Magnesium sulfate as a laxative. Epsom salts or magnesium sulfate for colon cleansing

The laxative magnesium sulfate (magnesia or Epsom salts) is what a competent pharmacist will suggest in case of acute constipation. The drug is a saline laxative that acts by attracting water or osmosis.

Magnesium sulfate for oral use is a colorless crystalline substance that erodes in air. As a chemical compound, it belongs to the group of crystalline hydrates - salts containing bound water in the solid state. Hence the name magnesium sulfate heptahydrate with the corresponding formula MgSO4 x 7H2O.

Magnesium sulfate can be used for numerous purposes as it has multi-faceted therapeutic properties. The laxative effect of the drug is explained by its poor absorption, which leads to an increase in osmotic pressure in the intestinal lumen, accumulation of water from the blood plasma and nearby tissues, dilution of feces, increased peristaltic contractions of the intestine and bowel movements.

Saline laxatives have a number of advantages:

  • In cases of long-term use, they do not lead to the so-called lazy bowel syndrome;
  • Very effective;
  • Maximum operating speed;
  • There is an opinion that they do not lead to addiction - although the issue is controversial;
  • In addition to the laxative effect, magnesium is deposited in various organs and tissues: skeletal muscles, cardiac muscle, bone tissue, which normalizes cardiac activity, eliminates leg cramps, improves mood, cares for skin, nails and hair.

Disadvantages of salt products

  • Osmotic laxatives, like their most advanced analogues, are not able to eliminate the cause of constipation. Their effect is only symptomatic. This means that constipation may recur. And here you cannot do without a trip to a gastroenterologist and a properly organized diet, otherwise repeated unsuccessful trips to the toilet are possible;
  • Magnesium as a chemical element is very beneficial for the body, but its often used salt as a laxative can lead to loss of potassium and sodium, imbalance of electrolytes in the body and heart problems;
  • To prevent the drug from causing dehydration and ultimately damaging the kidneys and heart, it is not recommended to use it for more than 3 months.


  • The drug is used as a cleanser before a diagnostic examination;
  • No matter how acute constipation is, it has no chance except to be eliminated from the body;
  • In case of poisoning with salts of some heavy metals: barium, arsenic, mercury, as well as many medications.


  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding period;
  • Hypermagnesemia as a consequence of severe forms of renal failure;
  • Cases of acute inflammation in the digestive organs;
  • Dehydration;
  • For rectal bleeding;
  • Appendicitis.

Pregnant women are strictly prohibited from combating constipation with Epsom salts, as it relieves spasms and leads to a decrease in uterine tone. Also, the drug may end up in breast milk and the baby may also experience diarrhea along with colic, even if the mother only took this drug once.

Instructions for use

You can buy magnesia in a pharmacy without presenting a doctor's prescription. It is sold in bags with 20 g of powder. Magnesia sulfate tastes bitter, but quickly and effectively relieves constipation. Four hours after taking the powder, intestinal problems are forgotten.

To cleanse the intestines in adults, take one 20 g sachet per day, for which the contents are dissolved in 200 ml of warm water.

For children, the dose is reduced: from 12 years old - by half or 10 g per glass of water, and from 6 years old - by another half or 5 g. Children under 6 years of age can be given magnesium strictly as prescribed by the doctor.

A child's body can be cleansed with magnesium sulfate in the form of week-long diarrhea, accompanied by severe pain. Therefore, a sensitive child’s body requires milder drugs, such as “Normaze” or “Duphalac”, containing lactulose.

In ampoules, magnesium sulfate is intended for administration bypassing the human digestive system or parenterally. The peculiarity of the administration is that it is carried out very slowly - 3 ml during the first three minutes. Also, drops of magnesia (dropper) are introduced into the body for a long time.

A good result can be achieved in terms of bowel movement on the eve of fluoroscopic examinations. This allows the attending physician to conduct an objective diagnosis.

Side effect

Side effects are observed after almost all laxatives. But in any case, this indicator for salt formulations is much lower than for irritating agents.

It’s better to be aware of this and not rush to throw the bag in the trash. Side effects can manifest themselves in the form of headaches, bradycardia, dizziness, and shortness of breath. After an imbalance of electrolytes in the body, it is difficult to avoid arrhythmia, convulsions, asthenia, and weakness. As well as pain in the abdominal area, exacerbation of many concomitant chronic pathologies, flatulence, diarrhea, vomiting and nausea.

No matter how safe and effective the drug is, its use should not be turned into a habit, otherwise problems with the heart will not be avoided.

To prevent such conditions, it would be much more correct to introduce more vegetables and fruits into your diet, as well as other foods containing fiber, as well as prebiotics in the form of bran. Exercise and going to the gym also normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Then constipation, bad mood, and red eyes due to capillaries bursting from tension will disappear.

Before using the drug, it is necessary to consult a doctor and read the leaflet approved by the laxative manufacturer. This article cannot be a guide to self-medication, but provides information about magnesium sulfate for informational purposes. The decision to use the drug is made by the doctor.

Magnesium salt of sulfuric acid - magnesium sulfate - better known as Epsom salt or magnesia, has been fully studied by scientific researchers and its properties have been confirmed experimentally. The demand for the drug is due to its low price and high efficiency.

In medicine, magnesium rasters are used to stabilize blood pressure, prevent nervous breakdowns, and increase the tone of the uterus during childbirth. The use of magnesia externally is very common: for various wounds and cuts, bandages and tampons are soaked in the solution.

Magnesia baths

One of the safe and effective ways to get rid of extra pounds is magnesium baths for cleansing. The drug has the ability to extract harmful nitrates from the deep layers of the skin.

To carry out the procedure, prepare the following composition:

  • 0.5 kg of magnesium sulfate;
  • 1 kg sea salt;
  • 0.5 kg baking soda.

The components are mixed and added to a warm bath (38–39 degrees), the duration of which should be no more than 20–25 minutes. When diving, the heart area should remain out of the water.

This therapy is carried out in courses - 1 bath every seven days before bedtime. So within a month, 4 treatment procedures are obtained.


Magnesium sulfate for colon cleansing is a very effective remedy when used correctly. Magnesia itself does not burn fat, but any weight loss using it will give a better effect. Most often, those who took the product are satisfied. People not only cleanse the body and throw off “extra weight” from the sides, they get emotional pleasure from this cleansing.

Magnesium sulfate This is a first aid drug. It is usually prescribed based on vital signs. Magnesia for constipation effectively copes with the source of the problem, quickly empties the intestines and has a gentle effect on it.

Manufacturer of the drug:

ICN OctoberDarnitsa Pharmaceutical companyBorisov Medical Preparations Plant
Voronezh-Vremya Pharm Production CompanyIvanovo Pharmaceutical Factory
Vologda pharmaceutical factory
Kaliningrad pharmaceutical factory
Krasnodar Pharmaceutical Factory, Biomed

How does magnesium act on the gastrointestinal tract?

is the official name of the drug. Magnesia is more common among people. This medicine must be taken orally.

Magnesia has the following effects:

  • Regularly leads to bowel movements;
  • Facilitates the exit of feces;
  • Increases the activity of peristalsis;
  • Liquefies stool;
  • Increases osmotic pressure of the intestine.
One of the main causes of constipation and diarrhea is use of various medications. To improve bowel function after taking medications, you need to do it every day. drink a simple remedy ...

Release form and composition

Magnesium sulfate is available in two dosage forms:

  1. Ampoules. One ampoule contains 20 and 25% solution in 5, 10, 20, 30 milliliters. One
    The package contains 10 ampoules. This drug is diluted with saline solution. Magnesia is used intravenously or intramuscularly in ready-made form.
  2. Powder. The powder is stored in waterproof paper bags or in jars of 50, 40, 25, 20 g. Take magnesium orally. Before use, dilute with water.

The active ingredient of the drug is magnesium sulfate.

Indications for use

Before starting treatment with magnesium, you must consult a doctor and undergo a certain examination.

You can use magnesium sulfate if you have the following symptoms:

  • Intestinal surgery;
  • Severe poisoning (food and others);
  • Emptying the bowel before examining internal organs;
  • Pain in the abdomen with prolonged constipation;
  • The presence of severe intoxication of the body due to constipation;
  • Severe constipation.

Directions for use and dosage

When taking magnesium, you must follow the instructions and all the rules so as not to harm your body.

Admission rules are as follows:

  • The solution must be taken 1 hour before a meal or 1 hour after a meal.
  • The powder must be diluted with boiled water in proportions of 1/2. Small grains may remain in the solution; you don’t have to wait for them to completely dissolve and take the medicine along with them.
  • The maximum dose of magnesium per day is up to 30 grams. The permitted dose is from 10 to 30 grams. It all depends on the age, weight, and degree of complication of the patient.

While taking magnesium sulfate, you must avoid animal and vegetable fats.

You will not achieve any effect if you do not adhere to a gentle diet, because otherwise the drug simply will not work.

It is better to use magnesia at home because, as a laxative, it causes a greater urge to defecate, unlike other laxatives.

It is necessary to take magnesium exactly in the indicated doses. Otherwise, an overdose may occur. In case of overdose, you should immediately consult a doctor.

For children

Magnesium sulfate can also be taken by children in the following doses:

  • Up to six years. It is strictly forbidden to take the drug orally. Can be used as an enema solution. Powder no more than 10 grams is diluted with 200 milliliters of boiled water. The maximum permitted enema volume is 50 milliliters. Relief can be felt half an hour after use.
  • From six to twelve years old. It is allowed to take 1 gram per 1 kilogram of a child.
  • Up to fifteen years. Take no more than 10 grams once a day.

Over fifteen years of age and adults. Take no more than 20 grams per day.
It is necessary to monitor the dosage
and don't increase it. In case of overdose, the intestinal microflora is disrupted and a large number of beneficial components are washed out of the intestines.

After magnesium therapy is completed, probiotics should be used for a short period of time.

Side effects

When using the drug magnesium sulfate, the following side effects may occur:

  • Periodic abdominal pain;
  • Dizziness;
  • Decreased attention;
  • Fatigue;
  • Flatulence;
  • Exacerbation of inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Thirst;
  • Vomit;
  • Nausea;
  • Convulsions;
  • Arrhythmia;
  • Diarrhea.


Taking magnesium is absolutely safe for all age groups. But there are several contraindications for which the drug should not be taken.

  • Menstruation;
  • During pregnancy (only after consulting a doctor and with extreme caution);
  • Diseases of the central nervous system;
  • Heart disease (after consultation with a doctor);
  • Bleeding of any organ of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Magnesium intolerance;
  • Excess magnesium in the blood;
  • Children under three years old;
  • Kidney diseases;
  • Dehydration;
  • Intestinal obstruction;
  • Rectal bleeding;
  • Appendicitis.

How long does it take for Magnesia to take effect?

The smallest dose of the drug is slightly absorbed into the blood. But it is also quickly excreted by the kidneys. The effect of magnesium depends on the human body and its reaction to the drug. The effect can be achieved within half an hour after application or about three hours.

The therapeutic effect lasts about six hours. If you take magnesium sulfate at night, the results will begin within six to seven hours after use.

Magnesia during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Before you start using magnesium sulfate during pregnancy, you should consult your doctor.

The liver in the human body is constantly exposed to harmful substances, which we “feed” it with our own hands by eating unhealthy foods and alcohol. But not only a person’s well-being, but also his psycho-emotional state, as well as his appearance, depends on how well the liver functions.

When the functionality of this organ is impaired, the condition of the skin deteriorates, acne and swelling appear. Other internal organs also suffer from this, since the liver is responsible for. And if it is violated, this process does not occur.

That is why it is very important to maintain its functionality. And you can do this periodically using . Now you will learn how to carry out this procedure at home.

Magnesia has another name - magnesium sulfate. This drug is an excellent laxative that helps remove toxic substances from the body, thereby having a beneficial effect on the bile ducts and liver.

Magnesia tastes similar to sea water; it also has a bitter-salty taste. Using magnesium sulfate to cleanse the liver is certainly effective. But it is best to use it together with olive or flaxseed oil, which also help restore the cells of this organ and its functionality. After all, they also have a choleretic property, thanks to which a cleansing effect is achieved.

How does magnesium act on the human body?

Cleansing the body with magnesium is based on. The magnesium solution is not absorbed in the intestines, but is excreted in full, while absorbing various toxins and excess moisture. Due to the increase in fecal mass, pressure occurs on the inner surface of the intestine, peristalsis increases, and as a result, after 1-1.5 hours, bowel movement occurs.

Through the use of magnesia, harmful salts are removed from the body: arsenic, lead, zinc, mercury and other heavy metals. Together with the feces, the magnesium saline solution also removes the remains of undigested food. Cleansing with magnesium brings tangible benefits for chronic constipation, cholecystitis and biliary dyskinesia.

Preparing for treatment

Before carrying out cleansing with magnesium, you should start following a week before. You will need to stop eating meat and fish. Plant-based foods should predominate in your diet. Moreover, it should be consumed either raw or boiled. Fried and highly salted foods are prohibited during this period. Three days before the procedure, you should remove salty, spicy, sour, sweet, fatty, and canned foods from your diet.

During this period, it is also important to warm up the liver so that further cleansing occurs without discomfort. You can do this as follows: before going to bed for 7 days, apply a heating pad to the right hypochondrium for 30-40 minutes. This will help open the bile ducts.

During the preparation period, you should also drink a lot of water - at least 2 liters of water. It can be replaced with mineral water without gases or rosehip decoction.

How to cleanse your colon with magnesium

After a week of preparing the body, you can begin. For this you will need 20 g of powdered magnesium sulfate. It should be diluted in 70 ml of chilled boiled water and drunk in the morning on an empty stomach.

After which you need to take a horizontal position and apply a heating pad to the right hypochondrium. In this way you need to lie down for 2 hours. Liver cleansing with magnesium should be carried out every day for one month.

Immediately after you have warmed the liver, you need to perform a cleansing enema. Then during the day it is not recommended to eat a lot of food, and it is better not to eat anything at all. You should give your preference to plain water or freshly squeezed juices.

But the next day you can eat vegetables, fruits and lean fish or meat, but in moderation. Eating fried, salted, smoked and pickled foods is prohibited during this period.

It is worth noting that cleansing the liver with magnesium is a long process and is ineffective without the use of choleretic drugs. And at the very beginning we already talked about this. Therefore, it is better to take magnesium sulfate in combination with olive or flaxseed oil. You can simply consume it in its pure form, 1 tablespoon at a time, or you can add it to the solution.

Safe cleaning instructions

Long-term colon cleansing with magnesium at home is dangerous if:

  • dehydration of the body;
  • leaching of beneficial microflora from internal systems;
  • violation of water-salt balance;
  • development of lazy bowel syndrome;
  • burning sensation in the anus;
  • bloody discharge during bowel movements.

Considering all the properties of saline laxatives, it is important to take into account possible violations, in order to minimize unpleasant consequences, you should lubricate the passage with vegetable oil after each bowel movement.

Drink at least 2 liters of clean drinking water for several days after completing the procedure for restoring the water-salt balance. To normalize the composition of the intestinal microflora, you need to take prebiotic medications for 10 days after completing the intestinal cleansing procedure with magnesium.

What is the result of magnesium sulfate

For constipation, magnesium is indispensable as a laxative. With the help of this product, the body is cleansed and natural functions are restored. Constipation harms the entire internal system, and therefore you need to get rid of it immediately. Colon cleansing with magnesium sulfate occurs very quickly. In the first days after the procedure, various complications are possible in the form of weakness, drowsiness, and loss of strength may occur, but such symptoms will not last more than a day, and after a full meal everything will be restored.

Magnesia for cleansing the intestines makes the body work at its best, eliminates harmful radicals in the body, and completely cleanses the internal organs. On average, after the procedure you lose up to 3 kg of weight, the main thing is to correctly follow all the prescribed rules so as not to harm the body.

Liver cleansing with magnesium and olive oil

Cleansing the liver with magnesium and olive oil is practically no different from the method described above, only it is carried out in the evening. It is worth considering that magnesia is a powerful laxative, so it is best to use it on weekends.

On the day when liver treatment is planned, you need to distribute your regimen so that your last meal is at 16:00. Then, after 3 hours, drink a solution of magnesia (2 tablespoons of powder per glass of water) and lie down under a blanket, applying a heating pad to the right hypochondrium.

After a couple of hours you will need to drink 100 ml of olive oil (it should be preheated). You can drink it in one gulp or in small sips. And to dull the oily taste, you can drink the oil with lemon water (1 glass of water and ½ lemon juice).

Then you need to go back to bed, applying a heating pad to your right side for several hours. You cannot eat anything on this day. But in the morning you can eat fruits or vegetables. If you make freshly squeezed juices from them, remember that before use they need to be diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio.

Such manipulations must be carried out once every 2 days for a month. If you strictly follow all the recommendations, you will be able to feel an improvement in your well-being after 2-3 procedures.

But remember that it is magnesium and should be taken carefully, not exceeding the indicated dosages. It will be good if before treatment you consult a doctor and undergo an examination for pathologies. If you have diseases that are on the list of contraindications to the use of the drug, it is better to abandon the idea of ​​cleansing the liver with magnesium.

After all, it can lead to irritation of the mucous membranes of internal organs, which will contribute to the exacerbation of diseases and a sharp deterioration in your well-being. If your doctor has forbidden you to use magnesia for these purposes, then it is better to listen to him and look for less safe means for cleansing the liver at home.

Benefits of the procedure

  • The intestines are cleansed quickly and effectively.
  • Minimal irritation of the mucous membrane occurs.
  • There is no negative effect on gastric motility.
  • Addiction to the drug is excluded.
  • The laxative has no effect on internal organs.
  • A choleretic effect is observed, all negative radicals are removed from the body.

Disadvantages of a magnesium sulfate colon cleanse

The disadvantages of the procedure include disruption of the water-salt balance due to improper or prolonged cleansing. There is also a partial loss of calcium and sodium, and side effects such as dizziness, weakness, and decreased blood pressure are possible.

Contraindications to cleansing the body with magnesium

Despite its beneficial properties, magnesium has some contraindications:

  • appendicitis;
  • hypersensitivity;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • dehydration of the body;
  • rectal bleeding;
  • renal failure;
  • heart diseases;
  • hypertension.

Attention! Nursing women should be aware that magnesium sulfate passes into breast milk and can therefore cause bouts of diarrhea in the baby.

Side effects of a magnesium cleanse

In case of overdose or too long use, the use of magnesia can cause side effects such as:

  • feeling of nausea and vomiting;
  • exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • confusion;
  • arrhythmia; the occurrence of severe thirst;
  • flatulence;
  • asthenia;
  • uterine atony;
  • feeling of anxiety;
  • convulsions;
  • shortness of breath and weakness.

Before using magnesium for cleansing, it is recommended to consult a doctor about the advisability of its use and the presence of contraindications.

First question: How to drink magnesium correctly to cleanse the intestines?

Certain sources claim that the drug should be taken in the evening, but if active processes quickly begin in the body and feces are removed from the intestines, then it is unlikely that you will be able to get a good night's sleep.

Why overload the body, it is best to play it safe and cleanse the intestines with magnesium in the morning, with a fresh mind and an empty stomach. Then the procedure will be painless.

Second question: How to cleanse the intestines with magnesium at home?

To begin with, it is advisable to carry out a preparatory procedure; 14 days before cleansing, exclude some components from the diet:

  • fried, fatty, salty, sour, spicy;
  • smoked meats, preservation;
  • fast foods;
  • pasta;
  • meat dishes;
  • food concentrates;
  • alcoholic drinks;
  • White bread.

  • raw vegetables and fruits;
  • cereal-based porridges;
  • It is advisable to drink not only water, but also juice, teas, and herbal decoctions.

The prepared solution is drunk in one go. The procedure may be accompanied by negative taste sensations. To get rid of it, you should eat a slice of lemon or grapefruit.

Within 2-4 hours there will be the first urge to defecate, possibly severe bloating, even pain in the intestines. After the procedure, you should not eat food earlier than three hours later; you should cross out breakfast from the daily menu on this day.

Third question: How long to take magnesium sulfate to cleanse the intestines?

It’s only one day, but its maximum duration is a whole week, during which time the body is completely cleansed and the result will be amazing. When carrying out such a procedure, it will be correct to take bifidobacteria.

Fourth question: How safe is this method? What are doctors' opinions on cleansing the intestines with magnesium?

Any salt cleansing is a risk for the body; the procedure should be carried out carefully and only after consultation with a doctor. Magnesium sulfate can disrupt the water-salt balance, leading to edema and hypertension.

Many doctors disagree that you need to cleanse your intestines with magnesium sulfate. If you eat healthy and balanced, then it’s enough to diversify your diet a little and add more foods rich in fiber and plant-based foods.

The digestive tract is a place where human waste accumulates. Normally, feces are removed daily without outside intervention. Stimulation of this process is required for constipation, poisoning, and before operations. Laxatives, including magnesium sulfate, are used to cleanse the intestines.

How does magnesia work?

MgSO4 (Epsom salt) is a compound containing Mg, sulfur and oxygen ions. A hypertonic aqueous solution with a concentration of 25% is used as a laxative. When it enters the intestinal lumen, the drug affects its functioning as follows:

  • Mechanically increases the volume of gastrointestinal contents.
  • Due to the difference in osmotic pressure, it draws fluid from surrounding tissues.
  • Stimulates intestinal receptors and bile removal, enhances peristalsis.
  • Binds heavy metal salts.

When magnesium is taken orally, it is not absorbed into the systemic circulation and is eliminated in a mixture with feces. The action develops 30–60 minutes after administration and lasts 4–6 hours. The drug has a carrying effect and leads to the development of diarrhea. There may be bloating or abdominal pain. These phenomena go away on their own after the laxative ends.

Interesting to know: initially, the term “Epsom salt” meant magnesium sulfate heptahydrate, which has the formula MgSO4 7H2O. Today this name is also used to refer to the salt in question.

Indications for use

The drug is considered potent, so its use is strictly according to indications. These include:

  • Constipation not associated with intestinal obstruction.
  • Preparation for operations and invasive manipulations on digestive structures (colonoscopy, sigmoidoscopy and other hardware examinations).
  • Atonic pathology of the bile ducts.
  • Poisoning with heavy metals, drugs (together with such agents as activated carbon, enema, intravenous infusion of soda).
  • Weight loss (as part of complex measures).

Adherents of alternative methods of treatment take magnesia to cleanse the intestines of so-called toxins. Symptoms of “slagging” of the body: fatigue, mood swings, skin diseases, loss of strength, disruptions in the gastrointestinal tract, weakened immunity. It should be remembered that the use of Epsom salts to remove toxins is not an official indication. Taking magnesia according to methods recommended by traditional healers can harm the body.


Colon cleansing with magnesium is not used in patients with suspected gastrointestinal obstruction. If such a person is mistakenly injected with MgSO4, the accumulation of fluid that has no outlet can cause perforation of the gastrointestinal tract, the development of peritonitis and death of the patient in the absence of emergency surgical care.

The second most important contraindication is intestinal bleeding. Taking laxatives is prohibited, since irritation of the receptors leads to increased contractions of the organ wall. The flow of blood increases. Before endoscopic examination, the possibility of perforation cannot be excluded. If there is one, the saline solution will enter the abdominal cavity. Ascites will develop.

Magnesium sulfate can worsen hypotension and dehydration. The drug draws fluid from the bloodstream and removes it from the body, which contributes to an increase in hematocrit and a drop in blood pressure. The latter is also due to the antispasmodic effect of salt.

In addition to the above, taking hypertonic solutions orally should be avoided in case of acute inflammatory bowel diseases and individual hypersensitivity. Ignoring contraindications can have serious consequences, so you need to take their identification seriously before starting therapy.

How to cleanse the intestines

Cleansing the digestive tract is a serious procedure and requires some preparation. In addition, the treatment of children, adult patients and the elderly has some differences. There are standard and accelerated procedure schemes.

Preparing for cleansing

If the manipulation is carried out to remove toxins according to the recommendations of traditional healers, preparation should begin a week before taking the medicine. The patient should lead an active lifestyle and follow a gentle diet. It is necessary to avoid fatty, salty, sour and spicy foods. Eat mainly slimy soups, plant foods, dietary meat containing a minimum of fat. There are no restrictions on the volume of liquid consumed. You need to drink a lot and often.

The use of magnesia for medical reasons does not require prior preparation. In the absence of conditions prohibiting treatment with hypertonic solutions, the drug can be used once for patients of any age. The dose is selected individually. The exception is cases of preparation for duodenal intubation, when MgSO4 is used as a choleretic agent. In this case, 2 days before the cleansing, the patient is transferred to the diet described above, and on the eve of the procedure, choleretic drugs and antispasmodics are canceled.

Weekly cleansing regimen

The weekly regimen ensures gentle removal of waste products from the intestines. The course begins after preparatory activities. You need to drink the product in the morning, on an empty stomach. It is recommended to abstain from food for 2–3 hours. The medicine is taken daily, once a day, for 7 days. Treatment can be done at home, but you should consult a doctor before doing so.

The drug is prepared immediately before use. Magnesia powder in an amount of 30 grams is dissolved in 100 ml of drinking heated water, mixed thoroughly and swallowed. The product has an unpleasant taste, so you can add a slice of lemon or orange to it. The action develops several hours after consuming the solution. If the recommended dosage is observed, carryover phenomena do not occur. Defecation occurs several times a day. The stool is liquid, without any mucus or blood.

Instead of powder, you can buy ampoule magnesia at the pharmacy. Its price is about 50 rubles. The kit contains the solution itself, instructions describing the procedure for use and an ampoule knife. The concentration of this form is suitable for properly cleansing the intestines. The composition is available in the form of 25% liquid. Caution should be exercised when taking industrial medicine into the stomach. The ampoule is made of thin glass and, when opened, can form fragments that fall into the product.

On the 8th day of therapy, magnesium sulfate is replaced with a drug from the group of multicomponent probiotics (Linex). Capsules are drunk three times a day, 2 pieces per dose. This is necessary to normalize the disturbed bacterial balance of the intestines. The duration of rehabilitation treatment is from 7 to 10 days.

Note: the technique described above belongs to the arsenal of traditional medicine. There is no official research data confirming the safety of such cleansing. People who use magnesium daily do so at their own risk.

Accelerated cleansing method

With forced elimination of intestinal contents, a weekly dose is taken over several hours. At the same time, the effect is much brighter than with a soft version of the procedure. Defecation occurs every 20–30 minutes, the patient experiences abdominal pain, bloating, and rumbling. The method is used when emergency detoxification is necessary, as well as for acute spastic constipation.

The working solution is prepared at the rate of 10 g of Epsom salt per 100 ml of warm water. A total of 3 liters of the drug is required. Drink 200–250 ml every 10–15 minutes until the liquid runs out. The first urge to defecate begins 40–60 minutes after the start of therapy. The effect of the powder ends 2–2.5 hours after taking it. It is better if the procedure is carried out on an empty stomach.

The above method is good, but difficult to implement. More convenient and effective is the use of special samples of intestinal lavage or the drug “Fortrans”. It is more convenient to take magnesium salt (if it is necessary to use it) once, in the amount of 250–400 ml of a 25% solution. In terms of effectiveness, this method is not inferior to the step-by-step method.

Instructions for children

For minor patients, salt is used exclusively for medical reasons and after consultation with a doctor. Long courses of using the product for the purpose of cleansing from toxins, as well as forced stimulation of stool, are unacceptable.

Instructions for use prescribe dosing magnesium 1 gram per year of a child’s life. The volume of liquid is selected in proportion to the weight of the medicine. The ratio should be 1:5. The solution is drunk once, on an empty stomach. If the desired effect is not obtained, the drug is abandoned.

How to use for the elderly

Elderly people often suffer from chronic atonic constipation, which requires long-term use of laxatives. Medicines such as Senade, Bisacodyl, castor oil are used. Magnesia is not suitable for these purposes, as it is too strong. In addition, you should not drink salt for a long time.

The only condition in which it is permissible to use carry-out medications in elderly patients is acute constipation, which is not amenable to conventional methods of therapy. In this case, the solution is drunk once, on an empty stomach, in the amount of 70–100 ml of 25% of the drug. If stool does not appear, it is possible to take the medicine again at a dose of 150–200 ml of 25% composition. This is not a home method. The procedure must be carried out in a hospital or under the supervision of a specialist.