Vasectomy (male sterilization). Sterilization of men - cruel revenge or a great alternative

Modern methods contraception has stepped far forward and today medicine can offer men inexpensive, simple and at the same time effective method protection against unwanted conception of a child, called a vasectomy or male sterilization. What is this method and how justified is its use? It should be sorted out.

What is a vasectomy

Temporary male sterilization is surgical method contraception, in which a representative of the stronger sex is deprived of the ability to reproduce while maintaining the function of the gonads. This operation is often confused with castration, but their differences are fundamental. During castration, a man's testicles are completely removed, while a vasectomy only involves blocking reproductive function.

The essence of the operation

During a vasectomy, the surgeon's task is to prevent sperm from entering the seminal fluid released during sexual intercourse. For such purposes, a surgical intervention is performed in which part of the vas deferens is removed, or the duct is ligated (pinched with a special clamp). Unlike the same procedure in women, the operation does not require opening the peritoneum, but is performed only in the groin. Usage modern anesthetics with a little sedative effect makes this surgical intervention absolutely safe for the body.

Benefits of a vasectomy

It must be said that compared to other methods of contraception, vasectomy has a number of advantages. Firstly, the effectiveness of this method is no less than 99%, which means repeated no surgery required. And secondly, sterilization of men does not in any way affect erection, libido or orgasm, since after the operation the testicles continue to produce as before. The volume of sperm does not decrease, but hormonal background remains at the same level. After the operation, the man can go home within 30 minutes. In the first three days after the surgeons’ intervention, inevitable swelling is observed at the operation site, which disappears when the suture is completely tightened.

It must be said that vasectomy is gaining popularity all over the world. Only in the USA are held annually this procedure more than half a million people.

Temporary sterilization of a man

Having decided on this method of contraception, a man should know that vasectomy can be both irreversible and reversible. In order for a man to have a chance in the future to regain the ability to procreate, a vasectomy should consist only of installing a special clamp on the seminal canal, but not in crossing or removing this canal.

According to doctors, with ligation of the spermatic canal, vasectomy reversibility is possible within 5 years. After this period, the body of the stronger sex simply stops producing active sperm. That is why the decision to sterilize must be conscious and well thought out.

Modern clinics attract men with the opportunity to perform sterilization for relatively little money, while guaranteeing effective protection from uncontrolled conception of a child and the ability to restore reproductive function over a certain period of time. However, in reality, it is not always possible to restore the possibility of procreation. Approximately 70% of recovery operations reproductive function, carried out 2 years after a vasectomy, do not give a successful result. In addition, this operation is very expensive.

The danger that a vasectomy will be irreversible is the main disadvantage of this method of contraception, and therefore a man should think carefully before agreeing to it, or find another, more effective one. suitable method prevention possible conception child. Take care of yourself!

Currently, more than 50 million men have had a vasectomy (sterilization). This is approximately 5% of married men reproductive age. By comparison, female sterilization as a method of birth control is chosen by 15% of families.

It depends on you and the doctor's decision. At first, you need to continue to use protection, since it takes 8-10 weeks and 15-20 ejaculations for sperm to stop being released. You can find out about the onset of complete sterility using seminal fluid analysis. A sample of the fluid can be obtained through masturbation or by using a special condom during normal sexual intercourse. Laboratory research The resulting sample allows us to determine whether sperm are present in the fluid ejaculated during orgasm.

Until the analysis shows the absence of sperm, you will have to use other means of protection.

Does a vasectomy reduce sexual pleasure and potency?

Erections, orgasms and ejaculations will most likely be the same as before. Most men say that their pleasure has even increased since they no longer have to worry about possible offensive pregnancy. Many people don't notice any changes. Sometimes there is a slight decrease in sexual desire. It is extremely rare for men to lose the ability to have an erection. This is more likely due to emotional state before surgery.

A vasectomy makes a man sterile, not impotent. It does not affect the level male hormones in blood . Hormones responsible for beard growth, deep voice and sexual desire will still be produced. Hormones continue to circulate in the blood, so all male sexual characteristics are preserved. And even the amount of fluid released during ejaculation will remain almost the same: sperm makes up only 2-5% of the volume of seminal fluid.

Is a vasectomy reversible?

Yes. Modern development microsurgery has increased the efficiency of operations to restore the vas deferens. True, no one gives guarantees of the success of such an operation. It is very complex, expensive ($10,000 - 15,000) and takes about 2 hours. 2-6% of previously sterilized men want to undergo surgery to restore the vas deferens. The most common reasons are remarriage, death of a child, or the desire to have a child due to increased wealth.

There are 2 types of such operations: vasovasostomy and epididymovasostomy. During vasovasostomy, what was done during a vasectomy is eliminated, that is, the ends of the vas deferens are sutured together.

Epidimovasostomy is a much more complex operation, requiring enormous experience and skill from the microsurgeon. It is done if sperm does not enter the vas deferens due to inflammation of the epididymis, a canal located behind the testis. During the operation, the vas deferens are attached directly to the epididymis.

Efficiency of reverse operations

According to research, in 90% of cases, sperm begins to be released again during ejaculation. In 50% of couples, after the man undergoes surgery to restore the vas deferens (vasovasostomy), the partner manages to become pregnant. Reverse efficiency

Vasectomy (sterilization) is a surgical procedure in which there is ligation or removal of part of the vas deferens connecting urethra with testicles (can be seen in the photo). After the operation, men do not have a lack of erection and ejaculation, which makes it possible to continue to conduct sex life. The testicles do not lose their functions, and sperm, when released, has normal look. The only difference is that there are no sperm in the ejaculate.

The duration of the operation is 15-20 minutes, and hospitalization is not required after a vasectomy. It is carried out only on the basis of voluntary consent. And do not confuse vasectomy with castration, in which the testicles are completely removed and there is no sperm as such.

Who needs sterilization?

Doctors usually recommend a vasectomy for men who have children and no longer want to reproduce. Sterilization is also recommended for people with severe hereditary or chronic mental illnesses. In addition, vasectomy should be done for men whose wives are contraindicated for any reason. medical reasons. Before having a vasectomy, you should think carefully about your action, as the consequences may be irreversible.

Advantages and disadvantages of sterilization

The advantages of a vasectomy are as follows:

  • Men's and female sterilization used as effective method contraception. Since sperm loses its functional properties, it is impossible to conceive a child after a vasectomy.
  • The effectiveness of this operation is 98%.
  • After the operation, the quality of sexual life does not deteriorate. The body performs all functions in the same mode as before sterilization.
  • All surgical interventions take place on the surface of the male genital organ, so the percentage of complications is reduced to zero.
  • According to Western doctors, vasectomy is used as a way to slow down the aging of the male body by increasing the hormonal activity of the reproductive system.

The consequences and disadvantages of sterilization are as follows:

  • The method includes the possibility of irreversibility of the process (in 40% of all cases, the sperm is never replenished with sperm)
  • Periodic, short-term postoperative pain
  • Contraception should be used for three months after vasectomy
  • Risk medical error or negative reaction body for anesthesia during surgery
  • Male sterilization does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases
  • Sperm can restore its functions due to the resumption of the passage of the vas deferens

Male sterilization operation

The vasectomy process takes place under local anesthesia. The doctor makes two layer-by-layer incisions in the membranes of the testicles and scrotum, and then cuts the vas deferens. Preparation for surgery includes:

  • Blood and urine laboratory tests
  • Testing for diseases such as AIDS, hepatitis and syphilis
  • Urological examination

Probability of restoration of fertility

Vasectomy reversal is a surgical procedure, after which there is a possibility of returning the ability to conceive children, sperm returns its functional properties. But this happens under the conditions that no more than 5 years have passed since sterilization, and there is no malfunction in the body. Vasectomy reversibility occurs in 60% of cases, but this depends on the quality of the operation and the professional skills of the surgeon. After 10 years, the probability of recovery drops to 20%.

Vasectomy Side Effects and Complications

As in all other cases surgical intervention, during male sterilization may appear unpleasant consequences: arise side effects. Firstly, you need to remember that in 40% of cases, vasectomy in men is irreversible, that is, the sperm completely loses its properties. This means that before resorting to this operation, you should think about what consequences may arise. Reputable clinics provide free consultations By this issue, where you can get answers to topics of concern. Secondly, male sterilization does not protect against sexually transmitted infections, so when frequent changes partners should use a condom. Thirdly, a man may be among those 2% for whom surgery did not bring the expected results and the semen continues to contain sperm. In this case, it is necessary to repeat the operation.

Any surgical intervention can have unpleasant consequences, vasectomy is no exception. Complications during male sterilization may include the following:

  • swelling in the incision area
  • wound infection
  • accumulation of blood in the scrotum area
  • the appearance of swelling of the scrotum and genitourinary organ
  • chills in the testicular area
  • increase in temperature after surgery

Vasectomy: cost of surgery

In our country, vasectomy surgery is not a novelty, however, it is not performed in all clinics. When choosing medical institution To carry out male sterilization, you need to pay attention to the qualifications of the doctor, the reputation of the clinic itself and the quality of service. The price of the operation can be very diverse.

However, a man's desire to have a reverse vasectomy can be much more expensive. The cost of such an operation will increase significantly.

Male sterilization is called a vasectomy, an operation to cut the seminal ducts. After this procedure, the patient becomes infertile. Restoring fertility without additional interventions occurs extremely rarely, and with surgery - up to 50% of cases. The intervention is simple and does not require long rehabilitation, has minimal consequences, does not affect a man’s sex life. Requires his written consent.

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    What is a vasectomy?

    This operation is becoming an increasingly popular method of sterilization. In some countries, men prefer it to standard methods of contraception after the birth of a sufficient number of children in the family.

    This is a voluntary operation, which is carried out exclusively with the written consent of the man. A vasectomy is also prescribed in the presence of serious genetic abnormalities that can be passed on to the child.

    It does not in any way affect the patient’s hormonal levels or erectile abilities.

    Difference from castration

    Many people confuse this method with complete surgical castration, so they are often prejudiced against the procedure. But these are two completely different methods.

    Surgical castration involves amputation of the testicles. Indications for the procedure are the consequences of injuries or different kinds pathologies, for example, cancer.

    The operation is irreversible, after which the functioning of the body changes. In a man’s body, all the hormones produced by the testicles disappear. After this, erection and sexual intercourse become impossible.

    Male castration is accompanied by some physiological changes: a decrease muscle mass, obesity, brittle bones.

    Vasectomy involves full preservation male sexual constitution. The essence of the intervention is to prevent sperm from entering the vas deferens and preventing fertilization of the partner. Since the volume of germ cells in the seed is small, after the operation the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the seminal fluid remain almost unchanged. A man has an active sex life, but cannot become a father.

    Indications for use

    Vasectomy is performed entirely voluntarily. If a man is not married, his consent is enough. If he has a wife, then her approval is also necessary. If the spouse is against it, the doctor may refuse surgery unless there are medical indications. These include: serious genetic diseases or a threat to the life of the partner during pregnancy.

    Vasectomy is optimal if there is negative reaction to other methods of contraception, for example, latex allergies.


    There are two main techniques. At traditional method An incision is made in the scrotum; non-traditional involves a puncture.

    In the first case, two small incisions are made and the vas deferens are divided. Operation requires local anesthesia. Once the substance is administered, it is useless. Only the injection itself is accompanied by unpleasant sensations.


    The wound is sutured with self-absorbing sutures, which eliminates the need for patients to remove stitches.

    The second method is dissection through punctures. It is not yet very popular, but is accompanied by less blood loss and discomfort. The consequences of the intervention are minimized.

    Postoperative period

    Regardless of the method of operation, anesthesia is performed the same. Therefore, it is necessary for someone to accompany the patient when returning home. It is not allowed to drive a car on this day. Within 3 days possible general weakness, discomfort in the scrotum area. With such symptoms, it is allowed to apply cold compresses or use a special bandage to support the scrotum.

    Pain medication may be prescribed and bed rest in the first few days. Load limitation is recommended.

    Puncture surgery has a less painful recovery period and takes from hours to days.

    Advantages and disadvantages of the procedure

    Like any intervention, a vasectomy has its pros and cons. The first include:

    • High guarantee of non-pregnancy. The chance of conceiving after the procedure is about 0.01% per year.
    • No effect on the quality of coitus and sexual desire.
    • Not required general anesthesia, short rehabilitation period.

    But despite this, the operation has a number of disadvantages. The main one is the irreversibility of the process. That is, there is almost a 100% chance that a man will remain infertile for the rest of his life. But there are circumstances in which the patient may regret the decision taken After many years.

    Other disadvantages include:

    • Discomfort during the recovery period, accompanied by cuts and pain in the scrotum.
    • Need for use additional methods contraception for 3 months after surgery.
    • Lack of protection from venereal diseases including HIV, hepatitis B and C.

    Preparation and consequences of the operation

    Conditions for prescribing a vasectomy:

    • consent to the operation;
    • the patient's age is at least 35 years;
    • having at least two children.

    The requirements may not be met if the operation is performed for medical reasons. Before a vasectomy, an examination and standard tests are required:

    • general blood and urine analysis;
    • research for AIDS, syphilis, viral hepatitis;

Male sterilization surgery called a vasectomy. It may be confused with castration, but these are two fundamentally different operations. During a vasectomy, the vas deferens are ligated, while the testicles fully retain their function, the synthesis of hormones is not disrupted, only the sperm loses its ability to fertilize. The operation does not affect sexual desire, the ability to have an erection and the ability to have sexual intercourse. Castration involves the removal of the testicles and their appendages.

Medical sterilization can only be carried out upon the written request of the patient, and the man must either be over 35 years old or already have at least 2 children. A certificate of absence is also required mental illness. If there are medical indications to sterilization, the operation is carried out only with written consent. The age or number of children does not matter.

Preparing for surgery

No special preparation is required before male sterilization. To do this, it is enough to get advice from a specialist who should explain the essence upcoming operation and its consequences, as well as undergo the standard examination for all surgical interventions.

For experienced specialist vasectomy is enough simple intervention. Application local anesthesia, short operation time and minor tissue trauma reduce recovery period and reduce the risk of complications to zero.

How is male sterilization surgery performed?

The operation lasts up to 20-30 minutes and is performed using local anesthesia. The essence of the operation is to block the vas deferens, so that sperm cannot reach the ejaculate. To do this, a small fragment is cut out from the vas deferens and its ends are tied. The sperm produced in this case will be utilized by the tissues without harm to the body. Appearance ejaculate and its quantity will remain the same.

The possibility of restoring fertility remains for five years from the date of vasectomy, after which the body no longer produces full-fledged sperm. To restore the ability to fertilize, reconstructive operations are performed, which are technically complex, expensive and do not provide a 100% guarantee.

Postoperative period

The patient can go home half an hour after the end of the surgical intervention, his health is normal and absent pain syndrome. During the first days you should avoid large physical activity and exercise some caution.

Sexual activity can be resumed after a week. However, during the first 3 months, viable sperm may be detected in the semen, so the possibility of fertilization remains. During this period it is better to use contraceptives.

Pros and cons of male sterilization

Like all methods of contraception, male sterilization has its pros and cons. The advantages include the following aspects:

  • Safety – vasectomy is easy to perform and very rarely causes unwanted reactions.
  • Reliability – the operation gives a 100% result, reducing the likelihood of unwanted conception to zero.
  • Preservation of sexual activity - a vasectomy does not have any effect on the production of male sex hormones. The man remains sexually active, his ability to have sexual desire and erection does not suffer.
  • The operation does not have any effect on the quality of sexual intercourse - neither its duration nor sensations are affected.
  • Opportunity unwanted pregnancy in the first 3 months after surgery, at this time active sperm are still present in the semen. During this period, it is recommended to use additional protection methods.
  • Irreversibility of the results - five years after the operation, the man completely loses the ability to restore fertility, because his body no longer produces full-fledged sperm; even restoration of the patency of the spermatic ducts does not lead to the resumption of normal spermatogenesis.
  • Spontaneous resumption of patency of the vas deferens.

Sterilization of men, cost of surgery

Vasectomy is very important step for a man, so such a decision must be approached carefully and responsibly. It is important to choose the right clinic. On average in clinics in St. Petersburg cost of male sterilization is about 15,000 rubles.