Tasty and healthy: proper nutrition in winter. Healthy food. How to eat healthy in winter

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In winter, a person feels completely different than in summer. Moreover, the point here is not only the need to wear a lot of clothes. Sometimes we even envy those animals that hibernate and wake up in the spring, when nature comes to life. However, even in animals, everything is much more complicated than it seems at first glance. To be able to sleep in winter, they are forced to eat abundantly throughout the fall, creating energy reserves.

This indicates, proper nutrition winter is different from summer, but we often eat incorrectly at any time of the year. Due to the lack of free time, many people prefer to eat foods that can be prepared quickly. This leads to the appearance overweight, deterioration in the quality of skin and hair, as well as a decrease in overall well-being.

Only when we notice all these symptoms do we begin to look for ways to solve the problems that have arisen. However, isn’t it easier to switch to proper nutrition in winter and not experience a lot of problems? This article will be devoted to the issues of organizing proper nutrition in winter.

Features of proper nutrition in winter

To understand the principles of organizing proper nutrition in winter, you need to find out what the body needs during this period of time. Frost helps dry out the skin, the body needs to ensure proper heat exchange, the immune system must work with maximum dedication, and it is also necessary to maintain water balance at the cellular level.

As you can see, to meet all these needs it is necessary to expend a large amount of energy. However, we must strive to avoid gaining excess weight by providing the body with the necessary amount of “energy carriers”. It is the solution to these problems that involves proper nutrition in winter.

Since immunity must work in winter period much more active than in summer, it weakens quite quickly. Poor nutrition And weak immunity and are the main causes of frequent colds and infectious diseases. It should also be remembered that metabolism also changes in winter, and endocrine system begins to produce some hormones in smaller quantities. Let's say melatonin is produced in minimum quantities, since daylight hours are short and this negatively affects our mood.

When we talk about proper nutrition in winter, we do not at all assume restrictions on the consumption of certain foods. Often people, in their desire to get rid of excess weight refuse fats, but in our climatic conditions This is not worth doing. Moreover, fats in your diet should be present not only of plant origin, but also of animal origin.

During the day you need to consume about 30 grams of this nutrient and a third of them total number must be of animal nature. Let's say salted lard in not large quantities It will be very useful in winter.

Protein compounds

Protein compounds are not only building materials for all body tissues. The body synthesizes various immune proteins from amines, which helps strengthen the body’s defenses during the winter. By consuming enough of this nutrient, you will also be able to maintain muscle tone and feel good throughout the winter.

We will not remind you about food products that are excellent sources of proteins; this question is well known to all people. Note that proper nutrition in winter involves consuming protein compounds in sufficient, and not excessive, quantities. This is due to the fact that excess proteins will be converted into adipose tissue. The amount of protein compounds that the body needs is influenced by various factors. On average, you need to consume from 70 to 100 grams of the nutrient daily.


IN winter time the body actively needs vitamins, but with the receipt required quantity These substances are exactly when many people have problems. Vitamins help improve health and normalize all processes. To prevent your body from experiencing vitamin deficiency, your daily diet A minimum of five fruits and vegetables must be present.

It is advisable to eat them raw, since after heat treatment some of the nutrients are destroyed. You can also eat frozen vegetables, fruits and berries. Often, with this type of storage, all important substances are preserved in them. Try to prepare maximum amount those berries that contain large amounts of vitamin C.

Many dried fruits are also an excellent source of vitamins. To increase the amount of nutrients, we recommend mixing dried fruits with honey and nuts. This step will also improve the work digestive system. Frozen berries and fruits can be used to prepare fruit drinks. This way you will save almost all the vitamins.

First, pour boiling water over the berries and leave them for six hours. After this, add honey to the fruit drink. However, I would like to warn you that honey cannot be added directly to boiling water, since heat will destroy almost everything nutrients contained in this product.

In winter, you need to eat plenty of citrus fruits, as they are an excellent source of vitamin C. This substance is also found in sauerkraut. For getting daily norm For vitamin C, you only need to consume 150 grams of sauerkraut. Note that this product is also an excellent source of vitamin K and B group substances. Prepare a salad from sauerkraut with the addition of dried fruits, berries and vegetable oils.

We have already said that skin covering dries quickly in cold weather and to maintain water balance vitamins E and A are needed. An excellent source of the second substance is carrots, but it is best absorbed when combined with fats. You can prepare carrot salads and season them with vegetable oil or sour cream. Vitamin E is found in large quantities in unrefined vegetable oil. To meet the body's daily needs for this substance, you should drink two tablespoons of vegetable oil.


Another type of micronutrients that the body greatly needs during the cold season. Minerals are contained in large quantities food, but the best sources are leafy vegetables green, dried fruits, olives, nuts, cabbage, seeds, eggs, seaweed, etc.

Hot food

Proper nutrition in winter involves eating plenty of hot food. However, this does not mean that its temperature should be excessively high. The body processes food only at a certain temperature, which is about 40 or 50 degrees. When consuming food that differs from the above values, the body needs to expend energy to cool or heat it. During the cold season, eat more soups, cereals, compotes and herbal teas.

Boiled vegetables

In this form, you need to consume vegetables daily. They can be used to prepare various salads and vinaigrettes. Since in winter we experience a shortage fresh vegetables, it needs to be compensated. It is best to eat boiled or baked vegetables if it is not possible to use them in their original form.

Eastern medicine and proper nutrition in winter

Eastern medicine believes that a person needs to ease the work of the kidneys in winter. To do this, you should use proper nutrition in winter and avoid drinking alcohol in large quantities. Many people are sure that salty food brings only harm, but this is not entirely true. If you don't overuse it, you will also help your kidneys do their job.

It is interesting to note that it is European scientists who are confident that salty foods are harmful. As most often happens during such discussions, the truth is in the middle. Small salt can actually cause urolithiasis, unlike rock salt. However, you should not abuse any of these products.

Nutritionists from the East also advise eating meat in winter, but not in a cold state. At the same time, in our country there is an excellent dish - jelly. If you use it with horseradish, garlic or mustard, you will put a large number of calories into the body and strengthen bone tissue. Note that in the East the best meat considered to be by-products. Nutritionists in this region of the planet are confident that vitality is contained in offal. By the way, best choice for consumption in winter, in their opinion, are buds.

Potatoes, freshly squeezed juices and cereals are also highly respected in the East. We have already said that Eastern nutritionists recommend consuming moderate amount salty food, complementing it spicy seasonings. But they consider sugar harmful to the kidneys. In winter, you should limit the consumption of sweet foods and milk, which is also classified as such.

Eastern nutritionists have a negative attitude towards canned compotes with jams. If we completely agree with the first point, then jam correct use is a very useful product. But in terms of great benefit about salted herring, my eastern colleagues and I completely agree.

You will learn five rules of proper nutrition in winter from the video below:

Maintaining immunity in winter is of great importance for the functioning of the whole body. It is necessary to balance the winter diet so that it contains a sufficient amount of substances that the immune system needs.

First of all, the body must have enough proteins, and proteins must be present of both animal and plant origin.

The total amount of pure protein per day should be about 100 grams:

  • more than 15 grams of protein are contained in 100 grams of meat, poultry, fish, cottage cheese or cheese, eggs, pasta, buckwheat, semolina, oatmeal, millet;
  • up to 10 grams of protein is contained in 100 grams of rice, green peas, pearl barley, wheat and rye bread;
  • up to 5 grams of protein are contained in 100 grams of dairy products, ice cream, potatoes, cauliflower, spinach;
  • and very little protein, up to 3% is found in one hundred grams of almost all vegetables and fruits, berries and mushrooms.

The body's resistance to diseases is ensured by immunoglobulins - and these are proteins, and their synthesis requires a sufficient amount of all amino acids.

If some amino acids are missing, then normal immunoglobulins cannot be synthesized.

A deficiency of the essential amino acids leucine, isoleucine, tryptophan, threonine, valine, phenylalanine and methionine is especially negative for the body. These amino acids can be purchased as dietary supplements.

Fats are also necessary for the body to form strong immunity. Our body is protected from pathogenic phenomena by macrophages and lymphocytes. The walls of these cells consist of lipids, including the same cholesterol that is in last decade For some reason they began to especially frighten us. Cholesterol is necessary for our body, but in fairly moderate quantities.

In winter, you cannot go on any “low-fat” diets, and you must definitely eat animal fats (lard or butter), eggs, etc. There is nothing wrong with lard if you consume a reasonable amount. It is in lard that there is high content arachidonic acid, necessary for the formation of immunity.

The daily norm for winter is 10 grams of animal fat, not counting vegetable oil, of which you can consume 20 grams.

We resist respiratory viral infections in winter

In winter, the body needs foods rich in vitamin C. Vitamin C is the main enemy of respiratory viral infections and all forms of influenza.

Adaptogens will also help the body. These can be syrups and balms based on rose hips, hibiscus, lemongrass and other medicinal plants.

The body also needs minerals. Iron and copper are necessary for normal hematopoiesis, calcium and magnesium - for timely transfer nerve impulses, selenium and zinc are powerful antioxidants, preventing unfavorable factors from developing in the body external factors and harmful microorganisms.

How to eat in winter to avoid gaining excess weight

By winter, like bears, we gain weight. This is a feature of the body, which carefully prepares for the coldest time of the year. It is the excess weight that helps protect against hypothermia and loss of energy in winter.

But you need to try to “outsmart” your body by offering it proper diet, which will not disrupt the harmony and will help the functioning of all organs during this stressful time for them.

It would be more correct to call it not even a diet, but a calculated and balanced diet, because in winter fasting and dieting will not do any good.

Any sudden weight loss during this period leads to hormonal imbalance, and these are already unpredictable consequences.

Winter diet rules

  • Eat more often than usual, but in small portions, getting up from the table with a feeling of slight hunger. Soon this feeling will pass.
  • Try to eat fresh food rather than canned food, which contains a lot of salt and soda, which retain moisture in the body, which maintains fullness.
  • Salty foods also interfere with the elimination of toxins from the body.
  • Eat more hot foods in winter - vegetables and chicken soups and broths, stewed vegetables, porridge, herbal teas. Soups are a source of easily digestible protein, and they also add volume to food, filling the stomach. Accordingly, receptors are activated, signaling fullness and suppressing further appetite, making it easy to eat 30% less than normal.
  • For the second course, eat the same thing as usual. But add spices that activate metabolism and enhance the production of digestive juice, which helps food to be fully absorbed without storing fat. It is advisable to add warming spices to dishes - ginger, cinnamon, red and black pepper.
  • Consume low-fat dairy products. If mayonnaise is low-calorie. If you need to fry, do it in vegetable oil, not animal fat. But in general, it’s better not to get carried away with dairy products in winter - they contain a lot of acids that have a cooling effect on the body.
  • It is better to try not to consume sweet baked goods based on margarine and sweet drinks in winter.
  • More vegetables in winter: steamed or boiled. If possible, fresh vegetable salads.
  • It is wrong to eat oranges and tangerines in winter, hoping to fill your body with vitamin C. You can get vitamin C from other sources, but citrus fruits take away excess heat from the body, since they also contain a lot of acids, like dairy products.
    In winter, preference should be given to sweet fruits - pears, bananas, grapes, sweet apples. Pomegranate also enhances the body's heat-protective properties, despite its sour taste.
  • Instead of another cup of coffee, drink herbal teas. They warm and soothe, and also muffle the frequent false feeling of hunger. Almost all herbs, except mint, warm the body well. Brewing Herb tea, you can add cinnamon, ginger, cardamom, cloves to it.
  • If you are used to traditional tea, then keep in mind that black tea has higher warming properties than green tea, and it is better to drink it in winter.

Approximate winter menu for the day

Let's take a closer look sample menu on a cold winter day.


A cup of coffee with milk, two toasted slices of bread with cheese, or an egg omelet, or porridge prepared from two tablespoons of rice, semolina or oatmeal per glass of milk. This nutritious and warming porridge contains calcium, B vitamins, and complex carbohydrates, And alimentary fiber what makes her the perfect dish not only for breakfast, but also for dinner.
For second breakfast, it is enough to drink one glass of low-fat kefir with a small whole-flour bun, eat a banana or an orange.


Vegetable soup or chicken bouillon on the first. Meat dish with vinaigrette or stewed vegetables for the main course.

Afternoon snack

Any of the seasonal fruits. Very helpful baked apples with honey. Or you can eat a sandwich with jam or preserves.


Premium class A pasta with ketchup or vegetable sauce, herbal tea with a piece of cheese. Or Fried fish and baked potatoes.

Before bedtime

If you are not used to having dinner 3-4 hours before bedtime, then before going to bed you can drink a glass warm milk or low-fat kefir.

This menu gives you a feeling of warmth and satiety, but at the same time does not increase body weight. It is rich in carbohydrates, but contains little fat.

Let's start with this aspect of proper nutrition. In order to lose weight, you need a calorie deficit. For women, the average calorie intake (depending on weight and type of activity) can be 1800-2000 kcal. To lose weight, you need a deficit of 20% (according to some sources - 500 kcal). You can calculate how many calories you consume using special apps for smartphones - this is the simplest option; or - use food calorie tables.

The normal balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates can be considered 3/3/4, although in winter you can slightly increase the amount of protein. Traditional advice - exclude simple carbohydrates- sweet, flour and baked goods. Give yourself one day a week when you treat yourself to your favorite foods - have a cheat meal.

What to eat in winter

In winter, we experience a lack of many vitamins, in particular vitamin D, which is produced by our body under the influence of sunlight. Of course, in winter take sunbathing It’s not easy, but try to take an afternoon walk at least once a week, and also include cheeses, low-fat milk and eggs in your diet - they contain the “sunshine vitamin”.

It is very important to consume enough vitamin C during the cold season - it helps us fight colds and is an antioxidant. Ascorbic acid found in large quantities in citrus fruits, kiwi and sauerkraut. Include these foods in your diet daily.

It is very important to monitor the amount of protein in winter - we need it not only as an energy carrier, but also as a supplier of amino acids, which are used by our body to build protection against negative external influences.

Be sure to include vegetable side dishes in your diet - they are tasty, healthy and varied. In addition, vegetables contain a large amount of fiber, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. For those losing weight great importance has the fact that vegetables are quite low in calories.

Be sure to eat a lot of greens - parsley, onions, dill, arugula. This will add zest to your dishes and saturate your body with vitamins and minerals. Greens can be added not only to salads, but also used in the preparation of soups and side dishes - the taste of the dishes will be brighter and more original.

IN winter time Our body needs vitamins more than ever, but the choice of fresh vegetables and fruits that actually bring benefits is very limited. The question arises: what to eat in winter, because most of them are greenhouse products, brought from afar, which implies excessive use of fertilizers, early harvesting of fruits and treatment with various chemicals.

What should we do in this case?

Doctors advise choosing ripe and juicy vegetables and fruits, giving preference to domestic seasonal products, and from imported ones you should choose the one whose route from the place of growth to the store was as short as possible. This guarantees minimal use of preservative gas, thanks to which grapes, apricots, etc. are stored for up to six months, and fruits in hard skins for a year. Goods brought from countries such as Abkhazia, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Moldova, as a rule, is not treated with chemicals.

In general, all vegetables and fruits must be thoroughly washed before consumption, and to get rid of accumulated nitrates and chemicals, soak them in boiled water for half an hour.

And now we present to your attention list of winter products, from which you can and should extract maximum benefit.

Fruits and vegetables to eat in winter:


It is not for nothing that this fruit is called the fruit of health, since it contains a large amount of vitamins such as C, B1, B2, E, as well as iron, potassium and manganese. Beneficial features apples are stored until the end of winter, so they are good remedy for the prevention of vitamin deficiency and colds. A variety such as Antonovka retains up to 90% of vitamin C until spring. Thanks to fiber, apples satisfy the feeling of hunger for a long time, and the pectin they contain improves complexion and prolongs youth.


Pears represent good source such useful substances such as fiber, glucose, carotene, folic acid, iron, iodine, manganese, calcium, potassium, magnesium, zinc and phosphorus. The fruits also contain a lot of vitamins C, E, vitamins B, P. The antibiotic arbutin effectively fights microbes, and pectin has a positive effect on intestinal function and helps remove unwanted substances from the body.

Important: pears should not be eaten with heavy food and washed down raw water. You should not eat this fruit on an empty stomach.

Daily intake of pears: 2 fruits.


It is well known that oranges, tangerines, and kiwis are an excellent source of vitamin C, sufficient consumption of which is especially important in winter. In addition, they contain folic acid (without which normal functioning of the nervous and reproductive systems human body), potassium (reduces blood pressure) and flavonoids (have anticancer, antibacterial, anticarcinogenic and anti-inflammatory properties).

Important: people suffering from diseases gastrointestinal tract, citrus fruits are contraindicated.

In winter, you should eat 2 oranges, 1 grapefruit or 4-5 tangerines and 2 kiwis per day.


This storehouse of useful substances contains large quantities of potassium, magnesium and β-carotene, which are considered an excellent anti-cancer agent. Persimmon also contains iodine, iron, cobalt, sodium, copper, calcium, glucose and fructose, and is not inferior to green tea in terms of antioxidant content.

Important: persimmon should not be consumed by people who have recently undergone surgery, or those suffering from diabetes mellitus And adhesive disease intestines.

Daily intake: 2-3 medium sized fruits.


This versatile product contains everything essential amino acids(histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, tyrosine, tryptophan and valine) necessary for healthy work our body. Monounsaturated fats in its composition they help fight bad cholesterol, and vitamin E protects cells from the destructive attack of viruses. Eating this fruit in winter helps improve memory and recovery nervous system and relieving fatigue, drowsiness and irritability.


In winter, this fruit supplies our body with such essential vitamins and minerals like A, B1, B2, B6, E, iodine, iron, calcium, potassium, chromium, manganese and copper. One pomegranate contains 40% of the daily value of vitamin C. Thanks to the antioxidants contained in the fruit, it is a good antibacterial, antiviral and anti-inflammatory agent. Consumption of pomegranate is recommended for reduced level hemoglobin.

Important: pomegranate juice should be diluted with water in proportions 1:3

Eat enough per day 1 fruit.


Thanks to great content organic acids, this berry is rightfully considered a leader among products whose consumption is necessary for vitamin deficiency. Particularly in winter.

Cranberries are rich in vitamins C, K, E, A, and also contain a lot of potassium, calcium, iodine, iron, phosphorus and manganese. The antioxidants contained in the berry help remove radionuclides from the body, lower cholesterol levels, and also heal wounds and prevent the formation of malignant tumors.

Fun fact: Cranberries have a long shelf life thanks to benzoic acid, a natural preservative it contains.

Onion and garlic

Regular consumption of onions and garlic helps boost immunity and win the fight against colds. These products are simply a living source of nutrients during the off-season. From them you can get vitamins C, E, carotene, thiamine, folic and nicotinic acids.

Important: for diseases of the liver and gall bladder, as well as for peptic ulcer It is not recommended to get too carried away with eating these vegetables.

White cabbage

Another indispensable vegetable in winter. Contains anti-ulcer vitamin U and tartine acid, which prevents carbohydrates from turning into fats. A rich source of vitamins A, C, K, B, as well as fiber, carotene and rutin - a flavonoid that strengthens blood vessels.

For getting maximum benefit It is best to eat cabbage fresh or pickled, because heat treatment destroys some vitamins.

Sauerkraut is an excellent source of vitamin C in winter. In fermented form it contains useful crops lactic acid bacteria, which contribute to proper operation intestines and resist inflammation and the growth of harmful bacteria.

Important: overindulgence cabbage is not recommended for kidney diseases and exacerbations of peptic ulcer disease.

Daily intake of cabbage: 300 g.


In winter, this vegetable helps strengthen the immune system and restore energy. Possessing strong cleansing properties, beets help improve blood condition and remove harmful substances from the body. uric acid. In addition to glucose, fiber, potassium, iron, iodine, phosphorus and pantothenic acid, it contains cesium and rubidium, which inhibit the growth of cancer cells.

Fun fact: the substances contained in beets are not destroyed during heat treatment.

Important: people with diabetes, as well as urolithiasis and those with a predisposition to osteoporosis should avoid eating this vegetable.

Everyone else can eat 250 g of beets every day.


In winter, from this vegetable we can get vitamins such as C, B1, B2, PP. And also, like all orange fruits and vegetables, pumpkin is rich in carotene (vitamin A). It contains a lot of iron, calcium, zinc, copper, potassium and magnesium, as well as phosphoric acid, which is responsible for metabolism in the body.

It is also useful pumpkin juice, which helps to restore strength after a hard day at work.

Interesting fact: due to its high zinc content, pumpkin is the best natural remedy to increase male potency.

The daily dose of pumpkin consumption is 250 g of pulp or 2 glasses of juice.


This natural antibiotic rich in antimicrobial substances that help increase the body's resistance to infections. Radish is a storehouse of vitamin C, retinol, potassium, sodium, iron, phosphorus and magnesium, essential oils and phytoncides. It is simply irreplaceable in the treatment of vitamin deficiency. And if you grate radishes and carrots and season sunflower oil, then it will work out excellent remedy to combat winter fatigue.

Important: The bitterness contained in the vegetable is contraindicated for kidney stones and inflammation of the stomach.

According to experts, in order for nutrition to be complete and enough vitamins to enter the body, our diet must contain vegetables and fruits in an amount of at least 5 servings, each of which is 80-100 g.

text: Karna Kruchina

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During the winter, many people forget about proper nutrition and in the spring they cannot fit into any pants. Therefore, if you watch your figure and want to always look good, you need to eat right in the winter months.

Tip #1 – increase the energy content of your food

In winter, due to cold weather, the body spends much more energy to maintain required temperature bodies. To avoid feeling depressed and weakened, try to eat more products that contain a sufficient amount of protein - this can be meat, fish or dairy products. It is also recommended to eat during the winter slow carbohydrates, which gradually release energy. Examples of such products: durum wheat pasta, cereals and grain baked goods.

Tip #2 – eat vegetables

Throughout the fall and winter, eat vegetables that contain great amount vitamins - potatoes, carrots, beets, cabbage, pumpkin and onions. Prepare different ones from them delicious dishes for the whole family. Since the summer, many nutritionists have been recommending freezing berries and fruits for the winter, from which you can make delicious desserts or make compote.

Tip #3 – eat hot food and more often than always

Try to eat all foods hot or at least warm. Nutritionists recommend eating at least 5 times a day, since during the digestion of food the temperature in the body increases to 38°C. Eating often is also useful because this speeds up your metabolism and food is quickly digested, which means you won’t be afraid of extra pounds.

Tip No. 3 – eat everything that is not good for your figure before 12:00

It is very difficult in cold weather, when the mood is not very good and you don’t want to do anything at all, to give up delicious dessert. Try to eat everything “harmful” in the first half of the day, in which case you will be able to burn off the accumulated calories during the day. Dinner should be light and consist of healthy foods. During the winter period it is normal to gain 3 extra pounds, but no more.

Tip #4 – Prepare food properly

Tip #5 – Set the table wisely

It has been proven that psychological condition a person can be influenced by color. To make your mood high, use it in table setting bright colors: orange, red, etc. This applies to dishes, napkins, tablecloths, etc. Thanks to the background of winter weather, you will create a piece of summer in your home.

Tip No. 6 – who wants oranges, who wants vitamins?

Oranges and tangerines can be found in any store in winter. The most important thing is that they supply the body, which is needed not only to strengthen the immune system, but also to protect the body from premature aging, and activate everything protective functions. The beneficial properties are retained in citrus fruits until the very end of the winter season, since they have a fairly thick peel. One fruit contains daily norm vitamin C, but many do not stop and can eat up to a kilogram at a time. But just remember that its excess can lead to nausea, allergies and even the formation of kidney stones. Citrus fruits also contain folic acid, which is essential for the body, and lemon peel contains pectins, which protect the body from diseases, including cancer.

Tip No. 7 – making up for the lack of sun

Thanks to sun rays The body produces vitamin D, which has a positive effect on work internal organs, and also strengthens the immune system. In winter, replace the lack of sun healthy products: milk, fish, eggs, chicken and mushrooms.