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Fortune telling with Tarot cards is becoming increasingly popular these days. People show interest in this system, thanks to which at any moment they can understand themselves, find the reasons for failures and successfully use favorable opportunities to fulfill their desires and plans. There is no doubt that it is useful to study the meaning of Tarot cards. The Ace of Wands, which appears in a reading, for example, will tell about many positive opportunities in the life of the questioner.

How to use Tarot cards?

In order to learn to understand the language of cards, you generally only need to have good intellectual abilities. Thanks to intelligence, the ability to understand the subtext of a question and build logical chains of reasoning, any person is able to get an answer to the question posed. It goes without saying that frequent use of Tarot cards trains your intuition. Thanks to insights and the ability to generalize what is seen, additional information and a complete picture of what is happening in a person’s life will become available.

But you should still start by looking for logic in the card system and studying the meanings of each of the 78 cards in the deck. Agree, there are quite a lot of cards, and the process of learning the Tarot system is not as simple as it seems at first glance. This article will examine and describe in detail the algorithm for studying Tarot using the Ace of Wands card as an example. The meaning of Tarot is not easy to understand, but it is possible. Curiosity, patience, attention to detail and a desire to practice will help an interested person in this.

Ace of Wands. Position of the card in the Tarot system

The cards contain the Major and Minor Arcana. The first are the most important because they reflect the cycle of events common to every person, twists of fate and the main manifestations of human nature. The minor arcana, which include the Ace of Wands (the equivalent name is the Ace of Wands), will complement the overall picture and tell about important details.

The Ace of Wands card (Tarot meaning) is determined by the combined characteristics of the suit of Wands and the numerical concept of the Ace. Each suit of the Tarot deck is associated with a specific element. For example, the suit of Wands is the embodiment of the qualities of Fire. It carries energy, will, activity, passion, assertiveness, and the desire to lead. The motto of the cards of the Wands suit is “I want,” and the motivation for action is the desire to fight, reach new heights, conquer a goal, become a leader and establish yourself in the eyes of the public.

Aces show what motivates people. The appearance of an Ace of any suit will reveal what attitudes, motives and impulses each specific person has in a given situation.

Key words in the description of the Ace of Wands card

By comparing both meanings, you can determine the keywords for the Ace of Wands card. The meaning of the Tarot will be entrepreneurship, creativity, ambition, initiative, strength and courage. In a situation, a card can mean newness, beginning, birth, the origins of what is happening, creation, growth. Ace of Posokhov will talk about courage, love of travel, hot temperament and human sexuality.

Astrological correspondence charts

As mentioned above, the Ace of Wands card corresponds to the element of Fire and is the quintessence of this element. This means that the Ace of Staffs embodies the blind, primal and purest power of fire. This is a bright, strong, cleansing flame that knows no barriers and burns out everything in its path. In astrology, this element corresponds to three zodiac signs: Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. All of them are characterized by initiative, liveliness, well-defined leadership qualities, assertiveness, inspiration, and a desire for growth and the development of abilities.

Description of the Ace of Wands card in the Rider-Waite system

The card depicts a staff (club, rod), which is grasped by the hand of the Creator, emerging from a cloud. It symbolizes a gift of fate, a happy chance that must definitely be taken advantage of. Ten blossoming leaves indicate that the lasso contains the power and capabilities of the ten numerical cards of the suit of Wands. Eight falling leaves invite attention to the Eight of Staves as the most iconic numerical card of this suit.

In the background of the card you can see an image of green landscapes, which, according to some esotericists, means fertility, powerful potential and the will to live. The mountain in the distance symbolizes the goal, the desire for it, the culmination of action, the apogee.

Ace of Wands (Tarot of Thoth). Card meaning

In the Thoth Tarot cards created by the mystic Aleister Crowley, the Wands also symbolize the element of Fire, and the Aces symbolize the knowledge of new things, the spirit of a pioneer and the willingness to use one's creative potential.

The card shows a staff on fire. He clearly makes it clear how this element realizes itself. The impulse contained within breaks out, the inner strength manifests itself and gives rise to a new life. Thus, the map reflects the internal potential and its active implementation in the external world, which is carried out thanks to powerful energy that sweeps away all obstacles in its path.

Thus, despite the slightly different symbolism in the image, the interpretation of the card does not deviate much from the meaning adopted in the Rider-Waite system.

Ace of Wands: Tarot meaning, interpretation in layouts

The Ace of Wands indicates a person’s numerous talents and abilities, his disruptive energy and positive perception of reality. The appearance of such an Ace in a reading promises positive events, good luck, success in business and a favorable combination of circumstances. Perhaps there will be a struggle or rivalry in the near future. There is no need to be afraid of failure. In this situation, victory will be for those who are not afraid to meet the enemy and bring down all their strength and energy on him.

The Ace of Wands card (meaning in an upright position) promises the questioner favorable opportunities and chances of fate that must be taken advantage of immediately. Right now you can catch inspiration, develop maximum activity, show your best abilities and talents. On the one hand, the questioner has enormous energy and creative potential. On the other hand, life opens up new horizons for him and gives him inexhaustible opportunities for growth and development. In this favorable situation, any risky undertaking will be crowned with success.

The Ace of Wands inverted (Tarot, meaning) signals a person’s high self-esteem, defiant behavior, excessive pride, authoritarianism, adventurism, nervousness and pickiness. As a result, in his activities he constantly encounters resistance, while the querent himself is inclined to see obstacles around him, which in fact, perhaps, do not exist.

Ace of Wands: Tarot, meaning in love

When this card appears in a love reading, it means that the querent will experience bright, lively feelings and sexual passion in its purest form. Perhaps he will meet a new love, or in an established relationship there will be a renewal, a new romantic round, accompanied by passionate declarations of love, adventures, bright events and exploits in the name of love.

If you analyze the Ace of Wands Tarot card (meaning in relationships) in an upright position, then in the near future a person will be able to attract the attention of representatives of the opposite sex thanks to charm, charm and leadership position. Now is a favorable time to achieve reciprocity from your partner, embark on an unusual adventure with him, and find some interesting hobby with him.

In order to win a partner, you need to open your heart to him, tell him about your feelings and desires, captivate him with some new activity, prove yourself to be a generous, noble, brave and cheerful person.

If we consider the Ace of Wands Tarot (meaning in relationships) inverted, then this promises unrequited love, when only one of the partners feels the heat of love in his heart, while the other remains indifferent.

Ace of Wands card in a work and career reading

Often the querent is concerned about work issues. In this case, there is no need to worry if the Ace of Wands card appears in the layout. The meaning of the Tarot promises new career prospects, interesting offers, successful partnerships and the realization of all the goals you have set for yourself. There is no need to be afraid of responsibility and new projects; things will go well in any case. There will be a lot of work: a person will have busy workdays, exciting events, successful collaboration in a team and a happy resolution of the most difficult cases.

Ace of Wands card in a health reading

If we consider the Ace of Wands of the Tarot (meaning health), then in the layout the card means good energy potential and the presence of enormous vital energy in the querent. Everyone can envy the physical strength and health of such a person.

When a card falls upside down, it degrades its meaning. There may be a decrease in immunity and excessive consumption of strength and energy. The card is a warning that you need to reduce stress, relax more and devote more time to health.

If the Ace of Wands appears in an upright position in a reading for a sick person, then he will soon feel much better. The body will resist the disease, fight the infection and the long-awaited recovery will come. Dropping this card upside down will somewhat slow down the healing process.

The Ace of Wands card advises the questioner to cheer up, gather strength and spirit and start some new business or project. At the moment, it is useful not to make plans and think, but to act and create. If the querent shows the necessary initiative, realizes all his creative potential, and insists on his own, then all his most cherished desires will come true.

Card of the day

If the Ace of Staffs lasso is drawn out as the card of the day, then the questioner needs to gather all his will into a fist and act decisively even despite the unfavorable circumstances of the surrounding world. The querent may encounter unexpected obstacles, changing circumstances of the case, or he will have to resolve some old issue. Don't let this scare him. There will be enough strength and energy to move mountains on your way and achieve what you want. Qualities such as a positive outlook on what is happening, love of life and optimism will ignite the enthusiasm of the people around you, turning them from outside observers into good helpers and a support group. Thanks to personal activity and the help of colleagues, you will be able to move forward twice as quickly.

So, Tarot is a complex philosophical system. Mastering the symbols that abound in the deck will take a certain amount of time, and correct or even masterly interpretation of the cards in the layout will require many months and years of practice. I would like to say in conclusion that it is worth it, because the most valuable aspect of Tarot cards is the predictive function. For successful self-realization, it is useful for a person to move not by touch in the dark, but to feel a tailwind at his back or to clearly understand the possible obstacles and difficulties that will need to be overcome on the way to his cherished dream.

The Tarot card Ace of Wands belongs to the Element of Fire. It is associated with activity, personal growth, work on oneself, self-improvement, willpower, self-confidence, and high moral life principles. They are also characterized by entrepreneurship, a sharp mind, and the ability to achieve their goals.

There is also a positive, life-affirming drawing on the back of the card - a cloud is depicted through which a hand is stretched, in the hand there is a blooming “living” rod.

The upright position of the Ace of Wands card indicates changes in life

Straight position

The Ace of Wands Tarot can have different meanings, depending on what position it is in.

The direct position of the card speaks of changes in life, unexpected pleasant changes, and emphasizes the potential and capabilities of the individual in new endeavors. For example, Arkan can mean a completely new stage in life, starting a business, starting a family, or having a child.

Regarding health, a correctly placed Arcanum indicates good health, resistance to various diseases, active vital energy, and high potential. Sometimes (when combined with other cards) it predicts an easy and quick birth.

When fortune telling for love, the card has the following meaning - strong feelings, reciprocity, further harmonious development of relationships, up to wedding and the birth of children. Often, the correct position of the Arcana is an opportunity to try yourself in a new relationship. With an already long-term romance, this card symbolizes an even greater strengthening of feelings, trust, mutual understanding, and support.

If the card has a direct position for work, this means that you can and should take risks, try yourself in new projects, take initiative to achieve your goals, show perseverance, perseverance, and confidence. Promotion and encouragement from management are possible.

Inverted position

The Ace of Wands reversed is a sign of problems that await a person in the near future. This could be a major quarrel with loved ones, work colleagues, a difficult choice, or a solution to some serious problem. An inverted card means confusion, uncertainty in life, lack of specific goals, plans and ways to implement them.

When an inverted card appears when fortune telling about health, one should be wary of exacerbation of existing diseases, deterioration of the general condition of the body, chronic fatigue, and loss of strength. The card warns that you need to take more care of yourself and not ignore painful signs and sensations.

In love, such a card means the meaninglessness of relationships, lack of reciprocity, ignoring each other’s feelings, hopelessness. Predicts frequent conflict situations, disappointment, and fatigue from communication.

Instability in business, failure of planned plans, financial crisis situations - this is what people can expect if the Ace of Wands falls inverted in the work scenario. In this situation, it is better to abandon grandiose plans for a while (promotion in position, preparation of serious projects, writing and submitting reports, important conversations and solving problems), since the absolutely opposite result may occur.

Combinations with other cards

In order to correctly interpret the meaning of the Ace of Wands Tarot card, you must take into account what other Arcana this card is adjacent to. There are many options for how the Ace of Wands is deciphered in combination with other cards.

It is imperative to take into account what other Arcana the Ace of Wands is adjacent to

For example, when fortune telling about a career, the following combinations occur.

In the upright position this card is with:

  • The Emperor's lasso means help from leadership;
  • the Sun card - luck, success, recognition from others;
  • Wheel of Fortune - you need to take the initiative to carry out your plans;
  • For lovers - the desire to make an independent decision that will not depend on the opinions of others;
  • Hanged Man means participation in a project that was initially a failure, so there is a desire to correct the current situation.

The inverted Ace of Wands and the Jester are weakness, impossibility, inability to bring the work started to its logical conclusion. Combination with the Hanged Man card means the absolute futility of the plans conceived.

In the scenario for love relationships, the following options are possible:

  • In a straight position. The combination of the Staff and the Empress is a hint of an imminent addition to the family (the birth of a baby), and the union of the Ace of Wands and the World Card symbolizes a wedding in the near future.
  • The inverted placement of this Arcanum together with the Empress warns that there may be no children in a marriage, and combination with the Lovers card means constant quarrels, resentments, and disagreements. In combination with the Nine of Cubes, it indicates an unhealthy emotional dependence of partners. The combination with the Devil card is dangerous, since it is a sign of damage.

Combination with aces of other suits

The appearance of a pair of aces in one layout is a very rare case, but still, if this happens, then you should carefully consider their combinations.

Interpretation of the combination with the Ace of Swords

The interpretation of the combination of the Ace of Swords and the Ace of Staffs completely depends on the position of the cards:

  • If the Ace of Swords and Wands are in an upright position, difficult times will knock on a person’s life within six months, but he will endure all hardships and losses.
  • The position of the cards - the Ace of Swords inverted, the Ace of Staffs upright - everything is calm in the life of a fortuneteller, but this is just an illusion that must be said goodbye to.
  • The Ace of Swords in the correct position, and the Ace of Wands in an inverted position - the use of any means to achieve the goal.
  • Ace of Swords and Wands reversed - luck and tranquility have come to life. No problems will darken your happiness.

Interpretation of the combination with the Ace of Pentacles

Depending on the position of the cards, the following combinations exist:

  • Ace of Pentacles and Wands in an upright position - the desired goal will be achieved only through constant struggle. Only with some effort can you achieve what you want.
  • The Ace of Pentacles in an inverted form, and the Ace of Wands in an upright form - efforts aimed at increasing capital will yield results.
  • The Ace of Pentacles in an upright position, and the Ace of Wands in an inverted position - investing your own money in a business that will later bring significant benefits.
  • Ace of Pentacles and Wands in an inverted position - all debts will be repaid, and it will be possible to purchase your own home or transport.

It is worth noting that if the alignment is for relationships, then the Ace of Pentacles and Wands can symbolize an imminent wedding.

Interpretation of the combination with the Ace of Cups

When combining these cards, the following interpretations are possible:

  • Both cards in an upright position are a necessity in searching for methods aimed at getting out of the financial hole.
  • The Ace of Wands in reverse, and the Ace of Cups upright - calm and mutual understanding in a relationship, which can bear fruit - a wedding and children.
  • The Ace of Cups in reverse in combination with the Ace of Scepters in an upright position means the collapse of a relationship. The fortuneteller will be devoted to his loved ones.
  • Both cards inverted are a pleasant event in life that will not bring drastic changes, but will significantly improve your mood.

As a result of the information received, it can be noted that the presence of the Ace of Wands in the layout- a sign of strength, confidence, a new stage, unexpected beginnings in your personal life, career, health. The card “speaks” about the mass of prospects that open up before a person. But you also need to take into account the position of the card, because when turned upside down, it warns of possible problems, failures, failure to accept new things, and difficulties that need to be overcome in order to get what you want. The main thing is to never give up.


Ace of Wands in combination with other Tarot cards

With the “Jester” card - a desire to travel; creative surge.
With the “Magician” card - start implementing the project.
With the “High Priestess” card - enroll in an educational institution.
With the “Empress” card - a spark of creativity; offspring.
With the “Emperor” card - approval of the project by management.
With the “Hierophant” card - spiritualization.
With the “Lovers” card - excitement.
With the “Chariot” card - a project in development.
With the “Strength” card - passionate desire.
With the “Hermit” card - a project that requires comprehension.
With the Wheel of Fortune card - initiate changes.
With the “Justice” card - a project that requires objective reflection.
With the Hanged Man card - a project that has no future.
With the “Death” card - a chance to cope with the changed situation.
With the “Moderation” card, it’s a hard-won project.
With the “Devil” card - an insidious plan.
With the Tower card there is a fire.
With the “Star” card there is a chance to realize your plans.
With the “Moon” card, the future of the project is vague.
With the “Sun” card, the project expects fame.
With the “Court” card, the project will receive approval.
With the “World” card - worldwide recognition.

With the “Two of Wands” card - visualization of what was planned; thinking about the project.
With the “Three of Wands” card, the project takes on features.
With the Four of Wands card - wedding; implementation of the plan.
With the Five of Wands card there are disagreements; bureaucracy.
With the Six of Wands card - find like-minded people; successfully promote the project.
With the “Seven of Wands” card - tests of strength; checking motivation.
With the Eight of Wands card, desires achieve their goals.
With the Nine of Wands card - gain experience; doubt the achievability of your dreams.
With the Ten of Wands card - fade away; lose interest; give up.
With the “Page of Wands” card, take up your studies with enthusiasm.
With the “Knight of Wands” card - zealously take on the project; set out on the road with enthusiasm.
With the “Queen of Wands” card - growth of professionalism.
With the “King of Wands” card - success of the plan; the matter is in good hands.

From other sources:
V. Sklyarov "The Great Book of Combinations".

Ace of Wands (Staffs) upright with the Major Arcana

Magician pr and per - Fulfillment of your plans within the limits that are available to you
Priestess - Big deal, beginning
Empress - Creation, offspring, profit, growth
Emperor - Patronage of higher powers
Priest - New ideas, creative plans
Lovers - Conflict of soul and body
Chariot - Willingness to go forward
Justice - International Tribunal. Hague
Hermit pr and per - The beginning of the path of spiritual development
Wheel of Fortune - The beginning of a new happy period
Strength - An incredible event, a misfortune. Large offspring
Hanged Man - Adverse consequences. Failure
Death - Death
Moderation - Time is on your side, failures will pass, and soon
Devil - Force - majeure circumstances. Failure. An illegitimate child
Tower - Disaster
Star - Hope to withstand the blows of fate
Moon - Schizophrenia
Sun - Release of a book, CD, video, etc. Successful marriage after a while
Judgment - Karma as such
World - Paradise Lost. Successful marriage after a while
Jester - Consequences of a stupid act

Ace of Wands (Staffs) upright with the Minor Arcana

2 of Cups - The appearance of offspring

Ace of Wands (Staffs) reversed with Major Arcana

Devil - Illegitimate Child
Jester (transl.) - Everything that happened is a consequence of your actions
Strength (trans) - Incredible event
Tower - Imprisonment

Ace of Wands (Staffs) reversed with the Minor Arcana

King of Cups - Creative success
King of Pentacles (trans) - Unlucky Children
2 of Cups - Possible rape (for a girl)

The Ace of Wands is the potential for any project. Its implementation depends on you, on your actions. This is the initial burst of creative energy, motivation, spark, idea. You have the courage to achieve something new. It's time to start a new project.

When the card appears in a reading, you may be tempted to travel to an exotic place you have never been to.

The Ace of Wands can speak to sexual energy. You may meet someone and feel attracted to them. The lasso can also signal the conception of a child. A concept is the great spark that ignites life.

This card opens up new work opportunities. You may have a great idea that is ready to be implemented.

This is a great time to change your daily routine, exercise or go on a diet.

Value keys:

  • Creative skills
  • inspiration
  • enthusiastic emotions
  • inexhaustible energy
  • courage, openness
  • excitement
  • new opportunities and projects.
  • male power
  • potential worth developing.
  • change for the better
  • personal growth
  • search for new opportunities.
  • favorable period in life

At the bottom of the map is a harmoniously combined landscape: a river flowing through a green valley, a forest on the shore, high mountains can be seen in the background, and a castle can be seen on a hill in the valley. In the center of the card is a cloud from which a hand emerges, confidently clutching a staff or wand. Green shoots sprout from the rod, symbolizing the beginning of a new period, the birth of a new life.

Interpretation of direct provision

Direct position keys: creations, creation, new inventions, the ability to make the right decisions, beginning, fundamental moments, origin, creative inclinations, career growth, activity, masculinity, money, material benefits. Ingenuity, enterprise, resourcefulness, obtaining material wealth, the emergence of new opportunities.

New beginnings - it is necessary to dispel the fog of the past, drive away doubts, stop regretting the past and boldly move forward.

Successful endeavors in any field and field of activity. The Ace of Wands is the successful implementation of planned plans, a positive result from existing projects, and the completion of all endeavors in a positive way. Circumstances and situations develop in the best way and have a favorable effect on your affairs. All your dreams can come true.

But do not forget that inaction will not bring what you want, so to fulfill your desires you should work, be patient, be more persistent and decisive, and also learn to look for an extraordinary approach to resolving the situation.

The Ace of Wands appears at the moment when a person realizes what he is doing, has a clear idea of ​​his goal, knows what he is striving for, and most importantly, has already thought about and decided how to act.

To implement your plan, it is necessary to attract all the resources and energies of the body.

Interpretation of the inverted position

Upside down keys: collapse of plans and hopes, loss of strength, bankruptcy, losses, gloom, failure of projects, unrealizable plans, decline or lack of progress, apathetic states, impotence, ambiguous judgments. Delay in execution of plans. Conscious renunciation of one's goals or beliefs. A pause is needed.

Your plans and ideas will fail, your dreams will not come true, and your projects may fail and will not bring the desired income. Collapse and destruction can also affect personal life.

Most likely, you chose the wrong time to implement your plans, did not find the right approach, and your plan contains a flaw. Your mood also plays an important role - self-doubt, lack of firmness and determination - the result of failed plans. During this period, your ideas can bring you problems and complicate the situation.

You should stop and rethink what is happening, find the place where you made a mistake.

The reversed Ace of Wands communicates that you are not ready to move on, and fate does not present new opportunities because you have not dealt with past tasks. It pays to be careful and move slowly but thoughtfully.

Ace of Wands at work

Occupations of the Ace of Wands: civil servant in various departments, conductor, sports coach, fitness instructor, motivational speaker.

Difficulties in work, overcoming which you can count on a promotion. Do not be afraid of risk - in this case your actions will be justified. The emergence of profitable offers and new partners. Making a profit and stable income.

In an inverted position - a state of crisis, lack of motivation for work and advancement, reluctance to work, inability to complete the assigned task. The person is confused, does not know what he wants and what decision to make, is afraid of making a mistake and does not know how to trust his intuition, does not know how to listen to his inner voice, and is also afraid to ask for advice.

New acquaintances or relationships that are ready to reach the next level and develop further. Respect of partners for each other, willingness to work on relationships and build a strong alliance. All this is accompanied by passion and sexual energy. It is also possible to return to a past relationship or find a new friend.

Inverted position - unpleasant conversations with your significant other, humiliation or fading of feelings. Disappointment in a partner, failure of expectations, unjustified hopes. Perhaps mistakes were made that can no longer be corrected.

About love

Arkan says that there will definitely be a sexual spark in your love affair. This is a very passionate card, showing unbridled attraction and magnetism. This is absolute, unadulterated pure potential. Sometimes indicates experiences that are difficult to control.


You feel like a lively, passionate person with great enthusiasm and optimism. If you ask about what feelings a certain person has for you, then know that he is romantic towards you, he is delighted with you.

The person may even be quite excited about the opportunity to meet you and feel excited about meeting you.

Your partner believes that you have the potential to start something new and exciting together.

Ace of Wands in health

A surge of vitality and a retreat from illness. Energy and desire to be healthy. Strength of spirit and immunity.

Upside down. Lethargy and excessive fatigue, problems with the gastrointestinal tract, baldness, inflammatory processes, damage to the skin.

Interpretation of the Ace of Wands regarding the situation

You have a chance that you should take advantage of and use it to benefit yourself. You have enough physical strength to solve the problem, as well as a financial condition that helps you realize your plans. Decisiveness and firmness in action are required, then everything will work out successfully. Doubts and worries will not lead to anything good.

Reversed position - you do not have enough strength to solve the problem, and even less energy to start something new. The answer to your question is: “No.” You need preparation, there are no opportunities and you have nowhere to get strength and energy. Nobody will help you.

When you have figured out the interpretation of the Ace of Swords card, then you can answer next questions:

  • where do you get your energy, where is this source?
  • Which ideas do you accept openly and with a positive attitude, and which ones scare you and prevent you from moving forward?
  • Are you spending your energy wisely?
  • How long have you been thinking about new ideas?

Interpretation of combinations of the Ace of Wands card with other cards in the deck

Major Arcana

Jester. You don't have enough strength to finish the job. Ideas and their implementation are not thought through. Randomness of choice.

Mag. The implementation of the project creates a desire to act. Seek advice from a more influential and knowledgeable person.

High Priestess. Learning something new, gaining knowledge. Gaining life experience, gaining experience regarding a career and specialty.

Empress. Lack of children, inability to conceive a child. A result that will impress. It is worth developing creative abilities.

Emperor. Acceptance of neutrality. Stability of results. Your boss is pleased with your work. It may be worth taking responsibility for the implementation of the project.

Hierophant. It's time to think about your position and analyze the state of affairs.

Lovers. Conflict states, quarrel, breakup. It may be worth choosing one option.

Chariot. Intrigues, conversations behind your back, slander. The thirst to win. Development in material terms.

Force. In order to overthrow the enemy, it is necessary to search for weak and vulnerable places. Passion and desires.

Hermit. Missed opportunities. The result of actions that is not noticeable. It is necessary to understand what is happening. The desire to retire and be alone with oneself.

Wheel of Fortune. It's time to take the initiative and solve the problem yourself. Shifting the process from a dead point.

Justice. Failure to accept arguments. Legal issues.

Hanged. Lack of prospects and opportunities. Lack of energy. Failed plans. The desire to change the current situation.

Death. The ability to cope with a dangerous situation on your own. A process has been started that cannot be reversed. The desire to leave the past and start living in the present.

Moderation. It is necessary to correctly calculate your strength and spend it moderately so that it lasts for a long time. Finding compromises, loyalty, resolving issues peacefully.

Devil. The idea of ​​dangerous and risky things. Obsession with something. Sexual attraction.

Lightning Tower. Your plans are ruined, your prospects do not inspire confidence. Something is out of your control.

Star. You are given a chance to make your plans come true. Finding and understanding your purpose in this world.

Moon. Uncertainty about how to move and proceed. The fog makes it difficult to see clearly. The dubiousness of projects.

Sun. What you have planned comes true and brings you a favorable period and calling.

Court. Delays in decision making. Summing up, passing judgment. Decision is made. Your bosses are good about your ideas and projects, they listen to your opinion.

World. Realization of plans. Reaching a new level. Ambitions and emotions. Achieving fame at the global level.


Two. The emergence of new ideas and ideas. Stopping at what has been achieved, analyzing the situation and situation, evaluating the results. Balance and deliberation.

Troika. What you have accumulated during the period of stagnation and rest must be rationally used until the next stop. Formation of goals that you have not paid attention to before.

Four. Working out the details of events, careful preparation.

Five. Disagreements. Actions that were not agreed upon, actions outside of plans.

Six. Promotion. Unexpected results. Completion of work soon. It is necessary to search for colleagues and partners.

Seven. Obstacles and tests of strength, tests. Your actions may meet with resistance. Trouble is possible.

Eight. You set the direction for your thoughts and actions. You should stick to a well-thought-out plan; now is not the time to take risks and change your strategy.

Nine. It's worth thinking about yourself. Use your accumulated energy for your own good. Now is not the time to think about others.

Ten. The project has no prospects; perhaps it is worth revising the action plan or changing the final goal. Your actions are disappointing.

Page. Learning something new. The results are insignificant, but inspire new things.

Knight. Excessive display of passion. Dangers. A success that will quickly be forgotten.

Queen. Your life is in your hands. Growth of professional skills.

King. You create your life yourself. Luck is on your side.


Ace. It's worth taking a closer look at your partner. The emergence of a spark and the manifestation of feelings.

Two. Studying the terms of cooperation. Future plans.

Troika. Event planning.

Four. Suspicion and mistrust.

Five. Negativity uses up your energy.

Six. Referring to the past, constantly looking back. Inability to move forward and live in the present.

Seven. Making plans.

Eight. New development prospects and opportunities for the implementation of plans are emerging.

Nine. Excessively comfortable conditions lead to stagnation and new opportunities do not appear.

Ten. Journey.

Page. It is worth thoroughly studying the proposal received.

Knight. Arrival of new opportunities.

Queen. Plans for the woman's partner. Possibility of conceiving a child.

King. Plans for the man's partner. There was also a sense of purpose.


Ace. Ideal conditions for starting a new project. Analysis of the current situation. Expanding horizons of activity.

Two. Indecision that does not give peace, torment and doubt.

Troika. Gap. Hobbies are not justified.

Four. Observation, search for a place to rest.

Five. Your plans are ruined.

Six. Searching for new routes, searching for a solution to the situation.

Seven. If retreat is necessary, you must have a plan and moves to get around the difficult or conflicting situation.

Eight. Your options are limited due to your horizons. Broaden your horizons and look at the world with wide open eyes.

Nine. Your desperation can be useful. Treat this energy with understanding and direct it in the right direction.

Ten. Catastrophe, collapse of ideas, anxiety, bad feelings. Finding answers to questions regarding a failed project. Finding someone to blame.

Page. Inability to endure and wait. The result is decisions made in haste.

Knight. Cloudiness of mind. Failure to meet deadlines and plans.

Queen. Parting with the past. Disappearance of optimistic mood.

King. Planning. Rational use of energy. Objective thinking.


Ace. Your projects will generate income.

Two. Financial difficulties. Excitement and desire to make money in the gambling business.

Troika. Professional development, career opportunities or training, advanced training.

Four. Thinking through financial security, creating an emergency reserve.

Five. Loss of finances. The plans have no chance of being realized.

Six. Receipt of financial assistance.

Seven. On what is unpleasant for you, you spend twice as much of your strength and energy.

Eight. Search for a job. Desire to learn.

Nine. You have a solid foundation for building new projects and implementing plans.

Ten. Budget. Family budgeting.

Page. Reassessment of the chances for project implementation.

Knight. Finding a new path.

Queen. A plan on how to take advantage of a wealthy lady. Execution of what is intended.

King. Making plans to attract a wealthy person.