Which side is better to sleep on after eating? Should I sleep after eating?

Many explain in different ways why after a hearty meal (especially at night, after a working day) you want to take a horizontal position and relax. Some say that a full stomach prevents them from moving, others say that if the stomach is in a flat position and not bent, the digestion process will be much faster and more productive. Not really. Lying down after eating is not only impossible, but strictly prohibited.

Unfortunately, in fact, everything is just the opposite - when lying down, gastric juice, acid and all the food that was previously peacefully broken down can enter the esophagus, which is why the least that will happen to the body is heartburn.

Scientists, doctors and fitness instructors explain that in a supine state, a state of rest, all carbohydrates are absorbed by the body much faster in fat deposits, and are not transferred by blood throughout the body, and in sleep it is even more difficult for the body to work and that’s all body fat and acids remain in the body rather than being broken down. Conversely, when moving, the stomach better digests all the proteins necessary for the body. But there is no need to violate the measure - for example, training is strictly prohibited for one hour, even after the very small reception food.

The body needs a little time to absorb all this and distribute it evenly throughout the body; there is no need to rush or shake it. The most ideal thing is a half-hour walk down the street after eating food. Again, be careful. If you immediately decide to go for a run, then nothing good will happen to you after that, since there is a sharp outflow of blood from the stomach to the extremities and the food begins to stagnate, fermentation occurs, and then rotting.

But if you know when to stop, then everything will be fine with you. After all Fresh air not only helps to work up an appetite, but also helps to thoroughly “compact” everything eaten earlier. If you feel very tired and don’t want to go anywhere, or you’re just a couch potato, sit quietly in a relaxed state and don’t do anything. sudden movements(again, as in the case of walking, 20-30 minutes). The most important thing is to have a straight back and not bend, otherwise all your efforts will go to waste.

Scientists also prohibit eating during any activity (for example, watching TV or working at the computer). This is due to the fact that the human brain is aimed at one goal - cognition of information, and you do not see what you are eating at all. Therefore, you shouldn’t be surprised why you don’t feel full when you eat - the meal seems to have passed you by, it’s quite possible that you won’t even feel the taste while eating, so be careful.

I want to say that it’s never too late to accustom your body to something new, and most importantly, something useful. So, for example, if you do light exercises after every meal. aerobic exercise, then after a few weeks you will notice that your body itself, without any training, begins to process food much faster.

You will no longer feel such heaviness, there will be no nasty burps and severe pain in a stomach. so don't be lazy to exercise - it's very good for your body, especially after eating. As they say, movement is life.

Very often, after a hearty meal, there is an irresistible desire to lie down, or even take a nap. Have you ever wondered why this happens? The thing is that after eating, blood rushes to the stomach, so other organs are not so active at this time: you don’t want to engage in any mental or physical activity. And if there is an opportunity to stay at home and not run anywhere on business, most of us prefer to relax as much as possible: eat and lie down to rest. Watch TV, read a book, play pokemon. However, this is very harmful to health. And specifically - for your gastrointestinal tract. Let's figure out why.


When you go to rest with full stomach, there is a risk of reflux of gastric contents into the esophagus: bile acids, hydrochloric acid, pepsin (an enzyme that breaks down proteins) damage its mucous membrane, and sometimes the upper organs (trachea, bronchi, larynx). This is how gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) develops.

The most common causes of reflux are:

    increase in pressure in abdominal cavity(for obesity, pregnancy),

    impaired motility of the esophagus and stomach,

    hasty consumption of food, as a result of which a person swallows a lot of air.

    binge eating,

    diaphragmatic hernia,


    stress (can cause stomach cramps),

    posture (lying position, bending the body),

    peptic ulcer,

    functional gastric dyspepsia(feeling of pain and discomfort in the pancreas),

    some foods and drinks: citrus fruits, strong coffee and tea, alcohol, milk, tomatoes, garlic, hot spices.


    Heartburn: a burning sensation behind the sternum occurs 1-1.5 after eating or at night.

    Sour belching: it can be provoked by bending the body, horizontal position, especially immediately after eating.

    Pain when swallowing: This symptom may indicate serious inflammation and swelling of the esophageal mucosa.

    Non-nutritional manifestations: hoarseness, dry cough, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing ( pulmonary symptoms): pain behind the sternum, which sometimes radiates to left half chest, interscapular area (can be regarded as a symptom of heart disease).

It should be noted that signs of gastroesophageal reflux disease can sometimes be observed in healthy people. But the disease does not always cause complications and become the cause of development pathological changes in the esophageal mucosa. Nevertheless, if you experience the above symptoms (or some of them) within two months, you should consult a doctor.

It has not yet been possible to come to a consensus on which side is better to sleep on after eating. It's all about the health of a particular person. Taking into account existing diseases, doctors recommend sleeping either on the left or on the right. There are cases when you can only fall asleep on your back. As for sleeping on your stomach (the favorite sleeping position for many people), you will have to reconsider your habit. If you fall asleep like this (and having also eaten well before), there is a risk of disrupting your normal work respiratory system(the blood is not fully saturated with oxygen).

Heart patients are prohibited from sleeping on their stomachs. This is only allowed to people who clearly have expressed problems with the spine. Only this position will help the sleeper straighten the intervertebral cartilage. To reduce the load on lumbar region and on cervical vertebrae you need to sleep on a small pillow or without one at all. However, you can eat 3-4 hours before going to bed.

After a hearty lunch, sleep on your right side

Which side is correct to sleep on after eating? According to experts of traditional and alternative medicine, a person who has eaten a hearty meal should lie down on right side body (if it is not possible to stay awake), but not on the stomach or back. Those who do the right thing and sleep on their right side after eating feel better, because digestive process is in active phase, and it’s easier for the stomach to cope with its task. But still, with a full stomach, it is better not to fall asleep, but just rest. Many people in such a situation may have nightmares, and overeating is to blame. Especially you should not abuse fatty and fried food. It’s not worth it to eat too much, especially not for the coming sleep.

Also not the best option- go to the kingdom of Morpheus hungry. Sleep will also be poor, weak, sensitive, and you won’t be able to fully rest, no matter how much you want.

Which side is better to sleep on for your heart?

Unfortunately, many people suffer from various ailments of cardio-vascular system more-less. And we're not just talking about older people. Many young and active people suffer from ailments such as arrhythmia, dystonia, hypotension, and hypertension. In such cases, cardiologists advise their patients to fall asleep on their back after eating. It is in this position circulatory system can work normally and productively. Rest on the left side is strictly contraindicated for heart patients. The fact is that when you lie in such a position, the heart is squeezed, and additional stress occurs on it. This should be avoided. Falling asleep on my back, human body receives maximum muscle relaxation, the blood circulation process is stabilized. The supine position is also suitable for those who have an easily excitable nervous system.

Also, for patients who are often overcome by insomnia, it is better to sleep on their back, with their palms facing up. However, you should not get carried away with this position, because during sleep the vessels heading to the spine are compressed. Pregnant women also sleep on their backs. The main thing is not to cross your arms over your chest.

Don't sleep after eating!

Which side is better to sleep on after eating? It’s one thing to take a short walk or do some light work after eating, and another thing to lie down and fall asleep. The first thing you shouldn’t forget is not to eat a few hours before you’re supposed to go to bed. Alas, this does not happen for everyone, but one should not be surprised when various ailments(gastroenterology, obesity). After finishing your meal, you should overcome your laziness and walk a little, and if you lie down, the digestion process will slow down. Unpleasant reminders of such a rash step will be heartburn, heaviness, belching, and the inevitable process of fat deposits on the waist, sides, and other parts of the body. Fat elements grow more actively and faster at night.

You need to accustom your body to walking; this has a positive effect on digestion. In any case, after eating, don’t rush to the sidelines; find something you can do with maximum benefit, but without fanaticism.

Pancreatitis: which side to sleep on?

A sick person needs a strong one restful sleep, and a patient with pancreatitis needs it several times more. Before going to bed, you need to eat (not heavily), take enzyme preparations, at pain syndrome- painkillers, sedatives (decoction of chamomile or St. John's wort). Which side is correct to sleep on if you have pancreatitis? In order to have a long sleep, it is better to give preference to the right side.

If your stomach is unhealthy...

Nowadays it is difficult to find a person who would have healthy stomach and the rest of the digestive system. People with pain, gastritis, ulcers, and other stomach ailments should not sleep on their backs or stomachs. Gastric juice should not remain in the esophagus. So The only way out- falling asleep on the right side, alternating on the left. This not only alleviates the condition of a person with a sick stomach, but also helps strengthen the immune system, improve appearance skin.

Snoring: a common consequence of resting on your back

Many Scientific research and people's observations suggest that they sleep on their backs more than a man and many of them snore in their sleep. This violation has a reason - the amount of oxygen in the blood decreases. For asthma and apnea, it is recommended to sleep on your sides.

Sleeping on your side is more important in hot and sultry weather, since this is the easiest method to cool the body without aids. It is very useful to rest on the right side for those who have problems with the functioning of bile or kidney stones.

A few words about sleeping on your left side

A disease like diabetes, is familiar to many people. Such patients are advised to fall asleep on their left side with their knees bent. Such a position has positive impact on the functioning of the kidneys (they receive a greater load, best prevention from the formation of sand and stone in them). If you fall asleep on your left side and tuck only one leg, the load on one of the kidneys increases.

Besides the kidneys beneficial influence Sleeping on the left side also affects liver function. It is at night that many different processes occur in it (for example, protein synthesis in the blood, glycogen deposition). The liver does a lot of work during the day, so it is important that it is not stagnant processes. Sleeping on your left side will save you from these problems.

Alternative medicine specialists also advise sleeping on the right and left sides, and be sure to keep your feet warm, since the body loses its usual temperature during sleep, as it is without movement. Thus, it is better to sleep on the right side in the summer, and on the left in the winter. However, these positions are only suitable healthy people who do not have chronic diseases.

How not to harm yourself before bed

In addition to the fact that you should not eat too much before going to bed, you should also not drink a lot of tea, coffee and alcoholic beverages.

You should listen to your body. If you feel like the food has not yet been completely digested, fall asleep on your right side.

In addition to the chosen position, it is important to equip your sleeping area, choose a good and comfortable mattress and pillow. Main mistake For many, this means placing a pillow under the shoulders (increases blood pressure, blood vessels dilate meninges, temporal arteries, which can cause severe headaches in the morning). To normalize your sleep, you need to learn to find balance in a resting position and be able to listen to your body.

Is it possible to sleep or lie down after eating?

Many of us are accustomed to taking a horizontal position after eating and lying down on the sofa in order to “get fat,” so to speak. This is wrong, and according to gastroenterologists and fitness trainers, it leads to obesity and some stomach problems.

Is it possible to lie down or sleep immediately after eating or is it better to walk and move?

Many lovers healthy image life and those who are worried about their figure tend to walk or jog after eating. This is also wrong, since it is excessive physical activity promotes the flow of blood from the stomach to the extremities.

Thus, a certain blood deficiency occurs in the stomach area, which causes food to stagnate in it. It begins to ferment, so some problems with the gastrointestinal tract may occur.

If you take a horizontal position immediately after eating, some gastric juice from the stomach will flow into the esophagus. Because of this, you will feel heaviness and heartburn.

Thus, you should not lie down, run, or walk after eating. The most the best option is to sit for 15-20 minutes. After this, you can carry out various physical exercise and more serious physical exercise. In this case, part of the food will settle in the stomach and be well absorbed. A sufficient amount of gastric juice will be released to process food.

Lying down or sleeping after eating during the day and at night: harmful or beneficial?

Going to bed at lunchtime or in the evening after eating is unacceptable. This promotes the flow of gastric juice into the esophagus. Reducing the amount of gastric juice helps slow down metabolism. Thus, you risk getting excess fat in the waist and hips.

Rules of conduct after eating:

  • After sleep you can watch unpleasant feeling in the area of ​​the stomach and esophagus. This is due to the fact that food taken immediately before bed is not digested. It stagnates in the stomach, and the number of pathogenic microorganisms increases.
  • If you come home late from work and feel hungry, you shouldn’t overeat and take a large number of food before bed. The best option would be a light dinner. To do this, you can use kefir and low-fat dairy products. It is also acceptable to use fruit.

How long after eating can you lie down and go to bed, day and night?

You should not rest or sleep immediately after eating.

  • After a light dinner, you can go to bed no earlier than an hour later. If you have eaten fairly heavily, then you can go to rest no earlier than after 3 hours.
  • Precisely because in evening time and during sleep, metabolism slows down, and food is digested quite slowly, nutritionists have established the norm. It is not recommended to eat after 18:00.
  • If you are not one of the people who are worried about their figure, then eating after 18:00 is allowed. But it must be food rich in protein or dietary fiber. You can eat fruits, vegetables, not so much fatty foods. Sausages and fried foods are not allowed.
  • If you eat too much before going to bed and feel full or even overeated, this will contribute to the accumulation of fatty tissue. Thus, you risk gaining a few extra pounds and developing gastrointestinal diseases.

Which side is better to lie on and sleep after eating?

As noted earlier, you should not sleep after eating. But if you have eaten and experience heartburn, in this case it is better to lie on your left side. The fact is that this promotes better passage of food through the walls of the stomach and esophagus.

Which side to sleep on:

  • If you have problems with high pressure or diabetes, it is best for you to sleep on your back. This position is also suitable if you suffer from any diseases of the spine.
  • After eating, you should not sleep on your right side or stomach. This will put pressure on the walls of the stomach and esophagus, as well as slow down metabolism.
  • Accordingly, if you do not have the opportunity to sit, walk, or move a little after eating, then it is best to lie on your left side. Never lie down on your stomach or right side.

As you can see, sleeping after eating is not the most best idea. This helps slow down metabolism and leakage small quantity gastric juice from the stomach into the esophagus. In turn, this contributes to the development of pathology of the digestive tract.

you try different diets, But excess weight still doesn't go away? Or do you feel uncomfortable for a long time after eating? Find out if you are breaking at least one of the rules about what you should not do immediately after eating.

Digestion – difficult process on grinding and assimilation of food, in which many organs are involved: esophagus, stomach, intestines, liver, gallbladder. If changes are made to their coordinated work, the process will be disrupted. Then the undigested, undigested elements of the products will be deposited in the body in the form of waste and toxins. That is why you should not perform a number of actions after eating so as not to interfere with digestion.

What is better not to do after eating

1. You can’t drink tea after meals

For many people, a full meal ends with tea and pastries. But tea, especially black tea, contains tannin, which interferes with the absorption of iron, and acids, which slow down the absorption of protein. Thus, digestion slows down. Food that is not digested in a timely manner begins to decompose, causing rotting processes. If you can’t imagine a meal without a drink, choose fruit drink or compote.

2. Don't eat fruit

The benefits of fruits are invaluable. But if you eat them immediately after eating, they will enter the stomach on top of heavier food, and while they “wait their turn,” they will begin to rot and ferment, poisoning the body. As a result, bloating, heartburn, and diarrhea are guaranteed. Eat fruits as a separate meal.

3. Smoking is prohibited

This rule applies to heavy smokers, for whom a smoked cigarette is a natural end to a meal. It has been proven that when the digestion process begins, tobacco poison is absorbed by the body 10 times faster than at other times. Digestion of foods slows down.

4. Don't loosen the belt

When you have eaten a hearty meal and are wearing tight clothes, you feel the urge to loosen a strap or undo a button on your stomach. If you do this, then undigested food“lumpy” will fall down, blocking the digestion process. In some cases, intestinal twisting is possible.

5. Stay up

From childhood, we are accustomed to a regime where food intake is followed by sleep, day or night. Some people bring this rule to adult life. But digestive systems a baby and a mature person are different. What is good for a baby is harmful for an adult. Sleeping after eating slows down the digestion of food. It is even possible that stomach and intestinal infections. If you feel uncontrollably sleepy after eating, reduce the size of your portions. Drowsiness occurs when all the energy is spent on digesting what you eat.

6. Don't go

Some people like to take a walk after a heavy meal to speed up digestion. It's a delusion. In fact, walking slows down digestion and delays absorption. nutrients and, as a result, the deposition of waste.

7. Avoid water procedures

Swimming, baths, and showers are also contraindicated immediately after eating. Contact with water causes blood flow to the surface of the body and limbs and, accordingly, its outflow from the digestive organs. As a result, food is processed and absorbed worse.

How to lose weight

Failure in the digestive process leads to sad consequences - the appearance of gastritis, colitis, heartburn, metabolic disorders, and overweight. Therefore if you are in Once again If you are wondering how to lose excess weight, pay attention to whether you are interfering with the natural process of food absorption.