Before prescribing a dose, appropriate studies must be carried out, tests taken, and the degree of obesity taken into account.

To begin with, the patient is prescribed a small dose; in the subsequent period, it is set according to individual tolerance and the effectiveness of the drug.

At the first stage of therapeutic treatment, a dosage of 10 mg is prescribed, that is, a blue capsule. If the drug is poorly tolerated, the dose is reduced to 5 mg. This dose is taken for 4 weeks.

Then a study is carried out to determine the results; if over the entire period the weight has decreased by more than 2 kg, then the dosage is increased to 15 mg.

According to the recommendations in the instructions, Reduxin should not be taken if you are hypersensitive to the active ingredient sibutramine and other components of the drug, during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Also not recommended under 18 years of age and after 65 years of age.

In addition to these contraindications, there are other conditions for which it is not recommended to take the drug:

  1. During thyrotoxicosis;
  2. With pheochromocytoma;
  3. For severe eating disorders – bulimia, anorexia;
  4. If there are organic causes of obesity, such as hypothyroidism;
  5. For mental illnesses;
  6. For diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  7. During benign prostatic hyperplasia;
  8. With Tourette's syndrome - generalized tics;
  9. In case of severe liver and kidney disorders;
  10. For angle-closure glaucoma.

It is not recommended to take it together with drugs related to MAO inhibitors, as well as with hypnotics with tryptophan, antipsychotics and any other drugs that affect the receptors of the central nervous system, including drugs used to treat mental pathologies and obesity.

Quite often side effects include dry mouth, lack of appetite, constipation and sleep disturbances.

During treatment, the drug can cause disorders such as dizziness, headache, nausea, anxiety, taste disturbance, paresthesia, increased blood pressure, tachycardia, vasodilation, acute forms of hemorrhoids and increased sweating.

In addition to these symptoms, Reduxin can cause other side effects:

  • The occurrence of psychosis, a state with suicidal thinking and suicide - if such symptoms appear, stop taking the drug immediately;
  • Diarrhea and vomiting;
  • Alopecia;
  • The appearance of short-term memory impairment and seizures;
  • Problems with urination;
  • Blurred vision;
  • Impotence, problems with ejaculation and orgasm;
  • The occurrence of uterine bleeding and menstruation disorders;
  • Various allergic reactions - small skin rashes, urticaria, redness, itching, burning, anaphylaxis, Quincke's edema.

If you cannot create a weight loss program for yourself, then one has already been developed for you.

Complex “Lose weight in a week”: reviews.

Be sure to take into account the opinions of people who have already tried to lose weight in this way.

Instructions for taking MCC for weight loss are here. It also describes the advantages of taking the drug and its benefits.

And in this article, read what the rules and menu of the bread diet for weight loss are. Lose weight without starving!


With increased doses of the drug, dizziness, headaches, increased blood pressure and tachycardia may occur. In addition, with an overdose, any side effects often occur and to a pronounced degree.

If an overdose occurs, symptomatic therapy is prescribed, which consists of the following procedures:

  1. Gastric lavage;
  2. Next, sorbents are taken, for example activated carbon;
  3. If high blood pressure and tachycardia occur, beta-blockers are additionally prescribed.

The cost of the drug is quite high. In pharmacies, this product can be purchased at a price of 1,600 to 2,000 rubles per pack of capsules 850 mg + (10 mg + 158.5 mg) 60 pcs. + 30 pcs.

  • Goldline in capsules;
  • Lindax;
  • Slymia;
  • Fepranon tablets;
  • Regenon.

Excess weight is my main problem, which I could not get rid of for a long time. After a full examination by an endocrinologist and other specialists, I was prescribed the drug Reduxin. At first I took it in low dosages of 10 mg per day. In a month I managed to lose 3 kilograms. In the next 2 months I took 15 mg per day. In 3 months of taking it, I managed to lose 7 kilograms. This is a wonderful result. What’s remarkable is that I didn’t experience any of the side effects described in the instructions!

Margarita, Novoozersk

I took Reduxin tablets as prescribed by the doctor and only after a full examination. Before prescribing this drug to me, my doctor did a full examination to check for contraindications. In 3 months I lost a lot of weight. In addition, the weight stays the same and does not return.

Elena, St. Petersburg

Despite many positive reviews, this product did not help me. Perhaps due to the fact that it caused many side effects - depression, nausea, vomiting, nervousness, psychosis and many other problems. I haven't even drunk them for a month. I do not recommend taking it, even if prescribed by a doctor.

Lyudmila, Vitebsk

Due to treatment with hormonal drugs, I gained almost 20 kilograms. For me it was a complete disaster; I urgently needed to lose weight. After the examination, the nutritionist prescribed Reduxin Light for me. After 4 months of taking the drug, I managed to lose 12 kilograms and for me this is a result, albeit a small one. There is something to strive for. True, dry mouth and thirst occur during use, but there is a reason to endure these problems!

Maria, Yeisk

The drug Reduxin is a good remedy for weight loss, but not for everyone. Since it has many side effects, it should be taken very carefully and only after a full examination. Do not take on your own without a doctor's prescription. Another thing I would like to note is that it is recommended only in extreme cases. I prescribe this remedy to my patients when diet and exercise no longer help, for example, weight gain due to hormones, after surgery and other psychological circumstances.

Vera Anatolyevna, nutritionist, Nizhny Novgorod

The drug Reduxin should be taken only in extreme cases. It is better to think a hundred times before taking it, because this remedy has many side effects that are dangerous to health.

Sometimes you can lose weight in safer ways - dieting, dancing, swimming, exercise.

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Reduxin is a drug produced by a Russian manufacturer for weight loss, which has a dual effect. Its first effect is to increase energy consumption by the body, which leads to a gradual decrease in body weight. And the second effect is to normalize blood sugar levels and lower cholesterol levels.

But, just like any other medication, Reduxin has its contraindications and a list of side effects that you need to familiarize yourself with before you start taking it. In addition, before starting to use Reduxin, you must consult a doctor, who will provide a professional consultation and give recommendations on how to take it.

If we talk about the side effects that may appear after using this drug, it is necessary to understand why Reduxin is dangerous and why. First of all, it can be noted that Reduxin is a drug whose main component is Sibutramine. Currently, this component is prohibited for use in many countries of the world with the exception of Russia.

For example, according to statistics, 29 people died in the United States from the targeted action of this component. This component is dangerous due to its suppressive effect on certain areas of the brain that are responsible for hunger, which leads to a decrease in the feeling of hunger and faster satiety at the time of eating.

Simultaneously with this effect, it can cause stroke and heart attack, as well as the cause of cardiovascular diseases. In addition to all this, the organs that suffer most from the presence of Sibutramine in the human body are the liver, kidneys and blood supply. The consequences of taking reduxin are also likely, leading to hormonal imbalance.

Anyone can understand the side effects of taking reduxin. This is mainly expressed in insomnia, dizziness, cramps, diarrhea, constipation, nausea, and so on. At the same time, the perception of the taste of already familiar products changes greatly, caries, oral candidiasis, increased sweating occur, and the person may begin to experience severe hair loss.

Thus, in addition to its positive effect on the human body, which results in weight loss, Reduxin also has a number of side effects. For people who are already to some extent sick with certain diseases of the heart, blood vessels or brain, taking this drug is clearly contraindicated. Failure to follow the rules of administration and not paying attention to possible consequences can lead to serious results that require long and careful treatment.

Reduxin is an effective weight loss product, the results of which are confirmed by reviews of real people. It is impossible to buy Reduxin 15 without a doctor's prescription, since its use is accompanied by serious side effects. The drug received equally enthusiastic and negative responses. Our article will be about the benefits and harms of Reduxin 15.

Reduxin 15 mg - indications and effectiveness

The active ingredient of the drug is , which is part of Reduxin analogues, such as Goldline, Lindaxa, Meridia. You will not be able to buy any medicine based on sibutramine on the open market. It is this substance that determines the work and effectiveness of Reduxin in the body. Sibutramine acts on the central nervous system, affecting areas that are responsible for satiety. As a result, the patient’s appetite decreases, and the craving for fatty foods, sweets, and overeating in general gradually disappears.

Sibutramine is indicated for treatment that cannot be treated with other methods. Most often, Reduxin is prescribed to patients who are unable to cope with destructive eating habits on their own or have. Reduxin 15 is also prescribed to people with nutrition-related nervous disorders. It should be remembered that Reduxin is not just another harmless herbal supplement. You need serious reasons to take the medicine, as it entails many side effects. Do not take Reduxin without medical supervision. This drug will not help people with several extra pounds.

Reduxin causes fairly rapid weight loss. Thus, patients with a BMI of up to 32 managed to lose 5-7 kg in the first month of treatment, and patients with a BMI of up to 40 lost 7-9 kg.

Buy Reduxin 15 mg - price

A package of the drug for a month will cost you approximately 3,000 rubles. There is a tendency in pharmacies to offer periodic discounts on weight loss medications. Some suppliers during the season of discounts on Reduxin 15 reduce the price to 2,500 rubles for 30 capsules.

Reduxin 15 mg - instructions for use

Reduxin is produced in the form of blue gelatin hard capsules. 1 capsule contains 15 mg of sibutramine and 153.5 mg of microcrystalline cellulose.

Take Reduxin 1 tablet per day with meals or in the morning before meals. Take the capsule with plenty of water. 15 mg is the standard daily dose. Doctors recommend starting treatment with Reduxin, which contains 10 mg of sibutramine, and in case of too acute side effects, reduce the dose to 5 mg.

The course of therapy lasts from 3 months to 2 years. If your weight decreases slowly (no more than 5% of total body weight in 3 months) or even increases, stop treatment with Reduxin. Carry out treatment only under the supervision of a doctor and in combination with other methods of losing weight.

Reduxin 15 mg - side effects and contraindications

Side effects occur with overdose and self-medication. Intolerance to the drug substances is also possible. If the body reacts positively to Reduxin, side effects disappear by the end of the first month of treatment. While taking Reduxin 15, the following manifestations are observed:

  • dry mouth;
  • sleep disorders, insomnia;
  • complete loss of appetite, disruption of taste buds;
  • anxiety, irritability, uncontrollable outbursts of anger;
  • depression, apathy;
  • rapid heartbeat, increased blood pressure.

The drug is contraindicated in case of complex mental illnesses, intolerance to sibutramine, during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Treatment with Reduxin is prescribed taking into account an individual medical history, so the doctor may refuse a prescription if you have kidney diseases, gastrointestinal tract diseases and some other ailments.