To have an appetite. Poor appetite in the elderly

There is no person who at least once in his life would not want to change his figure for the better. Usually dreams are associated with getting rid of excess weight. At the same time, we regularly consume foods that contribute to weight gain. Today we will talk about these enemies of the figure and how to replace them with less high-calorie foods.

White bread

Any baked goods made from premium flour is a concentrated set fast carbohydrates. After eating a couple of sandwiches with white bread or a bun, a person overloads the body with glucose. To utilize sugars, it enters the blood loading dose insulin.

The sensations after such a snack look like this: a person quickly gets full, and after an hour and a half, severe hunger. Thus, the consequence of using white bread become unplanned and unnecessary for the body eating, overeating and excess weight gain.



Alcohol intake is usually accompanied by the consumption of fatty or savory snacks, which is harmful to the figure. At the moment of a cheerful feast, a person, as a rule, ceases to control the amount of food eaten. In addition, when alcohol enters the body, it activates the process of carbohydrate utilization, which stimulates appetite and causes subsequent overeating.


Fresh juices

Fruits and vegetables are very healthy and necessary for the normal functioning of the body, but it is hardly possible to say the same about freshly squeezed juice. The named drink contains great amount natural sugars, but practically devoid of fiber necessary for digestion.

Cup fruit juice, drunk on an empty stomach, provokes the release of insulin, and then sharp drop its concentration in the blood. This process is accompanied by an acute feeling of hunger. For a person trying to lose weight, this means an inevitable violation of the eating regime.


Products with soy

Unscrupulous manufacturers often add soy to various semi-finished products and ready meals without notifying consumers about it. That's why a person who cares about his figure should not eat fast food, canned food and other dishes with complex composition produced industrially.


Sugar substitutes

Diabetes sufferers are forced to replace sugar with artificial sweeteners due to the fact that their production of insulin, the hormone necessary for the utilization of sugar, is impaired. When a sugar substitute enters the mouth, the taste buds send a signal to the brain that insulin is needed. Insulin enters the blood, but glucose does not appear in the blood. The “deceived” body reacts with an acute feeling of hunger. If such stress is repeated regularly, metabolism can be disrupted, even leading to the development of diabetes.


Ready breakfasts

Muesli, cereal flakes, sweet pillows, porridge instant cooking and other ready-made breakfasts are convenient and positioned as healthy. In fact, their abuse can lead to health problems, including weight gain. Ready-made breakfasts consist almost entirely of fast carbohydrates, that is, they quickly fill you up, but at the same time provide an attack of acute hunger in just a couple of hours, which is fraught with an excessively large lunch or unscheduled snacks.


Pickles and marinades

A moderate amount of properly prepared canned vegetables will not cause harm. healthy person. The trouble is that it is rarely possible to limit yourself to one or two cucumbers or tomatoes. Such delicacies are usually accompanied by heavier foods, rich in fats and carbohydrates, and it is not surprising: the salt, vinegar and spices contained in marinades increase the sensitivity of taste buds and stimulate an appetite that is difficult to resist.

Good appetite it is wellness and health. and food taken on time is a source of minerals, vitamins, a producer of energy for the growth of the body and ensures vital functions.

When your appetite is good, you don’t think about it. Emerging problems with appetite or lack of it, apathy, can be a signal of imbalance, imbalance in the body, and sometimes the development of serious diseases and complications. For some, excess weight is a problem, for others, thinness is a problem. Therefore, it is also important for them to normalize weight, restore appetite and stabilize the process of food digestion.

Decreased appetite, causes

Overwork causes a decrease in appetite.

Decreased appetite may be caused by the following reasons:

  • bacterial infections and viral in nature. When all the body’s forces are aimed at fighting the source of the disease;
  • inflammatory processes gastrointestinal tract, such as , duodenum, liver. When eating is associated with stomach pain, diarrhea, belching, discomfort;
  • stressful situations, nervous outbursts of emotions, overstrain and overwork;
  • depression, despondency, depressed state when the desire to eat disappears;
  • desire to lose weight, overindulgence varied diets may lead to anorexia.

Loss of appetite in older people

Food should be tasty and healthy.

Loss of appetite in adults for a while is a passing phenomenon and you should not focus on it.

It’s another matter if there is a persistent loss of appetite and lack of need to eat food. When aversion to food, reluctance to eat exceeds the instinct of life.

Older people often live alone and lose the pleasure of living. Financial problems force pensioners to limit their food intake or eat cheap, low-quality products. With age, problems appear with deterioration of taste buds, weakened intestinal function, low acidity, inability to properly digest food.

All these reasons affect the loss of appetite. To properly perceive food and relieve problems of low appetite, the following rules must be observed:

  1. Food must contain all the vitamins and microelements necessary for old age, since the need for them increases with age.
  2. Increase the amount of easily digestible foods such as porridge, vegetable stew, steamed meat low-fat varieties. Avoid fried and fatty ingredients.
  3. It is better to eat in small portions and more often, as there is poor digestion food and absorption.
  4. If necessary, use food choppers (blenders).

To cope with the problem of decreased appetite, it is necessary to identify the causes of this phenomenon.

If you eat irregularly, the risk of metabolic disorders and metabolic disorders increases.

This video will tell you what food increases your appetite:

Appetite boosters for children

A variety of dishes will help increase your appetite.

Adults often worry about poor appetite in children. To eliminate these points you need to:

  • make the correct one according to age;
  • regular walks, outdoor games fresh air, permissible physical activity;
  • beautiful design of children's dishes;
  • adding fresh fruits to porridge, muesli and other dishes;
  • use beautiful plates with pictures. To see the bottom, you have to eat everything on the plate;
  • eating at certain times of the day, following a diet;
  • the child does not need to be force-fed, as it develops an aversion to food, or even worse, a vomiting reflex;
  • do not feed heavily when the child is sick;
  • stop snacking between meals with cookies, buns, etc.;
  • do not feed the baby bad mood or when he is capricious;
  • diversify the range of dishes;
  • Do not add large portions.

How to increase appetite in an adult

Small meals will increase the appetite of an adult.

Different life situations cause strong feelings and negative thoughts, negatively affect appetite and the condition of the body as a whole.

  1. Eating every day at certain hours promotes the production of saliva and prepares the body for eating;
  2. use beautiful table settings and varied presentation of dishes;
  3. do not snack between meals, eat dry and on the go;
  4. diversify the number of dishes, balance the consumption of proteins;
  5. apply fractional meals in small portions;
  6. get enough sleep, sleep at least 8 hours, alternate hours of work with rest, do not overwork;
  7. physical activity. At regular loads metabolism in the body proceeds faster, and thereby stimulates the urge to

A good appetite is a sign of excellent health. Most people don't know how to cope with excessive appetite, therefore, the problem of loss of appetite is often considered as something frivolous and far-fetched. Meanwhile, a decrease and loss of appetite can be a symptom of serious diseases, and an extreme form of anorexia in neglected form can even lead to death, which we hear about every now and then from news releases, when another model dies due to an eating disorder. Due to a number of physiological, mental and emotional reasons Loss of appetite can occur in every person from time to time. A short-term loss of appetite is not a cause for concern, but if it continues for more than two weeks, you should not postpone a visit to the doctor. And in general, before you start racking your brains over how to increase your appetite, it is advisable to understand the reasons for its loss, and here, as a rule, you cannot do without consulting a specialist. If the cause is not too serious, restore quickly and effectively lost appetite, and if you wish, you can quickly recover at home by using folk remedies And psychological techniques.

Foods that stimulate the desire to eat

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Proven ways to improve appetite

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  • Less is better, but often. If you don’t want to eat, don’t force your body with large portions. The stomach is much more willing to accept small portions of food, so it is advisable to switch to larger frequent meals, but to a lesser extent.
  • Tasty and beautiful. Prepare dishes from your favorite products and don’t forget to serve them beautifully, so that just the sight makes your mouth water.
  • Drink more fluids. Oddly enough, one of the most common causes of loss of appetite is dehydration or, more simply, dehydration. Special attention this point should be given in case of serious physical activity when you need to drink at least five to eight glasses during the day clean water.
  • Will help stimulate appetite 50-100 grams of dry red wine or aperitif with a bitter aftertaste, drunk 15-20 minutes before meals.
  • Spices, seasonings, saltiness, fats. All kinds of spices and seasonings stimulate production gastric juice, thereby stimulating the appetite. From the body's point of view, salty and fatty foods also look more appetizing. You shouldn’t overuse these products, but a little spiciness definitely won’t hurt. You shouldn’t expect your appetite to increase from something bland and boring - he’s not interested in it. Use mustard, pepper, horseradish, chicory, dandelion leaves, rosemary.
  • Organize your meals. Make it a rule to always eat at the same time, so that the body gets used to this regime and already knows and looks forward to the upcoming meal. Do not suppress your appetite with light snacks on the go and sweets. To activate your stomach, eat salads from fresh vegetables and fruit about half an hour before the main course.
  • Vitamins. Often the reason for decreased appetite lies in a deficiency of vitamins and minerals, so to increase appetite, consult a doctor, choose a good multivitamin complex. Vitamin B12 and ascorbic acid are especially effective in activating appetite.
  • Bad habits. Finally quit smoking! If you deprive the body of the pleasure it receives from the next dose of nicotine, it will try to find it in something else, most often in food. Wrong mode day is also a bad habit, so try to alternate between work and rest, and most importantly, good healthy sleep. Learn to relax, because often loss of appetite is associated with excess stress and psycho-emotional problems.
  • Active image life. Exercise, walking in the fresh air, dancing, and even a banal regular walk for your loved one will help normalize and increase your appetite. four-legged friend, because, as you know, you need to work up an appetite, and it’s difficult to do this while lying on the couch and switching channels with the remote control.
  • Excellent for increasing appetite infusions of bitter herbs, complex herbal teas . Plants that stimulate the appetite include: wormwood, bison, mustard, parsnip, horseradish, chicory, yarrow, dandelion, gentian, calamus, black currant, plantain, watch.
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Help of medicinal plants

Infusion of wormwood

1 tsp Pour a glass of boiling water over chopped wormwood herb. Let it brew for half an hour and, to increase appetite, take 1 tbsp. three times a day 15-20 minutes before meals.

Dandelion rhizome infusion

Especially in the spring, it is advisable to eat fresh dandelion leaves during meals or prepare a salad from them. Don't be afraid of bitterness, this is exactly what your body needs. And from the rhizome you can prepare an infusion that will not just help increase appetite for a short time, but will solve the problem for a long time and significantly improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

2 tsp Pour crushed dandelion root into a glass of cold water. Let it sit for 8 hours and take a quarter glass 4 times a day.

Juice from carrots and watercress (lat. Nast?rtium officin?le) will help to effectively increase appetite: take 4 carrots and a bunch of watercress, squeeze out the juice and dilute with the same amount of water, take half an hour before meals.

Yarrow juice

Will help increase appetite Fresh Juice common yarrow, which must be consumed 1 tsp. three times a day. You can add it for taste a small amount of honey

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Medicines for appetite

Centaury, angelica, sage, rue

Mix 20 g of centaury herb with 10 g of angelica root, 10 g of medicinal sage and 20 g of fragrant rue leaves. 3 tbsp. pour three glasses of boiling water over the collection, leave for 30-40 minutes, strain, take 1/3 glass three times a day before meals. Appetite normalizes gradually.

Wormwood, willow, yarrow, dandelion

To prepare the collection, take 1 part wormwood herb, 1/2 part white willow bark, 1 part dandelion herb and 1 part yarrow herb. 1 tbsp. collection, pour 1.5 cups of boiling water. We insist for half an hour. To increase appetite, take half a glass three times a day 15-20 minutes before meals.

If you cannot increase your appetite on your own, and its loss is accompanied by constant fatigue, rapid weight loss, changes in taste habits, pain, not only in the abdominal area, be sure to contact a qualified medical care.

By secret

Have you ever tried to get rid of excess weight? Judging by the fact that you are reading these lines, victory was not on your side.

One of the main signs indicating good condition health of an elderly person - a healthy, normal appetite. But appetite is more susceptible to the influence of various physical and emotional problems. Poor appetite in an elderly person there can be many reasons: from problems with digestive system to serious illness.

Poor appetite may be caused by:

Serious liver disease or of cardio-vascular system.
Flu, pneumonia, hepatitis or kidney infections.
Intestinal inflammation or alimentary canal.
Chronic renal failure, acute heart failure, cirrhosis.
Oncological diseases blood, stomach, colon.
Autoimmune diseases.
Endocrine system problems, diabetes, low hormone production thyroid gland.
Some types of dementia (acquired dementia).
Some mental disorders of older people (depression, anorexia nervosa, schizophrenia).
Some medications also cause a decrease in appetite. These include chemotherapy, antibiotics, anesthetics, and diabetes medications.

In addition to those mentioned above, there are many more reasons that may cause poor appetite in older people. For example, decreased appetite may be caused by bad habits such as excessive consumption of sweets or fatty foods. But sometimes the cause of poor appetite cannot be identified.

Diagnosis of decreased appetite in older people.

If the loss of appetite progresses gradually, and at the same time there is a decrease in body weight, you need to consult a doctor, since in such cases a person’s poor appetite is usually a sign of a serious illness. Doctors will prescribe necessary tests, examine the patient and find out the cause of the loss of appetite. For example, based on the results of a blood test, your doctor can tell whether your loss of appetite is due to hormonal imbalance, liver disease, or diabetes. A urine test can detect a kidney infection. X-ray chest detects diseases such as pneumonia or lung cancer.

When diagnosing loss of appetite, the following procedures are most often used: full analysis blood, ultrasonography organs abdominal cavity, research of kidney and liver functions, thyroid gland, X-ray upper gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract), barium enema and urine test.

If the loss of appetite lasts for several weeks, the body may become exhausted and there will be a lack of nutrients that ensure normal functioning. Other consequences are determined by the disease that caused the loss of appetite. Diabetes can impair functioning internal organsnervous system, eyes, kidneys, and cancer can cause death.

Returning the appetite of older people to normal.

The return of appetite depends on the reason that caused its decrease. For example, if the cause is nausea, the patient will be prescribed special medications– ondansetron, promethazine, etc. If the cause of lack of appetite is dementia, the patient will be fed artificially, through a gastrostomy tube, or high-calorie formulas. If the cause is appendicitis, you cannot do without surgical intervention. Antibiotics are needed to treat various infectious diseases that cause loss of appetite. When thyroid hormone levels are low, special hormone replacement medications are prescribed. In case of cancer, chemotherapy is necessary, radiation therapy or surgical treatment.

How to normalize your appetite at home.

Add nutritious snacks, drinks and meals to your diet high content protein.
Yeast contains a vitamin B complex and is a very effective nutritional supplement. Green vegetables stimulate the appetite well. If there is a lack of zinc in the body, this can also cause a decrease in appetite.
To increase appetite, you can use various herbal infusions, which are taken orally half an hour before meals. A decoction prepared from peppermint, lemon balm and dill gives good effect if the loss of appetite was caused by emotional or mental problems. This decoction has a stimulating effect on appetite, gives a good calming and healing effect.

It would be great if you write a comment:

Rose 05:45 05.02.2014
My mother is 87 years old, she has not been able to eat for two months, she is weak and has lost weight. At one time I only asked cold water, refused warm ones. Gave mineral water Donat MG, but also began to refuse. Doesn't drink Bitner's balm. Sometimes he will agree to liquid semolina porridge or chicken bouillon a little bit, a little hot tea with milk. Blood and urine tests are good, ultrasound of the kidneys and liver are normal, a chest x-ray revealed nothing. Recently diagnosed with vascular dementia. What to do, the doctors shrug their shoulders, my mother refused to be hospitalized in a very good hospital, and they did not take her on a stretcher. Help with advice.

It is worth noting that if he has a poor appetite, this may indicate the presence of some kind of disease.

What does poor appetite indicate? It often indicates heart and liver ailments, pneumonia, flu, kidney problems, malignant tumor, autoimmune disease, diabetes, fur-like schizophrenia, depression and many other ailments. We should also mention that you may lose your appetite due to taking certain medications. In some cases, a person may experience a lack of appetite due to excessive consumption of treats or fatty foods.

If a person loses his appetite little by little, then the reason this phenomenon often caused by some serious illness. When the patient comes to the doctor, he sends him for tests and determines the reason for the lack of appetite.

If there is no appetite for a long period of time, this can cause exhaustion. After all, every body needs nutrients. Let us note that untimely detection of cancer is often the cause of death, and diabetes often leads to malfunctions of internal organs.

How to get your appetite back?

The doctor gives recommendations on this matter, taking into account the disease. For example, if a person does not want to consume food due to nausea, then he is usually prescribed promethazine. If we're talking about about dementia, you will receive food through a gastrostomy tube. If you have appendicitis, then only surgery will help you. For infectious diseases, antibiotics are prescribed. If cancer develops, you will most likely be advised to have surgery and chemotherapy.

How to increase your appetite?

Include nutritious snacks on your menu. Dishes that contain protein will not be superfluous. Yeast is an excellent addition. After all, it is a source of vitamin B. Green vegetables also increase your appetite. Note that lack of appetite is often caused by a lack of zinc.

To increase your appetite, it is advisable to use all kinds of herbal infusions. They should be consumed thirty minutes before meals.

If an old person has no appetite

Flu, pneumonia, hepatitis or kidney infections.

Inflammation of the intestines or digestive canal.

Chronic renal failure, acute heart failure, cirrhosis.

Oncological diseases of the blood, stomach, colon.

Problems of the endocrine system, diabetes, low production of thyroid hormone.

Some types of dementia (acquired dementia).

Some mental disorders of older people (depression, anorexia nervosa, schizophrenia).

Some medications also cause a decrease in appetite. These include chemotherapy, antibiotics, anesthetics, and diabetes medications.

To increase appetite, you can use various herbal infusions, which are taken orally half an hour before meals. A decoction made from peppermint, lemon balm and dill gives a good effect if the loss of appetite was caused by emotional or mental problems. This decoction has a stimulating effect on appetite, gives a good calming and healing effect.

Diseases of the liver or cardiovascular system. Chronic renal failure, acute heart failure or cirrhosis.

Inflammation in digestive tract. Oncological diseases and autoimmune diseases. Some types of dementia (acquired dementia). Problems with endocrine system. Some mental disorders. Taking medications that also cause a decrease in appetite. These are anesthetics, chemotherapy, diabetes medications, antibiotics.

If your appetite decreases gradually day by day, then you need to sound the alarm: you need to see a doctor for comprehensive examination. With the help of a blood test, it will be possible to understand whether there is a hormonal imbalance, whether the liver is diseased, or whether diabetes is developing. A kidney infection can be detected by a urine test. Pneumonia or malignant formations in the lungs is determined using x-ray examination. Also, do not forget about ultrasound examination of the abdominal organs or thyroid gland.

How to get your appetite back

At home, the “patient” can add green vegetables to his diet. The zinc they contain will increase your appetite. Yeast taken with food will provide the body with vitamin B and help restore intestinal microflora. Nutritious protein snacks will also help.

Poor appetite in an elderly person

A good, healthy appetite is a sign normal condition health of an elderly person. But various kinds emotional and physical problems greatly affect appetite in general. Poor appetite in an elderly person can be caused by various diseases: ranging from problems with the body’s digestive system to serious diseases.

Poor appetite in an elderly person is caused by:

Serious illnesses of cardio-vascular system or liver.

Pneumonia, flu, hepatitis or kidney infections.

Cirrhosis, acute heart failure or chronic renal failure.

Cancer of the stomach, colon and blood.

Inflammation of the digestive canal or intestines.

Diabetes, low thyroid hormone, or endocrine problems.

Certain types of dementia.

Various mental disorders of the elderly (schizophrenia, anorexia nervosa or depression).

Certain medications (anesthetics, antibiotics, diabetes medications, or chemotherapy).

In addition to the above reasons, poor appetite in an elderly person can be caused by many other factors. A decrease in appetite can be caused by bad habits: for example, excessive consumption of foods rich in saturated fat or sweets. In some cases, the cause of poor appetite cannot be identified.

Diagnosis of loss of appetite in an elderly person:

If the development of loss of appetite is accompanied by weight loss and occurs gradually, you should consult a doctor. IN similar cases poor appetite indicates the presence of serious illnesses. Doctors will conduct medical examination and find out the reasons for decreased appetite in an elderly person by conducting a series of tests. For example, a blood test helps determine whether the cause of decreased appetite is liver disease, diabetes, or hormonal imbalance. Urinalysis – helps identify kidney infection. Chest X-ray - detect lung cancer or pneumonia.

When diagnosing the causes of loss of appetite, the most common medical procedures performed are: barium enema, blood test (complete), ultrasound scan of the abdomen, liver and kidney function testing, thyroid examination, urinalysis and x-ray of the upper gastrointestinal tract.

If poor appetite persists for several weeks, an older person may become exhausted and lack the nutrients needed to function properly. Other consequences appear depending on the disease that caused the loss of appetite in the elderly person. For example: diabetes can cause problems with the functioning of internal organs (kidneys, nervous system, eyes), and cancer can lead to death.

Restoring normal appetite in an elderly person:

Restoring a healthy appetite depends on the reason that caused its loss. For example, if you have lost your appetite due to nausea, treatment will require medications that relieve nausea (promethazine, ondansetron, etc.). If old man suffers from dementia - he is prescribed artificial nutrition, through a gastrostomy tube or high-calorie nutritional formulas. If your appetite has disappeared due to appendicitis, surgical intervention will be required. Various infectious diseases accompanied by loss of appetite should be treated with antibiotics. With loss of appetite due to reduced level thyroid hormones, the patient will be prescribed special hormone replacement medications. If the cause is cancer, surgery, radiation therapy or chemotherapy will be required.

Restoring normal appetite at home:

1. Include small meals and nutritious protein-rich snacks in your diet. Also increase the number of drinks containing high amounts of protein.

2. Very effective food supplement is a yeast that combines vitamin B complex. Green vegetables are a strong appetite stimulant. The sense of touch and smell is affected by zinc, the lack of which in the body causes a decrease in appetite.

3. Various herbal infusions will help stimulate appetite, which should be drunk 30 minutes before meals. A herbal decoction based on chamomile, dill, lemon balm and peppermint will help with decreased appetite due to emotional and mental problems. The herbal decoction, has a healing and calming effect, and also stimulates appetite.

How to get an old person to eat if he has no appetite at all?

Indulge in delicious things! The fact that the elderly person loves very much. My grandfather normal food I ate very little (I mean the first and second courses), literally a couple of spoons, no more, or even refused altogether. But for dessert, I devoured a waffle cup of ice cream, and sometimes two!

With age, the amount of food consumed decreases, I know this from myself!

If we are talking about an elderly person, there is no need to force him to eat! Since the amount of energy he spends on vital activity is small, he needs so much food to replenish it!

And since he is still a living person, the feeling of hunger is not alien to him! And hunger, as you know, is not a problem. He himself will find something to calm down the worm.

Appetite in older people

Appetite in older people

Having a good, healthy appetite is a sign that a person is healthy. As a rule, its deterioration is associated with emotional and physical problems. Poor appetite can be caused by many diseases, for example, indigestion. Read below about how to improve the appetite of an elderly person.

What is a sign of poor appetite in an elderly person?

Lack of appetite in an elderly person can be caused by:

Pneumonia, flu, hepatitis or infection;

Cirrhosis, acute heart failure or chronic renal failure;

Cancer of the stomach, colon, blood;

Inflammation of the digestive canal, intestines;

Diabetes mellitus low level thyroid hormone, endocrine problems;

Certain types of dementia;

Various mental disorders. For example, the appetite of older people may deteriorate due to schizophrenia;

Certain medications. For example, poor appetite in older adults can be caused by anesthetics, antibiotics, diabetes medications, or chemotherapy.

The above reasons are not limited to the list of factors that cause poor appetite in an elderly person. We should not forget that its deterioration may be associated with bad habits, excessive consumption of fatty foods and sweets. Sometimes it is simply impossible to determine what causes loss of appetite in older people.

What can a lack of appetite cause in an elderly person?

If older people have no appetite, then this is fraught with weight loss, loss of strength, general weakness. Sometimes because of this, all body systems fail. By the way, the worst case scenario is a disruption of the brain, because the pensioner does not eat anything, which means that the nutrients and microelements he needs do not enter the body with food. As you understand, poor appetite in older people is a serious problem.

Poor appetite in an elderly person can lead to muscle atrophy, problems with musculoskeletal system. Anorexia is a common disease that also occurs among the elderly. As a rule, the patient has no complaints, he gradually loses weight, but does not experience hunger. Such difficult situations Poor appetite in an elderly person can cause fatal outcome. Only specialists can help the patient. He needs to see an endocrinologist, gastroenterologist, or psychotherapist and complain about poor appetite.

What tests will you need to take?

If poor appetite in an elderly person causes weight loss, then you need to consult a specialist. As a rule, poor appetite in an elderly person signals the presence of serious illness. The doctor examines the patient, prescribes tests, and finds out the reason for the lack of hunger.

Thanks to a blood test, a specialist will find out what causes poor appetite in an elderly person. For example, we can talk about liver diseases, diabetes, disorders hormonal functions body. A urine test is ordered to check whether poor appetite in an elderly person is caused by an infection in the kidneys, and a chest x-ray is necessary to detect lung cancer and pneumonia.

To find out the reason that causes poor appetite in an elderly person, it is necessary to carry out medical procedures. We are talking about a barium enema, a blood test (complete), an ultrasound scan of the abdominal organs, liver function testing, kidney function testing, a thyroid study, a urinalysis and an x-ray of the upper gastrointestinal tract.

If poor appetite in an elderly person does not go away, then this is fraught with exhaustion of the body. The appearance of other consequences is determined depending on what disease caused the lack of appetite. For example, if poor appetite in an elderly person is due to diabetes, this can lead to disruption of the eyes and kidneys.

How to increase appetite in an elderly person at home

If older people have no appetite, what should they do? How to restore a healthy appetite? First of all, you need to understand the reason for its absence. For example, a pensioner is worried about nausea. Then treatment involves using medicines, relieving nausea.

If the patient has dementia, the doctor will prescribe artificial nutrition using a gastrostomy tube or high-calorie nutritional mixtures. If poor appetite in an elderly person is caused by appendicitis, then surgery cannot be avoided. If loss of appetite is associated with hormonal imbalance, then you will need to take special hormone replacement drugs. If it is cancer, then the elderly person will have to undergo chemotherapy and radiation therapy.

How to increase appetite in an elderly person? Use our tips:

Consider including protein-rich meals, nutritious snacks, and drinks to improve appetite in older adults.

An effective dietary supplement containing vitamin B complex - yeast. How to increase appetite in an elderly person? Add to your diet green vegetables and products containing zinc.

You can improve appetite in older people with herbal infusion, which should be drunk half an hour before meals. Chamomile, dill, lemon balm, peppermint help restore appetite if its loss is associated with emotional and mental problems.

How to increase appetite in an elderly person using folk remedies

Consumption of wormwood helps restore appetite. The infusion is consumed 1 tsp diluted in 100 ml of water 30 minutes before meals. The product will not only help restore appetite in older people, but also stimulate the secretion of bile.

Chicory will help restore appetite in older people if you drink it 30 minutes before your intended meal. By the way, its use will not affect blood pressure levels.

Squeeze the juice from half a lemon and add warm water to it. To improve appetite in older people, drink the drink immediately before meals.

4. Infusion of dandelion rhizome.

In spring, it is useful to consume dandelion leaves. Bitterness should not scare you, because this is exactly what the body needs. We recommend preparing an infusion from dandelion rhizomes. To do this, pour 2 tsp. chopped roots cold water(200 ml) and leave to infuse. To improve appetite in older people, you need to take the infusion four times a day, ¼ cup.

5. Juice from carrots and watercress.

You can improve appetite in older people with watercress and carrot juice. Take four carrots and a bunch of abs, squeeze the juice out of them and dilute with water in a 1:1 ratio. Take the mixture 30 minutes before meals.

Common yarrow helps restore appetite in older people. Squeeze the juice out of it and take 1 tsp. 3 times a day.

7. Centaury, angelica, sage, rue.

Mix centaury herb (20 g), sage (10 g), leaves of fragrant rue (20 g), angelica root (10 g). Pour boiling water (600 ml) over the herbal mixture, leave to steep for 40 minutes, then strain. To improve appetite in older people, they need to take a glass of infusion three times a day before meals.

8. Wormwood, willow, yarrow, dandelion.

Take wormwood grass (1 part), white willow bark (half part), dandelion grass (1 part) and yarrow grass (1 part). Pour 1 tbsp. l. mixture with boiling water (400 ml). Let the broth steep for 30 minutes. To restore appetite in older people, it is recommended to take the infusion three times a day, 100 ml, 20 minutes before meals.

By the way, when faced with a problem related to the fact that the appetite has deteriorated in older people, it is important to remember such a concept as “imaginary anorexia.” A sick person refuses to eat because he believes that he is not receiving enough attention. Sometimes an elderly person eats food in secret from his relatives.

Increased appetite in older people: what to do

Increased appetite in older people may be caused by for various reasons. Sometimes this problem arises as a result of memory impairment, that is, the pensioner simply forgets what he ate twenty minutes ago. In some cases, an elderly person loses the feeling of satiety as a result of a disease of one of the digestive organs.

Pensioners are prone to worries and worries, which often cause increased appetite in older people. Old people try to relieve their pain and thoughts about problems with food. Sometimes grandparents do not tell their loved ones about their experiences, and it is only possible to understand that something is wrong constant desire There is.

Gluttony can also be caused by endocrine factors. Increased appetite in older people is sometimes associated with long-term illnesses, metabolic disorders.

If increased appetite in older people leads to obesity, then it is necessary to urgently seek help from a specialist.

6 diet rules for older people

1. Food should contain a lot of proteins, microelements, vitamins, and also be balanced.

Poor health may be associated with insufficient protein intake. Typically, patients complain of weakness and constant fatigue. If there is not enough protein in food, then organ tissues are damaged and destroyed, the physical functions of the body decrease, and appetite in older people worsens.

To avoid protein, calcium and iron deficiency, it is necessary to regularly consume a certain amount of meat. Thanks to calcium, bones become less brittle and their density increases significantly. Iron deficiency can lead to the development of anemia.

Sometimes an elderly person refuses meat because it is difficult for him to chew it. To restore appetite in elderly people, you need to ensure that the pensioner can easily consume the food served to him. The elderly are recommended to eat only meat or a fish dish in a day. In addition, liver is also useful if it is consumed no more than once a week. Thanks to milk fermented milk products, cheese and eggs can replenish the deficiency of calcium, vitamins and proteins, and restore appetite in older people.

The absorption of vitamins in old age decreases by half. This is due to the fact that the appetite of older people decreases with age, living conditions worsen, and they have to take a large number of medications.

Vitamin A has antioxidant properties and provides protection against some forms of cancer. It is found in large quantities in fruits and vegetables, animal products, for example, milk, liver, egg yolk. The precursors of vitamin A are beta-carotene and lycopene, which these foods are rich in. The vitamin makes our skin healthy and also improves vision.

Vitamin D promotes good bone function. Most pensioners consume only half daily dose vitamin D. As a rule, an elderly person rarely spends time in the sun or fresh air. In addition, the ability of kidney cells to process this vitamin is reduced. It is found in fish of the salmon family, sardines, and shrimp. By the way, to improve appetite in older people, it is recommended to take dietary supplements.

Vitamin C is water soluble. bell pepper, citrus fruits, broccoli, kiwi, strawberries, tomatoes contain it in large quantities. Its metabolism in the body of men and women proceeds differently. Even if a man receives an equal or greater dose of the vitamin, his blood levels will be lower than a woman's. To restore appetite in older people, it is recommended to take ascorbic acid. For men, 150 mg per day, and for women, mg.

Vitamin E has antioxidant properties. A large amount of it is contained in vegetable oils and margarine.

Vitamin B12. With its deficiency, disturbances appear in connective tissues. In older people, concentration of hydrochloric acid in the stomach decreases, and because of this the vitamin cannot be absorbed. To restore appetite in older people, it is recommended to take this vitamin in the form of a dietary supplement.

2. Food must contain the amount of calories that will cover the energy costs of an elderly person and keep him in good physical shape.

The older we get, the fewer calories we consume. If a pensioner has an increased or, conversely, poor appetite in older people, then, first of all, you need to take care of proper nutrition which will contribute to recovery normal weight. By the way, it is important to remember that both obesity and exhaustion in the elderly are usually caused by one of psychological problems. Increased or, conversely, poor appetite in older people may be associated with stress, depressive states etc.

3. Food should have a composition that would prevent constipation and dehydration.

The large intestine in older people has a poor amount of mucus, which often causes constipation. Of course, similar condition also affects appetite. Make sure that the pensioner drinks water, tea, juices, and eats liquid soups. In addition, eating boiled or baked vegetables and fruits is beneficial. This will help older people gradually regain their appetite.

If an elderly person drinks little fluid, it becomes difficult to fully remove metabolic products from the body, and the appetite of older people worsens. The kidneys are overloaded with work, and in old age the number of active nephrons gradually decreases.

To improve appetite in older people, you need to take care regular use liquids. It is important that the pensioner drinks little but often. By the way, often older people cannot drink cold water and prefer warm water. To restore appetite in older people, offer them warm drinks.

4. When preparing food, you can and should add small amounts of different spices.

Spices help speed up metabolism. In addition, they give food a special taste, which increases appetite in older people. Of course, it’s important to make sure the spices you choose are something your retiree will enjoy. Otherwise, the effect may be the opposite, and older people will lose their appetite completely.

5. You need to maintain a diet.

To restore appetite in older people, we recommend feeding them at a certain time. Best served food in small portions several times a day. Prepare for this in advance and think about what the elderly person will have for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Sometimes older people's appetite increases at night, so you can drink a glass of milk or kefir during the second dinner.

6. Don't pressure older people or force them to eat.

This statement does not apply to older people who have lost their appetite due to anorexia. But all other pensioners can determine for themselves how much food they need. If grandfather is overcome by depression and has lost his appetite, then you need to serve him light and Tasty food. Feed him small portions, but often. Respect your relative's preferences. Appetite in older people does not need to be controlled unless it is good reasons. Don't argue with him if he refuses some dish. IN otherwise Older people's appetite will always be poor.

Treatment at home

Today I’ll tell you how to increase appetite in adults and elderly people. Anorexia in adults and individuals old age- manifested by a complete lack of appetite. Often occurs in older people. It appears suddenly. an old man He says that nothing hurts him, he is not upset by anything, his sleep is normal, there were no worries, but he does not want to eat.

What are the consequences?

If it is not possible to eliminate anorexia immediately, it will be very difficult and sometimes impossible to do so in the future. Weakness, apathy, and dizziness occur. Gait becomes unsteady, exhaustion develops, and death occurs.

How to treat

As for medications, you need to take tonics such as tincture of aralia, lure, eleutherococcus, leuzea, and Chinese lemongrass.

Bitterness in food

Wormwood is a very good appetite stimulant. Give wormwood infusion one teaspoon per half glass warm water half an hour before meals. In the same way, you can give an infusion of dandelion root.

Chicory before lunch

A mug of chicory, drunk half an hour before lunch, is a great way to whet your appetite. Chicory does not increase blood pressure, so it can be drunk without age restrictions.

In addition to enhancing gastric secretion, bitterness also stimulates the secretion of bile, which is also extremely important, especially in the elderly.

Lemon juice for appetite

Delicious teas

Imaginary refusal of food

But remember also about the possibility of imaginary anorexia, when patients, who believe that they are not receiving due attention, demonstratively refuse to eat. This most often occurs in males, and they may eat food secretly.

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Tell me what it could mean complete absence a person's appetite?

Our grandmother had low acidity and ate very little. She said she had no appetite.

How to increase appetite in an elderly man.

My mother is diabetic and refuses to eat. I completely stopped eating and even refused water.

I have the same situation with my mother, how do you deal with this?