Why do children give fish oil? Should I give fish oil to my baby or not? Will this supplement benefit my baby’s growing body? Do children need it?

It is very familiar to almost every person of the older generation. At one time, our parents, and even earlier, our grandparents, drank it regularly. If you recall the specific taste, smell and consistency, you can safely say that the event was unpleasant. But if we put aside the unpleasant sensations, we can say that fish oil brings enormous benefits to children. Reviews confirm how effectively the body is supplied with useful substances. At the same time, today, thanks to progress, taking fish oil has become more pleasant and simpler.

Basic properties

Nowadays, many people talk about the great benefits of fish oil. However, few people know where exactly it comes from and what beneficial properties it has. Quite a lot of residents are aware that it keeps the skin young, strengthens hair and nails, and promotes weight loss. And this is all true, but it’s worth understanding what a product like fish oil actually is and how it is useful for children. Consumer reviews indicate incredible benefits. Let's look at it.

It consists of two main ingredients. They are Omega-3 amino acids: docosahexaenoic and eicosapentaenoic. Our body does not produce Omega-3, so animal products and seaweed are considered their main sources. The vitamin A contained in the product we are considering is good for vision, hair, respiratory and digestive systems, bones and teeth. This is another reason why fish oil is necessary for children. Reviews from parents prove that the condition of children's teeth really becomes excellent after regular use.

Fish oil is considered the first source, which also helps strengthen bones and teeth and has a rather beneficial effect on the central nervous system. It is given to young children to prevent the development of rickets and various nervous diseases.

Impact on the male body

Fish oil is always very useful for everyone. Especially for those who want to quickly build muscle mass. This happens because the product, when it enters the body, becomes a kind of “building material” for cells. It is able to neutralize most of the negative effects associated with taking stimulant medications. The heart muscle is strengthened, which makes it possible to withstand prolonged physical activity. Scientists have proven that the frequency of heart attacks in men is slightly higher than in women. The natural components contained in fish oil cleanse blood vessels and ensure good blood flow throughout the body, thereby reducing the likelihood of various cardiovascular changes. Regular use of this product can protect not only from heart disease, but also from premature sexual dysfunction.

The effect of fish oil on the female body

Taking this product usually promotes rapid weight loss. This will help a woman maintain health and beauty. The polyunsaturated acids it contains help remove cholesterol from the body, thereby creating the most healthy environment. Fish oil also contains lanolinic acid, which is part of almost all anti-aging creams. It has a very beneficial effect on skin cells and, of course, rejuvenates its structure. As a result, fish oil allows you to smooth out small expression lines and age wrinkles. The amino acids that make up natural fish oil are considered essential for menopause. They will always help the body cope with all age-related changes, as well as mood swings, headaches and even migraines.

Impact on the children's body

A lot has already been written about the exceptional benefits of fish oil for babies. Today, rickets can be considered a very common and most common childhood disease, which usually develops at an early age. Therefore, it is advisable to give it in capsules (reviews note) to babies during this very period, because it helps strengthen and properly form the child’s bone skeleton. It will help schoolchildren learn as much necessary information as possible. Scientists have proven that children develop much faster than their peers if they regularly consume fish oil. For children (reviews from doctors constantly focus on the benefits of the drug), this product is one of those that allows the baby to grow strong and healthy.

Indications for use

As noted above, today there is no need to drink a liquid that has a specific taste and consistency. Modern pharmacology has made this task easier, and fish oil for children in capsules has appeared on pharmacy shelves. Reviews from parents indicate that children drink this drug without any problems, since they do not feel the “specificity” of the drug at all.

In what cases is fish oil necessary for children? The instructions indicate the following indications for use:

  1. Increasing the content of essential vitamins A and D in the body.
  2. Prevention and treatment of eye diseases.
  3. Increasing general immunity.
  4. Prevention of violations of the formation of the bone skeleton.
  5. Frequent depression and memory impairment.
  6. Prevention of atherosclerosis and thrombophlebitis.
  7. Rapid healing of burns and wounds.

Choosing Fish Oil

This substance can be obtained in the largest quantities only from cod liver. There are three types of fish: white and yellow. However, only the white matter is used in medicine. Previously, people had to turn a blind eye to its unpleasant smell and taste, but today there is a fairly simple solution to this problem - purchase the product in capsules.

Is fish oil ok for children? This may seem absurd, but today you should not buy fat that was obtained directly from cod liver. This is because the environmental situation has now become much worse. The liver, in turn, can be considered a kind of filter, in which many essential microelements accumulate, but also completely unnecessary toxins. And it is almost impossible to find out exactly in what conditions this fish grew, from which the purchased drug was directly made.

That is why many experts recommend taking the drug from the meat extract of cod and some other fish species. And although it will contain slightly less essential vitamins and various minerals, you can be sure that such fish oil does not contain any toxins that are harmful to the body.

Main contraindications

All the beneficial properties of fish oil are absolutely undeniable. It contains a sufficient amount of the most essential amino acids and vitamins for the body. Almost completely absorbed by cells. There are people who can easily tolerate a bad smell and taste, so they purchase the drug in liquid form. This helps save money. You can buy it at any nearest pharmacy. Consumers are equally positive about both the liquid drug and capsules.

If we consider such a substance as fish oil for children, reviews, benefits and harms (you heard right!) are described by consumers in very detail. In fact, fish oil has some contraindications for use. Among them:

  • increased levels of vitamin D in the body;
  • oversaturation of the body with calcium;
  • renal failure;
  • individual allergic reactions.

To prevent digestive dysfunction, do not take the drug on an empty stomach.

The drug "Kusalochka" - fish oil for children

As many people know, when exposed to sunlight, fish oil tends to oxidize quickly. The preparation "Kusalochka" initially provides two degrees of protection against oxidative processes. The fat is enclosed in special gelatin capsules. They protect it from external factors. Kusalochka capsules do not contain any dyes or preservatives. The flavoring used is “Tutti-Frutti”.

Your children will chew a drug like “Kusalochka” with great pleasure. Fish oil for children contains many essential active substances. Kids will find it interesting because the capsules do not have an unpleasant smell or taste. Using this drug is useful, convenient, and safe. Most importantly, it is natural. Fish oil "Kusalochka" will help children avoid rickets, and older people - atherosclerosis. It is an excellent antioxidant that is capable of removing various

Indications for use:

  • normalization of the functioning of the entire nervous and cardiac systems;
  • reduction in the manifestation of allergic reactions;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • harmonious growth and development of the child.

Ingredients: cod liver oil, vitamins A, D, E, “Tutti-Frutti” flavor identical to natural.

Adults and children over 7 years old are recommended to take 1 capsule twice a day. You need to take it for a month.

Fish oil for children from Oriflame. Reviews

Today, a product with a rather pleasant lemon taste, called “Omega-3 for Children,” has become quite popular. It contains essential fatty acids that help the body grow and develop properly. Omega-3 for children was originally developed in liquid form precisely so that the baby would never choke on the capsule. Almost all parents are happy to talk about this fish oil for children. Reviews (“Oriflame” provides this product) show that the drug has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, stimulates brain function, and improves health.

Why is this fish oil so good for children? The instructions for the drug indicate the following advantages of the Omega-3 complex:

  • replenishment of the lack of fatty acids in the body;
  • strengthening vision;
  • improving memory and attention;
  • increasing immunity;
  • strengthening the nervous system;
  • ensuring the most harmonious development of the child.

This product does not contain dyes or GMOs.

Alpha-D3 "Teva" (capsules)

This drug helps regulate calcium and phosphorus levels in the body. It has a beneficial effect on the intestines, kidneys and thyroid function. Helps strengthen the body's bone skeleton, thereby reducing the number of fractures. However, before taking it, you should carefully study the instructions and be sure to consult your doctor. If we consider how this fish oil for children is reviewed, Teva can cause lethargy and nausea if used incorrectly.

Although this is a natural lemon-flavored fish oil, it contains quite a high amount of natural citric acid as well as vitamin E. Added to improve the taste

Indications for use:

  • osteoporosis;
  • rickets;
  • malfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • renal acidosis.

The recommended dose is 1-3 mcg/day. It is necessary to start taking the drug with the minimum doses, gradually increasing them. At the same time, it is necessary to monitor the average level of calcium and phosphorus in the body every week. If it is too high, then the drug should be stopped for a while.

The child’s body does not always receive all the necessary components for growth and proper development along with food. In this case, the use of natural preparations that contain the required substances is indicated. These products include fish oil, a valuable source of vitamin D and Omega 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Beneficial features

Which is extracted from the liver and meat of fish of the cod family, it looks like an oily liquid substance of yellowish color with a sharp characteristic odor. For centuries, this product has been actively used to improve health. In the Soviet Union, fish oil was compulsorily given to children in kindergartens, hospitals, and children's sanatoriums.

The growth and development of a baby begins in the mother’s womb, and before the child reaches 15-16 years of age, the cells of his body divide, multiply and mature at a high rate. From infancy to adolescence, metabolism has time to change qualitatively and quantitatively, and regulatory systems are intensively rebuilt several times.

In order for the cells of the body to maintain the necessary activity of division and maturation, they require a large amount of building material. In the process of building cell membranes, lipids are used; vitamin A is required for normal cell division; the absorption of calcium and a number of other important substances is significantly reduced without vitamin D. Fish oil contains all these important components.

This product is also rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids, which enhance brain function, improve performance, and serve as a source of energy, thanks to which the child develops and learns more actively.

With regular use of a fish oil-based drug, it is easier for children to cope with the workload at school. And at an earlier age, they quickly master basic knowledge and skills and develop well.

Fish oil for children is extremely beneficial because:

  • Unsaturated fats help the body absorb fat-soluble vitamins A, K, D, F, E.
  • promotes the absorption of phosphorus and calcium, due to which it is necessary for strengthening bone tissue and proper formation of the skeleton. Deficiency of this vitamin in childhood leads to the development of rickets.
  • Vitamin A strengthens cell membranes. First of all, this is important for children prone to allergic reactions due to increased sensitivity of cells. With a deficiency of vitamin A, visual acuity decreases, the mucous membranes dry out, the nail plates split and become brittle, and the hair splits.
  • Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant, essential for proper muscle function. With its deficiency, blood clotting is impaired.
  • Phosphorus promotes the growth of bones, teeth, and is necessary for the proper functioning of the kidneys and central nervous system.
  • Iodine is involved in many processes necessary for the normal functioning of the body. At an early age, iodine deficiency provokes developmental abnormalities and mental retardation. Lack of iodine in children of primary school age manifests itself in the form of lethargy, apathy, decreased intelligence, and increased drowsiness.
  • Omega 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids are important for the formation of brain cells, strengthening the immune system, normal development and functioning of the cardiovascular system. A deficiency of fatty acids results in delayed growth and development of the child, increased fatigue, and decreased performance.

Indications for use

Experts classify fish oil as a product approved for use by children from a very early age. But you should not give the drug to babies without consulting a pediatrician, since the child may have contraindications.

Doctors prescribe Omega 3 fish oil for children in the following cases:

  • neuropsychological development disorders;
  • slow growth;
  • hyperactivity;
  • reduced immunity;
  • diseases of the organs of vision;
  • memory problems;
  • lack of vitamins D, A;
  • increased irritability and sleep disorders;
  • presence of allergies;
  • congenital heart disease;
  • undergone surgery or long-term illness to restore the body;
  • increased dryness of the skin.

In all these cases, the doctor must determine the dosage and duration of taking the drug.

Fish oil is good for infants and bottle-fed babies. The drug, in particular, is used to prevent rickets. A formula-fed newborn does not receive the fatty acids necessary for development in the regular formula.


The main contraindication is seafood intolerance. People with fish allergies should not consume fish meat itself or the fat contained in the meat or liver.

The list of contraindications also includes:

  • hypervitaminosis (usually an increased content of vitamins is a consequence of improper or uncontrolled intake of vitamin complexes);
  • renal failure;
  • chronic liver diseases;
  • active tuberculosis;
  • the presence of ulcerative lesions of the duodenum and stomach.

Harm from taking the drug

Fish oil can cause an allergic reaction, especially if the drug is taken by a child under one year old whose digestive system has not yet established the production of the necessary enzymes.

In infants, even a minimal amount of the drug (it is prescribed drop by drop) can cause digestive upset, which manifests itself as. To reduce the risk of dyspepsia, fish oil is added to the baby’s usual food.

It is important to pay close attention to the amount of the drug that the child receives. An overdose of fish oil cannot happen, since the volume of fat itself is consumed in any case relatively small. The danger lies in an overdose of the vitamins included in its composition.

A sign of hypervitaminosis can be indigestion - the child often develops abdominal pain and nausea. Hypervitaminosis can provoke an exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis and cholecystitis. Negative manifestations stop when the drug is discontinued.

An excess of fish oil in the diet can cause the most serious harm to infants in the first months of life. Hypervitaminosis of vitamin D provokes accelerated growth of bone tissue, as a result of which the fontanel on the baby’s head may close earlier than expected. This is fraught with a number of problems, including increased intracranial pressure in the child.

Instructions for use

Since fish oil is a pharmaceutical agent, it should not be taken as a regular dietary supplement. The drug is used as prescribed by a specialist. The course is designed for several weeks, during which the child’s body receives such an amount of vitamins and nutrients to compensate for their lack. The treatment process should be monitored by a pediatrician - he determines the duration of the course and dosage based on the needs of the child.

Manufacturers produce fish oil in capsules and liquid form. The liquid drug is convenient to give in minimal dosages; it is suitable for treating infants and children under 2-3 years of age. From the age of three you can give capsules.

You can start taking fish oil when your baby is one month old. Usually 3 drops of the product are prescribed twice a day. The volume gradually increases and by the age of one year reaches one teaspoon twice a day. By the age of two, fish oil is given two teaspoons twice a day.

If Omega 3 is used in capsules, their quantity per dose depends on the volume of the capsule. The manufacturer indicates in the instructions the recommended doses for children of all ages.

Regardless of the form of release of the drug, fish oil should not be given to children on an empty stomach, so as not to provoke digestive upset or an allergic reaction. This is especially important to consider if children use the drug in capsules.

Selection criteria, storage conditions

Liquid fish oil. When purchasing, carefully read the label. Buy your child only a product intended for children! Drugs “for adults” are produced according to different technical regulations; the manufacturer can reduce the cost of raw materials or technology, which affects the quality and safety of fish oil.

Children's fish oil is deodorized, so it does not have an unpleasant taste or odor. However, if your baby is under one year old or is prone to it, try to find a product that does not contain flavorings.

Be sure to pay attention to the following parameters:

  • the bottle should be made of dark glass, since Omega 3 oxidizes when exposed to sunlight;
  • fat should be poured under the stopper - the less air in the container, the lower the risk of fatty acid oxidation;
  • The release date should not be too long ago; choose a drug with a reserve for the expiration date.

Store the bottle of fish oil in the refrigerator, tightly closing it each time. This will significantly slow down the oxidation process of fish oil with loss of beneficial properties.

Fish oil capsules, benefits and harms. For production, well-purified, deodorized fish oil and an edible gelatin shell are used, which easily dissolves in the stomach.

Capsules can be chewed. The advantages of the capsule form include:

  • strict dosage (the volume of capsules is fixed, which makes it possible to accurately calculate the dose of the medicine);
  • ease of use (you can take it with you on trips or long walks, there is no risk of greasy stains on clothes or surrounding objects);
  • complete absence of contact of fish oil with air thanks to the capsule and protection from light in packaged form (the drug does not require storage in the refrigerator, you can put it in a medicine cabinet);
  • quality guarantee (unlike a liquid product, a capsule drug is difficult to counterfeit and therefore not economically profitable);
  • attractiveness for children (children over the age of three often refuse to drink medicine from a spoon, but they eat capsules that resemble candy with pleasure).

Which option is better to choose, liquid or capsule? Depends on the age of the children. For infants, only the liquid form is suitable, while an older child may be able to give preference. However, we must not forget about the potential harm of the capsule drug. Some manufacturers, in order to achieve the palatability of fish oil, add sweeteners, dyes, and flavors to the capsules.

When choosing fish oil, keep in mind that such additives are harmful to the health of children. In addition, the child begins to perceive fish oil not as a medicine, but as a delicacy, and may take the opportunity to eat an uncontrollably large number of capsules, as is often the case with children's vitamins.

Products from popular manufacturers

The use of supplements is not the only factor to consider when choosing fish oil. It is important what raw materials the drug is made from, since fish can accumulate a high concentration of heavy metals in the fat. For this reason, drugs produced in the countries of the Southeast region are not recommended.

Manufacturing technology is also important - a high-quality product is obtained by low-temperature purification and processing, since heating destroys a significant part of the beneficial substances contained in fish oil.

Deodorization allows you to almost completely rid a product of its specific taste and smell.

The following brands of drugs are popular on the Russian market:

  • Moller (liquid fish oil from the liver of the Norwegian teca, contains flavoring);
  • Finnish Omega-3 fish oil (capsule and liquid);
  • "BIOKontur" (capsule and liquid Russian preparation, deodorized, without additives);
  • “Fish” (in capsule form, without additives);
  • “Magic Fish” (a Russian-made liquid preparation, without additives, the bottle is equipped with a convenient dropper cap);
  • “Kusalochka” (chewable capsules, contain flavorings).

A wide selection of drugs allows you to find fish oil suitable for a child of any age. But before purchasing a product for a baby, make sure that the manufacturer has indicated that the drug is suitable for children under one year of age. Some manufacturers, playing it safe, overestimate the lower limit of the permissible age, so it is recommended to ask your pediatrician for the specific name of a suitable product for the baby.

Many of us were “scared” of fish oil in childhood, although, however, they did not forget to explain that it is very useful for the child’s body. We did not agree with this statement, since there was nothing more disgusting than this fat for most boys and girls.

Today, fish oil for children is produced in very attractive forms - as part of fruit gummies, lozenges that smell like strawberries, raspberries, and vanilla.

Therefore, there is no need to scare anyone with this very fat. Why, why and whether this product should be given to modern children is told by authoritative pediatrician, candidate of medical sciences Evgeniy Komarovsky.


Fish oil has a rather distinct specific odor - more or less strong, depending on the amount of clupanodonic acid it contains.

The value of the product lies in the vitamin D it contains, as well as Omega-3 fatty acid. The latter promotes the synthesis of serotonin, the so-called “hormone of happiness”, and therefore the consumption of fish oil in food has a beneficial effect on a person’s mood and psychological background.

In addition, Omega-3 reduces the risks of developing cardiovascular diseases and diabetes. Glycerides, which form the basis of the product, promote normal digestion and metabolism, which is the prevention of obesity, since glycerides are involved in the breakdown of fats that come with food. Vitamins improve the condition of hair, skin, and nails; in particular, vitamin D is needed for the absorption of calcium and normal bone growth.


Fish oil is the nightmare of all children growing up in the Soviet Union. Pediatricians of that time believed that children’s food did not contain enough polyunsaturated acids, and the incidence of rickets, due to a lack of vitamin D, was high. Therefore, the government at the highest level decided to introduce preventive measures unprecedented in scope. As a result, fish oil in its pure form with its characteristic smell and taste was forcibly given to all children in kindergartens and schools.

In 1970, these measures were suspended due to the fact that scientists came to the conclusion that the seas were polluted, and the product obtained from cod fish was not more environmentally friendly, and it did less good than harm. In 1997, this idea was abandoned, again allowing children to take fish oil, but no longer on a forced basis, but on a completely voluntary basis.

Komarovsky about the product

Why children were given fish oil in Soviet times is quite understandable, says Dr. Komarovsky. The incidence of rickets was indeed higher then. But this is due not so much to a deficiency of vitamin D in the diet of Soviet infants, but to the widespread artificial feeding of ordinary cow's milk.

The need to give fish oil was, first of all, due to the fact that vitamin D did not exist in any other form: there were no synthesized preparations, and not every region has enough sunlight to get the required amount of vitamin. In addition, feeding on cow's milk caused the leaching of calcium, because there were no adapted mixtures then.

This fully explains why fish oil was strongly recommended for infants, pregnant women, and nursing mothers. Is it necessary to give fish oil to pregnant women and babies today? This is a controversial question that everyone must answer for themselves. In general, according to Evgeny Komarovsky, this is a very useful product; harm from taking it is possible only if the dosage is significantly violated.

Do children need it?

Despite the many positive properties, the question of using fish oil for modern children is not so categorical. Indeed, today vitamin D deficiency itself is not such a common situation. For all children who are at risk due to the likelihood of developing rickets, pediatricians prescribe "Aquadetrim"– an aqueous solution of vitamin D, which is given in certain strict dosages. When administered to a child, it is enough to swallow one drop of the drug, which is much easier than drinking a whole spoonful of liquid and unpleasant-smelling fish oil.

In addition, the need for vitamin D is covered by eating adapted milk formulas, into which it is necessarily included by all baby food manufacturers.

Sometimes pediatricians prescribe an oil solution to their young patients of any age, including newborns. "Vigantol", which not only replenishes vitamin D deficiency, but also regulates the exchange of calcium and phosphorus in the body.

Thus, there is no need to give your child fish oil. But if you want, you can feed it to your baby, the main thing is to choose the right product.

How to choose

Fish oil is not a recognized official medicine, and therefore its production is not regulated by strict norms and standards. Buyers can only hope for the honesty of the manufacturer, who will not add anything unnecessary to it, and will thoroughly clean and filter the product.

There are several selection rules:

  • If your goal is to buy liquid fat, then be sure to look for the word “Medical” in the name. It is important that the purchased fat is not intended for veterinary or household use. This information, sometimes written in very small print, can be found on the label.
  • If you carefully consider your choice, you will notice that there are not only fish oil on sale, but also “fish” oil. This is not a typo, but two fundamentally different products. Fish oil contains more vitamins, fish oil contains more Omega-3. The choice is yours.
  • If you plan to buy fish oil in capsules, then it is better to choose capsules made from fish gelatin. It is optimal to buy children's capsules in which manufacturers have added fruit flavors - they will make the eating process more enjoyable. In addition, the dosage of the product in such capsules is already designed for children's use.

The shelf life of fish oil is about 2 years. After this period, it loses the lion's share of its beneficial properties. For a child, it is advisable to choose products from time-tested and reviewed manufacturers. Of the foreign ones, these are Norwegian enterprises, and of the Russian ones, Murmansk fish factories.

Strengthening the child’s immunity in every possible way is an obsession of most parents. And among the available and “proven” remedies, fish oil is the leader. Conservatives consider it almost a panacea. Their main argument: “It’s not for nothing that all babies were fed this miracle remedy during Soviet times.”

Indeed, it was so, the nasty mixture was voluntarily and forcibly forced to use in kindergartens until 1970. But is it necessary to give fish oil to children now that pharmacists have invented many vitamin supplements and immunostimulating drugs? Moreover, due to the state of the environment, this natural supplement, obtained in the old way, has lost a number of useful properties. Modern versions are produced differently. Pharmacies offer about a dozen versions from different pharmaceutical companies. Which one is preferable? We offer answers to these and other thematic questions.

How is fish oil good for children? Indications and contraindications

The first fact that requires attention is the composition. The most valuable components: polyunsaturated fatty acids (eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic), vitamins A (retinol) and D (ergocalciferol), antioxidants.

We emphasize the following nuance: this combination of useful substances is unique.

Since few parents understand the meaning of chemical terms, we will dwell in more detail on why children need fish oil.

  • Docosahexaenoic acid is required for the development of the central nervous system and retina, and stimulates blood circulation in the brain. A deficiency of this element in the body is associated with neurotic disorders and absent-mindedness.
  • Eicosapentaenoic acid normalizes the level of gastric juice, increases bile secretion, and strengthens the immune system. If there is a shortage of it, babies quickly get tired, become sleepy and absent-minded.
  • A lack of vitamin D in the body is fraught with a terrible diagnosis - rickets. This component also improves blood clotting and is necessary for cell development. Retinol is “responsible” for the condition of the skin, hair, nails, the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and respiratory system, and vision.

However, the indication for the use of fish oil by children is formulated by a single medical term - hypovitaminosis.

And now, attention, list of contraindications:

  • allergy to the components of the drug;
  • hypercalcemia;
  • hypercalciuria;
  • endocrinological problems;
  • acute skin inflammation;
  • renal and liver pathologies;
  • tuberculosis.

At what age can fish oil be given to children?

The instructions for the supplement in capsule form usually indicate: from 7 years (less often – from 4). This point confuses many. Questions arise: why is fish oil prescribed to children under 3 years of age, and in some cases even to infants?

Pediatricians allow the use of the liquid form of the drug in question from the age of one month. However, it should be given to children strictly according to indications (for hypovitaminosis), and only in a dosage adjusted by doctors.

Use as an immunostimulant strictly in accordance with the instructions.

Fish oil, which is better: types and rules of use

First, let's take an excerpt from the classification.

  1. The starting raw material for a valuable component can be:

— cod liver (it is not advisable to buy such a supplement, since the original source absorbs harmful components from the environment);

- fish meat of different varieties (its contents, in comparison with the above option, are less healthy, but not so toxic).

  1. According to the form of release, dietary supplements are:

- liquid;

- encapsulated.

These nuances + the method of obtaining are indicated in the instructions.

Liquid fish oil Designed for children from four weeks of age. It is often recommended for babies born prematurely. An unpleasant feature of this form of release is a specific amber. Standard doses:

  • for the smallest: up to 5 drops in the morning and evening;
  • from 6 months: a teaspoon per day, after a year the frequency of intake is increased to two times, from seven years - to three.

Drink while eating. The duration of the therapeutic course is no more than three months. The nuances are adjusted individually.

From 7 years of age it is more often prescribed fish oil capsules. The benefits for children are the same as the liquid form, but this option is easier to dose and drink (there is no unpleasant odor). The downside is that the gelatin shell is difficult to swallow. One-time rate – 1-4 pcs (depending on packaging). The drug is given to babies immediately after meals, with plenty of water (table or filtered, room temperature). It is important to ensure that the child does not push the capsule around with his tongue or chew it, but immediately swallows it. The minimum course duration is a month.

Doctors warn: this supplement is contraindicated in case of hypervitaminosis and does not combine well with barbiturates, glucocorticoids and anticonvulsants. An overdose negatively affects the mood and functioning of the body's main systems.

Which fish oil to choose

So that readers do not get lost at pharmacy counters, we offer an overview of the most popular options. Additionally, we provide information on average price indicators and reviews from parents.

Norwegian fish oil for children: Carlson Labs, Norsk BarneTran (RUB 1,100). These drugs are considered the best and environmentally friendly. The release form is syrup, the second preparation contains lemon flavor and herbal extracts. Dosages are indicated on the label. 85% of parents in reviews rated these options a solid “5”.

Number 2 in popularity – "Bite"– fish oil for children in capsule form. The price of a package (60 or 90 pieces, 0.5 g each) ranges from 200-300 rubles. The instructions indicate that the dietary supplement must be dissolved or chewed. Contains tutti-frutti flavoring. 90 out of 100 parents in reviews note a unique combination: benefits + accessibility + pleasant taste. The remaining 10 complain that the capsules have a slight aroma of fish and argue that they are expensive.

Biafishenol– a cheaper version from a domestic manufacturer. Package price (100 pieces, 0.35 g each) – 125 rubles. Not everyone likes this option due to the dosing features. The daily norm for children 3-6 years old is 12 capsules (4 pieces/3 times). From 7 years of age the dose is doubled. Parents rated it as “4-”.

Solgar– fish oil for children from an American brand-manufacturer of premium dietary supplements. The price of a bottle (100 pcs.) is 2000 rubles. The capsules are made in the shape of goldfish and contain a fruit additive. According to reviews from 99% of users, it has only one drawback - overpriced. A few complain that the shell is difficult to chew.

Finnish fish oil for children Moller(700-800 rub.) - this is a syrup without additives or with a slight lemon flavor (250 ml bottle). It's rare that we come across it for sale. The main drawback is the lack of instructions in Russian. In this regard, misunderstandings arise regarding dosage and shelf life. Doctors recommend following the standard: give a teaspoon, keep in the refrigerator for no more than 3 months after opening.

Which drug should I choose? Decide after consulting your pediatrician.


Fish oil is an inexpensive, effective way to improve children's health. Children and schoolchildren do not really like this valuable product because of its specific smell and taste, but the benefits of liquid fish oil/capsules are enormous.

Regular use of this natural product is recommended for infants and older children. Rickets, increased nervous excitability, decreased immunity, depression, poor vision - this is not a complete list of problems for which fish oil is used in combination.

general information

The useful product is obtained from the liver/muscles of large fish that live in cold ocean waters. The largest percentage of valuable fat is provided by cod, Norwegian salmon, mackerel, and herring.

From the liver of cod weighing about two kilograms, 250 ml of white fat is extracted, which is used for medical purposes. The main supplier of the valuable product is Norway.


The positive effect on various organs/systems is easy to understand if you study the components that make up the oily liquid. Vitamins, minerals, valuable acids have a beneficial effect on bones, muscles, nervous, circulatory and other systems.

Main ingredients in fish oil:

  • retinol (vitamin A). Accelerates cell regeneration, maintains the health of musculoskeletal tissue, mucous membranes, nails, hair, skin;
  • vitamin D. A sufficient supply of this valuable substance ensures complete absorption of phosphorus and calcium, which ensure strong bones. Young children need vitamin D to prevent rickets;
  • valuable minerals. The rich composition actively affects all systems. Fat from the liver and muscles of marine fish contains sodium, calcium, zinc, iodine, iron, magnesium, phosphorus;
  • valuable Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids. The lack of these ingredients disrupts the production of insulin, without which proper hormonal and lipid metabolism is impossible. Lack of insulin provokes problems with the digestive tract. Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids support the health of the cardiovascular and nervous systems, increase the production of serotonin (the hormone of happiness), and improve brain function.

Note! Some manufacturers enrich the oily liquid or add another useful component to the capsules - tocopherol or vitamin E. The substance has a positive effect on the health of the skin, hair, nails, hormonal levels, and is a powerful antioxidant.

Release form

Previously, the natural product had only one variety: an oily liquid with a characteristic odor and specific taste. For this reason, most children tried in every possible way to stop taking this not very pleasant drug.

Now the situation has changed: taking a substance with active properties has become more comfortable. Children have to drink the traditional kind, but from the age of 7 they are allowed to consume fish oil in gelatin capsules, which contain valuable fat. The beneficial properties do not change, the size of the soft “container” is convenient for use. The child swallows the yellow-brown capsule without any discomfort.

Benefits and harms

Fish oil has long been successfully used in pediatrics. Regular consumption of oily liquid and capsules strengthens the child's body and increases resistance to disease.

Beneficial properties for children of different ages

What are the benefits of fish oil? Positive influence:

  • strengthening bones and dental tissue;
  • prevention/treatment;
  • decreased nervous excitability;
  • improvement of brain activity;
  • normalization of the condition of hair and nails;
  • disappearance of dry mucous membranes.

These are not all useful properties. There are other positive points:

  • improved mood, decreased level of aggression;
  • healthy sleep is restored, irritability disappears;
  • acute vision is formed;
  • the problem of seizures disappears;
  • treatment/prevention of obesity by reducing bad cholesterol levels;
  • excellent wound healing effect in the postoperative period;
  • restoration of the level of vitamins A and D in the body;
  • prevention of anemia (as one of the components);
  • memory improves.

Against the backdrop of a long list of positive aspects, one should not forget about caution and a rational approach to prevention and treatment. Fish oil cannot be considered a panacea and should not be prescribed to children with the best of intentions.

Possible side effects

Everyone knows about the benefits of fish oil; proper use rarely causes negative reactions. Problems arise when there is an overdose or individual intolerance to individual components. The information that a natural product can be harmful comes as a revelation to many.

Remember that if used incorrectly or without taking into account contraindications, the active product is harmful to the growing body. Negative reactions appear, new symptoms are added to existing ones.

Occasionally certain signs appear:

  • bad breath;
  • decreased blood clotting;
  • diarrhea;
  • increased sensitization of the body.

In case of acute overdose, side effects are pronounced:

  • dry mucous membranes in the mouth;
  • bleeding gums;
  • nausea;
  • loose stool;
  • dehydration;
  • yellow or orange spots on the palms and soles;
  • irritability;
  • soreness inside the bones;
  • hemolytic anemia;
  • photosensitivity of the eyes;
  • redness of the conjunctiva;
  • increased fatigue;
  • muscle pain;
  • weight loss;
  • thirst;
  • drowsiness;
  • general discomfort;
  • frequent headaches;
  • convulsions.

Conclusion: It is imperative to strictly adhere to the dosage and frequency of use. Measure the liquid carefully and give a certain number of capsules per day. The opinion “the more fish oil, the stronger the bones will be” is fundamentally wrong. With this approach to treatment/prevention, parents will unknowingly only harm their child.

Learn more about allergic reactions in children. Read about food allergies; there is a page written about urticaria.

Indications for use

This valuable product is prescribed for therapeutic/prophylactic purposes for the following problems:

  • lack of vitamins D and A, especially in the autumn-spring period;
  • bone fragility, rickets, poor muscle mass in children;
  • eye diseases;
  • for the speedy healing of broken bones, wounds, various types of ulcers on the body (oral administration);
  • prevention of rickets, to strengthen teeth and bones in children;
  • poor condition of the scalp;
  • excessive dryness of mucous membranes and skin;
  • erosion of the urinary tract.

Peculiarities of use in pediatrics

Before starting a treatment or preventive course, be sure to consult your doctor. The pediatrician will tell you the appropriate type (purified liquid or capsules), dosage, and optimal duration of use.


  • liquid form is allowed at the age of 3 months and older;
  • capsules are suitable for children from 7 years of age.

Read here about how to make a gauze diaper for a newborn with your own hands.


Never prescribe fish oil on your own initiative or on the advice of your neighbors. Not all children are suitable for a natural product.

Many contraindications apply to adults. Sometimes children, often school-age children and teenagers, are diagnosed with serious diseases of various organs. There are absolute/relative contraindications.

You should not take fish oil of any kind in the following cases:

  • hemophilia;
  • low blood clotting;
  • hypercalcemia;
  • pulmonary tuberculosis (severe form);
  • calcium nephrourolithiasis;
  • increased sensitivity of the body;
  • chronic cholecystitis/pancreatitis;
  • excess vitamins A, D;
  • hypercalceuria;
  • thyrotoxicosis.

Until certain diseases are cured, it is advisable to refrain from using capsules or liquid cod liver oil. Doctors do not recommend a useful product if a child is diagnosed with:

  • jade (regardless of shape);
  • liver and kidney diseases;
  • decreased production of thyroid hormones by the thyroid gland;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • congenital heart pathologies.

Instructions for use for children

Capsules or liquid form are sold at the pharmacy. Always check the expiration date, buy a natural product from reputable manufacturers. If you doubt the quality of a substance, ask for a certificate.

Daily dose for children of different ages:

  • from 3 to 12 months – half a teaspoon;
  • from one to two years - a teaspoon;
  • from 2 to 3 years – 1 or 2 teaspoons is enough;
  • from 3 to 6 years – dessert spoon;
  • 7 years and older – a tablespoon.

Advice! Give children an oily product during meals, when part of the dish has already been eaten, with their favorite porridge or cutlet, to overcome the specific taste of the liquid. For infants who do not receive complementary foods, the active substance is given in the second half of feeding.

How to take fish oil capsules? Upon reaching the age of seven:

  • daily from 3 to 6 capsules. The older the child, the more capsules you can give;
  • After eating, prepare a glass of cool or warm (not hot) water. Explain that the capsule must be swallowed quickly so that the gelatin does not melt or stick to the mucous membranes;
  • The optimal course is 1 month. Then you need a break. The doctor will give further recommendations based on the condition of the little patient and the results of treatment.


The price of fish oil is acceptable:

  • capsules (from 30 to 100 pieces per package). Price from 96 to 190 rubles;
  • oily liquid in a dark glass bottle. Volume 50 ml, price from 60 to 130 rubles.