Rubbing for colds, fever, cough: when possible, methods, remedies. Cough rubs for children that give quick results How to rub a child with vodka when coughing

Many respiratory diseases are accompanied by a cough. Prolonged attacks exhaust the child’s body and damage the mucous membrane of the respiratory system. Rubbing with pharmaceutical preparations and traditional medicine reduces the intensity of the symptom and helps to cure the disease faster.

Rubbing with pharmaceutical preparations

Before rubbing, carefully read the instructions for use of the drug. Make sure that the product does not contain allergens or aggressive substances. Do not use the medicine after the expiration date, if the jar is damaged, or if storage conditions are not met.

"Doctor Mom"

The ointment is used for rubbing children over three years old. It contains a complex of natural components. Turpentine, menthol, nutmeg oil, camphor, thymol are used.

Immediately after rubbing, the child feels a slight chill on the skin. Soon a feeling of pleasant warmth appears. To maintain the therapeutic effect, give your baby warm milk and soda to drink, and then cover him with a blanket and put him to bed.

"Pulmex Baby"

The ointment is used for children from 6 months to 3 years. Thanks to the gentle concentration of active ingredients, the rubbing does not burn the baby’s delicate skin, but at the same time has a coughing, warming, and anti-inflammatory effect.

The composition of "Pulmex baby" includes:

  • rosemary oil;
  • eucalyptus oil;
  • Peruvian balsam.

If the cough is accompanied by a runny nose, apply the ointment to the sides of the child's nose. The volatile substances of the drug destroy microbes in the nasopharynx, increase the lumen of breathing, and reduce the formation of mucus in the nasal sinuses.

"Doctor Theiss"

Rubbing with the scent of eucalyptus helps cure coughs in children over three years of age. It includes:

  • eucalyptus oil;
  • pine needle oil;
  • camphor.

To treat diseases of the respiratory system, apply the product to the chest, back or neck. Do not touch the area of ​​the heart, nipples, or thyroid gland. All movements should be circular, smooth, without sharp pressure on the skin.

Ointment "Badger"

The basis for the drug is. Scientists have found that the fat reserves of animals that hibernate have pronounced medicinal properties. They help cure cough, inflammation in muscles, ligaments, and joints.

In addition to badger fat, the rub contains:

  • petrolatum;
  • camphor;
  • purified water.

Balsam "Eucabal"

For rubbing, use petroleum jelly, baby cream, animal fat, or any product that reduces the friction of your hands on the baby's skin.

Steaming and rubbing your feet should be done in the evening before bed. Next, pour one teaspoon of dry mustard into the child’s socks. Thanks to the irritating and distracting effect of the powder, the baby will be able to breathe deeply all night long and not wake up from coughing attacks.

Contraindications and side effects

Rubbing with any preparations can be done only when the child’s body temperature is normal. In addition to fever, contraindications include:

  • tachycardia;
  • violation of skin integrity;
  • intolerance to the components of the product;
  • exacerbation of diseases of other internal organs.

To promptly identify intolerance to the drug and prevent a deterioration in the child’s well-being, conduct a sensitivity test. To do this, apply a small amount of the product to the skin in the forearm area. If after half an hour no signs of allergy appear, you can begin the cough rub procedure.

Cough is a common symptom that plagues both adults and children. Among traditional methods of treatment, rubbing for coughs for children is common, and this procedure is suitable even for babies under one year old.

Thanks to rubbing the body using special means, a dry cough turns into a wet one and sputum begins to be actively produced. To achieve results, it is important to choose an ointment recipe and carry out the procedure correctly.

How to rub when coughing?

To get the result, you need to take into account several rules. Since both pharmacy and folk remedies mainly consist of natural ingredients, the baby may experience an allergic reaction.

This is especially true for children under one year of age, whose immune system is not fully formed.

That is why it is worth starting the procedure with an allergy test, for which you apply a small amount of the product to the back of the baby’s wrist and look at the reaction. If there is the slightest deviation, for example, rashes or redness, rubbing should be avoided.

It is best to carry out the procedure before bedtime, so that the baby warms up under the blanket, which will improve the result. The selected rub for colds is applied to the area between the shoulder blades, to the chest, to the heels and wings of the nose. It is important not to rub the area around the heart or nipples, as the increased temperature can cause other health problems.

Rubbing circular movements should be repeated for 3-6 minutes. After this, the baby should be wrapped up and given warm tea or herbal decoction to drink. This will allow you to sweat a lot, which will promote recovery. It is forbidden to rub if the child has a fever. It is important to avoid contact of the selected product with mucous membranes and face.

What warming ointments for cough can be used?

During the period of active spread of viruses, a huge number of children suffer from coughing, and sometimes attacks interfere with sleep and cause many other problems. To get rid of this unpleasant symptom, you can buy a fairly wide range of ointments at the pharmacy that have a mild warming effect.

Typically, such products are of plant origin. The ointment has anti-inflammatory, expectorant, thinning and local irritant effects. If the ointment contains eucalyptus, camphor or pine needles, then it will also have an antiseptic effect.

The advantages of ointments include the fact that they act locally, that is, on the area that needs to be heated. It is impossible not to note the soft effect, which allows you to avoid burns on the delicate baby skin.

Today in pharmacies you can find the following products:

  1. An ointment containing natural oils, such as eucalyptus or camphor. This is a universal remedy that quickly helps with the symptoms of childhood cough. It has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and anesthetic effects. The most popular ointment in this category is Doctor MOM. It is worth considering that this product can cause allergies in children under 2 years of age.
  2. Turpentine ointment is a popular remedy that contains gum turpentine, which has an expectorant effect. It is considered most effective for colds. Contraindications include somatic pathologies of the liver or kidneys, as well as dermatological problems. Do not forget about individual intolerance;
  3. There are ointments that contain eucalyptus, rosemary or balsam of Peru. These drugs have a comprehensive effect on the biomechanisms of cough and runny nose. Among these products we can highlight Pulmex baby.

For ten years now, the warming ointments “Badger” and “Bear Cub”, which contain the internal fat of a badger or bear, have not lost their popularity. The disadvantages include an unpleasant aroma, as well as a high risk of allergies.

What to rub when a child coughs?

Despite the wide range of pharmaceutical drugs, many still choose folk remedies that are affordable and easy to use. Let's look at the most popular options for children.

Camphor oil. Can be used by children over 2 years old. The oil alleviates the symptom and helps to cope with it in a short period of time. Camphor oil is prohibited for use in infants, as it can harm the baby’s heart.

There are several options for using oil:

  1. First, the baby’s chest should be rubbed with oil until it turns red, and then mustard plasters should be applied, insulating the body;
  2. Melt unsalted lard, add 1 teaspoon of turpentine and 4 drops of oil. Rub it before going to bed and wrap your child up;
  3. Combine 1 tbsp. a spoonful of turpentine with a couple of large spoons of warm, comfortable oil. This recipe can be used no earlier than 3 years.

Vodka. Doctors categorically do not accept this option, but it is considered effective for coughs, since the result can be obtained after 2 procedures. It’s enough just to lightly rub the back with vodka, and then wrap the baby up. After applying the mustard plasters, you need to rub the chest with slightly warmed vodka, and then spread liquid honey on the same place. Wrap the child in film on top and wrap him up. It is recommended to leave everything until the morning.

Badger fat.

Grandmother’s remedy, which is even accepted by many doctors.

It helps children with dry and wet cough. Internal fat allows you not only to cope with the symptom, but also to treat the disease itself. It is also suitable for rubbing babies. Melt the fat in a bathhouse, and then carry out the rubbing. You can additionally take 1 teaspoon 3 times a day, which will speed up recovery. The result can be seen in 3-5 days.

Goat fat.

  1. This ancient method will also help children cure their cough, since goat fat contains various vitamins and nutrients.
  2. There are several use cases:
  3. Combine fat and honey in equal proportions, and then apply a large layer of the mixture onto baking paper. Place it on your chest and wrap your baby in a blanket. This remedy will relieve a strong cough;

Honey. For this procedure, you should use high-quality honey with a liquid consistency. They should rub the baby's back and cover it with a cabbage leaf. It is also recommended to rub the soles with honey and put on socks. Wrap up your child and give him a warm drink. Another option is to spread warm honey on the back and sprinkle fine salt on top. Gently massage until the salt dissolves. Leave on for 5 minutes and then rinse off with a wet towel. Wrap up your baby and put him to sleep.

One of the most difficult and powerful experiences for parents is the illness of their children. Especially if this baby is an infant.

Most often, young children suffer from colds. Of course, you should not self-medicate without consulting a pediatrician. But you can use some old, time-tested methods with the permission of your pediatrician. One of these methods for colds and coughs is rubbing.

Rules for rubbing

  • If the child is a newborn, then rubbing can only be done after consulting with the pediatrician.
  • Do not use rubbing products containing camphor oil for up to a year, since this oil can be harmful to the baby’s strengthening heart.
  • It is advisable to do the procedure in the evening, before going to bed.
  • Do not rub the ointment into the area of ​​the baby's papillae and heart.
  • You need to rub the back, chest, soles and heels of the baby.
  • The movements are light, massaging, or from bottom to top, or circular, clockwise.
  • After completing the procedure, it is necessary to wrap the child well and put warm socks on his feet.
  • Rubbing should not be done when the child’s body temperature is elevated.

What rubs can be used for up to a year?


You can use pharmacy rubs approved for use in the age group up to one year.

For example, Pulmex baby ointment can be rubbed on a baby from 6 months. It is applied to the thoracic back and chest during the day before going to bed and before going to bed at night. Rub lightly to absorb and insulate the rubbed areas.

Folk remedies are also widely used for warming rubs on children under one year of age.

It is very effective to use liquid natural honey for grinding ( honey rub).

  • If it is sugared, you need to heat it using a water bath until it becomes liquid.
  • Prepare an old T-shirt and socks, warm them up to keep them warm.
  • Gently rub some honey onto your baby's chest and back, avoiding the heart and nipple areas.
  • Put a warm T-shirt on your baby and wrap him in a warm scarf or handkerchief.
  • Now rub honey into the soles and heels of the sick baby. When you have finished rubbing one leg, put a warm sock on it. Do the same with the other leg.
  • Place the baby in the crib and cover with a warm blanket.
  • By morning the honey will be completely absorbed.

Can be used melted warm butter.

Since ancient times, our great-great-grandmothers have used it for warming rubs. internal pork, goat or badger fat. The rubbing technology is the same as with honey.

Rubbing is also effective from goat fat and propolis.

The cooking technology is simple.

  • To prepare it, melt 0.5 kg of fat. To do this, place the container with it in a pan of hot water.
  • Pour in 20 ml of pharmaceutical propolis tincture and stir.
  • Place the pan, without removing the container with fat, over medium heat.
  • Heat, stirring, until all the alcohol has evaporated.
  • Cool and store the mixture in the refrigerator, using small portions for grinding.

Can be used for rubbing caraway seed oil.

  • To prepare the product, grind 20 g of cumin seeds.
  • Place the crushed mass in any vegetable oil (100 ml).
  • Pour the resulting mixture into a jar (preferably dark glass).
  • Infuse for a week in the room, placing it in a dark place.
  • Store in the refrigerator.
  • There is no need to filter the oil.
  • Before use, it is necessary to warm a single portion to room temperature.

All these rubs warm up the baby’s chest and back well, soften the cough and improve sputum discharge.

Rubbing is a measure. It's special effective at the onset of a cold, when there is no, or serious illness. The procedure helps stimulate general blood circulation, it increases the body's resistance to infection and can prevent the development of the disease. It would be a mistake to assume that rubbing leads to an increase in temperature in the lungs or bronchi. The effect of the procedure does not extend that far.

Important point– according to the majority of practicing doctors, Warming rubbing at a temperature is unacceptable and can only lead to negative consequences. Only some “traditional healers” say the opposite.

Preparations for rubbing

To carry out the procedure, substances are used that cause intense blood flow to the site of application. Usually this is the chest or back. Essential oils can also be applied to the nose and sinus areas. In addition, rubbing causes a general stimulation of blood circulation, an increase in the number of cells of the immune system, whose role is to fight the pathogen.

Folk remedies

The main advantage of such funds is their availability and low cost. The main means used include:

Additionally, you can add garlic to the preparations. 3-4 small slices will be sufficient. It has a local irritant effect, increases blood flow to the site of application and adjacent tissues.

Essential oils

Such products are used for massage of both the chest and face during colds. They rub the wings of the nose, forehead, and paranasal sinus area. Traditional healers advise using the following medications for a runny nose and sinusitis:

  1. Eucalyptus oil. It has a distracting effect and irritates skin receptors. Thanks to the menthol included in the composition, the oil can relieve pain and reduce swelling. The drug is contraindicated for whooping cough and atrophy (destruction) of the nasal mucosa.
  2. Clove oil. It can be part of medicinal preparations (the famous Asterisk) or used independently. It reduces pain and warms up the sinuses. Pure clove oil is contraindicated even for external use in the last trimester of pregnancy.
  3. Cinnamon oil. Its properties are similar to the previous drug. Additionally, the oil has a calming effect.

The amount of drugs is usually determined by a few drops: from 5 to 10. They are applied to the skin directly or added to the main drug. Proponents of the technique advise rubbing the oils with strong movements until completely absorbed into the skin. The procedure can be combined with inhalations or a visit to the bathhouse or sauna.

Pharmacy drugs

Medicines have proven compositions, and therefore they can be considered as more reliable means for rubbing. Recommended pharmaceuticals include:

  • Pulmex baby ointment. It contains Peruvian balsam. It has antiseptic properties and stimulates metabolic processes in the body.
  • Ointment Doctor Theiss eucalyptus. The drug contains a complex of essential oils and camphor. The components irritate skin receptors, increasing blood flow to the site of application and stimulating metabolic processes.
  • Ointment Doctor MOM. Its composition is similar to the previous product, but contains several additional components. Among them is menthol, which helps reduce pain and swelling. Dr. MOM improves the condition of a runny nose and a cough that begins.
  • Ozokerite. This is the name given to a mixture of hydrocarbons of natural origin. It is used for thermal therapy - deep heating. Ozokerite is one of the most effective rubbing agents. It can be used on the chest, back or nasal sinuses when they are inflamed. It has an analgesic and irritant effect.


Rubbing during the onset of a cold can be combined with massage. It must be done with light movements without excessive pressure. Their directions should follow from the spinal column, sternum to the periphery.

Important! Do not touch the area of ​​the mammary glands when massaging and rubbing. The skin there is very delicate, so burns are more likely to occur on it. In addition, it is located even further from the lungs and bronchi due to the glandular tissue underneath it.

You need to move along the ribs; it is not necessary to go onto the bones themselves. The main emphasis should be on muscle tissue. You can use two types of massage techniques - stroking the entire surface of the palm or rubbing it with an edge. It is better to start the procedure with minimal pressure, gradually increasing it. Thus, the tissues are sufficiently warmed up and prepared for the action of the medicinal solution or ointment.

Massage with rubbing should not cause pain. Normally, the patient should feel a slight burning, tingling, and warmth. At the onset of an allergic reaction, severe irritation and redness, the procedure must be stopped and the product used must be washed off with water.

Video: rubbing technique

After rubbing

It is best to arrange for yourself to sleep or relax after the procedure. To help you sweat, you can additionally drink hot tea with honey and raspberry leaf. Strictly contraindicated after rubbing:

  1. Go outside, even in the warm season;
  2. Take water procedures, except for symptoms of incipient allergies;
  3. Engage in any physical labor, overexert yourself;
  4. Be in an area of ​​temperature difference - under an open window, near a hood, fan.


You should not rub in the following cases:

Important! It is worth paying attention to the additional contraindications that the rubbing products described above have. So, it is better to avoid honey if you are prone to allergies, and alcohol-containing drugs should not be taken in childhood due to the risk of alcohol intoxication.

Rubbing should be carried out after consulting a doctor. The specialist will tell you which drug is best to use and which method to resort to. This is especially important when planning a procedure for a child under one year old and during pregnancy.

Video: rubbing with vinegar and alcohol - Dr. Komarovsky

Cough rub is an auxiliary method of combating respiratory diseases that complicate the functioning of the respiratory system. With the help of rubbing, it is possible to increase blood flow to the chest, which will speed up metabolic processes and contribute to a speedy recovery.

The effectiveness and benefits of rubbing

Rubbing involves mechanical action on the skin of the chest, back and limbs. The alcohol tinctures or decoctions used, as well as mixtures of drugs, stimulate the liquefaction and discharge of sputum. The benefits of rubbing are as follows:

  1. Stimulates blood flow to the chest and accelerates metabolism at the cellular level.
  2. Liquefaction of sputum and its removal, which prevents the formation of stagnant processes.
  3. Improving blood flow throughout the body, which helps.
  4. Penetration of drugs directly into the focus of the inflammatory process, which reduces the need for oral medication.

The maximum effectiveness of rubbing is achieved when using medications or herbal decoctions. They not only strengthen local immunity, but also help relieve muscle spasms, pain and aching muscles, which is typical for respiratory diseases.


  • there is an individual intolerance to the product used for rubbing;
  • cardiovascular diseases progress;
  • the temperature is high and the person is in a sleepy state;
  • cough lasts more than a month.
High temperature is a contraindication to cough rubbing

Note! Rubbing is an auxiliary measure to combat cough. The emphasis in the treatment of respiratory diseases should be on medications prescribed by the doctor. Otherwise, serious complications may develop.

Elderly people and children under 1 year of age are at risk, so it is not recommended to use rubbing for these patients without a doctor's prescription.

Antitussive massage involves eliminating spasm of blood vessels and irritation of cough receptors, so all movements should be soft and massaging. You should also adhere to the following rules:

  1. Before applying the rubbing product, be sure to prepare the skin using soft and massaging movements. Hands must be warm, and the patient must take a comfortable position.
  2. If the product is liquid, cotton cloth is soaked in it and then rubbed on the body. Gels, creams and other oil-based products are applied first to the hand and then to the patient’s body.
  3. First, rub the chest and back in the area where the lungs are located. If a person suffers from excessive mucus, light tapping may be used to stimulate the mucus to clear.
  4. It is important to rub your feet and hands. There are many nerve endings here, the stimulation of which promotes a speedy recovery.
  5. After rubbing, the person is covered with a warm blanket and woolen socks are put on his feet.

Rubbing is effective during the day, since at night there is a possibility of sputum discharge, which will disturb sleep.

At high temperatures, rubbing is contraindicated, so before starting manipulations you should make sure that there is no such temperature.

The person should lie in a comfortable position and not experience any discomfort during manipulation. If pain occurs, then it is necessary to reduce the intensity of massage movements.

When rubbing, it is necessary to perform movements from the diaphragm to the neck and vice versa. This way you can speed up blood flow and normalize metabolic processes in the lung tissues.

The most effective cough rubs

There are 3 groups of products that can be used for rubbing: fat-based, alcohol-based and medicinal liquid mixtures.


Animal fat is a component rich in many beneficial microelements that help to survive in harsh environmental conditions. The most useful as a rubbing are:

  1. Lamb fat - it is heated in a water bath, after which it is applied to the chest with soft massaging movements. It has a mucolytic, warming and tonic effect on the body.
  2. Goose fat - only interior fat is used, which is pre-melted. Produces the formation of sputum, warms and strengthens local.
  3. Badger fat contains a lot of vitamins and microelements that stimulate the strengthening of local and general immunity. Badger fat is suitable not only for rubbing, but also for oral use.

Lamb fat is one of the cough rubs

After rubbing the sternum and back with fat, the skin should be wrapped in a woolen scarf or handkerchief for 3-4 hours. After this, the skin is cleaned with a soap solution.

If the fat has an unpleasant odor and is disgusting, it is recommended to add a few drops of tea tree essential oil to it. In addition to improving the smell, this substance will increase vascular permeability and also normalize metabolic processes at the cellular level.

Alcohol based

Alcohol helps dilate blood vessels, which improves their permeability. have a mucolytic, warming, calming effect on the lungs. The most effective of them are:

  1. Rub of thyme, mint and red pepper - for a glass of vodka (not alcohol) take 1 tablespoon of dried thyme, 1 teaspoon of mint and ¼ teaspoon of crushed red pepper powder. Leave in the refrigerator for 10 days, after which the chest, limbs and back are rubbed, with the exception of the area of ​​the heart and the thyroid gland in the neck.
  2. Rubbing from acacia inflorescences - take 10-12 inflorescences per glass of vodka, leave for 3-5 days in a dark, cool place. After rubbing, the body is wrapped in warmth for several hours. Does not require rinsing. Can be used as a compress.
  3. Honey + vodka + garlic - for 0.5 glasses of vodka, take a head of garlic and 1 tablespoon of honey. The garlic is passed through a meat grinder, mixed with honey, and then vodka is added. Let it brew for 3-4 days, after which it is used as a rub. Honey contains a lot of nutrients, and garlic contains phytoncides that fight pathogenic microorganisms. Vodka dilates blood vessels, allowing the mixture to penetrate deeply through tissue.
  4. Vodka + red pepper + ginger - for 1 liter of vodka, take 1 teaspoon of ground red pepper and ginger, stir until completely dissolved and let it brew for 10 days in a dark, cool place. Red pepper stimulates blood flow to the sternum, which accelerates metabolic processes at the cellular level. Ginger is famous for its antibacterial effects, and vodka dilates blood vessels.

The pharmacy sells herbal preparations for inhalation and rubbing of the skin, which can also be used.

Use special caution when rubbing alcohol-containing substances on children. It is best to consult a doctor before use.

Medicinal liquid mixtures and ointments

You can influence a cough, or rather its cause, not only with the help of tablets, but also with external rubs from the same medicines. The most popular and effective of them are:

  1. Eufillin + Magnesia + Gentamicin + Dexamethasone + Dimexide - 40 ml of water is poured into a glass jar, after which 10 ml of Dimexide is added. 1 ampoule of all these drugs is injected into the resulting solution. Eufillin promotes vasodilation, which relieves spasms and barking cough. Gentamicin exhibits antibacterial properties, and Magnesia fights local inflammation. Dexamethasone prevents the formation of an allergic reaction, and Dimexide increases vascular permeability and allows all these drugs to penetrate directly into the site of the disease.
  2. Dexamethasone + Interferon + Eufillin + Dimexide - pour 40 ml of water into a glass jar, add 10 ml of Dimexide and 1 ampoule of all products. Interferon is pre-diluted with water, as indicated in the instructions. This composition is effective in viral nature.

Doctor Mom ointment is a cough rub

Also widely popular are ointments Doctor Mom, Badger, Barsukor, which contain not only medications, but also plant and animal components. Combined products allow you to get the maximum effect from treatment.

Precautionary measures

It is important to pay attention to exactly what substances are included in the rub, since some of them, if you are hypersensitive, can provoke the development of an allergic reaction.

It is strictly forbidden to use rubbing products based on vodka and alcohol on young children. Their skin is delicate, so there is a high probability of developing burns, as well as alcohol intoxication.

It is best to consult a doctor before using rubs. This method of treatment is not always relevant and useful.

If, after rubbing, rashes, skin itching, swelling or other manifestations of an allergic reaction appear on the skin, it is necessary to clean the skin at the site of rubbing as quickly as possible, and also take an antihistamine.

Do not use rubbing more than 2 times a day. This may cause skin irritation. If after a week of complex treatment the cough does not go away, it is imperative to consult a doctor to change the treatment regimen.