The effect of smoking on intrauterine development. How smoking affects the fetus during pregnancy. Harm of smoking during pregnancy

Unfortunately, in Lately, we are seeing more and more pregnant women with a cigarette in their hands, or husbands smoking pregnant women. This is very dangerous, both for the fetus and for the health of the nation as a whole. After all harmful influence the fruit is not limited to only biological activity nicotine Exposure during smoking is also important. huge amount cigarette combustion products contained in tobacco smoke. Most of them are toxic, including teratogenic (causing deformities in the fetus).

And, before talking about the effect of nicotine on fetal development, it should be clarified that the fertility (possibility of conception) is reduced compared to non-smoking potential mothers. Thus, in one of the Western studies it was found that this ability in women who smoke 20 cigarettes a day is approximately 70% of the similar group non-smokers.

The effect of nicotine on fetal development

The most more value hypoxia plays a role in the formation of fetal pathologies. Three main factors lead to it: the presence of carboxyhemoglobin in the blood of a smoking woman, disruption of uteroplacental blood flow due to vascular dystonia, placental insufficiency as a consequence of pathology of placental trophism.

Carboxyhemoglobin is a compound of carbon monoxide and hemoglobin. It forms very quickly, is difficult to destroy, and difficult to remove. Almost always in minimum quantities found in the blood of residents of megacities. But its content is for healthy body passes clinically unnoticed.

But in smokers (especially those living in these same cities), the carboxyhemoglobin content can approach critical levels, causing typical signs poisoning: dizziness, nausea, fainting, increased mortality. This is due to the fact that even a small content of carbon monoxide converts hemoglobin (transport for oxygen) into carboxyhemoglobin, which “cannot deliver oxygen to cells.”

Under these conditions, hypoxia is not long in coming - that is, a decrease in the level of oxygen in the body of a smoking mother and, as a consequence, the child. In this case, pathologies of the placenta and uteroplacental blood flow are formed, caused by vascular action nicotine

The result of this is the formation of vasological disorders in the fetus: vascular stenosis, an increase in the speed of blood flow in the vessels of the umbilical cord (which reduces both oxygen supply and nutrition to the fetus). The fetus has an increased frequency breathing movements, heart contractions.

At the same time, fetal movements become more frequent, but at the same time the periods of calm increase - the child either spins from lack of oxygen, or, tired, subsides for a long time, reducing the level of vital activity. All this affects the physical and mental development fetus, including on the vascular and cardiac systems, the brain.

Developmental defects caused by smoking

The question of whether smoking can cause the development of fetal abnormalities remains open. An increased frequency of congenital deformities (in particular “” and “” and their combinations) in children of smoking mothers has been established, but the reason for this lies in nicotine or components of tobacco smoke - it has not been clarified. However, the connection between deformities and smoking is clearly visible.

Nicotine easily penetrates the placental barrier, accumulates in the amniotic fluid and placenta, causing disturbances in the fetus that are typical of the effects of nicotine on the body of a smoker.

First of all, this is the neurotoxic activity of nicotine, and as a consequence, its pathological effect on fetal brain tissue. Chronic poisoning exposure of the fetus to nicotine leads to an increase in the frequency of perinatal mortality - in pregnancy after 22 weeks and until the seventh day of life of the born child.

We can definitely say that low birth weight, vascular disorders, intrauterine hypoxia, brain dysfunction and nervous system(tearfulness, moodiness, slight retardation in physical and mental development, further decline in mental and mnestic functions) in children - all this is the result of maternal smoking.


Doctors and scientists believe that the complex of negative effects of nicotine on a pregnant woman and her fetus can be called “”. Obstetricians and pediatricians, neurologists and cardiologists are in favor of introducing this concept.

At many pediatric and obstetric forums, presentations and reports by scientists and practitioners clearly prove: maternal smoking greatly increases the risk of having children with disabilities. various pathologies, which can be expressed in both mild and very severe forms.


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The news of pregnancy often plunges a woman into shock: the new position becomes a real test of strength and maturity. expectant mother. The point is that with the advent of a new life inside, you will have to make certain adjustments to your usual lifestyle - buy vitamins, do exercises, eat only healthy foods, give up bad habits... As practice shows, most often problems for expectant mothers arise with the last point of the pregnancy program healthy baby. Quitting smoking is a serious challenge, and quitting smoking while pregnant is also a vital task. Why an expectant mother needs to forget about cigarettes at all costs, you will find out in the article.

Of course, it is better to avoid this bad habit altogether. However, for one reason or another, the percentage smoking women In our country, the age of acquaintance with the first cigarette increases every year, and, on the contrary, decreases. What should an expectant mother do with her addiction to nicotine? There is only one answer and there are no compromises in this situation: quit smoking as soon as possible. It would be unfair and unethical to put pressure on women who smoke to feel guilty, because each of them is an adult, self-sufficient person who is responsible for herself and her offspring independently. And, of course, only the mother of the unborn baby has the right to make the final decision. We will simply help her see the general and objective picture of the relationships in the triangle “mother – cigarettes – child”, providing useful material for reflection. We hope this will help a woman set her priorities correctly and easily step into new life, leaving a bad habit in the past.

How does smoking affect pregnancy?

Extensive research has been and is currently being carried out around the world on the effect of nicotine addiction on the course of pregnancy and the fetus in the womb. All of them confirm the complex adverse effects of cigarettes on a woman and her baby: the maternal body suffers, burdened by pregnancy, there is a threat to the normal prenatal development of the fetus, and the likelihood of abnormalities in infants and one-year-old children increases.

When a pregnant woman smokes, the baby is enveloped in a dense ring of smoke, which spasms the blood vessels of the fragile growing body and provokes the development of oxygen starvation in the fetus. Under the influence of nicotine, the placenta becomes thin and acquires round shape, the risk of detachment increases. Due to smoking, the hemoglobin of the mother's body decreases its active work, which concerns the transport of oxygen to the uterus and the baby in it. As a result of this disorder, arterial spasm of the uterus occurs, which becomes the cause of placental function disorder, and the child begins to systematically receive less of the oxygen he needs.

Every puff brings you closer expectant mother to serious and sometimes irreversible consequences, among which the most unfavorable are:

  • high risk of spontaneous miscarriage;
  • the birth of a premature baby with low adaptive abilities;
  • probability of perinatal death;
  • the small weight of the newborn, which significantly reduces his chances of full development;
  • the formation of physical pathologies in the fetus;
  • development of preeclampsia - the condition threatens the life of both the mother and her child (the woman develops extensive swelling, protein in the urine increases sharply arterial pressure);
  • the risk of delayed manifestation of the consequences of smoking - intellectual and social disorders may occur in a child some time after birth.

Even a few puffs a day will not improve the situation - the consequences of smoking during pregnancy will manifest themselves in any case and, first of all, will be felt by the woman herself:

  • future mothers who smoke feel much worse than those who do not have bad habits;
  • early toxicosis and gestosis - the first symptoms nicotine poisoning female body;
  • smoking contributes to the appearance or worsening varicose veins veins in a pregnant woman, and also causes dizziness and disturbance digestive function(diarrhea or constipation);
  • nicotine “eats” vitamin C in the mother’s body. A deficiency of this useful substance results in metabolic disorders, decreased general immunity, problems with protein absorption, poor resistance to stress and depression.

Smoking during pregnancy casts a shadow on the well-being of the baby after birth. When a pregnant woman smokes, the fetus is poisoned by tobacco smoke. So the child finds himself at the mercy of passive smoking, which threatens him with acquiring bad habits in the future. Children whose mothers smoked during pregnancy are often introduced to tobacco and drinking at an early age. adolescence. Babies, doomed to nicotine addiction in the womb, are more capricious, sleep poorly, have difficulty concentrating, and many of them suffer from attacks of suffocation.

In addition, recent scientific studies have shown that carcinogens that enter the body of a smoking woman along with tobacco smoke depress reproductive system fetus, which is at the stage of formation. This means that children born in the future may face the problem of infertility: girls of smoking mothers have a sharply reduced supply of eggs, and boys may face erectile dysfunction(impotence).

The effect of smoking during pregnancy at different stages

It doesn’t matter what month of pregnancy a woman smokes – it harms her baby in any case. The only difference is which organ or system of the little man’s body will suffer more than others.

Smoking in early pregnancy

When a smoking woman is informed that she is expecting a child, she begins to suffer from remorse about her bad habit. In this case, the expectant mother can be reassured a little: nature took care of the new life in advance. Conception occurs around the 14th day menstrual cycle. Experts consider the first week to be neutral - the relationship between the woman and the embryo in her womb has not yet been established. close connection. The clump of cells that will later turn into a person is developing thanks to on our own and stocks. The embryo immerses into the endometrium with the onset of the second week of pregnancy, and the woman becomes suspicious about her position only after a delay in menstruation.

Smoking turns the entire physiology of pregnancy upside down, distorting all processes involved in the formation of the organs of the unborn child, replacing normal cells sick. In particular severe cases tobacco toxins distort the structure so much bone marrow child that a substance transplant is necessary after his birth. It is obvious that smoking during pregnancy has the highest degree of danger. early stages. One puff of cigarette smoke brings a whole range of toxic substances to the baby: nicotine, hydrogen cyanide, benzopyrene, tar, formaldehyde. Fetal hypoxia, lack of adequate blood flow in the vessels of the placenta, spontaneous miscarriage, increased risk of vaginal bleeding - these are only a tenth of the consequences of the proximity of a bad habit to pregnancy. Every year the number of cases where women who smoke during pregnancy give birth to children with “ cleft palate"or "cleft lip". These palate pathologies are difficult to correct plastically.

Smoking during 1 month of pregnancy

It may happen that due to large-scale changes in the body, the smell of tobacco will seem disgusting to a woman. However, in most cases, the onset of pregnancy does not in any way affect the addiction, so the expectant mother continues to smoke, remaining for some time in the dark about her situation.

The risk of miscarriage at this time is maximum: maternal smoking literally cuts off oxygen to the embryo, without which not a single creature can survive. Without a complete oxygen supply, the process of laying down all important organs and systems of the child. Please note that passive inhalation of tobacco smoke causes the same harm to a pregnant woman as active smoking of cigarettes.

Smoking during the 5th – 6th month of pregnancy

At the 5th month of intrauterine life, the baby has already acquired arms and legs, he is actively trying to control them. After a period of activity, the child will certainly calm down to rest and gain strength. The little man can cough, hiccup, kick, and his mother can already accurately determine when he moves. During this period, the child’s body increases brown fat, due to which the temperature human body remains unchanged. Sweat glands form in the skin.

As a result of the research, it was possible to see a shocking picture: when tobacco smoke penetrates a woman’s body, and from there into the placenta, the baby grimaces and tries to move away from the harmful substance. The effect of smoking on pregnancy during this period disrupts the natural order of fetal development, leading to severe consequences. Among them are hypoxia and premature birth, which become a death sentence for the baby. At this age, he is still completely unprepared to face the outside world.

Smoking during 8–9 months of pregnancy

A regularly satisfied craving for cigarettes during the 8th month of expecting a baby results in serious complications: uterine bleeding, prenatal condition, miscarriage. Maternal smoking directly affects the fetus very strongly. Such children have underdevelopment of the brain, underweight and spontaneous death in the first hours/days after birth.

Ninth, last month the baby's stay in the mother's womb is very responsible - the child is preparing to greet the world with his first cry. Every week he gains about 250 g of weight and gradually descends into the pelvic cavity. The woman is increasingly experiencing short-term and painless contractions, and her easy, unconstrained breathing returns.

Smoking mercilessly interferes with this process and makes its own adjustments to the creation of a new person. Let us list the complications that are always observed in a woman who smokes in the last weeks of pregnancy:

  • partial or complete detachment of the placenta, the development of severe uterine bleeding;
  • pronounced hypertension;
  • toxicosis;
  • the onset of labor earlier than planned;
  • high risk of stillbirth;
  • the likelihood of giving birth to a premature baby.

And this is a list of pathologies that can deprive a baby of all chances for full life, if his mother was unable to cope with her nicotine addiction during pregnancy:

  • defects of the nervous system;
  • mental disorders;
  • Down syndrome;
  • myocardial diseases;
  • heterotropia;
  • inguinal hernia;
  • pathologies of the nasopharynx.

All doctors, as one, insist: it is never too late to quit smoking - even if a woman does it at the final stage of pregnancy, she will still provide an invaluable service to her baby.

Smoking and alcohol during pregnancy

Alcohol is another toxic substance that can extremely negatively affect the intrauterine development of a child. Cigarettes and alcohol are a very dangerous combination during pregnancy. Numerous studies in this area have presented the public with disappointing facts: ethanol, acetaldehyde and nicotine, having a complex effect on the fetal body, cause irreversible changes in the DNA chain, destroy the process of protein synthesis and cause severe brain pathologies.

Penetrating into the body not yet born child, alcohol remains there twice as long as in the mother’s body, so even irregular moderate doses of alcohol do not guarantee that the newborn will be healthy. Drinking alcohol and smoking during pregnancy damages the child's most vulnerable organs - the kidneys, liver and brain. Among babies born to mothers with bad habits, cases of sudden infant death syndrome are very common, when a child dies for no objective reason (most often in his sleep).

Harmful alcohol and nicotine addiction in the last weeks before childbirth causes the development of gestosis. This condition poses a danger to the life of the mother and fetus. The main target for toxins becomes vascular system mother, who as a result cannot fully supply the placenta with blood and valuable elements in it. In this regard, the child’s development slows down, placental abruption occurs, and premature birth may occur.

Smoking during pregnancy is a sign of selfishness and failure of a woman as a future mother, whose procreation instincts are not strong enough to put an end to pregnancy once and for all. harmful addiction. A pregnant woman who smokes should not withdraw into herself, being left alone with the problem. On the contrary, she needs to ask for help - from doctors, family and friends. There are many ways to give up cigarettes, but first of all you need to really want it, and the health and well-being of your unborn baby will be the most important motivation for this.

The effect of cigarettes on fetal development. Video

The effect of nicotine on the human body Statistics demonstrate this well: seven out of ten people smoke, which is why the number of deaths from tobacco is growing. Smoking is bad habit, which after some time kills the body.

For many, it's a way to relax or show off to their peers.

Effect on the body

Nicotine – main component cigarettes. This substance, when smoked, affects the state of the nerve centers, dilating the blood vessels for a while. This gives you a feeling of satisfaction. But this effect lasts two to three minutes, after which the blood vessels narrow.

Because of this, the respiratory and cardiovascular systems feel the toxic impact, and persistent vasoconstriction occurs in smokers more often than in non-smokers.

1 mg per 1 kg of body - for humans. In practice, this will work if a person smokes 20 cigarettes at one time.

Long-term abuse leads to a disease called nicotineism. This is a permanent poisoning of the body, which over time turns into chronic form and causes mental and physical dependence.

Because of this, experienced smokers are unable to quit their “favorite” process. After all, when not using nicotine for a long time, a person has a desire to smoke a couple of cigarettes, and vivid pictures and images associated with smoking appear before his eyes. This phenomenon is called withdrawal, because it will affect the condition and functioning of the nervous system.

Other additional factors also appear:

  • depression;
  • mood swings;
  • aggressiveness
  • sleep problems;
  • rapid fatigue;
  • increased appetite.

Physical dependence manifests itself in the fact that the smoker begins to:

  • frequent changes in blood pressure;
  • dry mouth;
  • dry or wet cough;
  • darkening of the eyes;
  • dizziness;
  • excessive sweating.

Mental and physical dependence are formed within a year.

Smoking is the main cause of oncological diseases respiratory tract. The formation of a tumor is caused by the substance benzopyrene. It is the main source of the radioactive element polonium, which destroys bone and cartilage tissue.

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The principle of the effect of nicotine on the body

What is the effect of nicotine on human health? IN pure form Nicotine is a clear oily liquid that has a burning, tart taste. Nicotine is equated to hydrocyanic acids.

Scientists have determined that the contents of one cigarette kills a mouse. Nicotine can cause paralysis of muscle tissue. According to doctors, long-term smokers have low amounts of adrenaline and norepinephrine in their blood.

When smoking, substances such as:

  1. Resins. They have the ability, in some quantities, to color them black.
  2. Aromatic compounds that are in bound form with oxygen and pose a threat to the body. Such a compound is benzopyrene. It is a terrible carcinogen that causes cancer.
  3. Carbon monoxide. Many people know from school chemistry lessons that this gas interacts with a blood protein - hemoglobin. As a result, the compound carboxyhemoglobin is formed, which provokes the formation of blood clots and leads to oxygen starvation of blood vessels.
  4. Cyanides, ammonia, hydrogen sulfide and tar are a list of substances dangerous to the body. This “wonderful set” is received by those who have smoked one cigarette.

The penetration of these substances with smoke into oral cavity at a temperature of about 55 -60 degrees, it dries out the mucous membrane and damages it protective function. Tar remains on the surface of the teeth and leads to yellowing, and over time, to their destruction. Some of these substances dissolve in saliva.

Toxins enter digestive system and lead to disruption of its functioning, destroy microflora and provoke the occurrence of ulcers.

Nicotine increases cholesterol levels and subsequently becomes the main cause of heart failure and atherosclerosis. In most cases, resins accumulate in the vessels, which leads to their inflammation and, over time, to their necrosis.

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Impact on the development of the human embryo

A child is exposed to tobacco smoke while still in the womb. And even if she does not smoke, the development of the embryo remains enormous.

In the first case, a young mother feeds her baby toxic fumes, which consist of a majority of 4,000 compounds. In the second, in addition to it, the newborn child receives an additional portion of harmful substances, tars and toxins “as a gift” from smoking relatives.

Nicotine interferes with the passage of nutrients through the placenta, which impairs fetal development. Due to availability in circulatory system nicotine and other toxins, nutrients will be used by the body not to build new tissues and cells, but to neutralize cyanide.

Because of what the fruit will receive tiny amount nutrients, and during pregnancy his weight will decrease, and his organs will lag behind in development.

Smoking deprives the embryo of oxygen. Because of this, there are problems and delays in the development of most organs.

Due to insufficient oxygen supply, the brain slows down in development. Because of this, the metabolic process is disrupted. In such cases, it is recommended to eat food that contains vitamins and microelements.

What is the effect of nicotine on the development of the human embryo? The important fact is that nicotine is main reason intrauterine fetal death, premature birth and miscarriages! There are also frequent cases when, due to the effect of nicotine on the fetus, the embryo itself receives external deformities, such as cleft lip, palate and many other external anomalies.

Nicotine leaves its mark in the embryonic period and on the development of the boy’s body. The main reason for this is that it has the ability to interact with male hormone- testosterone, and this leads to disturbances in the formation musculoskeletal system. Such defects include the absence of some phalanges of the fingers or even the formation of extra ones.

Main consequences of exposure

Newborns whose mothers lag behind their peers in mental development, and at birth have a small head circumference and problems with the nervous system.

This is explained by the fact that nicotine reduces the absorption of certain groups of vitamins, minerals, useful substances. After birth, such children experience increased excitability, sleep problems, and others.

Due to damage to internal organs in the embryonic period, the child subsequently experiences impaired mental abilities, weak physical form and problems with immunity. Most children born to smoking mothers were either birth defects, or with a disposition to their appearance.

According to many studies, children whose mothers have delays in emotional development, they have cerebral palsy, mental disabilities, schizophrenia, memory problems and other features of cerebral palsy. This affects the child’s academic performance, his psycho-emotional state and his general state health.

When a mother is exposed to tobacco smoke during pregnancy, her blood pressure rises. Because of this, the blood supply to the brain and other body systems is disrupted in the embryo.

As a result, even in the embryonic period, the child begins to experience abnormalities in the functioning of some organs, and after birth these disorders become more complicated and progress. In a few studies, scientists have noticed a connection between the birth of a child by a smoking mother and the development of Down syndrome.

Geneticists have discovered that smoking can cause mutation processes in chromosomes. Because of this, during development, a child has a chance to receive a “low-quality” section of DNA. This increases the chance of the disease occurring.


Threat to the reproductive system

In most cases, women who smoke develop hormonal disorders and dysfunction. Because of this, a woman’s reproductive ability is reduced significantly. Women who smoke are more likely to experience premenstrual syndrome. And even during menstruation, the chance and frequency of pain increases.

Compared to non-smoking women, they are more likely to experience menstrual irregularities. Most studies show a relationship between the number of cigarettes per day and the degree of complications that arise over time.

Contrary to the belief that smoking helps you relax, many studies show that the effects of nicotine on the central nervous system lead to:

  1. Increased production of stress hormones.
  2. Decreased production of hormones that are responsible for the functioning of the reproductive system.
  3. The production of a hormone, which in medicine is called follicle-stimulating hormone, decreases. He is responsible for normal development follicle in the ovaries.
  4. Decreased prolactin production. This is a hormone that is responsible for the growth of mammary glands and lactation.
  5. Increased formation of the hormones oxytocin and vasopressin, which in some cases provoke involuntary contractions of the uterus and vascular contractions.

Tobacco smoke creates a toxic effect on the ovaries. It binds and interacts with polycyclic carbohydrates, which leads to disruption of the ovary, and over time, to its death.

And special changes occur in the body of smokers, such as:

  • erection, number, and intensity of sexual intercourse decreases;
  • erectile dysfunction appears;
  • comes .

According to modern research, in 80% of cases the cause of impotence is considered to be smoking. Under the influence of nicotine and other toxic substances, the quality of sperm production deteriorates. Erectile function decreases depending on the amount of nicotine in the body.

Digestion is under attack

The smoke passes through the esophagus and enters the stomach. Nicotine, ammonia, various types of acids and other toxic substances enter the acidic environment of the stomach and interact with the mucous membrane.

Smokers with 5 years of experience are more likely to develop chronic gastritis or pancreatitis. And these types of diseases are more severe than in non-smokers.

Frequent smoking complicates the process of moving food through the intestines, which reduces appetite and impairs digestion. Because of this, there is a myth that smoking helps you lose weight.

Smoking affects the peristalsis of the stomach and thereby disrupts the process of secretion of juices and leads to cramps, constipation, periodic pain in the stomach, nausea and diarrhea.

In many cases, smoking becomes the main cause of diseases such as gastroenteritis. Toxic substances entering the body affect the valve that connects the esophagus to the stomach. And this in turn will lead to unpleasant consequences.

The acid that is produced in the stomach will begin to enter the esophagus. This process will end with such injuries that will have to be treated throughout life.

An ulcer is a disease that occurs due to bacterial infections, frequent use of aspirin, ibuprofen and smoking. Nicotine and other toxic substances from a cigarette will worsen the situation and contribute to prolonged wound healing.

Smoking can trigger the onset of Crohn's disease. This is bloating of the intestines, which is accompanied by acute, cutting pains and diarrhea.

Both alcohol and smoking leave an imprint on the liver. Diseases such as cholecystitis, hepatitis, and even cirrhosis occur. Smokers are at risk of developing cholelithiasis.

Effect on the cardiovascular system

The second system of the body after the respiratory system, which receives a blow from tobacco smoke, is the cardiovascular system. Nicotine and other toxins come from respiratory system into the vessels and through the heart they are distributed throughout the body. Because of this, vascular and heart diseases appear more often in smokers than in others.

Smoking is the main cause of chronic hypoxemia. Heart vessels spasm and are destroyed from the influence tobacco tar. Such processes force the heart to contract more often and consume oxygen, which is already supplied in insufficient quantities. So it comes oxygen starvation, which weakens the heart and other body systems as a whole.

Another adverse effect of smoking is increased blood clotting. It provokes frequent formation of blood clots in the vessels, such blood clots break off and cause heart attacks or strokes.

They can enter other organs and impair blood circulation in them. Or the blood clot will clog the vessels in the limb and cause numbness (even amputation is possible in experienced smokers).

Nicotine weakens the heart system. It reduces the amount of the hormone prostacyclin, which is why it easily affects cell membranes.

A decrease in the amount of this hormone leads to the occurrence of certain diseases. of cardio-vascular system. The appearance of atherosclerosis, coronary disease, tachycardia, heart attacks and other diseases will cause sudden death.

Tobacco smoke affects the blood, blood vessels and heart by the presence of toxins that are harmful to health. How formerly man gets rid of addiction, the greater the chance of maintaining the cardiovascular system in working condition.

And in the future you won’t have to spend many years restoring your health. After all, even two or three days after a person quits smoking, the cardiac system feels relief, and over time it recovers.

Brain reaction

The nervous system is a fragile part of the body. And exposure to unfavorable factors can worsen a person’s condition.

The brain consumes a lot of energy. In relation to the entire body, it consumes 25% of the total energy. Unlike muscles and other organs, it is not able to store nutrients, glucose and glycogen.

Glucose is the main source of energy. It enters the brain through blood vessels. At this stage it appears negative impact nicotine

When smoking, the blood vessels dilate for a while, which is why a person feels an influx of strength and an improvement in mood. But after a short period of time, this effect disappears, and tobacco smoke causes the blood vessels to narrow.

Because of this, the brain and nerves receive a limited amount of glucose and oxygen. He begins to starve, his memory deteriorates and frequent headaches appear.

Due to hypoxia, the brain and the entire nervous system suffer. Transmission gets worse nerve impulses, in most cases this is typical for experienced smokers. After all, the degree of deterioration in the transmission of nerve impulses depends on the number of cigarettes.

Cigarette use leads to neuritis, polyneuritis, and radiculitis. Higher nervous activity also suffers in smokers.

Due to frequent smoking, a person becomes irritable and develops difficult character. Smoking causes many nervous disorders.

Smoking has a negative impact on the human brain, and it cannot be eliminated using other factors or made harmless. The only one effective method Saving your health means quitting smoking as quickly as possible.

To quickly improve the condition of the body, it is recommended to give up tobacco. After all, the elasticity of blood vessels will be restored in 2-4 weeks. The brain and other organs will be in normal quantity supply oxygen and nutrients. And for other injuries it will take a long period of time to heal.

The effect of nicotine on the human body

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Does smoking affect pregnancy? The answer to this question has long been known - of course, yes. And only negatively. Both the body of the pregnant woman herself and the embryo suffer early stages development, both the fetus and the already born child. The consequences of smoking during pregnancy do not always appear immediately, but the likelihood of any deviations and occurrence serious illnesses The child's is very large. It is very sad that children have to pay for the bad habits of their parents with their own health.

It is extremely undesirable to smoke not only constantly, but also from time to time, and also to become a passive smoker.

How does smoking affect future pregnancies?

Statistics show that more than 20% of women in Russia smoke. Moreover larger number smokers are young women under thirty years of age, respectively, who are of fertile age. And since not everyone plans their pregnancy in advance, very often in the first, very important days intrauterine development, the embryo is exposed to the negative effects of smoking.

In addition, in the case of smoking parents, conception itself is at risk. There are statistics showing that smokers are diagnosed with infertility one and a half times more often. Therefore, when asking the question whether smoking has a strong effect on pregnancy and its likelihood in general, doctors answer that it does. And the likelihood of its occurrence can significantly reduce and negatively affect the development of the embryo.

The number of men who smoke is even greater, and many of them are potential future fathers living with their partners. It's important to know that passive smoking no better and does no less harm. And in male smokers, sperm quality suffers greatly due to the effects of nicotine, which also does not contribute to rapid fertilization.

You need to quit smoking at least six months before the planned pregnancy - in this case, the probability of its occurrence, as a rule, becomes the same as for non-smokers.

IMPORTANT: Smoking can significantly reduce your chances of getting pregnant and even lead to infertility.

How does smoking affect early pregnancy?

In the early stages of pregnancy, the embryo develops rapidly - cells are actively dividing, laying the foundation for all organs and systems of the future baby. Scientists have discovered that smoking can cause mutations in a child's DNA.

Moreover, it was revealed that those areas that are responsible for pathologies and diseases of the nervous system and lungs were changed; abnormal development nasopharynx - " cleft lip" and "cleft palate"; the likelihood of developing cancer.

Many studies have been conducted on the effects of smoking on pregnancy. The results are not encouraging. In the early stages, the probability of miscarriage is very high, and in women who smoke it increases many times over. In addition, the placenta, which is just beginning to develop, can change its structure, its volume and shape are significantly reduced, and the blood flow in it is disrupted.

Early pregnancy loss is more common in women who smoke. There are also statistics regarding the birth of children with heart defects. Smoking, among others, is unfavorable factor contributing to the occurrence of this disorder.

The effect of smoking during pregnancy can be understood by looking at the same composition of cigarette smoke. There is nothing in it that would be good for an unborn child, but it is extremely hazardous substances at least two - nicotine and carbon monoxide. Not to mention those components that can cause cancer. Nicotine can cause a lack of oxygen by constricting blood vessels, including the placenta.

IMPORTANT: Smoking in early pregnancy can lead to serious violations in development and many pathologies, including the central nervous system.

How does smoking affect the fetus during pregnancy?

One of the biggest dangers that awaits an unborn baby of a smoker is oxygen starvation. Oxygen, which is transferred to the baby through the umbilical cord and placenta, can be sorely lacking if the mother smokes. The fetus literally suffocates, which can even lead to miscarriage or seriously affect the health of the newborn. Chronic lack of oxygen causes irreversible changes leading to significant developmental disorders.

There are studies by American scientists regarding how smoking affects the 15th week of pregnancy. Interestingly, this period is a kind of guideline - if a woman does not quit smoking before this moment, her risk of giving birth prematurely increases several times. And it is far from a fact that in this case the child will survive, since premature babies born no earlier than 22 weeks are nursed, and even then not all of these attempts are successful. And even if the child is born full-term, it is not uncommon for smokers to have children with reduced weight , often suffering from childhood cerebral palsy and developmental delay.

If we talk about more later, for example, about the effect of smoking at 32 weeks of pregnancy, the forecasts here are not encouraging. One of real dangers - premature aging placenta.

We must not forget that children of mothers who smoke during pregnancy may experience serious problems and in the future. For example, according to research by specialists from the UK, such children are more likely to suffer from obesity and have behavioral problems. And this is far from the worst thing. The effects of nicotine on the fetus are irreversible - it changes the way it works nerve cells, and this leads to the development of attention deficit disorder, hyperactivity disorder, and chronic tic disorders (including Tourette's syndrome) in children.

Need to know: Research by Columbia University scientists has shown that maternal smoking increases the risk of schizophrenia in the child.

IMPORTANT: Smoking can cause miscarriage, premature birth and increases the likelihood of having an underweight baby.

How does smoking affect the body during pregnancy?

In addition to the fact that smoking poisons the unborn baby, it also causes significant damage to the health of the expectant mother. Harmful substances contained in cigarette smoke enter the body, are absorbed into the blood and disrupt the functioning of blood vessels, heart, lungs and immune system.

Smoking has negative effects on both men and women, but female body this influence is especially strong. Scientists suggest that the mucous membrane of the uterus contains certain substances that “attract” nicotine and a product of its processing by the liver - cotinine. These poisons accumulate there, significantly increasing the likelihood of cervical cancer.

Quite a lot of information has been collected about the effects of alcohol and smoking on pregnancy. All of them indicate that this influence is extremely negative. For women, and especially those planning to have children, it is better not to start smoking, or to get rid of this addiction long before pregnancy. Many serious pathologies and health problems, as well as tragedies associated with the death of babies, could be avoided if mothers thought more about own health and the health of their unborn children.

No mother wants a future for her child that is full of illnesses and related problems. Meanwhile, there are studies on whether smoking during pregnancy influences the child to become a heavy smoker in the future. And they confirm this.

IMPORTANT: A woman needs to quit smoking and avoid places where smokers gather long before her planned pregnancy in order to preserve both her health and the health of her unborn baby.

If no reasonable arguments, including fear for the child, can force a woman to give up smoking, and also convey to others what harm they cause to the unborn baby, forcing the pregnant woman to breathe smoke, then it makes sense to contact a qualified specialist.

According to the Global Adult Survey 2009, smoking is prevalent among 21.7% of women. This bad habit affects girls and young women childbearing age- from 20 to 35 years.

A woman, fetus and placenta are inextricably linked parts of a single process, which is pregnancy. Smoking by the expectant mother disrupts this organic unity and leads to various violations. IN last years along with " alcohol syndrome fetus" is increasingly identified as "tobacco syndrome".

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When a woman smokes in " interesting position“It harms not only the smoker herself, but also the defenseless baby. Tobacco smoke contains a large number of various chemical compounds: nicotine, carbon monoxide, tar, hydrogen cyanide, ammonium. And this is just the most small part from the entire composition of the cigarette.

The effect of nicotine on the fetus is dangerous and can cause serious consequences. In the list below we demonstrate what smoking can lead to for a woman expecting a child:

  • spontaneous abortion in the early stages;
  • placental abruption;
  • oxygen starvation of the fetus;
  • premature birth;
  • retardation of intrauterine development of the child;
  • low location of the placenta and, therefore, severe course pregnancy;
  • the appearance of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS);
  • small weight and size of the baby;
  • congenital organ defects;
  • stillbirth child.

Development of the placenta and its connection with miscarriage

Scientists have proven that smoking by a woman before pregnancy and in its first days leads to disruption of embryo implantation to the walls of the uterus. Many people simply do not notice that they have had a miscarriage. Consequently, smoking can lead to permanent miscarriage.

Nicotine changes the production in a woman’s body of hormones important for pregnancy such as prolactin and progesterone. This imbalance disrupts the formation of placental tissue, as well as fetal organs and systems. The risk of spontaneous abortion is also associated with an increase in the frequency of uterine contractions due to the effect of nicotine on the myometrium.

There is a widespread belief among pregnant women that smoking is dangerous only in the first trimester of pregnancy. However, the threat of miscarriage can arise before the 28th week due to various types of abnormalities in the development of the placenta. Nicotine affects its presentation, as well as the possibility of its tissue peeling off.

Under the influence of this substance, the weight of the placenta decreases, it becomes thin and weak. That is why the likelihood of its rupture increases, which leads to severe bleeding and the risk of losing the child.

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About 80% of nicotine is broken down into cotinine by liver enzymes. It acts on the uterus, causing contractions or labor. In this regard, the likelihood of premature birth increases from the 28th to the 37th week.

Oxygen starvation of the fetus


The placenta is a kind of barrier between the fetus and its environment. Through her vascular system unborn child receives oxygen and nutrients from mom. It also shows up here Negative influence nicotine on fetal development. It is associated with vasoconstrictor properties.

Smoking one cigarette leads to a decrease in 30 minutes (according to scientific research) uteroplacental circulation. Placental insufficiency entails fetal hypoxia or, in other words, its oxygen starvation.

It has been scientifically proven that barrier function the placenta is limited, it is capable of passing various harmful substances, including nicotine. It, in turn, affects not only the placental throughput, but also the transport of essential amino acids to the fetal organs.

This explains the delay in intrauterine development of the child and insufficient height and weight of the newborn. According to statistics, one third of children smoking mothers is born with a weight loss of 200 grams or more.

Defects in newborns

Nicotine is a nerve poison that directly affects the developing nervous system. This impact may cause the development of anatomical disorders, as well as a delay mental development baby. Smoking mothers often give birth to children with the following defects:

  • "cleft palate",
  • "cleft lip"
  • heart defects,
  • underdeveloped lungs with further respiratory problems,
  • clubfoot,
  • strabismus,
  • allergy,
  • asthma,
  • diabetes,
  • obesity.

The likelihood of various organ defects and their nature depend on the coincidence harmful effects nicotine per fetus with the period of formation of one or another of its organs. Nicotine leads to a decrease in the absorption of B vitamins by a woman’s body, folic acid, vitamin C. As a result of their lack, the development of the central nervous system of the fetus is disrupted.

Mental disorders in children appear at the very beginning of their lives and can be of various types. First of all, this increased tone baby muscles, lethargic crying, poor sleep and overall low grade according to the Apgar scale.

The mental development of a child of a mother who smokes during pregnancy is below average. Very often, such children have speech and attention disorders, and they often cannot control their emotions.

Sudden death syndrome and stillbirth

The most dangerous result of the influence of nicotine on the fetus is sudden death child from one month to one year. Most often this occurs during sleep due to respiratory arrest. It has been scientifically proven that smoking increases the likelihood of SIDS by 2.5 times.

According to statistics, women who smoke half a pack of cigarettes per day have approximately 21% higher rates of newborn death compared to non-smoking mothers. If you smoke more than half a pack of cigarettes a day, this figure rises to 26%.

To summarize, I would like to say that mom’s smoking is the reason disabilities her children, various kinds of diseases and even their death.

Especially for Krasnokutskaya Natalia Vladimirovna