Whiten your teeth at home in a week. Review of quick ways to whiten teeth at home. Folk and professional remedies. Laser teeth whitening

An open, snow-white smile can work wonders.. It demonstrates the health and status of its owner, evokes sympathy, gives confidence, and encourages communication.

No matter how straight your teeth are, they cannot be called ideal if the color is far from perfect. The problem can be easily solved by contacting a dentist, but not everyone can afford it.

Professional services are very expensive, and the whitening procedure can severely damage teeth. This situation can be corrected if you know how to whiten your teeth quickly at home using folk remedies.

Traditional methods of teeth whitening differ from clinical ones in a number of advantages.. Natural substances have a safer effect on tooth enamel, lightening it gradually.

Home whitening methods can be used more often than professional ones without harming the enamel.

Any ways traditional medicine For teeth whitening, it should also be used with caution. Inept independent actions can damage the enamel. And it won’t be possible to restore it even for a lot of money.

Safe whitening can be done at home using recipes that include baking soda, Activated carbon, hydrogen peroxide, lemon, banana peel. But it is impossible to quickly perform such a procedure without harm to the enamel.

People believe that baking soda is the most effective substance for teeth whitening.. It has been used in recipes for quite some time.

If you periodically brush your teeth with soda, you can not only restore their natural whiteness, but also strengthen the enamel.

This procedure has its pros and cons. The disadvantage is that the sensitive surface of the teeth can be damaged. Therefore, you should not rub your teeth too hard with baking soda. otherwise there is a risk of scratching the enamel.

To avoid this, you can add baking soda to toothpaste, mix and use to brush your teeth. The main advantage of this method is safety for the mucous membrane of the mouth and stomach.

Traditional recipes with soda:

  1. To enhance the effect of the method, soda should be mixed with additional ingredients: hydrogen peroxide, fine table salt, lemon juice. To prepare, you need to dilute the dry ingredients with water until mushy and brush your teeth. cotton swab or a regular brush.
  2. Mix soda in equal quantities with fine salt and dilute with hydrogen peroxide to the consistency of porridge. Then add a few drops lemon juice. Gently rub your teeth with this mixture and leave for 15 minutes. After this, rinse your mouth with water or peroxide solution. After the procedure it is not advisable to use sour foods In one hour. To avoid damaging tooth enamel, this method should be used no more than once a month.

There are several options for teeth whitening with activated carbon:

An equally popular method is teeth whitening with hydrogen peroxide..

When using this procedure, it is important to remember that contact of liquid with the mucous membranes of the mouth can cause chemical burns.

Directions for use:

Using this procedure gives very good results, but is not safe. This is its disadvantage.

Peroxide, penetrating into enamel and dentin, destroys them. As a result, the shine of the enamel disappears, and the teeth become rough and porous.

It is better to use hydrogen peroxide for whitening after consulting a doctor.

Whitening teeth at home

To whiten yellow teeth You can use some vegetables and fruits. Among them are the following:

Essential oils for teeth whitening

Essential oils tea tree, lemon, grapefruit, orange not only improve gum health, but can also lighten the enamel. Their action is manifested through a long period regular use, noticeable results will appear in no less than six months.

This method is suitable for those who doubt whether whitening with folk remedies is harmful or not and are looking for the maximum safe way. Correct Application essential oils will only have positive result for tooth enamel and gums.

Main uses:

In order to restore the natural whiteness of teeth, you can use iodine. It is important not to abuse this method and use it no more than once a month.

Basic recipes:

  1. A drop of iodine can be added to squeezed out toothpaste and brush your teeth. After this, rinse your mouth well with water. The interaction of enamel with iodine should not exceed five minutes. Otherwise she may get hurt.
  2. With help cotton swab apply iodine to teeth. Initially, the stick should be dipped in water at room temperature, and then in iodine. Apply quickly and carefully from all sides. The interdental areas should also be treated.

The negative aspect of this method of whitening is that iodine can harm. If it penetrates the enamel, it will lead to tooth destruction. Before use, you should consult your dentist.

Contraindications for bleaching with iodine:

  • any diseases of the oral cavity;
  • drug intolerance;
  • increased sensitivity;
  • If you have many fillings, dentures or crowns, it cannot be used, as the contrast will be noticeable, which will only aggravate the situation.

How to whiten teeth at home? 5 best ways!

In order for the effect of the whitening procedure at home to last as long as possible, you need to reconsider your diet.

There is a special white diet . It consists of consuming foods that help restore and strengthen tooth enamel. They contain a lot of calcium, protein and fluoride.

These include:

  • dairy and fermented milk products;
  • White mushrooms;
  • egg white;
  • rice, semolina, pearl barley;
  • chicken fillet;
  • juices and wines without dyes;
  • seafood, fish;
  • nuts;
  • potatoes, asparagus, cabbage;
  • white beans;
  • bananas.

Adhering to a white diet, a positive result is observed after bleaching. Some products can negatively affect the surface of the enamel, increasing its sensitivity, which can change the color.

  • drinks containing caffeine;
  • products containing cocoa;
  • carrots and beets;
  • products that contain dyes;
  • red, blue or black berries;
  • spices;
  • fruits with rich color.

It is very important to adhere to a strict diet for the first days after such a procedure. For good result You should eat only approved foods.

You can whiten your teeth at home quickly and safely.

There are many ways to do this using folk recipes.

At the same time, it is very important to adhere to all the rules for their use, so as not to complicate the situation and not harm tooth enamel.

Don't forget about oral hygiene. And also avoid foods and bad habits which cause darkening of teeth.

Of course, everyone wants to conquer others with a beautiful smile. But not everyone has the time and money to visit the dentist and have necessary procedures. But knowing how to quickly whiten your teeth at home, you can easily solve this problem.

Reasons for changes in enamel color

Unfortunately, few people have teeth that remain naturally white. Over time, they darken, turn yellow, and spots form on their surface. The main reasons for loss of teeth whiteness:

  1. The main reason for staining enamel is the consumption of products containing natural or artificial dyes. Such as coffee, tea, cola, chocolate, cigarettes.
  2. Sometimes certain medications cause discoloration. In particular, the tetracycline group. They contribute to the emergence age spots on enamel.
  3. The age of a person also affects the color. Over the years, the body weakens, this also affects the teeth. The enamel becomes thinner, becomes transparent, and cracks appear. And the use of coloring products and medications further aggravates the situation.

Teeth Whitening Strips

To make your teeth snow-white, you can buy a special gel at the pharmacy and follow the instructions. Thanks to this product, you can whiten your teeth by 1-2 shades.

But teeth whitening strips are more effective. They need to be worn daily for half an hour for a month. Your teeth will lighten by 2-4 shades (depending on the condition of the enamel and the composition of the gel in the whitening strips).

More expensive versions of the strips are tightly attached to the teeth and do not cause discomfort. The whitening effect lasts up to one and a half years, and teeth are brightened by a maximum of 6 shades.

A definite disadvantage of using bleach strips is that they cannot reach the interdental spaces.

Video on how to quickly achieve the same snow-white smile Houses:

Whitening with hydrogen peroxide

For those who want to know a quick way to whiten their teeth at home and don’t want to buy pharmaceutical drugs, will fit folk remedies. Hydrogen peroxide works well with dark coating, it is even added to some whitening toothpastes.

It is easy to eliminate darkening of enamel with peroxide:

  1. You need to brush your teeth.
  2. Prepare the solution: dilute 20-30 drops of 3% hydrogen peroxide in ½ glass of water.
  3. Rinse your mouth with liquid.
  4. Soak a cotton swab in pure 3% peroxide and wipe all your teeth one by one.
  5. Rinse your mouth with purified water.

One or two procedures per day are enough. Abuse of the product can cause burns to the gums and damage the enamel. After whitening, teeth sensitivity will be increased, but over time it will go away.

Among quick ways To whiten teeth at home, tea tree oil is popular. Only 100% oil will do. Before the procedure, your teeth need to be cleaned. Then apply oil to the brush, 2-3 drops are enough and spread over the entire surface of the teeth.

A side effect may be mild numbness of the tongue and cheeks. After holding the oil for 15 minutes, rinse your mouth with water. This remedy also saves from tartar.

Whitening tooth enamel with soda

Many dentists believe safe method bleaching with soda. This is a very simple and economical option. Moreover, everyone has soda at home. Carrying out the procedure is as simple as shelling pears: once a week, instead of toothpaste, you need to use soda. It tastes bad, but for the sake of beautiful smile You can be patient.

Lemon for a beautiful smile

Lemon juice is often used to whiten not only the skin, but also teeth. To make the enamel shine again, you need to rub it with a slice of lemon or add 3-4 drops of juice to toothpaste and brush your teeth. This method can be used once a week.

Apple vinegar

A very common way to use Apple vinegar to make teeth whiter. A glass of the product will be enough. You need to put vinegar in your mouth and rinse your teeth for a few seconds until the liquid runs out. Be sure to rinse your mouth clean afterwards warm water.

Whitening with strawberries

Strawberries are effective in treating tooth discoloration. It contains malic acid, which removes stains well. Therefore, to get a snow-white smile, you need to rub strawberries on your teeth. To do this, cut the berry in half, carefully spread the pulp on your teeth and do not rinse for 10 minutes. After this, brush your teeth with toothpaste.

How long will it take for teeth to become snow white?

When using home methods, the enamel whitening process can take several weeks or even months, it all depends on the reasons for the color change. If your teeth are darkened by food containing dyes, then in three weeks you can become the owner of a perfect smile. But for heavy smokers, home methods do not help much. Even using special whitening products at home, you will not be able to achieve results even after a month.

Contraindications for bleaching

The whitening procedure is not suitable for everyone. There are three categories of people who should not strive for snow-white enamel:

  1. For those who have a lot sensitive teeth.
  2. If the teeth were filled or crowns were installed. They are not subject to whitening, so they will appear darker than all other teeth.
  3. People with enamel gray caused by internal stains.

It is also advisable to refrain from bleaching:

  • Pregnant women.
  • During lactation.
  • If you are allergic to certain components of the bleach.

Important things to know when whitening at home

It is worth understanding that whitening your teeth is just as harmful as lightening your hair. Therefore, when carrying out the procedure, you need to try to minimize all harm.

Before you quickly whiten your teeth at home, you need to make sure that the enamel is strong enough. This can be done by visiting a dentist. You can carry out the procedure only if you are confident in the health of your teeth. In case of pathology of periodontal tissues, this should be abandoned.

After your teeth become snow-white, you should not smoke, drink coffee or do anything that can bring them back. previous state. To maintain the whitening effect, you will need to use special toothpastes. And under no circumstances should you use newfangled colored (black, green) supposedly organic toothpastes, they darken your teeth!

Home whitening, of course, greatly saves the family budget, but the condition of the teeth can noticeably worsen. Cheap products can damage the enamel, making teeth sensitive and causing tooth decay. Therefore, before the procedure, it is better to strengthen the enamel for a month. To do this, you can take calcium tablets.

Elena Malysheva about safe teeth whitening:


Some people like visiting the dentist, while others prefer traditional methods. Both methods have advantages and disadvantages. Both home treatments and in-office whitening can harm your teeth. Therefore, before choosing any of the options, it is necessary to treat and strengthen your teeth and get rid of harmful microbes. And only then can you start on the path to a shining, snow-white smile.

Latest news

To get a snow-white smile without a trace of plaque or yellowness, you don’t have to go to the dentist’s office. We will tell you how to whiten your teeth at home in simple and effective ways.

Of course, teeth whitening at a dental clinic will be more effective than trying to do it at home. Professional lightening agents are more effective, and the doctor selects the most suitable drugs in each specific case to achieve best effect. However, this does not mean that you cannot whiten your teeth at home. It is possible, and the result will be noticeable, especially if you repeat the procedure regularly.

Still, consulting a dentist before whitening your teeth is highly advisable. Only a qualified doctor can detect dental problems, accurately assess the condition of the enamel and determine which whitening products can be used and which will cause irreparable harm to the teeth.

Contraindications to the procedure

Teeth whitening at home is not done:

  • children (at least up to 10-12 years old);
  • lactating and pregnant women;
  • if you are allergic to any components of the whitening composition;
  • while wearing braces;
  • for diseases of the oral mucosa;
  • in the presence of enamel cracks, tooth root exposures, severe caries. Whitening compounds will have a destructive effect on tooth tissue and cause severe pain to the patient.

A relative contraindication is increased sensitivity of tooth enamel. The fact is that lightening compounds will make this problem even more pronounced. However, when treating hypersensitivity with the help of remineralizing treatment before bleaching and fluoridation of the enamel after it, this procedure can be carried out.

You should also be careful when whitening teeth with fillings in visible places. Lightening agents may not work on filling material in general or have a different effect than on the enamel itself, and the color contrast will be very noticeable.

Traditional whitening products

Not only toothpastes and other specialized products will help brighten your teeth. household chemicals, but also home remedies that can easily be found in everyone’s kitchen or medicine cabinet.

Hydrogen peroxide is the basis of most dental drugs for lightening. And if you spend money on professional cleaning I don’t want to, this substance will help you lighten your teeth easily and quickly at home.

Peroxide can be used for wiping or rinsing. In the first case, a cotton pad or piece is soaked in the liquid. soft fabric and treat each tooth with it. In the second, take 25-30 drops of a 3% peroxide solution into half a glass of water and rinse your mouth with it. In both cases, bleaching must be completed by rinsing. clean water.


Like hydrogen peroxide, soda is used in products for professional whitening, which means this substance is very effective in removing dark plaque from enamel. Moreover, when used at least twice a month, baking soda helps reduce bleeding gums.

Whitening soda is used in several ways.

  1. Soda powder is poured into a saucer and dipped there toothbrush, previously moistened with water. Then the soda is rubbed over the surface of the teeth, as during normal cleaning. During the procedure you may experience increased salivation- this is completely normal. After cleaning, rinse your mouth thoroughly plain water.
  2. A gentler alternative to this method is rinsing. 1-2 teaspoons of soda are diluted in a glass of warm, but not hot water. This product not only gently brightens the surface of the teeth, but also has an antiseptic effect. inflammatory processes in teeth and gums.
  3. You can also add baking soda to toothpaste and brush your teeth with this mixture.

Concentrated soda has a strong effect on enamel, so it is not recommended to use the first whitening method more than once a week. The remaining two can be used more regularly - up to 3-4 times a week.

The whitening effect of this product is achieved due to the mechanical abrasive effect on the teeth. In addition, it also has an antiseptic effect - it neutralizes pathogenic microflora of the oral cavity.

The method of using activated carbon for teeth whitening is very simple: 3-4 tablets are crushed into powder. They can then be added directly to toothpaste for cleaning or used separately by dipping a damp toothbrush into it.

Tea tree oil

This remedy is a very effective natural antiseptic, often used to combat inflammation. The oil acts very carefully and gently, does not destroy upper layer enamel, but only removes plaque. The result becomes noticeable only after several weeks of regular use.

In addition to the whitening effect, there is also general health improvement oral cavity: inflammation decreases or disappears completely, microflora is normalized, gum bleeding is reduced.

Lemon juice

The simplest recipe with lemon juice is to simply chew one or several slices of the fruit, naturally, without adding any sweeteners to them. But with this method it is impossible to control the uniform distribution of juice throughout the oral cavity, so it is better to leave it on extreme case. In order for all the enamel to be cleaned equally well, you need to squeeze out the lemon, dip a clean brush in the liquid and treat each tooth with it in turn.

Lemon juice contains a lot of acid, so this remedy should be used with caution and no more than 3-4 times a month.

To increase the effectiveness of whitening, the juice can be mixed with table salt until it becomes a paste consistency and rub it into your teeth. If the enamel is very thick, strong and healthy, it is permissible to add soda instead of salt. For sensitive teeth With thin enamel Lemon zest works better.

The back side of the peel (where the white soft fibers are) is rubbed on each tooth in turn. Then after 4-5 minutes, rinse your mouth thoroughly with water at room temperature.

Apple vinegar

To whiten teeth, rinse your mouth with vinegar, concentrated or diluted with water. In this case, you should never swallow liquid; this is very harmful to the mucous membrane. digestive system. After rinsing, it is advisable to rinse your mouth with clean water and/or brush your teeth with toothpaste. For durable enamel, you can use a mixture of vinegar and soda.

Like soda and lemon juice, apple cider vinegar is quite aggressive towards the surface of the teeth, so it is not recommended to use it more often than once every 7-10 days.

Other methods

Let's consider other whitening products:

  • aloe juice A few drops of juice are added to the paste while brushing your teeth or diluted with water for rinsing;
  • basil. Fresh leaves This plant is crushed into puree and rubbed on the teeth with a brush. The product reduces inflammation in the oral cavity and freshens breath well;
  • sea ​​salt. Fine salt is added to the paste, used as an independent means for cleaning teeth, or diluted in water for rinsing;
  • Coconut oil. Added to toothpaste or used as a rinse. There is no need to dilute it in water; it liquefies greatly in the mouth from the heat.

Preparations for home teeth whitening

In addition to standard toothpastes, there are many preparations that allow you to achieve whiter tooth enamel.

  • Whitening pencils. After the teeth are cleaned with the paste, they are treated with a special pencil, from the tip of which the gel is squeezed out. It not only whitens teeth, but also covers them with a protective film. After some time specified in the instructions for the product, you need to rinse your mouth to wash off the excess gel.
  • Stripes. Recommended for people with sensitive teeth. Perhaps not the most effective method bleaching, but definitely one of the safest. As the name suggests, these are specialized flexible strips that are impregnated with a special gel. They are glued to the teeth twice a day for 20 minutes.
  • Whitening complexes. Usually they are mouth guards that are filled with a special gel. The mouth guards are placed on the jaws and then kept in place for some time. Then you will need to rinse your mouth and brush your teeth. This is extremely effective option, but it is usually not recommended for hypersensitivity teeth.

There are many similar products available in different price segments, so we will consider only a few popular pastes.

  • WhiteWash NANO. The option is not cheap, but it is effective. The composition of the complex not only whitens tooth enamel, but also promotes its speedy restoration. The xylitol contained in the composition has a disinfecting effect. First noticeable effect achieved after 7 days of use. Price: from 500-600 rubles.
  • Lacalut White. More affordable option, found in most non-specialized stores. Contains fluorides that compensate for the deficiency minerals V hard tissues tooth, however, because of this, the use of paste by people with a high fluoride content in the body should be limited. Price: about 200 rubles.
  • Blend-a-med 3D White Luxe. Another representative of the affordable segment. According to the manufacturer, up to 90% of all stains on the enamel can be eliminated in just 5 days of use. The paste is rich in minerals and helps compensate for the lack of minerals in the enamel. Price: from 150 rubles.
  • SwissDent Gentle. Swiss paste, characterized by a very gentle approach to whitening. The abrasive particles included in its composition are very small, so even sensitive enamel will not be damaged. Great option for daily use(unless you have increased content fluoride in the body). Price: from 800 rubles.

Prevention of darkening of tooth enamel

The first and main preventive measure is proper oral hygiene. You should brush your teeth at least in the morning and evening, but you can even brush them after every meal. Additionally, the spaces between them must be treated with interdental floss or, if there is none, then with a toothpick. If at some point it is not possible to use a brush and paste, you should rinse your mouth with water, herbal decoction or a special rinse aid.

It is better to drink berry juices through a straw, and after eating berries, fresh brush your teeth or at least rinse your mouth with water. It is advisable to reduce consumption strong tea, coffee and lemonades with artificial colors, stop smoking.

On the contrary, the amount of hard fruits and vegetables such as apples, carrots, cucumbers in the diet should be increased - they provide effective mechanical cleaning of the surface of the teeth.


Whitening your teeth at home using traditional recipes is quite possible and safe if you follow simple precautions. To ensure that lightening is required as rarely as possible, monitor oral hygiene and the amount of foods consumed that can stain the enamel.

Mother of two children. I'm leading household for more than 7 years - this is my main job. I like to experiment, I try all the time various means, ways, techniques that can make our lives easier, more modern, richer. I love my family.

Are you unhappy with the color of your teeth despite regular care?

Do you dream of changing the shade of your tooth enamel, but don’t want to spend money on expensive dental services?

The perfect smile - myth or reality?

Teeth whitening is a procedure that allows you to change the color of your teeth and lighten it. The color of a person's teeth depends on the natural tone of the tooth enamel.

Genetically determined presence 16 natural tooth shades. Gradually, the color of the enamel changes under the influence of a person’s lifestyle. Use of certain medications coloring products food (tea, coffee, wine) is the cause of dental plaque.

Tobacco smoke harms not only the lungs: the substances included in its composition penetrate deep into the tooth structure and the yellow tint of a smoker’s teeth is almost impossible to change at home.

Possible risks

A responsible approach to choosing a whitening technique will reduce negative consequences from the procedure:

  • enamel damage;
  • increased tooth sensitivity;
  • tooth destruction when the product gets into the cracks of the filling.

Tooth enamel whitening procedures are divided into professional and home ones. Is it possible to achieve a snow-white smile on your own?

Before you start home whitening, consult a dentist, who will select the most gentle method.

Avoid whitening if:

  • teeth are damaged, chipped, cracked;
  • you are allergic to the products you plan to use for whitening;
  • tooth enamel sensitive or thin;
  • there are fillings on the front teeth that will become noticeable after the procedure;
  • pregnancy, breast-feeding, admission course medicines– a reason to postpone the enamel whitening process to a later time.

Home whitening recipes

Today there are not only many methods of professional teeth whitening, but also many recipes on how to do it at home. Let's look at ways how whiten teeth effectively at home.

Hydrogen peroxide

An effective teeth whitening product.

At home, you can use both pharmacy gels for teeth whitening based on it, and make your own peroxide solution.

In addition to cleaning your teeth yellow plaque, peroxide successfully fights bad breath.

There are several recipes for teeth whitening using this liquid:

  1. Mix 75 ml water and 20 drops of hydrogen peroxide 3%. Using toothpaste, clean your teeth from plaque. Afterwards, rinse your mouth with the prepared solution for 3 – 5 seconds. Clean your mouth with room temperature water.
  2. Dip the ear stick into undiluted peroxide hydrogen 3%. Carefully, so that the liquid does not get on the gum mucosa, lubricate each tooth on both sides. Rinse oral cavity water.

Carry out the procedure safely 2 – 3 days in a row, to maintain the effect, repeat twice in 14 days. The result after such whitening appears quickly and lasts for a long time.

Baking soda

Baking soda is a budget-friendly and common means of achieving whiter tooth enamel.

At the expense of their abrasive properties, soda solutions thoroughly remove plaque and whiten the surface of the teeth.

How to whiten teeth at home with baking soda? Maybe Several variants:

  1. On soaked in water toothbrush apply baking soda. Clean your teeth from plaque, then rinse your mouth with warm water.
  2. Unite toothpaste and some soda. Treat your teeth with the resulting mixture. Use water to remove the soda solution from your mouth.
  3. Mix 3 parts baking soda with 1 part water until a thick paste forms. Apply it with a brush to the tooth enamel and wait 5 - 7 minutes. Rinse your mouth with warm water, and after 10 minutes brush your teeth with regular toothpaste.
  4. Apply baking soda to a dampened brush and squeeze 3 to 5 drops onto it. lemon juice. Brush your teeth with the resulting mixture.
  5. Combine 1 teaspoon of baking soda, 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and 3 - 5 drops of hydrogen peroxide 3%. Apply the mixture to your teeth with a cotton pad or brush, and after 3 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Remember that despite the effectiveness of this substance, doctors advise using soda to clean and whiten tooth enamel once - twice every 10 days. Regular use will lead to the formation of microcracks and increased tooth sensitivity.

Activated carbon

Activated carbon is a popular remedy that will help whiten tooth enamel on its own. Benefits of use:

  • availability - sold in every pharmacy;
  • price – due to its low cost, everyone can afford such teeth whitening;
  • ease of use.

To begin with, 2 tablets of coal should be taken grind thoroughly. Use the resulting powder as a stand-alone abrasive or in combination with toothpaste. At the end of the procedure, rinse your mouth with chamomile decoction to remove tiny particles substances.

Applying this method 2 – 3 times a week, you will achieve significant lightening of tooth enamel without risk to the gum mucosa.

Look visual video on how to whiten teeth at home using activated carbon:

Tea tree oil

Being natural antiseptic , the oil will not only make your teeth whiter, but also get rid of unpleasant

When whitening enamel, use only natural oil tea tree.

To clean your teeth and oral cavity, after using toothpaste, rinse your mouth, then on a clean toothbrush Apply 2 drops of oil and brush your teeth again.

This procedure may cause discomfort: there will be a tingling sensation in the mouth, specific taste and smell. Rinsing your mouth will reduce the unpleasant effect.

To achieve a noticeable result, a whitening procedure should be carried out. 10 days, then repeat 1-2 times a week to maintain the result.

Pharmacy products for teeth whitening

The closest thing to a professional whitening procedure would be to use a diverse range of pharmacy products at home: specialized strips, gels, toothpastes.

Whitening strips are left on the teeth 30 minutes daily within a month and allow you to lighten the enamel by 2 - 3 tones. The whiteness of the teeth lasts up to 3 months, then the color of the teeth darkens.

A quick way to change the shade of enamel is to use brightening gels, which are applied either to the teeth or to a special plate - a mouth guard. Whitening toothpastes are divided into those recommended for daily use and those that are used 1–3 times a week.

Now you know how you can whiten your teeth at home, but you shouldn’t expect instant and lasting results from such methods.

Any product you choose, whether purchased at a pharmacy or made independently, will only bring visible results with regular and safe use.

Beautiful smile and healthy teeth– the result of a responsible attitude towards one’s health.

Let's try to whiten our teeth at home without harming our enamel.

For these purposes, you can use both high-quality whitening gels, pencils, dental strips, and proven folk remedies.

Whitening gels

Main active substance Whitening gels most often use hydrogen peroxide. Another inorganic compound called carbamide peroxide can be added to such compositions - it is more gentle on tooth enamel, but less active substance. In both cases, whitening occurs due to active oxygen released by peroxide upon contact with the enamel.

To the most quality products include gels Smile4You And ExpertWhitening. The compositions have proven themselves well Opalescence, Colgate And Pola Day. Less expensive products include: Lumbrite.

Professional gels used in dental clinics, have similar composition. However, to speed up chemical reaction use so-called photobleaching using ultraviolet, LED, halogen or laser irradiation. Using these methods, 8–12 shades of whitening is achieved very quickly – within an hour.

Whitening gel can be applied to teeth at home using a regular toothbrush or brush. Very often, the kit includes mouth guards (covers worn over the teeth) in which the gel is placed. Depending on the concentration of peroxide, the duration of the procedure ranges from 30 minutes to several hours. For achievement visible result 3 to 15 procedures may be required.

However, some cheap gels intended for home use, may contain quite aggressive acids that destroy enamel, so for whitening you should choose only products from trusted manufacturers. Using low-quality gels may damage the enamel and cause burns to the oral cavity.

Advice! If you have thinned and “soft” tooth enamel, any whitening procedures, including in dental clinics, are contraindicated! Moreover, the effect will not last long. Damaged enamel will begin to absorb any coloring matter.

Whitening Pencil

Whitening pencils are included in the product lines of many manufacturers. In fact, these are ordinary tubes in which the same gel is placed. It is applied using a brush, brush or a special sponge included in the kit. The amount of composition applied is always indicated on the packaging.

To carry out the procedure you need:

  1. rinse your teeth to remove any remaining food;
  2. wipe them with a dry cloth;
  3. apply the required amount of gel;
  4. wait from 1 to 10 minutes (while keeping your mouth open);
  5. wash off the gel (in some cases it may evaporate from the surface of the teeth, so rinsing your mouth is not required);
  6. After the procedure, eating and drinking for an hour is not recommended.

Advice! You should not use such products in the presence of briquettes. In this case, the whitening effect will be uneven. In addition, bleaching agents can cause metal corrosion.

Stripes of whiteness

Using these strips you can lighten your teeth by 1-4 shades. Externally, they are flexible plates coated with a gel containing hydrogen or urea peroxide. When the protective sticker is removed, it begins to activate, producing oxygen ions:

  • the procedure is performed 1–2 times a day at regular intervals;
  • its duration, depending on the composition of the gel, can vary from 5 to 30 minutes;
  • longer strips are glued to the upper row of teeth; a narrow strip is placed on the bottom row;
  • each strip is designed for one-time use;
  • After removing the whitening agent, the teeth should be rinsed and then brushed with toothpaste;
  • Since the enamel softens slightly during the procedure, you should not drink colored drinks, coffee, tea, wine, beets, etc., for 2–4 weeks after whitening.

Advice! There is no such thing as ideal white tooth enamel. It definitely has a slightly yellowish, bluish or small gray shade, and the characteristics of tooth color are determined genetically. If your teeth do not have plaque on them from smoking, coffee or tea, you should not whiten them. You will only damage healthy enamel.

Tea tree oil

Essential oil obtained from the leaves of melaleuca, a tree of the myrtle family, is not only an excellent antiseptic, but can also soften plaque and slightly lighten the enamel. However, to achieve visible effect only possible with long-term use.

Whitening with this product is more gentle - it does not contain aggressive or abrasive substances. You can use it while brushing your teeth. To do this, first apply regular toothpaste to the brush, and then add 1-2 drops of tea tree oil. A similar effect is obtained by rinsing teeth. boiled water, to which a few drops of the product are added.

Advice! A couple of drops are enough to get the effect. A more concentrated composition will sting your tongue.

Wood ash, activated carbon

Wood ash has long been used as a mild abrasive for cleaning teeth. Activated carbon, which is essentially specially treated (“loosened”) wood ash, has a similar effect.
Making your own whitening toothpaste with wood ash is easy.

Completely burnt wood is sifted through a fine strainer, and then the resulting powder is mixed with sour milk(the acid will help soften the plaque a little). You need to brush your teeth with this “paste” a couple of times a week.

Advice! The enamel, thinned by a lack of calcium, very quickly absorbs any coloring matter. In order to always have strong and white healthy teeth, you should regularly consume dairy products and visit the dentist at least once every six months.

Lemon, sour berries, apple cider vinegar

  • method 1: rub your teeth lemon peel or strawberry, hold your mouth open for a couple of minutes, and then rinse it with water;
  • method 2: squeeze a couple of drops of lemon or strawberry juice onto your brush, add toothpaste, and brush your teeth with this mixture;
  • method 3: add baking soda to the mixture described above, which, when combined with acid, can “loose” plaque;
  • method 4: rinse your teeth with boiled water with lemon juice or apple cider vinegar.

Advice! The acid contained in vegetables or fruits will not only whiten your teeth, but also eliminate unpleasant odors and disinfects the oral cavity.

Hot coca cola

It turns out that this drink, when heated, can also cope with even a strong coating. After several rinses with hot Coca-Cola, you can tidy up even those blackened by nicotine and frequent use tea and coffee teeth.

Before bleaching, they must be cleaned with a brush to remove food deposits. The drink must be preheated to the temperature of hot tea. They should rinse the mouth for no more than 5 minutes. In this case, Coca-Cola should be hot enough, but not scalding.

Advice! Lately there is a lot of information about negative consequences coca-cola for the body, especially for gastrointestinal tract, so you shouldn’t abuse it.

Hydrogen peroxide

As you know, hydrogen peroxide is included in many expensive whitening gels. Why not use the methods of the professionals and add it to your home oral care arsenal?

Hydrogen peroxide is quite an aggressive substance, so it must be used wisely. Too concentrated a composition can cause serious damage to the enamel:

  • pharmaceutical preparation with a concentration of 3% is intended for antiseptic treatment skin; For more delicate mucous membranes, such a solution is not suitable - it must be diluted with water (a 1:1 ratio would be ideal) and rinse your mouth with this mixture;
  • peroxide can also be added to regular toothpaste when brushing; 1–2 drops will be more than enough;
  • You can more actively influence the enamel using a mixture of peroxide and baking soda; in this case, peroxide will act as a plaque loosening agent, and baking soda will act as an abrasive agent that removes “rising” plaque;
  • the mixture is applied to the teeth for 2–3 minutes using a cotton swab and left for several minutes; then the mouth must be rinsed with water.

Advice! The best remedy regular apples, especially sour varieties, are effective against dental plaque. Eating just 1-2 of these fruits a day will easily and effectively help you get rid of plaque. Moreover, the harder the apple, the more effectively it will massage the gums and clean the teeth.

Baking soda, table salt

The simplest whitening method is to brush your teeth with baking soda. It, as in previous cases, is added to toothpaste or mixed with plain water until a thick paste is formed. Since baking soda is quite strong antibacterial agent and can have a detrimental effect on most harmful bacteria, after cleaning you can leave it in your mouth for a couple of minutes, and only then rinse your mouth with water.

Unfortunately, baking soda, like any other abrasive product, long-term use It can not only clean teeth, but also remove the top layers of enamel. Therefore, it should be used no more than 2-3 times a month.

Similar to baking soda ordinary table salt. For cleaning, you need to use only small fractions of salt - large crystals can damage the delicate mucous membrane.

Advice! During pregnancy, tooth enamel becomes thinner, so whitening them during this time is not recommended.

To keep your teeth always white

In conclusion, here are some tips for caring for your teeth:

  • any coloring drinks (juices, carbonated drinks, red wines) can stain your teeth an undesirable color, so it is better to drink them through a straw;
  • The cleaning procedure should begin with the use of dental floss - rotting food remains between the teeth can contribute to the development of caries;
  • high-quality toothpastes can cope with small plaque, so you shouldn’t ignore them; they must be used twice a day;
  • You need to brush your teeth for at least 3–5 minutes;
  • after eating, you must use a special rinse with an antibacterial composition; in its absence, it is better to rinse your mouth with at least plain water or eat an apple;
  • It is better to eat any food with a small piece of cheese - the calcium contained in it will protect your teeth from caries; at the end of the meal you can eat a small piece of dark chocolate, which can neutralize destructive effect sugars;

Since harmful bacteria can accumulate not only on the teeth, but also on the tongue and gums, it is necessary to clean them too
  • using chewing gum helps remove food debris and also stimulate the secretion of saliva, which neutralizes the effects of acids; but, since chewing gums are quite capable of “pulling out” even tightly seated fillings, you should not abuse them - you need to chew them for no more than a couple of minutes;
  • if in drinking water there is not enough fluoride, it is better to buy special fluoridated toothpastes; however, an excess of this substance also negatively affects oral health, as does its deficiency;

Before purchasing cleaning products, you should first inquire about the amount of fluoride in the natural waters in your area of ​​residence.