How to color eggs for Easter with beets. How to dye eggs for Easter with natural dyes

Methods and features of coloring eggs for Easter.

The tradition of dyeing chicken eggs in different colors for Easter has come to us since ancient times.

One of the amazing explanations is associated with the resurrection of Christ, after which one of his followers came to the ruler and brought an egg as a gift. The woman reported the good news, which the ruler was skeptical about. He noted that it would be more likely for the egg in her hand to turn red than for the person to be resurrected. And so it happened. Before their eyes, the egg changed color.

Nowadays, you can easily buy chemical paints or ready-made designs on thermal film to decorate eggs for the Holy Day. But natural dyes are healthier. And the process of using them is more like magic.

Let's talk about them in more detail in this article.

Is it possible to color eggs with turmeric and how?

The unequivocal answer is yes, you can. In addition to the beautiful yellow color of the shell, the egg itself as a food product will remain absolutely harmless even for children.


  • chicken eggs - 4 pcs
  • turmeric - 4 measuring units
  • vinegar (optional) - 1 measuring unit
  • salt - 1 measuring unit

Dyeing process

  • Remove eggs with white shells from the refrigerator for an hour to cool to room temperature
  • Wash them with soap and degrease with alcohol, this will help the paint stick to them better.
  • Dissolve turmeric, salt and vinegar in a saucepan of cold water. If suddenly an egg bursts during cooking, then salt will ensure that the white does not leak out of the crack
  • Place the eggs in the prepared water from the pan and put on fire
  • Cook for 10-15 minutes and remove to a paper towel. If you want a more saturated color, leave the eggs in the solution overnight

After the shell has dried, treat it with vegetable oil, which will add shine to the eggs.

Is it possible to color eggs with beets and how?

Eggs are perfectly colored with beets. This produces shades from delicate pink to rich burgundy. The future color is also influenced by the initial color of the eggshell. The lighter it is, the paler the color will be.

Beetroot is used to color Easter eggs:

  • raw
  • boiled

In the first option:

  • wash and boil the eggs
  • grate the beets
  • squeeze out the juice or use the whole pulp
  • dip the eggs into the resulting paint
  • To get the darkest possible color, leave them in the beet juice overnight in the refrigerator

The method of boiling eggs with beets is the simplest and most popular. In addition to the convenience of coloring, you get a ready-made ingredient - beets - for salads.

  • Dip the boiled eggs into the boiling container with the beets.
  • Adjust the intensity of the eggshell color by periodically removing the egg.

Another way to color eggs with beets:

  • grate a medium beetroot
  • add half a glass of water and a teaspoon of vinegar
  • heat the mixture, but do not bring to a boil
  • place boiled eggs in a container with prepared beetroot raw materials for coloring

How to color eggs with beets and carrots?

The best option for coloring eggs for Easter is beet and carrot juices.

The first will give the shell reddish-burgundy shades, the second - yellow-orange.

  • Grate beets or carrots
  • Add vinegar and boiled eggs
  • Place the mixture with eggs on low heat and heat well
  • Leave everything to cool naturally
  • Please note that the eggs should be completely submerged in the vegetable juice for even color distribution

You can use juices or cook eggs and vegetables together one at a time.

For example, let's say you want two-color Easter eggs. Proceed as follows:

  • choose a drawing and how to create it. For example, an imprint of parsley or a line from a stationery eraser
  • First, color the eggs in lighter dyes - carrots
  • After they have cooled completely, put on an elastic band or secure the parsley leaf with a bandage/cloth.
  • Place the prepared eggs for coloring in hot water after boiling the beets.
  • When everything has cooled down, carefully unwrap the eggs and surprise them with your guests' drawings.

How to color eggs with beets and turmeric?

The approach to coloring eggs with beets and turmeric is similar to that discussed in the previous section.

Prepare the golden shells of boiled eggs before coloring them with beets.

  • For example, moisten them with water and roll them in rice cereal
  • wrap with gauze
  • or randomly stick fabric strips
  • or gently brush the eggs with melted candle wax and cut out designs with thread/nail strip/thin screwdriver

After immersion in beetroot juice/water and cooling completely, carefully remove all available materials from the surface of the shell.

Paint eggs in onion skins with brilliant green

To give eggs different shades, dye them in a solution of brilliant green and onion skins.

You will like the result due to its originality. It will resemble beautiful stains on marble.


  • chicken eggs - 1 dozen
  • brilliant green - 1 bottle
  • water - 1-2 glasses
  • salt - 1 tsp
  • onion skins
  • gauze or nylon pads/socks
  • bobbin thread
  • scissors
  • toothpick
  • Using scissors, cut the onion skins in any order
  • moisten raw eggs with water and roll in onion skins, which you place in advance on a large platter
  • place the eggs in gauze/nylon and pull tightly
  • tie them at the top and bottom or only at the side with threads, trim off excess materials
  • Pour water and brilliant green into a stainless steel pan, add salt and throw in a toothpick. They will save eggs from cracks and protein leakage.
  • submerge the eggs so that they are completely covered with “green” water
  • light the fire and cook as usual, but no longer than half an hour
  • remove the eggs and run cold water over them
  • leave them to cool naturally in the plate
  • remove the gauze/nylon and onion skins from the eggs
  • Lubricate the shell with vegetable oil and remove any excess with a paper towel
  • place the finished colored eggs on a beautiful dish

How to paint marble eggs with green paint?

The marbled color of Easter eggs is given by brilliant green and onion peels.

The method for obtaining it was proposed in the previous section.

But let's note a few nuances:

  • To make the marble pattern on the eggshell more subtle and elegant, grind the onion peel in a blender or coffee grinder
  • Treat the shell of a boiled egg with cotton wool, moistening it alternately with brilliant green and any other natural dye, for example, carrot juice. Gently place the colored eggs on a paper towel until they are completely dry.
  • Dip light-colored eggs into a container with an aqueous solution of brilliant green and a tablespoon of vegetable oil. The latter will ensure uneven fixation of the green color on the eggshell

How to paint eggs for Easter with green paint?

To change your Easter eggs' natural color to green, use a solution of brilliant green.

To do this, prepare:

  • stainless steel pan
  • bottle of brilliant green

Dyeing process:

  • wash the eggs with soap and wipe dry
  • pour water into the pan
  • add salt and herbs. A few drops will provide a light green tint to eggshells, and a bottle will provide a rich green tint.
  • Boil eggs until tender in colored water
  • remove them and leave to cool in a plate or on a paper towel
  • Using a cotton swab dipped in vegetable oil, treat the eggshell to give it shine.

Paint eggs with green paint and iodine

If you urgently need to paint eggs green and/or yellow and you are not going to eat them later, then a cheap way would be to do it with green paint and iodine.

In the vastness of the Runet you will find a clear opinion that these dyes are not safe. Still, we don’t use brilliant green or iodine as food, but rather treat wounds and abrasions.

And yet, in the case when you decide to paint eggs with them, then proceed as discussed in the previous section. But before that, empty the eggs through a small hole so that only the shell remains.

To mix yellow and green shades, color the eggs first in iodine and then in brilliant green, having previously fixed the image of the design with improvised materials.

How to paint eggs with brilliant green and potassium permanganate?

Doctors and ordinary practitioners are categorically against the use of pharmaceutical drugs as dyes for Easter eggs. They explain their position by the fact that “colored” antiseptics can also color egg whites, which enter the human digestive system. And the health results of this are the most unpredictable.

It is definitely safe to use brilliant green and potassium permanganate to color the shell of an empty egg.

Just act carefully and carefully with it so as not to break the future masterpiece.

To decorate shells painted with potassium permanganate, choose:

  • scotch
  • melted paraffin
  • sticky paper

Wrap empty shells in fabric/gauze/nylon very carefully or avoid this method of decoration altogether.

Take the algorithm for coloring eggs with brilliant green and potassium permanganate from any section discussed above.

How to paint eggs with nail polish?

Easter eggs as a decorative element are perfect for painting them with regular nail polish.


  • deep container
  • empty eggs
  • several colored nail polishes
  • toothpick
  • paper towels
  • medical gloves


  • Since nail polish is a product of the chemical industry, it is prohibited to eat it. Therefore, extract the contents of chicken eggs with a syringe with a thin needle or drink through a tiny hole
  • Pour water into a container and add a couple of drops of each varnish.
  • Use a toothpick to lightly swirl these colored dots. You will get multi-colored circles of different diameters
  • Wear a glove and dip the eggshells into the colored water.
  • After 3-5 minutes, take out an empty egg
  • Place it on a paper towel with the uncolored side
  • When the paint on the shell is dry, do the same for the opposite side.

So, we looked at different ways to color chicken eggs for a beautiful Easter celebration. Although modern industry opposes its developments to the natural “grandmother’s” method, many of us are still supporters of safety and environmental friendliness.

Experiment with patterns and shades when coloring Easter eggs.

Happy Easter to you!

Video: how to color eggs for Easter with food coloring?

How to paint eggs with beets photo ©

How to dye Easter eggs correctly? This question becomes relevant for many housewives on the eve of the holiday of Christ's Resurrection. Bright multi-colored Easter eggs are both a festive table decoration and a ritual gift for Christmas. After all, the egg has long been a symbol of renewed life.

How to dye eggs for Easter? Some people use chemical Easter dyes and special synthetic films, while others prefer natural dyes because they are much safer for health, and the colors and patterns are, although a little paler, still very beautiful.


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how to paint eggs how to paint eggs for Easter how to paint eggs with your own hands how to paint eggs for Easter with your own hands how to dye eggs with fabric how to paint eggs beautifully how to color eggs video color eggs with dye how to dye eggs using fabric onion peel to color eggs color eggs at home dye eggs at home how to dye eggs with fabric video how to color eggs with husks how to color easter eggs how to rainbow color eggs how to color rainbow eggs how to paint eggs photo how to color eggs with beets how to color eggs using beets how to color eggs with beets photo how to color eggs for Easter with beets how to color eggs with beets and carrots how to color eggs with beets and turmeric how to color Easter eggs with beets

The wonderful spring holiday of Easter is very close. According to tradition, it is customary to serve colored eggs on the holiday table, and any housewife wants the colored eggs not to be cracked and to look beautiful.

I will not go into details, the history of the origin of the traditions - this was a long time ago and different sources interpret the appearance of this Easter attribute differently. One thing is clear - Easter eggs are always colored).

This is a fun activity with lots of room for creativity. The biggest fans of painting are, of course, children.

Many amazing ways to paint eggs can be found on the Internet and here: striped, marbled, speckled, even flowered. All this is interesting, fun, and beneficial. The main benefit is, of course, communication and positive emotions.

Chemical food dyes color very brightly and quickly, but why do we need extra chemicals on the table? I am for natural and food dyes. You can remember the experience of mothers and grandmothers - no chemicals, only natural products. You can diversify their experience in relation to today's opportunities.

1. Wash the eggs in soapy water, place them in a saucepan with cold water and cook (boil) for 7 minutes. You can add a little salt at the rate of 1 teaspoon per liter of water.

2. Cool in cold water, and then wipe with vodka or alcohol so that it is colored evenly.

3. Boil natural dyes, strain them through a sieve and then boil/place already boiled eggs in them.

The only way to boil a raw egg in dye is with onion skins. Other natural dyes use pre-boiled eggs.

4. Add 1-2 tablespoons of vinegar to the prepared natural dye.

5. Natural dyes are not very durable, so when the eggs are cooked, you don’t need to wipe them with a towel, just put them on a napkin and let them dry on their own.

6. After painting, paints can be wiped with vegetable oil for shine.

If you follow these rules, you will get wonderful Easter colors!

Natural food colors for Easter eggs

It’s good when the whole family with children can get together and spend a fun family evening coloring Easter eggs. This is a fascinating process and there is no limit to creativity. There are many coloring options available on the Internet and I want to try them all.

So, what and what color can you paint eggs with?

  • Colors it orange: turmeric, orange or tangerine zest juice, carrots, paprika (boil 4 tablespoons of paprika for 30 minutes in a saucepan with a glass of water, then place boiled eggs in this broth).
  • Colors brown: coffee, black tea, birch leaves, onion skins.
  • Paints red: hibiscus, beets, red onion peels.
  • Colors blue: red cabbage, blueberries, elderberries, grape juice from dark grape varieties.
  • Colors green: spinach, parsley, nettle, chlorella.

The color largely depends on the time of contact of the eggshell with the dye; the longer, the richer it will be.

How to color eggs for Easter with beets?

To color eggs red with beets, cut half the beets into cubes and boil them for 15 minutes.

Strain the broth and add 2 tablespoons of vinegar to it.

Dip the eggs into the hot beetroot solution for 2-3 hours, stirring occasionally to ensure even coloring.

Decorate with red cabbage

To dye eggs blue we need 300 grams. red cabbage and 1 liter of water.

Finely chop the cabbage and cook it for 30 minutes, strain the cabbage solution and add 2 tablespoons of vinegar.

Place the boiled eggs in the solution for 5-6 hours, remembering to stir occasionally.

We get a dark blue egg. To get a blue color, just keep them in cabbage solution for 3 hours.

Unfortunately, the color of red cabbage is not very durable; it scratches easily.

How to dye Easter eggs with turmeric?

Boil 20 grams in 0.5 liters of water. turmeric for 10-15 minutes, stirring. Turn off the fire. Dip the eggs into the resulting broth for 2 hours.

The color ranges from yellow to orange.

The classic way to paint eggs in onion skins

The most famous and common way to color eggs is using onion peels. This is the only time when raw eggs are boiled in a saucepan along with the husks.

For a more uniform color, you can boil the husks and remove them from the pan, and boil raw eggs in this broth.

Take 2 pieces of onion peel per 1 liter of water, boil for 20 minutes, strain and boil eggs in this broth. We get a beautiful red or brown color.

Compare the color of eggs dyed with turmeric and onion skins.

The result is a uniform, rich color.

Paint eggs with green paint

For this we need.

  • Onion peel
  • Zelenka
  • Eggs at room temperature
  • Threads
  • Cellophane bag
  • Water in a saucer

Below you can watch a detailed video on how to paint with onion skins and brilliant green.

How to make a design on eggs painted with onion skins?

Do you want very beautiful colors without chemical dyes? And also made with your own hands with family or friends?) Double bonus for those who are not lazy!

Then watch and read below:

This beauty is very easy to make. For this we need:

  • white eggs
  • parsley leaves or dill
  • nylon tights
  • regular thread
  • onion peel
  • vegetable oil

1. Pour the husk (2-3 zhmen) into a saucepan with water (about 1 liter)

2. Wash the egg and place a parsley leaf on the wet surface. Press it tightly and level it out.

3. We put a nylon net from tights or a sock on top of the egg with a leaf. Do this in any convenient way. For example, cut the tights into pieces of a size that will be convenient for wrapping the dye.

Tie the edge of the nylon shred with thread.

You can use smooth tights, or with a pattern, this is additional space for creativity.

4. Place the prepared eggs in a saucepan with the husks, put on the fire and cook for 9-10 minutes.

5. Cool the eggs on a plate, remove the mesh and leaves. If desired, you can wipe the surface of the shell with vegetable oil, then the color will be brighter and the surface will shine.

Set the table and celebrate the brightest holiday of the Resurrection of Christ!

How to boil eggs so that they don't burst and peel well?

Here are a few rules on how to properly boil eggs so that they do not crack. After all, it would be a great shame if, during the creative process, the eggshell cracks and ruins all your efforts.

It is also important that the eggs are fresh enough, you need to be sure that there is complete order inside, and no unpleasant surprise awaits you.

How to determine the freshness of eggs?

If you put a raw egg in a bowl of water:

  • the fresh one will sink to the bottom
  • a week old will float vertically in the water
  • egg that is not fresh, older than three weeks will float to the surface

It is best to boil eggs not the freshest, but those that were laid a couple of days ago. In very fresh eggs, the shell often fails and cracks during cooking. Yes, they are worse to clean.

  • Egg shells break due to temperature changes, so do not put them cold, straight from the refrigerator, into hot water. It is best to let the egg reach room temperature and then place it in a saucepan with cold water, only then light the fire.
  • Use a little salt when boiling them. Our grandmothers used this method. Salt the water before you start boiling the egg. You will need approximately 1 teaspoon of salt per liter of water.
  • When cooked for too long, the yolks of eggs become covered with a gray-green coating, and the whites become rubbery. In order to paint we need hard-boiled eggs, this takes about 7-8 minutes. Below in the picture there is a visual illustration of eggs boiled for different times.

Happy Holidays!

Bright multi-colored Easter eggs are both a festive table decoration and a ritual gift for Easter. After all, the egg has long been a symbol of renewed life.

For the holiday of Christ's Resurrection, many housewives paint eggs. Some use chemical paints and special synthetic films, while others prefer natural dyes because they are much safer for health, and the colors and patterns also turn out very beautiful.

  • READ: How to dye eggs in onion skins

Today will tell you some simple ways to color eggs with beets.

Thanks to such a natural dye as beets, eggs acquire various shades of red - from delicate pink tones to rich burgundy. This depends on the amount of time that the eggs will be in the beet juice, as well as on the concentration of the solution itself.

How to color eggs with beets - method No. 1

To get a pink shell, place hard-boiled eggs in a bowl with freshly squeezed beet juice. If you leave the eggs in a bowl of juice in the refrigerator overnight, they will take on a richer burgundy color.

How to color eggs with beets - method No. 2

Peel 2-3 beets, grate them on a coarse grater and add a small amount of water. Add 1 teaspoon of vinegar and boil for 5-10 minutes. Place hard-boiled eggs into this broth. The longer they stay in the broth, the better they will color.

How to color eggs with beets - method No. 3

Peel the beets and grate them on a fine grater to make a paste. Rub this paste over hard-boiled eggs. The longer the eggs stay in the beets, the more intense and darker their color will be.

How to color eggs with beets - method No. 4

The most economical option for coloring eggs with beets is to boil them together with the beets. This way the eggs will be colored and the beets can be used to make a salad.

How to color eggs with beets - small tricks

You need to cook eggs at room temperature, not from the refrigerator, otherwise they may burst during cooking. You can add a tablespoon of salt to the water.

To create patterns on colored eggs, you can wrap them with threads, ribbons, or roll them in cereal and wrap them in gauze before dyeing. You can also attach parsley leaves (or other small herbs) to the eggs and wrap them tightly with gauze.

To make the colored eggs shine when you take them out of the beetroot solution, dry them, grease the eggs with vegetable oil and wipe with a natural fabric napkin.

If you use white eggs for coloring, the shade will turn out to be soft pink, and if you use dark eggs, the color will be enriched with darker and more saturated tones.

Before Easter, everyone gets ready to paint eggs and bake Easter cakes. For many housewives, the use and application of natural products is fundamental. Just as you need to buy only natural butter, milk and fresh eggs for Easter cakes, it is better to use natural dyes for coloring eggs. Among them are onion peels, tea leaves, and vegetable juice, which also does an excellent job of coloring eggs. If you have small children, it is better to avoid artificial colors to avoid allergies. I want to show you how to color eggs with beets for Easter. It's easy and simple, so you can do it too. I think you will like the result. For the recipe you will need a minimum of ingredients, so every housewife can repeat coloring eggs with raw beets at home.

Required Products:

  • 1 fresh beet,
  • 3 pcs. chicken eggs,
  • 1 glass of boiled water.

Coloring eggs with beets

Pour clean and washed chicken eggs with soda with a large amount of water to hard-boil them. Fill the eggs with cold water and put on fire. We salt the water so that the shells on the eggs do not crack, and when the water boils, we reduce the heat by half. Cook for 8 minutes, then drain the water and let the eggs cool completely. For the recipe I used white eggs, they color well.

I grate raw beets through a coarse grater. If you need more eggs (I used three as an example), then take another beetroot.

Place the beets in a blender bowl and add a glass of boiled water.

Blend with a blender until it becomes juice and puree. It makes an excellent juice for coloring.

Place the cooled eggs in beet juice and leave in the refrigerator overnight.

In the morning, we wash the eggs, dry them and see that they are perfectly colored and have become a dark, rich color.