Cabbage: beneficial properties and contraindications. Interesting details about the benefits and harms of regular white cabbage

White cabbage is the most popular in our country. However, this fresh crispy vegetable has many more useful relatives - red cabbage, broccoli, kohlrabi, sea, cauliflower, kale, Peking, Savoy, Brussels sprouts, Chinese and others. ELLE will tell you all about the benefits of cabbage.

If you don’t already know the benefits of cabbage, then you’re in for a surprise. This vegetable, familiar from childhood, contains almost all known vitamins, and even vitamin U, phytoncides, enzymes, and minerals, which is unique and necessary for stomach ulcers.

It is believed that cabbage began to be cultivated in Ancient Egypt. Then it was revered as an exquisite treat for wealthy people and served as a dessert. IN modern history Cabbage has gained a reputation as a key vegetable in the kitchen. Low-calorie vitamin salads are made from it, stewed, boiled, fermented, decoctions and infusions are made.

The beneficial properties of cabbage are unique to each type of this vegetable. Broccoli is an invaluable vegetable in the prevention of cancer. This cabbage is known for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, contains omega 3 fatty acid necessary in the fight against atherosclerosis and helps with diseases of cardio-vascular system. Alimentary fiber Broccoli protects the mucous membrane from Helicobacter, which causes the formation of ulcers in the stomach and duodenum.

Cauliflower is considered dietary; it contains a record concentration of vitamin C, and the body easily absorbs and processes it. Brussels sprouts can often be found in the diet of patients with cardiovascular diseases. Green kale is rich in mineral salts, potassium, calcium and iron. Original taste seaweed contains iodine, phosphorus and sodium, it must be present in the menu of urban residents who are deficient in iodine.

In our country, white cabbage is most loved. It can be found in absolutely any store in the vegetable department, it is affordable and popular in cooking. Cabbage is low in calories; 100 g of vegetable contains only 28 calories.

Few people know how cabbage is good for the body, but the list of its benefits inspires respect. She is providing beneficial influence on digestive system, stimulates metabolism, gently cleanses the body, removes waste, toxins and cholesterol.

Vitamin C deficiency in the body is easy to recognize. Fast fatiguability, regular colds, loss of appetite, desire to sleep shortly after waking up indicate a lack of this vital important vitamin. The main source of vitamin C for humans is food plant origin. Just 100 g fresh or pickled white cabbage will replenish the supply of vitamin C by 69 mg. Eating dishes from this every day delicious vegetable, you can compensate for vitamin C deficiency.

Fresh cabbage leaves will help with bruises, temporary joint pain, and congestion during lactation. For medicinal purposes, you need to thoroughly wash the cabbage leaf, so that it releases the juice, rub it several times with a rolling pin or put it under a press, then apply the crushed cabbage leaf to the inflamed area. For long-lasting effect, cover the sheet with a clean cloth, secure and leave overnight.

Cabbage is essential during pregnancy. She helps to bring out excess liquid from the body and eliminate swelling, which is important for many expectant mothers in the last trimester.

Of course, cabbage has also been used in the beauty industry. You can make a homemade refreshing moisturizing mask from a clean cabbage leaf. Place a cabbage leaf that has released its juice on your face, after 20 minutes, remove it and apply moisturizer. You can use fresh cabbage juice as a tonic lotion.

Not only women use cabbage for their own purposes. Anyone who has used it to come to their senses in the morning knows whether cabbage is good for you after a fun party. If you eat cabbage while drinking alcohol, then intoxication will not occur so quickly. In the morning, fresh cabbage salad, pickle or sauerkraut will help get rid of traces of a hangover.

Most frequent contraindication to eating cabbage for pancreatitis, after operations on abdominal cavity And chest, for diseases thyroid gland. White cabbage juice is not recommended for drinking increased acidity stomach. At peptic ulcer and gastritis, sauerkraut should be consumed in minimum quantities carefully.

White cabbage. How to use white cabbage folk medicine.

Useful properties of white cabbage

The healing properties of white cabbage are widely used in folk medicine. One head of cabbage contains a whole complex necessary for the body human substances. First of all, these are vitamins B1, B2, B6, C, P, K, D. It should be noted that in terms of vitamin C content, cabbage is not inferior to citrus fruits. Daily norm ascorbic acid is contained in 200 g of raw cabbage.

The composition of this vegetable includes carbohydrates, nitrogenous substances, carotene, mineral salts, sugars, as well as enzymes and the substance lysozyme, which has a bacterial effect. Fiber, necessary for improving motor skills and cleansing the body, is found in large quantities in cabbage. It helps remove excess cholesterol, which is important for the prevention of atherosclerosis.

Cabbage is rich in protein and contains fat-like substances, which, in combination with organic acids, give it a specific aroma and taste that enhances the activity of the digestive glands. Therefore, nutritionists prescribe cabbage juice for low acidity gastric juice. Studies have shown that it improves the condition of patients with stomach ulcers and duodenum. After 2 weeks of taking cabbage juice, patients noted a significant improvement in well-being and no pain. It is also recommended for ulcerative colitis and cholecystitis.

White cabbage is an essential product in the diet of people suffering from overweight. It surpasses all vegetables in the content of tartronic acid and vitamin U. The first interferes with the process of converting sugar and other carbohydrates into adipose tissue, however, it is destroyed under the influence high temperature, therefore it is useful raw cabbage. Vitamin U protects the body from atherosclerosis and ulcerative lesions mucous membranes.

Cabbage treatment. Healing cabbage recipes

Sauerkraut brine for gastritis with low acidity

Take 150-200 ml of warm sauerkraut brine 2-3 times a day before meals.

Cabbage decoction with honey for respiratory diseases

Boil 200 g of cabbage, add 40-50 g of honey to the resulting broth. Take 200 ml 3 times a day.

Cabbage decoction for obesity

Pour 150 g of cabbage into 600 ml of water, bring to a boil and keep on fire for 15 minutes, then strain the broth. Take 150-200 ml 3-4 times a day before meals.

Cabbage infusion for vitamin deficiency

Chop 60 g of white cabbage, pour 250 ml of boiling water and leave for 2-3 hours, then strain. Take 150 ml warm 2-3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

Cabbage leaves for radiculitis

Wrap cabbage leaves around the affected areas on the back, cover with compress paper, tie with woolen cloth and leave for 2-3 hours.

Take 20-30 ml of freshly squeezed cabbage juice 6-7 times a day.

Cabbage pulp for mastitis

Grate the cabbage or chop it in a blender and apply the resulting pulp to the sore breast 3-4 times a day until complete recovery.

So that you don’t feel empty, eat plenty of cabbage! This folk proverb about white cabbage, in a few words reflects all the usefulness of this vegetable. Despite the fact that strong heads of cabbage can be used in an infinite variety culinary dishes, traditional medicine very successfully uses queen of autumn vegetables from the cruciferous family in their practice.

Cleansing with cabbage

The use of cabbage leaves successfully helps to cope with many diseases, as well as saturate the body. essential vitamins. But before treating and replenishing the body, it is most likely worth cleaning it. In this case, many ailments go away on their own, as they are a consequence of the accumulation of toxins. But cabbage will be very helpful in general cleaning.

Cleansing usually starts with the intestines. It is in this organ that the majority of waste products, bacteria, and food debris accumulate. To get rid of such a heavy and unnecessary load, it is best to use a one-day cabbage juice diet.

Cabbage juice diet to cleanse the body

The benefits of white cabbage for weight loss are great, including cleansing, healing and losing excess fat in one “cabbage” bottle.

In the morning on an empty stomach you need to drink a glass warm water with honey.

After an hour, repeat a glass of water, but with lemon juice and a tablespoon of freshly squeezed cabbage juice. Thus, every hour you need to drink water with cabbage and lemon juice, each time doubling the presence of cabbage. That is, after five hours, water plus 100 ml of cabbage juice.

It is very important to monitor your condition. Sharp headache, attacks of nausea or pain, this is a signal that you should stop such a diet. Liquid oatmeal on the water, you can do a great job of putting things in order inside, but not causing any harm.

There is no need to do desperate things and drink pure cabbage juice. This will inevitably lead to health problems. You can also cleanse with a vegetable cocktail. For example: cabbage, carrots, water.

Now that the unrest within has subsided and the intestines are enjoying freedom, it’s time to think about settling new friendly colonies.

Now let's talk about the most important thing - the benefits and harms of fresh cabbage for the body...

The benefits of cabbage - composition of the vegetable, calorie content

Cabbage has a significant water content and low calorie content, only 27 kcal, which makes it the product of choice for those trying to lose weight.

Cabbage is a source of many vitamins. In principle, the white cabbage beauty has absorbed almost the entire necessary set of vitamins and microelements for the full functioning of the human body.

  • First on this list is vitamin C. But cabbage did its best here too; this vitamin is presented in it in the most stable form in the form of ascorbigen.

More precisely, this necessary element there is as in pure form, and in chemically bound form. And this allows it to be stored in leaves for a long time.

  • Vitamins B1, B2, PP, B5, of course, not in such quantities as C, but are present in cabbage.

And they are responsible for energy (B1 Thiamine), red blood cells, antibodies and reproductive functions(B2 riboflavin), life extension ( PP a nicotinic acid ), production of adrenal hormones ( B5 pantothenic acid ), development circulatory system, immunity (B9).

Of course, cabbage cannot satisfy all the body’s needs, but its daily presence in the diet will significantly enrich internal organs the necessary set of necessary and useful substances.

Cabbage can also be used to treat many diseases as part of complex therapy.

  • For example, it lends itself perfectly to docking and further treatment such processes as problems with the gastrointestinal tract. This autumn vegetable contains a unique vitamin U. Thanks to this assistant, erosions and ulcers in the stomach heal.

In case of problems gastrointestinal tract It is better to use cabbage in stewed and boiled form; also, when exacerbating gastritis with low acidity, fresh cabbage leaf helps perfectly.

But we must pay attention that cabbage should not be consumed in fresh, just juice. Otherwise, the rough contents of the fork will only make the situation worse.

Stomatitis and mucosal diseases oral cavity should be rinsed cabbage juice, diluted with water.

Regularly rubbing the skin with acne This juice will help relieve inflammation and reduce oily skin, tightening enlarged pores.

Also fresh leaves cabbage - an indispensable tool when various kinds purulent and weeping wounds, inflammation of the joints, bruises, heel spurs, on early stages. The leaves should be applied to the affected area and secured with a bandage.

If you first spread the cabbage leaves with honey, the effect will be better.

A warm decoction of white cabbage is drunk at night with honey at pulmonary diseases and acute respiratory infections.

The main beneficial and medicinal properties of white cabbage

  • cleansing organs of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • fortification of the body in almost any season; sauerkraut is successfully used in the winter months;
  • antioxidant, anti-aging;
  • calming the nervous system;
  • strengthening blood vessels;
  • increasing resistance to infections;
  • improving metabolism in the body;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • normalization of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems;
  • cancer prevention;
  • anthelmintic effect;
  • reducing cholesterol and glucose levels in the blood.

The benefits and harms of cabbage juice

  • For stomatitis, rinsing with cabbage juice is recommended. fast healing sores;
  • often used for persistent constipation, helps relax the intestines and relieve spasms, useful for colitis, hemorrhoids;
  • a rather rare vitamin U helps the regeneration processes of the mucous walls of the gastrointestinal tract, is used for peptic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum, gastritis with low acidity, cholecystitis;
  • has a diuretic effect, removes waste and toxins, excess cholesterol;
  • cabbage juice with honey heals persistent cough, thins mucus;
  • the antimicrobial properties of the drink will help with sore throat, ARVI symptoms;
  • the product is able to heal wounds, cuts and burns, chicken egg white is added to cabbage juice.

But for pancreatitis, cabbage juice is contraindicated; it is also not recommended in rehabilitation period after a heart attack, with acute pathologies intestines, kidneys.

When treating with cabbage juice, gas formation often begins to appear, so nutritionists do not recommend more than 2 glasses of this drink a day, and even then, treatment should be started gradually, starting with half a glass a day.

Is cabbage harmful or are there contraindications everywhere?

But of course, we should not forget that in everything you need to know when to stop. You won't live on cabbage alone. Balanced diet And timely treatment, This necessary measures to maintain health.

You should not eat cabbage if:

  • at ;
  • not recommended during lactation, as it promotes gas formation and colic in babies;
  • for the same reasons, pregnant women should not get carried away with cabbage;
  • if you already have flatulence, in this case it is recommended to replace fresh cabbage with stewed cabbage;
  • in large quantities can cause exacerbation of pancreatitis.

Too much cabbage can also cause harm to the body. So you need to be friends with cabbage, be sure to introduce it into your daily menu, but don’t forget about other things that accompany a healthy lifestyle!

Having discussed the health benefits and harms of white cabbage, its undoubted beneficial medicinal properties for the body, even if you think about a cabbage juice diet for weight loss and cleansing, don’t forget to like the social buttons...

Cabbage belongs to the Cruciferous family and is very valuable and healthy vegetable. In countries where cabbage is grown, cabbage is used for plantations. large areas land. A moderately cool climate zone is ideal for cultivating the plant.

Cabbage, beneficial features which is difficult to overestimate, contains a large number of vitamins and microelements. When we hear the name of a vegetable, we immediately imagine white cabbage or cauliflower, which is unfair to other varieties that are in no way inferior in vitamin content. Let's look at the main varieties of cabbage.

White cabbage

The origin of the most popular variety of this vegetable crop comes from wild plants growing in the Mediterranean, North Africa and Western Europe. Cabbage was first grown in Ancient Iberia, and from there it spread throughout Greece, Rome and Egypt. The plant appeared in our lands in the 8th century, as indicated by ancient writings. Since then, cabbage has become part of the habitual, everyday diet of the people, where it rightfully remains to this day.

In Russian cuisine there are a thousand recipes for dishes that include this vegetable. Everyone especially loves sauerkraut. It was made for holidays, which were called skits.

White cabbage, the beneficial properties of which have been known for a long time, is one of the preferred vegetable crops in Russian agriculture. It is grown everywhere, especially in the territories of Siberia and the Non-Black Earth zone. More than half of the land allocated for growing vegetables is occupied by white cabbage. The beneficial properties of the vegetable are confirmed by its large amount:

  • water;
  • fiber;
  • vitamins A, C, D;
  • vitamins B, K;
  • microelements: magnesium, calcium, potassium, iron and phosphorus.

Red cabbage

It is also called blue cabbage. It is a subspecies of cabbage and beautiful colour it is given by the presence of a substance such as anthocyanin. Overall taste qualities the species are almost the same. Blue cabbage contains potassium and phosphorus salts, as well as phytoncides and enzymes in large quantities. The beneficial properties of the vegetable are also manifested in its antitumor effect. This is achieved thanks to a natural substance called ascorbigen - a special form of ascorbic acid. Red cabbage, whose beneficial properties are preserved even after heat treatment, is loved by many housewives for its excellent taste.


Syria is considered the birthplace of this variety, but cauliflower no less popular in Russia. It can rightly be said that cauliflower is dietary vegetable. Great content protein, vitamins, ascorbic and folic acid, as well as other microelements makes it an indispensable product for people leading healthy image life.

Cauliflower is used in soups, purees, salads, pancakes, soufflés, and also in baby food. It can be eaten both raw and thermally processed. It is especially useful to include cabbage in your diet for those who want to lose weight.


A type of cabbage native to the Mediterranean also has another name - Italian asparagus. It has become widespread due to its unpretentiousness and sustainability. Broccoli is a cabbage whose beneficial properties even surpass those of cauliflower (in terms of vitamin content). It is rich in magnesium, copper, iodine, phosphorus, chromium and folic acid.

Brussels sprouts

The most interesting type of cabbage: small heads of cabbage located on an oblong stem. Brussels sprouts became widespread in England and Holland.

Chinese cabbage

China is considered the birthplace of Chinese cabbage. People were cultivating it already in the 5th century. This cabbage has three subspecies:

  • cabbage;
  • half-headed;
  • leafy.

The nutritional properties of the vegetable are much higher than those of other salad plants. It contains a lot of vitamin C, which is well preserved even in winter. Asian countries have many dishes in their diet that include Chinese cabbage. The beneficial properties of this product are confirmed by the health and longevity of the people. Cabbage is eaten raw, boiled, dried and pickled, and Russian chefs add it to vegetable salads.

Savoy cabbage

This species was bred in the Italian county of Savoy, where it got its name. Savoy cabbage is grown in almost all European countries, but in Russia this vegetable has not yet received such distribution, since it was introduced relatively recently.

The Savoy variety is very frost-resistant, but produces less yield than white cabbage. It contains vitamins A, C, E, PP, other beneficial elements and antioxidants. Using the large leaves, you can make delicious cabbage rolls, and the inner white part is added to the salad.

Benefits of vegetables

Cabbage contains useful material and vitamins in such quantities that it is simply irreplaceable for the health of the body. The human body is a complex “mechanism”, the uninterrupted operation of which is ensured by a certain ratio of organic and inorganic matter. If this ratio is violated, a “system failure” may occur. Therefore, it is important to eat rationally, eating those foods that supply the body essential microelements. Cabbage performs this function one hundred percent, and does not require special cooking or processing, it is available all year round and tastes great.

Properties of cabbage

Like any product, cabbage has beneficial properties and contraindications for consumption.

  • If you use moderate heat treatment, the vegetable increases its content ascorbic acids, which produce ascorbigen.
  • Green cabbage leaves contain a large amount of folic acid, and it affects metabolic processes and the circulatory system.
  • The sodium salt content is so low that fluid is not retained in the body and swelling does not occur.
  • Cabbage juice definitely has beneficial properties, since it is neutral acid-base balance makes it an indispensable product for people with high acidity.
  • Due to the content of a large amount of choline, fat metabolic processes in the body are normalized.
  • Cabbage contains glucose and fructose in greater quantities than oranges, apples, lemons and carrots.
  • Sauerkraut contains a lot of lactic acid, and beneficial bacteria, getting into digestive tract, help improve microflora, eliminate dysbacteriosis and cleanse rot.
  • The content of phytoncides is detrimental to such harmful microorganisms as Staphylococcus aureus and tuberculosis bacillus.

Eating the vegetable is not recommended for those diagnosed with ailments such as pancreatitis, acute diseases thyroid gland, as well as people who have undergone surgery on the peritoneum or chest. Cabbage, whose beneficial properties and contraindications for use should be studied by everyone, should not be on the menu of patients with acute enterocolitis accompanied by diarrhea.

Beneficial properties of cabbage juice

In traditional medicine recipes for treatment various diseases cabbage juice is used. The beneficial properties of the vegetable have their positive impact at:

  1. Treatment of duodenal ulcer.
  2. Cleansing the body and losing weight.
  3. Treatment and prevention of constipation.
  4. Normalization of problems with the liver and spleen.

Cabbage is used for cooking various dishes, which are not only tasty, but also healthy.

Everyone knows how important it is for our health to eat right. Still, its renewal and functioning depend on the composition of microelements entering our body. Among the others healthy products White cabbage occupies a special place in nutrition, especially since it is so easy to find on the market and delicious to prepare. What are the benefits and harms of white cabbage?

History of the origin of cabbage

The history of the origin of white cabbage goes back to ancient times. Cabbage is one of the most ancient crops: its seeds have been found even during excavations of ancient human sites.

And cabbage was first mentioned under the name “ashchi” in ancient Iberia. Later, the vegetable began to be grown in Greece, Rome and other countries. By the way, thanks wonderful property get rid of white cabbage hangover syndrome, in Greece it was a symbol of sobriety.

In Rus', cabbage has always been almost the main food product. It’s not for nothing that our great-grandfathers said: “Bread and cabbage will not be tolerated”. It was believed that the recipes are the most delicious dishes made from cabbage belong specifically to the Slavs, especially since the best of these recipes were even kept in monasteries.

Currently, white cabbage ranks agriculture Russia is one of the important places.

Why does this vegetable attract such close attention; does white cabbage bring benefit or harm to our body?

The benefits of white cabbage

What are the benefits of white cabbage? Its benefits are so great that, thanks to its beneficial properties, white cabbage has acquired a fairly high status in folk medicine.

Vitamins in white cabbage

Except high content B vitamins; white cabbage contains a large amount of vitamin C, which allows it to be effective means in the fight against colds and other diseases.

By the way, in vegetables the vitamin is stored not only in its pure form, but also in the form chemical element, which, with moderate heat treatment, is transformed into vitamin C. That is why fried or boiled cabbage It may be healthier raw.

Scientists have proven the benefits of white cabbage for the gastrointestinal tract, since it contains vitamin U, which can cure stomach and duodenal ulcers, as well as gastritis and other diseases.

In addition, bacteria that appear during sauerkraut have beneficial effect on the intestines, eliminating dysbiosis.

Useful elements in cabbage

In addition to vitamins, there are many other useful elements and minerals in white cabbage, such as potassium, calcium, sulfur, the element chlorine, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, and in small quantities more than 10 other beneficial minerals.

In addition, the glucose content in white cabbage is higher than in oranges, lemons, and apples.

And due to the fact that there are much more potassium salts in the vegetable than sodium salts, cabbage is often used in folk medicine as a diuretic.

Useful properties of white cabbage

The beneficial properties of white cabbage are also due to the content of tartronic acid, which, by the way, is destroyed during heat treatment.

Tartronic acid in white cabbage benefits people suffering from atherosclerosis, since it, together with fiber, prevents cholesterol from depositing in tissues, which has a beneficial effect on the body.

Is it possible to eat cabbage while losing weight?

Therefore, it is not in vain that atherosclerosis and obesity are treated with cabbage. Moreover, she has low calorie content, 100 grams of white cabbage contains 27 kcal.

So, if you are wondering whether you can eat cabbage while losing weight, the answer is obvious. The tartronic acid in cabbage can help you lose weight.

The benefits of cabbage for women

White cabbage, without a doubt, can be considered feminine product. And the benefits of cabbage for women lie not only in its ability to enlarge mammary glands and burn unnecessary fat.

White cabbage is also useful in cosmetology. For example, masks based on cabbage juice reduce wrinkles and rejuvenate the skin.

Cabbage juice also has a beneficial effect on hair, making it more vibrant and shiny. IN for cosmetic purposes they also use sauerkraut, as it helps cope with acne and makes dark spots less noticeable.

Also, as the Greeks correctly noted, cabbage helps relieve hangover symptoms, and if consumed before drinking alcohol, it will lead to much less intoxication.

Despite such important beneficial properties of white cabbage, its improper use can lead to unpleasant consequences.

Harm of white cabbage

We talked about the benefits of white cabbage, now we need to say a few words about the dangers.

You can cause harm to the body by consuming raw white cabbage in large quantities. This can cause nausea, bloating, etc.

However, it should be remembered that cabbage is rich in vitamin U, so outside of periods of exacerbation of the disease, the vegetable can and should be included in your diet.

If you have kidney disease or stones, gallbladder You should also avoid eating cabbage. This prohibition also applies to people who have recently undergone abdominal surgery; white cabbage will definitely be harmful in such cases.

Sauerkraut can cause some harm to the body, since it contains a lot of salt, which is so dangerous for those suffering from hypertension. Therefore, such people should take care and, in as a last resort, eat unleavened cabbage.

The harm of fresh cabbage for men is due to the fact that it can negatively affect male function. So if you have problems with this, you should avoid cabbage.

Eating white cabbage can affect the functioning of the thyroid gland, especially if you have any diseases in this area.

It is worth remembering the dangers of the cabbage stalk, because it is it that accumulates harmful substances that enter the vegetable during growth. Therefore, it is best to eat it in small quantities.

As we can see, white cabbage can cause some harm to the body, but it is, to a greater extent, of an individual nature. In general, white cabbage brings more benefits than harm.

Cabbage treatment

Cabbage leaf decoction

Can be very beneficial for your immune system when colds and cough decoction of cabbage leaves with garlic.

Cabbage must be cooked for 15 minutes so that the broth is enriched with vitamin C.

A few spoons of cabbage broth a day, and your immune system will cope with any viral effects on the body.

Treatment with cabbage juice

Treatment with cabbage juice is applicable for those suffering from low stomach acidity.

It can be prepared by passing the cabbage through a juicer or meat grinder. After this, the liquid must be filtered. Take the resulting juice one tablespoon several times a day.

Cabbage juice can also be used as an expectorant for coughs.

In addition, cabbage juice treatment is offered to those who have lost their voice or have problems with their vocal cords.

Benefits of sauerkraut brine

Two glasses a day before meals for a month will relieve you of such a dangerous presence.

Cabbage leaf treatment

Green cabbage leaves are good for treating wounds and bruises, as they contain folic acid, which has a beneficial effect on blood circulation and metabolic processes in organism.

Apply a cut green cabbage leaf to the bruise and see what the result will be.

In folk medicine, treatment is practiced cabbage leaves joint pain. The leaves, boiled in boiling water, are cut and applied to the sore spot.

The compress is left overnight. Using compresses more long time will help improve your health.

Thus, white cabbage is a source of health and effective remedy for various diseases.

Possessing necessary information about the benefits and harms of white cabbage, you can use the knowledge for your benefit. Therefore, if you have no contraindications, eat cabbage as often as possible, get as many benefits from it as possible for your body, and be healthy!