How to relieve muscle tension during neurosis: effective methods. Relaxation sessions for neuroses

" Autogenic training: relaxation exercises

Autogenic training: “COACHER ON DRESS” POSE

Before engaging in autogenic training, you should loosen your waist belt, unbutton the top button of your shirt, loosen your tie, take off your watch and glasses
A) sit on the edge of the seat so that the edge of the chair rests on the buttock folds;

B) spread your legs wide to relax the hip abductor muscles;

C) place your shins perpendicular to the floor; if after this there is still tension in the legs, move your feet forward 3-4 centimeters until the tension disappears;

D) lower your head forward so that it hangs on the ligaments, and hunch your back;

E) swaying back and forth, make sure that the posture is stable due to the balance between the lowered head and hunched back;

E) place your forearms on your hips so that your hands gently bend around your hips and do not touch; you should not rest your forearms on your thighs, since the pose is stable without it (see P.D.);

G) close your eyes;

H) breathe calmly, as if in a dream, inhaling and exhaling through the nose.
At first, the pose seems uncomfortable, but as you master it, its advantages are revealed: unpretentiousness and versatility; head down does invisible face, which is important for many people involved.


To exit the autogenic state:
A) stop following the instructions of the lesson and concentrate on the fact that you are well rested and will soon leave the autogenic state;

B) slowly clench your fists, feel the strength in your hands, throughout your body; Otherwise, do not change the position;

C) without unclenching your fists, extend your arms towards your knees;

D) wait until the end of the next exhalation;

E) take a deep breath, while inhaling, raise your arms up, arch your back, turn your face up;

E) pause for about 1-2 seconds to prepare for the precise execution of the last exit phase;

G) at the same time: exhale sharply through your mouth, unclench your fists and open your eyes. After this, calmly lower your hands.

When exiting the autogenic state, you should focus as much as possible on the energy and strength accumulated during the lesson (even if their increase was small). Move on to each exit phase only after the previous one has been completed. Phases a-e perform it slowly, phase z - as quickly and energetically as possible.

Do not use the described technique 1-1.5 hours before bedtime. After finishing the lesson, stop following the instructions for this lesson, sit for a while with eyes closed, then slowly straighten your back and open your eyes. Sit for those 1-2 minutes, after which you can get up.


Sit reclining in a chair so that when you relax, your head leans back if the chair has a high back, or forward (if the chair has a low back (See Fig.)

Autogenic training: LYING POSE

A) lie on your back in bed, on a couch, sofa, place a low pillow under your head;
B) place your feet shoulder-width apart, relax your legs, while your toes spread to the sides;
C) If you are doing autogenic training with a pillow, then bend your arms slightly at the elbows, place your palms down; the hands are not in contact with the body. If you are doing autogenic training with a pillow without a pillow, place your arms at an acute angle to your body with your palms facing up.
Remember the symmetry of the pose.
The pose is convenient for practicing in bed before bed and in the morning immediately after sleep. Exit, unless you are doing it before bed, is done in the same way as in a sitting position (see § 6). After this, inhale and as you exhale, sit up in bed.
One of the most important goals of autogenic training is to teach muscle relaxation skills. It is often difficult for beginners to feel the degree of relaxation of certain muscle groups. To become more familiar with the sensations that occur when muscles relax, you can use auxiliary exercises that alternate tension and relaxation. In contrast, after tension, it is much easier to feel relaxation certain groups muscles.
To make it easier to master relaxation skills, all the muscles of the body can be divided into five groups: muscles of the arms, legs, torso, neck, face.
These exercises are easier to do while sitting in a high-back chair or chair. Should be paid Special attention for the following points:
- Each “tension-relaxation” cycle for each muscle group takes approximately 1 minute and is repeated 3-5 times.
- The muscles tense while holding the breath after inhaling for 15-20 seconds, and relax after exhaling against the background of voluntary breathing for 40-45 seconds.

Autogenic training. Relaxation of arm muscles:

Sitting with your eyes closed, you should move your torso forward a little, inhale and, holding your breath, stretch both arms in front of you. Clenching your hands into fists, simultaneously tense the muscles of both arms from the shoulders to the hands for 15-20 seconds at half strength. Attention is directed to how tense the muscles of both hands are, how the tense muscles vibrate slightly. All thoughts are directed only at how tense the arm muscles are at this moment. As you exhale, the arm muscles relax. They hang down freely. You should lightly shake the relaxed arm muscles and try to feel well the sensations that arise when the arm muscles relax.

Autogenic training. Relaxing the leg muscles:

While sitting, it is best to take a breath with your eyes closed, after which you hold your breath and tense the muscles of both legs for 15-20 seconds, at about half strength. To better feel the tension in your leg muscles, imagine that your left and right feet right leg pressing hard on the floor. Attention is directed to how tense the muscles of both legs are, how the tense muscles vibrate slightly. All thoughts are directed only at how tense the leg muscles are at this moment. As you exhale, the leg muscles relax. You should feel this relaxation well, which will be helped by gentle shaking of the relaxed muscles. All attention is directed to those sensations associated with relaxation of the leg muscles.

Autogenic training. Relaxation of the trunk muscles:

Sitting with your eyes closed, lean your torso forward a little, bend your arms at the elbows and press them to your torso, inhale and hold your breath for 15-20 seconds. Tighten the abdominal and back muscles half-heartedly, and press your elbows firmly to your body. All attention is directed to how tense the muscles of the torso (abdomen and back) are, and how the tense muscles vibrate slightly. As you exhale, the abdominal and back muscles relax, and the arms relax downwards. All attention is aimed at feeling the sensations associated with relaxation of the muscles of the torso.

Autogenic training. Relaxing the neck muscles:

To tense the neck muscles, you should inhale, hold your breath for 15-20 seconds, pull your head into your shoulders, as if trying to touch your ears with your shoulders. The hands rest with their palms on their thighs. All attention is directed to how tense the neck muscles are, how tense muscles vibrate. As you exhale, relax the neck muscles. The shoulders drop, the arms hang relaxed along the body, the chin is lowered to the chest. You should listen well to the sensations associated with relaxation of the neck muscles.

Autogenic training. Relaxation of facial muscles:

To tense the facial muscles, you should inhale, hold your breath and clench your teeth and lips half-heartedly for 15-20 seconds, and close your eyes. All attention is directed to how tense the facial muscles are, to the slight vibration that occurs in the tense muscles. As you exhale, the facial muscles relax: the eyes are half-open, the eyelids cover the eyes without the slightest tension. You should raise and lower your eyelids several times to make sure that they cover your eyes without the slightest strain. Mouth half open. The lips seem to become a little thicker. Cheeks feel heavy. You can turn your head from side to side several times, feeling the relaxation of your facial muscles. All attention is directed to the sensations that arise when the facial muscles relax.

The material was prepared by Tatyana Romanova based on the book by N.N. Petrov. "Autogenic training for you"
from the site

Relaxation methods can be divided into several groups, each of which differs in its content. The first group includes methods muscle relaxation .

This method was developed by E. Jacobson, who suggested that between the tone of skeletal muscles and negative emotional excitement in his various forms(i.e. anger, fear, nervousness, irritability) there is a direct connection. He developed special ones with the help of which a person should consistently relax everything. The relaxation effect after such training is not only to relieve muscle tone, but also to achieve relaxation neuropsychic state. That is, the whole essence of this relaxation technique is that stressful situations and negative emotions cause tension, and by learning to relax your muscles, you can reduce stress. This is what they contribute to muscle relaxation techniques.

Only small children know how to relax best - if you look closely at how they sleep, you can see how relaxed they are. But adults, always in a hurry, busy at work, full of troubles and worries, accumulate all the tension, stress, and negative emotions. Over time, they simply forget how to relax...TV, computer, reading and any other forms of leisure do not help to fully relax. Even sleep becomes superficial because a person cannot relax even at night. How - in the morning he feels tired, apathetic.

Muscle relaxation techniques based on the fact that relaxation is best felt after tension. Therefore, this technique consists of alternating maximum muscle tension and subsequent maximum relaxation. Feeling the difference in tension, a person begins to distinguish the degree of relaxation over time. In other words, when a person engages in muscle relaxation, he achieves neuropsychic relaxation.

Relaxation techniques based on breathing

When a person is under stress, when he is afraid, angry or worried, his breathing becomes convulsive and shallow. Since the entire human body at this moment is filled with negative emotions and experiences, inhalation is simply blocked by them. When a person calms down, his breathing becomes slow and even. That is, when full of breath anxiety disappears and a state of relaxation is achieved. Therefore, every person needs to learn to breathe correctly (emphasis on the word “correctly”). “How can this be, since we have been able to breathe since birth,” you ask. It’s true, we all know how to breathe, but not everyone does it correctly. Breathing needs to be trained so that in the process of inhalation and exhalation it involves not only lower sections belly.
There are a lot of breathing exercises - you can do yoga and train your breathing with its help, you can read the literature of modern specialists.

Relaxation techniques based on imagery

Images can have completely different effects on a person: some make us joyful and energetic, others make us sad and sad. It is important that a person is able to find the image that will help him achieve a state of complete relaxation. Give free rein to your imagination, look for that same image and feel exactly how it affects you. Perhaps the images of you basking in a warm bath with aromatic herbs, or relaxing on a soft feather bed, enveloping you with its tenderness and warmth, will help you achieve a state of relaxation. In a word, you need to try to immerse yourself in a situation that is pleasant to you and has a beneficial effect on you. Over time, if you train often and successfully, you will only be able to imagine this image, and muscle memory body will help you achieve relaxation.

And finally, a few relaxation methods from women's magazine JustLady. Choose a time when you will be alone at home and no one will disturb you. Start with your dominant hand: relax your palm, feel it, and then your entire hand, become warm and heavy. Then move on to the rest of the body. You will feel your body gradually relax. These simple exercises can be performed not only at home, but also in any other place where a difficult situation is possible.

Each person must find his own: for some, exercises to tense and relax muscles will help, for others, breathing training or verbal persuasion will help. In a word, you need to find your way for the greatest relaxation. JustLady magazine draws your attention to the fact that exercises will not lead to maximum relaxation the first time. Only after training will a person be able to develop the ability to minimum time fall into a relaxed state. Devote at least 5 minutes a day to such training, and over time you will learn to get out of stressful situations with minimal losses for you.

Alisa Terentyeva
Women's magazine JustLady

Modern society exposes people to a lot of stress or conflict situations. Such tension can lead to a large number of different troubles, one of which can be neurosis, which is often complicated by muscle tension, cramps, spasms and other manifestations. Muscle tension during neurosis - especially current problem, since it occurs in the vast majority of neurotics.

General information about neurosis

Neurosis is a condition that is provoked by depletion of the nervous system, manifested by anxiety, various autonomic dysfunctions against the background of the patient’s complete physical health. The term neurosis was first used in the mid-twentieth century by the Scottish specialist William Cullen. Today the classification of neuroses includes a large number of various pathologies. This diagnosis is quite simple to establish, since it is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • Hypersensitivity to stress;
  • Excessive excitability;
  • Sleep disturbance;
  • Decreased sexual desire, satisfaction from sex, potency;
  • Constant anxiety;
  • Muscle tension, muscle pain, muscle twitching.

Most often, neurosis develops against the background of prolonged and persistent physical and psychological overload of the body. For a long period of time, the human body is simply not able to adequately relax in order to restore its strength. Advanced neuroses can cause disability in patients, since their ability to work is very limited or completely lost. Over time, people get used to their irritability and excessive excitability. This significantly worsens the quality of life of patients.

Main clinical manifestations of neuroses

One of the most important symptoms of this disease is anxiety. It comes in several types:

  • Emotional, in which a person suffers from all sorts of disturbing thoughts, memories or expectations. Patients think carefully about events that happened earlier in their lives.
  • Physical, in which tension in the muscles is noted. It is difficult for people to relax due to the fact that involuntary contractions of the muscles of the neck, chest, and limbs develop; they begin to twitch.
  • Motor, requiring a person to constantly be in motion, twitching of the legs is noted.

Elimination of muscle tension

For effective treatment neurosis, the use of various medications. The first group of these are antidepressants, which have anti-anxiety effects. After them, medications are prescribed to improve blood circulation. internal organs, they are also called metabolic. Doctors rarely resort to tranquilizers, but patients almost always undergo psychotherapy sessions.

It is important to understand that treating neurosis is a long, labor-intensive process. However, eliminating muscle neurosis at home is a completely feasible task, which can serve as an excellent addition to drug therapy.

When doctors are asked questions about how to remove muscle tension for neurosis or neurasthenia, most of them recommend several massage sessions. It effectively allows you to shoot painful sensations, and also has a beneficial effect on the overall psychological condition patient. The effects of massage, such as improving blood circulation in the area where it was performed, as well as improving metabolism, will help eliminate the problem quite quickly.

For maximum effectiveness of treatment, you should undergo therapy in institutions where special relaxing massage is performed. The procedure is usually performed in a so-called relaxed atmosphere, the lighting is very dim, and soft, unobtrusive and calm music is playing. The duration of such a session should be approximately one hour; shorter durations are not as effective. Muscle tension and hypertonicity are best treated by acupressure, while its course consists of only a few sessions, after which it is recommended to take a break of up to one month, then, if necessary, the course is repeated.

An excellent alternative to massage, or an addition to it to combat muscle spasms and tension in neurosis can become yoga. Classes are held in the vast majority of fitness clubs, ideal option for a neurotic there will be a program called “Anti-stress Yoga”. In addition, you can practice yoga on your own at home, and many large cities offer free daily morning and evening training sessions or master classes. It is important to understand that yoga is indeed a very effective weapon against muscle tension during neurosis.

When factors such as pleasant company and also better company like-minded people, practicing a calm sport, which includes yoga, relaxing music - the puzzle of one of the most best combinations for relaxation after hard working days. Yoga can be especially effective for muscle pain and tightness.

It is quite easy to eliminate muscle tension if you add therapeutic physical training to the complex described above. We have known her since school, and for some even earlier. But at that age we are not able to see any practical benefit, or even benefit to ourselves. Most likely, we simply hated these exercises or perceived them as ordinary fun.

However, over time, the importance and significance physical therapy, charging, takes on a completely new meaning for people. It is prescribed for the treatment of many pathological processes who are in remission. Also, it helps well with diseases of the spine, severe overweight bodies. With its help you can relax after hard days At work. This means that a set of exercises is therapeutic physical culture should become familiar to us, because in addition to the advantages described above, it allows you to effectively eliminate muscle tension during neuroses.

Prevention of neuroses

There are many ways to quickly and painlessly overcome neurosis. But doctors say that it is much easier to prevent any disease than to treat it. Therefore it is necessary to know preventive actions to prevent this disease. It includes several points of mental hygiene. They are not so simple at first glance, but they are very effective, so they must be followed.

There are several conditions for the health of our nervous system. These include:

  • Favorable life, absence of problems in the family circle;
  • Adequate working conditions, as well as compliance with the work and rest regime;
  • Balanced diet;
  • Lack of physical inactivity, presence of dosed physical activity;
  • No severe stress.

It is necessary to understand that the above are indicated exclusively external factors, but they are the ones that make it possible to ensure normal rest, as well as getting rid of negative emotional background. If it is impossible to create these conditions, you have to resort to the help of specialists or take measures such as changing your job or even profession or place of residence.

One of the best prophylactic agents Doctors consider psychotherapy. Psychotherapists teach patients self-control techniques and how to relax properly. At the same time, they try to eliminate the use of medications as much as possible. Patients must try to discover the strength within themselves. It is important to understand that without effort on the part of the sick person, it is almost impossible to cure neurosis and muscle tension associated with it.

In addition to psychotherapy, methods such as engaging in a hobby can be very helpful. It could be Gym, bike, game on musical instruments and much more.

The ultimate goal of preventing neuroses is relaxation, elimination psycho-emotional stress. They are the ones who can protect our body from psychosomatic pathologies.

Autotraining has proven itself in the treatment of neurasthenia, neuroses and psychosomatic diseases. It can be successfully used today to relieve mental stress, psychological relaxation after a hard day, as well as to increase self-confidence before a crucial event and general psychological resistance to stress. Read more about the method of auto-training for neuroses in this article!

Autotraining technique for neuroses

Autotraining was first invented in 1932 by the German doctor I.G. Schultz. When treating patients using hypnosis, he noticed that patients were able to independently tune into a state of rest and become relaxed, as well as partially fall into a state of sleep. Now all psychologists, psychotherapists and psychiatrists are absolutely confident that it is possible to treat people with the help of words. And one of the simplest such methods is auto-training. It will perfectly help with neuroses; auto-training can also be carried out for a positive attitude and better sleep.

If you have Bad mood, you feel irritated or are depressed by personal problems, then you should set aside at least half an hour for yourself and devote this time auto-training for neuroses. But before that, you definitely need to learn to relax 100%.

1. The right attitude

To avoid any interference or noise, you need to take care in advance of complete silence in the house. Find a separate room for yourself, turn off your phone, or even cover your ears with earplugs or a piece of cotton wool. The room should be warm enough. You can turn on a light, calm, freely flowing melody, reminiscent of the trembling of young leaves, the sound of a small breeze or a light, warm spring breeze. You can light scented candles.

After this, take a comfortable position: lie flat on your back on a surface that will not sag. The limbs need to be slightly bent and relaxed.

It is best to carry out auto-training for neuroses in a slightly tired state, when all muscles are completely relaxed and you are calm.

One more thing important rulethe right attitude. You need to be sure that auto-training will help get rid of your problem.

2. Relaxation with auto-training exercises

Before you conduct auto-training, you need to do exercises that will help you learn to completely relax. To do this, you need to lie on the floor, on a rug, or other flat surface and perform the following relaxation exercise: you need to stretch out your arm, strain it to the maximum and hold it in this position until a trembling occurs in your arm. After this, sharply lower your hand down. This state is maximum relaxation. The exact same exercise then needs to be done with the muscles of the back, abdomen, buttocks, legs, and neck. After this complex physical activity you will immediately feel heaviness and warmth in your body.

3. Pronunciation of speech

The most important thing in auto-training learn to say to yourself the words that will help you tune in to the right wave. Prepare the text in advance, memorize it and pronounce it mentally. Your speech should begin with relaxation and end with a statement of purpose. Specific words need to be chosen depending on what result you need - to solve a problem, increase self-esteem, or tune in to some important action in life. You can also record this text, pronouncing all the words slowly, on an audio tape and turn it on as needed.

4. Practical lesson– auto-training text

If, for example, you want to overcome anxiety, then after completing the previous relaxation exercise, close your eyes and recite the following text:

1. “I am calm and relaxed. I feel calm and light. I am calm. I am calm. I'm relaxed. My body relaxed. I'm resting. It’s nice and easy for me.”

After this, you need to relax the muscles of your arms and legs in turn and mentally pronounce each movement, focusing on the fact that your body is gradually relaxing more and more. Say the following text to yourself:

2. “The muscles of the left arm are relaxed: shoulder, forearm, hand, fingers. Relaxed muscles right hand: shoulder, forearm, hand, fingers. Both my hands are relaxed: they are heavy, lie motionless, filled with pleasant warmth. I am calm. I'm relaxed. It’s nice and easy for me.”

3. “The muscles of the left leg are relaxed: thigh and lower leg. The muscles of the right leg are relaxed: thigh and lower leg. Both my legs are relaxed: I feel heaviness in them, they lie motionless, filled with pleasant warmth. I am calm. I'm relaxed. It’s nice and easy for me.”

4. “My back is relaxed. My shoulders are relaxed. My abdominal muscles are relaxed. The head lies calm and free.”

When your body is completely relaxed, tell yourself this and feel lightness and a sense of peace. Enjoy your holiday.

5. “My body is completely relaxed: I feel lightness and ease. I find it pleasant and easy. I'm resting".

Then mentally tell yourself that you are already rested, refreshed and have received a boost of energy that will be enough to accomplish all your tasks. When you realize that you are ready to act, open your eyes and once again feel a surge of new strength and energy. After that, get up and go about your business.

6. “I rested. I feel refreshed. I feel lightness and cheerfulness throughout my body. I am full of strength and ready for action. I open my eyes. I get up".

5.End of auto-training

When all the words are said, you need to rise without sudden movement and take a deep breath. That's it, now you are determined and full of energy and strength.

Attention! U Autotraining has contraindications. It should not be practiced if you have low blood pressure, mental illness, acutely developing vascular or infectious diseases.

We offer you a session auto-training for relaxation, which you can do from the comfort of your own home. Prepare yourself: remove all distractions, lie down comfortably, try to relax as much as possible and enjoy!

Neuroses are a range of mild mental disorders, mainly hallmark which is anxiety, chronic psychological discomfort. These illnesses “live” in a person’s subconscious and negatively affect his “I” through various psychological mechanisms (repressed memories, etc.).

Unlike psychoses, neurotic disorders do not lead to loss of connection with reality. They do not have a destructive effect on human personality. However, often a patient suffering from this disorder practically loses the ability to make volitional decisions and act, although he is aware of the abnormality of his situation and retains a critical view of things.

Proper relaxation helps get rid of neurosis

Neurosis is a disease that occurs as a result of deep psychological conflict . Very often these contradictions are formed in childhood after severe stress or psychological trauma. Sometimes the disease appears even in infancy. Thus, weaning a child from the mother’s breast can lead to the onset of neurosis. Such a traumatic event “gets stuck” in the subconscious and reminds itself much later with neurotic reactions in the form of unaccountable anxiety or a persistently bad mood.

Neurosis, as a rule, has a latent, implicit form. It seems to be “buried” deep in the subconscious. So even a well-educated person has no idea what is the reason for his psychological problems. The defense mechanisms of the psyche are doing their job. They block the subconscious “spot of tension” and transform it into symptoms of neurosis. And even if we are Einsteins, we cannot overcome neuroses with simple willful or intellectual effort.

In most cases, they cause severe stressful situations that deplete nervous system. These, for example, include bullying a child at school or constant humiliation from loved ones, the first unsuccessful sexual experience in youth, a break in relations with a loved one.

Neurosis, its consequences and manifestations

Neurosis can lead to strong fall ability to work. It even gets to the point where a person is simply unable to do any work. He turns into an irritable and intolerant person. Relatives often suffer from this: the patient makes unfounded claims to them, starts quarrels with them.

A person suffering from neurosis brings a lot of trouble to loved ones

A person suffering from such a disorder has a wide variety of anxiety symptoms. She can:

  1. Be of an emotional nature: the person is constantly tormented anxious thoughts about a certain event, or is bothered by concerns and fears related to the future, health, work or family. The patient’s head may simply be torn by the anxious “chewing” of something that has long passed.
  2. Have physical fitness- manifest constant voltage muscles, inability to relax.
  3. Expressed in motor disturbances and so-called akathisia, when in order to somehow reduce anxiety, a person has to constantly move or twitch his legs. He is tormented by terrible restlessness,

So if someone is interested in whether it is possible to go crazy from neurosis, then the answer, I think, is obvious. Any psychiatrist will confirm this: in severe cases neuroses “flow” into fleeting reactive psychoses.

Main subtypes of the disease

Neuroses are divided into various subtypes. The main ones include:

  • Anxiety disorders and phobias. Characterized by morbid suspiciousness, reaching the point of panic. They often cause psychogenic symptoms (sweating, palpitations, dry throat, coughing fits, pressure surges and other unpleasant sensations).

Phobias are “attached” to specific objects and circumstances (fear of the dark, open spaces, dogs). This is their difference from anxiety disorders whose symptoms are caused by more common reasons(fear that everything will not go as we would like, distrustful and anxious attitude towards change, etc.). Treatment is pharmacological (tranquilizers, antidepressants) in combination with psychotherapy. Now you can choose the most suitable pills for a particular person for phobias and fears. They produce plenty of them. But it should be remembered that long-term use of medications can lead to addiction and impair memory and attention. And many medications only act on the symptoms, but do not eliminate the cause of the problem.

  • Hysteria. Psychogenic loss or disruption of the functioning of one or another organ or system of the body - main feature illness. For example, a person becomes deaf, although his hearing is fine, or he has no apparent reason the temperature rises. Patients with hysteria are easily suggestible, and their behavior is very immature, so they often become objects of manipulation.

The cause of hysteria can be any event that traumatizes the psyche

The disease usually develops after some traumatic event. For example, a victim of sexual violence, when hinted at sexual contact a hysterical reaction in the form of paralysis may develop lower limbs. The disease is treated with psychotherapeutic methods.

  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder(known as neurosis obsessive states). The constant intrusion into the consciousness of “uninvited” thoughts and desires, as well as the performance of repetitive actions, are the main signs of the disease. Intrusive thoughts often take the form of "rumination" of certain ideas or disjointed "stream of consciousness". Repetitive actions are either simple movements that are constantly performed (chomping, tongue clattering, turning the head) or more complex rituals (regularly watching the same movie, periodically checking whether all the dresses are in place in the chest of drawers, buying a specific book in each bookstore ). Researchers believe that the emergence obsessive disorders, unlike the same hysteria, is caused primarily by neurobiological, and not psychological factors. An imbalance of serotonin, dopamine and some other neurohormones is considered the main cause of the disease. He is treated with antidepressants in combination with psychotherapy.
  • Dysthymia(another name is neurotic depression). This disease is something like a “mild” form of clinical depression. The disease develops as a reaction to an internal subconscious conflict or a traumatic event, such as loss loved one. Symptoms of the disorder include chronic blues, mental and physical inhibition. Psychogenic and somatic manifestations(sleep disturbances, indigestion, severe migraines, muscle pain, etc.). The disease is treated with psychotherapy.
  • Neurasthenia. The disorder is characterized by a chronic feeling of fatigue, very fast fatiguability and general exhaustion of the body. Problems with sleep and almost complete absence appetite. The main method of treatment is psychotherapy.
  • Depersonalization disorder. Symptoms are dominated by subjective psychological feeling the unreality of what is happening, alienation from one’s own self, one’s body and the surrounding reality. All the patient’s senses are greatly dulled, he may feel almost no pain or smells, and have difficulty understanding who he is and where he is. In treatment, preference is given to psychotherapeutic methods.

You can cope with neuroses without pills. A psychotherapy session, relaxation and healthy sleep. Such treatment methods have been tested by experience and are suitable for almost everyone. You will not need medications for phobias and fears.

Treatment of neurosis and relaxation

Psychiatrists have found that muscle tension affects mental processes that there is a direct relationship between mental activity and reduction skeletal muscles. Based on this discovery, a system of body relaxation exercises was developed. Relaxation sessions for neuroses are very effective. Just one fifteen-minute lesson a day is enough for the functioning of the nervous system to begin to return to normal, and mental disorders- retreat. True, if you wish, you can extend the classes up to one hour. It won't get any worse.

The main thing is to choose the right time for relaxation. Here possible options. Exercises can be performed:

  1. Just before bed. Such relaxation sessions for neuroses will smoothly turn into dreams. A good rest for the body and brain will be provided.
  2. Morning hours. The result of the classes will be quite good, since with their help it is formed good mood all day.
  3. After a hard day. Exercising in the evening will help relieve tension, get rid of accumulated negativity from your head and restore strength.

Any time listed above will do. The main thing is that there is no need to rush somewhere. IN otherwise the benefit from the session will be zero.

The ability to relax is very beneficial for mental health

If classes are carried out regularly, the body will adapt, relaxation will begin to “debug” the nervous system, bring it into complete order.

Relaxation techniques for neurosis

On early stages development of neurosis, when it has not yet become chronic, relaxation is combined with meditation and auto-training.

  • Meditation and relaxation. Their basis is complete relaxation physical body and reason. You should relax to such an extent that your consciousness completely switches off and becomes free from all mental processes and external flows of information.

You need to start with relaxation. You need to take a comfortable position for your body and close your eyes. Breathing should be deep and slow. Having completely relaxed, you need to imagine a “calm harbor” in your imagination and mentally land on its shore. The duration of meditation is from several minutes to half an hour.

  • Autogenic training. The essence of the technique is to learn to instill positive emotions in yourself, to “instill” a feeling of happiness. You need to completely relax and breathe evenly: deeply and slowly. Deep breath alternates with a slow and smooth exhalation, which should mark liberation from negativity, from all “energy garbage.” Just a few of these activities are enough to quick withdrawal stress, fear neurosis has become a reality.

Many complexes that poison life go away, confidence appears, and the psychological state normalizes.

Mentally healthy emotionally strong man You can never understand someone who suffers from neuroses. The patient grabs hold of any method, takes a lot of medications, just to make it feel better. What if they don't help? Then you should look for a conspiracy against neurosis and turn to To higher powers. Who knows, maybe it will work?

Autogenic training is one of the ways to combat neurosis

Quick relief of neurosis, fear, stress, aggression is possible, but without permanent treatment everything will come back again.

Mental impairment is a reversible phenomenon. Therefore, it can be argued that neuroses are temporary and can be gotten rid of.